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Week07 – 23rd September,2021

 Heads & Tails - Adjectives
 Acrostic Poems: CHILDHOOD


1/ Story Telling – CHILDHOOD

2/ Questions about - CHILDHOOD ;

1. Did you have a happy childhood?
2. What did you like to do when you were a child?
3. Where were you born? When?
4. How old were you when you learned to ride a bicycle?
o Did you have your own bicycle?
o Do you remember who taught you to ride a bicycle?
o Did you have a bad bicycle accident?
 Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
 What was your favorite subject? Why?

Week07 – 23rd September,2021

 What was your favorite game?

o Who did you play it with?
o Who gave it to you?
o When did you like to play it?
 Do you remember anything about your personality when a child?
 Were you good at making friends?
o How did you make friends?
o Did you have a lot of friends?
o What did you enjoy doing with your friends?
 What were some embarrassing situations when you were a child?
 Were you a good student?
o Did you enjoy going to school?
o Did you get good grades?
o Did you enjoy doing your homework?
 What did you like about school?
 Who was your best friend?
o How did you meet this friend?
o What did you do together?
o Do you still do things with this childhood friend?
o What other things can you tell us about your best friend?
 Were your parents over-protective?
o At what age could you go places by yourself?
o Did your parents always tell you what to do?
 Did you play on the streets?
o Was it dangerous to play in the streets?
o What kind of things did you do in the streets?
o Did you ever have an accident while playing in the streets? What
 When you were a child, what did you want to grow up to be? Did you
want to be a mother or father? A firefighter? A doctor? A scientist?
 Can you remember specific things from your childhood clearly?
o How old were you at the time of your first memories?
 What was your worst punishment as a child?
 Where did you grow up? Did you move frequently? If so, why?
 Who took care of you when you were little? A parent? A grandparent? A
nanny? A daycare center?
 How are you similar to your parents? How are you different?
 Describe the first memory you have of going to school.
 Were you afraid of anything? What?

III. Grammar & Vocabulary Improvement:

Week07 – 23rd September,2021

1/ Parts of Speech

2/ Past Tenses

Week07 – 23rd September,2021

Week07 – 23rd September,2021


Week07 – 23rd September,2021




Sample 01- "Censorship is necessary in modern society." Discuss.

Censorship is an issue which frequently generates a great deal of heated debate, with
supporters maintaining that it is vital in order to protect society, whilst opponents claim
that it is an unjustifiable restriction of public access to information.

Sample 02 - Studying Abroad

Education differs in every single country, but have you ever wanted to experience those
differences? Studying is a dreaded word that many college students hate to hear, but
doing it internationally sounds interesting. Moreover, traveling the world is something

Week07 – 23rd September,2021

many hope to do in life, so do it now while in college. As a matter of fact, studying

abroad is helpful for walking away with educational, personal, and social benefits.

Sample 03- The Ideal Friend

There are many valuable things in life, but friendships are important to all cultures.
Indeed no one can influence a change in one's life as a best friend who creates a close
bond with someone that is unbreakable and knows you inside and out, without a doubt
of going to the ends of the world for you. The ideal friend would have the following
qualities: being loyal, honest, kind, and respectful.

“Make new friends, but keep the old; those are silver, these are gold.” As Joseph Parry
claimed. We hear this saying often, but yet never really stop to think about it.
Friendship is one of the most important relationships in people's daily lives. Having a
lot of friends usually means you're comfortable with your surroundings, and can easily
interact with everyone. People make friends because they want to interact with
someone who shares the same interests and experiences. It’s a known fact that it is more
important to make new friends than to keep old.


Sample 01 - CENSORSHIP

All things considered, it can be concluded that a certain degree of censorship is always
necessary. The best course of action would be to attempt to achieve a balance between
the requirements of the country and the public on the one hand, and individuals' rights
on the other.


Week07 – 23rd September,2021

All in all, studying abroad has many advantages. To experience the life of another
culture, while gaining educational, personal, and social benefits, simply presents an
opportunity that you do not want to let pass you by. There is no substitution for “being


We need both new friends and old friends in our lives to keep things balanced, and
interesting. New friends satisfied the desire for new experiences, and interest, while old
friends remained, are our constant “rock” or in this case our “gold”. Friends are not
something that can be measured in elements, it is a relationship measured in value.
Therefore, keep your old friends but never be afraid to branch out and meet new

Week07 – 23rd September,2021

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