Brain Signal Amplifier For 6-Channel Eeg-Based Biofeedback Headpiece

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Anne Margaret B. Almeda

Paul Aris E. Caringal
John Paul D. Serrano

A Design Report Submitted to the School of Electrical Engineering,

Electronics Engineering, and Computer Engineering in Partial
Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Mapúa University
March 2020

Table 1.1: Differentiation between proposed solution and Design of EEG 1

Amplification Circuit for Neonates

Table 2.2: Functions of the different brain lobes 15

Table 3.1: Tabulated Bill of Materials 37

Table 3.2: Decision Matrix for Identifying Multiple Constraints 39

Table 3.3: Selection of Alternatives 40

Table 4.1: Table of values when EEG device is not worn 46

Table 4.2.A: Table of values of Frontal when EEG device is worn 48

Table 4.2.B: Table of values of Middle when EEG device is worn 49

Table 4.2.C: Table of values of Back when EEG device is worn 50


Figure 2.1: Lateral, superior, and frontal view of skull showing means of 11

Figure 2.2 (1) Single plane projection of all the standard placement of the 12
electrodes (left); (2) modified nomenclature (right)

Figure 2.3 Two hemispheres, and four lobes of the brain 14

Figure 2.4 Pin configuration of Atmega328 20

Figure 3.1 Design Process Flow of the Biofeedback Headpiece Device 22

Figure 3.2 Conceptual Framework of Brain Signal Amplifier 23

Figure 3.3 System block diagram 24

Figure 3.4 Schematic Diagram of 3-Stage Signal Amplifier 26

Figure 3.5 Perspective View of the headpiece 28

Figure 3.6 Buttons of the headpiece 29

Figure 3.7 System Flowchart 30

Figure 3.8 Connecting the device to computer via Bluetooth 31

Figure 3.9 Error when there are no Bluetooth devices found 32

Figure 3.10 Error when attempting to connect to another device 32

Figure 3.11 GUI at standby 33

Figure 3.12 GUI at data acquisition 34

Figure 3.13 PCB Design 35

Figure 3.14 PCB Component Diagram 36


The Electroencephalogram is the recording of the electrical activity of the

brain. EEG measurement is based on how the brain cells communicate by means

of electrical impulses, that can be detected with electrodes placed on a scalp. By

measuring EEG signals, it is possible to provide a psychological information in real

time. EEG can be recorded from the human brain by the placement of the

electrodes on the surface of the scalp, but the signals produced by the brain are

in the order of micro volts. EEG measures voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic

current within the neurons of the brain. Diagnostic applications generally focus on

the spectral content of EEG, that is, the type of neural oscillations that can be

observed in EEG signals.

Biofeedback usually involves measurement of a target biomedical variable

and relaying it to the user using one of two strategies.

1. Direct feedback regarding the measured variable, as in the case of heart

rate or heart rate variability, where a numerical value is displayed on a wearable

device, such as a watch,

2. Transformed feedback regarding the measured variable, where the

measurements are used to control an adaptive auditory signal, visual display or

tactile feedback method.

In this process an individual learns how to voluntarily change physiological

activity in order to achieve better degree of concentration or relaxation. The

presentation of this information - often in conjunction with changes in thinking,

emotions, and behavior - supports desired physiological changes.

EEG biofeedback is a painless, non-invasive procedure. One or more sensors

are placed on the scalp, and one to each ear. The brain waves are monitored by

means of an amplifier and a computer-based instrument that processes the signal

and provides the proper feedback. With EEG involved, a participant can get

feedback information without the need to visualize and can therefore directly focus

on the self-training technique which can influence the desired level of relaxation,

concentration or attention.

EMOTIV is a bioinformatics company which produces wireless headpiece

devices that reads EEG signals. The EMOTIV Premium 0105586 is the headpiece

device that is highlighted in this paper. The function of this headpiece device is to

detect brain wave signals and display numerical values using the EMOTIV software

that is purchasable from the manufacturer. The headpiece is portable and uses

wireless connections to the computer. It is rechargeable using Internal Lithium

Polymer battery (640mAh) that can last from 6 to 12 hours continuously,

compatible with Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, and iOS platforms. It has 14 non-

invasive electrodes that reads electroencephalograms (EEG) data off the user’s

brain. The electrodes are named as AF3, F7, F3, FC5, T7, P7, O1, O2, P8, T8, FC6,
F4, F8, and AF4. These electrodes need be hydrated using saline solution for a

better detectability and readability of the brain signals. Manufacturers provide

software development kit, that is, detectable Expressiv, Affectiv and Cognitiv

information by analyzing EEG signals with 14 electrodes. Affectiv information is

user’s affectivity condition information, for example, vigilance, concentration,

stimulation, interest, etc. Cognitiv is user’s cognitive condition information; for

example, pushing, pulling, lifting etc. Expressiv is user’s expression condition

information; for example, blinking eye, smiling, laughing etc.


The client of the group is the Psychology Department of the School of Social

Sciences and Education (SSSE) of Mapúa University. The team coordinates with

the requirements of the client through Dr. Bernardino C. Ofalia, Basic Studies

Coordinator – Mapúa University Intramuros.


The School of Social Sciences and Education has been using their

biofeedback device for almost 4 years. Just as any device which is constantly being

used, despite proper care, the device is deteriorating due to oxidation as the device

is constantly in contact with the skin, scalp, and sweat. For these reason, the

device’s signal processing capabilities have become weaker and less sensitive. It
becomes hard to work with, especially in researches, as it produces a less accurate


The client, as well, wants to know what the resulting brain voltage means,

whether these voltages corresponds to a specific brain activity, and finds the

software that comes with the Emotiv biofeedback device – specifically its user

interface – hard to understand, and hard to work with. The client wants a software

that is easier for them to understand and is user-friendly.


The group proposes a solution by designing a device that works similarly

with the customer’s previous device but instead, uses only three (3) nodes on each

side of the brain (as per the client’s suggestion), and a software that displays the

result as a waveform which corresponds to the voltage values acquired from these

nodes. The brain wave signal, upon entering the electrode, will pass through the

amplified circuit producing an amplified and filtered signal which is easier for the

microcontroller to interpret, resulting to more accurate results. The group will also

design a wireless transmitter so that the data acquired will be passed on to the

computer where the designed software for the biofeedback device is installed, and

it is through this software that the data is to be interpreted. The result that will be

reflected in the software is the corresponding waveform, as well as the voltage

reading in each of the 3 pairs of electrodes labeled Frontal (for nodes F7 and F8),

Middle (T3 and T4), and Back (P3 and P4).


This design aims to provide a biofeedback device with software which

provides a more accurate reading than the existing system using an amplifier

circuit specifically designed for the device. More specifically, this design aims to

[1] to design a six-stage amplification circuit for the improved sensitivity of the

device, [2] to use only three electrodes in each lateral division of the brain to

gather brain signals, and [3] to create an easy-to-understand and user-friendly

software that will output necessary results.

Scope and Delimitation

This design will focus only on the amplification of the input brain wave

signals for biofeedback device, its transmission to an end device, and the software

development necessary to output instantaneous results. More specifically, this

design will not go into the specifics of the biofeedback machine such as the logic

of the machine and the signals which are processed in the biofeedback device.

The design will also not include the storage of the acquired values.


Table 1.1 Differentiation between proposed solution and Design of EEG

Amplification Circuit for Neonates

Brain Signal Amplifier for

Design of an
6-Channel EEG-Based ElectroEncephaloGram
(EEG) Amplification
Biofeedback Headpiece Circuit for Neonates

The circuit is built with an

instrumentation amplifier,
band-pass filter and a non-
inverting amplifier. The
The circuit is built with an
device uses an ATmega328
instrumentation amplifier,
microcontroller to convert the
Technology low pass filters, high pass
amplified and filtered signals
filters and operational
and uses Bluetooth
technology to transfer these
signals to a device
(laptop/PC) where it can be

The device is used to gather
brain signals from a subject.
To be able to make the
gathered signal to be
amplified and filtered, it uses
a six-stage amplification The module is designed to
circuit which amplies the amplify and filter EEG of
signal via instrumentation neonates in such a way
amplifier, notch filter, a high that the difficulty of
Functionality pass filter, low pass filter, and analysing neonates’ EEG
a non-inverting amplifier. The signals because of its low
notch filters eliminate the amplitude and high
noise centered at 60 Hz which susceptibility to noise is
is the biggest source of noise, resolved.
and the high pass and low
pass filters filter out the
reading from frequencies
below and above the desired
range of frequencies.
In this device, the data will be The amplification is done in
coming from a total of six (6) three stages, along with
electrodes, three (3) from necessary filtering stages.
each lateral side of the brain. The instrumentation
The amplification is done in amplifier AD620 is the first
six stages, the stage and acts like the pre-
instrumentation amplifier, amplification stage. The
which increases the signals next two stages of

from the biofeedback device amplification are done after
with a low impedance then a the signal passes through a
notch filter which reduces a second order Butterworth
gain around a specific high pass filter with a cut-
frequency to cut out as much off frequency of 0.16 Hz to
interference, a high pass filter remove DC offset produced
which eliminates the voltage by skin and amplifier, and
from our galvanic skin second order Butterworth
response from our head, a low pass filter with a cut-
low pass filter to filter out off frequency of 50 Hz
readings above the desired which allows all the brain
range of frequencies, then a waves to pass through and
high pass filter and the non- eliminates all noise that
inverting amplifier which the might be introduced from
output is in phase with input the power line.
signal, and another notch
filter similar to the previously
used. The data is transferred
from the biofeedback
headpiece to a device
(laptop/PC) with the software
installed wirelessly via
Bluetooth. The voltage
reading is displayed in the
software together with its
corresponding waveform.


The system can provide a simpler mean of reading brain wave input signals

by only using three nodes. This design solution can solve the existing problem of

portability, mobility, and sensitivity that the client is encountering with their device.

Furthermore, this device will ensure a longer term of use for the client providing

them a device that will aid them in their research works which requires brain

signals especially in Sports Psychology.


The review of related design studies presents previous studies that will help

on creating the system needed for the design of the Brain Wave Amplifier for 6-

Channel EEG-Based Biofeedback Headpiece, and various researches for

Electroencephalography (EEG).

Electroencephalography (EEG)

Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method used in measuring the electrical

activity of the brain. This activity is generated by billions of nerve cells, called

neuron. Each neuron is connected to thousands of other neurons. The signals from

other neurons sum up in the receiving neuron and when this sum exceeds a certain

potential level called a threshold, the neuron fires nerve impulse [1].

EEG can be recorded from the human brain by the placement of the

electrodes on the surface of the scalp, but the signals produced by the brain are

in the order of micro volts [2]. The wave ranges are evaluated by comparing

amplitude values between the left and the right hemispheres, and between

anterior and posterior parts of the brain [3].

Electrical impulses recorded from our brain is constant and vary only based

on the state of mind. In order to describe any sinusoidal wave, two features must

be known: the strength and frequency. It can be observed the frequency range

and voltage range for each brain wave.

International 10-20 Electrode System

The measurement technique is based on standard landmarks of the skull.

Namely, the nasion, inion, and the left and right preauricular points.

Figure 2.1 Lateral, superior, and frontal view of skull showing means of measurement

The 10-20 system is based on the relationship between the location of an

electrode and the underlying area of cerebral cortex [4]. Each point on Figure 2.1

indicates a possible electrode position. Each site has a letter (to identify the lobe)

and a number or another letter to identify the hemisphere location. The letters F,

T, C, P, and O stand for Frontal, Temporal, Central, Parietal and Occipital. Even

numbers (2,4,6,8) refer to the right hemisphere and odd numbers (1,3,5,7) refer

to the left hemisphere. The z refers to an electrode placed on the midline. The
smaller the number, the closer the position is to the midline [5][6]. Figure 2.2.1 is

a single plane projection of the head indicating the position and location of the

Rolandic and Sylvian fissures. The outer circle was drawn at the level of nasion an

inion, while the inner circle represents the temporal line of electrodes. On the other

hand, Figure 2.2.2 is the modified electrode positioning nomenclature which

includes the terminology for the use of the additional electrodes from the sagittal

plane. These diagrams aid in the indication of placement of electrodes during

recordings [5].

Figure 2.2 (1) Single plane projection of all the standard placement of the electrodes (left); (2)

modified nomenclature (right)

In the paper “The ten-twenty electrode system of the International

Federation” by Klemm et al., there are four (4) established guidelines to

standardize the electron placement scheme on scalp used in EEG:

1. The position of electrodes placed should be based on specific

measurements of standard skull land- marks. The measurements

should be proportional to the size and shape of the skull.

2. Adequate coverage of all parts of the head should be provided with

standard electrode placement.

3. Electrode designations would be expressed in terms of brain areas

covered rather than only in numbers. This would make

communications more meaningful to the non-specialist, as well as

workers in other laboratories.

4. Finally, anatomical studies would be carried out which would provide

additional documentation correlating the electrode placement with

the cortical areas which they record from.

The Cerebrum

The brain is one of the most complex organs of the human body; it is also

the main organ of the central nervous system which generates signals to enable

different parts of the body to do their specific functions [7]. The brain has three

main parts: the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brains stem. The cerebrum is

divided into two hemispheres: the left and right hemisphere and is divided into

four distinct lobes namely: the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and

temporal lobe which is illustrated at Figure 2.2. [8] Each of the lobe is characterized
by its own specific function. The functions of the lobes are observed in Table 2.1.


Figure 2.3 Two hemispheres, and four lobes of the brain

EEG basically measures the fluctuations in the voltage signals generated

by the firing of the neurons (order of micro-volts). The main advantage of EEG is

that it has very high time resolution, hence it is able to capture the cognitive

processes in the same time frame as the cognition occurs [12]. Cognition,

emotional and motor processes are normally fast. Most of the cognition

processes occur within ten to hundreds of a millisecond. The events that trigger

cognitive process occur in time sequences that span 100 of milliseconds to a few

seconds. [13]

Table 2.2 Functions of the different brain lobes
Brain Lobe Functions
Frontal Associated in planning, decision making, problem solving,
parts of speech, movement and emotions
Occipital Associated in visual processing
Parietal Associated in recognition, perception of stimuli, movement
orientation, number processing
Temporal Associated with perception and recognition of auditory
stimuli, memory, and speech

EEG Electrodes

EEG is used to monitor ictal and inter-ictal activity in seizure patients and

to assess cognitive processes during neuroscience and psychology experiments.

In addition, EEG is used in brain computer interface devices, which enable

command of an electronic device by brain activity modulation. Current EEG

systems can have as few as four electrodes or as many as 256 electrodes [14].

The main purpose of the channel selection process is threefold: (i) to reduce the

computational complexity of any processing task performed on EEG signals by

selecting the relevant channels and hence extracting the features of major

importance, (ii) to reduce the amount of overfitting that may arise due to the

utilization of unnecessary channels, for the purpose of improving the performance,

and (iii) to reduce the setup time in some applications [14]. In the journal “How

Many Electrodes Are Really Needed for EEG-Based Mobile Brain Imaging?” by Lau

et al., Increasing the number of EEG electrodes used is not trivial, and the increase

is not without drawbacks. For high-density EEG systems, data processing can take

a significant amount of time, even on large computing clusters. In addition, more

electrodes mean higher costs and more difficult experimental setups. Lastly, in

experimental setups involving movement and in many real-world settings, wireless

transmission of EEG signals is desirable. Increasing the number of electrodes

challenges existing wireless transmission systems.

Uses of EMOTIV

Disabled people, who lost motor function and cognitive function due to

injuries in central nervous system, rely on means of assistance like remedial helper.

Using remedial helper causes high cost and a low degree of freedom (DOF) in

making decisions for patients themselves. In the case of individuals with severe

disabilities who can make autonomous decisions being, a study on bio- signal

application is actively worked in progress. Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is

convergence technology which enables HCI using Electroencephalography (EEG).

In the paper “Development BCI for Individuals with Severly Disability using

EMOTIV EEG Headset and Robot” by Jang wt al., the Emotiv headset provide 2D-

gyro sensor values and Expressiv information, so the user is able to effectively

control robot with only movement of neck and blinking eye, without hand.

Especially, user can easily collect Expressiv information using software

development kit, which is provided by manufacturer. Individuals with severe

disability can control robot by movement of neck, and blinking eye, which well

measures EEG signals in the prefrontal lobe.

In the paper “Designing a Brain Computer Interface Using EMOTIV Headset

and Programming Languages” by Zang et al., one particular BCI device was used

to develop a brain-computer interface to enable a user to interact back and forth

with a moving robot that turns ON and OFF the LED lights. In addition, one major

goal of this study is to integrate computer programming languages (i.e., Java,

C++, Snap!) into the BCI technology and bring this challenge to the classroom. In

addition, the EMOTIV brain computer interface was developed and reinforced by

using Java, C++ and Snap! programming languages to control the Finch robot to

act upon a set of selective commands given by the user.

There are three different kinds of accurate machine learning algorithms

offered by EMOTIV through the Xavier Control Panel: performance metrics, facial

expressions, and mental commands [15]. The mental commands feature, the one

used in the said paper, is an interface for the users to train the system to recognize

thought patterns related to various desired outcomes.

EEG Amplifier Requirements

Electrical signals produced by the brain are in the order of micro volts. They

must be magnified so that the voltage changes can be given enough power to be

graphically displayed either on paper or on a computer screen and made

compatible with devices such as displays, recorders, or A/D converters [16].

In the paper “Design of an ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG) Amplification

Circuit for Neonates” by Prasanna Kumar et al, they amplifier used for the

amplification of neonatal EEG should reject superimposed noise and interference

signals, and ensure protection from damages through voltage and current surges

for the patient and the electronic equipment. The EEG signals to be monitored

should not be influenced in any way by the amplifier. The measured signal should

not be distorted. The amplifier should provide the best possible separation of signal

and interferences. It also has to offer protection of the patient from electric shock.

The amplifier itself must be protected against damages that might result from high

input voltages as they occur during the application of defibrillators or

electrosurgical instrumentation.

EEG Amplifier Artifacts

EEG has the advantage of being easy to use as it doesn't require any

preparation, devices are comparatively lighter and shielded rooms are not

necessary. Despite these advantages, EEG is disturbed by excessive amounts of

interference, which are known as artifacts [1].

In the paper “Design of an ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG) Amplification

Circuit for Neonates” by Prasanna Kumar et al, stated that the aalysis of EEG
signals from neonates is a difficult task due to its very low amplitude (1μV to

100μV) and its susceptibility to noise from the below mentioned artifacts:

• 50/60 Hz power line noise

• Impedance fluctuation

• Cable movements

• Broken wire contacts

The amplification and signal conditioning circuit designed in their paper can

be used to solve these problems with the help of suitable amplifiers, buffers and

filters implemented in the circuit.


Microcontrollers are the low-cost embedded system that control and

monitor different process but due to space limitation limited connectivity option

provided for data communication with personal computer (PC). The ATmega328

is an 8-bit microcontroller which has 28 pins, as shown in Figure 2.4, and belongs

from Atmel AVR family.

Figure 2.4 Pin configuration of Atmega328

It is a computer on a chip or a single chip computer; high performance, low power

AVR 8-bit microcontroller, advanced RISC architecture, high endurance non-

volatile memory segments, peripheral features, I/O and packages, operating

voltage, low power consumption, another term is embedded microcontroller, which

tells that its support circuits are often built into or embedded in the devices for

control. It supports programmable serial Universal Synchronous Asynchronous

Receiver Transmitter (USART) and SPI serial interface that are used in this system.



In this section, the design procedures are discussed in detail which includes

the hardware development, software development, prototype development,

multiple design constraints, the impact of solution and the engineering principles

used in developing the device. Furthermore, a detailed explanation on how the

design was built and as well as data flow is presented. The device to be designed

for the client is an EEG-based biofeedback headpiece whose amplifier circuit helps

the device have a consistent reading.

A. Hardware Development

Design Process Flow

As shown in Figure 3.1, the design follows a strict procedure beginning from

the client’s requirements to provide the necessary solution to their needs. After

analyzing the requirements of the client, the designers will then gather related

literatures and works to provide necessary knowledge to grasp the nature of the

problem being solved. Furthermore, the related literature and works provides the

designers the basis of the design, allowing them to further improve existing

technological solutions.

Figure 3.1 Design Process Flow of the Biofeedback Headpiece Device

The solution is then formulated and presented to the client for approval

whether the solution conforms to the requirements or if the design needs further

modification. Once the solution satisfies the client, the designers will then proceed

to the development of the hardware and software of the design solution, conduct

tests to determine whether the solution meets the objectives and finally

implementing the design.

Conceptual Framework


➢ Amplification of
signal using 6 -
➢ EEG signal stage amplifier ➢ Numerical value
of the EEG signal
➢ Signal
transmission via ➢ Corresponding
Bluetooth from waveforms of
headpiece to the numerical
computer values

Figure 3.2 Conceptual Framework of Brain Signal Amplifier

The conceptual framework shown on Figure 3.2 shows the IPO or input,

process and output of the design. There will only be one input and output for the

system which is the brain signal or the EEG signal coming from the electrodes of

the biofeedback headpiece device which is then displayed through a software. The

process involves the amplification of the input signal through a 6-stage amplifier

to increase the input and output gain, and to filter out unwanted signal noises.

The signal is then wirelessly transmitted through Bluetooth technology from the

headpiece device to the laptop computer. The signal in its numerical value, and

corresponding waveform is then displayed on the computer through a software

provided by the designers.

Block Diagram

Figure 3.3 System block diagram

The mode of data transmission that the system uses is through Bluetooth

which enables the system to have wireless capabilities thus allowing the subject

to freely move around without having wires wrapping around the subject. Figure

3.3 shows the block diagram of the system wherein the signal detected by the

electrode is fed to the signal amplifier. This signal is then wirelessly transmitted

through a Bluetooth module to the computer. The electrodes are powered by a 9V

power supply while the signal amplifier circuit and Bluetooth module are powered

by a 5V power supply. The amplified signal is then finally fed into the computer

which is powered by its own power supply.

Schematic Diagram

1MΩ 100kΩ 220Ω
180kΩ 50 %
180kΩ Key=A
1IN- 4IN- 1IN- 4IN-
U1 270kΩ 1IN+ 4IN+ 1IN+ 4IN+
Vcc+ Vcc- 100kΩ Vcc+ Vcc-
1 8 2IN+ 3IN+ 2IN+ 3IN+
Electrode -IN +Vs 2IN- 3IN- 100nF 2IN- 3IN-
22kΩ 220nF 10µF TL084 TL084
220nF 220kΩ
Bluetooth 12Ω
HC-06 220nF 220nF
D0(RX) A4
10µF 220nF
GND RX 1N4007G
D1(TX) A3 47kΩ
D2 A2

LM7809CT LM7809CT D3(PWM) A1

220nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 100kΩ
220nF 100nF XLAT1 AVCC 100kΩ 47nF
LM7805CT XLAT2 D13
D5(PWM) D12


D7 D10(PWM)

16MHz D8 D9(PWM)

Figure 3.4 Schematic Diagram of 6-Stage Signal Amplifier

Figure 3.4 shows the connection and schematic diagram of the design

solution consisting of a power supply, instrumentation amplifier, notch filter, high

pass filter, low pass filter, non-inverting amplifier, 9V and 5V voltage regulator,

Bluetooth module and an ATmega328 Microcontroller. The instrumentation

amplifier increases amplitude of the signals which comes from the biofeedback

headpiece device. Two notch filters are used in the circuit – one at the beginning,

to remove interference before applying more gain to the circuit, and one at the

end to remove more noise acquired through the amplification – which are centered

at 60 Hz. The high pass filter filters out frequencies that are too low, mostly

interference from skin-contact. Low pass filter removes the data above the

frequencies needed as it contributes to noise in the data. Non-inverting amplifier

is the operational amplifier wherein the output is in phase with the input signal.

The HC-05 is a class 2 slave Bluetooth module that is responsible for transmiting

data to the laptop. The LM7805 voltage regulator maintains a constant voltage

level of 5V. Lastly, the ATmega328 Microcontroller is the brain of the whole

amplifier which controls the components connected to it.

Isometric Diagram

The headpiece device will comprise of three electrodes in each side which

totals to six electrodes for the entire system as shown in Figure 3.5. There is a

button to turn the power of the headpiece on or off, a reset button to clear the

state of the system, and a pair button to establish Bluetooth connection between

the headpiece device and the laptop computer where it will connect. Figure 3.6

shows the locations of the buttons which is on the left side of the headpiece device.

Figure 3.5 Perspective View of the headpiece

Figure 3.6 Buttons of the headpiece

B. Software Development

The solution to the client’s problem will retain the use of Bluetooth

connectivity. However, the software that will be used to process the input signals

from the headpiece will be created by the designers and will be different from the

software used by the client which is the EMOTIV software to simplify the interface

for the client because one the complaints of the client about the EMOTIV software

is the confusing interface which is too complex for the client. To solve the problem,

the designers will be creating a software using Python which is a programming

language used in various programming applications such as Raspberry Pi

microcontroller programming. The software is responsible for the processing of

the input signals from the headpiece device that is then transmitted through
Bluetooth transmission to a laptop computer that will be running the created


Figure 3.7 System Flowchart

Shown above in Figure 3.7 is the system flowchart wherein the signal

detected from the biofeedback headpiece device is amplified, transmitted via

Bluetooth. The final output of the system is displayed in numerical values and its

corresponding waveform, and push buttons to control the process.

Graphical User Interface

Figure 3.8 Connecting the device to the computer via Bluetooth

Figure 3.8 show how the program is initiated. It searches for the available

devices with Bluetooth capabilities nearby and presents them in a list wherein each

device has a corresponding number. The numbers are used in order to select which

device the program will connect to. When there are no Bluetooth devices found, it

will display an error as observed in Figure 3.9.

Figure 3.9 Error when there are no Bluetooth devices found

On the other hand, when a device which is not the EEG Headpiece has been

selected, the error observed in Figure 3.10 will be displayed.

Figure 3.10 Error when attempting to connect to another device

When connectivity is established with the correct Bluetooth module as seen in

Figure 3.8, the EEG Headpiece GUI will be launched immediately.

Figure 3.11 GUI at standby

The graphical user interface as shown in Figure 3.11 comprises of a plot area for

each node pairs where the waveforms will be graphed, labels for each plot area,

numerical values for the voltage reading, a READ button which starts the reading

of data from the headpiece, and a STOP button which halts the reading of data.

Figure 3.12 GUI during data acquisition

Halting the data from displaying in the GUI can be done at any time as observed

in Figure 3.12, as well as the output graph created from the per second voltage

reading of the brain signals.

C. Prototype Development

PCB Design

Figure 3.13 PCB Design

Figure 3.13 shows the design of the PCB. The design includes the layout for

the ATmega328 and its connection to the amplifier circuits. The three identical

layouts are the PCB design for the amplifier of each pair of nodes and the unique

among these is the PCB design for the ATmega328 microcontroller and the voltage


PCB Component Diagram

Figure 3.14 PCB Component Diagram

The PCB component diagram on Figure 3.14 shows the interconnection of

the components. This illustrates the location of the components in the PCB layout

shown in Figure 3.13 and the floating holes where the EEG nodes and batteries

are connected.
Tabulated Bill of Materials
Table 3.1 Tabulated Bill of Materials

Item Description Specification Qty Unit Cost Total Cost

EEG Cups, Gold-
1 9 mm 10 Php 512.035 Php 5120.35
plated, Silver, Tin
JFET-Input Quad
2 Operational TL084CN 6 Php 28.00 Php 168.00
Amplifier DIP-14
Low Power
3 AD620 3 Php 325.00 Php 975.00
Amplifier Amp DIP-
Gaoneng GNB 7.4V, 1550
4 2 Php 750.00 Php 1 500.00
110C LiPo Battery mAh
5 Ceramic Capacitor 10 nF 3 Php 0.50 Php 0.75
6 20 nF 4 Php 0.50 Php 2.00
7 47 nF 7 Php 0.50 Php 3.50
8 Tantalum Capacitor 100 nF 3 Php 0.50 Php 0.75
9 220 nF 15 Php 0.50 Php 5.50
10 1 µF 3 Php 0.50 Php 1.50
11 10 µF 9 Php 0.50 Php 4.50
12 1/4 W Resistor 12 Ω 6 Php 0.25 Php 4.50
13 220 Ω 6 Php 0.25 Php 1.50
14 560 Ω 3 Php 0.25 Php 16.50
15 22 kΩ 6 Php 0.25 Php 1.50
16 47 kΩ 3 Php 0.25 Php 0.75
17 100 kΩ 12 Php 0.25 Php 3.00
18 180 kΩ 6 Php 0.25 Php 1.50
19 220 kΩ 6 Php 0.25 Php 1.50
20 270 kΩ 6 Php 0.25 Php 1.50
21 1 MΩ 3 Php 0.25 Php 0.75
22 Potentiometer 1 kΩ 3 Php12.00 Php 36.00
23 Rectifier Diode 1N4007 3 Php 1.50 Ph 4.50
3-Terminal 1A
24 Positive 9 Volts LM7809 3 Php 20.00 Php 60.00

3-Terminal 1A
25 Positive 5 Volts LM7805 1 Php 15.00 Php 15.00
26 1 Php 158.00 Php 158.00
27 Crystal Oscillator 16MHz 1 Php 20.00 Php 20.00
28 DIP IC Socket 28-pins 1 Php 4.75 Php 4.75
29 DIP IC Socket 14-pins 6 Php 3.25 Php 19.50
30 DIP IC Socket 5-pins 3 Php 3.00 Php 9.00
3-pins, 40
31 Female Wafer cm, 2.54 2 Php 12.00 Php 24.00
mm pitch
3-pins, 2.54
32 Male Wafer 4 Php 3.50 Php 14.00
mm pitch
33 Bluetooth Module HC-05 1 Php 275.00 Php 275.00
Total: Php 8 448.359

Table 3.1 shows the tabulated bill of materials. This table reflects the description

and specification of the component, as well as its quantity, unit price, and the total

cost. The table only includes the cost of all the electrical components used in the

making of the prototype which amounted to a total of Php 8, 448.60

D. Multiple Design Constraints
Table 3.2 Decision Matrix for Identifying Multiple Constraints



Health &







Score Score Score Score Score Score Score
Design Solution
(1.00) Weighted

8 2 6 2 6 8 1
Cost of Modular Parts 0.3
2.4 0.6 1.8 0.6 1.8 2.4 0.3
7 2 4 4 2 2 3
Usage of ATmega328P 0.1
0.7 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3
5 6 4 7 4 5 3
Device durability 0.2
1.0 1.2 0.8 1.4 0.8 1.0 0.6
4 7 6 7 6 8 4
Device sensitivity 0.4
1.6 2.8 2.4 2.8 2.4 3.2 1.6
5.7 4.8 5.4 5.2 4.8 6.8 2.8

Table 3.2 shows the Decision Matrix for Identifying Constraints using the Design

Solution. In our design solution, we have identified four constraints – cost of

modular parts, usage of ATmega328P, device durability, and device sensitivity and

evaluated it against seven criteria – economical, ethical, environmental, social,

sustainability, health and safety, and political. The economical and health and

safety scored the highest among all the other constraints. The economical

constraint deals with the cost of assembling the device, while the health and safety

deals with how our device is likely to be harmful to its users.

Table 3.3 Selection of Alternatives

Multiple Design
Trade Off Alternate Solution

Buy components that are

locally available; buy

Expensive components second hand components

The cost of modular parts
oftentimes give off that are still in prime
is expensive.
better quality. condition as to not

substitute the price for


The usage of Instead of using a Using prebuilt

ATmega328P instead of prebuilt Arduino Uno, microcontrollers may be a

using Arduino Uno or we needed to use solution to overcome the

other microcontroller with ATmega328P and limitations that the

pre-built I/O pins that design our own using ATmega328P. We just had

may be interfaced with similar components that to build from scratch to

other expansion boards. will give off the same demonstrate our combined

output knowledge about the

designs and systems that

we have learned.

The cost of producing

Attach the nodes to a cap,
the device is
or any headpiece that still
The device durability is significantly lesser
allows it to be used as
lessened because of not because of not providing
intended, so that the
providing a case or a case or protective
nodes will not be loosely
protective hard-shell for hard-shell for the nodes
dangling thus, reducing its
the nodes however, the nodes are
proneness to being broken
exposed for damage
and/or destroyed
and dust.

The 3-stage amplifier A 6-stage amplifier circuit

The first circuit (3-stage
circuit is more compact greatly improves the
amplifier) designed was
because it requires the sensitivity of the device in

non-reactive to the inputs use of only very few terms of its capability to

provided by the nodes components. However, read inputs of very small

it is very much less magnitudes.

sensitive in reading the

inputs of small voltage


E. Impact of Design Solution

By providing this design solution, the client will be able to measure EEG

signals for use in their own studies by simply putting the device’s nodes onto the

subject’s head without contact issues on the scalp. Furthermore, the design

solution is a cheaper alternative because there are components that are locally

available thus, reproducing this design solution is more economical because of

cheaper price compared to the existing market products. This is when comparing

the total amount in the bill of materials we have provided compared to the market

price of other similar products which gives off the same output as our device does.

Environmentally, the design solution uses rechargeable batteries which lessens e-

waste by removing single use batteries.

F. Engineering Principles and Modern Engineering Tools

The designed prototype is the by-product of the application of multiple

engineering principles and modern engineering tools learned from different

courses. Below are the principles and tools applied in this design prototype.


• Python

o Python is an interpreted, high-level, general purpose programing

language. The group used Python in programming the GUI.

• C Programming


• Both the schematic and PCB layout for the electronic components was

designed using PCB Wizard.


• In order to achieve a peak-to-peak voltage value of -7V to 7V, the power

supply was center-tapped to have a negative voltage value.

Modern Engineering Tools

• PCB Wizard

o PCB Wizard is an electronics program that covers all stages of

schematic designs and production of printed circuit boards. The

group used PCB Wizard to create the schematic and PCB layout of

the design prototype.

• Arduino Integrated Development Environment

o Arduino IDE was used to program the ATmega328 microcontroller.


In this section, the necessary tests and interpretation of data as well as the

presentation of data gathered are discussed.

Connectivity Test

The purpose of this test is to determine whether the device’s Bluetooth

module successfully connects to the terminal. The connectivity test is vital to this

design project as the data from the headpiece is wirelessly transferred to the


1. Power on the EEG headpiece by ensuring that the battery is connected.

2. Enable Bluetooth connectivity to laptop terminal.

3. Open the EEG program and wait for automatic Bluetooth scan to finish.

4. Select the device’s name from the displayed list.

5. If the terminal does not give a reading prompt, the device is not

connected, otherwise the device is successfully connected to the laptop

computer terminal.

Data Acquisition Test

This test is to verify that the EEG device is detecting the EEG signals read

from the scalp of the human subject. It is also vital that this test is used to ensure

that the device is reading EEG signals and not noise signals. Four tables are used

for this test. One table shows the values that the device reads when it is not worn,

and the other tables are when the device is worn and the user is engaging in a

specific activity, in this case, answering a series of curated questions which allows

the triggers the use of different parts of the brain where the EEG device gets its


Table 4.1 shows the voltage reading acquired by the device for 20 seconds

when it is not worn; these values are considered as floating values. It can be

observed that the changes in the values are erratic, which does not describe any

brain activity thus, these values are recorded from noise signals, not from EEG


Table 4.1 Table of values when EEG device is not worn

Value (mV)
Time (s) EEG A EEG B EEG C
1 2468.44 2434.224 2600.416
2 2492.88 2444.0 2537.096
3 2473.33 2434.224 2629.744
4 2468.44 2434.224 2512.432
5 2727.5 2531.984 2903.472
6 2507.54 2453.776 2551.536
7 2473.33 2434.224 2698.176
8 2468.44 2429.336 2527.096
9 2874.14 2595.528 3123.432
10 2531.98 2458.664 2595.528
11 2478.22 2439.112 2507.544
12 2468.44 2434.224 2502.656
13 2571.09 2478.216 2654.184
14 2483.1 2439.112 2517.32
15 2468.44 2429.336 2575.976
16 2468.44 2434.224 2507.544
17 2629.74 2449.768 2727.504
18 2492.88 2444.0 2527.096
19 2468.44 2434.224 2600.416
20 2468.44 2434.224 2507.544

On the other hand, tables 4.2.A-C show the voltage reading acquired for 20

seconds when worn, for 10 trials, wherein a different person is tested in each trial.

The data acquisition is divided into three activities: the first activity involves each

person to arrange from left to right in ascending order according to their size three

objects with different colors; the second activity involved each person to solve

three sets of Mathematical question, two of which are dictated while the other one

was written in a sheet of paper and was flashed, and have the respondents answer

out loud; the third activity involves each person remembering the order of

precedence of their answers in the first (color) and second (numerical value)

activity and say them alternately. The program starts reading as the instructions

are being given and stops at 20 seconds.

Table 4.2.A Table of values of Frontal nodes when EEG device is worn

Values (mV)
Time (s) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Trial 6 Trial 7 Trial 8 Trial 9 Trial 10
0 3345.16 2832.11 3162.21 3122.52 2874.24 2963.88 3302.15 2958.35 2948.16 2547.27
1 2846.12 3421.21 2864.35 2876.39 3485.16 3302.67 3509.21 3109.24 3419.24 3158.23
2 3452.65 2733.26 3435.16 2684.49 2945.25 2874.95 2891.52 2876.44 2716.45 2871.59
3 2812.15 3122.65 2765.61 3325.86 3374.87 3185.77 3492.67 3391.75 3218.72 3301.72
4 3513.23 3023.53 3611.15 2784.52 2705.45 2754.28 2954.15 2728.15 2696.82 2871.52
5 3142.24 2689.48 2865.32 3592.76 3281.53 3498.64 3129.54 3019.57 3504.82 2918.52
6 2735.33 2835.55 3047.59 3108.25 2987.53 3198.21 2911.63 3198.25 2919.52 2781.73
7 2846.12 2965.31 2842.11 2895.34 2765.24 3152.64 3010.12 2985.36 2847.27 3001.21
8 2354.66 2874.24 2761.24 2953.25 2875.26 2987.35 2857.73 2728.52 2771.97 2875.10
9 3124.22 3042.30 2976.31 3017.26 3004.63 2757.46 2996.74 3102.95 2985.72 3026.15
10 2811.23 2884.65 3106.53 3187.23 2935.62 2885.64 2864.30 2984.17 2856.36 2876.63
11 3254.45 3156.46 2963.34 2975.41 2857.54 3001.42 3019.88 2856.34 2758.32 2986.20
12 2983.32 2453.71 3021.54 3031.53 3015.87 3126.78 2977.44 2956.83 2957.21 3157.26
13 2785.24 2955.65 2869.62 2891.64 2472.21 2908.72 2955.86 2756.78 2819.28 2891.62
14 2762.11 2765.34 2783.85 2798.25 2849.32 2897.36 3102.94 2958.37 2756.19 2718.32
15 2843.32 2846.31 2934.62 2626.15 2946.43 2785.37 2984.17 3182.65 2987.25 2856.71
16 3001.21 2946.43 2754.98 2874.66 3001.23 2939.02 2898.16 2865.63 2875.63 2819.71
17 2812.32 3042.64 2946.68 2783.26 2812.35 2853.46 2952.63 2957.34 2715.34 2621.51
18 2945.53 3125.63 2962.88 2986.62 2758.62 2763.59 3109.32 2781.75 2921.53 2877.43
19 2794.24 2831.84 2846.31 3019.45 2847.37 2983.24 2956.37 3012.75 2851.65 2756.62
20 2846.22 2986.35 2946.43 2935.27 2946.43 2855.64 2857.34 2948.17 2874.33 2918.57

Table 4.2.B Table of values of Middle nodes when EEG device is worn

Values (mV)
Time (s) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Trial 6 Trial 7 Trial 8 Trial 9 Trial 10
0 2849.56 2918.56 2819.57 3001.85 3056.13 2857.12 2991.75 2919.57 2867.37 3076.54
1 2787.35 2817.56 2918.57 3125.71 2881.97 2918.57 3001.95 3019.43 2915.73 2873.72
2 2982.72 2957.36 3008.24 2816.52 2981.75 3019.53 2857.71 3001.57 3008.52 2918.64
3 3019.25 3001.57 2719.52 2917.53 3011.63 2871.55 2985.67 2817.56 2991.74 3011.55
4 2865.33 2857.17 2958.17 3014.52 3003.26 2986.74 2784.36 2967.46 2868.43 2791.62
5 2746.25 2873.61 3067.32 2718.57 2918.57 3001.73 2856.73 2718.74 2756.87 2815.64
6 2617.17 2919.17 2857.61 2957.12 2878.32 2881.75 2781.54 2997.67 3016.34 2857.74
7 2991.85 3185.72 2987.51 3125.72 2781.76 2918.57 2816.43 3185.67 2984.43 2983.57
8 2857.16 2819.23 2718.11 2941.66 2968.76 3155.72 3001.67 2856.73 2767.23 2686.84
9 2718.57 2996.32 2919.57 2817.53 3067.31 2975.73 2963.74 3015.14 2916.84 2957.47
10 2918.14 2856.56 3011.53 2918.72 2986.64 2887.43 2775.26 2917.73 3019.53 3018.35
11 2966.43 2885.63 2917.52 3035.20 2788.56 2683.64 2910.57 2887.63 2867.34 2966.36
12 2758.36 2956.35 2718.57 2968.73 2977.58 3157.31 3013.62 2843.65 2917.51 2840.06
13 2856.67 2756.32 2885.22 2756.64 3105.87 2886.76 2769.34 2715.73 2719.83 2877.64
14 2747.54 2893.73 3019.57 2659.38 2771.86 3397.51 2898.46 3301.85 2918.57 2603.77
15 2967.62 3391.78 2618.56 3548.27 3566.54 3151.56 3482.86 2915.17 3157.37 3288.31
16 3301.85 2756.19 3417.15 2768.83 2688.64 2686.37 2781.75 3510.84 2769.94 2816.48
17 2815.65 3488.21 2817.75 3172.65 3287.67 2768.84 2696.83 2782.76 3301.85 2768.36
18 2765.73 3061.75 3301.85 2883.67 2967.53 3376.54 3201.76 3195.64 2844.78 3386.52
19 3469.62 2796.72 3108.21 3487.12 3488.76 3063.26 2917.57 2696.48 3517.32 2981.76
20 2786.76 2856.54 2718.51 3091.75 2856.33 2896.53 2889.36 2891.76 3002.64 2792.76

Table 4.2.C Table of values of Back nodes when EEG device is worn

Values (mV)
Time (s) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Trial 6 Trial 7 Trial 8 Trial 9 Trial 10
0 2817.57 3019.85 2919.57 3019.58 2981.76 2891.75 2986.16 2814.86 2991.76 3012.52
1 2618.73 3157.17 2786.83 2881.76 2861.16 2789.15 3010.24 2978.36 2871.66 2891.63
2 2915.86 2817.67 2987.37 2994.57 3158.71 2981.76 2798.17 3008.72 3019.51 2909.16
3 2867.63 2985.61 3001.46 2691.86 2976.32 3001.65 2918.52 2776.87 2783.54 2789.81
4 3001.63 2781.67 2793.76 2837.67 2885.66 2886.76 2882.91 2981.67 2988.62 2909.17
5 2974.63 2918.76 2892.86 2949.27 2981.77 2991.76 2691.74 3018.93 3198.63 3007.81
6 2689.47 2599.57 2981.76 2778.37 2817.68 3001.62 3105.17 2698.18 3509.71 2878.77
7 3301.85 3401.86 2658.86 3109.37 2602.98 2618.76 2789.81 3310.46 2981.63 3361.22
8 2799.36 2886.73 3426.72 2898.88 3301.86 3367.16 3598.71 2891.76 3308.63 2898.71
9 3501.85 2917.65 2791.74 3409.26 2898.71 2782.64 2981.63 3109.67 2786.65 3581.76
10 3109.63 2689.37 3109.72 2760.98 2607.24 3409.16 2717.66 2788.37 3316.83 2898.71
11 2991.76 3301.86 2691.76 3209.73 3409.76 3109.67 3219.26 3309.72 2984.61 3109.13
12 3498.81 2776.23 3301.67 2901.76 2891.86 2781.97 2981.76 2981.76 3019.21 2771.63
13 2781.76 3108.72 2981.76 2877.67 2971.65 3201.63 3409.91 3109.67 2681.76 3001.62
14 2976.37 2991.76 2894.63 3109.62 2798.87 3017.54 3109.61 2981.56 2981.47 2898.71
15 2876.63 2872.55 2618.68 2981.63 2913.98 2881.66 2781.77 2719.84 3019.16 2778.16
16 2946.54 2719.72 2798.36 2877.47 2747.16 2718.76 2746.63 2981.76 2898.17 2909.78
17 2953.27 2918.67 2998.16 2671.76 2889.17 2987.17 2986.73 2896.17 2883.66 2898.34
18 3031.75 3019.63 3015.64 2981.65 3006.92 2781.87 3011.59 3009.83 2776.16 2898.17
19 2855.27 3198.76 2981.76 2898.62 2949.33 2901.86 2891.76 2898.16 2987.74 2991.87
20 2917.68 2819.77 2899.67 2787.62 2846.63 2881.63 2919.65 2981.64 2898.73 2781.76

Analysis and Interpretation

To be able to interpret the voltage readings from Table 2.4.A-C, these

readings are compared to the functions of the different brain lobes in Table 2.1.

During the first part of the data gathering process, voltages from the Frontal

nodes spiked significantly and continued changing in a constant manner. It

coincides with the fact that the Frontal nodes is reading from nodes F7 and F8. A

small spike in voltage was observed in the Back node, while the ride and fall of

voltage in the Middle node was very minimal.

In the second part, voltage from the Back nodes spiked significantly and

continued changing in a constant manner. A small spike in voltage and a constant

change in the increase and decrease of voltage reading can be observed in both

the Middle (T3 and T4) and Frontal node (F7 and F8) as lobes these nodes

represent were involved in the activity done.

In the third part, the voltage from the Middle nodes increased significantly

then continued changing constantly. A small spike in the Frontal nodes were also

observed and there was no significant increase in voltage in the Back nodes.



The group was able to create an EEG-based biofeedback headpiece which

amplifies the brain signals and transmits these signals to a device via Bluetooth.

The device can read brain signals from 3 pairs (6-channels) of nodes placed in

three lobes of the brain wherein each lobe has a specific function. The group

observed that the voltage readings acquired throughout the data gathering

process coincides with the theoretical data presented in the review of related



For future works on a similar system, adding storage capabilities –

physical or cloud – for the device can be recommended. This allows the

users/researchers to access the readings previously acquired for a closer study.

The group also recommends that the circuit size to be reduced without

compromising the sensitivity, as well as making the device sweat-resistant or

waterproof. This enables the device to be used in a wider range of activity.


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Operation’s Manual
System Requirements
Installation Procedures
User’s Manual
Troubleshooting Guides and Procedures
Error Definition


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