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FOR GRADES 10 and 12

Dear Parents,

In compliance with the recent directive released by the State government on reopening of school
for grades 6 to 12, we would like to hereby inform you that the Second Pre – Board exams for
grades 10 and 12 will be conducted in the offline mode in the school campus. The schedule of the
exams has already been shared and students will have to report accordingly to school. Kindly make
a note of the following instructions for their return to school safely and securely. This will also
support us in keeping them safe.

1. All students are to report directly to the open auditorium and remain seated till further
instructions. Chairs are placed at a distance and changing places to group together with friends
is strictly prohibited. Students will move in smaller groups to their classes and will be
accompanied by a teacher.
2. All students must submit the consent forms duly filled and signed by parents to their respective
class teachers by 16th October, 2021. Students who submit the same will only be allowed to
attend the assessment in the school. Consent form will be sent separately as another
3. The school transport will be available. However, students using the school bus are to note that
they will only be able to leave the campus at 12.30pm with students of grades 6 to 8. It is hereby
suggested that students of grades 10 and 12 travel by their personal transport to avoid wastage
of time. Parents are requested to drop and pick up their wards according to the timings.




EXAM TIME 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

PICKUP TIME 10.45 AM – 11.30 AM

4. For students travelling through local transport (Ola/Uber)/ private vans/ own vehicle/ cycles/
walking to and from school are to submit a letter addressed to the Principal from their parents.
Parents are to mention the name, vehicle number and contact number of the driver if availing
such services.
5. Students who are carpooling & are to be dropped/picked by the parent of another child, need
to mention the name & contact no. of the parent (who is picking up the child) every time in the
consent form.
6. In case a student needs to carry a mobile, parents need to mention the same in the consent
form. Students need to compulsorily submit their mobiles to the class teacher & mobiles will
be returned during dispersal.
7. Students must carry the hard copy of the stated consent form to school regularly.
8. Students must be in school uniform. The uniform is available at the uniform store that functions
from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm from Monday to Friday and 8.30 am to 12 noon on Saturday.
9. Any student showing symptoms of cold, cough, running nose and fever should not attend
school & the same should be informed to the class teacher via E - mail or Whatsapp at the
earliest. An RTPCR report is to be mandatorily submitted to the class teacher via E- mail or
WhatsApp after the student recovers from the illness. Only then will he/ she be permitted to
enter the school campus.
10. Every student must carry the following with them:
a. A couple of masks [Double mask is a must].
b. Face shield and gloves (optional)
c. Hand sanitizer
d. Water bottle
e. Required stationery for the assessment
f. Refreshments if any that can be had only after the exam
11. School cafeteria will not be functional.
12. Students are to maintain strict social distancing, follow floor markings and sit only on the
assigned seats as per their roll nos. Please advise your wards not to mingle and follow
covid protocol in and outside the school premises strictly.
13. Strict social distancing will also be followed at the hand wash facility & in the wash rooms.
14. Students should practice frequent sanitization; masks should be worn properly at all
times, covering the nose & mouth.
15. Used masks, gloves, shields, tissue papers should be put in bins marked ‘Bio medical waste’
16. Students will not be permitted to share stationery, food or water.
17. In case of any concerns / issues, students are to contact the teachers present in premises.
18. Students are requested to co-operate with Teaching & Non-Teaching staff while in the campus
at all the times.


1. Temperature Testing and hand sanitization facility is provided at the entry point for the
students and teachers. Multiple security personnel will be engaged to avoid congestion.
2. Relevant posters highlighting the advisory and covid protocol are placed at strategic locations.
3. Floor markings with sufficient distancing are done from the entry to the school till class room,
from the class room to hand wash facility and washroom.
4. Desks will be marked for seating arrangements, social distancing to be maintained in the
classroom as well.
5. Running water, soap and hand sanitizers are made available at relevant places.
6. As a school we are extremely prepared and have an extra stock of masks / sanitizers, in case of
any requirement for students to buy the same.
7. Masks for teachers and support staff are in place. All teachers, non – teaching staff including
admin, housekeeping and security personnel have been vaccinated.
8. School infirmary is functional and isolation rooms are made available.
9. Parents / Guardians will need to pick their wards from the open auditorium. They will ONLY
be permitted to enter the auditorium if they produce their vaccination certificate (which can
be carried in the phone).

All teachers present in the school will be observant and vigilant of students and ensure
that social distancing rules are adhered to stringently.


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