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Name: Louray Jean A.

Bereber Date: June 23, 2019

Section: BSED-II Professor: MJ Tan

Reflection Number 1
“The Plan”

When I was a child, I always thought that you can do the things that you really want
when you’re older. Before, I always wanted to be a psychologist. Why? Maybe because I read a
lot of sci- fi thriller/ suspense novels where the storyline always involves a typical serial killer
with a terrifying and traumatic past. I guess, I wanted to know the science behind how certain
behaviors relate top experiences and why people have the urge to do something that is not of the
norm. Now, as I look back, I realized that a lot of the things that I want before, and the things
that I expect to have and achieve at this age isn’t conforming to what I have right now. Maybe,
life isn’t always what you want it to be.
Recently, I scrolled back on my facebook timeline and I happen to read this caption on
one of my posts. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I remember
repeating this verse during my board exam review last year. I kept saying that if its God’s will
then it will be given and it will be a thousand fold higher than what you expected. The phrase
“not to harm you” elevated my spirit. And yes, it is truly overwhelming (in a very good way)
when you let God in control. BUT, I think that we should also work hard for the plan that God
prepared for us. As they say, “God will help you if you help yourself.”

Up until now, this verse is my rock. This verse made me who I am today. I cannot deny
that there are times that I didn’t understand what the Lord wants me to do, maybe at some point
God’s plans will contradict with what I really want in life, but I always hope amd pray that He
will give me the heart to accept whatever situations and circumstances that I will encounter.
Right now, I am still yearning for self- improvement (spiritually and emotionally), looking for
something very worthwhile and fulfilling, and still on the process of understanding what God’s
plan for me is. My blueprint may not be the same with Him, I may not be a psychologist today
but me being a geologist and a soon- to- be- teacher, together with my experiences (good or bad)
may bring me into something that will mold me to be a person that God assigned me to be.

Prayer Requests:

Dear God, I thank you for everything, for my family, friends and the good life that I have. Thank
you for dying on the cross and saving us. I ask for your guidance in everything I do, bless my
family and keep them away from harm. For now, I may not fully understand what you intended
to do in my life, I just hope that you will give me the heart to accept no matter what happens in
my future, help me to improve and be better as a daughter, a sister, a friend and as a person. All
these I ask in your Name. Amen.

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