Reflection Number 10

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Name: Louray Jean Bereber Date: September 15, 2019

Section: BSED-B Professor: MJ Tan

Reflection Number 11

John 13:7

Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”

I had a dream last Wednesday and in it I saw a kid filled with curiosity. She’s very observant
about everything and always asks her mother about whys and hows of things. Her mom was very
patient with her and she answered whatever the kid was asking her. So I followed them as they
walk down the path and suddenly this kid was nowhere to be found, I looked around and instead
I saw another person on the pathway. This person had the very same features as the kid. I saw
her looking around, trying to find something, she looks really confused about what was
happening. She asked me about where her mother and all the other people went. In my dream, I
told her, “You are an adult now, you must do things on your own now.”. I felt really bad for
telling her that because she seems really lost and she doesn’t have a clue on where to go. I wish I
can help her but I also dont know where am I at that moment. Along the way, we saw a group of
people laughing. We followed and joined them. Later on, they departed saying “We have to go
somewhere.” The girl answered, “Can I come with you?”. They shook their head and
disappeared. She then looked sad, saying things like, “How come they know where to go? I dont
even know where to go or what should I do at this point.” Then, I saw this bright light and I felt
something heavy on my head. My dog, Esmeralda, woke me up and licked my face all over.

As I contemplated with my dream, that girl and me was very much the same. As if we never
understand why

Prayer Request:

Dear God, I thank you for all the blessings and the gift of life. Thank you for giving me the most
understanding family and friends that accepts me for who I am. Lord grant me your wisdom to
be also more understanding to other people and give strength to those who are often
misunderstood. Amen.

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