Reflection Number 4

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Name: Louray Jean A.

Bereber Date: July 21, 2019

Section: BSED-II Professor: MJ Tan

Reflection Number 4
“Energy for the Soul”

“Maybe the soul is tired because all it needs is more time with the Lord. Maybe the heart is
tired because it has been fed with all the wrong things.”

They say, its normal for people to get tired and exhausted. Like when you came home
from a long hard day at work, you can just sleep in order to regain your strength. But I am only
referring about the physical exhaustion of the body, not the emotional, mental and spiritual
aspects. I admire people who can still smile despite of how tired they are.

My workmate from Cebu told me that its easy to regain your strength if you feel tired
physically but when the soul is tired, sleeping isn’t enough to give energy to it. She told me that
God can only fill our soul’s energy bar. I believed her for that because I experienced that
spiritual struggle. Sometimes, I let my physically tired body took over and made me forgot how
my soul needs to be cared as well. How a person looked on the outside, whether he or she is
smiling or frowning, doesn’t entirely mean that it depicts what the person felt inside.

For me, most of the time, I prioritize the needs and wants of the physical side. I am not
saying that its a bad thing, I just think that I often forgot to take good care of myself emotionally,
and spiritually. Yes, I do have a healthy body, but I don’t know if I am emotionally and
spiritually healthy. Due to busy schedules, I haven’t monitored my thoughts, or what and how I
feel inside. Thinking about it, I realized that in order for me to feel fulfilled, is to dig deeper
inside of me and focus on what my spirit need.

Prayer Requests:

Dear Lord, I thank you for another week of blessings and guidance. Thank you for protecting me
and my family with your most precious blood. Lord God, enlighten me with your love and
restore my soul’s burning passion for you. I ask for forgiveness in all of my shortcomings to
You. Amen.

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