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Biology Note for Grade 7

Types of bones

_ Bones are living organs. They are made up of living cells. These are cells
surrounded by hard and dead mineral substances with an outer most layer of thin

_ Bones represent 14% of a body's weight.

_ Bones of skeleton are vary in shape and size.

Long bones

_ are compact bones with hallows or cavities filled with yellow bone marrow.

_ their ends contain spongy bones covered with cartilage for cushion.

_ they are designed for strength.

Example: lower and upper(for and hind) limb bones

Short bones
_ are short and compact bones with partitions. Shaped some what like cubes , but with out
marrow. They facilitate flexibility of the joints found in the bones.

Example: wrist, ankle, vertebrae, fingers, and toes.

Flat bones

_ are thin and compact bones with out cavity.

Example: ribs,scapula, cocal bone.

Some facts about bone

* bone marrow is soft structure in the bones where blood cells are make
* clavicle are the most commonly broken bone in the body

* bones are continue to grow until people are 18 _25 years old

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*femur is the largest while stapes(ear bones) are the smallest bones

Types of Joints

_ The place where two bones meet (join) together is called joint

_ Joints have two important functions

*keep the bones far apart so they don't rub together

*they keep the bones in a place ,so they move and rotate

_ there are two types of joints:

*immovable joints and

* movable joints

Immovable joints
_ are joints in which the bones are fixed in a place and don't move at all

Example: skull bones

Movable joints
_ are joints in which bones are able to move freely

_ there are four types of movable joints: hinge joint, ball and socket joints, gliding joints, and
pivot joint.

Hinge joints

_are joints where a convex surface of a bone fix in to the concave surface of another bone

_ tbey allow back and forth movement

Example: elbow, knee, toe, fingers, jaw

Ball and socket joints

_ are formed where rounded head of one bone fits in to the hallow,cup _shaped( socket) of
another bone

_ allow all directon movement

Example: shoulder, hip

Gliding Joints

_ are formed bitween flat surface bones slide over one another

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_ they allow limited movement

Example: carpal, tarsal, vertebrae

Pivot joint

_ it allows twisted movement

Example: head on neck


_ bones are held together at the joints by stretchy bandy tissue called ligament. In
between the bones of a joint there is a firm rubbery tissue called cartilage. Cartila}s support and
cushions the bones, acting like the body's natural shock absorber. They also give shape for
boneless parts of our body like ears and nose.

Structure and functions of muscles

_ Muscles are tissues composed of cells called muscles fibers

_ muscles are needed for all types of movement.

Types of muscles

_ There are three types of muscles in human body. These are skeletal muscles, cardiac
muscles, and smooth muscles.

Skeletal muscles

_ they attached to bones of skeleton by a tissue called tendon.

_they allow movement of skeletal parts

_ they are voluntary muscles(means they are under conscious control)

_ they are the fastest muscles.

Smooth Muscles

_ are muscles found in the walls of internal organs such as intestine, stomach, blood
vessels, urinary and reproductive organs

_ they are invoulantary muscles

_they are slower than skeletal muscles

Cardiac muscles

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_ are muscles found in the walls of heart

_they are invoulantary muscles

_ they are useful in pumping blood and cause heart beat

Human Dentition
_ Dentition is the development and arrangement of teeth in the upper and lower naws of

_Teeth of animals are hard structure that grkw fromjaw bone.

_Teethare made upkf enamel and dentine

_Teeth are used for:

*bitting and chewing food

*giving shape and structure for our face

* speaking or talking properly

_each tooth consists of two major sections called longitudinal sections and transverse

Longitudinal sections

*crown_ is the part above the gum. It is the white part of teeth

*Neck_ is the part surrounded by the gum.

*Root_ is the part which is embeded in a jaw bone.

Transverse sections

*Enamel_ is the hardest outer covering of teeth

*Dentine_ is the layer which is found next to enamel.

*Pulp cavity_ is the most inner layer. It consists of blood vessels and nerve cells.

Types of teeth
_ based on the age they grow human teeth are classified as milk teeth and permanent

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_Milk teeth_ are the first set of teeth

_ they grow in between the age of 6 months up to 6 or 7 years

_they are 20 in number

_Permanent teeth_ are the second set of teeth that replace milk teeth after the age of 6

_are 28 in number

_ When a person is around 20_25 years of age, four additional back teeth grow called
wisdom teeth.

_ based on their shape and functions human teeth are classified in to four

_Incissors_ are chisel shaped front teeth

_ used for bitting , cutting,and gnowing

_ they are 8 in number

_Canines_ are pointed edge side teeth

_used for tearing and piercing

_are 4 in number

_Premolars_ are teeth with fairy ridges having depressions

_ used for chewing and grinding

_are 8 in numbers

_Molars_ are far back side teeth with wider and stronger ridges having depressions

_used for crushing and grinding

_ are 12 in numbers

Dental Formula
_ is a short way of indicating or representing the number of teeth ,type and arrangement

_ It shows the number and type of teeth in one half of the upper and lower jaws.

_ In dental formula each type of tooth is symbolized by the first letter of its name

Example 1: The dental formula of an adult human is

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I=2/2, C=1/1, P=2/2, M=3/3

= 2+1+2+3 = 8, 8×2 = 16

2+1+2+3= 8, 8×2 = 16

Total teeth =16+16 =32

Example 2 : The dental formula of pig

I=3/3, C= 1/1, P= 4/4, M=3/3

3+1+4+3= 11, 11×2= 22

3+1+4+3 = 11, 11×2= 22

Total number of teeth= 22+22= 44

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