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34.Study the following chart and interpret it in five to six sentences

he rollowing ple chart displays information about the use of recycled paper

Fotding Cartone
Liguid Pachaging

Oup and Phato

34,Read the following teat and prepare notes for the same
f were to achieve what we want to in life, we need to understand the importance ot se dcpline
nfortunately, the word1incogline has negative connotations for many of us. As we grow throvgh
chuldhaod, we receive varying amounts of it, which teaches as parameters and respect This results
inour life being shaped, bout it int atways dune in a good way ofen, itsued to instiul fear and
conformity, which ests results but can cause problems later in life As we get older and begin making
our own decisions, if our discipline has been too harsh or too tax can eause problems We may
rebel against authority, may be unuly or even lay and this may affect how we apply our own self
diieipline H is somethine that gives ur stability and strutture to how we liie Without , there would
be total chaot making tife near impositile to ive Therefore, ifapplind correctly,it brings respect
and responibility, thats the importance of solf discipline

5. Wite an email to the your friend expressing your eperience of interviewlngan eminent
celebrity from the field of sports whia visited your sehool recently

36. Write a report on the event Traffic Awareness Week organlied in yeur school for your schoo
magazine (04

36 You are Kiran T Apply alang witih your resume fur the post of amanager to ihe director of Ho
&Tasty Plzza restaurant situated at 122, Shy Complex, Main Shopping Centre Surat

37 Wilte an Essay in alhout 200 wurdi on any One of the following topiss
1A) Yoga and Meditation
Iwhat are they how are they perfarmed.. their bienefita yaur vitws

B] why are cxaminations necestar

Texamsways to conduct sgnificance give examples cocluskan
37. On the occasion of National Defence Day Calebration on March 1, yau are selected to present a
speech in the schoof assembly suitabie to the ocasion Prepare t in aboul 200 words
Rewrite the sentences using the correct meanine of the given phrases/ldioms. 102
21 That was a turning potnt in our
friendship (decihbe charge, decoding point, sound
22 We had spent all our leisure time honing eur seatarine skils in
sharpening Britith wnters toharing. mot
Punctuate 1the following passage
23Why am igetting ahug new24 25 aked2
27 Comvert the follewing into Indirect speech: (021
When I went to comfort the children. Jon aked
Daddy, are wegolng to die 1 trind toaure füm
that we could make it But Daddy,"he went on we arent afraid of dying if we can all
you and Mummy, Sue and
be together
Do as directed (021
28 This concept is expressed as shanshui Add a Quetion tag

29 My parents left me with her (Change the Voice

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it 04

Being able to communicate eftectively is one of the most important ife skils to lean
Communication is defined as transterring information to produce greater understanding t can be

done vocally(throughvertal exchanges),through wntten media (books, websites, and magsnnl

vually (using graphs, sharts,and maps) or non verbaly tbody language. gestures, pitch of voin
and tone) All of these means of communicationare essentialSoft Skilh that are vital for a successlu
Career Having strong communication skills aids in al aspects of Me-from professional ife to
personallifeand everythingthatfalls in between From a business standpoint,all transactionsesut
fiom communication Good communication skdls are esserttal to allow others and younelf to
understand information more accurately and quicky n contrast, poor commusication skits lead to
frequent misunderstanding and misinterpretation

30 Why are communication skills important to learn?
31 Define communication
32 How can communication take place?
33. What happens in case of not having go0d communication skils?
9 Give reasons for the boy king changing his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun

Read the foflowing stanza and answer the
The cardtoard shows me how it was/When two gif cousins went padding

Each holding one of my mothers hands /And she the big gil-some twelve years or s0
10 As shown by the cardboard, what were the girts doing?
11 Who was the oldest
amongst al
Choose the correct figures of speech from the options given below
12 And the sea, which appears to have changed less.
A Pun to) Personification IC) Epigram 1Dj Orymoron
13 Then sleek as a lizard, and alert and abrupt, she enters the thickness
AJ irony TB) Hyperbole IC Synecdoche (D] Simile
Answer the following questions in about five to six sentences each.
Bring out the similarity between the beginning and the ending of the poem 1he laburnum7
14 Why is the image of the engine evoked by the poet in The Laburnum Top?
Answer the following questions in about five to six sentences each.

15 In your
opinion, what makes the story of The Summer of the Beautiful Wh ite Horse
6.Why did the narrator of the story The Address want to forget the address?
5 The Address is a story of human predicament that follows war Comment

ectify the Errors

Errots Corrections
ushed to the deck and gaze 7

relief at the stark outline of 18.

Amsterdam. Its was only a 19.

ak peace of volcanic rock 20.
Secondary tducation Board, Gandhinagar
Gujarat Secondary and Higher
Examinations October 2021
First Term
Date: 10/1072021
Standard 11 (General Stream) Oay Monday
Code English (006)
Subject and
Time 2Hours
Total Marks: 50
A are compuiory to answe
There are 5 Sectlons and 37 quetlons in this questien paper,
indicate fuft marks
21 Feures to the rieht
before answering the qoestions
31 Read the imtructions carefully
and write in legible hendwriting
14) Number the answers correctly
Section A
select the approprite antwer
Read the foflowing passage and

commisslons which deaft,

irter the oetien of ecology nd
alta with
One of the early international
of m members
environment was the Brandt Commistion whieh had a diitingushed todlan as one
Jha The First Brandt Report
ralsed the questionAte
w to a e oof sece
desert, impovernhed lpndhapes
anf aitng e r e r o n e t
Morched planet of advancing

the matter of pride for us av an Indiun

1.Ax per the patiage what is
international commission
Commitsson as being the ealy
AT drandt
Cemmisiion dealing with the environmental problerns
1a) Drandt
MeLK Jha being a distingulshed
of the Brandt
the report of the frandt
1D ML Jha presenting
Comimission was of the
One of the issues rased
in the report of the Brandt
B1 aling environment
A) beautitul landscapes

1DJ improved ecology

ICTstarry deserts

in the brackets and write the
appropriate option
Fl in the blanks with
Tenergy, receptive,

feminine aspect of the universal

The interaction of Yln, the masculine, n of coure a notion of Dacism
ong. active and
sentences each.
in about five to six
nswer the following questions
between the author, Khuswant Singh and his grandimother
Describe the changing relationship
if We Can All Be Together suggest that ogtimism
How does the story,
Were ot Afraid to Die

to endure the
direst stress?
with reference to Oscovering
lut 1
Carters investigation
resented? Answer
was Howard
Saga Continues
arat SecondarY and Higher
First Term Examinations October 2021

Standard 11 (General Stream) Date 18/10a021

n d cod English (006,
ars: 50 Time 2 Heurs

There are 5 Seetions and 37 questioms in this question paper Al are compuhsory to snte

21Fiures to the right indicate ull mark

B Raad the instructions carehly before anwering u
4 Number the awers correctly and write in legibile handwrting

Section A
Read the follewine pasage and selert the approprate 102
shich deat, inter ala with the ouetio f e and
One af the earty nternational comn one af it mes
enoment was the Brandt Conmsion ich had a ditingilshed ndiana
MLK ha The Firt Brandt Report raised the t o n w to e t ur oc
srthet planet of adianing desertt, impovershed tandicapet and ailieg
1 Auper the paseg whut athe mator af poda for it at an ndan
A) Brandt Commii being early
a the

brandt Commson dealing th the eieormental protiems

menber of the Brent Coremiln
MLK Jha binga ditnguihed
p) srK ha peseting the repent of tie Brant Comession
One of the inmues raed in the iepert of the Brandt Commiion wes
beautiu landapes

1O inproved ecosey
itarry deserts

write the anwers only 1023

in the blanks with appropriate eption in the brackets and
receptive, countarpart,

interacion of ti the
feminine epect of the ueral
t i o n af Dam
nDf Gourea
ang ave
snd mascuin
in abeut five to tix sentences

wthe following questions

between the author, huswant Singh, and his pandothe
ribe the changing relationship
ot Alraid to Die f We Can Al he Togther suggest hat cptimim
does the stor, Were stres?
to endure the diest

resented/ Anwer awth ielerende to

Dcowrng Tut the
was Howard Carters investigaton

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