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“Landslide event in KarangAnyar”

For Mrs. Maola, Class XII

Teacher SMKN 34, Jakarta

By Ghozi Akram

Class XII TITL 1

December 07 th, 2020

Table of Content Page

Title ………………………………………………………………………………............i

Table of contents ………………………………………………………….............ii

Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………....iii

Introudution or Background.............…………………………………………iv

Chapter I. The Aceh Earthquake and Tsunami …………….................v

Chapter II. Conclusion …………………………………………………

References …………………………………………………………………..............vii

Appendics …………………………………………………………………...............viii

Executive Summary

Heavy rain that has flushed the Karanganyar Regency area since noon has
triggered landslides in several locations. One resident was reportedly killed
after being buried by a landslide that hit his house.7 sub-districts in
Karanganyar, Central Java, on Wednesday, December 26 2007 were hit by
landslides. The residents' houses, which are located right around the slopes of
Mount Lawu, are covered with dirt.

Quoted from various sources, landslides occurred while residents were asleep.
58 people were reported killed in this disaster. Heavy rain a day and night is
suspected to be the cause of landslides. Karanganyar Regent, Rina Iriani said,
landslides occurred in Tawangmangu, Metesih, Jumapolo, Jenawi, Kerja,
Ngargoyoso, and Jatiyoso Districts. According to Rina, the highest number of
victims was found in Mogol Ledoksari Hamlet, Tawangmangu.

At this location, 36 people were declared dead. In the morning, hundreds of

TNI and Polri officers assisted by the community conducted a search for victims
of landslide heaps. However, it is not easy to reach the location. In fact, it is
difficult for heavy equipment to penetrate the affected village.


Landslides are the 3rd (three) largest type of disaster in Indonesia after floods
and tornadoes. Research study area this is Dlingo District, Bantul Regency.
There have been several disasters which has the potential to occur in Bantul
district, namely volcanoes, tsunamis, erosion, and landslides. Dlingo sub-district
is one such area has the potential for landslides to occur next door east of
Bantul Regency and adjacent to Imogiri sub-district. If seen from the
topography in the area, Dlingo District is an area with hilly to mountainous
topography so that it becomes one of the factors that causes landslide hazard.

Avalanches or mass movements are closely related to processes occurs

scientifically in a landscape. Landscape is a natural formations on the surface of
the earth such as hills, hills, mountains, mountains, plains and basins
(Dwikorita, 2005). Landslide is a one of the natural disasters that often hit wet
tropics. Damage inflicted by mass movements is not only direct damage such as
damage to public facilities, agricultural land, or human victims, but also indirect
damage that paralyzes activities development and economic activities in the
disaster area and its surroundings.

Chapter I. Landslide event in KarangAnyar

The death toll from landslides in Karanganyar Regency, Central Java continues
to increase. The latest report, the death toll to 64 people.Of the 37 people who
were buried by landslides, only five bodies could be evacuated. This was stated
by the Regent of Karanganyar, Rina Iriani, Wednesday, December 26 2007.

Rina added that the evacuation process was hampered because heavy
equipment could not enter the landslide location. Therefore, Rina has asked for
assistance from the TNI, Polri, and the community to help evacuate manually. "I
will wait for the evacuation process and if it can be finished tonight," he said.

Meanwhile, the access road to Tawangmangu, which was paralyzed this

morning, is now accessible. Rina explained that landslides in Karanganyar
Regency were caused by very high rainfall. Apart from causing landslides in the
eastern part of Karanganyar, the rain also flooded the western part of
Karanganyar due to the overflowing of the Bengawan Solo River.

He denied that the landslide disaster was caused by damage to the

environment around the slopes of Mount Lawu. In fact, Rina thinks that
Tawangmangu residents are actually concerned about planting trees."And it
doesn't damage the environment," explained Rina. But Rina admitted that the
land in the landslide-hit areas was very unstable.

Therefore, before the rainy season arrived, Rina and her staff had anticipated it.

Chapter II. Conclusion

Based on the results of the survey, there were 41 landslide points in the study
area. The types of landslides that occur are mostly translation types with soil,
gravel, and rock materials. The distribution of landslide points in the study area
was evenly distributed in all villages.

The details are Dukuh Village with 9 points, Nglegok 2 points, Jatirejo 1 point,
Ngargoyoso 6 points, Kemuning 5 points Segorogunung 10 points, Girimulyo 3
points and Berjo Village 5 points.

The pattern of landslide occurrence in the study area is clustered with an

average value of 0.65. This clustering pattern indicates that landslides occur in
groups based on the biophysical characteristics of land and population each





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