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Grammar Response Profile

Hello greeting main

Goodbye goodbye main
Close Jarvis close jarvis main
jarvis jarvis main
Hey Jarvis YES SIR main
whats my name check my name main
what is my name check my name main
whats your name check your name main
what is your name check your name main
what day is it check day main
what is the day check day main
what is the date check date main
what is the weather like check weather main
time check time main
check the time check time main
whats the weather tomorrow check forecast main
whats the temperature check temperature main
show next window next window main
back previous window main
read this read this main
close tab close tab main
close window close window main
show previous tab previous tab main
show next tab next tab main
get out of the way jarvis minimize jarvis main
move jarvis minimize jarvis main
come back jarvis show jarvis main
jarvis come back show jarvis main
show debug window debug window on main
hide debug window debug window off main
show grammars show grammars main
show my music library show music library main
show my video library show video library main
hide command list hide commands main
hide commands hide commands main
show my customize window show customize window main
add custom commands show customize window main
show settings window show settings window main
settings window show settings window main
check for new emails check for email main
get new emails check for email main
turn screen off screen off main
turn monitor off screen off main
turn monitor on screen on main
turn screen on screen on main
close command prompt close command prompt main
turn volume up volume up main
volume up volume up main
turn volume down volume down main
volume down volume down main
mute volume mute main
mute speakers mute main
unmute volume unmute main
unmute speakers unmute main
make new folder new folder main
make a new folder new folder main
rename folder rename object main
rename file rename object main
rename this folder rename object main
rename this file rename object main
show my desktop show desktop main
toggle to desktop show desktop main
play next song play next main
play next video play next main
play next movie play next main
play previous song play previous main
play previous video play previous main
play previous movie play previous main
play music playPause main
pause music playPause main
play movie playPause main
pause movie playPause main
play video playPause main
pause video playPause main
stop music stop object main
stop video stop object main
stop movie stop object main
degrade your looks degrade looks main
looks upgrade looks main
check for an update update jarvis main
jarvis look for an update update jarvis main
do not listen while you speak do not listen while you speak main
listen while you speak listen while you speak main
refresh libraries refresh libraries main
hide grammars hide grammars main
stop listening stop listening main
whats your version check version main
show windows media player show media player main
hide windows media player hide media player main
turn off your sound effects sound effects off main
turn on your sound effects sound effects on main
reload sound effects reload sound effects main
which profile are you using get profile name main
disable speech on options disable speech on options main
enable speech on options enable speech on options main
open backup options open backup options main
open email options open email options main
open emulate options open emulate options main
open main options open main options main
open media options open media options main
open news options open news options main
open skin options open skin options main
open sound options open sound options main
open weather options open weather options main
open web options open web options main
update advance user settings update advance user settings main
enable web requests enable web requests main
disable web requests disable web requests main
hold on jarvis pause speech main
alright, what were you saying resume speech main
jarvis, come back online start listening main
disable push to talk disable push to talk main
enable push to talk enable push to talk main
enable auto updates enable auto updates main
disable auto updates disable auto updates main
enable saving speech enable saving speech main
disable saving speech disable saving speech main
profile show profiles window main
keyboard show keyboard window main
zarvis, stop talking stop talking main
menu show customize window main
settings show settings window main
default show default window main
web show web window main
shell show shell window main
social show social window main
copy {LControlKey}{C}
cut {LControlKey}{X}
paste {LControlKey}{V}
open start menu {LWin}
undo last command {LControlKey}{Z}
bold this text {LControlKey}{B}
underline this text {LControlKey}{U}
italicize this text {LControlKey}{I}
select all please {LControlKey}{A}
refresh this please {F5}
open new tab {LControlKey}{T}
search here please {LControlKey}{F}
delete this please {Delete}
switch tab please {LControlKey}{Tab}
scroll up please {Up}{WAIT:100}{Up}{WAIT:100}{Up}{WAIT:100}{Up}{WAIT:100}
scroll down please {Down}{WAIT:100}{Down}{WAIT:100}{Down}{WAIT:100}
zoom in please {LControlKey}{Add}
zoom out please {LControlKey}{Subtract}
save this please {LControlKey}{S}
print this please {LControlKey}{P}
minimize this please {LControlKey}{Space}{N}
maximize this please {LControlKey}{Space}{X}
hey Cortana calling core-tanna {WIN_DOWN}{C}{WIN_UP}
mouse macro test running mouse macro test {MOUSE.MOVE:-200,10}
Jarvis type {d=test_dictation} typing {d} {{d} }
Open new window {LControlKey}{N}
Open new window in incognito mode {LControlKey}{LShiftKey}{N}
Reopen last closed tab {LControlKey}{LShiftKey}{T}
next tab {LControlKey}{Tab}
previous tab {LControlKey}{LShiftKey}{Tab}
close the current tab {LControlKey}{W}
close all tabs {LControlKey}{LShiftKey}{W}
minimize chrome {LMenu}{Space}{N}
maximize chrome {LMenu}{Space}{X}
close chrome {LMenu}{F4}
quite chrome {LControlKey}{LShiftKey}{Q}
homepage {LMenu}{LShiftKey}{D1}
timeline {LMenu}{LShiftKey}{D2}
friends {LMenu}{LShiftKey}{D3}
inbox {LMenu}{LShiftKey}{D4}
notifications {LMenu}{LShiftKey}{D5}
account settings {LMenu}{LShiftKey}{D6}
privacy settings {LMenu}{LShiftKey}{D7}
about page {LMenu}{LShiftKey}{D8}
next story {J}
previous story {K}
comment {C}
like {L}
new chat {LMenu}{M}
search {LMenu}{NumPad1}
share {S}
open {O}
next {J}
previous {K}
cancel {Escape}
refresh {F5}
new tweet {N}
reply {R}
retweet {T}
direct message {M}
block user {B}
unblock user {U}
open tweet details {Return}
next tweet {J}
previous tweet {K}
page down {Space}
load new tweets {Decimal}
Home {G}{H}
Moments {G}{O}
Mentions {G}{R}
Likes {G}{L}
Lists {G}{I}
Messages {G}{M}
Send Tweet {LControlKey}{Return}
Outlook {LControlKey}{LWin_DOWN}{D1}{LWin_UP}
Chrome {LControlKey}{LWin_DOWN}{D2}{LWin_UP}
Skype {LControlKey}{LWin_DOWN}{D3}{LWin_UP}
Folders {LControlKey}{LWin_DOWN}{D4}{LWin_UP}
Spotify {LControlKey}{LWin_DOWN}{D5}{LWin_UP}
Switch program {LMenu}{Tab}
Put it on the big screen {LWin_DOWN}{LShiftKey}{Left}{LWin_UP}
Create New Playlist {LControlKey}{N}
Play {Space}
Pause {Space}
Next song {LControlKey}{Right}
previous song {LControlKey}{Left}
mute {LControlKey}{LShiftKey}{Down}
max volume {LControlKey}{LShiftKey}{Up}
show help {F1}
filter {LControlKey}{F}
Show all images {LShiftKey}{X}
Hide all images {LShiftKey}{X}
Next post {J}
Previous post {K}
Load next page {LShiftKey}{J}
Return to top {LShiftKey}{K}
Open post {Return}
Go back {Back}
Open comments {C}
Upvote {A}
Downvote {Z}

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