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Thinking about giving Dota a try, but how toxic is the community?Question

submitted 13 hours ago * by downwithlordofcinder

Been playing LoL for a few months now but I’m honestly burned out from the
community alone. 9/10 even if you’re in a winning game there’s always someone who’s
complaining or placing blame on others for their own faults. In other games this
would be fine, I’d just mute said person and move on, but in a game that’s
literally built to be a team game, one person getting tilted can ruin an entire
match for everyone. So basically, are people as toxic as they are on LoL? Would I
be in the same position just in a different game?

Edit: well none of you has called me a slur or told me to fuck off so we’re already
off to a great start :D

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73 points 10 hours ago

dota will hurt you, get your money, and crush you

would recommend 10/10

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124 points 13 hours ago

It depends on what servers you play on, I personally got less toxicity in dota than
in lol but your experience could be different

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37 points 12 hours ago

Agree with this - for at least the past 2 years I rarely have had a toxic teammate.
I also have high behavior score & normally party queue so its possible that makes a

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21 points 6 hours ago

What planet are you on?

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8 points 5 hours ago

US East turbo spammer mostly, but some all pick and AD as well and see zero
toxicity. Maybe a guy getting upset at a bad move every 10 or 20 or so games.

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5 points 3 hours ago

Same page, I play Turbo / AD / Ranked US East and I rarely have toxic players.
Every few matches I might get someone making a comment that's blamey but often I
find a lot more patience than I did when I played my first 2k hrs back between
2012-2018~. I feel like I used to be more toxic as well (constantly suggesting /
backseat driving when someone would mess up or when I was waiting to respawn). I
stopped that a while ago, and I am more patient, I try to uplift if someone else
extends the olive branch, etc. Likely to do with getting older, and I think a lot
of the same crowd has matured and the community is overall in a better state than I
remember it being.

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4 points 8 hours ago

What server are you?

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3 points 5 hours ago

Not the guy you asked but i've basically experienced the same on euw

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3 points 5 hours ago
i play exclusicely euw with 10k behaviour and my experience has been the opposite.
mb its an mmr thing? idk?

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1 point 3 hours ago

Same haha. Even when we’re winning someone has to grief and feed while another has
to be yelling noob at their carry

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[score hidden] 15 minutes ago


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2 points 6 hours ago

I had shit score for a while due to abandons ( bad internet connection once and psu
issues 3 times). Anyways. Took me months to get that shit back to 10k. When I hit
10k, I was thinking to myself, okay, no more toxic tilted assholes. Boy was I
wrong. 10k behavior more toxic than 7-9k behavior score. I've been asking people to
report me so my score drops down. I'll gladly stay in the 8-9k bracket.

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1 point 5 hours ago

What timeline are you on?

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194 points 13 hours ago

Very toxic but also the greatest game of all time

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102 points 11 hours ago

Mute is the way

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17 points 8 hours ago

Should be higher. If you mute everyone then there's near zero toxicity. Unlesd the
teammates grief in game, which is easily reportable.
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[score hidden] 37 minutes ago

dont tell but you can still draw on yhe map

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[score hidden] 36 minutes ago

Unless you get triggered over penis drawings, I don't see the problem 🤣

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[score hidden] 28 minutes ago

people get triggered by anything now.

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[–]AndiKod 75 points 12 hours ago

— How much Toxicity is in DotA?
— YES !

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[+]Independent_Ad1417 6 points 11 hours ago (0 children)

[–]MediumReflection 95 points 12 hours ago

The same or less toxic than LOL.

The thing that made a huge difference for me is no surrender in DOTA. So no

constant spamming ff and surrender votes. Really it makes a huge difference.

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[–]thisposterisawful 3 points 2 hours ago

As a guy who got into MOBAs through Smite I must confess there is nothing more
tilting than people spamming surrender votes, even moreso than complainers in Dota
matches. It affects teams and you can't block it when people start hitting

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[+]svenEsven comment score below threshold * (11 children)

[–]playdateslevi 60 points 10 hours ago

DOTA 2 is generally an older skewing player base especially in the west so the
toxicity you get is less edgy or petulant in the way you’d expect from most games.
Expect more heartfelt racism, sexism, and narrow mindsets if provoked but mild-to-
average toxicity otherwise.

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[–]Fuck Magictoastysniper 32 points 8 hours ago
Lul no random edgelord toxicity just 100% actual toxicity

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[–]DevGrohl 38 points 11 hours ago

Are you familiar with Chernobyl?

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[–]euichii 9 points 10 hours ago

How toxic the community is? Yes...

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[–]BrazilMajorWhenrapozaum 8 points 8 hours ago

A lot. Avoid this sub and stick to learndota2 and truedota2

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[–]Guywhobreathesair 7 points 11 hours ago

Just turn off chat much better

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[–]Sorexsum 5 points 9 hours ago

Premute all

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[–]Xenadon 6 points 8 hours ago

Honestly unless you're really into it it's not worth it. No less toxic than LoL and
people will really shit on you for being new.

It's an amazing game but you have to put up with a lot to get to that point and
it's hard to say it's worth it

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[–]toolverine 14 points 9 hours ago

A touch of venom

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[–]dota2_responses_bot 5 points 9 hours ago

A touch of venom (sound warning: Venomancer)

Bleep bloop, I am a robot. OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with
new hero

Source | Suggestions/Issues | Maintainer | Author

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[–]yashknight 13 points 7 hours ago

Dota toxicity is weird. Your starting games would definitely be toxic and its best
to mute anyone who flames you for the first 20 or so games.
Once the game flags you as a real new player, and not a smurf it would try to match
with similar noobs. At this point the game will start to become less toxic as long
as your behavior score is good (Behavior score is based on not leaving games, or
raging too hard).

Non-ranked matches are better in terms of toxicity, and unless you get really good
(non try-hard levels) the games tend to stay pretty chill.

Its still a Moba with a very high skill floor, so its better to keep the
expectations in check.

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[–]kathars1s- 12 points 13 hours ago

Probably yes. Unfortunately

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[+]UnclaimedClock 7 points 8 hours ago (0 children)

[–]Rossetto27 3 points 8 hours ago

I played thousands of games of league but eventualy moved to dota. There is
toxicity but I find it to be much less than in league, deliberatly feeding also
seens to be more rare, I guess that since there is no surrender and there are heavy
penalties for leaving people tend to try more.

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[–]quick20minadventure 6 points 11 hours ago

It's okay. You will face people who will hate you for not playing up to their level
or style. You can ignore them.

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[–]just-an-account99 8 points 12 hours ago

Dota 2 is team game bro so you know what to expect

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[–]StudentOfAwesomeness 2 points 5 hours ago

Dude mute everyone both text and voice at the start of every game

Otherwise it will be hellish

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[–]Experter123 4 points 11 hours ago

Honestly? The community is equal, or at least little better.

If something will drag you into the game, it will be the game itself, which is a
lot more complex, and has a lot more room for improvent and micro/macro plays.

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[–]mikeyxxslattery 3 points 10 hours ago

PLEASE don't overreact to recent news. Largely the community is great. If you took
100 people from any subculture, you’d find unpleasant people. Mute annoying people
and be kind. Have fun
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[–]Cant Keep A Good Girl Down!Suthrnr 3 points 7 hours ago

Oh cmon, youre viewing it from the friendly lense of reddit. Most of this community
could double as terrorists lmao. I cant even count the number of death threats I
heard from 4 to 4.5k.

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[–]Splitter- 2 points 9 hours ago

Most toxic I ever encountered. But there are also ways to deal with it and dota is
worth it.

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[–]T0XXX1X 4 points 9 hours ago

Way toxic than lol because the community is not composed by soft soyboys and a
there's a lot of abusable mechanics that are used for griefing. Some characters can
literally throw you in the middle of the enemy team or afk follow you to suck on xp
the whole game. Welcome! We already hate you.

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[–]DROWCharwyn 4 points 8 hours ago

Extremely toxic.

Not worth it.

The game’s amazing but unless you can find people to play with (at least one or
two) it’s borderline unbearable if you wanna keep any faith in humankind.

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[+]Nacl_mtn 4 points 10 hours ago (0 children)

[–]TheL1ch 3 points 11 hours ago

the game is the best game created (maybe close to number 1 with cs) but the
community and the people are the thing that ruin it as with most things in life

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[–]skykoz 0 points 9 hours ago

Why is CS a better shooter than the other shooters ?

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[–]Cant Keep A Good Girl Down!Suthrnr 3 points 7 hours ago

In League, people will tell you to kill yourself.

In Dota, people will give you detailed instructions on how to kill yourself.

Reddit is the exception; the Dota community is generally the most toxic cesspool of
degenerates on the internet. It's worse than 4chan.

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[–]cuteandroid 3 points 12 hours ago

on a scale from 1 to 10 (where 10 is highest) I'd say 158.

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[–]zin_90 2 points 11 hours ago

Lets just say the EPA wouldn't go near it.

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[–]zepher_goose 2 points 10 hours ago

Isnt LoL getting rid of all chat? Might be a bad time to switch games if you just
want to avoid toxicity lol. DotA has a myriad of ways to trashtalk past all
chatting including voicelines and tipping so the medium of toxicity is much higher.

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[–]Memfy 4 points 7 hours ago

Vast majority of toxicity (especially that one that really ruins the game for
people) is in team chat anyway.

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[–]kratrz 1 point 6 hours ago

Voicelines are like controlled trashtalk, games and sports and such always needs

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[–]52club 2 points 10 hours ago

honestly most people with a healthy mindset leave, it is worse than it has ever
been, mute all…then be aware if you are just diving in there is likely a 50% chance
at least smurf account is going to be in your game. however, don’t get discouraged
we all suck.

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[–]Kkmochi 2 points 8 hours ago

Delete this game

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[–]Mei_iz_my_bae 2 points 8 hours ago

Do NOT think that DOTA is a healthy alternative in terms of toxicity to LoL. In
fact it’s worse in a lot of ways.

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[–]Warptwenty 2 points 7 hours ago


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[–]URF_reibeer 2 points 5 hours ago

fuck off you slur

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[–]Greaves- 1 point 8 hours ago

Every community in games is toxic. The question is whether the game is worth

I've been trying to quit for nearly two decades but the game is just worth playing.

Just mute everyone in the game. No, really.

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[–]Yelebear 2 points 12 hours ago

I play dota, LOL, CSGO, Siege, and Overwatch

I can tell you as someone who has really played them all- Way more toxic than LOL.

I think the level of individual vitriol is the same, but Dota has more tools for a
griefer to ruin everyone's game.

All chat is on, double edged spells (Tiny toss for example), bigger negative impact
by feeding (free duels, free rapier), no forced profanity filters, no region locks,
no surrender so you're all stuck with each other, voice chat...

Oh yea. LOL looks like a walk in the park compared to Dota 2.

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[–]srondina 1 point 8 hours ago

Anyone that isn't deeply inside the Dota 2 bubble will tell you the same thing.
It's got, at the very least, one of the most toxic communities in video games. In
my experience, which involves playing a whole heck of a lot of online video games,
Dota 2 and CSGO are basically a tossup for most toxic fandom.

And anyone that's here saying Dota 2 and LoL have comparably toxic fandoms just
hasn't played much LoL. LoL certainly has a shitty fan base but it's still not as
bad as Dota 2.

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[–]b00po 2 points 6 hours ago

Dota 2 and CSGO are basically a tossup for most toxic fandom.

Interesting, for me CSGO was the least toxic of the big esports games by a large
margin. I haven't played matchmaking since 2018 though so maybe it got worse, but I
only stopped because of cheaters. In my experience R6 and Valorant are by far the
most toxic, I really hate those communities. Dota and League are bad, but not that

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[–]srondina 1 point 4 hours ago

I exclusively play regular matchmaking and there's rampant griefing and all the
various -ism's when it comes to comms. In my experience, Valorant's somewhat toxic
but not even close to being as bad as Dota or CSGO. Pretty comparable to League
where it's not great, but not so bad that it becomes a defining part of the
experience of playing the game. Haven't played too much R6 (to my shame).

Obviously your mileage may vary on a game-by-game basis by region and MMR/ELO but
basically everyone I've spoken to/read would agree on all this.

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[–]CptMace 0 points 10 hours ago
Extremely toxic. The game is great but it's virtually impossible to get into today.
I strongly suggest you keep playing League. This isn't worth it.

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[–]TheAskald 1 point 12 hours ago


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[–]NissEhkiin 1 point 9 hours ago

Can be toxic at times but there are many mute buttons. There are even chat settings
in options to mute all chats/enemy chat.

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[–]HMSWarspite1 1 point 8 hours ago

Dota is the greatest game. It has its fair share of toxic idiots but just mute them
and enjoy.

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[–]Independent_Can_2623 0 points 5 hours ago

bUt HoW toXiC iS ThE ComMunItY?!

Why don't you shut up fuckface

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[–]Practical-Concept-49 1 point 10 hours ago

imo dota is as toxic as you want it to be. the ping/context clicks and chat wheel
are more than enough to communicate. usually, in my experience, a toxic interaction
in dota takes 2 people, the toxic/tilted person and the person engaging with the
toxic person. if you can truly learn to keep your comms positive and constructive
and insta mute players that bother you or are tilting, i think you will have ae
solid time.

most of the time when people complain about toxic teammates, they don't count their
own passive aggressive flaming, pinging, the times they went afk etc.

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[–]Good luck , sheever!TheShendelzare 1 point 9 hours ago

Try and join one of those newbie friendly discord servers

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[–]KoyoyomiAragi 1 point 9 hours ago

In the end it depends on what you want out of a game. There are tons of games out
where toxicity isn’t going to affect your gameplay. The high from playing a well-
coordinated game with randos is significantly more rewarding compared to lol.

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[–]InBardITrust 1 point 9 hours ago

Higher potential but less amount than League. If somebody wants to ruin a game they
can do more than just feed. Verbal toxicity happens less imo until you come across
somebody who has to backseat game everyone.
But if you go into low priority, may god have mercy on your soul.

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[–]JDGatti 1 point 8 hours ago

I would at the least just play with the enemy muted. This won’t save you from your
teammates flaming when things go wrong but it’s something you’ll have to deal with,
if you want to coordinate with them

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[–]XoHHa 1 point 8 hours ago

Speaking from my experience, players can be really toxic both in chat and in
gameplay, sometimes people are very tough on new players and that's awful, but
that's how things are. At the same time there are a lot of very nice and supportive
players, so you can never predict what you will get.

If communication becomes a real issue, just mute them and go on. Sometimes it is a
key to success

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[–]savedbygrace03 1 point 8 hours ago

There is no toxicity if you mute 😉

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[–]timmmmmmmWORKomidps 1 point 8 hours ago

in any game it's more about how you handle toxicity, same goes foe dota2 but your
first games gonna be a treat , usually.

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[–]Actually_Abe_Lincoln 1 point 8 hours ago

Games over all less toxic than league from my experience in both. I would say that
it's not great yet but dota and steam together have a behavior based matchmaking
system and for the most part if you're nice I'd say 70% of your games people will
be chill too. If you're a dick, you'll get matched with more dicks. So most the
time if you're queuing at a reasonable hour it shouldn't be too bad, and if it is,
you can just mute everybody

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[+]Civil_Ladder_7778 1 point 7 hours ago (0 children)

[+]memeroni 1 point 7 hours ago (0 children)

[–]Alexanderwilde1 1 point 7 hours ago

If you’ve played lol then I’d say Dota is better but just like any online community
it has its own toxicity as well. Best way I’d say is probably try to make some
friends maybe even from this post and play Dota with people that are more
understanding and you can have fun with.

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[–]RaigaKagero 1 point 7 hours ago

You won't have to worry about other people for a while, get at least 50 hours on
bot game first and learn all the mechanic from the newbie guides. If you can
consistently win, then you can play with others and start to worry about toxicity.
The point is, you need to be able to have basic understanding about the game 1st
before going into public games, because there is no surrender button and no way to
safely leave the game until its over, and you dont want to go to low priority or
have a very bad behavior score. If you became a burden, people will flame you,
because they are stuck with you.

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[+]hidralisk95 1 point 7 hours ago (0 children)

[–]Rapidbetryal 1 point 7 hours ago

I'm a girl (shock) so I refuse to use a mic after being told to go die, kill
myself, blame me for losing and report me for being a girl. When I don't use a mic
i get told I'm gay and pinged on for taking a last hit lol. Honestly I find ranked
mode super toxic. I reccomend turbo games. Theyre shorter, level quicker and less
toxic because no one cares.

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[–]nixt26 1 point 7 hours ago

Fwiw even guys get the same shit.

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[+]chasin_derulo 1 point 7 hours ago (0 children)

[+]ThinkValue 1 point 7 hours ago (0 children)

[–]JAGGI_JATT 1 point 7 hours ago

It is as toxic as any other online community, not more, not less.

Mostly unranked games are chill as fuck. Ranked games around 4k are most toxic.

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[–]walleaterer 1 point 7 hours ago

it happens in dota too just like it happens in any online multiplayer game. i've
played some lol myself, wouldn't say dota is any more toxic. the main difference i
noticed is that people give up way easier in lol. in dota you'll get flamed but
generally people will keep playing and try to win. when u inevitably run into
idiots just mute them and keep playing, most of the time they'll do the same after
they're done venting.

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[–]TuunDx 1 point 6 hours ago

You don't really need communication apart from pinging, at least at the beginning
of your journey. Ultimately, toxic behavior like griefing is rather rare, toxic or
at least passively agresive chat is something you'll see rather often. Use it as
motivator to prove the guy wrong in combination with "Relax, you are doing fine"
chat wheel line. Or just mute the guy. in fact, I woud recommend to premute
everyone for first, well, many matches, you need to focus on your own game anyway.
You can do that in the social tab in settings.
I would also recommend to start with ranked games sooner rather then later, since
you can activate strictly solo matchmaking for it and avoid being gangbanged by
allied four man stacks in seemingly lost games. MM in general is better in ranked
games. Presuming you have everyone premuted, it should add for better gaming
experience. Once you get to guardian, you can probably start experimenting with

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[–]anursetobe 1 point 6 hours ago

Pay for the plus and avoid players that were toxic or annoying. Or noobs.

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[–]waylay3r 1 point 6 hours ago

From my experience, the lower the mmr, the friendlier the people. When people get
into 3-4k they get toxic as hell

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[–]July_Winter 1 point 6 hours ago

Dota is a team game.

Dota pubs are about your own mechanics and understanding nothing else.

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[–]kochachi1 1 point 6 hours ago

Personal experience in NA: dota is less toxic than LoL. Also, again personal
experience, dota is less toxic than it used to be. I think its because Dota has an
older playerbase than LoL and because the lack of a surrender function means
everybody is incentivized to try and win for the whole game.

If you do decide to play dota though, I recommend liberal use of the mute buttons
or just do not interact/respond to the people who are being toxic.

95% of the toxic behavior I see is people criticizing others because they think
they are playing poorly

The other 5% is unfortunately when someone reveals they are a woman/minority and
the racists/sexists come out. Or people use the mic and get bullied for how they

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[–]Offandonfitness 1 point 6 hours ago

Dota 2 has about the same amount of toxicity as League of Legends but it stems from
different issues. There are more people at lower levels that will steal your role
or play very off-meta supports like carries in the 5th or 4th role. In the USE
server, it's pretty common to get games where you're the only person who speaks
English and the games you have someone else you can talk to are a beacon of hope.

That being said, there are advantages to Dota 2 that league fails at. Dota 2 has a
voice system, and believe it or not, it is very beneficial and lowers toxicity
overall. Toxicity will still happen but there's mute buttons.

Dota 2 doesn't have a problem with meta roles like top focus or bot focus. Jungling
isn't what it is in League. Roaming is a team game in Dota 2, moreso than in
League. You won't have people like Camille sitting at 54% winrate challenger
because Riot refuses to balance an item except for a -5AD "nerf" but decides to gut
the other two contending items.

Dota 2 doesn't have a smurf queue. It will boost smurfs out of range fast with huge
MMR gains, but no 60% winrate toxic games where whichever team has the better smurf

Dota 2 doesn't have the insane mmr punishment league has. Most games are 24-26,
whereas league is 13/17 etc etc. You'll definitely feel better about climbing on
Dota than on league.

There's more, but I can answer specific questions if you have any.

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[–]acels1 1 point 6 hours ago

SEA is very very toxic

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[–]Stanical72 1 point 6 hours ago

I have 7-8k hours in dota and about 1k in LoL, people will trash talk, some might
threaten u or insult ur family, but at the end of the day they will commend you
after the win lol

Dota 2 toxicity has been taken care of with the behavior score system most of the
people who say it’s toxic are actually the toxic ones.

The toxicity is way better than LoL in my experience. More mature people.

I got banned in my first LoL match bro that level of toxicity is unmatched

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[–]czarmine 1 point 6 hours ago

I mean yeah if you have thin skin going into this game you’re probably going to
have a bad time.

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[–]Bromius17 1 point 5 hours ago

I have spent about 100 hours in game so my experience is only with unranked games.
I came over from league to play with some friends and the community is remarkably
less toxic it seems.

I’m sure people get more tilted in ranked and in higher unranked mmr brackets but
where I’m at currently everyone is mostly pleasant.

Edit: chat wheel abuse/banter does happen though which I am greatly amused by it
but could be viewed as toxic. Lakad Matatag makes me smile.

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[–]dreCoyy 1 point 5 hours ago

Its pretty much the same. A competitive game where tou rely on teammates that you
never met and probably wont meet again. Sometimes it might be a little more
noticieable because of voice chat, but its pretty much the same
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[–]URF_reibeer 1 point 5 hours ago

Kind of depends on what you consider toxic. There's people flaming and generally
being assholes here and there but from my experience people try to win until the
game is literally decided unlike league where last time i played people kept
spamming the surrender button once things didn't go their way

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[–]rocker3011 1 point 5 hours ago

really toxic, come back when the game has a proper behavior/ban system (maybe
never) try out other games, you will thank me.

This applies specially to any server that might have peruvians (US east, Chile,
Peru, Brasil, Argentina)

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[–]Nysnorlax 1 point 5 hours ago

Its extremely toxic and racist gl

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[–]dotesPlz 1 point 5 hours ago

ROFL it’s toxic af . It’s only a matter of time before you make the slightest
infraction and then your mid calls you a f***** and tells you to go f*** your mom
and then k*** yourself afterwards.

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[–]boogerdook 1 point 5 hours ago

It ain't bad as long as you mute everyone and don't mind folks feeding up middle 👍

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[–]Fanfics 1 point 5 hours ago

I play both, Dota is way less toxic. You sure get toxic people to be sure, but
they're a low fewer and farther between.

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[–]carlvic 1 point 5 hours ago

We have Venomancer and Viper.

Jokes aside, the Toxicity is mostly just a bunch of try hards. You can individually
mute enemies and allies if they get too toxic. My suggestion is to play with
friends (if you have any)

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[–]Shadow is best fiend.Walfas 1 point 5 hours ago

It depends on how toxic you are.

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[–]Whgedia 1 point 5 hours ago

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[–]Trickstertrick 1 point 5 hours ago


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[–]Gorudu 1 point 5 hours ago

In dota, people are more toxic in chat but less toxic in gameplay. I find a lot
less people just give up and feed in dota. But you will get flamed.

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[–]soumya_af 1 point 4 hours ago

Not really that toxic. I know people have had bad experiences, but throughout my
journey as a noob from 2019, I might have been flamed some 10s of times, racially
abused just about once (that too this guy was deranged so everybody muted them),
people used to spam ping a lot but it's much MUCH lesser nowadays

Also, if you're nice to teammates, teammates will be nice to you.

Finally, enemies can only trashtalk, so if that banter is too much, always mute the
enemy team.

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[–]angrynutrients 1 point 4 hours ago

As someone who played both i would say dota and leagur have very comparable

Maybe i would describe dota as more frequent toxicity than league but maybe just as

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[–]goody153 1 point 3 hours ago

Dota players are toxic and petty but generally you just don't mind them then you
can still play the game.

Oh please do party queues with friends or friendly strangers cause it is just 1000%
better experience like seriously. And you get to enjoy wonders of the game without
getting tilted by the toxicity

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[–]darkhollow22 1 point 3 hours ago

i moved from LoL to dota for this exact reason (in 2015). while it seems all moba
games have the same issue, toxicity is way way less obvious to me per match. it’s
usually just 1 guy flaming others or someone actively playing bad that gets upset
when their teammates make suggestions to improve their gameplay. i’d like to assume
since there’s a LOT more to learn in dota not as many people feel elitist in my
bracket (crusader) and there’s so much build variety people don’t get as
impediments salty after draft phase. hope u switch over and have a pleaaant stay!
DM me if u want help or coaching

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[–]GreatWhiteShartt 1 point 3 hours ago

Extremely toxic when losing, and an absolute thrill when winning.
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[–]l33t_p3n1s 1 point 3 hours ago

No joke, the very first game of Dota I played against other people, at the opening
horn some guy on my team went on a 15-minute rant in favor of the Holocaust over
voice chat, then spent the rest of the game telling us we played like a bunch of N-
words (hard r). It was a hell of an introduction.

That kind of thing has happened less and less frequently though - mostly it's just
a bunch of sore losers. Sometimes in low priority games you get some interesting
characters, though!

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[–]hunt3rhunt 1 point 3 hours ago

Tips, don't party que as 5. Make it 3 or 2, or else u gon have a long rectal exam.
Try avoiding sea server. Im in one, molded by it, so i can attest how toxic we are.
Last but not least, learn and improve. Include asking for information about what
you are supposed to do according to your role in the current game. Not all game
requires a pull. But most importantly, learn n improve is the best way not getting
flamed .

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[–]l0uy 1 point 3 hours ago

Honestly it’s quite toxic. I use mute way too often

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[–]LelouchViBrittaniaIV[🍰] 1 point 3 hours ago

There is toxicity but at least people don't force surrender in Dota like they do in

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[–]3rdAye 1 point 3 hours ago

The difference between LoL and DoTA is that dealing with the toxicity can actually
be worth it because they game is that good. People can be cruel, but it’s important
to develop the kind of mentality that can’t be broken. Ultimately, this is a mental
game moreso than anything else, they will be to tilt you. Chin up lad and glhf

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[–]qret 1 point 3 hours ago

Uh it’s very toxic, reliably 2-3 players per game. That said, easy to mute em so
not a huge deal.

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[–]Teddyperkins9 1 point 3 hours ago

Very toxic still. Tou get players who just want to relax and win after a long hard
day and when they get matched with someone who doesn't know what tf to do, they
will be toxic.

Source: me. Although im trying to change the habit day-by-day

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[–]Thief_256 1 point 3 hours ago
Honestly, if you can keep your head and mute problem players early, it's not that
bad. Recommend playing with some friends though to minimize the chance of getting a
rando who uses dota as a way to cope with the fact that his parents didnt hug him

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[–]DarkHades1234 1 point 3 hours ago

I would suggest you either playing against bots to learn the game first or playing
with friends since you will probably get shit on by some plebs in unranked if you
go in like a newbie (even if you tell them you are a newbie some people will be
toxic anyway)

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[–]TOP 10 SHEEVER BATTLESTONKAHANAH 1 point 3 hours ago*

oh.. very.

look if you have to ask, you wont like it. do I say that with any joy, no.. it
would be much nicer if everyone was just chill but they're not and they probably
never will be.

you gotta love the game first and the players second, or in most cases, not at all.

I love dota 2 as a game enough to put up with these tard nuggets and just mute

if you're concerned about it, then you'll likely find people toxic. you either
learn to ignore the toxic cuz you cant avoid it, or you dont play at all.

>Edit: well none of you has called me a slur or told me to fuck off so we’re
already off to a great start :D

oof, lol subreddit that bad?

you'll get called all sorts of names in games. I get shit for being white, they
literally berate me "you sound like you're white, stupid white boy!" like.. yeah
ok, where im from thats pretty normal, you're not exactly hurting my feelings, you
just sound like an idiot". They dont care. they'll try everything in their power to
hurt you, just ignore them, or fuck with them, either way they wont CS enough to
backup their bullshit.

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[–]thewrapfiend 1 point 3 hours ago

The only time I see toxicity or experience it is when someone is intentionally or
completely disregarding their role. If you happen to do that expect to be flamed.
They will still try to win but it will become a toxic environment. Most games this
doesn’t happen though.

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[–]HiverEtAutomne 1 point 2 hours ago

If this is a deciding factor for you then you shouldn’t play

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[–]KardelSharpeyes 1 point 2 hours ago
Just the right amount, LoL blows, they don't even let their players talk to each
other anymore lol.

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[–]DesperateWhiteMan 1 point 2 hours ago

its that not that bad. you get some sour apples every few games but theyre not so
toxic that they ruin the game. just mute and move on.

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[–]eczemau 1 point 2 hours ago

Hard to say. I've been playing DotA for a long time, and while I would say I have
had a pretty positive experience playing the game I know that is not the case for

However lately I have been experiencing a lot more toxicity in games so my best
advice would be is if anyone starts being toxic, or even sometimes just passive
aggressive, just mute them and focus on yourself. There's no point arguing with
these people because their problems are deeper rooted in their lives than the game
of DotA.

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[+]billgatescorona 1 point 2 hours ago (0 children)

[–]EthicalQuestions69 1 point 2 hours ago

I'm on OCE.

League is genuinely 1000x more toxic on this server.

Once every 20 games on dota 2 out of 4 teammates in league

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[–]thisposterisawful 1 point 2 hours ago

If this isn't a well thought-out troll attempt (read some of the threads we've been
having lately for exposition on why), but the answer is these games are pretty
similar. Same with CS:GO and other extremely competitive titles.

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[–]bububuffmelikeyoudo 1 point 2 hours ago

I mean, I experienced slightly less toxicity in Dota than LoL, but both are pretty

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[–]PluckyLeon 1 point 2 hours ago*

Community is as toxic as league if not more but unlike lol where they cry about
smallest things, in dota there are crybabies here and there but if you give them
heads up that you are new player, they will be more understanding. Game ruiners are
still here too tho, without these trolls MOBA genre wouldnt be complete , gotta
deal with it.

But because dota gives so much versatility in roles and playstyles, people dont cry
when one role makes one mistake like when junggler dies once or adc/apc dies once
or twice in game in early lane in lol, everyone starts flaming them hard because
their items get delayed and late game is solely on them because roles are locked in
league, but in dota any hero can play any role so a pos 3( tertiary carry) can sell
his items and go full carry item and change from pos3-pos 1 midmatch. These
flexibilities makes it so that game isnt ruined and over already and there are
always ways to win if you are creative enough.

TLDR: Dota is toxic if not more toxic as lol but game isnt ruined/lost already and
near impossible to comeback just because of one single role like league as heroes
can change their roles in mid match(by changing item/skill/talent build) and due to
this flexibility ,people dont always bich about hating on only one role (like they
do in lol especially towards the junggler) because whole match depends on him in
lol but they bich about every role equally in dota because every role has huge
impact and the whole match isnt reliant at junggler only like league, because its
on jungler hands to secure jungle objectives in league and if he fails to do so,
team already start falling in significant disadvanatage and after few jungle
objective losses its nearly impossible to comeback if enemy junggler is more
skilled than our team's junggler at securing and playing around objectives with his

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[–]2yman123 1 point 2 hours ago

I have more toxic experiences in LoL than Dota
I gave an advice to my jungler team Grave to buy Dominiks to counter Illaoi and he
responded me with a middle finger sign and insulted me for being bad at the game.
There's alot I can say but this was the recent experienced I had. However in Dota
if I advice my support to buy Spirit Vessel to counter Morph he pinged his queued
Spirit Vessel Item as a sign to buy it when he has enough gold

This is just based on the server I'm playing and I've heard Garena LoL does not
moderate and ban toxic players in the game because they only care about gambling
Garena is really shit and people on the SEA community are begging to remove have
Garena removed and have their own official dedicated launcher.

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[–]UltraSouls_OP 1 point 2 hours ago

Toxicity is inevitable, the best advice I can give is mute the toxic ones and play
on. From my experience, a lot of toxic people aren't actually griefers, they still
want to win so if you just mute and ignore them they'll play on as usual.

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[–]shouhuoyuan 1 point 2 hours ago

It’s the internet

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[–]vide0gam3r 1 point 2 hours ago

I don't play any other multiplayer game other than Dota2 , so I don't have a
relative reference. But in Turbo, the game I play most, I get abusers 1 in 4 games
I reckon. And by toxic I mean bullying or abusive language. The rest of the time
it's some melodrama or feeding or just bad plays leading to anger but nothing to
brood about. The few ranks I've played with have been mostly fine except for the
couple of times I've run into a party of kids in which case it's gg no matter how
well or bad you've played (why didn't you save me Dazzle? Er.. because I was saving
the other idiot on your team diving 4 people. Oh? Reported anyway.). Still, it's
not that bad once you ignore the haters or better still, mute them.


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[–]arpitpatel1771 1 point 1 hour ago

I play unranked/turbo on SEA servers and very rarely people are toxic. If you start
being a dick, they will startbeing toxic otherwise my previous games have been
pretty civil

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[–]megatlh 1 point 1 hour ago

Just don't

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[–]thegrandmagus123 1 point 1 hour ago

I'd say the toxicity in dota is the usual value like multiplayer games. But from my
experience, I rarely have griefers and whiners.

I advise that you go change your ingame settings to mute enemy chat by default so
that you can't see all chat. As for your teammates, try to engage with positive
communication, but if they are being stubborn or is alr being toxic, then just mute
them both text and voice.

An unorthodox way that I sometimes do is that I'll tell a toxic teammate that I'm
muting them because of their toxicity, if they shut up for a few minutes, I'll keep
them on in case if they provide helpful info for our game. But if they respond with
more toxicity, that's when I'll begin to actually mute them

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[–]Pachu88 1 point 1 hour ago

no online community is safe from toxicity. that being said, you can mute toxic
people and dota offers many alternatives to comunicate with your team via
alt+clicks (i don't know if LOL has this, never played it)

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[–]FB-22 1 point 1 hour ago

Somewhere between League of Legends and Animal Crossing

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[–]zibberfly 1 point 1 hour ago

If you wanna enjoy games like dota or lol or really any multiplayer online game,
mute people. Just do it. Soon as they start talking shit and swearing I instamute
and keep my sanity.

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[–]kerrytyk [score hidden] 23 minutes ago

Depends on the time of day and day. If you play when adults are at work, you'll
queue with ragey tilty young people.

Play at night around 830pm when the older players are off work and games are far
more reasonable
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[–]paprika_pussy [score hidden] 22 minutes ago

Depends on the server. SEA? You'll have teammates flaming each other all game but
still defend mega creeps like it's TI grandfinals.

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[–]breakthrureality [score hidden] 13 minutes ago

Dota is hella toxic but u can just mute everyone lmao

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[+]Jesus_Christ_where [score hidden] 11 minutes ago (0 children)

[–]KelloPudgerro [score hidden] 1 minute ago

about as toxic as LoL , at least back when i played in like 2014 when yorick the
graveyard summer hero was new

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[–]out_of_toilet_paper -1 points 12 hours ago

It happens every once in a while, but I'm not going to stop playing because of it

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[–]ScaredOfAttention -1 points 12 hours ago

Yes. +in dota they can yell at you using voice chat, but there is a mute button,
same as in all I would presume, not sure.

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[–]tranquilithar -1 points 11 hours ago

Depends on region actually. In sea, your gonna hear sso many insults but people
still try their hardest to win the game

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[–]loeruss -1 points 8 hours ago

Fuck you! Get out of here noob shit! Delete Dota, go play lol, cyka blyat!

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[–]PizzaPino[🍰] 0 points 10 hours ago

Less but still too much for you most probably. Try to find some friends to play
with you and it’s much more fun.

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[+]ASAD_dota 0 points 9 hours ago (0 children)

[–]thretion 0 points 9 hours ago

If u put toxicity on first place - this game not for you. Dota can ruin ass of
twitter crybaby snowflakes. But if u want a good game with complex mechanics and
have steel balls - dota is your choice.
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[–]frankg133 0 points 9 hours ago

Who cares it’s fun and mite exists and there are plenty of chill people

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[–]NeoWilson 0 points 9 hours ago

Im 10k behavior and rarely encounter toxic behaviors in winning games. In losing
games, it certainly increase but i would say 2-3/10?

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