American University of Sharjah - College of Engineering: Name and Contact Information of Instructor

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American University of Sharjah | College of Engineering

1. Course Number and Title:

CMP 220 –Programming II

2. Credits Hours

3. Prerequisites and/or Co-Requisite:

Prerequisites: CMP 120 (Programming I)

4. Name and Contact Information of Instructor:

Dr. Ali Shatnawi
Office: ESB-2064
Phone: (06) 515-2913
Office Hours: To be posted on ilearn and office door

5. Course Description (Catalog Description):

Covers object-oriented programming concepts: constructors, destructors, objects, classes,
functions and attributes, operator overloading and overriding, inheritance and
polymorphism. Explores abstraction principles (interfaces, information hiding,
encapsulation), templates, exception handling, I/O streams and advanced pointers. Uses the
C++ programming language in laboratory work.

6. Textbook, and other Supplemental Material:

• W. Savitch, Problem solving using C++, 10th edition. Addison-Wesley, 2017.
Other supplemental materials:
• None.

7. Course Learning outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Develop C++ programs using pointers, table of pointers, strings, dynamic memory,
enums and structures.
2. Develop object-oriented C++ programs using classes, collection classes, operator
overloading and templates.
3. Develop object-oriented C++ programs using inheritance and polymorphism
4. Develop C++ programs using I/O streams and exception handling
5. Use a programming development environment such as Microsoft Visual Studio, to
write, compile, run and debug small to medium complexity C++ programs.

8. Teaching and Learning Methodologies:

Methods include two 75 minutes lectures per week, one 2 hours lab assignment per week
and approximately 5 homework assignments.
American University of Sharjah | College of Engineering

9. Course Topics and Schedule:

Topic/Activity Weeks
Review of pointers and references Week 1
Review of dynamic memory allocation and File IO Week 2
C++ strings Week 3
C++ vectors Week 4
User Defined Data Types: Enumerated, Structures Week 5
Object oriented programming with classes Week 6
Object oriented programming with classes and class collections Week 7
Operator Overloading Week 8
The big three (operator=, copy constructors, destructors) Week 9
Classes with pointers Week 10
Inheritance basics Week 11
Inheritance with pointers and polymorphism Week 12
Template Classes and functions Week 13
Exception Handling Week 14
Revision Week 15
Final Exam Week 16

10. Schedule of Laboratory and other Non-Lecture Sessions:

Assignment Due Date
Lab 1 – Pointers, Dynamic memory allocation and using an nd
2 week of classes
IDE for tracing and debugging
Lab 2 – Dynamic 2D arrays and C++ Strings 3rd week of classes
Lab 3 – Vectors 4th week of classes
Lab 4 – Structures and composition 5th week of classes
Lab 5 – Classes and composition 6th week of classes
Lab 6 – Operator overloading 7th week of classes
Lab 7 – Friend functions and copy constructors 9th week of classes
Lab 8 – Classes with pointers, big 3, part 1 10th week of classes
Lab 9 – Classes with pointers, big 3, part 2 11th week of classes
Lab 10 – Inheritance, introduction 12th week of classes
Lab 11 – Inheritance and polymorphism 13th week of classes
Lab 12 - Templates and Exceptions handling 14th week of classes
Lab 13 - Static data members, static functions and enums 15th week of classes

Project: none in this course.

American University of Sharjah | College of Engineering

11. Out-of-Class Assignments with Due Dates:

Assignment Tentative Due Date
Homework 1 3rd week of classes
Homework 2 5th week of classes
Homework 3 7th week of classes
Homework 4 9th week of classes
Homework 5 13th week of classes

12. Student Evaluation:

Assessment Weight Due Date
HW 5%
Quizzes 5%
Labs 15%
Midterm #1 20%
Midterm #2 20%
Final Exam 35% Set by Registrar’s Office

13. Assessment Instruments:

Assessment Course Learning Outcomes
HWs O1 – O5
Quizzes O1,O2,O5
Labs O1 – O5
Midterm #1 Exam O1,O2,O5
Midterm #2 Exam O1,O2,O5
Final Exam O1 – O4

14. Contribution of Course to Program Outcome:

This course contributes to the accomplishment of the following program outcomes:
BSCS Program Outcomes Emphasis Course
in Learning
this course Outcomes
(1) Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply
principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to
identify solutions.
(2) Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based
◑ O1-O5
solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the
context of the program’s discipline.
(3) Communicate effectively in a variety of professional
(4) Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed
judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical
(5) Function effectively as a member or leader of a team
engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
American University of Sharjah | College of Engineering

(6) Apply computer science theory and software development ● O1-O5

fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.
Emphasis: ● High; ◑ Medium; ○ Low; Blank – Nothing Specific Expected

BSCoE Program Outcomes Emphasis Course

in Learning
this course Outcomes
(1) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering
problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and ● O1,O2,O3,O4
(2) an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that
meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety,
◑ O1- O5
and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and
economic factors
(3) an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
(4) an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities
in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which
must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global,
economic, environmental, and societal contexts
(5) an ability to function effectively on a team whose members
together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive
environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
(6) an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation,
analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw
(7) an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using
appropriate learning strategies.

15. Letter Grade Policy:

Total (T) Letter Grade
90 ≤ T A
85 ≤ T < 90 A-
80 ≤ T < 85 B+
75 ≤ T < 80 B
70 ≤ T < 75 B-
65 ≤ T < 70 C+
60 ≤ T < 65 C
55 ≤ T < 60 C-
50 ≤ T < 55 D
T < 50 F

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