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Running head: XYZ 1

XYZ Manufacturing Company

Institution name



Financial Sustainability


Environmental as well as social sustainability mainly involve the planet and people that

affect the company either directly or indirectly. Social sustainability enhances wellbeing within

the members of the organization and giving support to the programs that will maintain aa healthy

environment for the future generation. This will go a long way to give the workers the morale

and hope of success in the future. Most of their workers will be loyal to them thus making it

easier for the XYZ to keep their loyal hardworking employees. The XYZ company should be

able to have a positive impact to the society around the company. When this happens, the

company will be able to gain a lot of customers from near and far because of their well-known

good reputation. This will increase the amount of sales thus increasing profitability. On the other

hand, environmental sustainability refers to the rates of depletion of non-renewable resource,

rates of pollution creation as well as harvest of renewable resource which can go on infinitely.

Although increased production usually leads to more profitability, it leads to more air pollution

caused by the machines, more depletion of non-renewable resource and even more harvest of

renewable resources and vice versa (Hammer, & Pivo, 2017).


For any business to be successful, especially a manufacturing company, favorable

environmental and social factors should be carefully evaluated before applying them so as to

ensure proper sustainability of the company. Change is inevitable and for a fast-changing world,

new technologies are increasingly being launched each day. For this reason, XYZ company

should be able to come up with new technology so as to become competitive in the present

manufacturing industry. New machinery and plants should be purchased as early as possible so

as to increase production as well as produce products of high quality. Increase in production of

high quality will lead increased number of consumers who will consequently buy the products.

This will lead to increase in revenue received by the company thus more profitability. This will

thus lead to sustainability and continuity of the company. According to the Boeing company

discussed earlier, new technologies produced advanced planes which have less noise. The

company also invested in carrying out research which enabled them to realize the merits biofuel

which was cleaner as compared to fossil fuels. However, new technologies come with high cost

which is actually a big challenge for the companies. (Gou, & Xie, 2017).



Over the years, many investors and businessmen have considered three important aspects

which would propel their businesses to success. These factors include profit, people and the

planet and must be favorable for the company. Profit represent the financial aspect of business;

people represent the social factor while the planet represents the environment factors. Triple

bottom line, usually, is crucial in enabling sustainability of any manufacturing company. This is

the primary reason why XYZ Manufacturing company should keenly evaluate the relevant

environmental, social and financial aspect for success and sustainability of the company.

There are numerous practices that can be conducted to ensure proper sustainability of the

company which include: employee empowerment, conserving water, recycling of waste product

such as paper, turning off lights and electronics, installing energy efficient appliances, reducing

business travel, making use of local suppliers and vendors, use of digital filing station as well as

carrying out research on new trends and initiatives for sustainability. These practices when

properly implemented will basically attract new customers which will drive the company to

profitability (McWilliams, 2016).


Despite driving profitability and attracting new customers, triple bottom line must be

carefully evaluated and balanced so as to remove conflict among the three aspects. To increase

profitability, that is financial aspect, more production should be done in the company. This may

lead more acquisition of the forest resources for instance more harvest of the renewable

resources. This may lead to destruction of the forest and generally the environment. Therefore,

proper considerations and limits must be taken while harvesting these resources. This will be

able to balance the situation and manage to conserve the environment despite reducing


Equal and fair dividends should be given to the employee. Employee welfare should also

be carefully considered. Trade should be fair, that is, high quality goods should be produced. The

company should also ensure proper waste management, proper lad use as well as proper resource

consumption. Sustainable practices in business increases efficiency of the company as well as


benefitting both the local and global environment. This will also reduce cost and improve

worker’s morale in the company (Hammer, & Pivo, 2017).


So as to reach the level where Boeing company is, XYZ manufacturing company should

put into place more efforts which will improve all aspects of sustainability i.e. environmental,

financial and social aspects. XYZ should make more investments on carrying out research on the

best practices for sustainability. Highly trained and experienced experts should be hired in order

to give trainings to the existing workers. This will go a long way in improving their production

skills thus increasing the level of production which will in turn increase the profitability of the

company. The company should channel their agenda on providing the best products and offering

growth and development to the local community. This will go a long way in attracting potential

investors to the company who will promote the running of the business thus enabling continuity

of the business. XYZ should hold discussions or meetings with the customers so as to get

feedback about the products as well as giving the consumers a change to propose the best way to

produce better goods and services to the community. This will lead to better understanding of the

customers thus producing what will satisfy their needs. Consequently, more customers are

attracted thus higher revenue (Gou, & Xie, 2017).



Gou, Z., & Xie, X. (2017). Evolving green building: triple bottom line or regenerative design?

Journal of Cleaner Production, 153, 600-607.

Hammer, J., & Pivo, G. (2017). The triple bottom line and sustainable economic development

theory and practice. Economic Development Quarterly, 31(1), 25-36.

McWilliams, A., Parhankangas, A., Coupet, J., Welch, E., & Barnum, D. T. (2016). Strategic

decision making for the triple bottom line. Business Strategy and the Environment, 25(3),


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