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Elements Web Series :

Each Element of nature gives meaning to Human mentality.

1) Jwala

Episode 1 – Divide And Rule

1857 – Indian regiment of hindu-muslim mutiny begins an outrageous attack on British Raj. To
culminate the revolt, Britishers start divide and rule policy. One of victim of this policy was
province of Chitrodhgarh where hindu-muslim relations highly based on fragile laws that may
ignite fire.

1858 - Chitrodhgarh Province in North-Central Highlands. A Region made up of 32 small

villages was having a long lasting history of hindu-muslim brotherness. The borders of
Chitrodhgarh, as mutually agreed between Hindu king Manyawar and Muslim Sultanate of
Al-hakim decides to rule the province as a whole with some common laws agreed between them,
villagers and other royal members. Sultanate spreads over to 10 states and remaining to hindu
king in return of permanent protection from manyawar and weapons, food, clothing from
sultanate. Their lived a Muslim girl Kiara born to a Muslim family having profession of iron
smelting of day-to-day utensils to weapons for both kingdoms. Meanwhile in order to establish
British throne in Chitrodhgarh province, Englishmen tries to provoke a fire of hatred within
Muslims and Hindus, making them believe that other half will habitually break laws and making
them agree to exchange at least one hindu and one Muslim girl(being Kiara) as marriage puppet
in other’s family so that villagers also fumes in fire of anger and hatred. Hindu woman suicides
herself in fire as she was made to marry against her parent’s wishes. What will be destiny of
Muslim woman, Kiara!

Episode 2 – The Fire of Death

1863 – Story begins with a riot war in 20 villages with other villages being mere spectators to
anti-humane tyranny. Flashback – 1859 - Kiara, now married to hindu family being neutral to
both sides become helpless for the inhumane incident. Kiara, after a long despair life realizes of
British’s mundane affairs. Jemaah, a British maid whistle blows the ruler’s political felony and
helps kaira to seduce a swung englishman who is chief executive of defense estates and make her
agree to be part of british sovereign. A mysterious rebel, invader intrudes the british cantonment
every night, burns and melts down body of englishmen and steals off treasury from every room.
Britishers found it to be fishy to villagers’ deed so they pretend to divide their regiment and try
to reach out the actual culprit. Later on Kiara is presented to british festivity as bride of british in
front of village hindu and muslim families. Will Kiara be able to melt down the british gripes
from chitrodgarh?
2) Neer

Episode 3 – Shape of Container

2020 – Coronavirus hits India in January 2020. After March 2020, during Lockdown, Cabinet
committee of economic affairs approved the Dam Restructuring and Administration Bill(DRAB)
in 18th Lok Sabha and NDA [Teabhoomi Timbers of Assam(TTA)] in Assamese Rajya Sabha is
passed by its mandate. As per Law, 10 new dams were constructed that will culcinate flood
tyranny in north-east. Actual sense is to channelize extra waters in Tibetan regions and myanmar
territories. A Sudden night brings nightmare to this law, when 3 ‘underconstruction’ 5 ‘built’
dams are captured by group of subverters alike forces. They hijacked the information systems,
Central and State Networking Infrastructure and totally sabotage the dams. Connected to highly
encrypted intranet being operated from Danai, China as per IB reports. RAW agents led by
Ranshat Solanki are deployed to settle it. Will they be able to destroy the sabotage terrorism?

Episode 4 – No Shape is True Face

Sabotage mission is on its peak, the subverters demand the construction of new dams to be
altered in a way to channelize extra waters into Myanmar and some southern north-east states. IB
in coordination with National Defence Ministry realizes the consequence will not only destroy
the relations with myanmar but also break down soverign of rulling party in leftist states of
nagalan and mizoram. The Local Nagas from India were manipulated against India by chinese
militants. RAW agents vandalized the Danai village through mountain tunnels and capture the
mastermind thereout. Strategically, RAW was able to dismantle the evil plan but mastermind is
killed in encounter.
3) Samir

Episode 5 – Dreams behind bars

2019 - Anjay, a 21 year old young adult born to a wealthy rich sultan industrialist in Istanabul
dreams to live a simple middle class life in new-zealand being visited once in teenage. Family
and Islamist Society having jihadi mentality in a way of rulling over Kashmir’s politics and
separate law of lands. CAA came into force meanwhile, Anjay’s abba and family tricked him to
srinagar to work as manager in a company. Due to ongoing protest on CAA, he ended up in one
of most cruel jails in himachal for illegal immigrants. There meets up alike immigrants Sushika
and Taakth from bangladesh being held for same but illegal being victim of fraudster
employment opportunities from West Bengal. They all undergo through the prisonor tormency
and harsh savagery being done to illegal immigrants, made to work on unofficial deeds of
working as farmers and labour works in remote villages. Will the dreams fly again?

Episode 6 – Samir aur Swapne Abandhit

Migrants captured and made to work unofficially in remote areas. Three young adults meet up
old migrants who work therein for many years on basis of same reasons. Anjay falls in love with
Sushika and desires to escape with her and friend Taakth to some remote place. Indian military
deploys some troops through helicopter in the area due to some possible trespassing of chinese
millitants. Taakht’s sights consider it as opportunity to escape from there. Some old migrants also
assist them to escape by ensnaring millitants and meanwhile Taakht steals away helicopter from
helipad. They have already predecided to escape to Leh. But helicopter crashes before the leh
boundaries begin. Somehow they manage to alight from heli and after a long walk of 1 day-night
with some water and food, they manage to reach Rangdam a remote village. They occupy
themselves as outcasted from their homes in villages and finally gets settle there. Dreams don’t
always come true.
4) Zamin

Episode 7 – Land of Baskets

Story based in Pangyok, Sikkim where the sports of basketball is rising and where people not
just play but live basketball. A team of 12 young enthusiastic basketball players neither
determined to win nor having afraid of loss. Till now Liaza, Haketo and other young players
from this culture belonging to simple middle class families who never thought of it but end up
meeting newly elected representive of BFI, Yaswant Gokhle, a prominent player and coach of
basketball sports in UP. Visiting Pangyok, he thought it to be a candidate city for hosting national
level Basketball championship matches. But Basketball Sports committee already decided the
host city in Chennai taking into consideration their past record of holding and winning national
tournaments matches. Yashwant Gokhle, being already knew that Event managements, IOT
officials and Chennai’s sports sponsorer involved in scamming the sports association money
convinces BFI to consider Pangyok as a prospective host location for national tournament. BFI
wants Yashwant to prove pangyok’s agility to let them realize pangyok as host city. Will
Yashwant and his youth team be able to grow their land’s respect?

Episode 8 – Fight for Land Begins

Yashwant have a nightmare - a Basketball match begins between Sikkim Shikaras and Pune
Peshwas. We see sikkim loses their bet and accordingly hosting tournament. He realizes that if it
reveals this to players they might end up in stress and nightmares too and may impact
perfomances, further the families in pangyok might not support this drastic move for anything.
He lies of ‘winning is not necessary’ and just to play their best of the match against which he
convinces the players and north-east families to make pangyok well-facilated for basketball
tournament. Families and residents finds suitable location for tournament and Yashwant trains
the players in a liar hand saying that he want players to have best perfomances in front of BFI.
The real match begins later against many national level players. Even though sikkim loses the
match but were able to impress the BFI to get selected as a host city. Scammers lose the esteem
even though wins match.
5) Jahnum Yaa Jannat

Episode 9 – Jannat’s Downfall

Julliana Hedge, a rich class business woman has multiple businesses, one being that of
grey imported vehicles from Cairo, Sydney, France and Afghan. Further oil rig transport business
in Madhya pradesh hills, being highly vulnerable to mafia involvement on course mafia having
leading market share being responsible for Oil Price Rise. Black Markets of Oil starts to get
crash because of government reducing supply of Oil to many regions including in MP. Mafia
chief Dawant Gorus decides to assissinate Julliana hedge and take over her business tycoon
goodwill in his name. Mafia plans to take business head offices on gunpoint and sabotage it.
Julliana’s daughter Rosy is a true rebel in her house for always treating her a lowline and low
esteemed obligation for her mother. During the gunpoint session, she intentionally kills both
dawant and convinces Mafia on her side. She orders to capture Julliana and runs away on mafia
hillock hideout. She dared for Jannat but will she receive what she is ambitious of?

Episode 10 – Jahnum uprising

Rich class Manufactures from all over world meet in Cairo to sort out the grey market nuisances
being a biggest contributor to overpricing of vehicles for end-customers. Further Government
announces one time lawfull audit of oil distribution and transportation operations. Julliana is still
kidnapped and to add more frustration and shocks to her life, Rosy decides to work with mafia
and give a final take over of julliana’s business. Being unaware of Government’s Audit and
manufacturer’s appointing secret killer agents to finish off the mafia, rosy realizes the jannat has
transformed into jahnum for her. She somehow manages to fight with everyone but has to lose.
Julliana is saved and as a responsible citizen she co-operates with killer agent’s demand to drop
down all grey import dealings and hand over it to manufacturers for better business relations.


1857 – Burhanpur, Cassilia and Mahanagar Thet Pura faced a fire of revolt by combined forces
of hindus and muslims together. Nearly 100 revolters burn and break down british post offices,
police stations and Rail Cargo Locations, killing and fears away many british.

Detail – Sangram and Aafiz lead in Burhanpur, a post office – ‘Indians and Dogs not
allowed’. As normal citizens stand in queue – throw a flamethrower on P.O adhikari he burns off
in blaze. Sangram takes out sword and goes on to do an outrage on public property with some
other revolters. He kills a english rich man but he stops a british woman holding a baby tightly
and does not dare to do it. Feels with emotion. In Casilla, a police station is surrounded by
revolters all around – revolvers in hands, all homes shut with peeping of residents. A close
encounter is taking place. An enforcement is seen onroute a parades with rifles. Before all run off
and hide themselves in houses. Mahanagar Pura Thet – a beautiful town where we see horse carts
transporting goods to Rail gate stations. Revolters hijacked horse carts and sealthly entered
through the gates to the rail stations. With a sudden surprise, a tyranny breaks out in the rail
station, all officers are killed, Rail coach is destroyed.


Chitrodgarh province begins – Kaira’s family, kaira is reading some verses of bhagvat geeta
(Adhyay 6 – keval sansaar ko tyagne vaala sanyasi nahi aur keval agni ko tyagne vala yogi
nahi). Ancient boilers and iron melting furnaces can be seen in adjacent sheds. Kaira’s father
Sajid is melting down raw iron and his son(Kaira’s brother) Maulik is hitting and thudding
melted iron to give shape. Beside we can see some steel spears and shields. Her ammi is cooling
down melted iron in boiler. A delivery village cart arrives and pulls over on the kaccha road
adjacent to muslim house. He is Madan, in his hindu culture attire with a tilak on his head.
Madan and Sajid have a friendly conversation and talks about upcoming festival celebrations.
Kaira comes to Madan to ask for interpretations of some shlokas. Madan cannot explain this.
Kaira meets up his friend Rajmati in nearby village. Rajimati reads quran verses on vairagya as
she feels some purity in them. Both friends share a friendship bond from childhood. They both
also discuss on revolt being held in several parts of India and also express desire to each other on
how they wish to contribute to this revolution. During the times, Chief Heads of village Rahi
Abdulah and Surendra Pratap with other village elders have held a togethering on celebrations.
The Eid celebrations is being discussed upon. Hindus will too form part of tradition in the same
way muslims. Earlier during Karwa chauth, muslims too have been part of tradition. The Eid
festival uncovers some weird laws of village as we can see, in order to maintain peace hindus
and muslim girls were not allowed to marry in each other’s families neither love nor arranged.
During hindu festivals, muslim will not even buy meat and not even wear burkhas or muslim
veshbhusha and during bakra Id all hindu will atleast eat one buck of goat meat and will offer
namaz. Kaira and Rajmati discuss these weird laws, meanwhile rajmati shares a marriage
proposal to Kaira offered by her parents being a rich hindu vaishnav. Kaira praises her decision
to marry the guy of her parent’s choice. She also expresses her ambition to marry some sultan.
Rajmati teases her for being lovely to some man. From Next Day, we see all villagers (hindus
and muslim) offering namaz at dargah in adjacent village. A Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian
feast was organzied, there some small fight breaks out between kids. Muslim kid Reham tries to
force hindu kid Mohan to eat one more meat buck to which the kid refuses. Elders handle the
situation but realizes that the existing customs will no longer be any brotherly bond but just a
mere peace treaty. During the feast, Rahi janab and Surendra Sahab does an extraordinary meet
and decide to make everyone upbring their kids for brotherhood and peace, not to have any
poison for minor reasons. After Eid celebrations, a hindu wedding helds at Surendra’s house of
his second daughter Urmila with middle class indian police officer Balraj posted in Casilla and
also silently part of revolt by exchanging information of british rule to leaders. He befriended
some british officers being unaware of his double game. Rahi Abdulah appraises Surendra’s
choice. Rajmati and Kaira meets up during the wedding ceremony, they congrats them.
Meanwhile during bidai, british dominion from various provinces meet up in Delhi legislative
Assembly and decide on to do something for such combined revolt of hindu-muslim forces.
Some offer open fire, some offer sealth kill of only leaders in houses. Principal Deputy head
Martin Duke clarifies that this might enrage them more and it may lit more revolt, he wants easy
capture in a way that no british property or personnel gets directly encounter. During this time, a
learnt scholar Albasty arrives to appraise and audit controls of the sovereign on behalf of
Headquarters in Central Africa. He finds it a total loss of situation. He rather explains how
american africans operated organized crimes for a long time and they used it to establish the
headquarters and later on killed them. Albasty vomitted out the poison to be fired on the hindu
and muslim cultures so that they become atrocity for each other and british Government can
safely justify the open fire. The first step is to befriend Hindu king Manyawar and Sultan
Al-Hakim in exchange for gold and territorial lands captured by british. this friendship leaked all
conditions in the peace treaty. The cruel game of shamming begins when british brings some
maulvis to the Sultan's abode, rehearsing Quran's quotes to the sultan as a gift from the britishers.
On the other hand, some cheap british along with hindu pandits go to Manyawar’s kingdom and
preach vedas and upanishads. This helps them strengthen the bonds with each other. High
payment was offered to maulvis and pandits to agitate kings against each other’s religion. This
developed a hatred culture. high above manyawar never allowed any islamic celebration and
al-hakim ordered ‘no-ram leela’ for eternity. British made further lead and manipulated kings to
make marry hindu girl and muslim girl in muslim and hindu family respectively, so that peace
treaty can be amended which may ignite hatred in minds of villagers who are blind by old

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