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Herbs that Stop Leakage

AKA Herbs that Stabilize and Bind. These herbs induce astringency to treat leakage.

Lung Leakage
• Cough, wheezing, shortness of breath
• Sweating

Middle Jiao Leakage:

• Diarrhea

Kidney Leakage:
• Frequent, copious, uncontrolled urination
• Menstruation problems, miscarriage
• Leakage of essence, seminal emission, premature ejaculation, vaginal discharge

These herbs should only be used to treat chronic, longstanding leakage due to deficiency. Using
astringent herbs to excess pathogens is like “closing the door when the thief is still in the house.”

These herbs treat branch symptoms and should be combined with tonifying herbs to treat the root.

Herbs that Stop Leakage

Lung Leakage
Kidney Leakage

• wǔ weì zǐ
• shān zhū yú

• fú xiǎo mài
• jīn yīng zǐ

• fù pén zǐ

Middle Jiao Leakage

• bái guǒ

• wū méi
• hǎi piāo xiāo

• hē zǐ

• ròu dòu kòu

• chūn pí

• chì shí zhǐ

• lián zǐ

• qiàn shí
wǔ weì zǐ
schisandrae fructus

Temp: warm 

Taste: sour, sweet 

Channels: HT, KI, LU 

Dosage: 3-6g

1. induces astringency to stop Lung leakage

• for sweating, cough, wheezing

2. stops Kidney leakage

• frequent urination, vaginal discharge, seminal discharge, daybreak diarrhea

3. tonifies qi and generates body fluids

• tonifies Lung qi

for shortness of breath, quiet voice, spontaneous sweating

• nourishes Heart qi

holds heart qi together and prevents scattering of qi

• for apathy, poor concentration

fú xiǎo mài
tritici fructus levis

Temp: cool 

Taste: sweet, slightly salty 

Channels: HT 

Dosage: 15-30g

1. induces astringency

• stops sweating

2. tonifies Heart qi to calm shen
wū méi
mume fructus

Temp: warm 

Taste: sour, astringent 

Channels: LI, LV, LU, SP 

Dosage: 6-12g

1. induces astringency

• binds up intestines to stop diarrhea

• stops cough due to deficiency

2. generates body fluids

• alleviates thirst

3. kills parasites

• for roundworms

4. stops bleeding

for blood in the stool, excessive uterine bleeding

• used charred

5. used topically for eroding warts

hē zǐ
chebulae fructus

Temp: neutral 

Taste: bitter, sour, astringent 

Channels: LU, ST, LI 

Dosage: 3-9g

1. induces astringency

• binds up intestines and stops diarrhea

• stops Lung qi leakage

• for loss of voice, hoarseness, chronic laryngitis

He Zi contains oils that may upset the stomach. It should be prepared by coating it in a wheat flour paste,
toasting it, and discarding the coating. The paste will soak up the oils.

This prepared form is called Wei He Zi.

ròu dòu kòu
myristicae semen
Temp: warm 

Taste: acrid 

Channels: LI, SP, ST 

Dosage: 3-9g

1. induces astringency

• binds up the intestines and stops diarrhea

2. warms the middle jiao

• for abdominal pain, reduced appetite, and vomiting

Rou Dou Kou contains oils that may upset the stomach. It should be prepared by coating it in a wheat flour
paste, toasting it, and discarding the coating. The paste will soak up the oils.

chūn pí
ailanthi cortex
Temp: cold 

Taste: bitter, astringent 

Channels: LI, ST 

Dosage: 6-9g

1. clears damp-heat and induces astringency

• binds up intestines and stops diarrhea

• for chronic vaginal discharge due to damp-heat

2. kills parasites

• used internally and externally

• for roundworms, athletes foot, tinea

chì shí zhǐ
halloysitum rubrum
Temp: warm 

Taste: sweet, sour, astringent 

Channels: SP, ST, LI 

Dosage: 9-18g

1. induces astringency

• binds up intestines and stops diarrhea

• very essential herb for diarrhea

2. stops bleeding

• for bleeding due to cold and deficiency

• for uterine bleeding, excessive menstrual bleeding, blood in the stool

3. generates flesh to heal wounds

• crush to powder and use topically

lián zǐ
nelumbinis semen

Temp: neutral 

Taste: sweet, astringent 

Channels: HT, KI, SP 

Dosage: 6-15g

1. induces astringency

• binds up intestines to stop diarrhea

• binds Kidney essence

• for premature ejaculation, seminal emission, uterine bleeding, leukorrhea

2. tonifies middle-jiao qi

3. clears heat and tonifies Heart to calm shen

Used in food therapy.

qiàn shí
euryales semen

Temp: neutral 

Taste: sweet, astringent 

Channels: KI, SP 

Dosage: 9-15g

1. induces astringency

• stops diarrhea

• secures Kidney essence

• frequent urination, seminal emission, leukorrhea

2. tonifies middle-jiao qi

Used in food therapy.

Lian Zi and Qian Shi are very similar, but Lian Zi is better at treating diarrhea, while Qian Shi is better at
treating leukorrhea.

shān zhū yú
corni fructus
Temp: slightly warm 

Taste: sour 

Channels: KI, LV 

Dosage: 6-12g

1. induces astringency and secures Kidney essence

• for frequent, copious urination; seminal emission; premature ejaculation

• stops sweating, esp. during yang collapse

• stops bleeding; for profuse menses (mild)

2. warms Kidney yang

jīn yīng zǐ
rosae laevigatae fructus
Temp: neutral 

Taste: sour, astringent 

Channels: UB, KI, LI 

Dosage: 6-12g

1. induces astringency
• stops Kidney leakage

• for urination problems, leukorrhea, spermatorrhea

• binds up intestines and stops diarrhea

fù pén zǐ
rubi fructus

Temp: neutral 

Taste: sweet, astringent 

Channels: KI, LV 

Dosage: 6-12g

1. induces astringency

• frequent urination, spermatorrhea, wet dreams

2. tonifies Liver and Kidney to brighten eyes

Fu Pen Zi is not strong in either of its functions and is used as a secondary herb.
bái guǒ
ginkgo semen
Temp: neutral 

Taste: sweet, bitter, astringent, slightly toxic 

Channels: KI, LU 

Dosage: 4.5-9g

1. induces astringency

• for urination problems, leukorrhea

• for Lung qi leakage, such as cough, wheezing, shortness of breath

2. eliminates damp-heat

• for leukorrhea, turbid urine

Bai Guo is slightly toxic and should not be eaten every day. After 5-7 days, stop for a few days before
starting again.

hǎi piāo xiāo

sepiae endoconcha 海海

Temp: slightly warm 

Taste: salty, astringent 

Channels: KI, LV, ST 

Dosage: 6-12g

1. induces astringency

• for urination problems, leukorrhea, seminal emission

2. stops bleeding

• esp. for Stomach bleeding

• used topically for cuts and chronic skin ulcers

3. reduces Stomach acid

Hai Piao Xiao is said to enter the Liver channel because of its action of stopping bleeding.

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