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This section contains 8 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.

41. The square of the inradius of the triangle whose vertices are (2,3),(-2,-5),(-4,6)
42. Let 1 denotes the area of the triangle formed by the vertices  am12 , 2am1  ,  am22 , 2am2  ,
 am , 2am  and 
3 3 2 denotes the area of the triangle formed by the vertices
 am m , a  m  m   ,  am m , a  m
1 2 1 2 2 3 2  m3   and  am3 m1 , a  m3  m1  
( where a  0 and m1 , m 2 , m3 are distinct ) . Then equals to
43. A(0,1) and B(0,-1) are 2 points and a variable point P moves such that sum of its
x2 y2
distances from A and B is 4. If the locus of P is 2
 2  1 then the value of a 2  b 2 is
a b
44. The number of straight lines that can be drawn through the point (4,-5) so that the
distance of the straight lines from (-2,3) is equal to 12 is
45. The ends A, B of a straight line segment of constant length 8 slide upon the positive
directions of x-axis and y-axis with A on x-axis and B on y-axis. If the rectangle OAPB
is completed and the locus of the foot of the perpendicular drawn from P to AB is
2 2
x 2  y 2  3 x 3 y 3   3 then   ( O is the origin)
46. The centroid of an equilateral triangle is the origin and one of its sides cuts the axes at
(1,0) ,(0,1). Then square of the length of the side is
47. When the axes are rotated through an angle  , tan   in the anti clockwise sense about
the origin the equation 12 x 2  7 xy  12 y 2  32 x  24 y  0 has been transformed to
5 XY  8 X  k where k is a constant. Then k is equal to
48. The number of possible straight lines, passing through (2,3) and forming a triangle with
coordinate axes, whose area is 12sq. units is

This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
49. The consecutive vertices of a quadrilateral are P  6,1 , Q  6,10  , R  9, 6  , S   3, 3 .If the
area of the portion of the quadrilateral lying above the X-axis is K. Then the true
statements among the following are
a) PQRS is a square b) PQRS is a rectangle
c) Area of the quadrilateral PQRS is 75 d) 6
50. Two vertices of a triangle ABC are A   3, 4  and B   0,5 and the centroid of the triangle

is   , 4  . Then the true statements among the following are

 3 
a) The ABC is obtuse
b) The orthocenter of the triangle ABC is  7,12 
c) If D is the midpoint of AB then the area of CAD is 1 sq.unit
d) The origin lies inside the ABC
51. Two adjacent vertices of a square are  2, 1 and  1,3 . The diagonals of the square
intersect at P. The abscissa of P can be
1 3 5
a) b) 1 c) d)
2 2 2
52. When the origin is shifted to the point  ,   without changing the directions of the axes
the equation 3x 2  xy  2 y 2  8 x  7 y  3  0 has been transformed to 3 X 2  XY  2Y 2  K (K is
constant) then the true statements among the following are
a)   1 b)   2 c) K  3 d) K  0
53. The adjacent vertices of a parallelogram are A  2,1 and B  5, 3 . Its diagonals intersect at
a point P on the Y-axis and its area is 17 square units. The ordinate of P can be
13 5 5 14
a) b) c) d)
2 3 6 5
54. Two vertices of a triangle are  3,1 and 1, 3 and the area of the triangle is 3 sq.units. If
the centroid of the triangle lies on the X-axis then the abscissa of the third vertex can be
2 5
a)  b) c) 5 d) 2
3 2
55. Three vertices of a parallelogram are  2, 1 ,  1, 4  ,  2, 2  . Then the abscissa of the fourth
vertex of the parallelogram can be
a) 6 b) 1 c) 3 d) -5
56. The vertices of a triangle are A  1, 1 , B  3,5 , C  4,1 . The internal and the external angle
bisectors of the triangle through A cut the side BC at E,F respectively. Then the true
statements among the following are
a) The abscissa of E is b) The ordinate of E is -3
c) The abscissa of F is -11 d) The ordinate of F is
57. The length of the side of a rhombus is 5 10 and the end points of a diagonal are

 4,9  ,  2,1 and one of the interior angles of the rhombus is  , 0    . Then the true
statements among the following are
a) The area of the rhombus is 100 b) The area of the rhombus is 150
4 3
c) tan   d) tan  
5 4
58. A,B,C,D are distinct collinear points such that B,D are harmonic conjugates with
respect to the directed line segment AC . M is the midpoint of AC. Then which of the
following are true? ( PQ represents directed length)
a) AB, AC , AD form a H.P b) MC 2  MB . MD
2 1 1 AB  AC AB
c)   d) 
This section contains 2 questions. Each question has four statements (A, B, C and D) given in Column I and four statements (P, Q, R and
S) in Column II. Any given statement in Column I can have correct matching with ONE or MORE statement(s) given in Column II. For
example, if for a given question, statement B matches with the statements given in Q and R, then for the particular question darken the
bubbles corresponding to Q and R in the OMR sheet. For each correct matching will be awarded +2 marks ONLY and 0 if not
attempted and -1 in all other cases.
59. Match the following Column – I with Column – II
Column – I Column – II
A The points (2,-2), (-2,1) and (5,2) P Are the vertices of a right angled
B The points (1,-2), (-3,1) and (5,6) Q Are the vertices of a right angled
isosceles triangle
C The points (3,7), (6,5) and R Are the vertices of equilateral
(15,-1) triangle
D The points (2,2), (-2,-2) and S Are collinear
 2 3, 2 3 
T Are the vertices a scalene

60. Let A  x1 , y1  , B  x2 , y2  , C  x3 , y3  be three non-collinear points and t1 , t2 , t3 be real numbers

such that t1  t2  t3  0 . Let P be a point whose coordinates are
 t1 x1  t2 x2  t3 x3 t1 y1  t2 y2  t3 y3 
 ,  .
 t1  t2  t3 t1  t2  t3 
Then match the entries of column – I with that of column – II

Column – I Column – II
A) If each of t1 , t2 , t3 is positive then P) P lies inside ABC
B) If each of t1 , t2 , t3 is negative Q) P lies outside ABC
C) If t1 is positive and t2 , t3 are R) P lies on side AB
negative then
D) If t1 is negative and t2 , t3 are S) P lies on side BC
positive then
T) P lies on side AC

41 5 42 2 43 7 44 0 45 4

46 6 47 0 48 3 49 BC 50 AB

51 CD 52 BD 53 AC 54 CD 55 BCD

56 AC 57 BD 58 ABCD 59 A-P,Q 60 A-P


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