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Individual Assignment - 1

Conflict Management & Negotiation Skills

Submitted by: -

Name: Tanya Mahajan

Roll No. 201253

Section: A

Batch: MBA – FT (2020-2022)

Institute of Management, Nirma University

Date of Submission: 12/04/2021


I would like to extend my gratitude and gratefulness to the Institute of Management, Nirma
University for giving me this opportunity to learn the subject of Conflict Management and
Negotiation Skills as a part of my course.

Heartfelt thanks to Prof. Neeta Sinha, our facilitator of this course for her persistent help,
guidance, and encouragement. Her valuable comments and insights have greatly benefited us
and helped me to complete the project successfully.

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Name of the Person Interviewed: Ms. Meghna Kapoor

Name of the Organization: Cipla Ltd.
Designation of the Interviewee: Senior Project Manager
Designation/ Position of the parties involved in conflict: Vice President

Reason of Conflict: Ms. Meghna Kapoor, who had been working in the
organisation from the past 10 years, was recently promoted to Sr. Project
Manager to supervise and delegate a major project. During the tenure of the
project, she got pregnant and hence, after working on the project for 5 more
months, she decided to take her maternity leave. However, the company did not
want to lose such an important person from the project for months together
therefore, they asked her to resign from the position, only to come back and join
as Assistant Project Manager.
This gave rise to Task Conflict between the Vice President and Ms. Meghna
because she found the situation very demeaning and unfair to her as a woman.

Resolution of the Conflict: Ms. Meghna decided to reach out to the Human
Resources department of the organisation regarding the matter. The Vice
President involved understood his mistake and withdrew his offer of demoting
her. Additionally, Meghna understood the situation of time sensitivity of the
project and hence decided to help and give inputs from her home, as much as she
can so that time is not wasted in someone else trying to understand her decisions
from the scratch. Meghna also realised that sometimes, one needs to stand up for
themselves in order to get what they deserve.

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Five Dimensions of Conflict Handling Intentions:

Competing: Is assertive and uncooperative. In this mode, one tries to satisfy one’s own
concerns at the other person’s expense.

Collaborating: Is both assertive and cooperative. In this mode, one tries to find a win-win
solution that completely satisfies the concerns of both individuals involved.

Compromising: Is intermediate in both assertiveness and cooperativeness. In this mode, one

tries to find an acceptable solution that only partially satisfies both individual’s concerns.

Avoiding: Is both unassertive and uncooperative. In this mode, one works to sidestep the
conflict without attempting to satisfy either individual’s concerns.

Accommodating: Is unassertive and cooperative. In this mode, one tries to satisfy the other
person’s concerns at the expense of one’s own concerns.

With respect to the situation stated above, Meghna and the Vice President both
had first adopted the Competing method in handling her conflict. In this way,
no one was getting what they wanted and both the parties were unsatisfied and
unhappy. Then, the Vice President changed his stance and hence adopted
Compromising method when he promised her to give her the same position
when she will be back in office.
Similarly, Meghna also adopted the compromising method by agreeing to help
in the project from home as much as she can.

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To Whom It May Concern:

I, Tanya Mahajan hereby declare that this assignment is my original work and is not copied from
anyone/ anywhere. If found similar to other sources, I shall take complete responsibility of the action,
taken thereof by, CMNS Team.

Signature :

Name : Tanya Mahajan

Roll No. : 201253

Section : A

Batch : MBA – FT (2020-2022)

Date : 12th April, 2021

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