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1. Why law? When I was young, observing my persuasion skills, my parents would often
jokingly say that I am fit to be a lawyer. I am also a meticulous worker who
pays close attention to detail. Therefore, it was only a matter of time that I
seriously started realizing the potential I could display as a lawyer. Once I
began considering law as a possible career option, I realized the impact it
has on our regular lives. Given that it is at the core of all decision making, I
believe that as a lawyer, I would have a better grasp of the functioning of the
society. After joining college, I realized that it is a great decision affinity
for the analytical and argumentative nature of law.
2. Why commercial law? I hail from a family extensively involved in the financial field either through
way of Chartered Accountancy, Financial Analysis, or family owned
business. Because of which, since childhood, I have been exposed to
elements of the financial jurisprudence, albeit in small doses. Nevertheless,
this exposure piqued my enthusiasm for the commercial field. Consequently,
I pursued the subjects of commerce and economics during my higher
secondary education. However, I realized that pure commercial centric field,
unlike the legal sector, lacked adaptability and interaction with multiple-
disciplines. This was the primary reason I chose to pursue law instead of
following the footsteps of my family. The rationale being, that commercial
law allowed me the flexibility to engage with not only varied facets of
financial jurisprudence but also other jurisprudences such as technology,
infrastructure, and health care.

3. Describe yourself I come from a Bihari Family based in delhi. I would describe myself as an
extremely motivated, focused

I have always prioritized work related commitments over all other things.
And in doing the same, I have strived for a balance between academics
and extra/co-curricular activities wherein I actively participate in theatre. It
was in high school that I discovered this passion. I feel that it is on stage that
I am able to express myself the most. Similarly, college introduced me to
mooting and both these activies mooting and theatre have been the two most
transformational experiences of my life.
Portraying different characters in theatre and dealing with varied moot
problems in has made me to innovate, improvise and step out of my comfort
I am an outgoing person who likes to try new things and for that purpose I
have recently started practicing yoga

My mother has a bsc degree and is a homemaker. My father is politician. He

is currently the member of planning board bihar. He is also associated . My
sister is fifth year of law school and is an incoming assoictae at SAM.
Younger br
4. Why not teaching or academia? For me, teaching is not a passion that I would like to convert into a full time
career. I chose to explore the activity of in college as a part of increasing
deiversity increasing access to broaden my horizons. In the course of this
activity, I have learnt not only to manage my personal academic
commitments but also satisfy and shoulder the obligations and duty I owe to
my students. For this reason, I have learnt to multitask and time manage
while balancing several pressing commitments and meeting their deadlines.
I believe that the skillset I have acquired through this experience has made
me more capable to shoulder the work responsibilities of a lawyer.

5. How would you describe your All been great. Had planned them out:
internship Started with litigation chambers with different lawyers at all levels from
experience at all the places you've Trail Court to supreme Court. The internship taught me basic advocacy skills
interned so far? such as understating different factual matrices, identifying core legal issues and
usage of assertive communication style.

I interned with justice sikri helped me develop my writing skills where I framed
reasonable propositions based on the arguments presented and learned the art of
writing to the court.

6. How will you describe your It is well known that Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co., is the
internship epitome of excellence. It has continuously been ranked as a Tier 1
experience at CAM (Cyril Law firm. Further, during the course of my internship, I came to
Amarchand Mangaldas)? realize that the lawyers at the firm are extremely approachable,
resulting in an excellent working environment. Unlike, I have noted
that unlike some other law firms in the country, this firm is not only
well reputed for its non- dispute resolution practice but also for its
dispute resolution practice.

I have always been motivated to work at a place with the highest

levels of excellence and hence, I believe that working here will
provide me with immense knowledge, help me grow professionally
and help me cope with the work pressure.

I worked with the Dispures team, under Mr. Anirudh Das and Mr. Ashish
Gupta. Mr. Aditya Mukherjee was my internship.

My mentors were extremely helpful and approachable when it came to

explaining different concepts (which were not known to me) and during my
One of the things I liked the most about my internship was how interactive
everybody were to the extent that they would thouroughly explain me the
details of of the work that was assigned to me. That is to say that they
included me in the cases fully and not just for basic reaearch– I learned a lot
during those sessions since everything was explained in a lot of detail.
Overall – I got good work, was explained everything before the work
was assigned to me, and was always given feedback on my work –
which helped me improve my skill set.

Since this firm is one of the most prestigious full service firms in the
country, I will get to work on extremely challenging issues in the
commercial legal sector. Further, I will have the opportunity to work under
the guidance of the most qualified legal professionals and brilliant minds,
which would ensure an invaluable learning experience.  I have noted that
unlike some other law firms in the country, this firm is not only well reputed
for its non- dispute resolution practice but also for its dispute resolution
practice. Further, I have also heard that the firm follows a rotation policy for
the fresh recruits. Even though, at present, I am inclined towards
commercial litigation, exposure to a high standard of work at this firm from
different practice areas would help me make a firm choice.

I am confident that in the conducive environment of the firm, I will be able

to sharpen my skills, build on my learnings and contribute in my own way to
the greater success of the firE

While this may be true for other firms for me all of that will just be
hearsay with SAMgiven my experience, I am certain

7. Why do you want a certain office I prefer the Drlhi office since I have been brought up in this city and
and not the other? accustomed to it. My entire family resides here and given that I am just
starting out my career, I will be more comfortable and much more focused
than spending time ajusting
8. Do you have any questions for us? Yes, I do. I just have a couple of questions:
1. Is the firm planning on expanding to niche areas such as WCC?
2. Is there any particular skill you are looking for in an A0? What I mean to
ask is if there are any skills that I should pick up because 5 th year is restively
2. How are teams allocated after joining?
9. Worst thing in cam Coffee post 8 PM.
10. What do you do in your free time? In my free time, I watch a lot of shows and trying different desserts
cheesecake pots with salted caramel and crunchy pecan
11. Are you determined to join the I have interned in the disputes, I have liked the work. The idea of developing
litigation team or would you be new arguments and being able research on evolving law and then applying it
open to corporate work as well? to facts, really thrills me. however, I also know that eight weeks of
(all my past internships were with internship is not enough for me to make a concrete choice. Rotation policy.
litigation teams) So I am really looking forward. 100 percent certain. Fair idea. Certainly

12. What, during your CAM From what I had heard,a few seniors told me that the environment in law
internship, made you realise that firms is such that not everyone can fit in. I heard examples of people quitting
you wanted to join a law firm? their jobs in extremely short periods of time, or not enjoying their
experiences. But when I interned with SAM for the first time, I didn’t feel
out of place. I liked the environment, people, work culture. After that
internship, I was sure that I wanted to take up a firm job at CAM.

13. How was your team? (Specific to I worked with the Dispures team, under Mr. Anirudh Das and Mr. Ashish
CAM) Gupta. Mr. Aditya Mukherjee was my internship.

My mentors were extremely helpful and approachable when it came to

explaining different concepts (which were not known to me) and during my
One of the things I liked the most about my internship was how interactive
everybody were to the extent that they would thouroughly explain me the
details of of the work that was assigned to me. That is to say that they
included me in the cases fully and not just for basic reaearch– I learned a lot
during those sessions since everything was explained in a lot of detail.
Overall – I got good work, was explained everything before the work was
assigned to me, and was always given feedback on my work – which helped
me improve my skill set.
14. Did I plan my internships? Why I Yes. I wanted my internships to not only be a practical application of what
did corp internship only after IIIrd I’d studied in law school. I my first and second year, I started with litigation
Year? chambers and research based law firm which helped me to hone my
researching, legal argumentation and strategizing skills. Subsequently, I
interned at a law firm to gain as much exposure as possible to the aspects of
corp law and arbitration.
15. Why have you not interned in a Policy organizations and think tanks are research based opportunities
policy organization? towards the analysis of extant policies. While I have not interned at a policy
law firm per se, I believe I have experienced the aspects of a firm through
my various research based internships and research assistantship.
16. Am I thinking about doing LLM? I don’t have any plans as of now. That has exited me As of now, I would
What do I think about higher like to focus on my career and towards inculcating practical skills.
17. Where do you see yourself in 5 2 Years- developing skill set, law school and more meaningfully to the team
years? that I work with

Substantial responsibilities both in terms of teaching my juniors what I have

learnt at the firm and working in a position of responsibility with minimal

Equipped to lead a team by myself on important matters. I am determined to

be ina position where I am able to successfully execute work for existinf
clients and create my own client based

18. Why not Khaitan et all I

I had heard from my Seniors that CAM is extremely conducive for interns
because of its unique initiative of having training sessions that are enriching.
For this reason, I chose to apply to CAM for my internship and not to any
other law firms. My internship was also extremely educational and my team
was very helpful to the extent that they would thoroughly explain details of
every transaction. I really enjoyed my time with CAM and for this reason, I
am choosing to ursue a career in it.
19. Rate yourself on the scale of 0-5 on Drafting – 3.5
drafting skills, research skills and Research – 4.5
analysis skills. Analysis – 4
20. Which is your favorite character in If I were to choose, it would be Miriam Maisel from the marvelous Mrs.
the shows that you like and why? Maisel, because not only is she brazen and smart but she had the courage to
go against societal stereotypes and pursue her passion and her independence
at a time where women were considered to be less equal.

21. List your Strengths 1. I have My ability to manage time responsibly and balance multiple
projects at the same time. For example: SAM Internship + RA.
3. Adaptability and ability to inculcate new skills and expand my skill set:
For Example: Academic writing NUJS Law review
4. I am also a team player who has an experience of working with a diverse
group of people at internships, during moots, or various socitiies in college.
This also stems form what I believe is my biggest strength that I am an
enthusiastic worker who is able to galvanize energy in a team yet remain
motivated to work indecently

22. List 3 of your weaknesses. 1. One of my biggest weaknesses is that I lack the ability to be assertive, or
to voice out my concerns properly in front of someone who is at a senior
level. This might work towards my detriment in a few instances.
2. I also have a habit of taking on too much work even though owing to
responsible time management, I was able to meet them satisfactorily, I end
up over exerting myself so I have recently tried to reduce the amount of
work I take up.
3. I deleiberate too much over decisions to be made.

23. Which was the last book that you Gita by devduttt patnaik.
I tried my best to finish the book but I had patience to go upto 75 percent only.
The concepts and ideas in the book are so scattered. Author is jumping from
upnishads to vedas not explaining anything in perticular.

24. Have you faced a challenge in law Was when in the middle of my second year during my memo submission
school? How did you overcome it? was due and I had been discharged from Hospital around the same time so I
had missed sufficiently valuable days because of my health. At the same
time, I also had responsibilities as coordinator of outlawed.  The biggest
challenge was to balance my professional commitments including memo
submission, organizing fest and my health. And as I believe “there is no
substitute to hard work” , I just kept working while keeping calm in the
extremely stressful situation that I was in. How I planned my schedule to
efficiently manage all my responsibilities while also maintaining my health.

25. Which one skill should a trainee I believe that the most important skill necessary in a trainee is their
demonstrate and why? What willingness to adapt with situations and inculcate skills from their
makes you so unique to be given surroundings. The reasoning for the same arises from the realization that the
this opportunity? legal field is marred by consistent and dynamic uncertainty. I believe that
throughout my law school journey, I have striven towards a holistic
experience, which in turn has enabled me to leave my comfort zone and
attempt proficiency at a versatile array of projects. For example: when I
decided to join nujs law review along with my commitment towards cultural
acticies of college. This engagement has been instrumental in not only
developing my time management skills but also teaching me
resourcefulness, especially since this engagement involves constant changes
throughout timelines as per the needs and capabilities of the students. I
believe, my involvement with such activities is one of the many that
showcases my receptiveness to varying circumstances, and an enthusiasm
for personal and academic evolvement with it.
26. Besides these Legal argumentation, strategizing and researching- negotiation and
interpretional skilld- commercial lawyer- moot and research engagement-
essential crux of issue, formulate and structure arguments either for or
against it.
27. How is law school been for you?
28. Why CAM? While the work undertaken by the firm is extremely important, equally as
important is the work atmosphere. It has been my personal experience that
the firm genuinely emphasizes on openness and approachability as well as
on good team work. This is also reflected by the several teaching sessions I
received whereunder my team would guide me through my work,
thouroughly explain concepts that were unknown to me and give me
constructive feedback.

I also believe that working in Cam will allow me to train under the guidance
of the best minds and make use of the several training sessions that are
conducted for explaining recent developments,

Since this firm is one of the most prestigious full service firms in the
country, I will get to work on extremely challenging issues in the
commercial legal sector. Further, I will have the opportunity to work under
the guidance of the most qualified legal professionals and brilliant minds,
which would ensure an invaluable learning experience.  I have noted that
unlike some other law firms in the country, this firm is not only well reputed
for its non- dispute resolution practice but also for its dispute resolution
practice. Further, I have also heard that the firm follows a rotation policy for
the fresh recruits. Even though, at present, I am inclined towards
commercial litigation, exposure to a high standard of work at this firm from
different practice areas would help me make a firm choice.

29. What is the most important One of the most important decisions I have made in the last two years has
decision you have made in the last been to step outside my comfort zone and attempt every opportunity that my
two years? What is the most university could provide. To that effect, I have been involved with social
important decision you have made work, mooting, academic teaching, academic writing, and have
in the last two years? What kinds simultaneously continued pursuing my hobby of theatre In my opinion, the
of decisions are most difficult for decisions that require commitment for a long time period, with very little
you? chances of success are the most difficult decisions to make for me.

30. Describe any non-academic Mooting is an activity which is undertaken by numerous students in the
situation in which you have had to University and hence, all decisions of the Moot Court Society (MCS) have
defend your point of view? What to be well thought and discussed. Being a member of the MCS, I am often
was the outcome? faced with situations where people have a difference of opinion. One such
instance was recently, when the sponsorship budget provided by our
University to fund international moots had to was substantially increased.
The discussion was regarding how to allocate the increased amount. There
were two ways to go about it: one was to give an increased amount to the
existing teams covered under the policy and second was to .

Reason was that prestigious . however, I thought that the main objective that
we wanted to achieve was to make mooting more inclusive and given that
finances play a huge role in deciding whether
we were able to get a unanimous vote on the most ideal policy.

31. Trends in Legal Industry The most significant aspect of the legal sphere is its omnipresence in all
other disciplines of life. I believe that the dynamics of a moving society
hinges on technological advancement and innovation, and has slowly been
moving towards digitization and artificial intelligence. Understandably,
technology is not a panacea for the legal vertical nevertheless, with the
shifting of society towards a virtual platform, an e-marketplace for legal
services, modeled after the schematics and workings of Amazon, can be

For example: Smart Contracts: These contracts can be best described as a

standard form of contract that are enforced through a cryptographic code and
involve payment through cyrptocurrency. (UK)
32. Describe your family My family and I reside permanently in Mumbai.
I hail from a family that has been extensively involved in the financial and
commercial field. My father has successfully finished his Chartered
Accountancy with a rank of 9th across India. He is currently in service. My
mother has done her cost accountancy and Masters in Kathak, and is
currently running an independent business as a Financial Planner. Further,
another branch of my family is involved in running and developing a
business in the printing field. While nobody in my family is/has practiced
law, my sister is currently pursuing her legal degree at WBNUJS, and
aspires to progress in the field of human rights.

33. What do you think you could have To experience more briefings.

done differently in your CAM


34. Order of preference of firms CAMMMMMMMMMM bc seniors + personal experience has been such

35. Would you be comfortable in I started my law school journey with the hopes of availing every platform it
teams besides B&F? can provide me. I have striven to maintain a holistic experience. In the
course of which I determined that B&F is definitely one of my interests.
However, at the same time, I am very keen to gain further exposure on
aspects of the field that are still unknown to me in the hopes that I can find
the one specific area of field that is best suited to my interest and skill set.

36. Why do you have such a diverse I had entered law school a blank slate; but with the ardent belief that the
CV? legal field was a crucial platform for learning the skills I sought.
Consequently, I have striven to experience a versatile law school journey
that has allowed me to engage with every opportunity so provided. While I
had nurtured interest in the financial world, I also wanted to experience a
diverse array of activities and broaden my interests. This was only done so
that I could make an informed decision of choosing to pursue disputes al law
at CAM.

In hindsight, while I realize that my primary interest lies in the commercial

field, I would still have liked to experience all my diverse engagements for
the sheer knowledge and exposure that I have gained through them.
37. A situation where you faced two So I had twenty days between my memo submission and national rounds of
options leiden sarin moot court competition. During this play I was also shortlisted
for this play which was going take place right in the middle of these two
days. Initally, I was apprehensive because I was not su. However, I spoke
toboth my moot team and my theatre team. They were accommodative. So
while I gave a grear play.
38. Team work or leadership? Team work is extremely essential for collaboration and synergy towards the
successful completion of projects. Teamwork is important for coming up
with the best solution. My personal opinion is that the greatest quality in a
leader is his r her ability to work in a team. Teamwork is the first step
towards leadership.
Throughout law school, I have personally played both the roles- in the
capacity of a leader through my position of Editor and teaching assistant,
and engaged in several societies and forum that required collaboration for
meeting our goals. The conclusion derived from these experiences is that
while I believe I have the qualities of being a leader, I personally enjoy team
work and believe most efficient solutions come from it.

Leader qualities- team work + understand role and ability of each member +
encouragement/ motivation
39. Most Challenging internship CAM has so far been my most challenging internship. (1) completely new
aspect + but was thoroughly explained everything (2) given a lot of
responsibilities and learnt time management adaptation inculcating skills
40. Experience in Moot courts The memo-screening round for this moot occurred immediately after the
completion of my end semester examination. Because of the overlapping
time placement of both these activities, I learnt the importance of time
management, careful scheduling and delegation while juggling important
tasks. Further, my role as a speaker for the International Rounds of the moot
required refined argumentation style and logical deduction since the rounds
took place before eminent Intellectual Property Rights lawyers and judges. I
believe that this experience in its entirety has aided in honing my legal
strategizing and argument structuring skills while making me realize the
significance of having a work-life balance.

41. What do I know about CAM Personal experine- great- approachable- enrich- nurture mentorship +
seniors- training sessions and work atmosphere is really conducive.
Big firm-
42. How do you work when in high Objectively, high pressure situations can be extremely daunting especially in
pressure situations? Can you give that particular moment. However, I have realized that stress or anxiety only
us some examples works to hinder my goals and their completition. This realization helps me
maintain a calm composure. For example: CLATAPULT impromptu demo

43. What motivates you in work and to I understand that in the larger scheme of life, I personally am a small cog.
do a good job? However, the fact that my efforts have a butterfly effect and influence and
impact other projects keeps me motivated.

44. People describe yourself? I believe, I would be best described by them as someone who is enthusiastic
about learning new things, and a keen observer of details. My work ethics
can be characterized by qualities like dependability, sharpness of mind, and

45. How do you define success? Objectively, success in project is determined with satisfaction of timely
deadlines. However, personally, I measure success in regards to whether I
have been able to optimally utilize my skill set and be the most efficient
version of myself possible.

46. Can you describe a conflict Yes. One such conflict I faced was during OX IPR. Being a team work
situation in any of your team work under extensively high pressure situations, my teammates had at times
projects and how did you handle it conflicting views than my own. For example: we were divided over the form
of argumentation to take for our last issue on performer’s rights. However,
instead of creating bad blood, we sought to diffuse the situation by looking
at it from a logical pov and accepting the most objectively logical
conclusion. We also talked to seniors to help us in reaching our conclusion.
47. 1. If we don’t take you will not do
commercial law?
Best work done - During the course of my
internship with the disputes team, I found
all assignments to be enjoyable and
challenging. The most enjoyable of them
was assisting my team in research work
related to drafting of a writ petition
against a quality control policy. I had
worked on it during both my internships
and this was the first assignment which I
saw from start to end.
48. Why should firm take you? While
quite a few people in law school are
able to balance a strong academic
record along side other activities and
are hence, able to work effectively
and efficiently. I believe what sets
me apart is my approach to any form
of work. I am extremely enthusiastic
about all my assignments and
49. Tell me about college?
50. Class rank accurate representation
– courses I did not like but shows
51. Favorite subjects – I believe at this
stage of my life when I am just
starting out as a lawyer, I don’t have
sufficient expertise in any subject but
based on my limited knowledge out
of internship , I believe some sort of
53. Friends describe you
54. Due diligence
55. And other skills
56. Role model
57. Professional failure
58. Quit everything after one year
59. How were you a leader in JILS
60. Strength failed me -
61. Commercial law + extra activities –
62. Lit v corp- other side of the table
who has the exact opposite interest
as you do convince them everybody
leaves roo happys
63. SEBI and RBI governance

I have interned in the disputes, I have liked the work. The idea of developing new arguments and
being able research on evolving law and then applying it to facts, really thrills me. however, I
also know that eight weeks of internship is not enough for me to make a concrete choice.
Rotation policy. 6 months. 100 percent certain. Fair idea. Certainly

High profile work. Drives you. Butterfly effect. I understand that in the larger scheme of life, I
personally am a small cog. However, the fact that my efforts have a butterfly effect and influence
and impact other projects keeps me motivated. Organised structure, handling briefs ( , drafting,

Senior counsel’s chamber- briefing and filing.

Advocate-variety of matter.

Outsde a firm, briefing, even in some cases. Being outside . being inside. Variety of forums.

7-8 pm, coffee


14 15(top 10)

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