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Translating Competencies into Objectives

-Articulating learning objectives help teachers select and organize course content. As a teacher, when
you write and review the learning objectives in a lesson you can identify the kinds of materials and
topics that will be suitable to the learning outcomes most efficiently well-crafted objectives provide
clarity for teachers to design a well-organized lesson.


Competencies Objectives

Just like a pineapple, we could not eat the whole of it we need to chunk it by pieces so that it can be
gradually taken. Like a learning competency a child could not digest the whole of the skills or the
competency unless teachers will chunk it and will be given to learners gradually. Ano ang logic?
Learning Competencies must translated into smaller parts which are objectives to make it feasible and
doable for learners to master the competency

If LEARNING COMPETENCIES are guided by different levels of learning and levels of assessment, learning
objectives must also consider these two levels of learning and levels of assessment are incorporated

in designing learning objectives the goals become specific about what learners will achieve as a result of
the work others can see what teachers and learners are working towards and learners can demonstrate
achievement by measuring and reporting on progress guided by the levels of learning and levels of
assessment learning objectives aid better communication and provide focus for efforts placed by
teachers and learners overtime

When breaking down the competencies to learning objectives must adhere to levels of learning and
assessment through the taxonomy of learning if must be noted that learning objectives must be
articulated in a way that is sequential and progressive and must encapsulate the cognitive psychomotor
and effective domains
The cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains will be translated now to knowledge, skills and
attitude. The knowledge will focus on what learners will know from the lesson this where K concepts are
deepened to allow learners to process the details of the presentations or the discussions the skills
however will focus on what learners will understand from the presentations and discussions and how
will the learners apply the concepts into similar situations in real life, attitude refers or focus on how
learners put value on the knowledge gained and skills mastered out from their learning. The valuing part
will wrap up how valuable the learning are in the lives of the children.

Since we are talking of competencies we need to make sure that lessons must imbibe KSA.
Competencies require sufficient knowledge exceptional skills and right attitude when one is lacking from
our learners they might be growing up skilful but not competent in other way around they can be good
but not skilful and knowledgeable. Learning in a way must be holistic. Thus, competencies require every
learners to be competent at the end of the day if one behavioural target is out of the context then the
so-called learner’s competence fails


When teachers break down the competencies in their lessons they must understand that objectives
must be aligned to the target of the competencies. LEARNING ACTIVITIES must suit the learning
objectives and learning assessment must be relevant to the learning objectives and the competencies as
well. Assessment must also focus on what skills the competency requires so that outcome is targeted
toward the skills requirement. These elements must be congruent and must be connected to each
other. Teachers must be critical also in breaking down these elements to ensure are appropriately
designed when one element lost its proper placement the lesson will not become smooth and target
learning outcomes will not be achieved

LEARNING COMPETENCIES are the main ideas or skills you expect students to master. These are skills
standards that specify the level of KSAs required for success as well as potential measurement criteria
for assessing competency attainment.

Drills: This is what we call standard to be mastered at the end of the lesson

LEARNING OBJECTIVES describe what the learners should be able to achieve at the end of a learning
period. It should be specific, measurable statements and written in behavioural terms.

Drills: the competencies are broad enough that learners can be choked when taken directly. Therefore,
there is a need to chunk the competencies into smaller and measurable objectives and teachers and
learners treat objectives gradually one by one. Competencies focus on the terminal skills and objectives
will help the learners achieve and master the skills. Learning objectives should be specific, measurable
statements and written in behavioural terms

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa binasa/napakinggang talaarawan, journal at anekdota (F5PB-Id-3,4, F5pb-
le-3.3, F5PB-IIf-3.3)

Drills: The teacher breaks down the competency into the following

Mga layunin

1. Nasasagot ang mga katanungan sa nabasang journal o talaarawan.

2. Nakasusulat ng sariling talaraarawan o journal
3. Naibabahagi sa iba ang mga mabubuting gawain at karanasan sa nabasang journal o talaarawan.

Questions?. Are these objectives properly crafted?


Mga layunin

1. Nasasagot ang mga katanungan sa nabasang journal o talaarawan.

1.1 Ang pagkasulat ng layunin ay hindi naayon sa KSA. Ang pagsagot sa nabasang material ay
hindi knowledge ngunit ito ay skill.
1.2 Ang competency ay ginawang layunin “Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa
binasa/napakinggang talaarawan, journal at anekdota”
We have to remember that the competency must be chunked to be able to allow learners
to digest the lesson and achieved competency targets
2. Nakasusulat ng sariling talaraarawan o journal
The second objective as written is not congruent to the competency requirement. The
competency do not require students to write their own journal but to answer questions from
the anecdotes and journals this competency requires reading comprehension and not writing
activity this is critical when lesson designer do not refer to competency requirements because
they can require learning goals that is not congruent to the skills required by the competency.

2.1 Ang ikalawang layunin ay hindi tugma sa inaasahan ng competency.

2.2 Ang competency ay “Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa binasa/napakinggang talaarawan,
journal at anekdota” ngunit ang layunin ay nakasusulat ang bata ng sariling talaarawan.

3. Naibabahagi sa iba ang mga mabubuting gawain at karanasan sa nabasang journal o talaarawan.
The third objective is supposedly measuring appreciation through valuing the objective required
learners to share their experiences others through his written journal and again it is not the
competency requirement. Supposedly this part of the lesson will close through valuing that
allow learners to appreciate the beauty of answering questions properly from the journal
readings. Yet, writing and sharing is not too relevant to the competency’s main idea and skills
3.1 Ang ikatlong layunin ay hindi tumutukoy sa hinahanggad na kasanayan pagkatuto o
3.2 Hindi inaasahan ng competency na magbahagi ang bata sa iba ng kanyang talaarawan,
inaasahan na sa ikatlong layunin ay makikita ng bata ang halaga ng pagsagot ng tama sa
mga tanong mula sa nabasang journal.

So how will we improve our objectives

First we need to write it in KSA, the knowledge objective which is

K- Nakilala ang mga bahagi at layunin ng talaarawan, journal o anekdota.

will allow learners to understand the purpose of journal and anecdotes so that they can get K points to
answer questions

The second objective which is

S- Naipapaliwanag ang mga detalye mula sa binasang talaarawan, journal o anekdota

will allow the learners to expand and prove their answers to be correct through explanations as the
purpose of the competency is to let the students answer questions correctly .

The second objective which is

A- Naipapahayag ang kahalagahan ng pagbibigay ng tamang sagot sa mga katanungang mula sa

nabasang talaarawan, journal o anekdota.

will allow the learners to express appreciation of giving right and appropriate answers from questions
based from readings of journals and anecdotes


When we are going to write learning objectives we must always remember these things. First, Most
Essential Learning Competencies must be used as objectives . Second, competencies must be
broken down into objectives (KSA). Lastly, objectives must be aligned to the competency and
skill requirements




Congruency of Learning Objectives and Learning Activities

Most lesson developers can interchange these elements


Learning Objectives describe what the learner should be able to achieve at the end of a learning period.
Learning objectives should be specific, measurable statements and written in behavioural terms

Drills: Learning objectives basically are again goals that learners must achieve at the end of the lesson

Learning Activities – are activities designed or deployed by the teacher to bring about, or create the
conditions for learning to simulate experiential learning, conceptual thinking, analytical
discussion, etc.

Drills: Learning activities are specific tasks or outputs that students must accomplish before the end of
the lesson. Sometimes, teachers are making output targets or tasks as objectives. If we will
make specific tasks and output as objectives then we limit the skills of learners to the tasks and
outputs and not anymore to the goals to be achieved and the competencies at the end of the
lesson. Therefore, teachers must be very careful in determining between objectives and


Nailalahad ang mga pangunahing paksa at ideya batay sa napakinggang usapan ng mga tauhan (F10PN-

Mga Layunin

1. Nakilala ang mga pangunahin at pantulong na kaisipan nakasaad sa binasa

2. Naipapaliwanag nang maayos ang pansariling kaisipan, pananaw, opinyon kaugnay sa akda
1.2.1 Tama ang pagkagawa ng una at ikalawang layunin. Ang unang layunin ay naisulat batay sa
KNOWLEDGE. Ang ikalawang layunin ay naisulat batay sa SKILL
3. Nakasusulat ng sanaysay na naglalahad ng ideya tungkol sa napiling pangunahing paksa.
3.1 Ang ikatlong pahayag ay hindi layunin. Ito ay gawain o learning activity o learning
3.2 Marahil sa pagsulat ng sanaysay ay makukuha ang competency na “Nailalahad ang mga
pangunahing paksa at ideya” ngunit ang pagsulat ng sanaysay sa isang gawian na
napapaloob sa Layunin Bilang 2. Which allow the learner to express personal opinions and
ideas based on a reading text. This must not be a separate objective because the
competency. Do not require learners to write an essay but express personal views and
opinions writing is just a medium to explain the opinions and ideas in details.
Ano ang tama? Naipapahayag ang kahalagahan ng pagbibigay ng tamang opinyon batay sa
napakinggan usapan ng mga tauhan.

Is to focus on valuing or appreciating the essence of giving right opinion based on the reading
text in that way learners will be able to reflect and appreciate the value of the lesson

Things to Remember:

1. Objectives must be carefully planned (goal for every learner must be carefully laid off)
2. Learning Activities must not be used as learning objectives

The learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge behaviors, skills, values and
attitudes and preferences

Brian Herbert belief “The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is
a choice”.


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