DRRR Q4 Week 4

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What I know

1. A and C 6. C 11. C
2. B 7. D 12. D
3. D 8. A 13. D
4. A 9. D 14. D
5. B 10. B 15. D

What’s New

Activity 1

1. Electrical problem, Direct flame contact or static electricity, unchecked electrical types of
2. Proper briefing and information dissemination, and regular check-up or maintenance of
the rides.

What’s More

Activity 2

Situation Heat Fuel Oxygen

Smoking cigarette in Lighted cigarette Blankets, pillows, The air in the room
the bedroom curtains
Unattended cooking Fire from the stove Cooking oil, LPG Air in the kitchen
or room
Forest wildfire Sun Dried leaves, grass, Air in the
and trees surroundings, wind

Recognizing the various fire elements in each fire situation is crucial in order to determine what
may be eliminated in order to prevent the fire from spreading further.

Activity 3


Fuel How it may start a fire Source of ignition

Towel, cloves, potholder, Unattended cooking and the Gas stove, matches,
cooking oil, LPG, matches fire may reach the possible Electrical sockets

Fuel How it may start a fire Source of ignition

Electrical wiring, electricity, The electrical wirings may Electrical tools and
rubberized materials, crude spark and reach the fuel equipment, or cigarettes
oil, grease spills, and papers which might cause a fire,
Unchecked electrical types of
machinery, faulty electrical
wiring, or connection, and
neglected electrical
appliances or devices
What I Can Do

Room: My room

Item/Scenario Why it can cause fire Precautionary measure

Sockets It is a source of electricity Keep a good distance
and has live wires between things that can
catch fire, and always check
the electrical equipment.
Charging Gadgets It may spark and Always check the electrical
overcharge equipment.

Room: Dining Area

Item/Scenario Why it can cause fire Precautionary measure

Sockets It is a source of electricity Keep a good distance
and has live wires between things that can
catch fire, and always check
the electrical equipment.
Appliances It may spark and overheat Always check the electrical
appliances and devices.

Room: Kitchen

Item/Scenario Why it can cause fire Precautionary measure

Sockets It is a source of electricity Keep a good distance
and has live wires between things that can catch
fire, and always check the
electrical equipment.
Appliances It may spark and overheat Always check the electrical
appliances and devices.
Gas stove It may over flame and may Never leave a fire unattended,
reach possible fuels store flammable materials
properly, install fire alarms
and smoke detectors.

1. C 6. C 11. D
2. A 7. D 12. D
3. B 8. C 13. D
4. B 9. A 14. D
5. C 10. C 15. D

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