Moisture Retention by Water-And Air-Chilled Chicken Broilers During Processing and Cutup Operations

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Moisture Retention by Water- and Air-Chilled Chicken Broilers

During Processing and Cutup Operations

L. L. Young1 and D. P. Smith

Richard B. Russell Agricultural Research Center, P.O. Box 5677, Athens, Georgia 30604-5677

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evalu- Air-chilled carcasses lost an average of 0.68% of their
ate effects of storage and cutting on moisture retention postslaughter weight in storage prior to cutting but lost
by air- and water-chilled broiler chickens. Sixty-four no more during cutting or postcutting storage. The wa-
broilers were slaughtered, chilled by cold air or immer- ter-chilled carcasses absorbed 11.7% moisture in chilling
sion in water, stored over night, cut into fore- and hind- but retained 6.98% through precutting storage, 6.00%
quarters, and then stored an additional 24 h. Air chilling through cutting and 3.90% through postcutting storage.
conditions were 4°C with air velocity of 2.2 m3/min. These data offer baseline values for use in complying
Water chilling conditions were 1°C with mechanical agi- with new USDA processing standards.
tation. Moisture absorption and retention were ob-
served as weight changes throughout the process.
(Key words: air, chill, moisture, poultry, water)
2004 Poultry Science 83:119–122

INTRODUCTION DC, personal communication), less than 6% of U. S.

poultry is sold as whole ready-to-cook carcasses, so
In January of 2001, the Food Safety Inspection Service moisture retention data on intact carcasses may not be
of the USDA promulgated revised rules restricting the applicable to 94% of raw chicken sold on the U.S. mar-
amount of moisture that water-chilled broiler chickens ket. Because of these concerns, baseline data are needed
may retain in commerce (USDA, 2001). Rules were to on moisture retention by broiler chickens through all
take effect on January 1, 2002, but because of difficulties stages of poultry processing, chilling, and storage for
encountered in compliance and enforcement, imple- use in establishing normal levels of moisture in various
mentation was subsequently postponed until January products and for identifying important determinants of
1, 2003. Under these regulations, carcasses may retain variation in moisture content.
only the minimum of chiller water necessary to meet Beginning in the late 1960s, European concerns about
safety objectives. Moreover, the maximum water re- food safety resulted in changes in European Union (EU)
tained must be explicitly stated on package labels as poultry chilling regulations. Under the new regulations,
added water. Even though the regulations specify mois- immersion chilling of poultry was banned for products
ture retention maximums, they do not specify how pro- marketed in the EU. That ban resulted in extensive stud-
cessing companies are to assess added water or how ies of the chilling process from food safety and economic
enforcement is to be carried out. Consequently 3 areas perspectives. These studies were thoroughly reviewed
of concern have been expressed: (1) Because of variation at a 1974 symposium and subsequently published
in processing arrangements, all companies will not be (Brandt, 1974; Furnish, 1974; May, 1974; Stadleman,
allowed the same level of added water in their products; 1974; Thomson, et al., 1974; Traylor, 1974). Studies by
(2) because of bird-to-bird variation in moisture absorp- Bigbee and Dawson (1963) indicated that processing
tion, labels stating an average added moisture content variables most closely associated with moisture reten-
may not be accurate for much of the product on the tion were duration of immersion chill and chilling me-
U.S. market; and (3) according to the National Chicken dium. Storage and shipping temperatures were also re-
Council (2001, National Chicken Council, Washington, ported to be important determinants of moisture reten-
tion (McKee et al., 1959; Bigbee and Dawson. 1963; May
et al., 1966; Thomson et al., 1966). Moisture absorption
by smaller carcasses exceeds that of larger carcasses
2004 Poultry Science Association, Inc.
Received for publication January 24, 2003.
Accepted for publication August 20, 2003.
To whom correspondence should be addressed: lyoung@saa. Abbreviation Key: EU = European Union.


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TABLE 1. Least squares means of moisture retention by air- and water-chilled broiler carcasses

Immediately 24 h
1 h postmortem 24 h storage postcutting postcutting
(intact carcasses) (intact carcasses) (24 h postmortem) (48 h postmortem)
Method n (%) (%) (%) (%)
Air chill 32 0.01y −0.68*y −0.44*y −0.54*y
Water chill 32 11.7*ax 6.98*bx 6.00*cx 3.90*dx
SEM 64 0.41 0.23 0.29 0.26

Means in the same row with differing superscripts differ significantly; P < 0.05.

Means in the same column with differing superscripts differ significantly; P < 0.05.

*Means are significantly greater than 0.00; P < 0.05.

on a percentage basis according to Essary and Dawson restraining cones, and both carotid arteries and one jug-
(1965). Katz and Dawson (1964) reported that if car- ular vein were manually severed with a knife. After 90
casses are cut up prior to chilling, moisture retention s bleeding, they were scalded in water at 54.4°C for
by parts is as follows: neck > back > thigh > wing > breast 120 s and mechanically defeathered for 30 s. Feet were
> drumstick. Moisture absorption for various parts of removed by severing the tibiotarsal joint. The birds were
intact carcasses was not determined in that study. then manually eviscerated, and after a 10 min drip (20
Clearly, moisture retention by water-chilled broilers is min postmortem), each carcass was weighed (prechill
highly variable and not easily predicted, especially if weight).
the carcasses are cut up and further processed after
chilling. Data are needed on effects of processing vari- Chilling Treatments and Observations
ables on retained moisture. The objective of this study
was to evaluate the amount of moisture retained by Sixteen carcasses in each of 2 replicates were chilled
air- and immersion-chilled broilers throughout chilling, in cold water (initially1 to 2°C), and 16 were chilled in
cutup, and storage operations. air (2°C), 32 in all for each treatment. Overall mean
carcass weight ± SEM was 1,328 ± 27 g. The water-
MATERIALS AND METHODS treated birds were mechanically tumbled at 4 rpm for
30 min in a pilot-scale chiller containing 50:50 ice and
Birds water, after which the carcasses were removed, and
surface water was allowed to drain for 10 min. Each
Sixty-four commercially reared, mixed-sex, 43-d-old carcass was then weighed again (1 h postmortem
broilers (2 replicates of 32 birds each) were procured weight). Sample internal breast temperatures observed
from the live-holding area of a local processing plant. with a manual probe on 2 additional carcasses in each
They had been deprived of feed for 8 h in accordance batch upon removal from the chillers was 2 to 4°C. The
with conventional commercial practice. After being additional carcasses were not included in the moisture
cooped in plastic cages, they were transported by truck retention study. The water-chilled carcasses were
to the USDA pilot poultry processing facility (about placed in individual plastic bags and stored for 24 h at
16 km). 1°C. The air-chilled carcasses were placed in individual
plastic bags immediately after evisceration, weighed at
Stunning and Slaughter 1 h postmortem (1 h postmortem weight), and then
stored in a cold room for 24 h. Air temperature was
Upon arrival at the facility, birds were immediately 2°C, and air velocity was 2.2 m3/min. After 24 h of
weighed (live weight) and then electrically stunned (10 storage, internal breast temperature averaged 3°C when
sec, 50 V AC with variable current averaging 33 mA). measured with a manual probe on 2 extra carcasses
After stunning, the birds were manually transferred to in each water- and air-chilled batch. Each carcass was

TABLE 2. Percentage of fore- and hindquarters of air- and water-chilled broiler chickens
immediately postcutting and 24 h postcutting

Forequarter Hindquarter
Immediately 24 h Immediately 24 h
postcutting postcutting postcutting postcutting
Method n (%) (%) (%) (%)

Air chill 32 55.7a 44.3b 55.9a 44.1b

Water chill 32 55.1a 44.9b 55.3a 44.7b
SEM 64 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.49

Means within cuts in the same row which share no common superscript differ significantly;P < 0.05.

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TABLE 3. Effects of air- and water-chilling of chicken broiler carcasses on purge
from fore- and hindquarters and total purge

Forequarter Hindquarter
purge purge Total purge
Method n (%) (%) (%)
Air chill 32 −0.01by 0.20*ay 0.10*y
Water chill 32 1.54*bx 2.27*ax 1.96*x
SEM 64 0.16 0.19 0.08

Means in the same row with differing superscripts differ significantly; P < 0.05.

Means in the same column with differing superscripts differ significantly; P < 0.05.

*Significantly greater than 0.00; P < 0.05.

weighed again (24 h stored weight) and then cut into retention. All of the absorbed moisture will not be lost
fore- and hindquarters as described by Hudspeth et al. from water-chilled broilers even after extended parts
(1973). Total fore- and hindquarter weights for each storage. Thus the new labeling regulations will apply;
carcass were observed immediately after cutting (post- however, the amount of retained chiller water will vary.
cutting weights). All parts from each carcass were Meeting new labeling regulations will therefore require
placed in individual plastic bags and stored at 1°C for a precise definition of the product, including time and
24 h, and total fore- and hindquarters for each carcass conditions of storage. Moreover, when even minor
were weighed again (24 h postcutting weights, 48 h post- changes are made in the process such as cutting tech-
mortem). nique or storage conditions, moisture retention must
be reverified.
Calculations and Statistical Analysis Table 2 shows percentage distribution of fore- and
hindquarters of the air- and water-chilled carcasses.
Moisture retention at 1 h postmortem for each intact Chilling method had no effect on percentage of each
carcass was calculated as a percentage of prechilled class of part. Moreover, parts storage had no effect on
weight. Percentages of fore- and hindquarters immedi- percentage yield of parts regardless of chilling method,
ately postcutting and after 24 h storage (48 h postmor- in contrast to the study by Katz and Dawson (1964),
tem) were calculated as a percentage of prechilled who reported that moisture retention by water-chilled
weight for each carcass. Percentage purge (postcutting breasts and legs was less than by other parts. In that
moisture loss) was calculated as the change in weight study, however, carcasses were cut up prior to chilling
of fore- and hindquarters and overall weight of parts instead of after. In a report by Young and Northcutt
during 24 h postcutting storage. (2001) larger water-chilled carcasses, particularly those
All data were analyzed by ANOVA using replicates of birds older than 44 d at slaughter, absorbed more
and chilling treatments as main effects, and main effects chiller water than smaller carcasses and retained that
and interactions were tested for statistical significance moisture at least through cutup and parts storage up
(P < 0.05) using the residual MS. Because the interactions to 6 h; however, birds in the present study were all the
were not significant, data were pooled over replicates. same age and therefore of relatively uniform size. When
Least squares means were calculated for treatments and processors are producing products for markets requir-
tested for statistical significance with Student’s t-test. ing specific parts sizes from a narrow range of carcass
sizes, absorption and retention will likely be unaffected
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION by small variations in carcass size, but when markets
require a diversity of sizes, retention properties may
Table 1 shows mean percentage of moisture retention need to be verified for each product class.
immediately postchill (1 h postmortem), after 24 h of Table 3 shows effects of chilling method on moisture
intact carcass storage, immediately postcutting (24 h loss (purge) of fore- and hindquarters during 24 h stor-
postmortem), and after 24 h of parts storage (48 h post- age after cutup. Water-chilled carcasses exhibited
mortem) of the air- and water-chilled carcasses. Intact greater purge than did those chilled in air. Furthermore,
air-chilled carcasses lost no moisture during the first hindquarters exhibited greater purge than forequarters,
hour of storage under the conditions of this study but regardless of chilling method. This latter observation is
within the first 24 h lost an average of 0.68%. Nonsig- consistent with those of a previous study by Young et
nificant changes in moisture retention after 24 h post- al. (2001). Because raw parts are marketed at retail in
mortem by the air-chilled birds indicate that no further many different product mixes, processors and market-
losses occurred during cutting or parts storage. Water- ers must evaluate moisture retention for each combina-
chilled carcasses absorbed an average of 11.7% moisture tion in their product lines or develop mathematical
in the chillers, of which 4.72% was lost within 24 h of models for estimating retention by different combina-
intact carcass storage, 0.98% was lost in cutting, and tions of parts if label claims are to reflect true moisture
2.10% was lost in parts storage and resulted in 3.9% net retention levels.

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