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Danilo D Pagsuguiron Jr.


Big 5 Test

Opennes to Experience-Medium Characteristics

You are loved by almost everyone you meet. You have your own brand of humor, and
others are drawn to your charisma. You love to be the center of attention. You always
try to be straightforward with people – a trait that they often appreciate – and you
rarely sugar-coat things. You value security and stability, and you expect others to follow
through on their responsibilities. You hold yourself and others to high moral standards.

Extraversion-Medium Characteristics

You are highly strategic and a great problem-solver. You are very resourceful and you’re
easily able to adapt when necessary. You tend to to think critically and logically when
making decisions, rarely letting your emotions cloud your judgment. When confronted
with a problem, you try to use the information available to make the best decision, hoping
for the best. You place a great deal of trust your own judgement, which is based solely off
of unbiased logic and reasoning. You have little tolerance for intuitive judgments. Rather,
you prefer to evaluate the information available to you and make a decision quickly.

Neuorotism-Medium Characteristics

You feel a strong sense of civic duty and you likely vote in every election. Giving back to
the community and helping those in need is especially rewarding for you. You have
initiative, and others often describe you as a “doer”. You are very competitive and you are
always pushing yourself to be the best. This helps you become very successful in life,
particularly in your career. Others view you as reliable, trustworthy, honest, and likeable.

Conscientiousness-Low Characterisics

You always stick to your beliefs and values. You trust your own judgement above all else,
even when you are wrong. Because of this you can be inflexible and stubborn. Others may
see you as too forceful in your decisions.

Because you are so idealistic when it comes to your values, you may be unaccepting or
judgmental towards others who do not share them. You may seek out friends who are like
yourself and/or try fruitlessly to change others
Agreeableness-Medium Characteristics

Because you are so focused on logic and reason, it may be challenging for you to deal with
emotions. You have trouble expressing your emotions and feeling empathy for others.

You thrive on structure and routine and may have difficulty in new or unusual situations.
You place a great deal of value on tradition, and change can make you very uncomfortable.
You would much rather stick with a tried-and-true method rather than a new idea that may
not work.

Right now, you are unsure about whether you can develop your intelligence. You probably
care about performing well and you do want to learn, but you may still think that
achievement should come easily and feel a bit discouraged when you perform poorly at

You are moving toward a growth mindset, but there may be a few ideas holding you back
from achieving all that you are capable of doing. It could be that you are reluctant to risk
failure, or feel concerned about others' judgments of you, because you see performance as a
measure of your ability. Or you may have a few areas where you are not certain that you can
"cut it." If you are holding back from taking on challenges or trying new things, you probably
have more potential than you are using!

People who believe that they can increase their intelligence through effort and challenge
actually get smarter and do better in school, work, and life over time. They know that mental
exercise makes their brains grow smarter—the same way that exercise makes an athlete
stronger and faster. And they are always learning new ways to work smart and build their


The Lively Center of Attention

Your Total Score: 44 out of 64


Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and

always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of
attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head.
They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding;
someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

The Shy Worrier
The Careful Plodder
The Loyal Friend
The Lively Center of Attention
The Natural Leader
The Vain, Self-Centered Leader

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