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Rubric to Assess Calculation Assignment

No. Topic Topic Description

Student organizes given information into an /

1 Useful Description appropriate and useful representation
either symbolically, visually, or in writing

Student selects appropriate

Math and Engineering concepts and principles
Approach (general ideas) to solve the

Student can apply the

general approach to the
Specific Application specifics of the problem in
3 of Math and the form of definitions,
Engineering qualitative relationships,
equations, initial conditions,
and assumptions

Mathematical Student correctly executes

Procedures mathematical procedure

Student’s process stays

focused on the goal of the
5 problem, has a coherent
order, and the reasoning can
be understood.
1 2 3

Entire description isn’t useful Most isn’t useful and/ Parts aren’t useful and/
and/or contains errors or contain errors or contain errors

All concepts and principles Most is missing and/ Parts are missing and/
are inappropriate or inappropriate or inappropriate

Entire specific application is

inappropriate and/or contains Most is missing and/ Parts are missing and/
errors or contain errors or contain errors

Entire procedure is inappropriate

Most is missing and/ Parts are missing and/
and/or contains errors
or contain errors or contain errors

Most is unclear, Parts are unclear,

Entire progression is unclear,
unfocused, unfocused,
unfocused, or inconsistent
or inconsistent or inconsistent
Total Score Score
4 5
Useful, appropriate, and
Useful, but minor omissions
complete 5
or errors

Appropriate, and
Minor omissions or errors 5

Appropriate, and
Minor omissions or errors
complete 5

Appropriate, and
Minor omissions or errors
complete 5

Clear, focused, logically

Minor inconsistencies
connected 5

Total Score

Total score

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