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The sum of all the roots always equal 0

The product of roots equal 1 if there are an odd number of roots,

-1 if there are even numbers of roots
Algebraic properties of the vector cross product

 aa = 0 for any vector a.

 a  b = b  a  vectors a , b .
(This means that
a  b and have the same length but opposite

a   b  c  a  b  a  c
 a  b   c  d   a  c   a  d   b  c   b  d

Cross Product

If  is the angle between a and b ( 0    180 ),

ab  a b sin  
Distance between a point and a line:
d=¿ a ×b∨ ¿ ¿
¿ a∨¿ ¿ , where a is the direction
vector of the line and b is the direction vector of a
point on the line to the point.

Distance of a plane from the origin:

a ∙n
¿ n∨¿ ¿
Shortest distance between two parallel planes:
a ∙ n−b ∙n
d=¿ ∨¿
Shortest distance from a point to a plane: construct
a parallel plane containing the given point and
work out the distance between the two planes.
Angle between a line and a plane:
cos α= , where d is
|d|∨n∨¿ ,θ=90 °−α ¿
the direction vector of the line and n is the normal
of the plane.
|a × b|=|a||b|sin θ
Twice of the area of the
triangle with sides a and b

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