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Authors Gaps Supporting statements Direction for the study

Arquero Ambiguity tolerance’s (a) The study conducted (a) Can studied
et. Al. relationship with by Arquero et. Al. (2017) focusing on the
(2017) communication involves the use of two reluctances a person
apprehension is questionnaire mainly to communicate in
measured using formal categorized between ambiguous situations
and informal subscales. formal setting and informal and/or a its reasons.
*Study is conducted in a
relational manner focusing (b) People perceive
on the learning styles and interview and conversation (b)Talking about
the need of its setting as a place where communication and
improvement while results unexpected and the conceptual
apprehension of a person ambiguous situations to meaning of
in communicating in happen where you are communication
ambiguous situations. prompted to give an apprehension, a study
Further view on related immediate response pertaining what is the
literature pertaining the (Arquero et. Al., 2017) relation of level of a
latter is necessary person’s intolerance
for ambiguity or
otherwise to the
anxiety a person.
Chen and The study focused on the Individuals with high Study pertaining to a
Lovibond intolerance of uncertainty intolerance for uncertainty person’s flexibility in
(2016) while considering are more likely to overthink relation to the persons
intolerance for ambiguity negative outcomes in tolerance for
as an associated times of ambiguous ambiguity can be
construct. Ambiguity of situation… One group conducted.
the situation is considered shows difference in longer
a powerful trigger Biased decision latencies when
threat appraisal faced with ambiguous
tasks…A person’s level of
*The study used a intolerance for uncertainty
person’s tolerance for affects their capability in
ambiguity as an important dealing with ambiguous
factor in conceptualizing threat (Chen & Lovibond ,
the research though the 2016).
main study is focused to
intolerance of uncertainty
as a construct under
generalized anxiety
Chu et. Al. (a) The intolerance of (a)The level of ambiguity (a) as a context by
(2015) ambiguity as a variable tolerance in one context context construct as
should be put into a cannot be seen as a level mentioned by the
context by context of ambiguity tolerance into researcher’s
application. another context. The intolerance for
impact of ambiguity ambiguity can
tolerance into another correlated to the
variable can be mitigated language
by the context it is applied comprehension of a
to (Chu et. Al., 2015). person, while also
having comparisons
to what type of
situation or dialogue
the comprehension is
applied to.

(b) The significance of (b) Chu et. Al. (2015) (b) As Chinese culture
Chinese culture mentioned that a serves as a significant
immersion of the person significant limitation of the mediating variable in
as a significant mediating research is the lack of determining the
variable. control to the cultural and persons tolerance for
educational background of ambiguity in the
*As by context to context the participants. study. Comparisons
view of intolerance for between the
ambiguity comparisons of collectivist and
its application can further individualistic
the study on the said field. perspective in level of
The study relates tolerance can be
tolerance for ambiguity to conducted.
different learning
strategies, this can be
seen as a context by
context application of the
Heydari (a) Link between (a) Ambiguity tolerance (a) Relation between
et. Al. entrepreneurship and self-esteem have a self-efficacy and
(2013) orientation and many meaningful positive intolerance for
different variables is relationship (Heydari et. ambiguity and
established. Al., 2013). uncertain situations
can be studied.
*mentions of relation
between tolerance of
ambiguity and self-
efficacy is not established. (b) A persons
The focused of the study (b) it is found that there is innovative and/or
directs between a skewing between creative quality can
entrepreneurship and the correlation between be directly studied as
other variables. entrepreneurship it is correlated to
orientation and creative intolerance of
(b) Entrepreneurship as a and innovative ambiguity.
variable is linked to characteristics of a person
creativity and innovation (Heydari et. Al., 2013).

Ma and Structure-seeking or its Ma and Kay’s (2017) in (a) Flexibility of

Kay’s opposite is linked to their study found that thinking can be
(2017) intolerance of ambiguity. people with chronic low correlated or used as
Perceived control of a levels of perceived control a predictor of a
person is linked are people who especially person’s intolerance
intolerance of ambiguity. seek structured for ambiguity.
* Though in first glance (b) Multiple workplace
lack of structure an culture can be used
ambiguity tolerance can as a variable
be seen as similar, stark
difference between the (c) Workings styles
two is present and must can be categorized
be viewed. and linked to
intolerance for
Nakhostin High intolerance for Results showed that (a) questions of a
-Ansari et. ambiguity helps the participants in the program person’s creativity
Al. (2021) students to cope in times become less tolerant of and thinking flexibility
of novel situations. ambiguity in novel can be established
situations (Nakhostin-
*questions involving how Ansari et. Al., 2021) (b) Styles of problem
and what factors help the solving can be used
students to cope to an associate to a
ambiguous situations person’s level of
floated, what variables intolerance for
may have been present ambiguity.
that helps them to be
ready to respond to novel
situations and are those
variables related to
intolerance for ambiguity
itself or do they work as a
Sato and Negative thinking is more Sato and Luyten, (2018) The big five
Luyten, present to people with found that current findings personality traits
(2018) higher rejection sensitivity suggest that more rejection particularly openness
when they are put in sensitive people are more can be used and
ambiguous situations. intolerant of ambiguity linked to the level of
because they expect intolerance for
*questions regarding how negative things to happen ambiguity. The big
a person view and when place on ambiguous five can be used as a
welcome experience in situations, thus becoming category or as how is
their life and how is it more aversive to it. the person rated per
related to their intolerance category
of ambiguity arose.
Wayne et. Decrease in attitude of Wayne et. Al. (2011), Question about the
Al. (2011) students to the found in their study that empathy level of a
undeserved in ambiguous those who are tolerant of person and how much
situations. ambiguity are more less they do not tolerate
likely to have decline of ambiguity arise.
attitude towards those who
are underserved.
Xu & The level of a person’s Individuals with a high Question of how
Tracy, tolerance for ambiguity is ambiguity tolerance could decisive a person is
(2014) found to be directly better use the information and how it is linked to
correlated to their decision gathered during the propensity to not
making. environmental exploration tolerate ambiguity is
to resolve informational asked.
conflicts, whereas those
with a low ambiguity
tolerance are less likely to
integrate unreliable or
conflictual information by
gathering more information
about the situation (Xu &
Tracy, 2014).

Common themes observe in the studies is the use (university) students as participants to
the study, other demographic is not considered or is more less likely used. Common gaps
involve the level of how flexible a person’s thinking is, though some studies mentioned flexibility
in ambiguous situations it is not directly studied if the said persons level of intolerance for
ambiguity is a predictor of it or is related to it. Another common theme found involves the need
for the use of constructs that are used for communication (e.g. language comprehension &
anxiety level when communicating). This common theme observed can be used as guide for
directions for future research. It must also be noted that further reading of journal articles related
to the said observed themes is necessary and a must to establish the variables that will be used
in the study.

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