The Magnificent Solution For World Peace

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The answers to all of the riddles and mysteries and questions of life: Via Codes, Ciphers, Encryption and

Cryptography: is discipline using codes and ciphers to encrypt a message and make it unreadable unless the recipient knows the secret to decrypt it. From Star Fields Above and Beyond: Giving us sacred information that is so profound; awesome and from out of this world;-for the first time in all humankind. so profound; so profound. The Magnificent Solution and Life and Times of Ashkol ben Aphrayim
Written by: Joe Sarge Kinney (See eBook story-The Fiery Evidence of the Most Highs Light) And

The reason why none of you have never ever heard about all of this information; The White Text Torah and the all importance of Numbers 28-before, is because there never was a qualified receptacle to receive it. Sad, but true! Revealing the dark truth about all of the ignorant so called Clerics, Rabbis, Preacher's, Mullahs, Pastors, Ministers, Priest and Religious Leaders of your world; who do not know the sacred writings. THE SAYINGS OF THE 15 FATHERS From star fields above and beyond- Teraysarun/ Pyramids We should not beg a god for what it can do for us, but rather we may ask YahWah THE MOST HIGH, what we can do for the sick human race to receive a blessing of: WORLD PEACE through performing The White Text Torah and Numbers 28. Prologue Tell me, is it sunrise, or sunset? O The Magnificent Solution Only with this message can mankind acquire Peace and Unity. And only by the performances of this information, of Light, can humankind receive what they are looking for. Do you really know what you are seeking for, hoping for, longing for? Well, you can look at this message and you will have a lot of Wisdom Understanding and Knowledge that you have never had before; real solid important Knowledge, kind of Wisdom Understanding and Knowledge that you really need. The gold silver and bronze of Paleo Hebrew Torah; where the Bible Koran and Torah got their origins. The garbage that you have eaten is not revealing the dark truth about all of the ignorant so called Clerics, Rabbis, Preacher's, Mullahs, Ministers, Pastors, Priest and Religious Leaders of your world. All of them hiding behind the lack of pure knowledge; Astounding, provocative, and insulting. This long presentation is sort of like an auto-biography, too. I wanted you to see the actions of a common man walking low through the hellish and wacky thickets of human crap and sick utter nonsense that the powerful, cruel, rich and ignorant gutless women and men of the press, TV and local and state and national governments commit while hiding behind the sick, sick young CIA and FBI and Alcohol Tobacco and Fire Arms little girls and boys who never grew up play out their atrocities and horrors and killings and murders without caring about human life; those bastards only care about their paychecks. Period! Its going to be a sad end for all of them. YahWah aint a gonna let those mental midgets run roughshod over people without pain and shame. Their methods of intimidating and abusing the people will abruptly come to an end. Just wait and see. I will be on the sandy beach as those sick jackasses are confronted and subjected to a great authority higher than any they have ever known. Trust me! Its starting to happen now. If one of your family members is one of these pigs, I would disown them, now. Unless $$$$$ is more important than YahWah-is it, huh, is it?

Tree of Knowledge-a tree of knowing insight verification: the details of the Tree of Life; the Tree of Life is immortal state of Name that may be touched when all branches are in agreement through the oylah (morn-eve. prayers); when the sap within ones branches yields the netiph incense, the flowing life in the Tree of Life may be touched; the Trees of Knowledge surround the Tree of Life, as the Letters are arranged to surround Kephw 11in the midst, Knowledge is assembled around the Tree in the midst, thereby known as the sides, those on the left and right side of the Teacher; whereby we comprehend and enter into Tree of Life; the branches of knowledge are regarding all collective states of Unity/goodness and all states which are compatible/paired, whereby we recognize the thought that are as reflections, being empty clouds and the ideas of separateness/evil; thus the Tewrah states that coupled with the Tree of Life is the Tree of Knowledge; being in midst of the garden; as one consumes or takes away from the Trees of Knowledge they crossover from the immortal and enter into the mortal; thereby they extend or die, falling asleep to reawaken into a transferred state; even though the body is functional, one sleeps within their bodies until they awaken unto their Name and the quest To Know within the Tree of Knowledge. In the immortal realm we are called/Named, being identified within the Master Twelve; entrance into mortal is the means to become swallowed up, as one becomes shadowed by reflections/mirrors of world; through comprehending all aspects of knowing we crossover into the immortal realm, being enlightened! Filthy sick rich women and men of pharmaceutical money hungry companies are killing us. Massive inhumanity! Could it be your mother or father, or sister or brother, or daughter or son? All that we belong to, having the right, through knowledge, to partake or to enter into the Tree of Life. In this document you get To Know the original primordial ancient Hebrew Paleo language that gives you pure scriptures. Etymology: study of word origins: the study of the origins of words or parts of words and how they have arrived at their current form and meaning-history of a word: the origin of a word or part of a word or a statement of this and how it has arrived at its current form-meanings. An etymology often shows different forms the word has taken in passing from one language to another, and sometimes shows related words in other languages. The words have the same spelling but different etymologies. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence has already agreed that women and men stink and stunk up our planet. Thus we have the magnificent solution for world peace. The Magnificent Solution from YahWah for world peace and unity. Every doctrine and every teaching is the means to convey the Thoughts of the Most High, through which the Thoughts are multiplied within the doers. As the Teaching of The Most High/HhaOLiyun come down from the centers of the Collective Mind, they implement the selective combination of Numbers into teachings to convey works and the wonderful Thoughts of the Collective. As the teachings are performed with the intention of their Thoughts, they appear in the midst of YishARAL and in all levels of embodiment/form and expression/soul. Only as the Teachings are performed does one come to Have the Mind of the Most High and enter into the joy of Collective Body. Deeds of the Law, apart from intentions of the Most High are a weight upon the soul, and the wine does not fill the soul as a result. When the Words of Torah Tewrah are performed with Understanding, then one doing them appears before Kuwhnim/Priest as clean. Our once beautiful green planet: Every great writer who ever put pen to paper noted, at least once in their lives, the horrible blackness of the absolutely disgusting evil facts of our sick civilization. ****Fire Chapter One A Alpha a **** (First - April 2nd 2011 YahWah) We must remember, its not always what the answer is, but most times, its what the hell the question is. Also, relating to the teachings of Confucius or his followers, emphasizing self-control, adherence to a social hierarchy, and social and political order, he says getting the right answers is only possible when you have asked the right questions. But then again, have U ever asked any questions, have you? Women and men bitch and moan about how bad things are, but they do not know how to end the misery and hatred. And the ignorant Clerics Rabbis, Preacher's, and Mullahs keep on preaching that someday, at some future moment in time, men and women will have peace upon our planet. But they have no hope over their horizons. And their brain washed followers havent the foggiest idea why the hell that they are in will not end. Unchanging bewilderment, confusion and chaos rein. We, educated, know that women and men cannot find silver lining-sunlight enlightenment, needed to bring peace. You know it-I know it-they all realize it, but all feel we can do nothing about it. And Zeus / Ieus / jeus / jesus / Buddha Mohammed / God / cannot bring us peace, notice, have you? So what can be this The Magnificent Solution? Is there a big magnificent solution, somewhere? And where can this gigantic magnificent solution come from? Of course you can check out ShmuwL at BHM, The House of Name Academy at and there

you will receive much LIGHT Primeval - Ancient and original: from the ancient, original stages in the development of THOUGHT. I found this great Magnificent Solution outside of the black ink of the black texts of women and mens writings. Now, we give it to you

We should all be seeking the hidden oak doors to find the lost keys to find that wonderful golden gate to the worlds beyond.
Sarge Kinney Codes, Ciphers, Encryption and Cryptography

Cryptography is the discipline of using codes and ciphers to encrypt a message and make it unreadable unless the recipient knows the secret to decrypt it. From Star Fields Above and Beyond I found the great mysteries, secrets, and codes and sayings of the very oldest primeval primordial ancient past; in the sayings and writings of the first notifications ever given; and shared with pre-spear chuckers and flesh eaters. From the beginning unto the 21st Century women and men turned their backs on the Most High. Mankind said we will not perform the sayings and writings of YahWah Numbers 28. The enlightened scribes: Information that was given to me by the light of supernatural penmanship; Fire letters and numbers so hot that they penetrated my very being. Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light/Life Principles of YahWah I have taken this great solution to many, many preachers and so called teachers and they have said that contrary to what I am exposing they believe every word in the black text of their organization and they will not accept what I revealed to them about how, what they believe, is all from mis-reading the writings. Not realizing that what they are teaching our young people is killing them; instead of giving them life. Your god dams you, ignores you, kills you, and gives no food or water to the homeless and the needy. None!!! Look around, what the hell kind of god do you have? Huh! You nuts or something! Who is in charge of your sick gods commands? Whoever it is, they aint doing it very well. Your god is a sick devil and needs to be exposed. And you should want to run like hell away from its hold on you. Your pig god stinks and it has not got enough power to blow the fuzz off of a ripe peach; Notice? Do you? =========================== The Fruit of every Oyits /tree /teaching is a house for the Seed of Wisdom. As the Light comes out of the east so the white writings come out of the north. The ink is flung out upon the canvas of the south wherein all of the details within the Mind are Opened and expressed. Every color of thought paints the day at hand. To retain all that has been spread out, the thoughts settled into the west. From the settlings of colors of thought, the potency of all that is written is drawn off like the wine from the vats and bottled in the north. Wood, tree, oayts, and oyits-depict a type of a teaching; lit., complete comprehension unto transfiguration/extension of thought; an understanding of liberty: the inner circles of a tree bring forth changes/expansion unto freedom; the wood placed upon the altar constitutes twelve sticks of YishARAL, those of Knowledge lowered unto the Fire of the ALtar, each tribe is a teaching of HhaALhhim for each branch is revelation of what is within the Lammad of Understanding; the teachings of the Teuwrah/Tewrah are of freedom, being a medulla illustration winged/sent and transforming; wood is the encircling extension of the ALphah type from which the tree arises whereby it is 9:9, or side to side, and thus contains the grain in the patterns of each board; a tree reaches its height by extending itself from both ends as the united Lammad 12, whereby they extend themselves fully; the wood to build the Mishkan is from the mountains/enlightenment within the medulla Teraysarun/ Pyramid; (medulla illustration below):

Full extension of Teraysaron/Pyramid Thought is 10, Yewd. Within Teraysarun/Pyramid of Faces are the 12 branches of Thought known as the twelve tribes of YishARAL. The extension of thought and the twelve branches combine to render the value of 22 which arises from the foundation of 10/1 and 12/3, springing up from the Fountain of Wisdom in Aparryim in the West-the Dallath 4. Words of the prophet are heard in the ears that are open: Go up into the Mountain and bring forth the Wood, and build the House, and I will take pleasure in it and I will be glorified, says YahWah [Chaggai 1:8] . The branches of thought are the wood formulated within the Minds of enlightenmentthe priesthood affirmation with in all Names. This pattern within the upper hills of our Names, preserved forever unto their unfolding. The full extension of Mind and the Branches of the Name YahWah comprise the House of One Name, being the combined three interwoven pyramids of The Teraysaron/Pyramid of Wisdom Understanding and Knowledge. Each of the three Teraysaruns Pyramids are 4 sided and are interwoven as cord of three strands of gold, silver and bronze. Principals of each House are present with in each of the four quadrants. The One Principal amongst the Three Houses is named, YahWah, who abides in the midst of Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge. The Pyramid-Teraysaron of YahWah is comprised of the Totality/ 22/Tawah, which reduces to Dalet/4, and is evident within 4 faces. The Faces of Totality are east, south, west, and north, for these are Faces of Breath/Light. The full expression of each Name expands into Three Houses. Via the expansion of each concept Name, branches are formed with which the House of YahWah is built [I Kings 5:5-6 Alphah Sepher Melachim]. Until the Names unite, they esteem their own Name above YahWah. When two strands of light / thought combine their Names as one, they bring forth 4 faces of Breath / Light. From this point they are called according to the Name of YahWah/YHWH which is the extension/Hand/Yewd/10 of the United Lights-Hhwa-wah-Hhwa (Ha Waw Ha). Each strand has two ends as branch of a tree/11. When the strands are joined together, they comprise the Letter Tawah/22 and have now the intrinsic value to form the four squared base of the Wisdom Principal in the west. The foundation arises with Understanding as the sides of the north and south, and ascends without retraction unto Knowledge in the eastthe Qadam or Origin of all things. As noted above, the Tawah/22 reduces to Daleth/4. Together, the values of Wisdom, being of the single Numbers/22, and Her to bring wood implies bringing forth your branches of Name wherewith we build the House of HhaSham [Chaggi 1:8]; when we extend all branches of thought within our paired Names, we create the House of YahWah, whereby all within the Mind of YahWah has a house to dwell, the full nature of all within the compound thought of each Name is evident within the branches of their Name; according to the level of our extensions, so is the state of our residence; also: timber, pole, lumber; symbol of doctrine/teaching; understanding yields success/victory and/or produces change as the tree placed into bitter waters changed them to sweetness [SYM/Ex 15:25]. Values, 160/sq: regulative structure; 9:9 is derived as x=yao, conveying that every teaching has a Seed and a Deed within it. ********************************************** 6086;1847 Tree of Knowledge of knowing/insight/ verification the details of the Tree of Life; the Tree of Life is the immortal state of Name that may be touched when all branches are in agreement through the oylah; when the sap within ones branches yields the netiph incense, from the marrow of the bones, the flowing life in the Tree of Life is opened to be approached; the Trees of Knowledge surround the Tree of Life, as the Letters are arranged to surround the Kephw in the midst, Knowledge is assembled around the Tree in the midst, thereby known as the sides, those on the left and right side of Teacher; whereby we comprehend and enter into the Tree of Life; branches of knowledge are regarding all collective states of goodness /Unity and all states which are compatible/paired, whereby we recognize thoughts that are as reflections, being empty clouds and the ideas of separateness/evil; thus Tewrah states that coupled with the Tree of Life is the Tree of Knowledge being in the midst of the garden; as one consumes or takes away from the Trees of Knowledge they crossover from the immortal and enter into the mortal; thereby they extend or die, falling asleep to reawaken into a transferred state; even though the body is functional, one sleeps with in their bodies until they awaken unto their Name and the quest to know within the Tree of Knowledge; in immortal realm we are called / Named, being identified within the Master Twelve; entrance into the mortal is the means to

become swallowed up, as one becomes shadowed by the reflections / mirrors of the world; through comprehending all aspects of knowing we crossover into the immortal realm, being enlightened regarding all that we belong to, having the right, through knowledge, to partake or to enter into the Tree of Life. Values, 81: to reveal concepts of the Tree of Life. See Adam, consciousness, to confirm, mincha, to recognize.

Fire Chapter 2 Bet

Arguably you may say, well, hell, who the hell are you and why should we believe anything you write about? And I respond by saying that: Killing is your way of life! This is a fact. You are very, very ignorant. Murder and blood shedding is the norm for you. Hatred is a fact. You are very, very ignorant. Murder and blood shedding is the norm for you. Hatred and robbery is your life style. You are physically and spiritually very, very ill, and you do not even care about those who have nothing to eat or drink. The world you live in came about by the religious teachings your grandparents taught you. Ignorance! Ignorance! Ignorance! Of course stupidity and ignorance are not synonymous. Mental illness is stupidity and a lot of lack of knowledge is ignorance; which you have plenty of. So watch what I am writing about with the women and men leading our Earth/Planet to annihilation. If those ignorant leaders had it correct, would your children and grandchildren be dying of cancer and rotting in prison cells from the filthy rich scum pharmaceutical companies evil chemicals? Well, would they? More of my research can be seen (see-TORAHMANOME) and This whole world does not know nor follow actual Torah teachings, Jew, Muslim, Christian and others; the White Text Torah Light: Torah Thought Principles, today. They are all involved in a covering or veils related to the Torah words but not TORAH THOUGHT. Most are practicing Object Theology instead of THOUGHT THEOLOGY. {as a noun: Person Place or Thing; Objects! which is contrary to Paleo Torah.

The ministry of the White Text is from the Masters of the Union of Light's; from star fields above and beyond.
Thus The Magnificent Solution Revealing the dark truth about all of the ignorant so called Clerics, Rabbis, Priest Preacher's, Mullahs, Ministers, Pastors, and religious leaders of your world, so that you can see wicked-damnable condition of the ignorant fools who practice religion day in and day out. Matthew 21:12, and jesus went into temple of god and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple (remember, this is all allegorical-no guy named zeus or jesus ever walked this planet-only ignorant Catholics and brainwashed christian fools believe that crap which has been killing mankind for millenniums), and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and seats of them that sold doves, Matt 21:14 Matt 21:15, and when chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David; they were sore displeased, Matt 21:23 And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority doest thou these things? And who gave thee this authority? This is all allegorical-no guy named zeus or jesus ever walked this planet! So, into the search I went, and into the studies we go, into the Sacred Halls of Inquiry and Investigation, into the Houses of Knowledge we go, with the illuminated Light of YahWah, energizing of soul being's. As stated by BHM, ShmuwL Wahli: Seek here and you will find, ask here and you shall know I sought there and I found and I asked there and now I Know, and U shall soon know. We/U, came here To Know. The Authors work/book To Know is the result of inquiry into the Matrix of Life. The patterns of Life in which we live, provide the REAL DIMENSIONS of the human spirit. Now you shall know and understand that; the secret codes of our developments and habitations have been recorded in the ancient scripts of the PALEO Torah Tewrah. For the Paleo Torah is distinct from all other sacred texts. As it provides us with details of the spiritual and spherical realms. For each of us has entered into the composite world of Spirit and form [human body], in order TO KNOW. Women and men know nothing about the Paleo Hebrew sayings that were given to man before the worlds were. And that is because man wrote most, if not all that you see and read, now days. Man is an ignorant jackass and he inserted his opinions with black ink into the black texts of the writings that we were taught. Sick! Dark truth about all of the ignorant so called Clerics, Rabbis, Priest Preacher's, Mullahs, Pastors Ministers, and religious leaders of your world. Can we imagine what a beautiful wonderful world we could be living in if there never WERE Japs who attacked and murdered people and gave us Pearl Harbor and the Batten Death March; let alone Adolph Hitler and Russias Stalin killing millions and millions (Stalin killed more than Hitler), of precious people? Can you envision the advancement in lives of people if Hitler and the Japs and Russias Stalin would have known about the ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Life/light Principles of LOVE, UNITY AND PEACE? Bashar! Rabbis knew the word Bashar; meaning THOUGHTS OR FLESH. They denied Zeus/jzeus, which was good, but watched religions destroy our planet; by practicing Object Theology instead of THOUGH THEOLOGY.

Whoever he is, he did not come in flesh. No never! All chaos, because like Shmuals teachings, those Jewish Rabbis never ever took the time to explain and describe and give examples and illustrate and teach people like they were very ignorant and needed a helping hand. For information given without clarifications and explanations is almost worthless. This is one of the most important lessons that I have learned in my three decades or so of studying ancient history. Men have answers, but they do not know how to convey them properly. i.e. A naval ship loaded with thousands of Marines ran into trouble; captain of ship came over loud speaker, Prepare to abandon ship; Hundreds of Marines drowned because ignorant naval officer was never taught that he should have spoken directly to the young ignorant Marines and told them not to jump overboard until he said those words jump the ship did not sink! When any one speaks in this vein, they will say that you have devils and are an offspring of the devil, for you make yourself as one with HhaALhhim/The Elohyim/The Gods! You will not be tolerated, for your pure words are not as theirs. Your thoughts would erode the kingdom of this world, whereby the world will war against you to kill you, as Cain/Qeynn murdered Hevel/Abel. (Now notice here in these teachings that a person, allegorically, killed. Not YHWH, but a man). War in the scripture's or ancient writing's was never intended to convey the killings of another human being or to violate the rights of another. The ancient script shows no evidence of The Most High telling anyone to kill humans, animals fish, birds nor fowl.

Object Theology versus Thought Theology

Though we share many term's with those that nurtured us and who also made us intoxicated, we became estranged from the former meaning's laid down into our minds. The words on their tongues are now recognized as Object Theology vs Thought Theology, in Object Theology the terms are associated with forms (human being) Object's, we know by observation, are in states of decay. The firmament and the earth will pass away, but the Word's, Thought constructs of Ha Waw Ha Yud<<right to left<< YAHWAH / YHWH-AL, YAHWEH HaSham ALLAH, abide perpetually. Formulation of element's will all come to an end, but the Principles of YHWH YAHWAH Our Principal, abide eternally (The Words, Thought Constructs are not out of the Koran Bible or Torah of women and men). Our compilations of the Torah information will be coming from the heritage of those who have composed and been in charge of the 7Torah scrolls. Work of translation is committed to the sons of Aharon/Aaron, who are entrusted to read and teach the Tewrah/Torah to all YishARAL/Israel and TO THE NATIONS who come and say Teach us the Law! Its ONLY to the sons of Aaron-Aharon that the Law is given; and hence, it is the sons of Aharon who are appointed and gifted to teach the Torah---No one else! To teach the Torah---No one else! These Paleo Torah messages came from Kuwahenhhagedawl / The High Priest of Bayit HaShem Midrash The sick dark teachings of ignorant women and men killed. The black text is not the pure sacred sayings from YahWah, Ha Waw Ha Yud<<right to left<<THE MOST HIGH. Now when we wonder about all of this new enlightenment, whether its real or true; one may ask, well, how did it start; where did this 2000 year old story of Zeus/jzeus come from, I mean where was the beginning of this evil story (Allegory)? Below Shmual says/writes (Author: this is one of the most important statements that has ever been written, concerning our death and what will come next - read it and weep for our darkness and blindnesss): As the messages of peace and universal consciousness spread from metropolis to metropolis in the hearts of the meek ones, the evil political powers sought to bottle this power that it may bolster their dominion. The unarmed believers were slaughtered as lambs upon the altars of greed and self-exaltation in lieu of surrendering the State of Illumination attained. Seeing the great appeal of the messages of Yahushuo (who world calls Zeus or Ieus or jesus, who was not a man of flesh/Bashar), those of political aspirations adopted the narratives. The contents were molded into an icon and then affixed with dogma for the masses to conform to a political state. The threads of revelation became hardened into a statue, and the meanings in the narratives became secondary to the icon that was fashioned. The correspondence of Shaul/Paul became rewritten by the admission of the evil Church fathers to convey a divine icon that surpassed the former practices of the Tewrah/Torah, whereby the Christ meShich within became over shadowed by towering statue of the Christ of their aspiring empire. Though the Word abides yet in the SeedNames, the power of its uprising will not be denied. Through bringing every Eye to behold meShich within them, the icons will fall and the empires that made them.

Fire Chapter 3 Gimmal G

So, The Magnificent Solution Its all at For who can know the Minds of Antiquity

In this work I am only trying to reveal to you why the planet is in chaos and bloodletting and murders. Im telling you that the darkness preachers teach our children are death, not Torah LIGHT. Thus gradually we have been weaned from gender and all types of divisions of the mortality into the Oneness of Breath. We no longer see time as relevant or binding upon us for there is no time. Hence: 12 PROPHECIES OF THE TWELVE HOUSES PERTAINING TO EVERY NAME APPEARING/COMING YishARAL is of ALhhim. The Offspring of YishARAL are the Invisible firstborn of the Rings, who are manifested in a Body of Fleshaccording to the Strands of Nine [Col. 1:15]. The appearance in Flesh pertains to the Fruit of Most High / Oliyun that is born up on the branches of a Name in the Rings of HhaALhhim. In opposition to the YishARAL of ALhhim are those that teach: YishARAL is a fact. You are very, very ignorant. Murder and blood shedding is the norm for you. Hatred and robbery is your life style. You are physically and spiritually very, very ill, and you do not even care about those who have nothing to eat or drink. World you live in came about by the religious teachings your grandparents taught you. Ignorance! Ignorance! Ignorance! Of course stupidity and ignorance are not synonymous. Mental illness is stupidity and a lot of lack of knowledge is ignorance; which you have plenty of. So watch what I am writing about with women and men leading our Earth/Planet to annihilation. If those ignorant leaders had it correct, would your children and grandchildren be dying of cancer and rotting in prison cells from the filthy rich pharmaceutical companies evil chemicals? Well, would they? More of my research can be seen at the (see TORAHMANONE) and This whole world does not know nor follow actual Torah teachings, Jew, Muslim, Christian and others; the White Text Torah Light/Torah Thought Principles, today. They are all involved in a covering or veils related to Torah words but not TORAH THOUGHT. Most are practicing Object Theology instead of THOUGHT THEOLOGY: {As a noun: Person Place or Thing; Objects} contrary to Torah; From the Masters of the Union of Light's; from star fields above and beyond. Thus The Magnificent Solution Revealing the dark truth about all of ignorant so called Clerics Rabbis Preachers Mullahs, Ministers, Pastors, Priest and Religious Leaders of your world, so that you can see the wicked and rotten damnable condition of the ignorant fools who practice religion day in and day out. Matt 21:12 And jesus went into the temple (allegorically) of god, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, Matthew 21:14 Matthew 21:15 And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David; they were sore displeased, Matthew 21:23 And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority doest thou these things? And who gave thee this authority? So, into the search I went, and into the studies we go, into the Sacred Halls of Inquiry and Investigation, into the Houses of Knowledge we go, with the illuminated Light of YahWah, energizing of soul being's. As stated by BHM, ShmuwL Wahli, Seek here and you will find, ask here and you shall know. I sought there and I found and I asked there and now I Know and U shall soon know, also. Authors work/book To Know is the result of inquiry into the Matrix of Life. The patterns of Life in which we live, provide the REAL DIMENSIONS of the human spirit. Now you shall know and understand that; the secret codes of our developments and habitations have been recorded in the ancient scripts of the PALEO Torah Tewrah. For the Paleo Torah is distinct from all other sacred texts; as it provides us with details of spiritual and spherical realms. For each of us has entered into the composite world of Spirit and form [human body], in order TO KNOW. Women and men know nothing about the Paleo Hebrew sayings that were given to man before the worlds were. And that is because man wrote most, if not all that you see and read, now days. Man is an ignorant jackass and he inserted his opinions with black ink into the black texts of the writings that we were taught. Sick! Can we imagine what a beautiful wonderful world we could be living in if there never were Japs who attacked and murdered people and gave us Pearl Harbor and the Batten Death March; let alone Adolph Hitler and Russias Stalin killing millions and millions (Stalin killed more than Hitler) of precious people? Can you envision the advancement in the lives of people if Hitler and Japs and Russias Stalin would have known about the ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Life/light Principles of LOVE, UNITY AND PEACE? Bashar! The Rabbis knew the word Bashar; meaning THOUGHTS OR FLESH. They denied Zeus/jzeus, which was good, but watched religions destroy our planet; by practicing Object Theology instead of THOUGH THEOLOGY. Whoever he is, he did not come in the flesh. No, never! All chaos, because like Shmuals teachings, those Jewish Rabbis never ever took the time to explain and describe and give examples and illustrate and teach people like they were very ignorant and needed a helping hand. For information given without clarifications and explanations is

almost worthless. This is one of the most important lessons that I have learned in my three decades or so of studying ancient history. Men have answers, but they do not know how to convey them properly. I.e. A naval ship loaded with thousands of Marines ran into trouble and captain of the ship came over loud speaker, Prepare to abandon ship hundreds of Marines drowned because the ignorant naval office was never taught that he should have spoken directly to the young ignorant Marines and told them not to jump overboard until he said those words jump. The ship did not sink! When any one speaks in this vein, they will say that you have devils and are an offspring of the devil, for you make yourself as one with HhaALhhim/The Elohyim/The Gods! You will not be tolerated, for your pure words are not as theirs. Your thoughts would erode kingdom of this world, whereby world will war against you to kill you, as Cain Qeynn murdered Hevel/Abel. (Now notice here in these teachings that a person, allegorically, killed. Not YHWH, but a man). War in the scripture's or ancient writing's was never intended to convey the killings of another human being or to violate the rights of another. The ancient script shows no evidence of The Most High telling anyone to kill humans, animals fish, birds nor fowl. Object Theology versus Thought Theology Though we share many term's with those that nurtured us and who also made us intoxicated, we have become estranged from the former meaning's laid down into our minds. The words on their tongues are now recognized as Object Theology vs. Thought Theology in Object Theology the terms are associated with forms (human being) Object's, we know by observation, are in states of decay. The firmament and the earth will pass away, but the Word's, Thought constructs of Ha Waw Ha Yud<right to left<< YAHWAH / YHWH AL, YAHWEH-HaSham; ALLAH, will abide perpetually. Formulation of element's will all come to an end, but Principles of AL YHWH YAHWAH Our Principal, abide eternally (The Words, Thought Constructs are not out of the Koran Bible or Torah of women and men). Our compilations of the Torah information will be coming from the heritage of those who have composed and been in charge of the 7Torah scrolls. The work of translation is committed to the sons of Aharon/Aaron, who are entrusted to read and teach the Tewrah/Torah to all YishARAL/Israel and TO THE NATIONS who come and say Teach us the Law! Its ONLY to the sons of Aaron Aharon that the Law is given; and hence, it is the sons of Aharon who are appointed and gifted to teach the Torah---No one else! To teach the Torah---No one else! These Paleo Torah messages came from Kuwahenhhagedawl / The High Priest of Bayit HaShem Midrash The sick dark teachings of ignorant women and men killed. The black text is not the pure sacred sayings from YahWah Ha Waw Ha Yud<<right to left<<<THE MOST HIGH. Now when we wonder about all of this new enlightenment, whether its real or true; one may ask, well, how did it start; where did this 2000 year old story of Zeus/jzeus come from, I mean where was the beginning of the story (Allegory)? Below Shmual says/writes-(Author: this is one of most important statements that has ever been written, concerning our death and what will come next - read it and weep for our darkness and blindnesss). As the messages of peace and universal consciousness spread from metropolis to metropolis in the hearts of meek ones, the evil political powers sought to bottle this power that it may bolster their dominion. The unarmed believers were slaughtered as lambs upon the altars of greed and self-exaltation in lieu of surrendering the State of Illumination attained. Seeing the great appeal of the messages of Yahushuo (who world calls Zeus or Izeus or jesus, who was not a man of flesh/Bashar), those of political aspirations adopted the narratives. The contents were molded into an icon and then affixed with dogma for the masses to conform to a political state. The threads of revelation became hardened into a statue, and the meanings in the narratives became secondary to the icon that was fashioned. The correspondence of Shaul/Paul became rewritten by the admission of the evil Church fathers to convey a divine icon that surpassed the former practices of the Tewrah/Torah, whereby the Christ meShich within became over shadowed by towering statue of the Christ of their aspiring empire. Though the Word abides yet in the SeedNames, the power of its uprising will not be denied. Through bringing every Eye to behold meShich within them, the icons will fall and the empires that made them. The appearance in Flesh pertains to the Fruit of Most High / Oliyun that is born up on the branches of a Name in the Rings of HhaALhhim. In opposition to the YishARAL of ALhhim are those that teach: Israel is children of world of corruption. In so doing they unwittingly give glory to the adversity of their very soul, for how can one overcome the world if they are of the same substance as the world? Fleshaccording to the Strands of Nine [Col. 1:15]; the appearance in Flesh pertains to Fruit of Most High / Oliyun that is born up on the branches of a Name in the Rings of HhaALhhim.

Though there is the medium of seeing, being the eyeball, there is the Invisible Offspring of Sight that can see with or without eyes of corruptible flesh. When one can see things of HhaALhhim, then the House of Reuben RAuwaben has come in the Flesh as an appearance of the Offspring of HhaALhhim. Though there is medium of hearing, being the ears, there is the Offspring of Hearing that can hear with or without the body of the ears. There is the Flesh of ALhhim, being the construct of the Thoughts woven into Bodies that resonant the Thoughts of Most High/Oliyun and there is the flesh of corruption that is sown by the thoughts woven by the deeds of Belial (The dictionaries call this: A personification of evil: or worthlessness, mentioned in the Bible and often thought of as a devil or demon). Are ya ready to start to study the truth, so that you can agree with the following statement? We affirm that we are of the YishARAL of ALhhim that are being liberated from the snare of the body of corruption, and we have comeappeared in this world to overthrow the world of corruption that all Creations of HhaALhhim are no longer subject to the vanity of mindPharaoh. All Names below are redeemed from hand of the taskmasters to be One House with those Names above. Regarding this process of redemption, the Neviim/Prophets speak the Words that are written upon the 7 Scrolls of our Rings which are on behalf of freedom of YishARAL of ALhhim. We know of no other YishARAL than the YishARAL of ALhhim. And thereby set our faces in opposition to the teachings that YishARAL is of the world of corruption, for such affirms that the god of this world is the author of our soul! In affirmation of the authority of the Eternal Words through which YishARAL is made, we declare the prophecies as signs of our emergence of the Offspring of ALhhim in our generation, who are made in the Invisible Image of AL. Being born of ALhhim, the words within them are living and active as those bound within a Seed, unto the folding stature of their Names as the Trees of Righteousness. Therefore we do not bind together works of corruption nor sanctify the unions of corruptible flesh and call them marriages; for to do so is to sanctify world of corruption and its extension / increase. We do not say that ALhhim has joined together the works of corruption; rather ALhhim has appointed all Names two by two according to the Invincible Letters and Numbers of the Most High. When we embrace our comrades (better than friends or brothers and sisters), we embrace the Rewch/Spirit of their Eternal Names and hold the body of their soul in our arms, for we do not touch the unclean which has death within it. When we see our neighbor naked, we lend them one of the garments of our wardrobe to cover their soul. When we see them hungry, we feed them from our Tables. When we see them in prison, we appear unto them with Thoughts of liberty, whereby their chains are broken. When we see them in sickness, we affirm in them the wholeness of their Rings. When we see the stranger, we invite them to be of our own house. Regarding all that is in this world, we consider nothing to be ours, all things are held to be common lands Gushan / Goshen for the sake of the journey of our livestockthe inner assembly of our members from which we make our daily offerings. We give up all things of materialization in service to the Meek (the Poor), and labor neither for vanity of riches nor for private property, which is the root of corruption. The lands of ones Mind are devoted to kuwhnim/Priest of Ywsphah/Joseph, for all lands are the states of the Kingly House of (7) Aparryim. (Remember, Human race must insist on elimination of War [Killing], Separateness {lack of unity}; murderous land conquering in which un-godly women & men seize land areas by military force : to take control of a place by force of arms and commit genocide. World geography: OWNERSHIP of LAND, [Demographically]. Dirt! Our human bodies are the LAND SPOKEN OF IN THE BLACK TEXT, not patches of filthy dirt and sand. In all states that we pass through, we are devoted to the Collective Body of YahWah and consider ourselves of this Collectivity that is free and at liberty from attachments of graven images; we speak unto each other the Prophecies of the Paleo Tewrah Torah, from which we have come and to whom we belong; worlds without end. The prophecies are the unfoldments of the Eternal Words of HhaTewrah. The Paleo Torah uttered before, before the worlds and all they contain were formed. (Author: So where in the hell did all of these-the ignorant, so called Clerics Rabbis, Priest, Preacher's, Mullahs, and Ministers, Pastors and Religious Leaders of your world and their theologies, come from, Huh? ANSWER IS: Men and WOMEN WROTE ALL OF THE GARBAGE IN THE SCRIPTURES, not YahWah. Thus the Magnificent Solution from YahWah for world peace and unity. Every doctrine and every teaching is the means to convey the Thoughts of the Most High, through which the Thoughts are multiplied within the doers. To interpret the prophecies in view of the present world of corruption renders the events of the Torah Tewrah as a historical record of humankind, which would therefore color the text with hues not of the fullness of the spectrum of HhaALhhim. Each of Rings of ALhhim contains prophecies for every Name, for all of Adim are composed of Unified ALhhim. 119-24 red, vapors; man (Adam, Adim ) primary level of Thought assembling as offspring/formulations of ALhhim; first stage of becoming; the expanding base of a pyramid/Teraysarun for revealing the Unity of Breath, the source of a vapor [Yaoquv / James 4:14], condensed thought in which the spectrum of a thought is composed, commonly

rendered to be made; the mists of Mt.Arrat (7th Heaven) from which Names are composed from the Altars of the oylah [morning & evening prayers] of the Most High, plural of the root/dwa/da, whereby the Adim are many--the Unified created them [Gen 1:27]; opening of the Seed within a Teraysarun/pyramid base for full extraction as each Name is designated with another pair for dwelling in Wisdom, Understanding, or Knowledge; teraysarun construct; unity is pathway of plenty-blessing/expansion; the expanding /ever widening gates unto revelation; seed/concept in paths of ascensions; contextual definitions: 1.composite of both Breath projection and Breath inhalation into one, to form continuing vapor, depicting interior roles of an initiation, utilization, and facilitation of ALhhim (as undifferentiated---talented Intelligence, to be United Thought processes via the unity of Their Rings); (2) reddish, ruby, garnet a translucence of the nature of a Fire-man / Ayish, being an activation empowerment of the 22 FIRE letters; adim are the burning, radiant coals of life fanned into full flame by the Intelligence/Breath of Life, the concept of being red stems from being FIRE branded from the midst of the coals of the offering, as each Name is branded by the Numbers and the Letters from The Oliyun/The Most High; a red coal of fire to be exploded: To emanate the full nature of its expression of light; house of fire which warms and makes vibrant the earth (flowing with a molten river of blood): to expand via blood; adamah the radiant coals/stones -a composite of fiery thoughts; a Name of Fire of YahWah; initial stage of collective thought being a concept of praise/values in motion: the basis of all forms of sacrifice; (3) the state in which the invisible ayish enters in to adamah to become full by partaking of the tree of knowing the goodness and companion ship of parts; unity/oneness with Principal is the path/insight to fullness; the one, living core of concepts/ALphah power constructs itself into dimensions of many parts multitude; as Name given to a Fiery Thought: the essential life force in the blood; (4) the second Adam, in contrast to the first, is the expanded red fire unfolded according to the full spectra of all its light natures. Yahusho -the mature complete Adam gives priority to unity with YahWah, with a desire being for The 12 Twelve disciples also, To Know unity with the Principal {John 17:11, 22). Note: the second Adam is in the Bayit 2 position, housing and attaining unto the fullness of ALhhim: in Genesis/ BeRashshith, each Name is a thought statehaving yet fully to enter into form: the teachings of the BeginningGenesis designate the process by which the thoughts of cloud/dust form (categories of thought values) enters, via Joseph/Ywsphah, from an angelic; from one sent as a message into a construct of fiery composed thoughts; Sepher Yetsiat Metsryim/Exodus describes a Name entering into definition/form for expressed purpose of being/ unfolding the tabernacle of ALhhim: the habitation in mortal flesh demonstrates confinements and limitations of our nature, a state of outer darkness, humbling us to come unto full knowledge of the light energies within. The Land of Metsryim /Egypt defines and demonstrates the inner-life dynamics, via Definition of thought within a space and warms/nurtures us unto maturation: adim are the offspring in the likeness/damut, Pyramid / Teraysarun construct / four faces of ALhhim (Ezekiel 1:5-11 [YechwzeqAL]. This likeness does not limit humankind to one sphere of operation, even as ALhhim are not restricted; a focus on individual attributes, or self takes us away from the wholeness, blessedness, and freedom of YahWah / The Unity of Life; yet by grace, adim are provided a unified structure (to house the resident fire and all light energies it contains) as a teacher for Unity and as a mechanism for the process of reconciliation unto the fullness of ALhhim. Vapors beget Shath/Seth/an interior positioning of values to unfold the Kingdom/domain/dome; when the Adim are drawn out, a form/woman appears in which one enters, as a seed draws out of itself to form a tree/body; woman does not indicate a separate body as has been rendered; Adim draw out the embodiment of Name, first as Qayin / Cain which is said to be an acquisition of Ayish the activation of the 22 / letters. As when a Name begins to Breathe; in saying this is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone affirms that our flesh is of our thoughts, and our bone is of our knowledge; another person is not the flesh of my thoughts nor the bone of my bone, but that which is of ones Name; in like fashion a tree draws out its leaves and bark from itself. Values, 45: transmission of Light; 18: to extend via ascension; 18: transformation position, to branch into all Knowledge; 9: awakening consciousness. See man ayish/ish; ground. 127-28 adamah; ground, the Name Adim with what is called the .5 Hhwa, directive, signifying movement / emanations of the Adim,the emanations/directives according to the Lights, that which is towards Adim as Lights are toward the body; the shimmering lights of the vapors, glimpses, spectacles of radiance of the vapors, the foundational Unity of Light Principles of the Teraysarun/Pyramids to transmit light (within paths of fullness); the adimah are formative compositions with in earth / Arets within the spaces dedicated for thought expansion according to the flaming nature of a Name, adamah/adimah connote embodiment of Thoughts clustered together and their levels of emanations, as stones that radiate with various lights; there are the heavens and the earth and within the earth the adimah are formed being an assembly of Thoughts gathered together; with adimah stones of emanations one builds an altar [SYM Ex 20:21-22]; the adimah are organized vapors of light emanations, as stones-clusters of thoughts upon which one builds an altar for their service unto the Collective; the altar is of the

organized stones of adimah, the wood upon the altar are the teaching of The Oliyun / The Most High resident within the branches. The offerings on the altar are those of the assemblies stones, whereby an offering is an opening/ crying out of the stones of Avrehhem/Abraham; the offering of Cain Qayin is of the fruit/faces of the adimah which are formed as appearances-the outward upon which YahWah does not look verses that which is within the adimahas the first primary Numbers and their emanations of the flock/unified clusters, the latter being the offering of Hevel/Abel [SMB/Gen 4: 2-5]; Qayin is a cultivator of the external; Hevel an tender of the inner assembly; the adimah are states of ideas/concepts of the teraysarunim/Pyramids communications of Light; denotes the release of emanations dedicated to expand the Pyramid Teraysarun; of reddish color; a red coal conveying a composite of ashfiery thoughts; also: husband man, as farmers occupied in cultivation of earth, where seeds expand, facilitated by many waters (i.e. water/anointing of (Spirit Rewch) unto life/light; concepts at the gates anointed to shine / illuminate. Values, 50: unfoldment; 23/: emergence/sprouting of Thoughts; 5: illumination. See earth; adam: As the Words of HhaALhhim/The Elohyim/The Gods are assembled together to form every SeedName, with the Words are the prophecies the prophecies that are uttered over the SeedName, whereby the Words will open within a Name and become activefulfilled in their place of service within the Collective. The prophecies are spoken in accordance with the Twelve (morn-eve prayers); Oylut/Offerings that comprise the six evenings and six mornings of the Works of Light. [See appendix, chart: The Unified Ones Speak Days 1 - 7].

Fire Chapter 4 Dallet d

The narratives of Yahusho pertain to the rising consciousness that is formed by the congruent Rings of Ein Sof understanding Bayinah / moon/ night / north and south, Chakmah / wisdom. The unified activities of the Lights of Bayinah and Chakmah are the construct of the Name of Yahusho. To speak the Name of Yahusho is to speak in the Name of the Unified Acts of Light. Those who composed the narratives came from the great heritage of storytelling to convey the dynamics of the Eternal Principles of the Word and the Authority of the Most High. Through the processes of unfolding a Seed, the narratives are woven with drama, conflicts, and compassion to show the eternal weight of glory that is within every Name. The documents portray the processes of every Name which is fully embodied in the Name of Yahusho, for records speak of the Works of Light that are unfolding within us and overcoming the darkness of the world and its separation from the will of ALhhim. The documents are synoptic with many parallel sections; however, when variances occur amongst the versions of the gospels, such variances reveal the various schools of thought that were accepted to convey the process. This bears repeating As the messages of peace and universal consciousness spread from metropolis to metropolis in the hearts of meek ones, the political powers sought to bottle this power that it may bolster their dominion. The unarmed believers were slaughtered as lambs upon the altars of greed and self-exaltation in lieu of surrendering the State of Illumination attained. Seeing the great appeal of the messages of Yahushuo, those of political aspirations adopted the narratives. The contents were molded into an icon and then affixed with dogma for the masses to conform to a political state. The threads of revelation became hardened into a statue, and the meanings in the narratives became secondary to the icon that was fashioned. The correspondence of Shaul/Paul became rewritten by the admission of the Church fathers to convey a divine icon that surpassed the former practices of the Tewrah, whereby the meShich/Christ within became overshadowed by the towering statue of the Christ of their aspiring empire. Though the Word abides yet in the SeedNames, the power of its uprising will not be denied. Through bringing every Eye to behold meShich within them, the icons will fall and the empires that made them. See: ALHHIM ACHADD HhaALhhim at War Murder and Killing is not advocated in the Ancient Scriptures! The Magnificent Solution - How to have PEACE and UNITY and LOVE. The Torah Scrolls / Pentateuch / Ancient writings may seem to be only about Love, Unity, Kindness and Peace and Hope and Faith; but, its much, much more. The Tewrah/Torah {Pentateuch} has been written with the ink of the black text of man. But the Paleo Ancient Torah Tewrah is of the White Text: The Fire Letters of YahWah. One of the ways to discovery is via discord; whereby we must examine / sort through the dissonance to find the underlying harmony. Should there be no opposition there would be a reduction in distinction and hence a reduction of discovery. Purpose of your body is to discover, to reveal, to have a dwelling place in which to be transformed. And people are

adamantly opposed to compromise. And to kill is the name of the game on planet Earth to solve the imposing dilemmas. But cha know folks killing has never succeeded in eliminating war or the violent deeds that arise from dark minds. The only way that will close war and evil interests is TO KNOW the Light that we can behold inwardly. How about Human Rights R U involved in helping the poor and homeless? R U doing anything about this? These teaching are from the Paleo Torah / BHM, Shmual Wahli. I write to enhance or expound and explain. I am not teaching Torah, but showing the cause of the sick black wickedness of women and men who are thieves and robbers, and who love evil and bloodshed and murder and killings; instead of PEACE AND UNITY. So, The Magnificent Solution takes us unto the day at hand. Do you want to be just a gazer and an onlooker when you arrive to wherever it is that you think that you are going when you die? Saying, Dah what the hell happened? Where is jesus, Buddha or Mohammad or Zeus or god? Or do you want to understand the Paleo Torah and intertwine your spirit with The Most High? understanding the great and mighty Name of YahWah: Meaning, the Collective. The Union of Lights. The Assembly!!! Yah Father and Wah Mother The ALHHIM ACHADD AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE EVOLUTION OF THOUGHT UNTO THERE BEING ONE GOD WHICH ABIDES AS ONE The Body of HhaALhhim/The Elohyim/The Gods is a Collective Dwelling of 12 Houses. This Body is clothed with Light of Bayinah and Chakmah which weave the threads of this body night -day. According to their Numbers and their Names, the ALhhim are composed of 12 Pairs of Names. From this Assembly of ALhhim, a Body is composed; and as a collective, it is commonly called House of YahWah, and also the Pillar/Tower of Righteousness. The Body is the collective unified Rings of HhaALhhim/The Elohyim/The Gods, whose Names are: Newn-Chayit Mayim-Tayit Lammad-Yewd Kephw-Kephw; these are HhaALhhim of Understanding. Zayin-Alphah wah-Bayit Hhwa-Gammal Dallath-Dallath; these are HhaALhhim of Wisdom. Shayin-Semek Rayish-Oyin Qphah-Pawah Tsada-Tsada; these are HhaALhhim of Knowledge. The Names of HhaALhhim/The Rings (Gods) are united in One Name. They are joined together and fastened to the Staff in their midst. The Staff that holds all ALhhim and from which the Rings of ALhhim come is the Lammad/ 12-the perpendicular line around which all bodies of light rotate. The horizontal axis of the staff is Yewd/arms/10. As the arms sway L. to R. at various levels of extension, they determine the placement of the Names of HhaALhhim around the staff. The horizontal axis conveys the deeds, or the outstretched hands, of the Staff. There is not one deed more important than another; some deeds are foundational, that is, those which are done first, and some deeds, or levels of performance, are brought forth in sequence to first deeds. The first deeds give evidence to belonging to the Tree showing the primary attributes of the Tree. These are called the deeds of Wisdom. Subsequent deeds are of Knowledge. All deeds that have value within them are of Understanding. As a tree, there are primary branches that give the tree structure, whereby the tree can sustain the weight of its fruit. According to their positioning upon the Staff, the Names of HhaALhhim are arranged and proceed within collective Body of Enlightenment of seven levels. The positioning of the Names within the Staff determine their radiance of light/ color, their rotation speed and circumference, their height, depth, breadth, and season of fruitfulness. The Names of all of HhaALhhim come from the Lammad 12, for they are within the Kephw-Kephw, 11-11 being the Tree of Life that is the inner core of the Lammad. Within the Lammad-Yewd 12-10 is the Tree of Life, from which the Numbers and the Letters appear within the branches of Tewrah/Torah Thought. All Names are from the Tree of Life which springs forth from the ever flowing consciousness of the 70 kuwhnim/priest. The Kephw-Kephw ring is the inner ring of all houses, as all 7 Rings are in 7 levels, spaced apart as a cylinder; however, one accesses the Tree of Life in the midst of the garden that is within the body of the kuwhnim/priest, which is in the midst of the 7 levels. There are 2 ALhhim to each union that form 4 corners, where by their foundations are laid. Until a foundation is laid, the House, and therefore the full glory within the Names, is not seen. The square foundation is comprised of two Lammad at right angles to one another. Being of the Lammad configuration, every pair of Names testifies of the 12 within their midst, from which they have their Being and Names. Each Name comes from a position within the Staff, even as every branch and every leaf is named according to its level of appearance upon the Tree; from the corners of the square, the Names are intertwined side by side, whereby they form the Tawah/t/22. According to their position in the Lammad, they bear the fruit of their union from their sides, even as a Tree bears its fruit from the sides of Understanding. The fruit is depicted as the Tayit/9, being that which is gathered from their Union. In each fruit, there are two seeds, conveying the Presence of two Names, from which come the staffs/sides that form a head at each end. The primordial pair of Names of HhaALhhim are HhaLammad and HhaYewd, form a head at each end. The primordial pair of Names of HhaALhhim is HhaLammad and HhaYewd, which comprises the House of Levi

Lawi/Priesthood. The Values of HhaLammad 12 and HhaYewd 10 form the Tawah 22, the sum of ALhhim Unified. From the House of Lawi all ALhhim appear. At the sides of HhaLammad/12 and HhaYewd 10 are the Names of AL; the Unified Seed of all Rings of ALhhim and AR-the Illumination that breaks open as the Seed of AL opens. AL belongs to the Lammad (In the 7th Heaven), for a Seed comes from the Tree; and AR belongs to the arm of the 10Yewd, for by the deeds of the Seed the Light comes into the world. The10 Yewd draws out all thoughts in AL as the threads of a plant form a cloth that comes from the Seed. According to ones deeds, so is their garment. Union of sides of the 12 HhaLammad and HhaYewd, the 10 the Seed and the crowning Light of AR make a Tree. AR and AL are the fruit of 10-12 Lammad-Yewd, which is coined as ARALthe union of AL and AR. What comes out of a Seed and its Illuminations are all offspring of the Staff and their garments. As the Seed of AL opens, the Rings of ALhhim within the Seed appear. The offspring of the Staff are born on the branches of ALhhim. The offspring of ALhhim are known as YishARAL, for they are from the activities of Fire/Yish which come out of the offerings of ARAL. According to offerings of ARAL, the branches of the Staff blaze with Fire, and yet they are not consumed. For how can anything be known apart from the Numbers, via which they are measured, and by Letters, by which they appear? In these levels does one know meShich, and apart from them there is no Knowledge of meShich, which is the fulfillment sum conclusion of all that is Numbered and written in The Torah HhaTeuwrah / The Law [Deut 31: 24; Romans 8:4,10:4; Mattithyahu/Matt 5:17-19]. Deut 31:24 = and it came to pass, when Moses had made an end of writing the words of the Law upon a scroll, until he had finished them.


So, The Magnificent Solution We can do nothing against truth! In Paleo Govri, we do not refer to Letters as consonants or vowels; we know Letters to be Signs and Numbers. Through the Numbers we discern the value of a Word and according to the combination of the Signs and Numbers, the words are uttered inaudibly or audible. The utterance of Light consciousness conveys the 1:1 ratio that is in midst of the words whereby what is spoken are words of the Tree of Life. These words of Life are acceptable to encircling movements and intentions of the Breath, whereby the tongue, as a spear or scepter, is given the power to speak of life/animation or death/extension. We can do nothing against truth for the truth is the truth, verified by FIRE, being tested 10 times whereby it is perfected. Every truth has been tested 10 times in the Fire, and it will be tested within every one of us the same, whereby we prove by our hands/deeds /10 that we are one with the Truth. When it is tested, being proven to be in accord with the Numbers and the Letters, we will not deny it by acting adversely, nor shall the bonds of perfect unity through which we are rescued from obscurity, be broken. The seven chambers of Enlightenment convey the heights and depths of the thoughts of Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge. The depths of Wisdom are in Chakmah and the heights of Wisdom are in HhaCharasham. The depths of Understanding are in Bayinah/Moon/Night/North and the heights of Understanding are in HhaTerreni {pertaining to the Sayings/Words of Wisdom}. Depths of Knowledge are in HhaALhhim, and the heights of Knowledge are in HaHarrayAurrat--in the mountains of Aurrat-7th Heaven. In the midst of these levels of thought abide the Enlightenment of Aharwan/Aaron, from which all thought descend and ascends. Through the services/deeds of HhaKuwhnim-The Priest one attains to the depths and heights of any thought. The Magnificent Solution The Seven Heavens THE NAMES AND THE PLACES OF THE 7 HEAVENS AS THEY SPREAD OUT TO COMPRISE AND FILL THE UNIVERSES OF THE 12 Mount Aurrat/Araratthe 12-Lammad Head; the Opening of the Seed, in the midst of the Heads of Nine. The 12th position of the Numbers is the 7th House or the seventh heaven. Each of the seven houses of Numbers is levels of Names and their dwellings, commonly referred to as the seven heavens. The seventh heaven is called Mount Aurrat, the level of ascension upon which the ark of Nwach/Noah comes to rest, for by the measures of grace found in the Rings / Eyes of YahWah, one arises upon the waters of the Hhakaiywer/The Laver unto the mount of illumination; whereby one comes to the three levels of Origin: the Origin of Wisdomone through 10; the Origin of Understanding, one through 11; and the Origin of All Knowing one through 12. The 6th Heaven is: The Terreni in which is Tree of Life 5th Heaven is: HhaCharasham HhaKuwhnim/the priests 4th HhaALhhim 3 Bayinah 2 Chakmah 1 7. Aurrat. The Hill of Unified Heads Intertwined. 6. HhaTerreni. The Hill of Counsels and Decoding

5. Charasham. The Hill of Construction of Numbers and Words 4. HhaKuwhnim. The Hill of Enlightenment 3. HhaALhhim: The Hill of Divine Order/Arrangement. 2. Bayinah. The Hill of Understanding 1. Chakmah: The Hill of Wisdom/Aligned Associations.


Sum of The Twelve Houses, Their Parts and Their Heads: Regarding the Ashes: Through the ashes of offerings, all things are formulated for subsequent states, whereby they are called the ashes of progression. Through ashes of HhaKuwhnim-The Priest, Adam is formed. What is deduced by Unified Minds of Enlightenment is assembled by house of Qahhath/one of the four houses of the priesthood; to form a dwelling state. As one designates a portion of ashes from the Altar of the Oylah (Morn-Eve prayers) for the Altar of Incense, the, values within the ashes are carried to the ascending altar of Incense for the illumination of the mind, whereby what has been opened in the heart rises to fill the mind. The values of the ashes are the sum of the chambers of The Priests HhaKuwhnim/3501, which inputs the Thoughts of progression; the sum of the Body of HhaALhhim / 954, in which the Words of HhaALhhim are formed; and the sum of the sides of Understanding/3366 and Wisdom/1089, through which the governing rods of expression and their fruit, with seed, are formed. The sum values of the Ashes are 8910. The Thoughts within the unified ashes of the wood and the lamb kevash are laid-up, twice daily, to form a sensor plate of the mind, whereby the mind detects all that is within the body. The Plate is a network of rods, as the base of the Teraysarun/Pyramid. This network of Thought strengthens the mind with the assembled unified rods that are formed daily. The construct of the plate is the basis for the thoughts to arise further in agreement with the Thoughts of the Most High. The plate is located above the bridge of the nose, forming a platform for the spices to be laid upon to be stored in the chambers of the House making the offering. When the ashes are gathered from the Altar of HhaOylah, they are lifted up in two measures: Those on the right side of the ywm and negev, north and south for Chakmah, and those on the left side of west and east are the tsaphun and qadam for Bayinah. Our Breath, as the Wind of our Intelligence, carries the ashes unto the qadam/eastthe levels of Origin from which all things come. The ashes for the Altar of Incense are gathered from the two houses in which the offering is composedfrom the house providing the wood for the offering, and those from the house providing the meek one for the offering itself. These ashes are taken from the location on the altar where the houses reside at the sides of Mishkan Body, and are placed upon a sensor plate for incense to be laid upon from which they rise into the chambers of the Most High. Through the spices, the values of the offering are retained within the fields of the Mind pertaining to the House from which the meekness is offered. The scent of the offering is always retained, though the body of the offering is transformed unto a new state; as with a flower, though it fades the fragrance is never forgotten. The smoke of the spices opens the gate in the mind that corresponds to the House of meekness. The values of the ashes from the altar of the oylah that are placed upon sensor plate are 8910, which is an intermingling of thoughts from all sides. In carrying the ashes from the Altar of the Oylah to the qadam/east, the ashes carry the values of the oylah within them. The currents of Breath that carry the ashes cause the waters of HhaTsur/ The Rock to flow after the movement of YishARAL as a result of the oylah. The waters of The Rock flow from the north through the ashes gathered in east, thereby carrying the values within the ashes unto the basin of hhakaiywer/the laver. In this manner the waters within the kaiywer are changed twice daily, once in evening and once in the morning. The breath carries the ashes through seven levels of Enlightenment, from Chakmah unto the realms of the Most High. As the breath blows over the ashes, they are lifted east wards, and with the next inhaling breath, the breath draws from the seven levels of Enlightenment. As the breath returns unto is place of residing, the ashes within the seven levels of associated thoughts, from their offerings, are mingled together with the ashes from our altars. Together, the ashes come to rest at Madai, in the eastern gate, through which the waters pass in route to the laver-hhakaiywer. Upon gathering the ashes in qadam, the Rock is struck with the directive force/staff within the hand. The waters commence to flow in the direction of the staff to release measures of revelations from the north. As the waters pass through the ashes, they activate all that has arisen within the consciousness as a result of the oylah and the corresponding thoughts that are intermingled with those in the seven levels of Enlightenment. With striking of the rock, the breath exhales, and in so doing, the spaces within the channel from the qadam are opened for the waters to flow unto the kaiywer/laver. As the waters gather into the laver kaiyuwer, they form seven levels of Thought within the basin, according to the thoughts that have been lifted up and gathered within the ashes. The ashes carry the full attributes of Thought, being the sum of the offerings made in all seven levels, to support and

activate subsequent offering. Who can enter into the chambers of another except by their Breath? Who can know what is in the mind of the Most High except that youre Spirit/ Breath ascends and descends daily into the heights and depths of Enlightenment. As you breathe enters into each chamber of the seven, from Queen Chakmah to Aurrat, the ashes of your offering and the ashes from their altars, dance and swirl together, whereby the Thoughts of each level are gathered together as one is prepared to learn the Thoughts of the Most High and to perform in oneness with the Enlightenment. The ashes are of the offering and of the wood upon which the offering is made. The wood for each subsequent offering is from the state of the branches of the previous oylah. As the offering is laid upon the wood, the teachings within the wood rises through the oylah, whereby the one humbled to give all is lifted up into the heights of Aurrat. As the ashes of one offering are gathered, they provide values that determine the state of the waters in hhakaiywer. The ashes contain the patterns of thoughts within the offering parts and their bones. Each ash heap is colored by the traces of manchaih/mincha/grain and wine that are made with the offering; and hence their values, being of the oylah, are within the sum of the offering. As the bones open during the oylah they reveal the crystal patterns within the Lammad/12. The section of the Lammad that is revealed is according to the branch of thought from which the offering is made. [The section of the Lammad that opens may be discerned by referring to The Tree of Life illustration in BHM: House of Dan, which illustrates the positions of The Twelve Branches upon the Tree of Life. Use the positions of the Branches and not the positions of the Fruit, that are set each day upon the Branches.] Regarding The Waters Through carrying the ashes to their point of origin/qadam, the thoughts of the offering are positioned to be transmitted from their appearance unto their service. Through the ashes one carries forward their ascension into subsequent deeds and attainments that occur within the sequential offerings. The thoughts within the ashes are transmitted through the waters. Waters from HhaTsur / The Rock flow through the ashes each evening and morning. The waters descended from the Mountain and pass through the ashes that have been carried forward from the ALtar. In other words, the streams of Enlightenment in our mind carry the thoughts of our ascensions into pools of waters for their implementation and expression. In this procedure the waters above flow to pools below. As the waters pass through the ashes, they are layered into seven concentric pools within the laver-Hhakaiywer of Knowledge/bronze, one layer for each of the levels of ashes that pertain to the oylah. The waters are also called the pools of the monarchs, for they are gathered within the Houses of Yahdah and Aparryim and regulated by the monarchs. The laver for the waters is a bronze vessel, denoting that they are of the upper levels of Knowledge, as they descend from the Rock. Daily we designate our deeds/hands and progressions/feet into the waters of the Numbers and the Letters through which all things transpire before us. The waters are stirred from the depths in Meneshah daily. As the portion of Meneshah is bathed and then set up on the altar mizbaach for an oylah offering, each evening and morning, the staff rotates left to right in the evening and right to left in the morning, for fourteen revolutions. The fourteen turns of the staff swirl the waters into the Seven Rings. Each Ring is made with a double wall, whereby they are one house. There are two revolutions of the staff for each Ring of HhaALhhim. The stirring of the waters cause the values in the waters to elevate the consciousness within all of the Rings as one makes the oylah. The function of Meneshah causes an elevation and transition of progression, according to the Numbers/values in the waters and the Numbers/values in parts of the oylah, as they are activated in the waters of Hhakaiywer /the laver. The waters of Meneshah are what are called the waters of the deep in the days of Nwach / Noah [SMB/Gen 7:11]. As the waters break open from the stones of Meneshah, the entire tevahh/ark is lifted through seven levels. The rising of the waters of Meneshah extend through all Seven Rings, whereby one is immersed in the Waters of Understanding. Being immersed in the waters of the deep in Meneshah, at the base of the Kaiywer, is the one baptism, for it is the unifying immersion of all Rings as one. The process of bathing all members into the Kaiywer daily is the affirmation of the unifying immersion. The flood of Nwach is a prophecy of the days when all shall be whitened with the waters of Understanding (Matt. - Mattithyahu 24:34-39]. The waters of hhakaiywer are those of Abraham Avrehhem, which are of the part of the Staff of Wisdom. In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, Lazarus is laid in the bosom/basin of Avrehhem, from which the Tree of YishARAL sprouts and grows, as a tree is planted by the waters. Lazarus is laid within the bosom, signifying the position for ascension from death and ongoing progressions. The rich man asks Lazarus for water, for Lazarus is at the well of Life. The water that is requested is from the kaiywer, in order that the tongue may speak of the things of Life to redirect its members to escape the corruption of its household after vain pursuits. Regarding the Wood The wood for each offering comes from the head of the previous offering. The paired branches of Enlightenment from the previous offering have risen into the mind. As they have been elevated from the previous oylah, they are the wood for the succeeding offering for such is the state of the members as the next offering commences.

The six paired rods of the previous offering are arranged upon the altar of the heart. The arrangement of branches forms a tree upon which the offering is hung. As the hand and feet of the offering are fastened upon the branches, the entire offering is elevated in an upright position to carry forth the will of Most High in deeds and in progressions. The structure of the wood provides the warp for the woof, which is comprised of the threads from the oylah to be woven upon. The daily arrangement of the wood provides a foundation for the Teachings of the Most High to direct and elevate the offering at hand. The wood for each offering are the Teachings that pertain to the House in which the wood is brought. The Teachings are the 12 Twelve Categories of the Tree of Life, being the Thoughts of The Most High which are given to the Enlightened/HhaKuwhnim. I.e. when the wood is served from Gad, the Teachings are of the Tree of Life, coming from the level of HhaTerreni pertaining to the Sayings/Words of Wisdom. Gad serves to elevate the offerings of Yahdah and/or Nephetli, whereby the Thoughts from the Tree of Life, both in Numbers and in Words are transferred to YishARAL. The original offering is made from the Unified Minds of HhaKuwhnim/The Priest, in the heavens, upon which they laid their Body of Consciousness to expand their consciousness and to bring from the fruit from the Fires of their Unified Branches. As one makes the succeeding offering, one appropriates the thoughts of Enlightenment within their Branches that have just risen unto the Minds of HhaKuwhnim in the preceding offering. In this manner, the application of all that has arisen is transferred and implemented into the deeds of Awer/Light. As the branches of the previous offering are designated, being laid down for another, every oylah is connected like a strand of pearls. From this awareness, prayer beads and the like have been made; however, the pattern of such are formed daily through oylah. Remember: these are allegorical messages from the Most High, they are not physically performed. And no, you may not bow down to a tree or to the sea, or to your mommy. Nay! We bow only with the Great Assembly and not to something: the Union of Lights, spiritually, via Numbers 28. Ignorant praying and straying is not acceptable. Nay! Its a new day, start right away). Every offering is forever remembered -none are duplicated as one would repeat chant-prayer from bead of retention. Every offering is paired to another from two or three days, whereas they become as two twisted strands, or a cord of three which cannot be broken. In this manner of twisting together branches, the thoughts of Understanding and Wisdom are woven together from the evening to the morning and from the morning to the evening. During the days of their offering, the houses are joined head to tail, as the offering of wood and the offering of the body of meekness (lamb) are united to from the ashes of progression. The head of the Enlightenment body of the offering now rises to the crown as the lights of the menurahh-menorah are ablaze. In this level of union, the thoughts of Light rise upon its head, whereby they are 180 from the initial position. I.e. The wood is of the House of Yahdah; the body of meekness is of Aparryim. As the menorah-menurrah is trimmed to bear the lights of Chakmah by morning, the Thoughts of Aparryim rise upon the Head of Yahdah. In the next level of the offering, houses are head to head, whereby they are 270 from the beginning. In this position of the houses, the Body of parts with its Head rises as the incense. The houses from which the wood and from which the body of meekness are given, rise together as one, to be 1:1 with the heads of the Priest HhaKuwhnim. In taking off the ashes--the final measure of the oylah, the houses are tail to tail, for all that has been processed through the union of the houses has become reduced to the foundation base of both houses together, whereby the ashes are unified of the wood and of the offering. This final rotation of 360 is the carrying of the ashes to the point of origin through the sides of the north. Through the alignment of the houses one to another, in all degrees of Illumination, the two houses are Eye to Eye. [For more information regarding aspects of offerings, see BHM documentations regarding the Offerings of Israel -YishARAL]. The Wood and The Parts, The Head and the Words For every offering, there are the Teachings, or the Wood, which are laid upon the coals. As one brings the wood to the Altar, they attune themselves to the Teachings of the Day. Upon the wood, the parts are arranged, whereby they are positioned to fulfill the Teachings of HhaKuwhnim. As the parts are united at the corners, the Head of the offering is positioned, for the Head of the Body does not appear until the Body is formed and readied. This important lesson teaches us that until we have arranged our members, we cannot bear the Minds of the Most High. Further, as we form the Tent of Meeting for the Day, we are prepared to receive the grace and the illuminations of the Most High. The union of the Rings is vital to come to comprehend the Head of every pair in the Most High. The wood and the head of the offering rise together through the Body of the parts. From the body of the plant, the head is formed to rise at the crown; likewise, through the offerings of each evening and morning the Mind of Light forms and rises to the crown to bear the everlasting Lights of Bayinah and Chakmah. In the illustration, the Ring of Wood is from the House of Nephetli that is formed from a baqar/morning oylah. Ring of Parts is from the qd The Ring of the Ascension dp q Ring of The Head p m Ring of Parts Td Ring of Wood d The above illustrates an offering of Aparryim, founded upon the Teachings of Nephetli: Subsequent offering of the evening, which is from the House

of Aparryim. The head of the offering of Aparryim is Yahdah, which is formed from the Body of Aparryim. As the head rises, the Teachings of Nephetli rise from the wood as a Ring of Fire, which rise together with the Mind of Yahdah. According to Teachings / wood of the offering, one rises through the offering. The combination of these Letters of ALhhim: qd and dp form words: i.e. qd means the fine weavings, finer than the threads of a lily that are a garment for those who serve on the thrones; dp means to free, liberate. This is an example how Thoughts are formed from the Fire of the ALtar. Within the Teachings there are Words; within the combination of the parts there are Words, with in the Head of the oylah there are Words; and from the Unity of all of the offerings, the Words of Fire are formed and rise unto the State of Enlightenment in which we walk by night and day. The combination of Numbers and Words are vast, as conveyed in BHM: The House of Dan. Through these combinations upon ALtar, the Words of the Tewrah are formed, and as they arise, they are spoken and written by the tongue of Aharwan / Aaron upon the inward stones of YishARAL. (This means Us, We, U, Me, Them, Him, Her, for we are all Hebrews, we are all Israel YishARAL; there is nothing very special about those people over there in Palestine who are called Jews, nothing; they are loved of YahWah as we are). Names of Fire The Numbers of the Most High bear testimony to the Names of Fire. In the charts of the offerings, there are Names of the servants that assist every offering. Names of those of the House of Qahhath/Kohath are those that assemble the members together for the oylah [Morn & Eve. prayers). Amongst whom is AL Gullav of Chakmah, AL Doy of Bayinah, AL Lumeh of HhaALhhim, and AL Danhameg of HhaKuwhnim. The Names that speak the sum values of each offering are the Names of HhaKuwhnim-the Priest; Unified that provide the Teachings for each offering; that are of the pairs that provide the wood of unified branches. Those at corners of Altar are the Names in the Gates.

Fire Chapter 6 Waw w

YahWah the Blood The blood of the Meek One is a primary procedure in making the offerings. According to the blood the juice/vital circulating fluid of a plant, the branches are fruitful. When Aharwan/Aaron sprinkles the blood (This information is not about 6,000 years ago-its about NOW=TODAY); the Enlightenment of mind and body regulates the flow of blood as it is in the hand of the priesthood. According to the Enlightenment the blood flows and the fruit of the branches become evident. The bearing of the fruit of the Thoughts of the Most High is why blood forgives and makes of no effect the transgressions that have occurred within the Houses of Thought. By the blood the transgression ceases for the transgression no longer receives the former blood of the flesh, whereby it withers and dries up. The blood of meShich is the generation of Life that fully expresses the Thoughts of the Most High by feeding the Thoughts unto an acceptable measurement of expression/deed. When the blood of meShich runs within us, there is a void of sin and hence sins are taken away, having removed the unproductively and hindrances of thoughts that restrain full expression of HhaALhhim within embodiment of Name. The meShich on stavos/cross conveys how we hang all of our members upon Staff of Aharwan unto full expression of Mind that rises in full dedication to Collective, whereby we rise above realm of separateness and waywardness. through hanging ourselves with meShich, we negate giving our members unto thoughts of misalignment, for all of the Houses, which we occupy, are lifted up in accordance with the 28 Orders of Alhhim; to bear the fruit of the SeedWord of AL. It does not matter how many times a person confesses the blood of meShich, the sin remains until the blood of a Name is dedicated to flow only for the branches to bear the fruit of the OLiyun/ The Most High. When the branches are fastened to the Tree of Enlightenment, then and only then is there no more sin. For how can there be sin present when one is bearing the fruit of righteousness? As one performs the Deeds of HhaTewrah The Torah, there is no sin, for it has been taken away through the blood running within our veins as channels of Understanding. Baptism is unto the removal of sins, for it is the deliberate act of putting on the garments of meShich, whereby one is clothed with the full vesture of heavenly attire. We come to the kaiywer/ laver and receive the rings upon our fingers and sandals upon our feet. We then put on an apparel to engage the members unto the full service of the Most High / OLiyun. Though it has been said that baptism is for the remission of your sins, the action of washing is unto remission. True baptism is fulfilled by putting on robes of meShich and engaging ones members as a unified House for Most High/Oliyun. Whereby there is no longer a bearing of fruit that takes away from the Faces of HhaALhhim. Only when branches are set upon the Staff/Stavos/cross of Aharwan-Aaron, to bear the fruit of the Most High/OLiyun, are we positioned for the blood to run within our members, whereby we generate living expressions of Life in which there is no sin. When we bear the offspring of ALhhim as branches of our SeedName then the blood of the ALhhim flows into them

for the blood of the mortal cannot find its way into the Body of ALhhim. Apart from the stavos, the blood runs in our mortal veins and carries misaligned thoughts that lead to deeds of unrighteousness and violations of the Unity within ones Houses or the Houses of their neighbors. What is in the mind appears upon the branches, for the blood carries the thoughts unto the inner houses and enrages them unto formulative faces. The blood moves in circles within the branches, as a fury of wind, or waves that rush with an excitement from the mind unto the hand of each house to translate the thought into an action. The resulting fruit is either of the Enlightenment of the Staff that comes by the Blood of meShich--ones SeedName, or of the darkness of the non-ascending lonely serpent that comes by the blood of corruptible flesh. Our fruit is the evidence as to the sins being removed or remaining. There is no more a struggle as to what level shall possess the soul, or to whom shall one serve, for when one is fixed to the Staff the struggle is over. The mind and the members have been joined unto the Enlightenment to which they have been called, and the blood of their Seed Name within them pulsates with the Thoughts of Life. The evidence is forthcoming: the words of their mouths and the deeds of their hands are unto Oliyun/Most High. Upon the Staff /cross of meShich are only the upright. The thief who steals the Numbers will not conform to the outcome of the next hour, in which those who have given all enter into the Garden of Eden /Godann, commonly referred to as Paradise [Ywsphah /Luke 23:43]. When one is aligned with meShich, they are taken to the Garden of Knowledge, for until that day (meaning the Act of Alignment) they are not readied to bear the weight of the Trees of Knowledge, for their branches are not united to carry the glory that comes from the stavos, nor would their branches fit into the Tree of Life [SYM/Ex 29:43, Galatians 6:14, Yahuchannan/Jn 17:5; Col 3:1-5]. Hanging oneself with meShich is the final resolution of the world, where by the members become the dwelling state of the Unified Mind of The Most High /OLiyun, which is House of YahWah. In such a state there are no un-clean / un-ripened / un-pruned thoughts nor can they form, nor reside upon these branches. The lands of ones Mind are devoted to the kuwhnim/Priest of Ywsphah/Joseph, for all lands are the states of the Kingly 7th House of Aparryim. (Remember: human race must insist on elimination of War [Killing], Separateness {lack of Unity} and murderous land conquering in which un-godly women and men seize land areas by military force: to take control of a place by the force of arms and commit genocide. World geography: ownership of LAND, [Demographic-ally]. Dirt!!! Our human bodies are the LAND SPOKEN OF IN THE BLACK TEXT, not patches of dirt and sand. Apart from the House of Ywsphah/Joseph there are no lands. NO LANDS!!! All is sold by those who enter into Life, as the supra-consciousness states, where by the lands are possessed by the Enlightenment [SMB/Gen 47:20-27; Luke 18:22]. According to the Order of HhaALhhim /The Elohyim/ The Gods, Yahusho of Aparryim, stands with the Kuwhnim / Priest to bring all into the Lands of the inheritance [Yahusho/ Joshua 14:1]. Hence, Aparryim serves by Aaron/Aharwan until all lands are laid to the feet of Priest-Kuwhnim who stand in the River Yarrdenn/Jordan to make a way for the whole House of YishARAL to enter into Their States. States - The Ten Lands, The States of YishARAL include all spheres and realms of Light. The reading of Teuwrah / Torah has been imposed upon by thoughts of this world and thus restricted by the impositions of carnality. This amazing document of recent revelation reveals and explains 10 lands that Moses was told to enter: Absolutely contrary to the death and killing text of old; (HERE is the real story and reasons why those who believe every word in the scriptures have been killing and murdering humankind. SICK)! This is what Torah; HhaALhhim/The Elohyim/The Gods told Moses to do-or what REALLY INTENDED was.

The Ten Lands / Ten State

The vast river {esophagus-intestinal tract} within you is part of your divine order. It is the means to draw out and appropriate the principles of all that you partake of unto its full use and expression. Included within this river will arise the Ten Traits processes/nations of your Unfolded Image. These are the Ten, the active or fulfilled stages of your coming into manifestation commonly perceived as the ten nations you are to overthrow. [The message is for us, not the so called Jews, there are no such people called Jews. Everyone is Israel, Hebrew. Jew is a slang word for the tribe, house of Judah; there are eleven more houses consisting of Israel]. Hebrews is we! But, rather (This is the Mis-Reading of writings and Darkness of Butcher Chronicles which you need TO KNOW). Rather than nations to be overthrown or cast out, these are the ten active states unto the fulfillment of your Name in the Land. These are the hands / ten / that is being dealt to you; to dislodge from your inner resources unto full activity. And from this pivot point, you proceed unto other occupations of being. However, before proceeding unto other realms or conditions, the ten states must be accomplished in your present journey. Ten States / Lands Pronounced as: 1. Kayni / Kenite / State of Zayin Z / Right thumb -------------------K nee

2. Kenizi / Kenizzite / State of Chet j / right index finger ----------Ken na z 3. Kadmoni / Kadmonite / State of Tet T/ right middle finger------Cad Moan knee 4. Chitti / Hittite / State of Yud Y / right fourth finger ---------------Hit tee 5. Perizi / Perizzite / State of Kaf K/ right little finger---------------Pur ress z 6. Rephaim / State of Lamed L / left thumb--------------------------- Raft ph enee 7. Amori / Amorite / State of Mem M / left index finger------------Ah more re 8. Kenaani / Canaanite / State of Nun N / left middle finger-------Ken ah knee 9. Girgashi / Graphite / State of Sameck s / left fourth finger ------Ger gash she 10. Yevusi/Jebusite / State of Ayin O / left little finger--------------Ye vu si We must think every day that we are walking in the Ten States: You do not walk in any other land; these are States that you walk in, unless you forsake your inheritance. One stops walking on the other side of the Yordan and crosses over the Yordan and walks in these lands. And there/ here, the Shyin/W, the Crown appears-for the ten lands are given to the Seed Word in which the twelve abide as one. Land The Land of YishARAL is not limited to places marked out by arbitrary / boundaries on this sphere. The States of YishARAL include all spheres and realms of Light. The Blood When we bear the offspring of ALhhim as branches of our SeedName then the blood of ALhhim flows into them for the blood of the mortal cannot find its way into the Body of ALhhim. Apart from the stavos, the blood runs in our mortal veins and carries misaligned thoughts that lead to deeds of unrighteousness and violations of the Unity with in ones Houses or the Houses of their neighbors. The turning of water into blood is by the Directive of the Staff of Aharwan with maShayh. The Staff into the waters is the process of coming to the laver kaiywer and then dipping each of your parts into the waters according to the Order of the Staff whereby the waters in each house are activated to flow with the blood within the branches unto productivity. Egyptians could not drink of these waters, even as a stranger to meShich cannot drink of cup. A stranger to meShich cannot drink of the cup. Each strike of the ten plagues {at Passover}, is the full extension of The Yewd/The Hand of Redemption that culminates in the death of that which has been born in slavery in order to free the Offspring of Israel-YishARAL from their burdens of the world unto which they became enslaved. The blood that flows from your sides carries the Thoughts of the Staff to arise with evidence with in your members, as you hang them daily upon the Staff of Enlightenment. As the result of this first strike/plaque of the Staff, to turn water into blood, the people of YishARAL are set free; the former fruit of Metsryim/Egypt perishes, whereby it is said that by the shedding of blood ones sins are not retained. No man or women is or was a god. Zeus/jesus aint a gonna save U. Those who believe that another one can save them from this corruption of mortality without putting away the old / former man and the deeds thereof have deceived themselves beyond logic. Being Mis-Read While the translators have rendered the same terminologies as animals in the scrolls, the original intent is to convey an organization of thoughts and their acceptable forms, rather than the form [breathing flesh] itself. (Remember, we are in an allegorical mode, here).The cattle depict the organization of the Alphah power, and its prevailing strength; the sheep convey the Body of HhaALhhim and the meekness of their mannerisms; the goats depict the Force of Unity that binds all together and their leadership; the doves convey the freedom that only is found in peace amongst giving and tending of thoughts; the pigeons convey the great understanding that comes from the heart. Words of angerselfishness condemnation, abruptness, separation, are far apart from the Congregations of the Most High OLiyun, and hence they, nor their forms, are acceptable upon the altars of YahWah. Those who state that the blood of bulls and goats have no affect to take away sins are in rebellion against the Counsel of the Most High and are in opposition to the everlasting Tewrah/Torah. The blood of fruit/faces borne at the sides, being misread as bulls, and the blood of the strong, being misread as goats, achieve forgiveness as they lead the disciple to bear new faces, whereby their former expressions are no longer hanging up on their branches for this is the flowing of the blood of Chakmah / the sides and Bayinah / the unified strength that holds all together as one. Those who apply blood (This is not a physical act) of strong at the base of their altar prepare themselves to renew their mind with courage and power to overcome and to rise above their former state, whereby they are changed; for as one thinks, so they are.

Fire Chapter 7 Zyin z

Tewrah/ Torah is not speaking about animals but rather traits of expressions. The Torah / Tewrah states that the unclean beast is the Defilement of soul, but does it not also defile the garment of the Body? For as soul is expressed through body, the body bears the shame of the unrighteous soul that has separated itself from Breath that bore it, whereby it shall die in its sin. Animals that are gregarious in nature and which are of flocks are most noteworthy, such as the gentle lambs as well as those that bear them. Most of the prescribed animals for the offerings are of the year, whereby offerings are in the midst of being made, and correspond to the royal secretions of life within a soul. The cattle depict the organization of the Alphah power, and its prevailing strength; the sheep convey the Body of HhaALhhim and the meekness of their mannerisms; the goats depict the Force of Unity that binds all together and their leadership; the doves convey the freedom that only is found in peace amongst giving and tending of thoughts; the pigeons convey the great understanding that comes from the heart. Words of anger selfishness condemnation, abruptness, separation, are far a-part from the Congregations of the Most High / OLiyun, and hence they, nor their forms, are acceptable upon the altars of YahWah. While the translators have rendered the same terminologies as animals in the scrolls, the original intent is to convey an organization of thoughts and their acceptable forms, rather than the form [breathing flesh] itself. For though the blood of the beast may be shed, it is the heart of the one coming that is to be given, and not the beast of the field. For if one sheds the blood of a beast, how can they pass from one level unto another, but if one gives of their own blood, they may, by their own blood enter into the Holy of Holies qudashqudashim and make transference from one level unto another. For only by elevation of the Numbers and their 22 Fire Letters within us, can we rise into other realms in which we have been seated. For as the sun rises and sets, does it not return to the point from which it began? Hence, the way home is by making the offering that pertains to the foundation and to the Houses from which we have been formed and born. Most people think that the Pentateuch / Tewrah / Torah is speaking about which animals are clean: which animals are unclean, but the Tewrah Torah is not speaking about animals but rather traits of expressions that affect the soul in which is either life or death [TK 11:44]. The animals are named in current Translations for the animals; animals have been called by traits of Thoughts that determine what is Clean or unclean. If a matter is clean, then it is of the whitening of Mind, and if it is unclean, then it belongs to the expressions that do not abide within the congruency of the rings, such as traits of arrogance, bigotry, lying, etc. The most important determinations that one can judge themselves are where their heart is suspended. --------------------------------------------------------DOGS! You will know them by their fruit: Dogs are killers/murderers. Every animal type depicts the Spirit Reuwch Breath that formed its body and why it came to dwell in that type of skin-Will the dog kill groundhog or kill another animal just for the excitement of doing so? Does the dog respect all vegan or non -vegan animals? If so then rewch spirit is in transition from the house that it was in to what it is becoming. Does the dog drink blood and eat meat? Wow!!! Have you ever THOUGHT OF such a thing in your life? Ever wonder why they call people dogs? The educated world knows that the Pure Language is from right to left. Dog spelled L. Is God! Why is dog used? It is part of the vocabulary. Perhaps the term is broader than when ShmuwL first dialed into it; as are the implications of the message. With the blood of the sides/bulls and the unified strength/goats the full range of days are fulfilled in purity, for with the sides of the parts the offerings to initiate the head of every month are made and with the blood of the unified strength the crowning of the Mind is achieved, whereby Yaoquv/Jacob receives the bountiful blessing from the unity of Yetschaq / Isaac and Reveqah Rebecca; the Founding Principle and the full extension of Understanding. The blood of the fruit borne at the sides initiates atonementa garment of unity that is spread from side to side, and the love of unity, being a perfect bond between the sides covers a multitudes of sins. The blood of the fruit/bulls, borne at the sides, is the blood of Wisdom that runs from the Staff of Chakmah, arising from the loins of Manahah/ Manasseh. The Light of Chakmah is shed abroad from which no darkness can hide. As Torah (Scriptures) Tewrah states, those who make the offerings of the unified fruit of the sides are forgiven [TK/Lev 4:20], whereby the one hanging to the right of meShich is forgiven. The blood of the strong one is the blood of Understanding, whereby one has the strength to rise upon the Staff of Aharwan Aaron unto the ball at the head of the staff in Yishshakkar, and to declare that they no longer retain their former state of degradation, whereby their offenses are forgiven [TK/Lev 4:26]. This blood, of the everlasting Consciousness does not retain faults nor the results of errors, lest it keep within its chambers a remembrance of sins. In that the everlasting Consciousness does not retain the former days of ignorance and acts of disobedience, there is a complete remission of the thoughts and the deeds that pertain not to the Dwelling of the Most High.

Those who come in the Name of Yahusho, come in the Name of the Emanations of Chakmah and Bayinah, coded as the Name of Yahh, in which are Wisdom & Understanding. By the Lights of Chakmah/Wisdom and Bayinah Understanding, the Blood of the Word flows unto bearing the fruit of Oliyun/Most High, for until one is pricked to awaken by the Lights of Chakmah and Bayinah, they lay dormant as a seed that is yet to be opened and nourished; and hence upon their sides is the clay that clings which soils their coats/garments. The red color of blood comes from the iron of the Lammad/12, for Lammad is a rod of iron. When the flesh seeks to be elevated, it clings to the bones. In that the flesh of mortals lacks Understanding, it is not able to uphold itself, and is as the supra-consciousness says, a vapory illusion. The process of self-exaltation pulls the Tayit/9 from the Mayim/13, and attaches the Tayit to the bones, from which the body of iron and clay is formed. The clay comes from Tayit, which is to be always moist whereby it is formed by the Hands of Priests HhaKuwhnim daily as it spins upon the wheels of Chakmah and Bayinah. When the Tayit is elevated from the unity of the Mayim, the flesh of the mortal is formed, and the flesh of separation clings to the bones. The iron in the Lammad bleeds into the Tayit/9, making the clay red, which shows up in the waters of mortality as red blood. The body of Adam/Adim is likewise red-being red from the Hands / Yewdim of Fire that fashions it, for these are the Hands of HhaALhhim which serve the Yewd-Lammad Ring of HhaKuwhnim. The blood of meShich is clear, for it is the pure stream of Illumination that runs from the Mountains of Bayinah, who sits upon the Throne of Ebal-Oyval, and of Chakmah, who sits upon the Throne of Gerizim. From these elevations of the wah-Bayit Ring, the curses and blessings are sounded forth to regulate the growth and expansion of the branches. The curses stimulate fruitfulness, as pruning, and the blessings cause the fruit that is forming to fill out from the sides. In this manner all fruit is produced upon the branches of YishARAL, whereby they are the fruit of Yahusho. The attachment of the Tayit-9 to the Lammad-12 is in order to elevate the Body to be as the Lammad, from which come all arrogance of thought and the fruit of Belial. The body of the immortal is free to be shaped and woven according to the transformations and stages of the Light daily. As a body of light, the immortal moves in an orbit around the inner circle of the Lammad, carrying the hues and full spectrum of the Collective Waters of the Mayim Tayit 13-9 Ring. As the Light passes through the Mayim-Tayit Collective Waters, the seven levels of Thought radiate. The division of the Mayim Tayit Ring occurs in the separation of Ywsphah/Joseph, whereby the House of Ywsphah becomes divided from YishARAL. As a result of this separation, the waters of the Mayim are darkened, since the Tayit/purity of the 9 Values/Threads that hold all together has been removed. Where is the dark dead god that you pray to? Ashes of the Tayit are the means of purity. As clay the ashes are whitish silver. As the waters run through them, the waters are crystallized seven times. The red blood of mortals is the bleeding of the Numbers of the first House, Yahdah from the Staff. This is what it means that the mortal steals from the House of YahWah, for it causes the Values to be extracted for its own sake. From the account of the Numbers being stolen, comes the story of the woman with the bloody issue that cannot be healed. The healing of the body with the bloody issues comes to an end, when the hem of the garment of meShich is touched, conveying acceptance and agreement with the immortal dwelling of Yahusho. In this perfect state, the Tayit 9 is joined to the Mayim 13, whereby the blood is clear, like that which flows from the trees and plants. The woman is healed of the issue, for the Body has now humbled itself to be in agreement with meShich and to be a servant of the Staff that daily spins the threads of Bayinah and Chakmah to clothe the Offspring of HhaALhhim. -------------------------------------------------------------If you be of meShich Yahusho, then you are of the full stature of meShich that comes only by the blood flowing into every house of your Name; if you follow some other form of measurement, then your stature is according to that christ and so are your deeds. We are not to bear in our minds the histories of the present darkness, for they are only laid to be repeated in cycles and upheld as observational pivot points in the continual dredge of human slavery, bolstering the illusions through documentation's that up-hold the current kingdom of corruption (read this again). We are not to bear in our minds the histories of the present darkness, for they are only laid to be repeated in cycles and up-held as observational pivot points in the continual dredge of human slavery. The Voice, as Shmual is called, understands his life in this world is to Minister Tewrah Torah for the transformation of nations. This being the 13th Paleo Hebrew month (People are wondering why winter has hung around so long; for if those ignorant Rabbis would have been obedient to YahWah we all would have known how to live. Moses brought the

calendar lewach down from the mount).

13th Month HhaBeruwkeh

The Berwick as the Light comes out of the East so the White Writings come out of the North. The Ink is flung out upon the Canvas of the South wherein all of the details within the Mind are opened and expressed. Every COLOR of Thought paints the day at hand. To retain all that has been spread out, the Thoughts settled into the West. From the settlings of the colors of THOUGHT, the potency of all that is written is drawn off like the Wine from the Vats and bottled in the North. Shmual Wahli should be given the Nobel Peace Prize for his work of Peace at Sepher Maoshah BeRashshith/Gen 47:23: Knowledge bows to Wisdom. 13th Chadash HhaBerwkeh-Month of Blessing/Expansion-Amidst Knowledge and Wisdom Painting our picture of Love and Peace and Unity, the magnificent solution teaches us that: It is evident between those that do the Tewrah/Torah with the Mind of HhaKuwhnim/The Priest and those who study the Tewrah Torah with those from the nations; for the ones who study with HhaKuwhnim do the words of the Torah unto the wholeness of the Collective, but those who do the Tewrah/Torah (ancient scriptures) by the minds of the goyim / nations do so unto their own insights. Shmual has been very, very sensitive to the Voice of the Rewach Spirit, his transformations occurred as he prayed and studied the Torah Tewrah and became obedient and has stayed obedient to instruction from the Masters of the Union of Light's. He embraced the White Text of Torah over the objections of his father and the church hierarchic which attest to the Power of the Torah to bring one forth out of the nations. During the courses of Light, Shmual has come to dwell in cities and lands of Torah Thought; in which he dwells. Continually he is receiving and sharing Paleo Light Principles from Star field's Above and beyond unto renewal of all Thought's to the Order of YahWah. The Abraham of the Tewrah / Torah, who is the Auwv/Father of all Nations, there is no record! To render the Writings of YishARAL/Israel as historical narratives is to form a snare in which the Names of Eternity are bound to an era of thought and its progression of materialization which is passing away. Kingdom of Names to which we belong is eternal, and therefore every deed is sustained to the Origin of Thought from which it evolves. There is no need of history as mortals in the Kingdom of YahWah, for such has neither beginning nor end. The world of mortals is continually changing; hence, histories of humankind are but glimpses of illusions lacking any stability and subject to interpretation of those who are in power who write the history to their current advantage. Thus, to this end the scriptures have likewise been set in a framework of human history for the advantage of a social group, yet historical records are not found that equate to the narratives of the Tewrah Torah/Law; Though there has been a record found of one called Abraham, yet for the Abraham of the Tewrah /Torah, who is the Auwv/Father of all Nations, there is no record! This dilemma has been presented in the synagogue, showing that there is no historical claims for the land that is called Israel today-whose markings and places, have been set of late by Constantine's mother.

Thought Theology vs. Object Theology

Thought Theology: Living Thought Realms; Deeds of Torah, Spiritual House; Inner House THOUGHTS. In a precious line of White Text Torah, we are reminded by Holy Spirit, "Ye should be imitators of ALhhim/God." Too often we are conditioned to be absorbers: ' that is what the heavenly Father has done for me/us; this is what has been provided for me.' And it has conditioned PEOPLES to sit there and to absorb; [Like dumb, dull and dead]. Rabbi Paul Shaul admonishes us; "Be imitators of ALhhim" We are the ones to pour forth the love, mercy, gifts, and traits of ALhhim. Be imitators after whom we have our Divine Nature and according to what YahWah has sown in our hearts by the Word of Faith. YahWah, by The Great Mercy is addressing us to bring forth all of the attributes of ALhhim within us. The principles and operation of Life within are being called forth, that our lives be fully expressed. And when it is fully manifested, it shall be like His expressions. HalleluYaHu. The world does not know nor follow actual Torah teachings, Jew, Muslim, Christian and others; White Text Torah, Torah Light, Torah Thought Principles, today. They are all involved in a covering or veils related to Torah words but not TORAH THOUGHT. Most are practicing Object Theology Instead of THOUGHT THEOL OGY. {as a noun: Person Place or Thing; Objects} contrary to Torah. To say that Abraham is a historical mortal is to conform the status of an Eternal Flame unto image of corruptible flesh. As to the Name of Yahushuo, who has been personified as jesus christ, there is no historical jesus that can be found, though there are histories of the Jews and histories of Rome of a corresponding era in which the narratives

were composed; to convey the Voice of the emerging Consciousness and Hope of YishARAL / Israel. Ya wanna Re-read that again? Take a moment out and understand that what you read there is the whole picture of how the Rabbis and the Church Fathers distorted and fabricated an icon named zeus / jesus. Histories of ALhhim/Gods are contained inwardly, within the Rings of HhaALhhim/The Elohyim/The Gods, where they are inscribed as the White Text. Though there are progressions of Thought and their manifestation being expressions of Light, all Works of ALhhim/Gods are One / Unified, measurable by a scale of one to ten through which they are initiated and fulfilled. A Very Serious matter To project ourselves as mortals is to bind our soul unto the realm of corruption, of which we are not. To say that Abraham is a historical mortal is to conform the status of an Eternal Flame unto an image of corruptible flesh. Avraham is an inherent Principle in the Unified Mind of OLiyun/The Most High, and hence has neither beginning nor end. Though Avraham appears through the generations of Sham, the appearance occurs with Principle in the Unified Mind of OLiyun/Most High, and hence has neither beginning nor end. Though Avraham appears through the generations of Sham, the appearance occurs within a sequence of manifestation but such does not set the Origin of Avraham which is prior to the manifestation in the lineages of Names.

A Star Name of Magnitude

Do not think that you are fashioned in just a moment! Your gestation period has been from beginning and continues until you are born out of earth in likeness of your Father. He is refining and polishing you; causing you to explode & to unfold in every attribute of life that He has sown within your name, whereby you will shine according to your Star Name of magnitude. Seed of YHWH within will create a new creature that is perfect and complete, revealing the full nature of YHWH. Rabbi Shaul (the Apostle Paul) understood this consciousness was present within all of creation. All creation groans for the revelation of the principles of light within them. Within every living thing there is an attribute of ALhhim Elohim that yearns to break out of the womb and break through the veil of this world to reveal the principles of light in a new world. True Writings of the Scriptures


EVERY NAME Thus, Rabbi Shaul/Paul says, in Ephesians 3:14, that I bow my knees before the Auwv/Father, from whom every name cometh forth in the heavens and the earth Blessed be The Name of YahWah, who has so designated Himself in us, and allotted a portion of His totality to be fully manifested in his sons, or formulations of Adam. To all who have accepted and confirmed their gift, or this giving of Wisdom of AL YahWah, three sons are brought forth: the three basic natures of life. And regarding these three branches of Noach/Noah, the rest of the scriptures are penned in the Torah, in the Writings, and in the Prophets: to remind us and to guide us to become complete and unified, in all three branches of Adam. Yahusho / jesus So how then did Christianity come to consider the Law relative ly unimportant for knowledge and study? As noted in church history, there was a time when the church sought to cut itself off from the roots of the Tewrah Torah and graft its budding tree to the roots of Hellenism and Mithraism. Documentation of Samuel Sandmel [The Genius of Paul] tells of the church fathers rewriting Rabbi Shauls [the Apostle Paul] writings to establish the abolition of the Tewrah/Torah. [So now, do we still want to stay with the blackness and darkness and ignorance of the CHURCH FATHERS BIBLES] ? For now is the time for us to awaken to the ever -abiding truth of the Torah within YOURSELVES and to feel pulse of Moses pen anew upon the tablets of our hearts. Should it not be so? Yahusho says that Moses wrote concerning (him)-Consciousness of Wisdom and Understanding that lies at the ends of all things /minds. In fact, Yahusho is (his) the only Subject or the Tewrah Torah, for every word has within it Wisdom and Understanding whereby it never passes away! The church seeks for their fulfillment in Christ, to which are the Shadows and symbols of the black-text Torah-The Revelation of: The Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light/Life Principles of YahWah. But the White Text-listen up! Be a real women or man and take the bull by the horns, here. Wake-up, we are talking about U, here-The White Text reveals to us the very objects that the shadowed text points to and provides for us an understanding of those symbols of the Tewrah Torah that leads us to Full Measurement of Adam to the Tree of Life within Messiah hameShiach. While the Light speaks to us in various manners, YHWH YahWah speaks LOVE affirming to us via Shadows and symbols that lead us to understand the source of the shadow's and to discern the living nature of the symbols. The

ministry of the White Text will fulfill the promise: And I will remove unprincipledness from Yaoquv/Jacob, and their sins will not be recalled [Isaiah 59: 20-21 Romans 11: 26-27]. Sample of mis-interpretations from the black text of the ancient script: Shaul / Paul - ShmuwL says, We cannot base our conclusions on Shaul/Paul, for though the writing's speak of the Tewrah/Torah they are not the Tewrah, nor are they to be the authority of interpretation. Paul becomes the standard instead of the writings of Moses Mashayh. (And now the world lives in a sick vomit stinking filthy sewer pit). Your teacher or preacher or cleric or rabbi or minister or Mullahs are nuts and you are crazy for listening to them/her/him. The ways of my hand are higher than yours, and the thoughts of my hand are above your thoughts - Isaiah 55:6-12. The awakening of the people-consciousness-comes by the Torah-Tewrah being opened unto the Eyes of YishARAL until then the people slumber as a worm within a cocoon. Though the winds blow and the branches to which the cocoon is attached are broken, though winter comes and ice surrounds the cocoon, all is still within the cocoon until the inner structure of branches awakens to the Voice of the Newn/14/N. Thus this The Magnificent Solution will take you through your mind; through THOUGHTS pertaining to how you think about what it is that you believe. We should always use the words I Think instead of I Believe until you really know The White Text Scriptures, instead of believing every word in the black text that you were brainwashed into absorbing and loving or hating; what your grandparents and old theologians ignorantly tried to teach you. You really need to: Start looking into the ancient and primordial past to see what was being thrown together by ignorant men, instead of what was being revealed supernaturally by YahWah. The Most High gave us the SAYINGS and man gave us the script, text, scriptures, writings and papers. We cannot base our conclusions on Shaul/Paul or any other Clerics, Rabbis, Preacher's, and Mullahs for though some of their writing's speak of the Tewrah/Torah they are not the Paleo Torah-Tewrah, nor are any of their writings to be the authority of interpretation. Why would you want to believe every word in the Koran, Torah or Bible when it says in those writings that your god is a killer, a filthy murderer, a butcher and commits genocide, often; as do your gods sick, sick Clerics, Rabbis Priest Ministers, Preachers, Teachers and Mullahs. The Magnificent Solution ShmuwL says, We cannot base our conclusions on Shaul/Paul, for though the writing's speak of the TewrahTorah they are not the Tewrah, nor are they to be the authority of interpretation. Paul becomes the standard instead of the writings of Moses/Mashayh.


The Tewrah/Torah is the sum of the sayings of hhaAvim/The Fathers. When the Enlightenment appears in world, Aaron/Aharwan is 83, and Moses-maShayh is 80. The Values of 83 are read as Sayings of #3 Gammal, meaning the composite thoughts are transmitted by the one of Enlightenment according to Names of HhaAvim /The Fathers. As the Sayings of The Fathers enter into the inward parts of maShayh/Moses, and then that which is written is called The Law of Moses maShayh, for it is the inscriptions coming from the composite Seed of the 15 Fathers. In that the Tewrah is the gathering of the Thoughts of the Fathers, it is called The Law of the fathers, a gathering of their Sayings, and also called The Law of ALhhim,

The Darkness of the Butcher Chronicles

How does your scripture of Love read concerning the Old Testaments rendering of Moses and people moving into new lands? Has Law of Liberty really been done away with; could there be mis-translations and mis-interpretations in the writings? Does the Bible of Love really say to kill and slaughter? And the Torah, does it really say to murder and kill? And the Koran, does it really say to Kill and murder and butcher and shed much blood? What the hell kind of god have you boys and girls been following all these centuries? Look around, she or he was and is a real fruit cake wacko mental midget. The Number One Problem Upon The Planet Is: MIS-READING THE WRITINGS The ancient Paleo Hebrew Original Torah Light Principles of YHWH, now almost completely translated shows no evidence that the Most High said these words to Moses and to King David-(and others). I Command all of you to Butcher humans by: creating WAR, causing DEATH and misery with torture. Inflict extreme pain, and cause much anguish, HATRED. Slaughter and perform bloody Genocide. Kill! {the murder of

entire ethnic group: the systematic killing of all the people from a national ethnic, or religious group, or attempt to do this-which is still going on today all over the world-2014-because of the black ink of the black text of Korans Torahs and Bibles}. Practicing cruelty, annihilations and destructions-with your god, show no mercy, none! Authorized by Godhead to be greedy and selfish and conquer the land and its peoples and be separate with blood on your hands. (Still believe every corruptible word in mans black and sick scriptures)? Our goddam ignorant mothers and fathers were robotic brainwashed jackasses and so are you. THINK!!! Have you ever thought about all of this; have you, yourself, ever wondered about a solution for the horrors? Do you now know that I have explained most of it to you; want to help change the way things are? When little Johnny/Haulm/Rebecca wants you to take them hunting and blow the head off of a few beautiful innocent deer, can you realize that in believing every word in the writings you are condoning murder and bloodshed? Cant you understand that if you believe that murder and bloodshed by the Most High gives murderers a high sense that they have the right to kill because Satan, the god of this world, wrote in the writings that he loves bloodshed and the Most High is a killer, you are guilty of being a partner in genocide. What, you think your god wanted genocide action taken because of some ole nation of people being evil? I heard/ read that those Jews who left Egypt to kill, was pretty rotten murderers and wicked, also. R U getting the pic of your god-Pig-women - Pig-man, mentally ill murdering hog? Your god is a real dog! Women and men wrote those words of death, not the Most High; the pure Light of Love, the Fiery Law of Liberty comes from YahWah, not hatred, not death and chaos and bloodletting. Like our leaders around the world, I bet you could give a hoot less about the million some souls who were horribly butchered in Africa, when the pig-women and pig-men, African brute beasts committed genocide there. You probably were not even aware of that horrible time. Where you? And while the young whores in America are growing up and getting knocked up and your sons are drunken drugged up cowboys, its all still going on in 2014. You probably were not even aware of that horrible time. Where you? Satan, the god of this world: It should have been named planet DEATH! If we would have left god out of our lives the planet would have been a peaceful place. The Rabbis Preacher's Clerics Ministers Priest Teachers and Mullahs, are the ones who gave us all of our bloodletting and killing and murderings, by their lack of knowing The Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light/Life Principles of YahWah Your god! The god of humankind! And the reason why none of you heathen have never ever heard about all of this information before, is because there never was a qualified receptacle to receive it before. Sad, but true! So how can ya blame Muslims and Buddhist and Jews and those with a Verdic Orientation for calling most people heretics and blasphemers? Heathens mankind is and there is no way around it. Every one of us is a devil because we are the opposite of YahWah. We need to be searching for the keys to the doors to the gate, to the worlds beyond. Have you ever in your sick empty life hunted for TRUTH? We have come from star fields above and beyond, but we do not remember that existence. But if we try hard enough and study hard enough we can re-remember when we sat on the lap of YahWah and asked to come unto this realm, to planet Earth. To the great schoolhouse as Paul calls it. And we will have to keep coming back here until we get it right. Of course after you learn the Paleo Hebrew you will understand why all of those animals out there in your backyard are your ancestors; this place is eternity; infinite time: time without beginning or end, lost for all eternity, timelessness: the condition, quality, or fact of being without beginning or end, as religion timelessness after death: a time-less state conceived as being experienced after death. A very long time: a very long or seemingly very long period of time it will take an eternity to put it together again. Truths said to be eternal: beliefs or ideas about life that are conceived as being timeless. Here, on planet Earth. Wake up! Here is The Magnificent Solution and in this work comes eternal message from Most High. Everything has to be turned around. Nonsense has to end; we must look into this great solution message of the Most High that Shmual Wahli of BHM has given us. And U will need to turn to BHMs web site at to get our YahWah complete message. Dont be afraid. Grow-up!!! You will be murdering your children and grandchildren by staying on the dark path of death. You need this light! You must change your life style. See on TV all the dead bodies out there? -----------------------------------------------------------------I say the hell with your church of object theology and to hell with your spouse, if she or he will not search the planet

for the real truth. THOUGHT THEOLOGY is where the truth is. Not in some person place or thing. Giveem up! Turn your back on them, now. Object Theology is from the god of this world. Satan! This information is the most extraordinary and awesome message that you will ever get, bar none. Your job, children and mortgage is just a postponement till you die and realize that you are only a gazer and an on looker wondering where the hell Mary or Buddha or Zeus/jesus is. And you will stand in a very, very long line waiting to go back down to this realm/planet to be a rat, cat, bat or vomiting dog. Your karma must be paid. Why not start now? Why get drunk and whore around all the time and have your back towards YHWH and ignore Numbers 28. If you only knew how powerful the performance of the Paleo Torah is, you would forsake all and jump upon the writings of The Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light / Life Principles of YahWah, today. Your flesh, as Paul writes, is as pig dung upon this Earth. Only your spirit is important! You listening? The probability of you dying and crying a very horrible death is, I think, 98 percent. You will probably die alone and in pain and old and broke and poor and without any family to take care of you. Yep! In an old folks home with a big black or mean white ex-football player tossing you around like a ball; Smiling as you cry and pray to die. You can hallucinate all you want about how Zeus or Mary or Buddha is taking care of you, but if you THINK and realize, they never took care of you and those pagan gods will not help you in your sad and horrible hours of need. NOTICE??? Women and men stink. They are sick weak selfish bastards who only think of themselves. They steal, kill and rob all they can. Look at yourself. LOOK! What do you see? Where are your values? In believing what the black inks on the pages of a black book tell you? And as you look around, what do you see: misery death horror: pig eating fools; Bloodshed, hatred, unkindness and confusion. Keep on the path that you are on and you will find nothing in the end. There is nothing waiting for you when you die. Whatever it is that you are thinking about when you die, thats exactly what you will be thinking about when you get to wherever it is that you think that you are going; NOWHERE! U can change the way things R. U can remove darkness by not participating with the numb nuts who lead with their corruptible black books and dark writings. The misfits must go! Revealing LIGHT truth about all of the ignorant so called Clerics, Rabbis, Preacher's, Mullahs, Ministers, Priest Pastors, and Religious Leaders of your world. Our planet is only a nice place for those who have a great deal of $$$Money. You may think that since you have the money, you are blessed. What crap! The only reason you live in America and have a piece of some wealth is not because Zeus/jesus or Buddha or Mary blessed you, its because your strong gutsy grandfather had the balls to cross an ocean after he stole some money to ship out and look for a better life. He did not get it, but he made you somewhat happy. You go about your daily life as if there is no future COME UP ENS.And if youre looking to be a nice person and think that by helping Israel, well: We would be wasting our efforts to go to another country called Israel, for there is no country, nor land, called Israel in Torah Tewrah. YishARAL is the Inheritance of YahWah, in which the Spirit Rewch /Breath of YahWahthe Spirit of the Twelve dwells. The lands of YishARAL are of Cham that are all appointed for them. With YishARAL is the Arwan-the ark of the qudashqeriviut / distinguished writings which are inscribed within their stones, in which one finds and reads the scrolls of the Torah-Tewrah / Pentateuch . Though the writings are lost to a wayward generation, they are found by the priest and THE PEOPLE that seek for them [II Malekim / Kings 22:8]; First five books {7 Scrolls} of your scriptures. We, U, Me, They, Us, we are all YishARAL: We are all We are Hebrews, all of us. We are Hebrews/YishARAL. The Jews are not the choose people of YahWah, we are all the chosen people of YahWah, every one of us. We are ONE! And, a person should be ashamed of themselves to die, before doing something special for humankind; FOR WORLD PEACE Ein Sof-Some in Kabbalah considers that the Ein Sof is so transcendent that it cannot have any direct interaction with the universe. But, the Ein Sof interacts with the universe through ten emanations from this essence, known as the Ten Sefirot in Kabalistic Thought. However; In all and surrounding all, Kohen Aharon sees that the Ein Sof is Queen Bayinah / Night/North / Understanding Moon, that appears to the humble in every level of being and awareness. There is nothing else."The true essence of ALhhim Elohyim is known as Ein Sof, which literally means without end which encompasses the idea of having no boundaries in both time and space; it is this level of comprehension that we have been lead into via the teachings in Torah. Hence we have moved past the distinctions of body and the realms of mortality. (See Ein Sof further along in this presentation, below)

Fire Chapter 8 Chet j

For humankind this author, after a great deal of study and concentration on the Torah / Bible, all of the cold hard facts about war and killings, has come to the conclusion that there are four {4} major decisions that have to be made and executed: War in the scripture's or ancient writing's was never intended to convey the killings of another human being or to violate the rights of another. 1. Human race must insist on the elimination of War [Killing], 2. End Separateness {lack of unity} 3. Stop all of the murderous land conquering in which un-godly women and men seize land areas by military force: to take control of a place by force of arms & commit genocide. World geography: OWNERSHIP of LAND, [Demographically]. Dirt! Our human bodies are the LAND SPOKEN OF IN THE BLACK TEXT, not patches of dirt and sand. And 4, Most High wants the morning and evening prayers of Numbers 28, now! Today! Simplicity of solving the horrendous problems of our planet is almost unbelievable, but true. With 4 basic moves! I/we do not have a religion. I/we are Bayit HaSham Midrash, The House of the Name. Religion is of women-men. Torah of the sacred ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light/Life Principles of YahWah is Life, Light, Breath, and the only food that I/we want to eat. 6th Commandment in the 10 Sayings says, As you maintain reverence of Life, you shall never murder, cut down, insult, or harm by your tongue or by sword in your hand. Patience is the virtue in your eyes even as it is in Mine. This info is not from a religious organization; nor Sect {non main stream religious group: a religious group with beliefs and practices at variance with those of the more established main groups}. These Paleo Torah teachings are not of men. They are of HaSham YahWah YHWH. And unless you know a little Hebrew and all about the 22 Fire Letters, you will not fly without knowing that the Net-work and Fibers of Light Emanates from HaSham / YHWH. One who is interested in ancient history and or ancient scriptures who does not know a little Hebrew is like; as Shmual says, a carpenter without a hammer. And the people wonder why the atheist and agonists hate the script: The Ancient Torah. Why the atheist says the writings are garbage. We wonder why the agonists will not commit and believe fully. Well now, the agonists and atheist can ponder this message. And they both can see the reason why the Koran, Bible and The Torah give reasons for man turning their backs on the religious books and the leaders doing murder and genocide. Reasons to read this info: THE DARKNESS OF THE BUTCHER CHRONICLES. or With this FIRE REVELATION from the most high, delivered by ShmuwL ben Aharon, Wahli, of BHM, from Star Fields Above and Beyond via angels and the Masters of the Universe; both entities will have cause to do more than ponder the whole mis-conception of the BLACK TEXT of the writings of Koran and Torah {Bible}; they will have bold proofs of FIRE LIGHT: FACTS AND CONSTRUCTIVE INFORMATION; That makes sense and is backed up with minute details-exact{concerned with every detail: extremely or laboriously thorough and painstaking}, and concerned with every detail of Light from the White Text of the ancient Paleo Hebrew writings. God did not tell Moses to instruct the people to go into the new land and kill, annihilate murder butcher and destroy by genocide; all babies children, men women, boys and girls and the cattle; Slaughter! Nay! The Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light Principles of YHWH NEVER EVER said those words. Nay! But, those words are believed by millions and millions, if not billions of men women and children. All living in Babylon and not knowing it. How sick and evil, we are. From the awakening, the offspring of HhaGovri /The Hebrews multiply. Let us cease to war over forms, lands or ideas, for such wars take us down dead-end streets. Let us confirm that we are the same as our neighbor. The Master Name YahWah is cherished to expand within each of us; the Eternal Faces of the Light radiate toward us daily through grace, and the Eternal Faces of the light arise within us unto our completeness of beingPeace. To the AHARONIC Priesthood the Torah is given: Now arguably this statement is from Throne Room of YahWah but, here is where the action is, nowhere else. Nowhere! For the work of translation of the Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light Principles of YahWah is committed to the sons of Aharon Aaron. The work of translation is committed to the sons of Aharon/Aaron, who are entrusted to read and teach the Torah to all YishARAL/Israel and TO THE NATIONS who come and say, Teach us the Law! It is ONLY to the Sons of Aaron Aharon that the Law is given; and hence, it is the sons of Aharon who are appointed and gifted to teach Torah. For how can any teach what they were not given? The Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light Principles were not given to: the ignorant so called Ministers, Clerics, Rabbis, Preacher's, Priest, Mullahs, Pastors, and Religious Leaders of your world, To the AHARONIC Priesthood the Torah is given! It was not given to U. Nay! Your ego and $money grabbing is disgusting; repellent and sickening: The translations also are dedicated to convey the goodness of YHWH and to lead the hearer to the performance of

the writings in faith. The House of Aaron Aharuwan is the thread of the work, and without it, there are no threads for the needle of Aparryim, whereby the Thoughts of HhaTeuwrah the Torah THE LAWS OF LIBERTY are woven into the fabric of all Names and Nations. For how can any teach what they were not given? THE FIERY LAW So, ignorant Ministers, Clerics, Rabbis, Preacher's, Priest, Mullahs, Pastors, and Religious Leaders who give you the right to corrupt the minds and bodies of our planet with your dark and worthless teachings? Huh, who? For how can any teach what they were not given? Unified Voice of Aharwan/Aaron and maShayh/ Moses spearhead a revolution from iconic minds that continue to hold the masses, as Pharaoh, in rote devotion to serving a god that does not exist, and which uses this god to justify cruelty/war to each other and to all other living species to which we are inseparably united. In that the Thoughts of OLiyun/The Most High and their appearances are Immortal, they are born from the Immortal, whereby they are called the Offspring of HhaALhhim the Elohyim / The Gods and not as the children of Egypt Metsryim-the world of definition. When your eyes glance upon accounts of the Tanach (Old Testament), discern the Thought that is being conveyed lest you attempt to justify your deeds of flesh based on the readings of flesh. For such has been the corruption of the text within the minds of carnal readers. Some have killed, others engaged in whoredom, stolen, and others forsaken their responsibilities, justifying their ways of fleshly indulgence based upon a narrative from the Tanach scriptures. Our eyes are to go deeper into the text to mine out the message that is robed with a garment of Wisdom. For Wisdom conceals a matter, and if you are looking at shell you have yet to behold the pearl that lies inside. Thus one behaves after the external rendering and subjects their members to the karma of Pharaohthe natural mind.

Fire Chapter 9 Tit

The writings are patterned according to the framework of the Rings of HhaALhhim / The Elohyim / The Gods. The allegories of each Ring convey possible errors of perception as well as achievements as one walk's with ALhhim God. The conflicts that arise through limited perceptions and their resolutions are presented within the context of an allegory whereby it is real/vibrant to us. The purpose of an allegory is that all may understand the paths of righteous; the congruent Rings of ALhhim and abide in Unity. In composing a lesson for all one would not write a lesson regarding the life of a single individual, for in so doing one would isolate one from the Collective, as well as restrict the dynamics of the allegory to an individual rather than to extend the meaning to all. Moreover, the faults or the triumphs of those personified in an allegory would reside within the eyes of the reader, whereby one of the Commonwealths would be perceived and remembered for their faults or weakness. With such perceptions some would be considered beneath or above another, and favoritism would develop within the Names. Further, should the teachings be taught that these accounts are the lives of selected historical individuals, other then ideas to justify oneself arise and excuses are made to satisfy the passions of flesh, whereby the weak in mind opt to set their passions of slavery above the force of reason i.e. If Dawd/King David took anothers life and their wife, then the reader thinks they are justified to do also, even though they know in their heart that such is murder and adultery. Or if Dawd slew a bear, then one may think that they are able to do so also, and miss the point of the allegory that one of the 4/4 Double Dallath the Unified Tents over comes speaking in manners that devour and tear apart another. When those who read the allegories as real accounts, they become caught in their illusions and personality fixations, whereby they enter into depression or wallow in their self-inflictions. As they consider heroes in the text, they either consider that they are not as great as another, or they exalt themselves to dominate over others. Some look at themselves as special amongst others, whereby they excuse themselves from diligence-organization, thinking that because of whom they are that they will prevail without following precise details in the Tewrah. As a result ideas of superiority and inferiority, corruption and division, develop with in their houses which under mines the House of YahWah. All teachings of Illumination are rendered from the allegorical base in order that all may see themselves in Writings and judge themselves according to what they have learned through the accounts. The priest and prophet ShmuwL arises to unfold these writings to the Understanding of all YishARAL/Israel. Allegorical Unified Voice of Aharwan/Aaron and maShayh / Moses spearhead a revolution from iconic minds that continue to hold the masses, as Pharaoh, in rote devotion to serving a god that does not exist, and which uses this god to justify cruelty/war to each other and to all other living species to which we are inseparably united. In that the Thoughts of OLiyun/The Most High and their appearances are Immortal, they are born from Immortal, whereby they are called the Offspring of HhaALhhim The Elohyim /The Gods and not as the children of Metsryim/

Egypt--the world of definition. Allegorical The writings are patterned according to the frame work of the Rings of HhaALhhim / The Elohyim / The Gods The Magnificent Solution from YahWah for world peace and unity. The allegories of each Ring convey possible errors of perception as well as achievements as one walk's with Alhhim God. The conflicts that arise through limited perceptions and their resolutions are presented within the context of an allegory whereby it is real / vibrant to us. The purpose of an allegory is that all may understand paths of righteous the congruent Rings of ALhhim and abide in Unity. Object Theology vs. THOUGHT THEOLOGY In composing a lesson for all one would not write a lesson regarding the life of a single individual, regarding the life of a single individual, for in so doing one would isolate one from the Collective, as well as restrict the dynamics of the allegory to an individual rather, than to extend the meaning to all. Moreover, the faults or the triumphs of those personified in an allegory would reside within the eyes of the reader, whereby one of the Commonwealth would be perceived and remembered for their faults or weakness. With such perceptions some would be considered beneath or above another, and favoritism would develop within the Names (Which is how the black text script sayings writings of all religions project evil scriptures, now). Further, should the teachings be taught that these accounts are the lives of selected historical individuals, then ideas to justify oneself arise and excuses are made to satisfy the passions of flesh, where by the weak in mind opt to set their passions of slavery above the force of reason--(wealthy leaders with authority) i.e. If Dawd -King David took anothers life and their wife, then the reader thinks they are justified to do also, even though they know in their heart that such is murder and adultery. Or if Dawd slew a bear, then one may think that they are able to do so also, and miss the point of the allegory that one of the 4/4 Double Dallath the Unified Tents over comes speaking in manners that devour and tear apart another. When those who read the allegories as real accounts. Dont cha want to learn all you can about The Magnificent Solution from YahWah for world peace and unity? The White Text Tewrah/Torah material presented in the authors books, TO KNOW Numbers 28 and this work will be of an interest to anyone including Christians Muslims and Jews and those with a Vedic Literature Orientation. Of course all Seekers are welcome. ShmuwL ben Aharon Wahli; BHM IN. has been translating and prayerfully revealing Tewrah Torah Thoughts and Tewrah / Torah Light Principles, of the first five books {7 Scrolls} of your scriptures, for well over 30 years, less or more. All of the Tewrah/Torah Principles material being presented in this work has come from Aaronic Priesthood to whom the Torah Tewrah has been given. Thus the information will be coming from the heritage of those who have composed and been in charge of the Torah Tewrah scrolls-the faces of our Unity. The Torah, Bible and Koran has been corrupted and only gives darkness, now, projecting mans inhumanity to man. And thats sad, scary, sick and a slap in the face to us seekers; for how can we go forward onto the Rock when our feet are stuck in deep sucking mud from what the clerics priest ministers and rabbis and Mullahs have been trying to teach the sheep for hundreds of years. Especially if those wannabes are like this next explanation: Un-trained mules! BHM / Tewrah / Torah Dictionary-7184-86: To harden; stiff necked; to behave as an untrained mule: not knowing how to turn or how to follow; unable to turn the mind inwardly; dense, hardened; incomprehensible; al -so: to solidify, be stiff; to be difficult, sore, harsh; to make heavy, serious; to congeal, bring together, consolidate; lit., a covering of the fires /Wisdoms/illumination. Kingdom of Names to which we belong is eternal, and therefore every deed is sustained to the Origin of Thought from which it evolves. There is no need of history as mortals in the Kingdom of YahWah, for such has neither beginning nor end. The world of mortals is continually changing; hence, the histories of humankind are but glimpses of illusions lacking any stability and subject to the interpretation of those who are in power who write the history to their current ad-vantage. Thus, to this end the scriptures have likewise been set in a frame work of human history for the advantage of a social group, yet historical records are not found that equate to the narratives of the Torah Law; Though there has been a record found of one called Abraham, yet for the Abraham of the Tewrah / Torah, who is the Auwv/Father of all Nations, there is no record! This dilemma has been presented in the synagogue, showing that there is no historical claims for the land that is called Israel to day whose markings and places have been set of late by Constantine's mother. Thought Theology-Living Thought Realms; Deeds of Torah, Spiritual House, and Inner House THOUGHTS. In a precious line of White Text Torah, we are reminded by the Holy Spirit, "Ye should be imitators of ALhhim

God." Too often we are conditioned to be absorbers: 'that is what the heavenly Father has done for me/us; this is what has been provided for me.' And it has conditioned the peoples to sit there and to absorb: (Like dumb, dull and dead]. Rabbi Shaul admonishes us, "Be imitators of ALhhim" We are the ones to pour forth the love, mercy, gifts and traits of ALhhim. Be imitators after whom we have our Divine Nature and according to what He has sown in our hearts by the Word of Faith. YHWH, by His Mercy is addressing us to bring forth all of the attributes of ALhhim within us. The principles and operation of Life within are being called forth, that our lives be fully expressed. And when it is fully manifested, it shall be like His expressions. HalleluYaHu. The world does not know nor follow actual Torah teachings. Jew, Muslim, Christian and others; White Text Torah, Torah Light, Torah Thought Principles, today; they are all involved in a covering or veils related to Torah words but not TORAH THOUGHT. Most ignorant women and men (Religion), are practicing Object Theology Instead of THOUGHT THEOLOGY. {As a noun: Person Place or Thing; Objects} contrary to Torah. The world does not know nor follow actual Torah teachings. To say that Abraham is a historical mortal is to conform status of an Eternal Flame unto an image of corruptible flesh. And as to the Name of Yahushuo, who has been personified as jesus christ, there is no historical jesus that can be found; though there are histories of the Jews and histories of Rome of a correspond ing era in which narratives were composed; to convey the Voice of the emerging Consciousness and Hope of Israel. A Very serious matter! To project ourselves as mortals is to bind our soul unto the realm of corruption, of which we are not. To say that Abraham is a historical mortal is to conform the status of an Eternal Flame unto an image of corruptible flesh. Avraham is an inherent Principle in the Unified Mind of OLiyun/Most High, and hence has no beginning or end. Though Avraham appears through the generations of Sham/Shem, the appearance occurs within a sequence of manifestation; but such does not set the Origin of Avraham which is prior to the manifestation in the lineages of Names. The Magnificent Solution has been explained in almost every detail. What are you going to do now? Shall all of the information that has been presented be set aside while you live and die in darkness and ignorance, taking your family with you? Or will you take a peek at the ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light/Life Principles given to you here and evaluate them and research and seriously consider the Light that I have shown you. Ya know, just because you think that this 21st century is beyond the scope of YahWah you shall see, someday that you were wrong; that is if you are a garbage brain and an air head. YahWah great message here is not an option. You may believe the crap you are living with, but the sick black ink on the pages of the black text is corrupt and you have been corrupted, greatly. Come alive and join me in giving the world a look at the way it is to be: From star fields above and beyond. The Magnificent Solution - How to have PEACE and UNITY and LOVE Here you are given a path towards the avenue to find the keys to the doors to the gate to the worlds, beyond. Do not do yourself a disservice by dismissing this sacred message. Plow forward and explore more than I have given you here. Move out front and tell the religious world they are traveling down the wrong path. Y " One of the oldest songs. Kum Ba Yah Lyrics Kum ba Yah, my lord, Kum ba Yah! Kum ba Yah, my lord, Kum ba Yah! Kum ba Yah, my lord, Kum ba Yah, O Lord, Kum ba Yah. Someone's crying, Lord, Kum ba Yah! The Moon = the pulse beat of the universe Chakra Birds are messenger's and should not be killed This is not only a childrens fairy tale, but its for everyone! THE WONDER BIRD THE WONDER BIRD the Hebrew Fire Bird the Yellow Song Bird, Chakra The link to this page is: All else is basically nonsense: Kabbalah, Torah, Talmud, Halacha; The Pyramid of Knowledge Y Birds are messengers! Music Chakra 'The Wonder Bird' THE YELLOW SONG BIRD the Hebrew Fire Bird Birds are messengers and should not be killed; See Chakra's story on U-Tube.

Together, the Unified ALhhim consider/say-26, performing/making Adim / Adam vapor's in our image/ as the free capable of transformations, according to our likeness-shape of the unified Rings, and they shall have dominion: With the Fish of the sea with the Newn that gather's all together; and with the fowl of the heavens and winged messages of the Name's that take flight from the oylah / morn & eve. Prayers. Chakra "The Wonder Bird" The Hebrew Fire Bird The Yellow Song Bird, Chakra Teraysarons / Pyramids Y " is our bodies comprised of leaves upon the Tree of LIFE? Y is the leaves made-up of the Primordial Hebrew Letters of the Aleph Bet. By the Letters we are clothed. Numbers of our Name are within our parts, which hold the values of the Letter's. The sum value of the Letters of our Name hold a Number from one to nine: These nine number's pertain to how we are organized within the community Tayit 9 T, of AL. Y is it that at first we may initially see the Union of Light's as a concept, then visually as clustering of lights and Name's, but later we see the Great Assembly as a House of Number's. Literally, each Name will be called by their Number. For when our Name is called/read, the value and glory of our Name is discerned by a Number. Your Name is inscribed in your forehead by the Letters; the Number blazes within your body. We are woven together as strands of Light Thought's according to our Names and Numbers. Letters and Number's-Word's and Values. The Five (7) (Fiery-Breath) Scrolls of the Torah are composed of Letters and Numbers. From the words and values of the Torah all things are made and set into motion by running of Torah Thought. Our bodies, being a composition of Letters and Numbers, are comprised of five primary chambers that correspond to the five scrolls of the Torah. The five scrolls are grouped into three Houses pertaining to the Teraysaruns/Pyramids of Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge. Within the head of each Name is the scroll of Sefer Maaseh Bereshith, commonly known today as Genesis; the head scroll is designated by the Number 8, which is the reductive Number of HaShem/26/8 YHWH. "Y" do ya think all peoples of all nations are still cannibals? Cannibal [knnib'l] (plural cannibals) n `Someone who eats any kind of flesh' 1. Somebody who eats human flesh: whether as food or as part of a religious ritual 2. Animals that eats its own species: an animal that eats the flesh of other animals of the same species. "Y" do you `Not Know' that the Most High never told women and men to kill humans, animals, fish, birds nor fowl? "Y" did you not take a look at the author's books on "Y" do you go through life accepting all of the teachings of your church; synagogue or mosque, without searching for evidence of its false beliefs? Are you afraid of the truth? "Y" is it that you do not know that Number's 28 is a direct command of YahWah and in Name of YahWah/Unity Priests teach, prophets speak, commander's lead, and rulers govern. We live unto YahWah and acquire the teachings, insight, protection, and Wisdom that brings peace? "Y" is it that darkness reins upon our planet because none of the theologians know the real ancient scriptures of YahWah? "Y" "Y" didn't anyone ever get it right? Well, the real reason "Y" no one ever got it right is because: there never was a qualified receptacle to receive it, before. In the Name of YahWah/Unity priests teach, prophets speak, commander's lead, and rulers govern. We live unto YahWah and acquire the teachings, insight, protection, and Wisdom that brings peace? Darkness reigns upon our planet because not one of the theologians knows the real ancient scriptures of YahWah; "Y"

Fire Chapter 10 Yud y

The Pyramid of Knowledge The importance of the Union within the Collective Order of Lights So into the search, the studies we go, into the Sacred Halls of Inquiry and Investigation, into the Houses of Knowledge we go, with the illuminated Light of AL/YHWH, energizing of soul beings. Seek here and you will find, ask here and you shall know. These ancient texts of Paleo writings translated by Shmual are an inspired text! So regardless of spiritual level at which you are functioning and regardless of the attributes presently drawn out of your fire chamber of life, you may be content in your heart to know that you are Light and that your unfoldment will be complete as you exercise the Divine Will that is within you. And as Yahusho - jesus says, Ye/You are the Light of the World. When Yahusho says: I am the Light of the world, He makes a statement of consciousness that he is the Light of all forms, and that all forms are manifestations of Light. Hence, in reading the White Text as pertaining to Light energies or to forms,

we are reading the nature works of Light. From the Masters of the Union of Light's; from star fields above and beyond. True Writings of the Scriptures THE BIG 3 - EGYPT YishARAL ASSYRIA EVERY NAME Thus, Rabbi Shaul/Paul says, in Ephesians 3:14, that I bow my knees before the Auwv/Father, from whom every name cometh forth in the heavens and the earth Blessed be The Name of Yahwah, who has so designated Himself in us, and allotted a portion of His totality to be fully manifested in his sons, or formulations of Adam. To all who have accepted and confirmed their gift, or this giving of Wisdom of AL YHWH, three sons are brought forth: the three basic natures of life. And regarding these three branches of Noach Noah, the rest of the scriptures three branches of Noach Noah, the rest of the scriptures are penned in the Torah, in the Writings, and in the Prophets: to remind us and to guide us to become complete and unified, in all three branches of Adam. So, if you dont want to be just a gazer and an onlooker as you pass (die), here are the facts of life that the Most High has given us, today. For your TRIP!

And the life and times of Ashkol ben Aphrayim

============= The Author ============= I guess Russias Putin really did steal the New England Pats super bowl ring. But who cares. Russians have balls and I know. I am a Russian with a Hebrew name. Well, Ashkol was born into a drunken ignorant mans world, a dad who was an intolerable drunken Russian. He took a young Italian bride and worked as a machinist in the largest car shop (railroad) in the world; in Berwick, Pa. Author speaks: My dad helped create all of the ole subways in NYC and Red Stone Rockets for WW11. Over 3,000 men inside. Dad was very intelligent and good looking. They said that I looked like him, and I did. But that was where the similarities ended. We, my family went to the Russian Greek Orthodox Church and I loved it. Later, when I was about 14 or 15 years old, my mom took us out of that wonderful environment & chucked us into the evil Roman Catholic Italian Church. But before we left, my younger brother John, who was an altar-boy with me had the sad experience of having to take the candela from the priest after he shook all of the incense all over the church. The priest handed John the holy shaker and John reached for it and dropped it. He was the first altar-boy to do so in over one hundred years, I think. While the elders were leaping around and fighting the smoke and gathering up incense John made his escape out the back way and ran all the way home. They wanted to kill him! But we all laughed about that for years afterwards. John and I went slowly to Russian School type classes for a few months-never learned to much. I learned a few songs and would sing along, at times. I studied Spanish in High School and learned to curse real good in Italian. Now I am studying Hebrew. The Catholic Church burned down and we all wounded up going to church at the local movie theater. I have always gone to church and when my children were young I took them to mass every morning before school. I believed that Hail Mary was where the action was at and I endeavored to be faithful with that thought. But it was not until I was about 30 years old that I started to search and seek the face of the Most High. I figured she -he had a Name and I wanted To Know what it was. I was still following Zeus/jesus, but soon I began to run into people who were called the Sacred Name Clans and I attached myself to the Holy Name of Yahweh; but still did not know that Zeus was jesus and the Messiah/Master had a Sacred Name, too. I loved football and never thought about god to often after a Sunday church service. Played on championship baseball team in high school and got up to bat once and got a hit. My average for life time, is 1000 per cent. LOL! I boxed one time in school and had 3 TKOs in three fights, and often wondered what that average was. After my love for the singing in the Russian Church ended, nothing moved me to feel anything about god. I never had a desire to be a priest. I only thought about girls. At about 13 my brother John and Cousin Gary and I were roaming around the Wise Potato Chip Plant in Berwick and I leaned against a pipe guard railing at the top of steps going into a basement and the railing gave way and I still do not remember anything about the fall onto concrete steps. I woke up when my Dad slapped my face. No phones in those days and it too him a very long time to arrive at my death bed on the truck loading platforms. I guess I must have died and they thought that I did. No Dr. was ever summoned and if my mom and dad had the knowledge of getting an atty. I would have been a very rich boy. Dont remember if god was ever mentioned or if even my brothers and sister were ever aware of that horrible accident, to this day. In this day and age it would have been all over the T.V. news and my atty. and I would have made a fortune. John and I always caddied at the famous Berwick country club where Mike Souchack (Berwick) played and him having the worlds record of 27 for 50 some years.

John and my cousin Gary were out on the course one brutally hot summer day and the way this story goes down is, Gary and John both started to have nose bleeds and the women teachers that they were caddying for didnt realize that they were dehydrating and having sun stroke. The blood was flow ing pretty hot and heavy and the ladies were pissed that the two youngsters were about ready to die and they were not pumping the pump for water fast enough. Us guys were on the hill by the caddy shack playing cards and when the two blood drenched lads walked towards us we went nuts. No one called an ambulance or Dr. and god was never mentioned. They were bleeding profusely! One day when I was asleep I heard someone say loudly; Ashkol ben Aphrayim, take your time and dont hurry. Of course I took off like a rocket ship and never looked back. I have tried to join the US Marine Corps three times in my life and each time was refused. I missed the Vietnam War and joined the US Coast Guard, instead. And after three months of training, I had a great time, I went to sea and puked my guts out and had chronic sea sickness for two years before I told them to drop dead and they kicked me out. Yeah, I have an honorable discharge, so what! They ruined my life. I have had two major surgeries on my stomach, since. I am on disability for chronic fatigue syndrome and have very, very little energy. (Maybe the CG is guilty) My eldest brother has called me the laziest bastard who ever lived. So what! I love to walk and smoke big black cigars. And I play lottery and still have not won big. You play? Somewhat like this Paleo Torah, if you dont play, they dont pay. And you will get a chance for pay day. Soon!!! I got married to a women I did not love because after getting her pregnant my Catholic mom told me I would burn in hell if I did not marry the girl. I have been hoping for the end of time since day one; four children later. That was 50 years, ago. I have always made friends very easily, especially with the girls. I have now been married three times. I am not married now. I am 73 healthy years old and started to do the and it is doing wonders for me and my girlfriend. Sea salt! I have been in and out of many businesses. I have had a few jobs, but they always interfered with my life style so I did not work often. I was one of the few people I know of who got an SPA loan for $150,000 dollars and in 1979 before all hell broke loose in the financial world, it was like a million. I had a sheet metal co. and did quite well, even though I did not know a dam thing about it. One day I went to see the movie Rocky and when I got home I was sitting on the patio when my youngest son came home and I said, you need to cut the grass he said, I aint doing it. I said, I will kick your ass. And Jr. said, go for it (just like Rocky said to Mr. T). I said, Oh Young Rocky. So since I had claimed bankruptcy and was not doing anything I decided to write a story about Young Rocky. I did! And I got published, many years ago. I then wrote a childrens story called, Chakra the Wonder Bird. I had dreamed a dream about a beautiful yellow song birds egg falling through a rotted out fence post. I wrote and got it copyrighted and did my own publishing and made a few handmade copies. A great story! The yellow fiery Hebrew Song Bird! I helped my cousin Jo Jo Yodock with his development of the plastic water barriers. I spent years with him running all over the country. He did great. I never got a dime. He turned out to be a real prick and a heroin addict: One of our wealthy who is the most selfish pig bastards on the planet. He owes me 400,000.00 for my sales to the military and I should sue him, but! We never really ever had a fist fight, but came close. I remember one time we were arguing about something and we were repeating our trips down or up I-95 to Miami and it was raining and night. He started grabbing me as I was driving and we started pushing-shoving one another back and forth and he was just about on top of me and I was swerving all over the high way and I yelled, hey jo jo people are going to think that we are nuts. He said, no one knows who we are. And I answered and replied that, no, no one knows who we are, of course we have this truck and a trailer in the back with two feet high writings on the sides saying, Yodock Water Barriers, We began laughing. Jo Jo invented the Christmas Tree Removal Bags and I called my other cousin Ted to ask him how we could get to the Boy Scouts of America and have them sell our bags as a fund raiser. Ted told us what to do, but told us not to use his name. I got on phone, as I was soliciting, and Jo Jo was watching me from his desk behind me. The first thing I did was say I am calling to get information-my cousin Ted Patlovich gave me your number. Jo Jo came flying over my desk ripping the phone out of my hand and we grappled over the phone while he was yelling and screaming that I wasnt supposed to use Teds name. Ted was the Lock-tight glue millionaire who traveled all over the world establishing glue factories. One time as I was raising my four children I had an auto parts route selling auto parts out of the back seat of my car and I stopped at Teds moms home, I saw that Ted was there, and he asked me what I was up to; I explained that I traveled around selling parts. He gave me a name and address in Chicago to go there for a job, but he again told me not to use his name. With four young children and not much money, I never went. NE Pa is a long way from Chicago. Guess I missed that one. He

told my oldest brother to buy Hess Oil, forty eight years ago, Max had a great job, but he did not. Guess he missed that one, too. I called Brother Max on the phone as I was selling auto parts and told him that we needed to open up an auto parts place. He told me that he had just borrowed $5,000 dollars and sent his wife & two young daughters off to Holland for a vacation. Can you imagine having a chain of auto parts stores across America? How rich would we be today? Guess we both missed that one. After that I had the good fortune to have an aunt to loan me money to start a grocery store. I sold more bread and milk and hoagies than anyone in town. I had a corner that had no parking. I did not last long! My wife and I were always fighting and I said, the hell with it. I had an old station wagon and when we got the money for the store, my ignorant wife went out and traded it in for a 5 speed bucket seat mustang red car; with 4 young children to sit in the back seat. Terrible!!! I always had a hard time with energy, and slept a lot. We were open from 7 till 11 every day and the hours had gotten to me. One day I had an order for hoagies to take to the railroad boys and I was taking a nap waiting for the girls to get the order together. My crazy wife came up to me screaming that the order was ready and I had to run the stuff over to the shop. I could hardly keep my eyes open and I got up and made the delivery and picked my other crazy cousin up and we took off for Utah to find cousin ole Gary at Brigham Young University-where I advised him to go because it had 11 to one girls. As he jumped into my car, I said, hop in Arden, and let the good times roll. And off we went! And when we got to Utah, we found my cousin Gary playing pool in the local pool hall. We greeted one another and when he finish he turned to the snooker pool table and said to me, Sarge, you ever played this game, do you know how to shoot Snooker? I said no! He put a ball at the middle of the end of the table and said, go ahead, see if you can put that ball in. I did! And he put up another. I put that one in too. He turned, walked out of the place with Arden and I following him. He was always ignorant when it came to being polite, areal Russian asshole. Finally, after a day or two Gary said that he would go back to Pa with us. The three of us jumped into my red devil and off we went to Coevals Mexico via El Paso, Tex. I dont drink but two boys got drunk as skunks. I just enjoyed the girls, and as we were being surrounded by 20 Mexicans in a whore house I, with the help of Gary started to drag Arden, 200 lbs. of rip roaring meat, out of the place. We walked over to a burrito stand and got a sandwich. But Arden wanted to take the guy on, but that Mexican reached under his stand and brought out the biggest mashie we ever saw. Gary and I dragged Arden away, again. We messed up the hotel room we were staying in. Oh! I forgot to tell you we blew the engine of my red devil and I had to call my younger brother John to wire me money to get it fixed. The car was ready the next morning and I paid the guy and as we were getting ready to fly, we noticed an awful lot of cops surrounding the area. We got in the car and did not even get it in third gear when we were blocked off and stopped and arrested for tearing up the motel room. We begged for time to get money to pay for the fines and the Judge said that I was to be put in jail while other two went to make phone calls. Gary who knew my weakness said, you honor, it would be better to put Arden in jail, Ashkol isnt a type to handle this stuff. He agreed and Gary and I went to get more money, and ever since that day, all three of us have traveled N. E. W. and South often; but not often, together. My sister was in Miami Beach and I visited her and her mafia husband and he always carried a gun. Tony was a nice guy and played cards at the Tiki bar constantly. An open door bar room. One day he said to me, Sarge, you see these guys in here, well everyone is a thief and crook except you. I was told a story about how Tony and his buddies were playing cards and the hells angles pulled up to the front and it was initiation day for one of the guys and that hood biker went to the front entrance of that bar and yelled in everybody out or I will come in there and bust you up. Tony got up and went to the door and beat the shit out of the guy and threw him out into the street. The Hells Angles all applauded and went in and drank. Tony was a rough and tough guy and the word was he was Frank Sinatras body guard at the famous old Miami Fountain Blue Hotel. And when he was a ships mate on a tall ship one time, he was on Bimini and some guy started a fight and Tony hurt him bad. Two huge black Bimini police officers came in and took Tony back to his tall ship and told him he was barred from the island for life. No one ever mentioned god or church in Florida. Not that I recall. I was lucky enough to have taken a train down there, but had to limp back. I hitched hiked across America a few times, N.E.S. and west; driving and flying many, many times. And one glorious and colorful fall day, when I got to the four corners it was evening, and I got out of the car and saw that singing Purple Mountains Majesty. It was awesome. And I think that I thought long about god. One time as I crossed America I was in two foot of snow and I spun out of control and wounded up in the middle of the road. I got out and took some air out of my tires and drove back East fine. I think that I thought about god, then, too. I dont know exactly how many hundreds of thousands of miles I have traveled, but I do know that YHWH saved my ass many times. I have never been in an accident and I drove some of the most beat up vehicles you ever

saw or heard. Over 55 or more years of driving and I ride defensively. I always look ahead and in the rear view mirror. I always know you are coming and I watch out for U. Close, dangerously close, but no hits. Well, maybe a skid out in the snow from time to time and in an embankment. I always traveled without money and no food or water. I have been on the road for a week without food, I think, that was almost a half century ago. And I traveled Route 66 when Rout 66 was Rout 66, walking-hitch hiking. And there was many a time when I stood in one spot for hours and hours and thought I was going to die, waiting for a ride. I remember one time my brother Max and I went to a super in the round movie in NYC. We went to see West Side Story with a couple of gals. It was great!!! A few months later I had gone AWOL from the Coast Guard because I wanted to go home and not out to sea. Dont get me wrong, there is nothing in the world like being out at sea and seeing the great ocean in its entire colorful splendor. I got a ride from some nice officer; he bought me lunch. He had to leave me off at the Cross Bronx Expressway. It was early evening. I walked for hours and hours and could not hitch hike, for some or lots of reasons. As I walked along the roadway, I notice that I was going across the western part of NYC; Where West Side Story took place. I had no weapons and I feared nothing. No one bothered me and I just kept on walking till dawn. As I ask which way to the George Washington Bride, I notice as I got closer, to meet my brother Max on the other side, that the sun was coming up. The bridge was insight. I took one step onto that bridge and a police car pulled up and one of the officers said, hey where the hell do you think you are going? I said, across the bridge to NJ. He said, the hell you are, no one walks across this bridge, hear me? As they took a U turn and disappeared, some Italian guy stopped his ole beat up New York Berretta car next to me and asked if I wanted a ride. I thought about god, then. Max was waiting for me. Good ole Max! The CG hung me. And later it was learned that my ship, the East Wind, Ice Cutter, was going to be the flag ship for the CG Academy and escort them across the ocean to a bunch of countries. Damn, I wanted to go so bad. But instead as the ship prepared to embark and the gang plank was being pulled onboard, by the quarter master, the captain was told I was on the dock and I would not come aboard. I swore that I would not ever go to sea to be seasick, again. He yelled, youll be sorry! And I was, too. Not for the punishment, but for missing out on the ocean trip; traveling across that deep blue sea. A trip of a lifetime over the sea to Europe; I thought about it many, many times for 50 yrs. Down to the Sea, in Ships, a Tall Ship, and a Star to steer her by. Hum mm! I definitely missed out on that one. The shore patrol took me away. And I wounded up in a prison, in Boston, with all Marines. Bad asses they were. I finally got to be with the Jarheads! I was spending my time reading in the corner when a great big marine came up to me with some guys and started talking to me about who we were. He was the son of some famous football coach. He liked what I had to say and said, wherever I go, U go. And when we eat, wait till I make my move and we go to the front of the line. We did! I noticed that when we were awakened at 5a.m each morning, I was there for one month; they had these unbelievable hard calisthenics to perform for quite a while. I told whatever his name was, the big boy that I would like to lead the Marine Corps boys into the work out. And so he talked to the guard and the next morning I was leading the performance. I did quick short ones; moved along pretty good. But the guard must have been a prison warden from Georges solitary confinement hell-house prison-ignorant Red Neck; and he pulled me back and said, let Bad Bart take over. Most of the guys liked my method. I remember sitting in a corner and reading, after I got a book from somewhere. It was called The Seven Story Mountain by Thomas Merton, a rich boy from NYC who found his way into the Roman Catholic Church. He still hasnt seen the Light, yet. Got discharged and said goodbye to a lot of civilians that I had good fortune to become close friends with; especially Billy F. and his great family. Basically, I loved being up in New England for a few years in the USCG. And one of the gals, a beautiful girl; Italian Catholic named Marie, came to my home town and her and I spent a day in Niagara Falls. She loved me from afar and I wanted to be with her. But with a lack of money and me working as a bartender in my home town, it was a hard act to be with her. And I knocked up my wife of four children and my mom called Marie and said that Ashkol was going to get married. I ran and ran; for a long time; and wounded up in N.J. And one cold day, working, on a snowy winter day, my wife to be hunted me down and showed me my son, David. We got married shortly thereafter. I did think about god some, around that time; I did so remember. Zeus/jzeus was very much in my life. I awoke years later with four children, she had all four, I think, in three years. LOL. I would not work, but she did; my children all took after her. I started a few jobs, but work always interfered with my day, so I decided not to get involved with making low wages & being broke all the time. Wanted to be rich! Know what I mean? The 3 boys were always water proofing and hanging on sides of large building in NYC or Washington, DC. They made great wages and disappeared out of my life, or I guess, I disappeared out of theirs; for some reason or other. I did send my daughter to college; Jacqueline, but the boys were rebellious and quite school early. And at those times I was in the sheet metal business & did not spend a lot of time with them. I wish that I had! Wish I had!

I did take them hunting one time. They asked if I would get up early one morning and take them hunting. I did. I loaded them into my pickup truck and took them out to a lonely mountain and unloaded them. I then said, well boys, when you get done hunting go to a farm house or gas station and call me. I will come for U. They looked at me in shock and started off. I went back to bed. I was not a hunter and I did not want to kill, anything. They called me at the end of the day and I went and picked them up. The 3 had a great time hunting and shooting their new rifles. And one day when I returned from the sheet metal shop I looked in the big garage that I had built and saw three huge deer hanging from the steel beam in the center of the ceiling. About the time that I was selling auto parts I had my first stomach operation and had met a rich young gal who was graduating from Hunter University, in NYC; Blonde and her name was Carolyn Delarosa, an heir to the Alcoa Aluminum Corp. and she and I were shacking up around Park Ave. somewhere. As I was recuperating from my surgery and she flew into Avoca Int. Air Port in Scranton, Pa and we had lunch together. I brought alone a friend, Cy Spence, who was uncle of Jimmy Spencer, of the famous NASCAR racing fame. Carolyn said some things about Alcoa and asked if I would like her to get me some kind of a franchise. I looked over at Cy who was the car genesis and he kicked me in the shin and said, Hell take anything. Later, before I could get around to going back to NYC my jealous wife somehow got Carols phone number and put the kibosh to our relationship. I called her on the phone and she said to never call her again. I guess I missed out on that one, too. Once she said that she wanted me to go to France to meet her uncle and get me into learning about the wine growing industry. Hum mm! I was hurting and broke and felt like there was no hope of ever getting up in the world. I did not think about god at all. After I had climbed up out of my dark pit and got my sheet metal Co. some guy came by and asked me if I believed that Zeus/ jzeus was god. That started a very long decade of studying the scriptures and finding out the sacred Name of the Most High. I traveled down to Virginia Beach and lived there with a woman named Joan for a few years while studying and walking the beach morning and evenings. I got published there! And instead of getting training on a computer, I bought a new type writer. It would be years later that I learned about the computer. But I knew that Electronics was where the action was and before I lost my metal co. I got 6 guys, who owned companies together and I wanted us to start a distribution co. for all makes and models of computers. They agreed but went astray. Wow! I guess I lost that one too. I claimed bankruptcy shortly thereafter. Then hooked up with a female cousin and lived in poverty in Florida. Life sucked at that time and I got out of the Roman Catholic Church. My family went crazy because I threw all of the pictures of Zeus and his mother out and began seeking the face of the Most High in earnest. Then I went up to a high mountain and met Harry and his Yahwistic organization. They told me Name of Yahweh and his son Yahshua. I was pleased. I thought about the Most High very often after that. I knew that god had a Name and I went in search of it. And I found it to, boy. But then, I had the awesome privilege of meeting a guy named Jerry Langenderffer from Ohio up on the mountain and his friends. They told me about a guy who knew Paleo Hebrew and we listened to some of his music. I was fascinated and wanted to know all I could about this man named Shmual Wahli, who they said, was the foremost authority in world in Paleo Hebrew Torah and he knew correct name of Most High: YahWah and Yahusho. Harry who had been taught and learned a lot from some Jewish people- he and his stubborn wife did not buy into Shmuals teachings, at all. So I was up and down and running around. Running to and fro in the Earth! Somehow I had gotten a plane ticket out of Florida and left my cousin wife and flew up to NE Pa and Harry and the boys picked me up. We had a wonderful time for many weeks ducking one another in the pond and praying and discussing the Torah. It all fell apart as each one took off as dogs to lick up their own vomit. I got on disability and had a pocket full of cash and took my sisters old car she gave my mom and went back down to south Florida to see Dixie Lee. It did not work out there; so I went west to see Orlando J. Smith who was into the Torah as he knew it. Old Orlando was at the western end of Tenn. And before I made the trip west I was at the cross roads in Georgia and called his house. His wife said that he was there in Georgia. I found him and then after a few days at his friends home, we took off north to Indiana to see Shmual. The rest is history. Shmual, Aaron, was a priest and he gave Orlando and me our Hebrew Names. My Name is Ashkol ben Aphrayim. We stayed a month in Shmuals guest house and remodeled it for him. Nissac/Orlando was a master electrician and we were kept warm by a big wood burner stove. We prayed often and Shmual came by from time to time and taught us Paleo Hebrew lessons. It was a very wonderful time. I have never ever used the word god, since.

Fire Chapter 11 Kof

I am into my 15th year studying Paleo Hebrew (in English) and one must study 7 years before asking a question. I

am trying to get to my 21st year. Of course, I have been studying and seeking the face of the Most High since the end of 1974. Over 35 years on and off. If I would have known about all of this info, well, hell, U know. Now lets hear more about the White Text Ministry I learned that: When the writings states that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Yahusho is Master Adwn, it is speaking that every deed will be done within and under the supra -consciousness of Yahusho. This is not terminology to indicate that all shall worship another, or to exalt one above another; rather the saying indicates that all shall serve in full honor of the supra-consciousness. Likewise, every word will be uttered to affirm the supra-consciousness and the mastery therein, whereby all shall declare the mastery of the risen meShich, who being hung as a garment on a stake, in-active, and then laid into the bowels of the earth (Zebwlan), has arisen as the Supreme Counsel of all! The inactive states/speaks of all of those which are dead in meShich, who have yet to be awakened unto their place within the full Measurement/Numbers of Enlightenment (Remember, allegorical). To be in meShich, one abides within the Numbers of their Name and their House, whereby they comprise the full measurements of Enlightenment.

The Famous Spider Web Chart of You will see examples of the 2X2 houses together; Note: the Spider Web Chart above how the houses are across from one another; Yahudah and Aparryim, or Baniymin and Zebwlan etc. etc. Numbers 28 is the Morning and Evening Prayers Praying Prayer is entering in the 7 chambers of revelation, which are seven arrangement of thoughts according to Numbers and their weights/glory. As one moves through the 7 chambers, we are engaging the Enlightenment according to their Names with our Names. These are fields of associations of Names that belongs to the branded values of 9 to 1 within the collective consciousness of the Lights. The Names have a designated wave relative to their Numbers. Prayer is communion in the States of Enlightenment, in that one abides within the walls of Illumination, prayer is non-ceasing. Purposes of prayer are fellowship discernment and to fulfill or accomplish a work of righteousness. These levels of communications are the states of bonds, movements and progressions, and deeds of joy. We draw out of Name strength as we come to be of the same wave as the Name through which we form a rod, as the Names of Yahdah and Aparryim, or Baniymin and Zebulon (See Spider Web Chart) are joined. This is our prayer partner with whom we labor, being sent two by two. As the heads of the rod form a body of consciousness, they draw out from each other to make the Temple of their Unity, whereby their house is filled and running over of their goodness and abundant mercy. Prayer corresponds to the steps of the oylah, (Numbers 28 is Morning and Evening Prayers) one encounters fields of Enlightenment, the seven levels and the ten spaces. When we wash the hands and feet in the waters of the laver hhakaiyuwer, they are bathed with clear crystal waters of Thought which prepare us to enter into the seven levels. The waters are of 7 levels, that prepare us to enter into the realms of Illumination with the oylah, manchaih (grain offering), and wine offering) nesek. Those are the sacred scriptures Shmual taught us. He is still laboring with the Paleo Torah; he saw beginning and the end of the universe. And, so am I searching the star fields above and the worlds beyond. Gathering up the many keys to the Light doors to reach the gate to the worlds beyond. Flesh / Bashar / Thoughts For Messiah comes not to abolish or to eliminate the orders of ALhhim/Elohyim/God. He comes not to abolish any Sacred Torah Principles; not any unfolding of the Law in the role of prophets. Messiah comes to establish every principle of intelligence through the Unfolding of those principles in Earth! The Word was made flesh/Bashar/thoughts, and by this incarnation the glory of the scriptures is revealed in man. He who accepts inward application and function of any scripture, therefore, accepts in some measure, Messiah, coming in the flesh. Such are able to live fully in newness of the Spirit by ever word that proceeds from the mouth of Alhhim Elohyim / God. Some are frustrated in their bodies or with their sexual status. [Bashar!!! The word for flesh is Bashar, and is rendered as Thoughts that are arranged into a dwelling state. The coming of maShiach is not in mortal skins, for how can the full measurement appear in a divided dwelling. Rather that maShiach appears within the organization of the 12 (See Chart above), which are inward. Bashar!!! Shmual said Yes, this has been a blinding of the eyes and spear of division over the millenniums! Now Jews knew what this word meant {Bashar}; ya would wonder why they selfishly hid this meaning and never evangelized and explained it to the Nations, huh? THOUGHT ABOUT IT? In the big picture they denied Zeus/jesus and were called Zeus/jesus killers, but never came out and explained it. Explained how Christians jumped on the writings of women and men; did not embrace the Torah.

The Magnificent Solution This Is The Greatest Revelation Ever Presented To Man! This is still the greatest story NEVER TOLD We are surrounded by messengers that continually minister to our Name. We dwell and proceed through camps of messengers therefore we are to maintain our residence with vitality and cleanliness [Chamesh haPekudim/Numb 5:3; Mishneh Torah/Deut 23:13-15]. As thoughts are processed through us, we are to discard the process and form of the thought so that we walk not in the corruptible or that which is to be discarded. We gather thoughts through experiences and encounters, but we let the form [human bodies] and processes go and treat it as dung. We feel pain as we hold on to processes or forms; however, we move progressively as YHWH walks / proceeds through our encampments we feel loss or fear of losing as we hold onto the form, but we gain as we hold on to the essence of the thought. To Know Without the Offerings; Numbers 28-29, you are not giving back to Elohyim/ALhhim, Torah Fire Sacrifices are FOR EVER & EVER YHWH Ha Waw Ha Yud L. <<YAHWAH THE 22 HEBREW TORAH WHITE TEXT FIRE LETTERS t c r q x p o s n m l k y f j z w hi d g b A <R. to L.< This work/book details the exact manner and methods of finding where important Tewrah/Torah/Law/Tewrat references are located relative to Tewrah Thought teachings. The White Text Tewrah/Torah writings and manuals at the House of the Name Academy/ BHM, located in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area on the banks of the Maumee river in Indiana are always under the supervision of the House of Kohath. With Shmual ben Aharon, Wahli - THE PRIEST, being the VOICE that delivers these teachings and messages to you and I. Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah letters, values and numbers for the Name of YAHWAH; Ha Waw Ha Yud <<Right to Left. Colossians III Verse IV= Shmual says that this is not a ref. to Yahusho/jesus, who was already revealed. Shmual says that this is not a ref. to Yahusho/jesus, who was already revealed. (Bible says, For now your life lies hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is manifested, then you too will be manifested with him in glory. I said to Shmual, 'I think that all of the Bible verses are polluted.' But Shmual says, I wouldn't say pollution, most of the infancy accounts have been written much later by the Roman Catholic Church. In the preface of one of their bibles they admit that they wrote the first chapter of Mattithyahu/Matt., and added it in. (Tear it out, shout, no more Christmas, Easter is bullshit). Hes the Lamb of YHWH, not the ham of god. Dont forget now, no more eating the rat nor the pig, understand? The Name of Joseph-Miriam's [Mary] husband was probably pollution-an added name in the NT to coincide with the teachings of the Rabbi that a Mashiayach would come out of the Tribe of Yusaph. But, Yea, I think so, but then it could have been his actual name, also; as the Syriac version states. And it is held in Judaism that the mashiyach is not born in Judaism but comes out of the nations, attesting to the authority of the Light of: {The White Text Torah of YHWH To Know The Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light Principles of AL; No killing anything} And it is held in Judaism that the mashiyach is not born in Judaism but comes out of the nations, attesting to the authority of the Light of the Torah which is greater than any cultural or religious affiliation, whereby one is able to break free from the nations. Shmual says that he thinks that many of the places in ref. to Mashyiach (The MasterMessiah) are general in nature and then became connected to Yahusho / jesus as narratives grew more and more. Shmual told me, smiling, that no wonder Yahusho / jesus could not write everything down, there is so much. A lot comes out orally in the Torah classes that I never get on paper. And there is a layer over minds of our generation to consider that Yahusho/jesus was first born of YahWah. This is in part due to assumptive reading of the letters regarding jesus / Yahusho and the mentioning of word christ Messiah in the letters of Rav Shaul / Paul. Listen up!!! We must not think that in every place the word Messiah/Christ is used that it is referring to jesus-Yahusho. And due to the conditioning regarding the projection of Yahusho-jesus this assumption is commonly make right. So do not think, do not limit your use of term Messiah to be a reference to Yahusho/jesus. The term Messiah /Christ as used in the letters of Shaul/Paul are more encompassing then a ref. to Yahusho/ Christ alone. That was the point or the object of the saying. So in revealing this revelation, as one seeks to assist another with foundational stones in place, one must work

underground. That is, we begin to place supportive concepts beneath the layers of understanding of our associatesnew students & friends. For their sakes, we must work on their/your Minds like an underground worker. For when we succeed in helping someone lay another foundation, then they will shift their house upon the new Torah foundation forsaking the old darkness. Leveling the old worthless house with one fell sweep will cause one to defend their foundation even though they cannot even understand it.

(1st) Mashiyah of Aharon/Aaron/Priest who is yet to be revealed.

Back to: Colossians III Verse IV-Not being a ref. to Yahusho/jesus who was already revealed. (Your Bible says, For now your life lies hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is manifested, then you too will be manifested with him in glory. Shmual, in his tireless attempt not to aggravate, intimidate, annoy nor provoke anyone says also, Now Ashkol, just because the lines are not a ref. to Yahusho / jesus, they are still valid as they convey the nature and life of the Christ Mashiyach. Note vs. 11, Messiah is all in all! All things hold the nature of the composite thought structure of HaSham/YHWH that is transmitted from the house of the Levite Leuwim Priesthood, via the priesthood houses of Aharon and Kohath (There R 4 priesthood houses, but only Aaron/Aharon is the Priest). This nature was also in Yahusho; however Messiah referred to here in this section is more encompassing and speak of the first (1st) Mashiyah of Aaron-Aharon Priest who is yet to be revealed. Like you, the author says, Wow!!! Have you ever heard of such a thing? {U havent even heard the half, yet} The Magnificent Solution is U knowing that U came into this realm; plane, TO KNOW. And you know nothing about who god is. You do not even have the faintest idea who MOST HIGH is. You and the rest of civilization are ignorant jackasses condemn to endless karma because you were told blasphemous hogwash by the ignorant sick provocative Preachers and Clerics, Priest Rabbis, and Mullahs who teach heresy. Moses wasnt giving the Law to a bunch of Jews he gave the Law to you and me. We are all Israel / YishARAL Hebrews. (And if some guy starts his ole preaching to you about certain kinds of Jews/people who are called Kazars or whatever, walk away, for we are all Israel and we are all one and we are all Abes boys and girls). We cannot base our conclusions on Shaul/ Paul, for though the writing's speak of the Tewrah/ Torah they are not the Tewrah, nor are they to be the authority of interpretation. Paul becomes the standard instead of the writings of Moses. Name of the Eternal One YHWH Ha Wah Ha Yud. Bayit HaSham Midrash, International - The House of the Name Academy. In A Rising Swirling Motion, We Swirl the Healing Potion; On Behalf Of A Name. And we are surrounded by messengers that continually minister to our Name. We dwell and proceed through camps of messengers; therefore we are to maintain our residence with vitality and cleanliness-Chamesh haPekudim/Numb 5:3; Mishneh Torah/Deut 23:13-15]. As thoughts are processed through us, we are to discard the process and form of the thought so that we walk not in the corruptible or that which is to be discarded. We gather thoughts through experiences and encounters, but we let the form [human bodies] and processes go and treat it as dung. We feel pain as we hold on to processes or the forms; however, we move progressively as YHWH walks / proceeds through our encampments. We feel loss or fear of losing as we hold on to the form, but we gain as we hold on to the essence of the thought. THOUGHT THEOLOGY VS. OBJECT THEOLOGY! For every deed there is a result that shall be tasted upon the Tables that are set every Shavbeth/Sabbath, whereby you eat the food of HhaALhhim that meet you in the way, as you are performing the oylah through ten steps of ascension each morning and eve. The calendars of men give superiority to their rulers after which they are named and to their gods which are inscribed upon their months and days. The calendars of human invention are in opposition to writings of the Lights themselves, as they distort the Order of the months, their Numbers, their Names, and do not honor their works. We walk by what is written daily in the heavens, which are appointed to govern our meditations/evenings and our deeds /mornings, whereby we serve YahWah night and day. We walk according to the Lights of HhaALhhim, from which we have our duties and a consideration within the courts/gates; secrets of nature; lit., an organisms structure/bonded to origin; the structures of the Teraysaron/Pyramid thus the pattern of the Cube of Wisdom, the Ayin O Body cylinder and the rectangle of Knowledge; THE ILLUMINATION to construct-provide a framework of connections with the door/s of future progressions; a deep secret; also: to plastermake secret; note: the men of Sodom are those who study the powers of life contained in a seed, in preference to being united to a profile form of lifeLots daughters profile extensionsa form of prior comprehension; - SOD thought is the level of study pertaining to the patriarch Avraham which corresponds to the Level of Knowledge. Whereas-Kabbalah Thought is to distinguish that which corresponds, such as Numbers with Letters, or Parts with Functions within the Totality, but Sod Thought leads into a deeper level of Knowledge To Know the structure within a Number and Letter and to comprehend the design and weaving of thoughts to comprise the Sum/Whole. Until there is the sheaf of grain, there is no SOD; neither Thought nor a Sodom (the plural of Sod).

With the grain comes Knowledge by decoding of all within the Seed and the unfoldment process of all that the Seed has constructed. Out of Sod Thought comes, then the analysis of Seed and the distinction of all layers of Knowledge. These layers are within the human anatomy, a projection of thought to convey the Dwelling Place of Names, but the human body is a torn garment. Sod Thinking goes beyond the state of fragmentation and puts its nose into that which is in the Mind of YahWah. In this level of thinking one moves from a gender based orientation to entering into the secret councils of Sodom, for the states of gender and division are to be surpassed by the evolution of the Unified Dwelling of Names; Values, 70 understandings; 104: [104 is value of the plural term Sudwm 70 is the value of the seuwd]. To sanctify openings; the corona gate (see Light Transformer Reading, 1 -14-96). Further Shmual says, 'S O D THOUGHT' comes from Sodom---the secret council and Gomorrah:-the unfolding of the sheaf's of Light. Basically, this is the unfolding of all that is within the seeds of our Names, which is why Lot and the men of Sodom no longer considered themselves to be according to gender. So it will be in the coming of Mashiyach. Its important to consider that SOD Thought is the level of study pertaining to the patriarch Avraham which corresponds to the Level of Knowledge. (For more, see The Beginning In The Beginning there assembled, in what is now the center of the universe a Gathering of Lights.


In the beginning, there assembled, in what is now the center of the universe, a Gathering of Lights. Teaching us; with Star Fields in mind, ShmwAL was taught that; in the beginning, there assembled, in what is now the center of the universe, a Gathering of Lights. And around the lights there was a very vast darkness of space. This vast space remains; however, it is dotted with Presence of the Thoughts of the Lights / Urim. The space, being in opposition to the formidable union of lights, is of the proportion that it could be filled with all that the Lights contained. By opposition we mean as the MOON is in opposition to the SUN up on Rosh Chodesh-at the head of the month; Full Moon, Head of Moon-First day of the new month. From the beginning! The evening prior to Shabbat is the Full Moon. And for Rosh Chodesh, the Evening before-(After the dark moon of the 14th, the crescent moon is the new moon; but its the start of the New Moon; it takes two full weeks to become the full (NEW) moon. And crescent moon is CONCEPTION -THE FULL MOON is the birth. White Text Torah of YHWH To Know Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light Principles of AL-No killing anything When Moon Dips then Rosh Chodesh is announced, for when the moon dips then we know a head has emerged. This opposition provides a fulcrum; (support about which lever turns), via which all that is held in the Urim/Light assembled, which may be tipped into the space from an angle. We may say that this space was primary chakra/ opening of the Mind via which all Thoughts of Light may be expanded throughout the space to be an expanse for the Thoughts of YaH/God (Ps. 84:4) There will never be a form of YaH - Elohyim - ALhhim Yahweh-AllahGod; nor will there ever be. Object theology told the blind and the teachers of darkness that when people die, they will go home to daddy and his son Zeus/jesus. But, No Old Man with a White Beard is waiting for you! In considering the beginnings, at the time thought expression of coming to recognize the Organization of the Union of Light, there was no formed earth, for first every principle within the Mind of YaH / Yahweh / ALhhim / Allah Elohyim /God would be tested To Know if it was worthy to be adorned with garment. The earth / planet would appear within the allocation of space that had received the principles of YaH /AL-Yahweh Allah/God. There was no form of earth at the initial breathing. (See Bayit HaSham Midrash-House of the Name Academy-the Dan study on BREATH) For the Principles had yet to be manifested from the foundation. When you breathe, you may see vapor but is there a manifestation of the thoughts within the Breath? Manifestations follow as concepts are organized into clusters which occur in sync with thought expression so that manifestations are profitable for expansion/blessing. While there was no form of earth, there was no form of YaH / Yahweh / Allah ALhhim / Elohyim / God either, nor will there ever be, for all that is of YaH-Yahweh /AL/YHWH Allah God are the choice and selected Principles of Light which are invisible! THE PRINCIPLES of THE LIGHTS-"ELOHIM/ALHHIM" As the principles within the Union of Light were recognized and discerned, we ask, were there some principles that were not retained to be of the Oneness of the Gathering of Lights? The answer is, yes! Yes there were thoughts that became evident through projections into the spaces that would ultimately be contrary to the Union of Light. These thoughts did not come from the Union directly, for should they have been within Union of Lights, the Union of lights would not have been. The thoughts that would become prohibited into Union were misconstrued -distorted wave reflections of the Light. The core of every principle within the Union of Lights and those which had been projected was read and examined to see if it was pure and of love--if it would serve to maintain the bound of all

Principles of Light. Some concepts were tested and found incomplete. These thoughts were cast out from the Faces of the Gathering of Lights. This was the beginning of what is called evil. These evil thoughts were considered to be helpful for they assisted those in the Gathering of Lights to discern what was; the collective order and which thoughts did not support collective Order. Those within this Gathering of Light s are known as the Elohyim ALhhim; the Principles of the Lights. These became set apart unto an Order of Light that began to shine brighter and brighter as these thoughts expanded. The incomplete thoughts were cast down, being strange to the Union and became known as strange Elohyim/ALhhim concepts. But the more perfect thoughts clustered together with strength. The selected thoughts then were placed into categories. According to the Order of Thoughts, there are light patterns in the skies known as the stars which circle about. A star is defined as a messenger: Kokavim-Stars: The stars serve to extend thought into fields of Knowledge which are regulated by Understanding. kokavim/star serves to expand Wisdom-Understanding unto Knowledge- to reveal all details of thought. Knowledge contains our expressions, and through which we are robed and fed. We are not to make calendars of this world, for this world is passing away and does not stand in service to the Most High. We do not measure ourselves according to the world that is passing, but rather by world that is coming. This world is out of sync with Tewrah / Law/Torah of YahWah. World of mortals opposes Law, whereby it shows itself to be separate-self projecting, for this is the nature of mortal flesh. This world is not created by YahWah, for it perishes, and it is foreign to the design of the Mishkan/Tabernacle. Bring forward any of calendars of this world that are prepared with the motive to record the oylut/burnt offerings, and then we can speak from the same shoulder of responsibility and calling to render ourselves as a living sacrifice, consecrated unto the position that each of us have in the Numbers and the Names of Light that have no end. Your Magnificent Solution is also, pointing out that this world is not created by YahWah, for it perishes, and it is foreign to the design of Mishkan/Tabernacle. And since all of this info that I have been giving you is foreign also, you may have seen something in here to enlighten your eyes. I hope so. I hope you turn around and stare at the stars tonight and feel something about this sacred message. A message from star fields above and beyond. If you read thus far, it was your spirit reaching up and out for the knowledge that you had been given before the worlds were. The Ancient Paleo Hebrew Letters Numbers Values and Words--THE PURE LANGUAGE There is a hell of a lot of stuff that we never knew, before. Isnt this exciting, isnt it? Even with a bit of hatred and animosity towards us {For exposing all of this message from AL/God}, BHM and the author, you have to admit that in the sheltered quiet of your office or home or dorm you are thinking, right now, real hard and long about all of this, arent you? All because this is not a popularity contest going on here. We found Torah Light and its being shed upon us. So, lets eat and drink all we can. Below is further ENLIGHTENMENT THAT NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT Kabbalah / Qabbalah / SOD Thought More Mysteries; Heightens the Minds into Torah and into the very Order of Life. In case you are not in the know; on the West Coast of the USA, there is a lot of commotion going on over there, with hot movie stars thinking that they are learning about Kabbalah /Qabbalah Thought. That teacher over there needs to study this Torah White Text information and teach his excited students the real Kabbalah / SOD / Qabbalah Thought. The Hebraic Torah THOUGHTS of the White Text SOD Whereas Kabbalah Thought is to distinguish that which corresponds, such as Numbers with Letters, or Parts with Functions within the Totality, SOD THOUGHT leads into a deeper level of Knowledge; To Know the structure within a Number and Letter and to comprehend the design and weaving of Thoughts to comprise the Sum/Whole. I SENT THIS fabulous MESSAGE TO SHMUAL. Hey I said, HAVE YOU GOT ANY IDEA AS TO THE MANY HUNDREDS OF RABBIS AND MINISTERS and CLERICS and Mullahs on THIS Planet who will give their right arms for this info. THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS INCREDIBLE INFO: To Arabs Muslims Jews Christians and others WONDERFUL TO SAY THE LEAST. DEEPER THINKING! SODOM - From BHM BHM Torah Dictionary: Sodom; sing. Secret counsel, deliberation an enclave, sitting, session, private consultations; a burning: the Wisdom to consume the full extension of Mind, even as a resident coal warms its environment unto awareness of its Presence and then enters into it fully; to hear the Voice of Knowledge via MANY deliberations of the Understanding/heart: lit., to arrange a consideration within the courts/gates; secrets of nature; lit., an organisms structure/bonded to origin; the structures of the Teraysaron/Pyramid multiple seeds, as seeds that are scattered within a fruit, so are the Kokavim -Stars. And according to multiple thought branches or clusters of concepts so are the stars flung into a space. Each star kokavim is a seat of knowledge. The stars form a crown; as the Seeds arise from the base unto the apex of our thoughts.

Open an apple and see, the crown of seeds inside: from whence have the seeds come? Whenever a cluster of thoughts combine to form a word; a kokavim / star appears. Every star is a Word cluster of YahWah. The stars being flung into space are as Seeds that are dispersed from the loins. Around expanding gases of thought, the ten lands of the suns and the planets are formed as the spaces for the stars which arise from the Breath of YahWah. The planets are bodies of thought that correspond to the tribal camps within us; the stars associated with each planet are the fields of Knowledge that pertain to each thought cluster. As your 6 pairs of organs are set in the midst of your bodies, so are the tribes set into the galaxies, six on one side and six on the other side. According to paths of the Seed, so are all stars kokavim and planetary bodies arranged in space, the great fields of Light that go out from the midst of the twelve centers. AB, BC AND THE 32 EIRDANI, names `of stars in current science, referring to pairs of Kokavim-Stars in the great river of Light called amongst the ancients, Parata, known as the Source River. Within the River are four sets of double stars or pairs: known today as the Theta and theta Eirdani, the AB, BC.According to the Order of Thoughts, there are light patterns in the skies known as the stars which circle about. Why do they circle? Because they retained their core structure and depict that they are of One Collective Body of ALhhim. Yah Wah FATHER AND MOTHER As YaH continued to transfer the Principles to WaH / Mother / Chakmah, another order of Light was established, as a result of this union. In transference of Principles, a reciprocal action of giving and receiving resulted. As thoughts were given, reflections of them bounced back to the Mind of YaH. And according to these actions of giving and receiving-the actions of emptying out ones mind and transferring the thoughts to another, the orbit of the moon began to operate. And if you do not understand the powerful meanings for the Moon, you are now going to shout as you become familiar with an explosive revelation. For the Moon is the pulse beat of the universe. MoonThe 4 Sabbaths pertain to the works of the 12 houses of YishARAL / Israel, and each work has its days of rest, through which one enters into the Heads of Knowledge---the Minds of Illumination, from which all things are spoken and performed. For the one who performs the deeds of each House / Branch / Tribe, may enter into the Minds of Light from which the House has come, for who can know the Minds of Antiquity, unless they seek their faces and follow hard after the Staff, around which the days spin as threads that are woven around a spindle.

Fire Chapter 12 L Lammad

Calendar/Lawach A perspective on the lawach, a tablet or calendar? The lawach / tablet provided on BHMs web site is not a so called, "calendar" nor are we to exhaust ourselves in such attempts for all days are already in the Mind of YahWah, and who can alter the Days that are set by the Most High? { Author asks U, did you know before today, that those ignorant so called Clerics, Rabbis, Priest Preachers Mullahs, Ministers, Pastors, and Religious Leaders of your world, can and did alter the Days that are set by the Most High. And changed the words, the text writings, script, and sayings? Correspondence of Shaul / Paul became rewritten by the admission of the evil Church fathers to convey a DIVINE ICON that surpassed the former practices of the Torah Tewrah, whereby the Christ-meShich within became over shadowed by the towering statue of the Christ of their aspiring empire. Got it? Need we say, more? Now that U have become enlightened what R U going to do about all this revelation? All attempts to make a calendar of days leads to discord and separations. Calendars of human inventions have already exhausted themselves in those endeavors; hence, they make changes in their calendars by adding or taking away days because the calendars are not perfect. Those who attempt to create a document to match a perfect sequence of days from year to year will fall short, even if your years are 40 in number then-oops!, you have to add another week. The only perfect record of days is in the Order of the Lights. The lawach [The correct Paleo terminology], on the web site: the Paleo Letters to convey the months and their days, per branch of the Tree of Life. As all freely give themselves to perform the works of YahWah, within a circle of days, the days are fulfilled and thereby made perfect/complete. The tablet is a record of days, like one marks on a clay tablet, to mark out the offerings/works for the days at hand [Chamesh HhaPekudim / Numbers 28-29]. The Days of YahWah are perfect; [Numbers 28-29]. Days of YahWah are perfect and complete in themselves from Origins of Antiquity. By days, we mean complete acts of YahWah. The days are displayed by the thoughts and the deeds within the spaces where the Names are set. The days of YahWah are events that come forth from the Hand of the Builders / Charasham to build a city upon the foundation of the HhaALhhim the Body of Knowledge in which all congregate.

Why attempt to make a calendar of days, when the day at hand is all that we are to be looking at? Yahusho says, take no thought of tomorrow. A calendar is called after the kalens - those who observed the crescent moon. There is no calendar of the Bible that tells anyone to go out and look for a crescent. [The Jews and others have it all wrong! The FULL MOON IS DAY ONE - BIRTH - The crescent is conception The Light of the Full Moon is where the action is, not on the 16th of the calendar day; but on the 1st! FULL MOON Rauch Chodesh: Lawach / tablet starts in THE EAST, NOT the west]. Author notes that darkness has kept the pure Torah Light from the NATIONS FOR A HELL OF A LONG, LONG DEATH GRIP and that ignorance - arrogance, is as bad as the belief in Zeus-jesus-Two sick darkness horrible horrific nightmares of mankind. How long have the nations lived in darkness--obscurity; a state of being unknown: or inconspicuous DEAD! I guess, since antiquity! Continuing on now with Shmuals dissertation about the negative use of Calendars. Those who attempt to use the writings and traditions of men to make a calendar are following their own imposed mindset. A Lawach tablet {calendar} is a record of the offerings [numbers 28-29], whereby the days have meaning--significance in terms of the activities of the mishkan/tabernacle [i.e. Numbers 28-29 ChameshHhaPekudim; and for further information see BHM: The Mishkan, as to how to perform the offerings]. A lawach is a tablet synchronized with the activities and the positions of the Lights. We do not conform the Days of YahWah to a calendar; we observe the placement and the callings of our Names daily to stand before the Most High and make offerings of the evening and the morning. Numbers 28! Now, up to now have you ever heard the word TORAH: Before this moment; have you ever read to study the words of the Tewrah/Torah in order that you may do them? We are not attempting to create a calendar for the sake of having the Number of days to match the rotation of the sun so that they come out right according to what has been determined in the mind-set of men. Rather, we move in a perfect circle of Understanding, which is of-ten smaller and sometimes larger than the circle used to establish the number of the days of the sun. The calendars of human invention have days that range between 28-31 per month, which have no regard or understanding for the beginning or the ending of a month. The days of the moon, of 12 months are smaller than the days of the sun, for they are days of Understanding that are within Wisdom -those which revolve within movement of the sun. When there are 13 moons to a year, the days of Understanding, depicted by the rotation of the moon, exceed those of Wisdom depicted by the days of the sun. The days marked by the moon, being of the evening, precede and thereby determine the mornings that follow thereafter. The movement of the moon, whose years are smaller or larger than the sun, shows us that deeds of Understanding extend beneath and through Wisdom. Every month is a work of one of the branches upon the Tree of Life, even as there is a season for every crop that is sown. Every month is said to be of 30 days, for each moon is of the 12th Letter of Fire, the Lammad, whose value is 30. The actual days of the lunar rotation are of 30 - of the Lammad/12, or belong to the 12 Lammad, for they are determined by the movement of the staff around which the days swirl. Whether the days are 30 or not, they are said to be 30 for they are of the Lammad /30/12. The days of a month consist of the head of a month through which we commence [FULL MOON], and a head of month with which we conclude, from which comes phrase: RashChadashrenewed mind. From making one rotation or from fulfilling works of Branch from all four quadrants, the mind is changed or renewed. The days of rest within each month work period, per branch, are 4 in number. These 4 days correspond to 4 corners through which a house is established and whereby it pivots, folds, expands, and moves. We can only pass over to another side as we enter into the Knowledge of the work completed upon each side. Through entering gates of the Shavbeth/sabbath, we partake of the fruit of our hands; for until we have entered the shavbeth / sabbath of each side and partaken of the Knowledge of that side -the Knowledge being with in the fruit of labors performed on that side--we cannot continue the works of another side of the month, for we are not readied / learned / attired to do so. As we perform the deeds of six days, we are readied to enter into the shavbeth/sabbath gates of Knowledge, in which we receive fruit of our hands from the deeds performed with daily illumination of the evenings and mornings. The 4 Sabbaths pertain to works of the 12 houses of YishARAL/Israel, and each work has its days of rest, through which one enters into Heads of Knowledge the Minds of Illumination from which all things are spoken-performed. For the one who performs the deeds of each House/Branch/Tribe, may enter into the Minds of Light from which the House has come, for who can know the Minds of Antiquity, unless they seek their faces and follow hard after the Staff, around which the days spin as threads that are woven around a spindle. Each month is determined by the Order of the Lammad the 12 of the Most High in Mount Arrat - those in the 7th

heavens [for further information {7th Heavens} see: BHM documentation AA ALHHIM ACHADD - AA]. The values of the Lammad are 12 and 30 by the Numbers in Wisdom and Understanding respectively. The 12 Emanations of Illumination are cast into a Body of HhaALhhim whereby each month comes to have the faces of its moon, the expressions of its deeds, and the harvest of its fruit, through which the months continue with joy year to year. Each month, as each day, belongs to HhaALhhim/the Elohyim/The Gods, which we serve with our whole hearts, souls and might of Breath. The months are called by their Number of 12 and by the Name of HhaALhhim, in which the days are set to bear the fruit of the Tree of 12 Branches [Chazon/Revelations 22:2]. When those at the Gates of HhaALhhim behold you coming forth from each side of six days, they will see you dressed with garments of the oylut/offerings that have been washedactivated in the blood of the meekness (the lamb) and woven during the six days by the Lights of Chakmah and Bayinah. They will look within your hands, and there they will see you coming with the deeds of the side within your hands, for during a month there is a week of the north, the east, the south, and the west, each week being a side of a month's illumination. To you they will open wide Gates of the Shavbeth /Sabbath that you may enter and sit at their tables, which are positioned at the corners. At the Table you will be served, and your head will be graced with the crowns of your obedience to perform their works -not the works and services performed unto those of mortal flesh, but according to the works that have been rendered unto those whom you have served in the Houses of The Sephardim-(Numbers from which comes all Faces of HhaALhhim and their offspring), belonging to the Illumination of Arrat. For every deed there is a result that shall be tasted upon the Tables that are set every Shavbeth Sabbath, whereby you eat the food of HhaALhhim that meet you in the way, as you are performing the oylah through ten steps of ascension each morning and evening. THE WRITINGS OF WOMEN AND MEN - CORRUPTION! Calendars of men give superiority to their rulers after which they are named, and to their gods who are inscribed upon their months and days. The calendars of human invention are in opposition to writings of Lights themselves, as they distort the Order of the months, their Numbers, their Names, and do not honor their works. We walk by what is written daily in the heavens, which are appointed to govern our meditations/ evenings and our deeds mornings, whereby we serve YahWah night and day. We walk according to the Lights of HhaALhhim, from which we have our duties and our expressions, and through which we are robed and fed. We are not to make calendars of this world, for this world is passing away and does not stand in service to the Most High. We do not measure ourselves according to the world that is passing, but rather by world that is coming. This world is out of sync with Tewrah/Law/Torah of YahWah. The world of mortals opposes the Law, whereby it shows itself to be separate and self-projecting, for this is the nature of mortal flesh. This world is not created by YahWah, for it perishes, and it is foreign to the de sign Oyits of the Mishkan/Tabernacle. Bring forward any of the calendars of this world that are prepared with the motive to record the oylut/burnt offerings, and then we can speak from the same shoulder of responsibility and calling to render ourselves as a living sacrifice, consecrated unto the position that each of us have in the Numbers and the Names of Light that have no end. For on the Mauodim of YahWah, The Great Assembly meets all day long. The purpose of calendars of this world is to have the days to follow after their kingdom, as the calendars of today are after the kingdom of Rome. Those who follow a 365 day year with continuous weeks, give no regard to the Order of the months, for they have the mind-set of Babylon and Rome. Their days and their Sabbaths do not pertain to the works and the fruit of month, nor to the signs of Light that bear testimony to the days of our gatherings -mauodim of YahWah [Genesis 1:14; Sepher Maoshah BeRashshith) Teuwrat HhaKwahnim/Leviticus 23:1-2]. Those who make their own calendars as Rome, do so that they may perform their traditions without understanding, whereby they walk according to the traditions of those who they deemed are correct, having been blinded, as rabbits from birth to dwell in holes of darkness, being that their bodies are of flesh, having put on the skins of mortality. Though they [proponents & new comers who say with their mouths that they are Israel] call themselves brothers, they imitate the protestant churches that they came out from with their Sunday school type of services and activities. They reject the priesthood of Aaron Aharwan, because they do not follow the Torah / Tewrah Law; The Law of Perfection, thinking that they have a better priesthood and that they may set aside the offerings of the altar of the Mishkan {Numbers 28-29} having no need of Enlightenment that is forever with Lawi / Levi/Priesthood, who upholds the Name of YahWah [Sepher Yetsiat Mitsraim/Exodus 20:22-24; 32:26]. They alter the words of YahWah-(These misfits must go! Revealing LIGHT truth about all of the ignorant so called Clerics, Rabbis, Preacher's, Mullahs, Ministers, Priest Pastors, and Religious Leaders of your world). They alter the words of YahWah as though they can change the Mind of YahWah to conform to their own mind. For though they were kicked out of the churches, they unconsciously stay in the same mold of their assemblies, and though they have a few Name changes, everything else stays the same. Some claim to have or be following Sacred Names, yet by their separations and condemnations of others, they profane Name of Unity that they are speaking

with their mouths. Their doctrines are not of the Tewrah Torah; they make for themselves their own priests and follow after Christianity, and so is their mentality. Their calendars follow the traditions of men that exalt the names of foreign gods and restrict the days to their pencils and calculators. All such ignorance and willful disobedience are of delusional thoughts that engulf them further in darkness, which bury them alive in their graves of mortality; for until one is putting their head into paths of the Lights for purpose of performing the offerings, their/your days are an abomination to YahWah, and their worldly Sabbaths are not the Sabbaths of YahWah. Though they say they are keeping the days yet without doing what YHWH YahWah says to do on a day, they fall short and mock the day in their lack of following Words of YahWah by their lame excuses, for all of their excuses lame them so that they cannot walk in the offerings of YahWah, which is the purpose of having a Tablet/Lawach. Give your lame offerings to the leaders that are continuing to cripple your performance to make the offerings of YahWah, for by the offerings are the days fulfilled! The reasons in your mind for not obeying the Torah Tewrah are because of your stiff neck posture that does not allow you to look inwardly, and due to half-baked leaders that keep your hands and feet bound unto the miry clay of your dwellings-yourself projections of flesh. When you think that you are doing wrong so that you can understand how to free others, you are deceived, for if you fall in the mire with those who have fallen into the deeds of darkness, who will there be to pull you out? An e-mail-The voice that spoke saying that the lawach/calendar that was sent to them-had no meaning-is because that one is far off from concerning their mind with the callings of the sanctuary; otherwise they would have noted the living heartbeat of the document that was shared freely for their Enlightenment. And if they had looked into the Tablet sent to them, they would have noticed that it is filled with meanings that pertain to Order of the Sanctuary. In that they call it a calendar already shows that they have heavy glasses on whereby they cannot see what has been put before their EYES. The one that wrote that the terminology of the materials is foreign to them is one who is locked into their own mind [WAKE UP friend, your vocabulary from grade school is not going to get you tuned into where you want to go], whereby they do not have the Fire activated within them to search out the meanings of the words that are before their Eyes. [When you are serious, start learning the Tongue of the Ancients and obtain the Tewrah/Torah Light Dictionary to help you.] It must be understood that one can blind themselves from continual revelation and the words of the Light, by preferring to suck on the tit of the perverted tongues of the nations that distort the meanings by their renderings. The Tewrah Torah Light Dictionary renderings: Tewrah Torah Light Dictionary online is available to assist the disciples when they need a resource to discern the materials. [Moses carried a lawach, a tablet down from Mount]

Fire Chapter 13 Mim

The tribulation of Yaoquv/Jacob the Troubles/Tribulation of Jacob/Yaoquv come to an End The tribulation of Yaoquv/Jacob commences in loss of Yusphah/Joseph and shall cease as all 12 Houses of Yaoquv are redeemed out of hands of Mitsraim/Egypt and out of hands of all nations unto which they have become servants. Trouble arises within the Land of Canaan when the House of Yaaqov strips Yusphah of the garment of full spectrum and sells their brother unto the Yismaelites, whereby Yusphah/Joseph comes into Mitsraim/Egypt/duality. This violation of Unity transpires within the Branches of Knowledge. Via this self-imposed curse, divisive thought now enters into all levels of dwelling, whereby the split body appears or becomes manifested as a fruit of transgression. The selling of Yusphah is the tearing apart of the unified garment, whereby the flesh is torn into two parts, or into state of duality-male and female. Until the split body is mended, the trouble continues. The cry of the Mind is heard in the ears of all of the members of a household, for this is Tribulation that comes upon the wounded Head of Yaaqov commonly referred to as Jacob's troubles. With a pure language the tribulation of Yaoquv/Jacob comes to an end and with it the dissolution of the mortality. Mortality will cease, for it is a divisive state of gender and self-projection. The thoughts of mortality abide in a corruptible, incompatible dwelling that has neither rest nor endurance. The trouble of Jacob-Yaoquv is a perplexed state of the Mind - how can Breath, that is immortal, come to abide in rags - as the human body that perishes? Mortal state is as the grass of the field that withers and dies, and with it the number base upon which it is founded. The tongues that mortals speak will likewise cease, whereas the language of The Word of YahWah, which is according to the Numbers of the kuwahnim / priests abides forever. We must overcome the number base of mortality that is within the members of corruptible bodies. In that the number base of the mortal body is not sound, it falters and cannot continue. We overcome the number base of mortality by the blood of the Lamb that runs from the Seed of Beniyman/Benjamin. As the Numbers of the Lamb arise into the consciousness, the body of mortality, called the harlot, is over thrown, and battle of the Lamb is won. Then the Kings of the whole earth shall rejoice!

When the Names stand upon the Word of YahWah, they are like Trees planted by Waters. Those who are planted in the basin of Knowledge-hhakaiywer/laver yield their fruit in their season, and their leaves do not wither. The leaves that do not wither are the garments upon the Tree of Life, and they refer to the immortal state. Those who are planted by the River at the base of Joseph-Yusphah are known, for they make the offerings which bring forth the full nature of abiding in the branches of Knowledge, which are in the Words of HhaKuwhnim/The Priests.


YHWH YaHWaH HaSham AL- Elohyim ALhhim Allah God! To all who have accepted and confirmed their gift or this giving of the Wisdom of YHWH YaHWaH Allah God, the three sons of Noah are brought forth: the three basic natures of Life. And regarding these three branches of Noah Noach, the rest of the scriptures are penned in the Great Torah, in the White Text writings, and in the Prophets: to remind us and to guide us to become complete-unified, in all three of the branches of Adam. Thus, the prophet YeshaYahu or Isaiah, in Ch 19 Verses 23-25, speaks of the 3 natures of man culminating in a unified, blessed, and expanded State. "In that day there will be a highway-from Mitzraim-Egypt; to Assyria; and the Assyrians will come into Mithraism/Egypt and Mitzraim-Egypt into Assyria; and Mitzraim-Egypt will worship with the Assyrian.In that day YishARAL will be the third with Egypt-Mitzraim" the channel of Mitzraim-Egypt, the trustee over all the Earth. And Assyria: a blessing and expansion in the midst of the earth, whom YHWH YAHWEH GOD- YaHWaH Tsavuot has blessed saying, Blessed is Mitzraim-Egypt My people, and Assyria, the Work of My Hands, and YishARAL, My Inheritance. THE BIG THREE EGYPT ISRAEL ASSYRIA ************************************************* Object Theology versus Thought Theology Though we share many terms with those that nurtured us and who also made us intoxicated, we have become estranged from the former meanings laid down into our minds. The words on their tongues are now recognized as Object Theology verses Thought Theology In Object Theology the terms are associated with forms (human beings). The Objects, we know by observation, are in states of decay. The firmament and Earth will pass away, but the Words - Thought constructs of YAHWAH-YHWH YAHWEH-ALLAHGOD, abide perpetually. Formulation of elements will all come to an end, but the Principles of YAHWAH YHWH abide eternally. Thanks be to ALhhim for the Wisdom that encompasses us and showers upon us good things, until we grow up to affirm wholeness of our Name-the Union to whom we belong as Comrades/Chavarim. In light realms are the comrades who labor in the United House of Thought. The flesh and puffiness of the lust of the body keep people / Names segmented. Being orientated after forms the reflections of light keep people distant from one another. However; when there is a devotion to Thought, all forms become secondary. Thought expressions arise to regulate your consciousness and your objects/forms. Object theology keeps you in a reflective mode-locked into forms and procedures of using your energies without understanding; hence, you abide apart from the Light that resides within Thought theology. *************************************************** Endureth unto END - D A N - Breath Numbers 26-THE JUDGE! Whereby All Things Can Be Raised and Elevated and Our Names Can Be Lifted Within Us! TERMINOLOGIES USED WITHIN THE DOCUMENT OF DAN: It would be sad that the information in BHMs document [Dan], would be hidden to anyone due to language, which may seem to become a barrier, but in essence the terms are a facilitator {some body enabling something to happen: somebody who aids or assists in a process, especially encouraging people to find their own solutions to problems or tasks} to carry the thoughts presented. Some terms, when they are first encountered may seem unreal, unknown and awkward to be grasped, and thus perceived to be a barrier because the form is different than the terms one is accustomed to see ing. The question arises; can the form of the language ever be up to the thought while we are in a strange land? Yet as we emerge into the MeDevarim / the wildernesses, the words are heard internally which bring forth understanding. According to the five frequencies of the wave of the House of Shemoun Simeon, the words are heard and understanding is ascertained by the frequencies. In hearing the word spoken brings enlightenment verses just speaking a word to mimic the sound of the letters that comprise it. Saying the word with an orientation of the Paired Letters enhances the meaning of the message; hence, the decision to alter the common spelling of some rather common names was made as long as it would assist to carry forward the enlightenment and give preference to the Paired Paleo LETTERS. Since the Paired LETTERS of LIGHT are the basis of the thought, the preference to the Paleo formulation of word overrides the Standard English formulation. The action of understanding the messages is in processing the thought which is comprised of the words and their arrangement.

For further understanding of the terms in this section, consult the Torah Light Dictionary, BetHaShemMidrash. REFERENCES: ALOZAR (Eleazar), the Unified Name within the Collective of YahWah. The Name of ALOZAR is comprised of two, a Priest, AL, and a King, AR. Within the Union of these paired Names, is the Land of the Oyin O- Zayin Z, commonly rendered as the Ten Lands, which are comprised of the ten Letters from Zayin to Oyin in the Ovri (Hebrew) Letters. ALOZAR is Name of Melkitsdek -Melchizedek, who alone we are to give our tithes/wealth. ALEHIM-ALhhim (Elohyim/Gods), Principles of Light which are extended through transmissions; The ALehim are the multitude of Seed Principles that are cast into the firmament as the stars. As each concept or Principle is opened, so is the nature of its Light seen. The ALhhim/Alehim is paired as none abides alone, and in the pairing of Names of the Letters, the full counsel of the ALehim is declared. The Alehim/ALhhim is the plural form of AL, meaning the United Order, Unified House of Instruction. In ALEHAYAURIM-(Elohim/Gods of Lights), The Principles of the Lights / Aurim: the term, ALehay is construct form of ALehim, denoting to whom the Lights belong. The term, Aurim, commonly is rendered as Urim/lights. The letter A is omitted in Standard English, whereas in giving preference to the Paleo, the A appears, making AURim/lights, for without the Letter Aleph opening within the Heads there is no Light. The singular of AURIM is AUR, commonly rendered as Ur. ARAL (Lion), Code Name of Melkitsedek, The Unified Name of the Priest / AL and King / AR from which all is given and unto whom all returns with blessings. The configuration of the Unified Pairs in ALOZAR from which all Paired thoughts of perfection come and abide in worlds without fault or corruption. ALEPHIM (Concepts, Thousands), Multi Principles, plural of the term, Aleph, the first Letter by Number, in the order of twenty-two within the primary Letter, Aleph, is the HaWawHa configuration of thought according to the Union of Sides in ALOZAR where by every thought is a stable wave of energy and capable of bringing forth the full spectrum of the Lights. Ayil Kevashim Nesek RAuben, the Name of Reuben, when the ALEPH of AL enters into a Head/Rayish-Aleph/Seed is opened giving light whereby one has seeing and is granted vision. Aphrayim Chatat ManaShah Shemoun ALAR Tauw ManaShah-ChaWah Tsphon Oyin RayishYam Mysteries of sorts. ManaShah ChaWah Tsphon Oyin RayishYam Mysteries of sorts Shooting out from Cosmos-from deepest point in far off Galaxies-From STAR FIELDS ABOVE-BEYOND. The center of the Universe - FIRE and LGHT messages FROM THE STARS, flung out thru deep space; WORDS, LETTERS NUMBERS and VALUES OF Super Power & Love. Man did not become a living soul until Abram came forth into-Earth (on this planet) and then Moses / MaSheh is to some, the first human - BUT HE WAS NOT, EITHER. There are mysteries of sorts here, in Shmual's teachings-'who the one third is; Shmual says, they are mixed in the human construct in outer darkness and in process of refinement. And someone said (maybe it was me). 'Well, we can only conclude then that there are three types of forms [human beings] upon the planet. The ole clich, The good the bad and the ugly-and this leads us to think that worldly ministers preachers-rabbis-cleric's and teachers of darkness scriptures on this globe are not far off when they say that there are good people and bad people-saved and unsaved-what say ye? Shmual says 'none are saved yet, but ones that endure to the END-to become complete, for until we are harvested, where else can we go? We will despise that which is despised, as we examine all things -even as the moon of Dan is in Aphrayim, as it would be in at this time, to establish the expressions of all discerned. So be it! May we not bring forth expressions that are sublevel to the discernment of the House of Dan. Baruch haShem! Man did not become a living soul until Abram came forth into the Earth (on this planet) and thats the real beginning of Soul; Soul requires active breath and the means to develop thoughts unto an expression which occurs at Abram level. At the Abram level soul commences to be formed; Moses-MaSheh is the first human, the composite of all houses, to enter into Egypt Mitzraim.

D A N - Breath Numbers 26 THE JUDGE!

Our residence: Whereby All Things Can Be Raised and Elevated-and Our Names Can Be Lifted within us. Shmual says, Avinu; thank you for providing this place of residence so creatively fashioned, and to be a great depository of all natures of Light. A depository with a fire where the Light can burn, and the water cannot quench it. But rather feed it. A place of total discovery! Total communication! Total revelations of all that we are in perfect unity. For it is the medium: [neither large nor small of middling size or dimensions], that we see ourselves in the Unity. For the Water is one! Its the medium of communicating the depth, fullness, and the means of maintaining our status on an even plain, on a level plain. When one tries to elevate themselves out of the Water they behold themselves apart, and hence, they will soon be

drawn back in seeking for fellowship. Though one tries to hide in a crowd, they will be discovered. And though one tries to elevate themselves, they cannot stay there for there is nothing that can hold them up in that position. They will find that State of being level. And in that position of being level with one another we have full communications, because all things are transmitted and shared through the Waters. We can join our hands; join our parts and conduct all that is within us-unto each other. As we look at each other every day, we mirror a perfect Unity-expression of Life. We mirror the organization of Life, whereby we come to know the fullness of ALhhim/Elohyim, and the Unity to which we belong. Defending it we shall endeavor to have defended it as the colony; like the bees that defend the queen. May all of our study of the Torah Light lead unto the sweetness and the state of agreement and the state of perfect alignment with every Name in Your Kingdom, Omen. Shmual sang a (Song) 'What belongs together will be joined by My Hands' Saith, YaHWaH YaHWaHthe Eye of the Mind which sees as ONE. See for the hundreds of songs Shmual sang/sings. Per our corroboration, it appears that on the third day of Reuben, while the moon was in Dan, that the rear eyes of the lamb could see the menorah from the inside and that the eyes of the lion could see the Shulchan Panayim [Table of the Faces-Showbread] from inside the back of the head or from the eyes of the Faces in the back; and it was awesome that this happened in the same day in the House of Reuben-House of Wisdom: on Yom Shilishi third day of the moon of Reuben/Vision. Realized on this day for the first time that the four faces were in place and had begun to operate. Kavod LEl and Todah LYAHWAH, said Shmual. One of Shmual's teaching begins: In the midst of studying writings of Torah; Baruk HaShAm Yahu'Wah, blessed be the Name of YaHu'WaH. Who gives to us the Tewrah-Torah , who gives to us the composite knowledge who resides in the collective order of the Union of Life. And blessed be all those who transmits these words to us, as agents of the Priest Kohenin of the Union of Life. Those, who are the priests, and living near and dwelling near unto the central throne of YahWah YHWH, Those standing at the gate ready to transmit the Words, So likewise, we, as the gates open up every month, We are perked! To comprehend the messages that is coming forth. Even as we today, having an opening of the gate in the House of Benyamin. At this time where the Moon has come now, full circle. From the beginning of the month, the third month of the year, the House of Zebulun! Where it began in camps of Benyamin and then goes thru all of our tribes; thru Dan Asher Naphtali, Yahu'dah Yissachar Zebulun, Reuben-Shieom-Gad, and House of Yoseph/Aphrayim Manansseh and back into Benyamin. And that completes a month. That completes a period of Light where we have received a period of Light Illumination from every angle, from every house, and from every corner of the House of Knowledge that the House of Zebulun belongs to. And we have received the impartations of that month. And they had been awesome! And we say to TODA La AL, We give thanks to AL YahWah AL YHWH for all of YahWah benefits towards us, whereby we receive them. For until we have given thanks, we have yet, left it lying on the table. But, when we pick it up and say, Thank you! To TODA La YHWH-YaHWaH, we receive it. So for all of these benefits towards us, for us this month, we say, thanks and receive them and integrate them into our consciousness, into the weaving of our Thoughts, for our lives have been changed. To the impartation of Thoughts that have come forth in this cycle of Light [At the time of this teaching]. Now we will commence another cycle for the fourth month, Daleth/D/4/door, into House of Reuben, the eyes. And Moon moved into the camp of Dan during that Sabbath Day, Rosh Chodesh [A New Month - FULL MOON]. And then imparts to us, out of the House of Dan, Thoughts of Discernment whereby our eyes will be improved!

Fire Chapter 14 Nun n

Steps unto Ein Sof - Bayinah Ein-Sof Steps unto the Eternal Circle of Ayin O We proceed from the 49th parameter into the three levels of the Union of Lights, unto 56 and unto 63 and unto 70. Now understand, that upon entering into 49/13 we enter into the waters above the firmament13; and into 56/11 there is access unto the Tree of Life -the Kaf. In proceeding from one compete level of seven unto another, we are engaged in each step that comprises each level. We may count the spaces between the Letters via increments of 1 or Via the complete extension of 7. For example, from 56 we proceed unto the sixth increment/stepunto 62 wherein abides the eternal 8 of the Principal Name 26/8 and of the Lamb/ 26 / 8. The next increment of progression63 is the Center of the Unified Consciousness of the Ages/ 63. From 63, the next full extension is 70/ o wherein is the All Seeing Eye of: YahWah-YHWH-AL-GOD -ALLAH -YAHWEH, the Eternal Circle, aka the Ein Sof the State of Limitless. Ha Waw Ha Yud <<YahWah. From 63, the next full extension

is 70 wherein is the All Seeing Eye of YHWH AL/YHWH/Elohyim/ALhhim/ALLAH /God, the Eternal Circle, aka the Ein Sof / the State of Limitless. We are extended fully via the Hand of YahWah YHWH AL-via 10 progressions from Zayin unto O -Ayin. We move through the 10 letters beginning with Zayin-the Tail-Word / Tongue-Penis unto Ayin O - the All Encompassing Mind encircled embodiment. The Ten Fire Letters comprise the dwelling of the Fiery Flying Serpent as it is drawn out from within us. Regarding the Ein Sof The true essence of Elohyim/ALhhim is known as Ein Sof! Ein Sof is comprised of two Hebrew words: Ein /Aleph Yud Nun and SOF / Samech Waw Pah, which is rendered as there is no end; endless, limitless, etc. to convey that ongoing, boundless, nature of ALhhim/Elohyim. The understanding, that the Divine is without end and cannot, therefore, be limited, is similar to the Chinese idea of the Tao, "It is hidden, but its always present. The Kabbalahs EIN SOF is often translated as beyond definition via Materialization." Term emphasizes the true Unity that exists beyond all particular things. In Taoism, for instance, Tai Chi, The Great Ultimate is indivisible origin of all existence, which gives birth to 2 forms, Yin and Yang. Thus, while on earth, we have an illusion expressed as a duality, between these opposite poles; male and female, light/darkness, life and death, above and below, etc., etc. The EIN SOF is a great unity which is in all apparent things and yet goes beyond all things. All things point to a Divine Singularity all things in Creation point to Ein Sof, the state of consciousness in which we all abide in the Ayin O MIND and are not defined by these bodies. As long as one considers themselves via these reflections, they limit the Unity of Mind that is available without distinctions of forms, etc. {reflection: mirrors/mortal reflections of the Actual Thoughts of Light; a friend/reflection; 2820-23 darkness (chuwshek) a veiled mystery, hidden message; a form given for observation; to preserve, hold, spare; to hide, darken; an orientation on forms for the sake of Light; a provision of wisdom to enable full branching; note: the ability to hide/be hidden is given on account of faces/expressions of the reflective attribute of an object: the earth is darkened, so that it can reflect what it holds, or hides; were it not so, then the earth would not fulfill the functions of reflection, so, then the earth would not fulfill the functions of reflection, which aid in meditation and inquiry; which direct us to the Light: that we understand existence of things whose obscurity is apparent encourages us to examine visible manifestations more closely, to discover the underlying and invisible principles by which they are sustained (Rom. 1:20). Values, 328: Wisdom branching into works/actions. And everything is within Ayin O/16; Bayinah. She is within everything/outside of everything. There is nothing but Ayin-O. These concepts are expressed in Ein Sof; "The Divine Existence in indivisible. Entire chain is one. Down to the last link, everything is linked with everything else; so Divine Essence is below as well as above, in heaven--on earth. There is nothing else." The true essence of ALhhim / Elohyim is known as Ein Sof, which literally means without end which encompasses the idea of having no boundaries in both time and space; it is this level of comprehension that we have been lead into via the teachings in Torah. Hence we have moved past distinctions of body and the realms of mortality. We do not see ourselves as individual bodies, but a collective of Names. Should we continue to see ourselves distinct from another, we have now limited the Nature of ALhhim / Elohyim and the expression and power of Unity. Is the future, now? Thus gradually we have been weaned from gender and all types of divisions of mortality into the Oneness of Breath. We no longer see time as relevant or binding upon us for there is no time. All space is designated by our thought projections which we have full power to regulate and create. Some in Kabbalah consider that the Ein Sof is so transcendent that it cannot have any direct interaction with the universe. But, the Ein Sof interacts with the universe through ten emanations from this essence, known as the Ten Sefirot in Kabalistic Thought. However; In all and surrounding all, Kohen Aharon sees that the Ein Sof is Queen Bayinah Night / Moon / North Understanding; that appears to the humble in every level of being and awareness. When we say that the Ein Sof cannot interact with the universe, than we have limited ALhhim/Elohyim and contradicted the meaning of Ein Sof. We proceed from the 49th parameter into the three levels of the Union of Lights, unto 56 and unto 63 and unto 70. Now understand, that upon entering into 49/13 we enter into the waters above the firmament 13/m; and into 56/11 there is access unto the Tree of Life the Kaf-11. In proceeding from one complete level of 7 seven unto another, we are engaged in each step that comprises each level. We may count spaces between the Letters via increments of 1or via the complete extension of 7. For example, from fifty-six we proceed unto the sixth increment-step--unto 62 where in abides the eternal 8 of the Principal Name/26/8 and of the Lamb/26/8. The next increment of progression63 is the Center of the Unified Consciousness of the Ages/63/T. From 63, next full extension is 70 wherein is the All Seeing Eye of YHWH, the Eternal Circle aka Ein Sof / the State of Limitless. We are extended fully via the Hand of YHWH--via the Yud, 10 progressions from the 22 Fire Letters, # 7 Zayin

unto the 16 O-Ayin. We move through 10 letters beginning with Zayin/7 -the Tail/Word/Tongue/Penis unto Ayin O--the All Encompassing Mind-encircled embodiment. The ten letters comprise the dwelling of the Fiery Flying Serpent as it is drawn out from within us! Bayinah = The Governess of the Light/Bayinah (symbolized by the Moon). Shmual ben Aharon, Wahli; Bayit HaSham Midrash, International says that his service is to the House of YishARAL in all States of Residence, both to those in outer darkness as well as to those in the body of Bayinah-[Bayinahpronounced - bye yin nah.] His service and work is in outer darkness to establish a path for those in outer darkness (probably most men and women],-because they live and pray amidst to enter into immortality and return unto the consciousness of Bayinah. [Bayinah can be studied thru the teachings of the BHM Tewrah-Torah Dictionary under headings of 'Ayin' O and the Kaf-11-TREE OF LIFE]. Thru the teachings of the Midrash BHM, a Name may examine their THOUGHTS and to whom they are aligned. All affairs of FLESH and the illusions in outer darkness reveal to us nature of the corruptible flesh, and as long as there is nature of corruptible flesh so will there be outburst and traits of corruption. Bayinah! Queen of Night! Chakmah! Queen of Wisdom; Twin Sisters! Chakmah passes her Scepter to Bayinah; The Moon, at Sundown, In the Southwest, and at Sunup Queen of the Night / North Bayinah, passes the Scepter back to her twin sister Chakmah. Darkness precedes the Light [evening & the morning are the first, day], for all of the Light, prior to being spoken, is layered and distilled within Darknessthe gathering of the Union of the Lights. Out of Darkness / Bayinah Night /Moon, comes the Light of the Day/Chakmah [South, the Light], via which the composite of Darkness releases in measures-through its twelve gates-the distinguishing colors that pertains to the Organizational flow of thoughts each day. 15 degrees. Each gate corresponds to one of twelve hours of a day, each being 15--an emanation of the Name YaH-YHWH YAHWEH ALLAH GOD. She, who dwells inwardly, Queen Bayinah, becomes the Head of All and encircles all with the Assembly of Her Thoughts. [Ein Sof / O]! FROM STAR FIELDS ABOVE and BEYOND Thus, which is greater, the Light of Chakmah or Bayinah, the sun or the moon? As it says in the Torah, The One of ALhhim Elohyim considers/thinks upon the totality of the foundations of the flowing great Lights [Sefer Maaseh Bereshith Gen 1:16]: the totality of the flowing great / nurturing light to govern the day, coupled with the totality of the flowing small light to govern the night and stars. The concept of small pertains to that which reduces or humbles itself-not self-exalting-whereby it governs the heavy mass of all layers of thoughts and the stars-extending fields of Knowledge. Via humility to Chakmah/Wisdom, Bayinah is the Humble One whereby She regulates all mass Chakmah makes and also regulates the starsthe vast projection of Knowledge. As YahWah breathes, that which is within the Name circles by the exhaling arches and the inhaling depths of Breath. The circling motion is of Bayinah who emerges from within the Name. The Governess of the Light/Bayinah (symbolized by the Moon) provides definition and the means to reveal and comprehend all that is within the Name. The Breath, as it exhales, forms a mist of thoughts around us. This mist is commonly referred to as a thick darkness, being a compound layering of all degrees of Light / the spectrum of colors. As the Breath comes forth from within our residence with statements-projections of our thoughts, we enter into the compound of the mist of layered colors to comprehend the words of Light spoken and to verify the Name of the One of the ALhhim Elohyim speaking. With each saying, a compound of mist is formed. Into the mist of darkness we enter to become the Words spoken in the -Continued on the web pages at BHM:

Fire Chapter 15 Sameck

YHWH-Ha Wa Ha Yud<<R. to L. <THE 22 HEBREW TORAH WHITE TEXT FIRE LETTERS of YahWah t c r q x p o s n m l k y f j z w hi d g b A (Need Paleo fonts) Authors book To Know via BHM, teaches us that: "Every process of life is designated for blessing / expansion as long as its aligned with Light Energies of Being. These important guide lines for Torah studies are key to ascending unto the full nature of life, commonly known as the nature of mashiyach/the messiah. As one engages in the studies of Torah Light, so AL YahWah releases the wisdom contained therein: for the purpose of developing the energies. While the outer man is growing into adulthood by the release of hormones and by other glandular activity, the inner man develops the tribes, which are present within and are arising out of sleep from the warm embodiment of Egypt. Presence of the Living Nature of HaSham is the catalyst that releases words of Wisdom from our inherent Moshe guide, by which the branches of life are formulated and through which they come to maturity. The result of the inner man maturity swallows up the outer man's nature. What was once dominating and self-serving is overtaken by the

once weaker, smaller, or emerging energies. Thus YHWH did not choose a transient state of being, nor one or another of die processes of life for His people, but He chose the weak and the smallest aspects of our being because even the smallest attributes of life, as a seed, are becoming the greater and will swallow up the characteristics of the outer into a oneness of being. To the House of Light Energies of Life, YahWah YHWH makes a covenant that He will never let go of them. He selects them and gives to them His constant attention; for they are after His likeness and image. We/these are the people of His Name YahWah, being born out of His Name. He pledges to them/us every gift of light He gives to men (You & I) every aspect of His being because they are the only vessels that can contain the whole and endure to the completion of the creation. All other aspects-processes of life may be blessed-cursed, but your inner attributes of life will never be cursed; they are loved forever: chosen and predestinated to be offspring, in their fullness, of the Living YahWah Elohyim ALhhim. Thanks be to ALhhim. And that was our/your first ever glimpses of Ancient Paleo Tewrah Torah History - Our Present Course - and Your Future! Ancient Paleo Hebrew Tewrah/Torah Light/Life Living Principles of YahWah YHWH: Letters, Numbers, Words, Values and The One Pure Language that all came from the Cosmos; Star Fields Above and Beyond? From YAHWAH: From the Priest, Shmual ben Aharon, Wahli; BHM. First Five {7} Scrolls/Books of the Bible - 'The Old Testament' THE PALEO TORAH 1. Sefer Maaseh Bereshith------------Genesis" 2. Sefer Yetziat Mitzraim-------------"Exodus" 3. Torat HaKohanim------------------"Leviticus" 4. Chamesh HaPekudim: BeMidbar the Scroll/Book of---Numbers 5. Mishneh Torah: Devarim---The Scroll/Book of--Deuteronomy 6. Judges and 7 Joshua: From crossing the Yarrdenn/Jordan, the Acts of YishARAL are written in the two scrolls of Yahusho Ben Newn (Joshua) the Acts of Yahusho and The Judges Shuphetim, the later scrolls are referred to as the two fishes that comprise the Name of Newn. Seven Scrolls is Torah, not 5 Five books / scrolls: The books / scrolls of the Newn [Yahusho Joshua Ben Newn] = [Mind of HhaNewn / 14] noon [Newn / N], plus the five scrolls of maShayh / Moses, make-up seven scrolls of The Torah. With these five loaves and two fishes multitudes are fed. Bayit HaSham Midrash The House of the Name Inquiry Center The Torah Teachings of Shmual ben Aharon Wahli The Author of To Know, written by a common man, [with Spiritual help from Shmual where needed--which was throughout], has opened the door for you now. Giving you some initial guide lines concerning how to respect and praise the Great I Am correctly, precisely, accurately, and reverently. To Know teach us [without worshiping]! Whom to pray to, how to pray and when to pray. Go get into Numbers 28 and read and perform. Remember, no killing animals!

See: "The Oylah" Guide to Morning and Evening Prayers OFFERING GUIDE Oylah Guide Brochure Side 1 Oylah Guide Brochure Side 2
To Know is your new advanced guide book; to allow you and yours to learn where you can go to get needed information for the eternal pass of admission, to Home. Remembering folks, that THE TORAH, its not just a good idea, but its THE LAW! This information is the keys to the doors, to the gate, to the worlds beyond. And, there are many, many doors but only one correct and true gate-May the blessing of YHWH YahWah, be upon us as we discern White Text: YHWH YahWah, is blessing and maintaining you; YahWah, YHWH is causing full expression of his faces to radiate toward you, being gracious /favoring you as his creative extensions; YHWH is causing the full expression of his faces to arise within you unto your completeness; peace we extend to you and all YishARAL the ministry and blessing of House of YHWH from House of Aaron. Shalom; Shmual ben Aharon Wahli. THE NEW BEGINNINGS This Presentation Is Presented For YOU! Regarding Authors book, To Know, Shmual ben Aharon Wahli says, Yes, work does have a captivating heartbeat, a pulse that you can feel, when your mind enters into pages. Well Come inside! If you like what you have learned here, send this Author a nice note. Ashkol ben Aphrayim; If you dont like what you didnt want to learn here, send a note to your ole grandparents and grandchildren and tell them. And give this web site, to your worthless Minister -And YHWH will discuss your problem when you return to Star Fields Above. See ya when ya get back! Oh! Yeah, Im coming back too.


For further and enforced enlightenment, BHM/Wahli;


GATES OF THE BLACK PEARL and THE WHITE PEARL White and Black Pearl that one may pass through into the portals of HhaALhhim/The Gods -The Body of the Priest, known also as the body of the Gods. Then the values or the Numbers in the Lamb are made known, whereby the first House of Yahudah, gives strength to the mind to govern by the values. Second house of Yishshakkar rises with Yahudah, to implement the deeds into the consciousness so that the doings are of the Breath of Dan, and not by the might of flesh. Then the house/tribe of the third house of Zebulan shall sing a song for the offering, for the joy of the Oylah; shall flood lands with the Songs of MaSah/ Moses and the Lamb, for when the Lamb is drawn out, the song of Moses MaShah is heard, and with it is the music of Lamb and with it is the music of the Lamb that comes freely from all that has been drawn out [Mishneh Teuwarah Det. 31:30; 32:1-47; Chazon/Rev. 15:3]; Through four gates that the islands of the tribes may entered. As one enters into the Gate of Dan they have access to the north; Ayshshur Beniyman and Dan. As one enters into the Gate of Yahudah, they have access to the north; Nephati and the eastern gates of Yahudah and Yishshakkar. As one enters into Gate of Rauwaben; south, one has access to the lands of the east; Zebulan and south for Rauwaben, and Shamounn. As one enters into the Gate of Aparryim/west, one has access to scope out all of south/Gad and west Aparryim and Manashah. Then there are the Gates of the White and Black Pearl that one may pass through into the portals of HhaALhhim The Elohyim The Gods. Each gate that one comes to opens-only as one is of the same frequency of the screen that hangs in front of gate. And from Black Pearl, one may enter into HhaKuwahnim the Priests Rings that are seven fold, as those which are below. Herein are the 70 Priest/Kuwahnim that are continually watching over the flocks of Israel YishARAL, night and day. Author says, Be patient! Study, use your mind! Do Human Rights work. Youre going to die, soon, so get prepared.

BHM/Shmual on his web site says, welcome to all who pass by this way.
It is ever pleasure to provide scope of information that is on these pages. I am indebted to all of the hands that have contributed to make this site available. (I have helped a little-they have helped Shmual a little, but none of us byepassers seekers and peckers have helped a lot, in my humble opinion); Shmual gave incredible labor as he put into translations 24-7 with unbelievable thinking and creating: producing expert designs for his massive amount of Paleo booklets, web pages designs and materials on the world wide web and his financial self-supporting gift to the Midrash /school/academy, his creative envisioning and delivery-day in and day out etc. and him executing all of that huge massive operation with uncanny precision, doing it all mostly on his own with his photographic memory and self determination to deliver this supernatural Torah information to us. Omen! If ever a human being deserved the great Nobel Peace Prize, this hombre/giant should have it given to him, now. And since he is an American, for delivering the Light of YahWah, to the Nations of the world, he should be given the Congressional Medal of Honor, also. No other act is as noteworthy for consideration. At least, he should be the ambassador to the Nations For onward Torah soldiers, marching as to war Shmual goes on with these sacred teachings; one will note levels of Understanding upon these pages as the material has spanned at least a couple (3-as of 2014) of decades and many, many more. However, thread that is woven from one level to another is consistent with each other. Understanding of the Word base of Numbers of The Priests HhaKuwahnim, have brought clarity to how Paleo words are read. Purity of the tongue is of utmost importance, not only in how a word or thought is rendered or translated, but the level of Intelligence in which it is uttered . The vibrations -the sounds and frequencies of the Letters correspond to the 22 FIRE Numbers that are within them. A foundation to receive Numbers and Letters had to be laid first in order that the ears could be attuned to their Voice. The eyes first beheld the Letters and the foundational values to enable us to begin to listen more intently to Words of our ALhhim. A foundation to receive the Numbers and the Letters had to be laid first: On this site one will find various ways that a word is spelled or rendered in the translations, from common usage in our world to the current awareness of rendering a Word by the perfect ratios. In beholding these renderings or spellings of words one notes how a thought is being carried or transmitted through the letters and sounds. We aim to render thoughts with letters that equate to their inherent numerical values, but keeping in mind that the use of the foreign letters in the vernacular tongues of mortals will perish with the world. The Author, out of the clear blue sky, one day, said to Shmual Wahli, how about words like FUCK? People have been complaining about the way us guys swear. And the Professor-Rabbi-StarMan-Teacher-said, Its the new vernacular! Therefore, the focus is to be on the Invisible Numerical Thoughts which have no end, as they appear as the myriad formulations in YHWH HhaALhhim. Hence, as you scan and delve into pages of information, allow thoughts of Light to ride above the forms in which they are carried, lest the forms catch the eye and the heart fails to connect to the truth being conveyed. If you are interested in word formations and spellings, Shmual suggest that you consult the

first part of the BHM Tewrah Torah Dictionary for further elaborations to grasp a better understanding on the developments within the Midrash in how a Thought of HhaTeuwrah the Torah is being carried in these forms of communications. One other point that has come to Shmuals attention: (Many, years, ago). Some of the earlier documents [Like the ones that Ashkol Me, yours truly; is using in this manuscript of To Know], were transcribed from audio tapes. Those who were present during the recordings of these tapes made a few comments during the recordings. The comments of those present express the level of their perception and orientation to the delivery, which may or may not coincide with the thoughts being presented. Transcriber/s of the audio Torah tapes attempted to distinguish the voice of those speaking on the tape; however, this has not been perceived, and has caused some questions as to the teachings coming from the Midrash. As resources permit, these notes will be clarified or deleted (Some did, but most havent). Thank You for your connection with Bayit HhaSham Midrash, and best regards in your pursuit of the Ancient Paths. In ALhhim of the House of AL there are three Strands of Love. (YishARAL is not a Race or Culture or People)

Fire Chapter 16 Oyin O

The Human Race Is A Disgrace! Basically Author feels very strongly that there is nothing physical about Torah-but ultimately we see-hear physically and thus we will see HhaTeuwrah the Torah THE LAW OF LIBERTY as spiritual-as Shmual correctly teaches. And of course there is nothing in the Torah that is of mortality. Everything in the Torah is of immortality. Completely unreasonable: teachings, and not at all sensible or acceptable thoughts and beliefs of nations, pretending that: King YeDidyahu-Solomon built a temple and its in the land of Israel up on the Dome Rock area. Ridiculous; Shmual the priest, told me many years ago that all of that area was/is a forgery. YHWH Torah Light never told us to butcher Schacht-KILL animals livestock. King Herded was the one that started women and men eating flesh, especially for offerings of the Oylah. The Jews do not do the offerings because they say there is no temple. Well, Shmual says, where did the ancients in primordial and ancient times throughout mans climb into darkness, sacrifice before there was a temple? Our disgraceful human race is so ignorant and alarmingly, so. We only think in our blindness/darkness of the physical. We must now start acting and thinking about Light of HhaTeuwrah / The Torah THE LAW OF LIBERTY; Thoughts of the Light of YHWH YahWah AL; THOUGHT THEOLOGY. We must get away from all of that object theology fablesfairy stories. Its time to grow up! And only by doing; performing Torah Light Principles-Numbers 28-29 will we ever leave the darkness and horror of our sick dark human existence. Lets move forward now (now that you have been warned). Lets grow up and get in to a high school and learn real truths concerning ancient paths; the Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light Principles of YHWH. Tomorrow hoping is Todays revelation of Light. There is no tomorrow! Today is the day-gods NAME:

YahWah-[mis-rendered as GOD, THE LORD, Jehovah] YHWH (YahWah)-HaSham:

The Name of AL / Divine Order; the Giver of Life and Sustainer of Life; Emanatory and Maintainer of Life; Blesser of Names and the Keeper of Lights; to give without measure /limit; the Blessed One of mercy and justice having Eternal ongoing life; Name is revealed/made known at the beginning of covenant where in the Inner Organization of Lights are activated; the state of perpetual Unity: Living Principles--the source and the disseminator of Light /Life (to engage / animate) coupled with the bearer and magnifier of Light (to intertwine/establish); the measure of Light attend ing both justice and mercy; the source/giver of Light and receptor evaluator of Light; lit: The United Hands conveying the Union of all Light activities/works of the Union of Light / HaAchadim Urim, being a rendering of the value of twenty-six-the double Yud (10 in the east extends the lights in the south and north as the HaWawHa 5+5, as direct and indirect light are essentially one work/hand), the two hands are joined by the 6 in the west to complete the reading of the numbers in HaSham to be The United Hands via The United Hands of the priest of Aharon, the blessings are spoken; HaSham is the pattern of the Mishkan/ Tabernacle that displays the values of 10, 5, 6, 5; the Tabernacle / Mishkan arises from a square base/foundation comprised of the four letters of HaSham and forms and functions according to the Teraysaron / Pyramid which is a configuration of the united hands of the priest. i.e., the two sets of five curtains illustrate the first five in HaSham, signifying without number, and final five, signifying without ending (2 Chr. 2:1;Ps.90:1). Name of Perfect Unity, expressing the Union of thought projection and carrier, being the Nature of Breath, United as one: according to the nature of The Breath whereby one form/body is generated to house The Name; note: multiple wifes in the Tanach refer to progressive stages of unfoldment to develop and bear forth fruit/off spring of the Breath

Rewach; the women in the text Torah and The Name to which it bears witness are spiritual: not to be followed slavishly by the letter, lest one become subject to the forms of the Law and not liberated to walk in the freedom of the Divine Intelligence (Rewach/Spirit). The Name holds the three Teraysaron/Pyramids of Thought: YAHThe Teraysaron of Wisdom, the emanation and administration of LIGHT;-The Teraysaron of Understanding; and WAH-The Teraysaron of Knowledge from which comes all branching; the equation of The Name: YHWH, conveys that Light draws out of itself and thereby creates a House of Light which is the basis/foundation of forming the Ayin-O Body; the drawing out of value of a pair/two in YahWah, is the basis for the pairing of Names in the House of YahWah. Via the Hand extending Light there is a drawing out of Unity whereby all things are perpetually shared between the Names of YAH and WAH. The withdrawal of two conveys that Names are drawn out in pairs and thereby sent forth two by two. The balanced Number of 13 pertains to the list of Names in Shem: 13 of Shem and 13 of Shems extension, Yoktan, to comprise the 26 offspring /attributes of a Name-the value of YHWH / 26 [Sefer Maaseh Bereshith/Gen 10:21-29]. Reductive value of 13, being 4 is the Teraysaron structure of the House of YHWH, the initial letter of Dao/Knowledge which are branches coming out of trunk-midst of Bayinah. The value of Ayin/o, being the 16th letter, is the combination of the HWH in YahWah. The Name of YahWah is read as The Hand of Ayin O from which the Ten States of Ayin O appear. The Ten Lands are the House drawn out of the Name of YahWah. From the values of The Name and their formulas, the letters of Chakmah and Bayinah with Dao are in the Name of YahWahh. Thus when one speaks in the Name of YahWah, they speak the words of Chakmah / Wisdom, Understanding Bayinah and Dao/Knowledge; The Name of YahWah is the extensions and activities of the Ayin O. Name is the Yud/hand of the United Lights-HaWawHa - Chakmah and Bayinah. Name is the giving and managing of the Ayin-the ten of the sixteen, being the 10/Yud of 16/Ayin O or via the reduction process, the One/10/1of Complete Perfection /Understanding16/7, as the one of seven, 1/Aleph of7 Zayin. Why are there two in one? Nothing abides/ continues alone. According to the Name of YahWah all things continue and have in them Life, the Principle of Aleph .5 +.5, that undergoes transformation processes, through which all attributes are revealed fully; having within the Aleph, those of Life are never bound to a fixed/limited state, but are as the Ein Softhe Principal / Word/Seed of Life which is weightless and not bound unto any one level of progression. We come in the Name of YahWah in which our Names undergo transformation. Blessed are all who come and proceed in the Name of YahWah. The Name is olam / eternal / one from which all Names come in pairs according to the Unity of the Lights. How is it that we come via two Queens and not by one queen and one king as mortals come into the world? For as the Lights, so are the extension/offspring of Light; all houses are of the Queens and therefore chambers of the Queens which watch over us day, via the sun, & by night, via the moon, whereby YahWah neither slumbers nor sleeps, but watches over YishARAL/Israel {US} day-night. The properties of the Lights are four squared via which the Queen of the South provides a square base for the upper Queen of the North. The two square bases rest upon each other. When the bases are aligned face to face or side to side, the crystals of Light transmit patterns of thoughts pertaining to the placement of the lights which reveal the activities within the Name of YahWah. As Breath expands, amidst the two bases, a cube of Wisdom appears. The cube of the Name has six sides, from which there are twelve, six on the outside and six on the inside as with honey comb; the two ends of each side/extension become the twelve branches/tribes encampments of Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge. As the bases expand, all four sides are determined: the north, out of which comes the east, and the south, and the west. From the foundation in the west of the cube all concepts are released from whence comes the Seed/ Concept/Word (a Word is an assembly of thought). The Name of YahWah, being a House of two Queens: Chakmah/Wisdom and Bayinah /Understanding, extends and carries all ideas/seeds/concepts with them continually. The queen of the hive brings forth the Seed transmitter /the drone from within herself even as we bring forth from within us every concept and Principle of Light to build the House of YahWah. The principle seed that the queen bears from within herself is capable to regenerate from generation to generation. As queen carries the transmitted extended thought, she builds the hive and establishes a mighty colony. The process of the drone / queen conveys how we transmit from one side unto the other side which occurs in flight or as the sun/base ascends within us, from our loins unto our Ayin O Head. Hence, the base of the Ayin Body is the Zayin/7 which comes out of the Ayin/16/7. From the base of Wisdom the sun, comes circles of Light, which are transmitted thoughts/seeds. The Queens depict the Head of the north/the Crown of the Mind, which is as the moon that encircles all things night-day, and the Head of the south/the Crown corona of the glands / that rises and falls. By the Union of these two Queen /Qof Heads all lands are governed day and night. In the flight of the queen bee, the Seed of the Zayin Head in the south rises up

unto the Bayinah Queen of the North. As the seed enters into the Crown of the Mindthe eternal egg of northern Queen, it generates immortal Principles to build a colony---the collective order of the House of The Name. Once Crown of the Mind receives the Seed, the mind is impregnated unto Life and continuously bears the concept(s) as the Queen. The Seed of the Ayin O are circles/wheels of Light, dispensed in tubes & or in currents / waves rivers of thought. The emissions of Light flow like a river or shoot up like a spring. The thought held within each circle determines the movement/direction The circles of thought are extensions of the Unified Lights, being of the Mother Ayin O. These circles appear on the bottom of the toesthe extensions for movement, to fulfill a direction of thought according to our rooting/footing. The circles on the underside of the toes pertain to the seedbase which becomes the roots of the tree. The circles are as the heads of the fronds that arise from the branches of the fern which are then cast for expansion. That which was at the top is now at the bottom. The concepts at the feet are the platform of the enlightenment that ascends and sets. The feet are renewed, and its kingdom base extends via the rise and fall of the Seed/sporangia. The fronds generate sporangia being non gender cells, yet capable of regeneration. These circles of thought are arranged in cluster called sori (plural of sorus -BOTANY). Circle of thought is complete whole emissions of Light. Being at our feet they convey the perfect thoughts upon which we stand and via which we move. Every Seed of Light comes from within the Unity of the Queens and is brought forth for the construction of the House of YahWah. Via the Unity of the Queens, the Name of YahWah contains all thoughts and Principles of Seed. And according to the Principles of the Unified Thoughts of the Queens, the House is built upon the Aleph 5+5. Being of two, perfected in Unity, they bring forth from within them every idea of Light. From the SEEDS of LIGHT all thoughts / Names come and have their Source of Being. The emanation of the Light is known as the Principal, later interpreted as the Father-the Aleph-Bayit. Out of the House of Unity comes all Principles capable of renewing its State. The Queens rule/govern by the Principal, which is called the King. The King is not to be referred as an individual but as the Principal of Unity via which the Queens govern the day and night. Hence, as we discuss the Nature of YahWah, the terms queen and king do not infer that state of gender known to mortals. Rather the references to the Queens convey the Nature of Light to govern within all Principles / Thoughts. Within every Seed is both the Thought Invisible and the means to develop / expand it within any State of Ayin/O. The Seed construct of Light conveys the very Nature of Aleph / Unity that contains the Light to emanate and the Light to clothe. Each thought emitted from the North/Bayinah is warmed to arise and be clothed via the garments shed forth every hour of the day in the south, by Chakmah/the shemesh/sun; the twelve frequencies hours of Light released in the day are layered in the west each evening whereby each thought is dressed in garments of Light; the moon arises with Wisdom as the scepter of rule is passed from sun to the moon; the sun arises with Understanding as brilliance of the diamond moon is passed to the sun each morning; thus the colorations of the moon and sun are affected as they rise, the moon arises with the glow of Wisdom, with a golden hue during the first hour of Her reign, then the moon proceeds into a silver white coloration conveying the rising of Understanding that rules the night; prior to the moon setting, moon picks up a bronze hue as it passes through camp of Knowledge, and the strength of Understanding is brought into the north House of Naphtali/the heart.

References to the etymology of the Name as YahWah:

see S. Mowinckel & J. Montgomery, New 20th Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, 2nd ed.; the form Yahu/why appears in the Egyptian papyri, 5th century, BCE, and in Names i.e. YirmeYahu, Eliyahu , Yahutsadak;. Value, 26: the branches / cycles of Unity; the twenty-six formulations of Shem / Name (SMB/Gen. 10: 22-31). Equation activity: b + h + w = h + y - b, The light draws out of itself and there by creates a house of light (the basis of forming body / woman out of Adam/unified thoughts for expansion). Equation balance: h + d + w = h + y, the light union is balanced via exchange / intercourse; The Name of Totality/22: granting 11 + 11= 22: as one brings forth The Name from the Seat of ones foundation-the loins unto the Mind / Priest Seat, the Tauw X is formed over ones being. See: HaSham; Yah; Wah; Judah Yahusho 3091 [mis-rendered as jesus] Jehoshuah, Joshua Yahusho, Yah maintains up holds/unites by Wisdom and Understanding; ref. the chief cornerstone of the outer construct, Which supports/ sustains/stabilizes the tent/tabernacle body/Moshe given to unfold/reveal man: the activity of Light unto reclamation; the agency/right hand of Light to unify all things via wisdom and understanding; the management activity of Light to maintain hold together/unite all parts in the strength/c of universal consciousness; the name of Shem (offspring of Noach) that leads each branch into the Verified Word State of Being (Verified Dwelling-Light Promised Land) via the Aphrayim branch, and therefore incorporating The Name above all names: YHWH delivers /saves-reclaims; the emanation of light governing via the Shayin- Ayin configuration; the Inscriptions of Light

administering Wisdom and Understanding; the Name of attainment according to the Inscriptions of Light, stabilized with adorning crowns of Wisdom and Understanding; means of creating thoughts: expressly, the vessels of Bayit HaSham, including the 16 aspects of each man set forth in SYM/Ex. 25:35; note: Yahusho comprises-three basic actions/ attributes of light: (1) unity, in that light clothes/joins and maintains all things in the mantle of visibility; (2) wisdom, in that light blazes/warms makes wise and distinguishes/delineates each salient/unique form; and (3) understanding/elucidation, in that light conveys revelations to our Senses; as Yahusho ben Nun: agent of inheritance committed to HhaTeuwrah/The Torah/LAW OF LIBERTY fulfillment, a lineage from the 7th House of Aphrayim signifying involvement in creative works that unite the houses in man, that the faculties/engagers may enter into the body land -become intertwined; completion of the ruler ship of Yoseph; Yahusho gives light, unifying according to Wisdom and Understanding, without cessation; note: to pray in the name of Joshua / Yahusho is to evaluate/discern/ask according to the highest name, or in the name above every name that is spoken: it is to ask accord ing to your total unfoldment to function in authority/right of that unfoldment; it is to pray according to the activities of light, concepts of unity; 58: purpose of covenant. See Oshea/Hoshea; 12-by-salvation. 1954 Oshea-Hoshea, Hosea; delivered Hoshea, redeemed-saved, helped-source for Hosanna, meaning Save, I pray; enlightenment pouring out of its vessel Wisdom- Understanding. Values, 381: the utilization of manifested Principles. ANCIENT PALEO HEBREW TORAH LIGHT/Life LIVING PRINCIPLES OF YHWH Tewrah/Torah/Law/Tewrat, THE LAW OF LIBERTY Never before read or heard by; Humankind Ever! Read AA -ALhhim Achadd - ALhhim Unified on the web [ About who God is ]

Bashar/Flesh/THOUGHTS !!!
THOUGHTS-Bashar / Flesh!!! - We found it! This is the word that the Nation's need To Know. Muslims Christians Jews and others-Bashar The word for flesh is Bashar, and is rendered as Thoughts-Thoughts that are arranged into a dwelling state. The coming of maShiach is not in mortal skins, for how can full measurement appear in a divided dwelling. Rather that maShiach appears within the organization of the 12 which are inward. This word Bashar will change the churches' of the planet-see Strongs 1319-1321 Concept to show forth, proclaim/preach comes only by the strands of thoughts, without which nothing is revealed or comes to be proclaimed. To bear news, is of same basis, for the flesh Bashar is the messenger to convey the thoughts, being composed of strands of hair woven into a Fabric, which are the strands of thought Organized. Look at the muscle, what does it look like? when you were a cannibal you pulled out the strands of beef from the beef roast. For we are not to eat animals. Bashar - John 1. The Holy Bible: King James Version-The Word Made Flesh / Bashar. First- In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2: The same was in the beginning with God. 3: All things were-Flesh / Bashar / THOUGHTS--For Messiah comes not to abolish or to eliminate the orders of ALhhim/Elohyim/God. He comes not to abolish any Sacred Torah Principles; not any unfolding of the Law in the role of prophets. Messiah comes to establish every principle of intelligence through the unfolding of those principles in Earth! The Word was made THOUGHTS / flesh / Bashar, and by this incarnation the glory of the scriptures is revealed in man. He who accepts the inward application and function of any scripture, therefore, accepts in some measure, Messiah, coming in THOUGHTS / flesh. Such are able to live fully in new ness of the Spirit by ever word that proceeds from the mouth of ALhhim /God. THOUGHTS--Bashar!!! The word for flesh is Bashar, and is rendered in the original primordial ancient Hebrew Paleo language as Thoughts that are arranged into a dwelling state. The coming of maShiach is not in mortal skins, for how can the full measurement appear in a divided dwelling. Rather that maShiach appears within terrorization of the 12 which are inward. Bashar THOUGHTS!!! Yes, this has been a blinding of the eyes and spear of Division over the millenniums! The Jews knew what this word meant; ya would wonder why they selfishly hid this meaning and never evangelized and explained it to the Nations, huh? Shmual ben Aharon, Wahli The Priest of BHM; House of the Name Academy; Bayit HaSham Midrash The Lawman, Voice, Paleo Interpreter, STARMAN-Rabbi-Giving the Nations Tewrah/Torah/Law/Tewrat LAW OF LIBERTY. 7198-99 bow, power qashat, an arc formed by drawing the cord by the archer, bowmen; a symbol of might, power, strength; a means to penetrate: arrow, word, penile gland; lit., the gathering thoughts of Wisdom unto Totality; a sign in the cloud-that which occurs during formulations of thought whereby concepts gather in to an arch form; from the

root/SwQ to bend or fold over as a ribbon, every Sab bath the bow is placed in the midst of the clouds as the clouds pass beneath the rays of shemesh/sunlight [Bereshith/Gen 9:9-17]; form; from the root/SwQ to bend or fold over as a ribbon, every Sabbath the bow is placed in the midst of the clouds as the clouds pass beneath the rays of shemesh/ sunlight [Bereshith/Gen 9:9-17]; to convey strands of thought; a state of residence within a covenant comprised of the Words of YHWH; thoughts form strands of Zebulan/ residence; via thought strands we are elongated, capable of being united, knitted, into the multifaceted fabric of Light; the bow appears as a covenant/agreement sign, attesting to the bonds between two, giving evidence to the bows amidst the agreement of thoughts-Names within the Mind of YahWah; signifying a gathering of thought strands into a fabric of consciousness which is continually being woven as the clouds form and dispense the rains up on the land; what becomes established from one shavbet/ sabbath unto next, is gathered and woven together on covenant shavbet/sabbath to create a fabric of Zebulan/ residence to renew the mind with in the covenant; as a snake replaces its skin, so we generate new underlying layers of thought within our habitations; clouds continually change shape in accordance with active / moving developments of Rewach /wind-Breath, according to the Names of Light speaking each day; the mind continually renews itself as our Breath expands and brings forth further revelation / Knowledge / seeds messages; the circular bows of the teeth, those upper and lower convey plates/bows of Understanding, each plate or set of teeth being a value of 16/Oyin which form a bow; from which we shoot arrows of words; amidst the bows we speak with Understanding; words not of the Oyin consciousness defile the tongue which is arrow/Zayin of Light as well as the Table of the Faces that is housed within the Oyin O enclosure/bone-structure of the teeth [SepherYetsiat Mitsraim /Ex 26:35]; Menorah is set within the boards of the ribs/chest cavity/side and the Table of Faces/tongue is set within the boards of the teeth/jaw cavity side; the qeshet magalit circular bow [circumscribed halo-restrict: to limit the power of something or somebody to act independently] is the path in which the sun passes through the upper plate; qeshethakana phim circle of the wings [parhelic circle] is a path in which kanaphim/wings of the sun are observed. Values, 62: a structure within. Bayinah YishARAL-Israel (YiSarAL/YishARAL the Prince of AL for collective strength and majesty within our twelve branches of Light belongs to the Court of the YahWah, as one begotten by the Queen; to be straightforward: the uprightness of AL/God; a collective order to be the head, of all nations / processes of thought, to whom is given the concepts of instruction with in the United Order; thus rendered as YiSarAL/Israelthe appointment /tenth power of the Prince/Sar within the United Order/AL [Sefer Maaseh Bereshith/Gen 32:29]; the state of mashiyach, the head, from whom proceeds all concepts of instruction; the 22nd generation from Adam, indicating formation of the Tauw X nature; the head of the nations/processes; appointments of knowledge/mastery accord ing to measures of wisdom, conveyed by the Sin used in pronunciation, vs. Shayin/21/c ; YiSarAL/YishARAL is agreeable/cooperative state of parts mutually abiding together; success of Yaaqov to bring all branches of thought together for PEACE shalom; also: to be pleasing, agreeable; one who strives and prevails with ALhhim/ Elohim Principles of Light; to be upright, forward, straight, righteous, just; to prevail: Name given to the minds who strive and emerge as a Prince with Light Principles and who, thus, submit to abide agreeably together for the soundness of all (SMB/Gen. 32:29); virtue of being vertically aligned; the activities / inscriptions of the fire of life/Wisdom are known and Principally displayed in the unity of lifes order; note: the name change from Yaaqov to YiSarAL / signifies achievement of compatibility of all creative spheres/ natures of being; signifies the branching forth of a name into twelve tribal energies of light: Reuben/sight; Shimeon/ hearing; Yahdah/reins; Dan/lungs to judge; stomach /Asher to verify; Gad/mouth to assemble the fortunes; Yissachar/glands/stimuli to labor; Zebulun/intestines to honor/dwell; glands penis Aphrayim to bless; Manasseh / testes for transference; heart to meditate/Naphtali; Benyamin/seed/egg for renewal: the tribes are paired as Yahudah and Aphrayim, Yissachar and Manasseh, Zebulun and Benyamin, Reuben and Dan, Shimeon and Asher, Gad and Naphtali; the calling of the twelve disciples/learners is the calling forth of our inner kingdom; the sending out of the twelve conveys the projection of the inner kingdom; the tribal branching contain aspects of mind; every member of the inner tabernacle con tributes to the operations of the mind; the House of YiSarAL (Aphrayim) signifies expansions blessings of Mind; the House of Yahdah, the discerning of values/ governing nature of Mind; the joining of these two branches is ultimately necessary for human kind to comprehend its nature fully and to unite as One in peace; Wisdom has designated the parts of our Name into twelve camps, being one body with twelve parts, a Tree of Life with twelve branches. YiSarAL is One House. Values, 541: the composed inner kingdom reflecting the Concepts of ALhhim / Elohyim; 64: the structure of the Teraysaron / Pyramid. See soul.

Fire Chapter 17 Pa
This Is The Greatest Revelation Ever Presented To Man! The First Seven Scrolls/Books of the Bible

GATES OF THE BLACK PEARL and THE WHITE PEARL BHM/Shmual on his web site says welcome to all who pass by this Way--ONLY to the sons of Aharon/Aaron that the Law is given; and hence, it is the sons of Aharon who are appointed and gifted to teach the Torah. T O K N O W Ha Wah Ha Yud<<R. to L. YHWH Tewrah/Torah Law/Tewrat. AL is not a man, nor an ALhhim of Rings, but is the Body of the Kuwhnim/Priest in which the Rings congregate and fill. As the Body of the Kuwhnim, AL contains the composite Thoughts of the illuminated 70. These composite thoughts form a Seed in which are all of the traits of the Staff/Tree. Within AL all ALhhim dwell. When the Word of AL is opened, all of the Rings of HhaALhhim are seen. The congruent thoughts of Enlightenment form a Body in which the Eternal Consciousness of Their Light abides. This Body commences as a Seed Word, from which the term Logos is derived. The Body of the Consciousness of The Priest = HhaKuwhnim is the House of AL. When the Seed is opened, there is Light. The Illumination of AL becomes ARAweR / Light that spreads forth within Body of Consciousness. In this manner all Bodies are formed. That which is drawn out of the Seed becomes the Body in which all attributes of the Seed abide. Hence, the Body is of the Seed, being the unified dwelling / the Mishkan of HhaLawi/The Priesthood, whereby Body is One with all entities of ALhhim within the Seed and thus counted as one with the HhaALhhim to be 28. Author, inserting, again-I and My Father are One! He is in me-I am in Him and U R in US. Period! (That makes every black women and man and every Muslim & Arabs, 7th Day Adventist Yellows, Reds, Buddha followers richpoor, Whites Catholic Protestant Baptist Chinese Russian and rest; human race One with The Most High. YHWH YahWah and Yahusho. Doesnt it? Huh, doesnt it? U & ME! For when the Seed is opened, are not the values of the Seed still present to be counted with all revealed within? So is maShiach-the SeedWord of HhaKuwhnim-at one with the Founding Unified Principles and all that are born of the Rings The Head of AL HhaLauwi is the Most High; HhOLiyun / The Most High. AL HhaLauwi are the Head of HhaALhhim. The ALhhim are the Head of maShiach through which the full measurement of the Thoughts of the HhOLiyun / The Most High appear. The maShiach is the Head of every Name that comprises the full measurement. The unified Names of maShiach are the Head of the Body in which they reside. The Name of AL is the code term to denote HhaLawi-The Priesthood, which are Body of Priest-HhaKuwhnim. Body of HhaKuwhnim is comprised of HhaALhhim Achadd, which are not the unified Kuwhnim/Priest themselves, but rather Associated Rings of their composed thoughts. As these Thoughts are compounded together, they form stones, which is the makeup of the HhaALhhim, These stones build the platforms altars of service and the temple in which they abide. In this regard the Kuwhnim the Priest are the Most High and the Temple is their House. When the thoughts of the Kuwhnim /Priest merge as one, they form a Head, as a plant. This is what is commonly known as the Head of AL/God. In all actuality it is the Head of the Priesthood, Lawi-Levites AL which form from Aharwan/Aharon /Aaron. Though the Lauwi/Levites appears first and then Aharon Aharwan Aaron the appearance of the latter reveals what has been within the former and whereby the former appears. The Lawi /Levites are the Head of HhaALhhim / The Elohyim/The Gods in which are all Names and their Offspring. Unified Names of the Offspring of ALhhim are the Head of Body in which they reside [I Corinthians 11:3].Hence there is the Head of AL, same being the House of the priesthood-Lawi/Levites. In the Head of Lauwi/Levites are the Congruent ALhhim. The gathering of all ALhhim is the means of attaining the Mind of maShiach; whereby the sum of HhaALhhim is called maShiach. In maShiach are the attributes of every Name that belongs to the ALhhim, from which comes the Body of their Unity that is formed, the same being the Rod of their Names. Before all things come into being, there is The Enlightenment of the Most High. All that comes into being is a face of the Enlightenment. Within Assembly of The Most High are the Collective Thoughts which are forever leading the Consciousness to be formed and then to be expressed/to have face. The Body of Their Thoughts is the Oyin-the Oyin O Consciousness/ Ayin O. This Body of Consciousness becomes the Head of the Rings of HhaALhhim that form and expand with in it. Within the Rings of HhaALhhim the Head of maShiach appears, as a Head appears upon the Rings of a Tree. Within the Head of maShiach are many Names, as many Seeds that rise to the crown of the Rings are born of One Seed. The many Seeds belong to One Head, that is maShiach, whereby they are just as maShiach. As the Seeds open, they fill the Body of Consciousness with their Illumination that has no burn out. Within the Body of HhaALhhim are those called of ALOZAR, and the Extenders of Chakmah and Bayinah, who are formed from the midst of The Priest/HhaKuwhnim. Those formed in the midst of unified Consciousness are of the ALhhim born from the sides of Wisdom with Understanding. Those who are called are those whose Names are read, as one would read the Thoughts of the Most High. Form; from the root/SwQ to bend or fold over as a ribbon, every Sabbath the bow is placed in the midst of clouds as the clouds pass beneath the rays of shemesh/sunlight [Bereshith/Gen 9:9-17]; to convey strands of thought; a state

of residence within a covenant comprised of the Words of YHWH; thoughts form strands of Zebulan/residence; via thought strands we are elongated, capable of being united, knitted, into the multifaceted fabric of Light; the bow appears as a covenant/agreement sign, attesting to the bonds between two, giving evidence to the bows amidst the agreement of thoughts-Names within the Mind of YahWah; signifying a gathering of thought strands into a fabric of consciousness which is continually being woven as the clouds form and dispense the rains up on the land; what becomes established from one shavbet/sabbath unto next, is gathered and woven together on the covenant shavbet/ sabbath to create a fabric of Zebulan/residence to renew mind with in the covenant; as a snake replaces its skin, so we generate new underlying layers of thought within our habitations; clouds continually change shape in accordance with the active / moving developments of Rewach /wind-Breath, according to the Names of Light speaking each day; the mind continually renews itself as our Breath expands and brings forth further revelation / Knowledge seeds messages; the circular bows of the teeth, those upper and lower convey plates/bows of Understanding, each plate or set of teeth being a value of 16/Oyin which form a bow; from which we shoot the arrows of words; amidst the bows we speak with Understanding; words not of the Oyin consciousness defile the tongue which is arrow/Zayin of Light as well as the Table of the Faces that is housed within the Oyin O enclosure/bone-structure of teeth [SepherYetsiat Mitsraim /Ex 26:35]; the Menorah is set within the boards of the ribs/chest cavity/side and the Table of Faces/tongue is set with in boards of the teeth/jaw cavity side; the qeshet magalit circular bow [circumscribed halo-restrict: to limit the power of something or somebody to act independently] is the path in which the sun passes through upper plate; the qeshet hakana phim circle of the wings [parhelic circle] is a path in which the kanaphim/wings of the sun are observed. Values, 62: a structure within. See kanaph; Bayinah. YishARAL 3478-79 Israel (YiSarAL/YishARAL the Prince of AL for the collective strength and majesty within our twelve branches of Light belongs to Court of the YahWah, as one begotten by the Queen; to be straightforward: the uprightness of AL/God; a collective order to be the head, of all nations / processes of thought, to whom is given the concepts of instruction with in the United Order; thus rendered as YiSarAL/Israelthe appointment/tenth power of the Prince/Sar within the United Order/AL [Sefer Maaseh Bereshith/Gen 32:29]; the state of mashiyach, the head, from whom proceeds all concepts of instruction; the 22nd generation from Adam, indicating formation of the Tauw X nature; the head of the nations/processes; appointments of knowledge/mastery according to measures of wisdom, conveyed by the Sin used in pronunciation, vs. the Shayin/21 ; YiSarAL/YishARAL is the agreeable/cooperative state of parts mutually abiding together; success of Yaaqov to bring all branches of thought together for PEACE shalom; also: to be pleasing, agreeable; one who strives and prevails with ALhhim/ Elohim Principles of Light; to be upright, forward, straight, righteous, just; to prevail: Name given to the minds who strive and emerge as a Prince with Light Principles and who, thus, submit to abide agreeably together for the soundness of all (SMB/Gen. 32:29); virtue of being vertically aligned; the activities / inscriptions of the fire of life/Wisdom are known and Principally displayed in the unity of lifes order; note: the name change from Yaaqov to YiSarAL / signifies achievement of compatibility of all creative spheres/ natures of being; signifies the branching forth of a name into twelve tribal energies of light: Reuben/sight; Shimeon/ hearing; Yahdah /reins; Dan/lungs to judge; stomach/Asher to verify; Gad/mouth to assemble the fortunes; Yissachar -glands/stimuli to labor; Zebulun/intestines to honor/dwell; glands penis / Aphrayim / to bless; Manasseh / testes for transference; heart to meditate/Naphtali; Benyamin/seed/egg for renewal: tribes are paired as Yahudah and Aphrayim, Yissachar and Manasseh, Zebulun and Benyamin, Reuben and Dan, Shimeon and Asher, Gad and Naphtali; the calling of the twelve disciples/learners is the calling forth of our inner kingdom; the sending out of the twelve conveys the projection of the inner kingdom; the tribal branching contain aspects of mind; every member of inner tabernacle contributes to the operations of the mind; the House of YiSarAL: (Aphrayim) signifies the expansions blessings of Mind; the House of Yahdah, the discerning of values/ governing nature of Mind; the joining of these two branches is ultimately necessary for human kind to comprehend its nature fully and to unite as One in peace; Wisdom has designated the parts of our Name into twelve camps, being one body with twelve parts, a Tree of Life with twelve branches. YiSarAL is One House. Values, 541: the composed inner kingdom reflecting the Concepts of ALhhim / Elohyim; 64: the structure of the Teraysaron / Pyramid. See soul.

Fire Chapter 17 Pa
This Is The Greatest Revelation Ever Presented To Man! The First Seven Scrolls/Books of the Bible For Messiah comes not to abolish or to eliminate the orders of ALhhim/Elohyim/God. He comes not to abolish any Sacred Torah Principles; not any unfolding of the Law in the role of prophets. Messiah comes to establish every principle of intelligence through the unfolding of those principles in Earth! The Word was made flesh / Bashar / thoughts, and by this incarnation glory of the scriptures is revealed in man. He who accepts the Inward Application

and Function of any Scripture, therefore, accepts in some measure, Messiah, coming in the flesh. Such are able to live fully in newness of the Spirit by ever word that proceeds from the mouth of ALhhim/ Elohyim / God. Some are frustrated in their bodies or with their sexual status. Such declare that when Messiah comes man will no longer have to deal with a fleshly condition. The abolishment of male and female is one such avocation. The abolishment of an Earth body is another. The abolishment of various Laws, which Laws are in essence Love and Faith Statements, is advocated by those who move hastily concerning the will of ALhhim/Elohyim/Gods. The Messiah, or the Measurement of Living Principles, comes not to abolish anything of ALhhim/Gods but rather to fulfill the state of agreement between the Law and the Prophets, or between the live principles and its unfolding in earthen vessels. [Bashar!!! The word for flesh is Bashar, and is rendered as Thoughts that are arranged into a dwelling state. The coming of maShiach (Zeus-jzeus) is not in mortal skins, for how can the full measurement appear in a divided dwelling? Rather that maShiach appears within the organization of the 12 which are inward. Thus, Bashar! Yes, this has been a blinding of the eyes and spear of division over the millenniums! The Jews knew what this word meant {Bashar}; ya would wonder why they selfishly hid this meaning & and never evangelized and explained it to the Nations, huh? THOUGHT ABOUT IT? Shmual ben Aharon, Wahli The Priest of BHM; House of Name Academy; Bayit HaSham Midrash; The Lawman, Voice, Paleo Interpreter; Giving the Nations Tewrah/Torah/Law/Tewrat. THE LAW OF LIBERTY We knew nothing about a Midrashim / plural of Midrash, meaning academies, institutions of Mind. In case you have read this far I would like to further emphasize, You Know stress something-stress give importance to something. And it was lack of Light that our fathers father neglected to study and investigate about The great Torah/ Pentateuch of YHWH; that was left out of the lives of billions of women - men and children throughout the millenniums. We were never ever given information like this, before. (And even if those ole Rabbis would have known, they, thinking that they are the chosen peoples, and all of the Goyim are to burn in hell, somewhat like the Muslims, think, they would never have informed U of this, like we R informing U now). We knew nothing about a Midrashim / plural of Midrash, meaning academies, institutions of Mind; midrashim studies of Light concepts-drawing out of Words that we may have learned to ask many profitable questions and enter into midrashim studies of Light concepts. (The Jews think that they are better than everyone else so they walk with that idea and suffer with that idea and kill hundreds of thousands to keep that idea. Theyre blind to the fact that they are not chosen people of YHWH, we are, we all are } !!! Judaism has woven fabric around Tewrah/Torah; The Law of Perfection, Law of Liberty, called fences, whereby one cannot access the heart of the Teaching. Blindness of Islam follows the path of Christian, for the early conquests of the Muslims brought them into close contact with centers of civilization heavily influenced by Christianity and Judaism, and also by Greek culture. Islamic philosophy is intimately connected with Greek philosophy of Aristotle, who suggested that the world is eternal, which seems to be in contradiction with the implication in the writings that the ALhhim; creating the world out of nothing, whereby what is an emanation of Thought. The fixation of forms within a space, both in Christian and Islamic minds is the making of idols, which causes strife and wars for tangible possessions of the world which is a creation of Belial. [Belial- those worthless are of Belial, the latter category of words destroys all that it makes, as do the forms of mortality, such are incoherent words; empty words are those lacking coherent deeds]; For if the world that is now is a creation of HhaALhhim The Elohyim / The Gods, then the world would not perish, but would be according to the Words of HhaALhhim. Fixation of mind, of both the Muslim and the Christian, is Heavily weighted upon an after-Life, whereby rewards of today, by doing the Service of HhaOLiyun/The Most High, is not entered into, nor can it be with the fabric of their minds as discussed prior. In that the rewards are considered to be as this world, their deeds that generate these rewards are likewise of the world, that is perishing, whereas the Works of HhaALhhim do not perish, nor the corresponding rewards. From the teachings of Christianity who thought that jesus/Yahusho was using examples of this world to convey the revelations: Such is a false view of the parables and cripples the power of the Words that comprise them. For if the words in the parables, that carry the Thoughts, were of this world, how is it that those in the world could not understand them? (Do you understand the Book of Mormon-Bible, Torah or Koran)? BAYINAH Even silver of this world cannot be used to convey Bayinah; for it tarnishes and turns green; dark [Mortal Physical World], whereas the silver of Bayinah [Enlightenment TORAH THOUGHTS], brightens itself and does not loose its gleam, not even in the deepest night, wherein it even appears brighter! Note: Fabric, Overview of Religious Orientations; TALKING SPIRITURAL HERE - NOT PHYSICAL - WE MUST

UNDERSTAND DIFFERENCE. One knows or does not know the True Doctrine Fabric, Overview of Religious Orientations: Shmual says, well, the compilations continue to sew up a new fabric of mind to comprehend the Words of Fire and to do them with the hands in the Fire making the oylah. The pattern has been cut out; dress is being made. Let us lay aside the former skins and don the Rings of Light woven without weight. The reason that one is not able to perform the OYLAH Numbers 28, is due to the fabric of their mind, [Author says of course, hardly anyone knows about Numbers 28 - how can they perform it, if they dont know about it]- is due to fabric of their mind which is woven by thoughts that it has intertwined. The evil Christian fabric opposes the offerings [and almost 7 billion other people] and denies them, even mocking the practices of Illumination, the deeds of Torah/Tewrah, which are Paths of Revelation. Note: Author says, but now, you have been told! Because we-I, have learned about The White Text Torah; so now you can, too. According to the fabric of mind one knows or does not know the True Doctrine, in that the fabric of their minds is in itself a covering to the deeds and paths of Enlightenment, whereby they veil themselves from truth. The fabric of the Mind of The Priest/HhaKuwahnim is formed by the threads of doing the OYLAH each evening and morning; through which the Thoughts of the Tewrah/Torah, The Law of Perfection, The Law of Liberty of YahWah/YHWH are unveiled, for the sacred messages of the Tewrah/Torah, which are composed from the Fires of Altar, and hence, if one is not standing at Altar, how shall they know the Words of the Fire? [Young Buck Minister, Rabbi Priest Jew Preacher women, Cleric, Muslim, or Christian, you are not at the ALtar and you do not know the Words of the Fire. Dont be hot headed and angry with this messenger, be angry with yourself; that you see the blood on the land and in air and in your hand, but you are stubborn and praying object theology; You shall be held accountable. Stubborn: [unreasonably determined: obstructively determined to persevere or prevail in darkness]. And you will not change. Why live a lie? We all know that god of this garbage hole your god/elohim is killing us and not blessing us. Look around, you see any blessings? Luck? Yeah, but not blessings. So we must stop look and listen. And run like hell to YahWah Torah of Light. Now! Because one has the fabric of this world, they cannot endure to stand by the ALtar to make their offerings, therefore they/you think of some other way to make up some prayers, and then fool yourselves that they are acceptable. For should they stand by the Fire during the Hours of Ascensions to ready their hands and feet, their minds would be wiped out in the Fire of the Altar which would break apart their fabric of resistance. However in that the heart is hardened, it will not subject itself to diligence and steadfastness by the sides of the ALtar, for it has been molded by the world, and thus the heart runs after the molten images of the world. So it is imperative that we take out the aspects of religion that is crippling the progressions without harming the productive trees that are apparent in each camp. The fabric of the mind of Christians [and about 7 billion others] does not permit the Eyes to see the Thoughts within the Rings of HhaALhhim/The Elohyim/The Gods, for its opposing the Tewrah / Torah; The Law of Perfection, The Law of Liberty and the revelations therein. The overall blanket is "let God do it." [And we can see that god aint doing nothing]. Whereby they cast off their shoulders the yoke of the Rings that have no weight, and continue to wear the burdens of flesh, in anticipation that one will deliver them from their slaveries that they repeatedly confess over and over. There is no Counsel to seek progressions as a Body, but rather to wait upon someone else to free them. i.e. In that they do not consider it important to judge what is set before them, but to eat anything, and they keep Dan from rising within them. [to judge what is set before U. Do U really know what is being said, to U? Shmual doesnt mean real solid food, he is talking about your object theology. Get it? ***************************************************** Midrashim----Thus the garments of our life and the houses in which we live are in the words of Knowledge. Is this not the purpose of our breaking out of Mitsraim / Egypt? For as we leave the former we come to dwell in Midrash the drawing out of Words, which takes us into all categories of knowledge called stages of Wilderness/MeDevarim. Paleo Govri/Hebrew Language, THE LAW OF LIBERTY, HhaTewrah/The Torah, Awer/ Light. Not any humankind as of this writing has experienced the Light of the real ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light Living Principles of YHWH. No, not even the Jews; let alone the Muslims and Christians. No one!!! So, what do we do, now? How? When? Well, the first few steps will be for us to open our eyes, brains and ears. Remember contemporary Judaism-modern Hebrew is not Paleo Torah Based. Nay! The Torah of the Jews is not the LIGHT Torah of AL YHWH. And when they send the JDL gunning, they had better have supernatural proof of Spirit and YHWH. Midrashim-drawing out of Words--that we may learn to ask profitable questions and enter into Midrashim studies of Light concepts. Thus the garments of our life and the houses in which we live are in the words of Knowledge. Is this not the purpose of our breaking out of Mitsraim/Egypt? For as we leave the former we come to dwell in Midrashim drawing out of Words, which takes us into all categories of Knowledge called stages of the Wilderness, MeDevarim.

Paleo Govri / Hebrew Language THE LAWOF LIBERTY HhaTewrah The Torah, awer/light. You can see now the terrible disease and disorder in our lives: How do we all remedy this darkness of humankind and the sick traditions of men? Shall we smile and feel joy that we can now count on the FIRE LIGHT of the Paleo Govri / Hebrew Language, THE LAW OF LIBERTY, HhaTewrah/The Torah; by dwelling in the Midrashim? We should! Ana a great big blue ball of beautiful green breathing life will pop up. Joy and peace will have arrived, via the White Text Torah. The Magnificent Solution So, whats the remedy - way of putting something right: a means of putting something right or getting rid of something undesirable. No easy remedy for society's ills 2. Medicine treatment for disease: a medication or treatment that cures a disease or disorder or relieves its symptoms 3. alternative medicine homeopathic treatment a substance prescribed by a homeopath, and taken in minute quantities 4. law legal redress: a legal means of enforcing a right or of providing redress. Through the magnificent solution, One receives the Luqech Doctrine through which the Bread of the Teaching is sweetened. Every doctrine is spun from Number base that is beneath and within the teaching. Doctrines-Leqechim are formed in the mouth as the lips hang upon the Unified Consciousness to receive drops of sweetness upon them [MT /Duet 32:2]. Teachings are Formed in the heart, as the Seeds of the manchaih/bread/meal offering, which pertain to each offering, are opened. Teachings are Sweetened by the mouths of HhaKuwhnim / The Priest. When one is mouth to mouth with HhaKuwhnim, they speak as one tongue. When one receives the teachings in their heart, and the Teaching is opened from their heart, they have Understanding, and then they are heart to heart with HhaKuwhnim. No one will receive the Teachings until they form a place in their heart for the Seed of AL to be planted there, for until the heart is right, it is not accepted to house Seed of AL. For all Teachings-Doctrines come through Houses of HhaALhhim: Aparryim-Manashah respectively, when one is able to lay themselves open up on the altar of the Most High. Through Aparryim all things appear, and through Manashah, all things rise. As House, Tribe, Branch of Aphrayim is hung up on Yahdah according to offering and according to their placement in the body, so do all Words appear in HhaTewrah / The Torah according to the foundation of thought and intent that are beneath them [Romans 3:1 -2]. One receives the Luqech / Doctrine through which the Bread of the Teaching is sweetened. One Should Not Misconstrue The Writings Of Midrash To Be Of The World Of Corruption, But Rather A Means Of Communicating The Teachings Of Light. Through the magnificent solution, SEWD/SOD, of selected counsel, deliberations, a burning: the Wisdom to consume the full extension of Mind, even as a resident coal warms its environment unto awareness of its Presence and then enters into it fully; to hear Voice of Knowledge via deliberations of the heart/Understanding; lit., to arrange a consideration within courts gates; those who study the powers of life contained in seed in preference to being united to a Profile form of life, for those who inquire into all that is housed in the Seed determine the form of life to be entered; SOD-SEWD thought is level of study pertaining to the patriarch Abraham which corresponds to the Level of Knowledge and the rebirth of Wisdom into a new age. Whereas qabbalah thought is to distinguish that which corresponds, such as Numbers with Letters, or Parts with Functions within Totality, Sewd thought leads into a deeper level of Knowledge to know the structure within a Number and Letter and to comprehend the design and weaving of thoughts to comprise the Sum/Whole. Until there is the sheaf of grain, there is no SewdSOD thought nor a Sewdom (the plural of Sewd). With the grain comes Knowledge by decoding of all within the Seed and the unfoldment process of all that the Seed has constructed. Out of Sewd thought comes then the analysis of Seed and the distinction of all layers of Knowledge. These layers are within human anatomy, a projection of Thought to convey the Dwelling Places of Names, but the human body is a torn garment. Sewd thinking goes beyond the state of fragmentation and puts its nose into that which is in the Mind of YahWah. In this level of thinking, one moves from a gender based orientation to entering into the councils of Sudwm. The states of gender and division are surpassed by the evolution of the Unified dwelling of Names within the midst of HhaALhhim. The materials of the midrash are provided from those of Lawi/Levi/The Priesthood. The Letters of Fire contain the Pure Language. The materials are according to Paired ALhhim as granted from the mouths of the kuwhnim/ Priest of Aharwan-Aaron and from Messengers of HhaALhhim. The materials are not derived from other schools of thought nor do not represent any institution or religious persuasion, but are derived solely from Letters of Fire and the Messengers who carry them. Thus we have the magnificent solution for world peace. Got it? Activities within the Lands form the warp and the woof. As House/Tribe/Branch of Gad is hung upon the Unified Consciousness of Manashah, one receives the Doctrine Luqech through which the Bread of the Teaching is sweetened. In this manner the parts of the body are hung upon

each other, as those who are hung upright or those who are hung with their head down, all parts hang upon each other in accordance with the placement of the wood and the parts of the oylut/offering. When one follows Words Letters only and does not come to the mouth of Kuwhnim /Priest, they are reading the woof -Activities within the Lands form the warp and the woof. The warp and the woof are the continuous weaving of our THOUGHTS in accordance to the Union of the Lights: Chakmah and Bayinah. The warp is the base for the THOUGHTS being woven. In the day, base of THOUGHTS is Bayinah and THOUGHTS being woven within the woof are through Chakmah. In the night base is of Chakmah and THOUGHTS being woven are through Bayinah. Chakmah occupies the sides of the east and the south: Bayinah forms the sides of the west and the north to form the loom. The warp being of four sides is comprised of the six paired threads that are woven from the four sides. When the tribes are extended daily in the Oylah offering [Burnt Ascendant Offering] of the Kevesh Lamb, all of the Names within the tribes come to the surface within the woof. The twelve parts of the offering are arranged on two sides, 6 pieces for the south and 6 pieces for the north. The woof is comprised of the 12 threads of knowledge which are interwoven within the framework--warp of Wisdom and Understanding. According to the warp and woof of Light, all THOUGHTS are woven through which all things are fashioned and made. According to base of a garment or a curtain, so is the arrangement of the THOUGHTS to be woven. We establish the warp and the woof within each field of reference prior to being engaged into the warp and the woof of other fields. For example there is a warp and a woof for each body of Light via which the garment is woven for each land. As one establishes order of Light within their space, they are then able to merge, having established pattern of THOUGHTS, {into other dimensions-lands and galaxies of THOUGHS}-When one follows the Words-Letters only and does not come to the mouth of Kuwhnim-Priest, they are reading the woof of the Tewrah/Torah, whereby full consideration is not given to the intent and the meanings of the Words. Thus magnificent solution: Every doctrine and every teaching is the means to convey the Thoughts of Most High, through which the Thoughts are multiplied within the doers. As the Teaching of The Most High/HhaOLiyun come down from the centers of the Collective Mind, they then implement the selective combination of the Numbers into teachings to convey the works and the wonderful Thoughts of the Collective. As the teachings are performed with the intention of their Thoughts, they appear in the midst of YishARAL and in all levels of embodiment/form and expression/soul. Only as the Teachings are performed, does one come to have the Mind of the Most High and enter into the joy of the Collective Body. The deeds of the Law, apart from intentions of the Most High, are a weight upon the soul, and the wine does not fill the soul as a result. When the Words of the Torah/Tewrah are performed with Understanding, then the one doing them appears before the Kuwhnim/Priest as clean, but doer apart from the Enlightenment are as those who do many works in the Name, but remain unknown for the works have been done apart from the Illumination.(Mark 1:44 Menachem; Mattithyahu/Matt 7:15-24;]. Thus we have the magnificent solution for world peace. The Magnificent Solution from YahWah for world peace and unity. The Tewrah/Torah does not tell you that you may eat one animal above another, nor that you should exalt yourself above an animal to kill it and its habitation of its spirit. Thus There is no animal of the land, nor the sea, nor the air that you may eat.

Fire Chapter 18 Tsade

Luqech / Doctrine In the Tewrah/Torah are the instructions regarding what one may eat, and that which one does not eat, for purpose that the expressions of ones soul may bear the fruit of the Most High. There is no Luqech/Doctrine that one eats for the body, or for the mind, for these are sustained by the Breath and organization of ones Thoughts. But the criteria of our selectiveness is for what the body and mind may yield, how they may increase, and how they may bear together the traits of the 70 of soul [SYM/Ex 1:5-7]. The Tewrah does not tell you that you may eat one animal above another, nor that you should exalt yourself above an animal to kill it and its habitation of its spirit. There is no animal of the land, nor the sea, nor the air that you may eat, for both the Adim - lammadim /disciples and the chaiyit living ones in which is the same Breath, are given the same to eat from the plants that are born from the Seed of the Unified Consciousness & those trees capable of bearing fruit with the Seed of a unified body from its own branches [SMB/Gen 1:29-31]. In the day of maShiach, the Adim - lammadim/disciples and all chaiyit will eat from the plants of the field, even as

the lion will eat straw like an ox [Yeshayahu/Is 11:1-9; 66:25]. Ideas that do not extend, but repeat themselves lock up the mind and restrict progressions. Though they go around in circles, they are unclean unto you. Such are as the Coney [zoology European rabbit]: that runs here and there but then holes themselves up, unable to ascend into other plateaus of thought. That which is clean are ideas that can take U into further levels of Enlightenment. The extending thoughts are as the Light that opens and then rises, capable of lifting up all that it encounters. These are the thoughts of Queen Chakmah /Wisdom /South. As when the sun rises, Chakmah lifts up the heads of all in its path. Plantings of thoughts that do not make a head from the construct of its sides are called an unfruitful tree, having not sufficient oil within their branches to bear the fruit of Illumination. These plants are like the foolish virgins, being without the oil of Wisdom, whereby they may walk in darkness and not stumble. As one makes the oylah in morning (Sun rise), they have the oil to proceed into subsequent levels of understanding in the evening. Plantings that are unable to bear Illumination of their sides are like the head that does not rise from its unified sides for there is not the congruency of Wisdom To Know how to be joined as one: Whereby they may continue from one level of Understanding unto another level. Though they make a foundation and build a house of stones, they are not able to bear fruit from their sides to fill their house with the offspring multiple Thoughts of the Most High. Trees that are self-fruiting, capable of self-pollinating by the Congregation of its Rings are clean. Such distinction pertains to all branches of Thought which the Unified of HhaALhhim have planted within the GanGodann/Garden of Eden. That which is planted by the adversary, as tares, are thoughts opposed to the Union of the Rings. These incomplete thoughts hence unclean, must take from another plant to yield fruit, for it is incapable of bearing from its own inward unity. Such are those who do not have the Congregation of HhaALhhim within its fibers. Having waters of contention, they remain separate unto themselves. The plants of YahWah bear evidence to the traits of the Unified Consciousness. The fruit that the Tewrah / Torah / Pentateuch, speaks of is the fruit of the Collective Soul that can congregate in Unified Rings to comprise the House of YahWah, and then to fill the Body of Unity with all good things. Those who can give their Rings in perfect Union with another are those who are of HhaALhhim/ The Elohyim/ The Gods. Those who abide in the flesh of mortality perish with their thoughts of corruption. When one comes unto Enlightenment, they are cleansed, whereby they enter into the Congregation of YahWah. In the House of YahWah we partake from the trees which the Unified of HhaALhhim have planted within us. That which the Unified ALhhim plant come from the Seed of Their Unified Consciousness, being of the fruit of the Tree which are two congregating as one. Within their sides is the unity of Understanding & Wisdom, whereby their new branches bear fruit; verifying the unified Seed of its unified body [SMB Gen 1 : 11; 29-30]. The Magnificent Solution: The teachings of HhaALhhim are denoted {means: to have something as a specified meaning-the name actually denotes lightning bolt} as the trees-plantings of YahWah, which are planted for the Collective Mind and Collective Heart, that Collective Soul may live and flourish within the courts of HhaALhhim. The flourishing of the soul is bearing fruit for the Most High. Every soul belong to YahWah, for from the House of YahWah all measures of Wisdom and Understanding have been invested to bring forth an increase of Knowledge. It is by Wisdom that one has their parts, and it is by Understanding that one grows and blooms. From the resources and the Lights of Wisdom and Understanding every fruit is formed. Every soul will be Put upon the scales of Dan to determine the weight of its increase. Wisdom-the means to lay a foundation, and Understanding-the means to create a dwelling for all that rises from the Foundation are provisions of YahWah, from which all soul is formed. All that comes forth from every dwelling belong to YahWah, from every Name of Adim - disciples/lammadim and from all that is extended through Adim-the gnats to the elephants. Every chamber of your soul will be weighed to determine Thoughts that have resided there and fruit that results. The fruit that is weighed are those borne by the increase of gold, silver, and bronze. Though you produce a harvest in one year that is large, and another harvest that is small, everything that one has harvested within their soul is retained and recorded within the soul itself. The harvest of ones fields is directly related to how wide the Rings have expanded during a year. The expansion of the Rings is by the studies of HhaTewrah / The Torah; the implementations of the teachings into the daily oylah. Thus, Magnificent Solution: The teachings of HhaALhhim: When you stand on the scales in the Day of Dan every deed that has been done by the soul will be weighed to determine the increase unto YahWah. If the/(Your) fruit is not of Wisdom and Understanding it will count for nothing. U will not be punished by your faults, for you have afflicted yourself by your waywardness. If there is utterly no fruit for YahWah due to the mind of that Name (Your

Name) choosing to renounce service unto the Most High, then that (Your) mind will utterly fall headlong and will not see with its eyes the celestial Kingdom. Their (Your) talent of gold-silver will be given to another head that shall rise in its place, for the Most High will not impose duty of service upon anyone unwilling. Nope! Never! Heathens, Heretics, Blasphemers, demonic devils, evil doers, U, them, those other people, all; will be coming back to do this all over, again. Doesnt that & paying taxes make U a very, very happy ignorant dying idiot? Huh, does it? Name that is spoken by the Priest / Kuwhnim, being strands of gold and silver will not perish but will be placed within a House of its lineage in which it shall serve with freedom with those who have been setting their hearts upon the Most High. Unprofitable servants shall lose their talent, whereby they have their assignments for the Most High. Those that serve the Most High do with Gladness and of a willing heart. When the fruit is product of other thoughts than those of Most High, then the deeds of those thoughts rob from the Treasuries of Most High. The treasuries are within every Name, by which one has Name. In that all soul belongs to YahWah, soul is the tithe of YahWah, for it is that which has been extended from the loins and from the sides of a Name. The tithe, all of it, is qudash/holy/distinguished. For there is no law of 10% for YahWah, and 90% for yourself, for all that is of the soul is qudash / holy unto YahWah. When the Treasuries of Wisdom and Understanding, are drawn out within the soul to be used for vanity, then one robs YahWah of the tithes that have been created from the Sham/ Name of the Most High. For in that every Name has within it Wisdom and Understanding, expressions that come from the Name are qudash holy/distinguished for YahWah, the Collective Body of Names. Through our souls we are sanctified unto the House of YahWah and distinguish our place in the House of YahWah.

Could ShmuAL be a StarMan him coming from amongst the stars? as each spiritual name comes from the Lights Ur: Light signifies state of knowing; types of light: light to behold (sun); light to contemplate/understand (moon); light by which to travel (stars); light to conceive, to observe (morning); light to dispel darkness (noon); light to meditate (evening); penetrating light force to charge/strike. Abraham, came from the Ur of the Chaldean, or literally, he came from Astrology. Kokavim-Stars; The stars serve to extend thought into fields of Knowledge which are regulated by Understanding. A kokavim/star serves to expand Wisdom and Understanding unto Knowledge - to reveal all details of thought. Knowledge contains multiple seeds, as seeds that are scattered within a fruit, so are the Kokavim-Stars. According to multiple thought branches or clusters of concepts so are the stars flung into a space. Each kokavim/star is a seat of knowledge. The stars form a crown as the Seeds arise from the base unto the apex of our thoughts. Open an apple as see the crown of seeds inside. From whence have seeds come? Whenever a cluster of thoughts combine to form a word, a star kokavim appears. Every star is a Word cluster of YahWah. Thus, The Magnificent Solution: The teachings of HhaALhhim: The stars being flung into space are as Seeds that are dispersed from the loins. Around the expanding gases of thought, the ten lands of the suns and the planets are formed as the spaces for the stars which arise from the Breath of YahWah. The planets are bodies of thought that correspond to the tribal camps within us; the stars associated with each planet are the fields of Knowledge that pertain to each thought cluster. As your 6 pairs of organs are set in the midst of your bodies, so are the tribes set into the galaxies, six on one side and six on the other side. According to the paths of the Seed, so are all kokavim/stars and planetary bodies arranged in space, great fields of Light that go out from the midst of the twelve centers. AB, BC AND THE 32 EIRDANI, names of stars in current science, referring to pairs of Kokavim-Stars in the great river of Light called amongst the ancients, Parata, known as Source River. Within the River are four sets of double stars or pairs: known today as the Theta and theta Eirdani. In my research I have learned that one will read in their own investigations that the info in here is about your Name and His Name and all of the Names in the scrolls. Literal translation of the first 7 scrolls of the ancient writings; of the first language, the pure language. Never before read or hear in the minds and hearts of humankind. Thats correct Rabbi/Preacher/Cleric, darkness is fading and Light through night is going to replace you. Every ignorant preacher on this planet. Nothing personal, just a fact that you and the rest of the pretenders will learn soon. Now I Know naturally and supernaturally this is going to be an awesome task. But To Know The Magnificent Solution: The teachings of HhaALhhim: We have been trying to help you reshape your lost perceptions and past understandings of the ancient writings [that you brought with you when you entered the womb], and the sacred importance of Names; being that our Name has come into this planet to be blessed. Of course worldly teacher preacher, you have a real Hebrew Name, and its not the one you are carrying around with you, now. No! [ We all have a Hebrew Name - ALL ]

The secret coded mysterious information in this writing is about the literal translation of the first 7 seven scrolls. We are showing you a new way; seeing, hearing and feeling, for comprehension. For your emotions to fire up your shallow Spirit and explode your dark Soul into a flaming shooting star of imploding knowledge of Light Principles. For acquiring the Gold of Oneness, Unity and your release from the darkness of separateness. ******************* When one has been told about this great message from Yah and they turn their back upon the holy writings then they have dropped into the darkness of flesh: For acquiring the Gold of Oneness, Unity and your release from the darkness of separateness you have chosen to act as: The fruit that is weighed are those borne by the increase of gold, silver, and bronze. Though you produce a harvest in one year that is large and another harvest that is small, everything that one has harvested within their soul is retained and recorded within the soul itself. The harvest of ones fields is directly related to how wide your Rings have expanded during a year. In my research of the Paleo teachings, To Know The Magnificent Solution: The teachings of HhaALhhim: I have learned and trying to explain to you, that the expansion of the Rings is by the studies of HhaTewrah/The Torah; the implementations of the teachings into the daily oylah (Numbers 28). As we warned, when you stand on the scales in the Day of Dan (The Judge), every deed that has been done by the soul will be weighed to determine the increase unto YahWah. If the fruit is not of Wisdom and Understanding it will count for nothing. You will not be punished by your faults, for you have afflicted yourself by your waywardness. If there is utterly no fruit for YahWah due to the mind of that Name choosing to renounce service unto the Most High, then that mind will utterly fall headlong and will not see with its eyes the celestial Kingdom. Their talent of gold and silver will be given to another head that shall rise in its place, for the Most High will not impose duty of service upon anyone unwilling. Name that is spoken by the Priest / Kuwhnim, being strands of gold and silver will not perish, but will be placed within a House of its lineage in which it shall serve with freedom with those who have been setting their hearts upon the Most High. Unprofitable servants shall lose their talent, whereby they have their assignments for the Most High. Well, I WASNT DENIED! So now lets turn down a glass!You have come unto this plane/realm To Know and through the mis-readings of the ancient writings you are not alive and well, hell you are deeply engrossed within the darkness of the butcher chronicles and need to understand Numbers 28 and the complete Paleo Hebrew message from YahWah and learn of The Magnificent Solution for world peace given to us by YahWah via Shmual Wahli of BHM. Its later then you think. Look around some more. Look, listen, hear. Hell on Earth! Meaningless active garbage living. Drunken dumb cowboys and drugged up whores running to and fro in the Earth. Children who are diseased ignorant spoiled impolite rude obnoxious belligerent and innocent of the dark brainwashing their elders are placing upon them. They are heading out into the world without the proper gear. And most of them, I said most of them are on their way to die a terrible death. Lonely sick and broke and imprisoned. Think you can help turn all of this around. Well you really cant. Take another puff of THE WEED and drink that beer and rob your boss and steal all of the money you can. Keep being a liar and a cheat and a crook. Stay with raw meat and thick sauces, to make you puke. Keep believing your god is a good guy, and like Mob Boys you admire it. You do not have to believe this work, hell WHY should you. You have Zeus or Buddha and Mary and a sick religion that tells you didley squat. But go on, turn your back. Stay dumb and dull all of your life, you are living the good life, right? U really are the walking dead. In my research of the Paleo teachings, To Know The Magnificent Solution: The teachings of HhaALhhim: I have learned and trying to explain to you, that the mind of this world Continues to super impose the thoughts and order of this world upon the writings and sayings of Masters of Illumination, whereby the texts are profaned by unclean interpretations that keep the children in bondage MIS-INFORMATION WILL MORE THEN LIKELY COME INTO PLAY, NOW. MIS-INFORMATION FROM EVIL WOMEN & MEN WHO ARE ACTING AS DEVILS. MIS-INFORMATION BY LITERARY BOOK CRIDITCS WHO CANNOT OR WILLNOT SEE THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL; CONCERNING YHWH AND THE MIGHTY TORAH LIGHT SPREADING ACROSS THE GLOBE. MIS-INFORMATION BY THE GOVERNMENT, POWERFUL CHURCHES AND RABBIS and CLARICS WANTING TO DOWNPLAY THIS TORAH LIGHT INFORMATION TO THE MASSES; BECAUSE THEY EITHER DONT UNDERSTAND IT OR THEY OUT RIGHT LIVE IN PURE DARKNESS AND WICKEDNESS AND HATE LIGHT. ESPECIALLY THE LIGHT OF TORAH. THEY WILL SAY AND DO ANYTHING TO KEEP YOU AND YOUR FAMILY FROM BEING EDUCATED WITH LIGHT PRINCIPLES, INSTEAD OF GIVING US THEIR 200 TV STATIONS FILLED WITH WITCHCRAFT AND MEANINGLESS GARBAGE THAT YOU WATCH AND PAY FOR BY

BUYING THEIR INHUMAN JUNK AND MUSIC. SO MISINFORMATION WILL CHARGE AT US-CLAWING AND SCREAMING AND THREATING US. BUT DONT LISTEN TO THOSE EVIL SICK DARK MINDS. GO TO THE LIGHT OF YHWH AND NEVER TURN BACK. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE DUMB, DULL AND DEAD; ALL YOUR LIFE: THE SUN IS SHINNING, DONT LET THE LOW LIFE POWERFUL DEVILS DENY YOU AND YOUR FAMILY THE GLORIOUS TRIP TO THE GATE TO THE WORLDS BEYOND. AMEN. For by learning of the importance of Numbers 28 & 29 you will come To Know that this great message is from Star Fields Above and Beyond and with this Holy Torah, you can find the keys to the doors to The White Text Torah of YHWH To Know The Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light Principles of AL; the gate, to the worlds beyond. Isnt this a delightful message; inspiring = (generating enthusiasm or creativity: making somebody feel more enthusiastic, confident, or stimulated). The authors OTHER book TO KNOW is dedicated of course, to the Mighty Name of YahWah. And also, I am including here, in this dedication every atheist and agnostic on the planet. TO KNOW THE DARK MORTAL WORLD OF: $MONEY SEX AND POWER VERSUS GOLD AND SILVER WORLDS OF: IMMORTALITIES SUPERNATURAL LIGHT *********************** {3} THE BIG THREE Egypt, YishARAL and Assyria The Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light Principles of YHWH YahWah. ShmuAL Wahli To receive a handmade copy of The To Know book: To make a purchase from me; You can order your book now by going on line at The beginning of peace on our planet! The Breath of YahWah NUMBERS 28 & 29 The Magnificent Solution THE BEGINNING FROM STAR FIELDS ABOVE AND BEYOND Space is not the final frontier Arise, and be changed! Arise, and be changed! Arise, and be changed! Once Upon A Time in Light Rays of Time the Voice, Shmual Wahli, encounters a SUPERNATURAL rider on a white horse: Northeastern Indiana, near the banks of the Maumee River. Once Upon A Time in Light Rays of Time Shmual, who was married and has six children: he was in his front yard at his home and a big thing happened that allowed him to see and witness a great and awesome event. Right in front of his eyes he saw a spiritual shocker. More beautiful, awesome and emotional then one can imagine. And this is not a fairy tale folks, this story is straight from the THRONE ROOM; FROM STAR FIELDS ABOVE and BEYOND.

Fire Chapter 19 Qof

The White Horse Rider Messages During summer of 1995, Northeastern Indiana, near the banks of the Maumee River. A rider on a white horse came from the east to Shmual's home with a declaration: Arise, and be changed! Arise, and be changed! Arise, and be changed! The message was repeatedly heralded as the rider came directly towards him during the evening qarban / sacrifice period (around 8 pm). There was no pausing or slowing down of the horse; it was running full speed ahead. he could hear the rider shouting a message but he could not discern the words. As the horse and rider came closer, he could hear the message being repeated as a loud proclamation over and over again until the horse and rider passed by and went into the distance. During the next encounter, the Rider showed me a black tablet with white writing. He told Shmual to read the writing on the rectangle tablet board. he sounded out the words. After doing so, the tablet vanished and a scroll pertaining to transformation and details of Chamesh HhaPekudim/the scroll of Numbers was given to him.

The horse and rider appeared during Torah class thereafter.Shmual During meditations in Nov. 95 the Rider on the White Horse appeared at Merettas home where a Torah class was meeting. Shmual heard a message in another language and then translated into English. Grace writes, "I grabbed a pen and wrote, but missed a lot too. Parts of the message were recorded as follows-What I have given you will be brought to full manifestation. Like a ball of yarn being pulled out to create a pattern, so from within you is being drawn out the golden strands of light according to the pattern of your light body. These stands are the various cords of life within you. Without blemish and without deformity, your light body garment shall be perfect even as YahWah has spoken, ye will be perfect. This drawing out is calling of transformation to Arise, and be changed! And I will continue to make visitations, to impart knowledge regarding each of your names and to unravel the potentiality in all thing s. Place your mind upon wisdom from which rises The Eternal Flame. Lift it up! A subsequent message followed 7th of Dec. 1995 (transcribed from audio tape): I come to you that you may be complete-that your transformation may be wholethat you be transfigured from a larvae unto the freedom of a fiery serpent in all of your studies and in your pursuits and your journeys that you meditate and look for keys of change [The genealogies are understood to be the keys of change]. For through the transformations that I will lead you, you will come to a totality of being, for each and every part within you has to be unfolded and brought forth to its inner core measurement. You have no need to be anxious, but to be thankful. For as your inner quest is to be complete, so you shall be fed and directed. I am watching over all of your pursuits and the requests that you vocalize and demonstrate to be sincere. You will not be disappointed in anyway. Communications of your search maybe shared with those of like mind; But even though others find it hard to grasp, you will have an inner confidence and assurance of the path and the level of development that you are on. Just be mindful that I am watching over, and I'm making arrangements according to your request and your pursuits. Rider on the White Horse (Torah class 30 Dec '95) transcribed from tape: Your requests are being granted and even more than what you have asked. The direction of your requests will open many doors beyond what you can contemplate at this time. You have discussed what my name is; My name is The Light Transformer. Because you are taking opportunity of the call, to arise and be changed, so much will be supplied to you, even to any that pursue their transformation. This is why my presence is with youto unfold to you the dynamics of your transformationto show you detail by detail, number by number, the arrangement and structure of your Light Body that you may behold it and become it. There are many areas of explorations and missions and goals of my Father to which you will be fulfilling. My presence will not depart but assist you in your total transformation. Be steadfast, joyful, and prayerful. Do not lose heart nor be dismayed, for you will be satisfied and not disappointed. Message 14 January 96, transcribed from tape: Two riders on the white horse appear; the rider with The Light Transformer is Avinu Avraham (Our father, Abraham). Scene: an exotic beautiful garden/meadow. There is a door that will open for you as you come unto your perfect unity. Even as it is with your father Avraham, who upon assembling the concepts of YahWah, was brought to a door, to enter into this dimension. So likewise, upon your completion and expansion, there will be a door that will open up to you. It will be so easy, effortless on your part; the door will swing open. Pursue your transformation with confidence knowing that the assembly that has already transpired within you has opened the door into which you are now abiding. And the light thats within you will create roadways and pathways for you to walk on. For your course has been set. You are being directed on your pathways. If you ever wonder if you are going to achieve that door, just remember, Avinu Avraham. Message January 21 LIGHT Transformer - Tomatoes in a can are the gatherings of the fruit of the fields. The fruit is the result of the seed being first planted and then harvested. So it is with each of youyour bearing and reaping the fruit of spirit/divine intelligence; is possible because you chose to be planted in an earthen vessel and are patiently forbearing in your journey. Without the implantation in the earthly Embodiment, there is no fruit. Be patient as the farmer, knowing that in due season you reap every attribute of life that is planted and maturing within your embodiment. Message January 28, 1996 TIME IS ON YOUR SIDE / MESSENGER AT TORAH LIGHT CLASS: Do not ever say or think that time is against you; do not ever feel that you have to fight the clock, for that is a deception. Time is on your side. Time is an indicator of the functions of light. Time indicates to you the activities of the light every day. Time is on your side. There is time every year to plant the seed, and there is time given and allotted for it to grow, and there is time to harvest and bring it in. There is an appropriation of light that is continually being allotted, and that appropriation of light is for youfor your full growth-to come unto your full Measurement. Rejoice in every

indication of the light that you see. There is time for you to do everything that is commissioned to you to fulfill. Don't ever think that there is not enough time, for the light will fulfill every commission and assignment that you share in the great house of Light. To Grace, and it pertains to each of you, the time allotted unto you is the activity of the light within you. And the light has no end but continues to radiate and cause full expansion of all that is. (During the latter part of this exposition, I was granted a sense of being ten times my stature. Instead of being 6' tall, I literally felt that I was 60' tall and sensed that the breath of my hands were 4' wide. Leaving class I understood that this saying facilitates a ten time expansion of the energies and would make space for their full development. Shmual). Message February 11, 1996 THAWING by FIRES-LIGHT TRANSFORMER; A bright iridescent blue circle appears within a triangle/gate/Dallath. The blue field you see is like ice, depicting the earth as a ball that has been frozen for many Generations. Within the frozen state of the earth there has been a lot of congealment, and the fires of light concealed within have been without a great deal of activity, particularly in the realms of higher consciousness of the fire activity. The fire embers have burned very, very slowly, and the coldness has prevailed whereby the heat has not been feltthat is recognized to be confirmed. As I (the Light Transformer) look at the heart in the state of the earth, I see it is thawing. Land masses are breaking up within the people of the YahWah creation. Fires within them are emitting warmer flames, and this is causing the earth to melt. And this thawing is a Releasing of the energies in the peoples. The quakes of the earth are in conjunction with what is happening. For as the fires continue to expand, the earth will break up to emit the energies that it has been holding. And as the energies arise, so there shall be a synthesis whereby they can come together as one bright light of Being, in full expansion radiating the goodness and attributes of life that have been present from the very beginning on this planet. Midrash Bet HaShem: The Sayings of the Light Transformer-White Horse Rider Page 4 February 18, 1996. SHEPHERDS Counsel from the Rider standing with a staff in his hand beside the horse. Arrange the energies within you, and focus upon each onethe various names and attributes that are within each energy, being conscious of the process of transference from one state unto another; this you must focus upon. Continue to meditate and draw out the properties of light that are housed within each energy field; for with them your light garments are being woven, and you will stand in your completeness clothed [as you saw your Father clothed and thereby first knew of your nakedness]. Following the counsel, the elders aka as the princes of Israel appear with robes and turbans. They stand with us in an arc configuration to transfer knowledge pertaining to each name within the energy fields to their complete unfolding. Give honor to the elders; these are the bishops of the soul. February 27, 1996 BALL Of FIRE APPEARANCE: It is the constant state of wisdom whereby you have been, that you are presently and are becoming. Honor the constant state of wisdom; honor her in others. Honor Me, and you honor yourself. April 18, 1996 PALACES Of THE EAST-The inscriptions contained in Sepher Maoshah BeRashshith (Scroll of Genesis) are in the Palaces of the East: The doors are opened to you to come into the palaces, to the houses of knowledge to review your mind. You may sit with the masters there and learn, for the gates are open. When you study the Torah, you come to the gates; there the elders will meet you and take you into the rooms of knowledge for your enlightenment of mind and heart and all of your attributes [names]. There you will be served unleavened bread wine. Your heart will grow fat, and your radiance will become brighter, and your deeds a reflection to YahWah. July 5, 1996 Woodburn House AHARON AND QAHHATH (two of the Houses of the Priesthood). Submit to one another and honor each other in perfect unity. The sons of Aharon give honor to the sons of Qahhath, and the sons of Qahhath give honor to the sons of Aharon. Embrace each other as Aharon Aaron embraced maShayh -Moses. Based upon the unity of Aharon and maShayh of Qahhath (Moses was from House of Kohath), the whole house of Israel is called forth to arise and possess the lands of immortality (not filthy dirt or sand in Palestine). As it was so it is now but more so. Know that the unity of mind and nervous system Adam, is the pattern of the unity of Aharon-Qahhath respectively. Take heed to your callings and to your positions; and know that my blessings are upon you as you are serving each other with honor. July 8, 1996 Torah Class at Meretta's A bright star appears in a Dallath/4 configuration coming from the door to a palace in the east. A star is defined as a messenger and speaks: Come when you are weary, when you feel exhausted, when you are confused; come to the palaces of the east for there you will receive clarification, strength and ability to make distinctions. And when you are thirsty you will receive drink, and when you are hungry you will receive [unleavened bread] to satisfy desires and the longings of your heart. The star that is shining to you tonight comes out of the opening of Madai. and says to you that there is a continual supply awaiting within the opening of Madai at the Palace of the East. Whatever your earnest desires are, whatever you need and whatever your wants are, come to the opening of Madai.

And a messenger will guide you, and take you within and arrange that your need will be met. Thanks be to ALhhim. July 22, 1996 Torah Class at Meretta's Regarding the Gates/Openings of yapheth, Light Transformer appears with a tall golden crown on his head, white kingly garments, standing with a posture very, very straight: Children, you are to govern over the openings of your being as one governs over the affairs of their house, watching and examining, being aware what is placed and what it is to be used for. Likewise, are you to govern over openings of your soul knowing the positions full well, where they are placed amongst you and the purpose of their placement. As disclosed to you previously, the opening of Madai is to the Palace of the East, & there reside the Masters of Light [who regulate the activity of the Light], even the Three Trustees of the Light. To there you may go whatever the need requires, for there and from there, there is a continual supply, even as there is a continual supply of the light every morning and every evening that arises in the east. And the light formulates all things; so also there is a continual supply coming from the east, the Center of Madai. And to the north above it, these are the Centers of Discernment and Judgment and the magnitude of the Northern Star. There are the thrones that are in the heavens, even two thrones According to the openings of Gomer and Magog. And these thrones are for Father and the Son, and within you, you may position them that you have the government of the Father and the Son over your Being. And with this government you have the openings to the west, the opening of Tiras. In the west there is a Citadel, a stronghold which results from righteous judgment and discernment. This strong hold is a preservation of Being generating a continual unfoldment of all that you are and all that you are becoming, all that you are becoming from generation to generation through the openings of reproduction. (Shmual calls the groin area between the legsarea between thighs and abdomen: the area between the tops of the thighs and the abdomen; the genitals, especially the testicles-is THE FIRE CHAMBER, where all life comes from), whereby you take root to become. Maintain your root via honoring and highly cherishing this opening, knowing that this is Center of your unfoldment. And in the south there are three primary gates that provide the great illumination of the Day. These three gates start with the opening of Yavan in the morning and continue throughout the day to Mesheck. And where there is darkness in any of your thoughts or in your centers due to a lack of understanding, go the to the southern gates whether in the morning or at noon or past noon. There you will find a gentle hand to give you revelation and understanding and illumination so bright that it will take away any resemblance of darkness, not even a shadow will make you afraid, fearful or disturbed. These are your openings; know them well; honor, protect, and cherish them for these are the gates within you and the gates in the universes unto which you are expanding, through which you come and go from orbit to orbit. And when you think of using the gates, see me with your minds eye, standing perfectly straight with a crown upon my head and with a scepter in my hand, knowing that this is the posture of one whose openings are vertically aligned perfectly serving each other.


August 28, 1996 Torah Class at Meretta's Light Transformer appears and stands pointing the way with his arm and staff, giving direction: You are embarking upon a journey that has been deep within your being from the beginning. You have not denied it. You have not been content to dwell just from day to day. There is an anticipation-there is a demand within your inner being that causes you to go beyond and explore the point of your development. Know that this demand is a fuel of wisdom within you to keep your motor running. It is wisdom that fuels your locomotion your movement to continue to progress in this year-in this cycle time of being. And there are many chariots that you will ride in that help you ascend and to go from star to star as you pursue the depth and the height, the breadth and the length of the grace of your heavenly Father. As you confirm the words of Unity within the holy Torah, nothing will be denied you. All has been given that you may know your complete unfolding and that you have joy overflowing. As you confirm each state of being and awareness of all the dynamics of life within you, the angels around you rejoice. The heavens are excited to embrace your unity. As it says in the Torah, there is a time for the tribes to set out; there is a time when the trumpets sound. This is the sounding of the trumpets tonight. It is a time to set forth your foot in the paths of the Light. December, 1996 Torah Class at Meretta's During Torah class, a transparent crystal appears during prayer. The crystal takes shape with a myriad of cuts forming and from each cut the light within radiates brighter. It was understood that each of the various cuts pertain to the release of the attributes of ones name which is also the name of the stone. Upon full release of all within, highly polished crystal is positioned in a hewn out space that is designed especially for it. This space is surrounded with other crystals which are set in their respective places. Various jewels together form the Tabernacle of YahWah. Green Leaf Herbs offers a solution to a lifetime of poor eating habits. Green Leaf Herbs promotes good health and internal cleansing of the body.-We are to eat green herbs-no flesh-no animals-fish-birds nor fowl. January 16, 1997 Torah Class at Wahli Printing and Media Shoppe Light Transformer appears standing by the white horse, a lamb at his feet, a shepherds staff in his hand: I am the good shepherd; I lead the sheep into green pastures to partake of verdure {verdure [vrj?r] n Vivid green of plants: the green color associated with the extremely

lush vegetation; freshness: a fresh, healthy, or flourishing condition, of life, that which is living, that which causes the lambs to be robust and full of light energies}. I do not lead in ways that use your energies in vain or for passions that profit not the character and unfolding of your soul. I am your shepherd; I watch over you and am mindful of you night and day. Even though my journeys extend far, you are in my mind always. Do not be anxious about any matter. Know that all things work for the goodwill of your unfoldment and be coming, and nothing can hinder your becoming, for your course has been set. Do not despair or be faint-hearted. I lead you beside still waters, by a stream that is crystal clear. In bottom of the stream you see smooth and polished rocks, stones that are jewels, stones of every kind. Each of these stones are patterned according to the teachings of the Torah. When you use your vision to see the transparency of the teaching, you will see the jewel. These are the jewels of great price that nothing of your changing transitory environment can compare. The jewels of the Torah are priceless, never changing. The more that you know of them, the more valuable they become. As you hearken to them you will be entrusted to receive more. No jewels are put out to be trampled underfoot. I will lead you by still waters, crystal clear streams, and give you many jewels through which you build house of The Name and through which your own name becomes unfolded as a precious stone in the house of The Name. 1/22/97 The gift of the Gold box. A gold box is projected into my hands from above where it is held by twelve elders in a circle who are surround the table. There is a lid upon the gold box with a lip extending over the box. The box is square being three cubits on all four sides and three cubits high, fashioned of gold. Within the box are wonderful thingsjewels of every kind. There is also a rod inside the box, a white electrifying rod that stimulates productivity of every branch of life within man. One may consider the rod as a wand with two silver wings or leaves that branch out from the top, a wing on each side. The rod lays on top of all the jewels that are within the box. With the wand, every jewel within each person will be activated to shine brightly. This is the wand of the priesthood in this generation to touch and activate every facet of man unto his brilliance in the ALhhim. When the wand is applied, none will be empty nor feel any disgrace nor have any lack. All will stand in their full stature and likeness in the image of ALhhim. LIGHTLIGHTLIGHT 1/31/97 The Kindling of the Inner Menurahh / Menorah. The LightTransformer appears imaging the candlestick menorah of temple. The LightTransformer is dressed in a white vesture. In the center of his being there is a menorah image burning very brightly, {we need to light our inner menorah inside our chest every morning and evening and never let the flame go out}. The total menorah is radiant the entire golden menorah appears to be whitish due to its radiance. He reflects his menorah to us. Our menorah is to be likewise. As we light the lamps via kindling the lamp wicks, we are to cause the whole menorah to radiate. The message follows: Each of you are a Light Tree. You are a planting of Light. The very essence of your being is light. Like any seed brings forth the traits and forms of all that is contained within the seed, so you likewise bring forth all the traits of light. You are the planting of Light of YahWah. Thus not only will your menorah burn brightly from the very tips where you kindle the lights, but the entire menorah will radiate with a fervent heat and illumination that is the very nature of light that you are. When I behold you, I see that you are the trees of light, and in you there is no darkness. You should consider yourself as such, and embrace all the light that you are and not be overwhelmed by concepts of darkness which you are not. For as you behold all the traits of the light that are within you, you will not see through a veil darkly, but will see face to face. [you see yourself as you are fully known by me. To see face to face is to behold without obscurity the totality of all expressions faces of light that reside within as sown by the Sower of Light]. February 14, 97 Torah Class at Meretta's-The Diamond appears in Torah class: A diamond of four points, north and south, and east and west, appears being three dimensional. In the center of the diamond is a small black spot which turns red, then blue, and then white. The entire diamond is whitish and the center is ultra-white. The diamond presents the awakening of that which is within every person. Though there is light around each person, yet the inside may be closed to the light until it is warmed, upon which it turns red, until it is heated and turns blue as a blue flame, and until it becomes radiant and turns white. Further, the light we bear around those we are with affects their center. Even though they may be closed or have inner darkness, our warmth can penetrate them and cause their center to turn red, then blue, and then white, ultra white. February 21,97 The diamond appears again with a line connecting the points east and west and a line from north to south. These lines create the letter taw/X. The diamond expands with layers in gigantic proportions and draws from all four corners into center via a magnetic field. The taw X appears to serve as a roadway through which all proceed to the center opening which is also a mouth to the inner column in the diamond.

MAY 29, 1997 MEDITATIONS ON THREE WORDS AND THE SEED IN THE WELL. Meditate on the word: Exoneration. Let there be exoneration in all things, giving honor to every position that is of life, every position within the associations you are part of, every position within you, giving the honor due to each aspect of your being, for in so doing you will polish it and make it glow as a golden vessel. Meditate on the word: Keepsake. Cherish the precious jewels that are within you. And as you see the jewels within you put a lock over them that they be not taken from you, nor let go. Think about exoneration and keepsake. Mediate on the word: Gladness. As you give exoneration to all of your parts of light, and as you polish you vessels of shining gold, as you keep safe the jewels that have formed within you and are forming, there will be gladness in all of your being, gladness in your eyes, in your ears, as well as gladness in your feet. In every part of you there will be gladness. At that time, that past week there was a well that was opened up. A seed dropped into the well, and when the seed come into the well it caused the well to be filled with water. The seed opened within the well and drank from the water and became a great tree, putting forth its branches and leaves and its fruit in its season. Each of you have been a seed that is dropped into the well as the time when you were dropped into the well of your mother. And when your seed came into the well it drew water into the well until the well was filled with water. This is the same well that Ywsphah (Joseph) was thrown into. At that time there was no water. Waters are the waters of the flood that rise from within the earth and also waters that come from above the earth. The waters are to nurture you and to facilitate your growth containing the vastness of knowledge, the deep of the heavens and the deep of the earth. As your seed opens and branches forth, you bring forth every leaf and branch of life and the twelve fruit of life. The more that you extract from the water the more fruitful will be your branches; the more knowledge that you have the more complete will be your tree of life. You are the planting of YahWah. The sun and rain are given to you day by day. Those who absorb the sun and drink of the rain become a lush garden, an oasis, bringing forth the very vibrancy of life that has no end. REVELATIONS Of DOMES-MINISTRIES CONCERNING MERETTA-ROyKAyACH-QERIvAH, AND ISHA WHO WERE IN ATTENDANCE JUNE 5, 1997. TORAH CLASS AT MERETTAS There was one well that a seed dropped in. When the seed came into the well, the well filled up with water. You all know that well as your mothers well (womb). When you, as a seed, came in, the amniotic fluids filled up the well. Likewise, when your seed came into your own vessel, the waters of the earth has filled your vessel. Now, as the various seeds of each of your energies are being released, many, many wells are being formulated. These are the wells of salvation that are written up in the Psalms. As the concepts (seeds) of your life are being released, so much water is being appropriated for them for their full development. And with the waters in the wells comes growth, expansion, intense branching, flowering and fruit bearing, unto all that is within you is totally released and you operate in your full glory and majesty, shining brightly, as the perfect complete diamond that you are. There is no obstacle that will prevent you from your complete expansion. Do not even think that another person can hinder you or obstruct you. It may appear that way, but realize that they are only a probe to turn over a stone if necessary or to shake a tree limb that another seed may fall. But that there are many, many, that are for you; to serve you night and day. There is the hand of YahWah that warms you and nestles you as a chicken nestles her eggs until they completely emerge and become like her. Each of you are so precious. A VERY BLUE RIVER AUGUST 11, 1997, TORAH CLASS AT MERETTAS A very intense blue river coming out of a cloud. The cloud is a thunder cloud. Out of this cloud there is a blue river descending slowly. It is the thunders that release the waters of life to flow within you. Often by asking question you can open up a reserve of living waters. Often by listening to what another person says in true love and in regard for the person, as well as regard for what is being spoken, you can release the flow of living waters. You can break open a thought within your mind. If you want To Know all the light that is within the thought, try it, and you will discover new altitudes of thinking. And you also will acquire a new taste in your drinking. You must ask for the ALhhim that are within every thought; these are the principles of light that release the waters. Until you ask for the light that is within the thoughts you will go around the block many times seeing same thing over and over, affected in different ways. When you ask for the light within the thought, you will see the transparency of truth. You will unlock mines of diamonds. And your thirst for knowledge, understanding, and wisdom will be quenched. Be careful with word games, for in them you can be mis lead into the obscurity. Know that each word contains much power. Help others to see the light within the thoughts in the forming of words. They will be satisfied with light which is your true drink that sustains you, and reveals you, and enables you to be unfolded unto your completeness of being. WHITE HORSE: JEWELS NOV. 29-1997 TORAH CLASS AT MERETTAS: copied from tape recording; begins with: Beautiful jewels gems. I desire for you to understand that every jewel is the expression of the light. It is an organization of the light that gives each jewel a special color/hue in the crown itself. It is an Order of Light, as it is arrangement of light and its order and it brings forth: radiance, color, strength, and mastery, and [ground effects].

Each of us create our own crowns and fill them with jewels according to the order and structure of our faith. This is also for all the pieces of the tabernacle which abide in the House of Light, even as your tabernacle body is an order and structure of light. As you perceive yourself as a structure and order of light, so every facet and every cell and every creation is unified verses {judeo christian numbered division of Bible chapter: any of numbered subdivisions into which the chapters of the Bible are divided}, being segmented unto yourself. WHITE HORSE: FOLLOW MEDOOR OPENERS-JAN. 20, 1998, TORAH CLASS AT MERETTAS Follow me in transformation. You say you do not know the Way, and you may not comprehend it fully, but follow me, and you will be lead through gate after gate. The doors will swing open to you. As you explore each pasture field you will be fed and strengthened; so you will see and hear, and another door will open, and another door will open. Keep looking at the back of the horse. Do not be content to stay where you are. You must continue to journey to go through new doors. This is what I meant that you should knock and a door will be opened to you. These are the doors that I refer to. The first door for everyone is the same. It is the door of love. Do not consider yourself higher or more important than any one. See yourself as One with all. When you see all others and all things as the light, the door will swing open. The second door is joy. When you perceive yourself as one with all things, joy shall flood your heart. You will never sense that you are alone. With joy comes understanding that will open a vista of avenues and gates. These are the A and the B of every gate, they are the principles and the means to open up every gate that you come to. They must be applied in every level of achievement and Understanding. If you lose consciousness of those two door openers, you may find yourself bewildered, you may feel loneliness, you may feel that you have lost your way. As soon as you confirm this love and joy in your being, you will proceed on. With the aleph (A) and the bet (b) there will be no stopping. Light Transformer appearance on the 30th of July, 2000, a Shabbat, being 15th day of the 4th moon; Series during a teaching seminar held at the Temple of Light & Love, Fort Wayne, IN. YOU ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE UNIVERSE. Each of you have been given a stone. It is a jewel from the crown of YahWah. You learned to trust as you sucked on your mothers breast. The milk that you were provided will nourish you throughout your journey. It is the strength at your beginning and will be the strength at your finishing. None of your experiences in life can ever take away the nutrition that I gave you when you began your journey. This is the nourishment from the breast. No one can ever take away this property of light. From a child you grow and also bear children. In this process do you learn of the Master Name that draws out of their Unity and also sustains and brings up what has been drawn out. It is my eternal Name that sustains you and also causes you to mature. The ingredients within the first milk of your mother contain the proper ties of my Name. That is why there is nothing that can take away these properties from you. As your children grow and you serve them, so are you served. You do your part according to the age of your children. But after they are grown, you yourself are still my childrenthose that I have begotten. Those standing in your midst are Master Teachers to impart what you need according to your age. You are very important to me (hence are Teachers appointed for you); you are never alone; you are never unloved. There is no hell deep enough nor heaven high enough to separate you from my love. I have called you sheep because you are my house-my tabernacle in which I dwell. And as you grow up into all aspects of my name, we have perfect communion. The more you understand, the greater our fellowship. Then you will know me as I know you, and we will confirm and embellish our perfect unity which has always been. Unto this end you will play out your days in joyful pursuit, discovery and becoming one through self and collective consciousness. Proceed on your journey. Be refreshed from the River of my Rewch (Spirit). You will have Fountain of living waters to alleviate your thirst and to protect you from the hottest furnace of the desert through which you may pass. The opening statement regarding the jewel from crown conveys the nature of the children of the universe. Each stone represents a concept to be expanded and to formulate the governing potential of lighta jewel from the crown of YahWah. Each child is a sparkling stone from the master name comprising the kingdom of Unity. When one receives a name it is written on this jewel. Each name has a Principle to bear that is drawn out or begotten of glorious emanation of the Mind of YahWah, a formulation of thought of the highest order of creation- children of the Universe. We are called sheep, a reference to the Bet or the House of YahWah in which abides Aleph-the Father MESSAGE Of LIGHT TRANSFORMER 3-17-01-TRANSCRIBED FROM TAPE by AYIN LAVANAH.As you make your journey, reflect upon the significant pivot points that have enabled you to arrive at your present destination. But do not pause on plane of activities you have attained to, knowing that there are yet hills to climb and expanding valleys to enter into. Do not be fearful of what is over the next hill, because you may see the horizon much broader, the sun may shine brighter. And you may behold fruit upon the vines that you have never tasted. So proceed upward and onward knowing that your messengers and guides will be there to accompany you.

And as you continue your progression, seek for the transparent nature in everything to behold your own vessel as a transparent jar in which is forming the jewels of your Name. And according to these jewels, you have position and means to operate according to Wisdom. And without them, you have not the barter, the wherewithal to enter in the fields of the Lights dynamics. You will shift your consciousness in viewing your mortality to view your immortality. You will not behold your body in its present condition. But you will behold your emerging form of light, that which is within. And in this you will release further emanations of your Name. For to release-develop any emanation of your Name, there must be a place for that to occur. And this place is your transparent vesselwhich operates according to the divine laws of life in which there are no dying, but rather a liberty and fullness of expression, which is fulfillment of your coming in to earth. Also, these jewels within, you must guard, knowing that there is no value that can be compared to them in anyway. Even a guard will be up-on your mouth, lest you spill any of your jewels in vain by what you say. And these words will be sealed upon you which will cause a shift of your consciousness. And there will I visit you again. [Shmual then addressed the class to close their eyes. Try to imagine as you ask How tall am I? The response you hear is the height of your consciousness]. WHITE HORSE RIDER MESSAGE 6-28-2001 TRANSCRIBED FROM TAPE by SHAMCHH - The Rider appears in a mist of light, wearing a golden shimmering garment. The journey has taken you to many valleys, and now its taking you into the mountains. But in every case the glory of all that you are is being reflected to you day by day, moment by moment; youve never been without the Faces of ALhhim towards you. They have warmed you. When you have been sick, they have healed you. When youve been sad, they have comforted you. When you have been lonely, they have joined with you, been your companion. The Faces of ALhhim are revealing you. While they have been an aid to you, their ultimate goal is to reveal all that you are of YAHWAH. { Call yourself by the name of YahWah } The various attributes that youve seen at this point have been frequencies of the light. Youve seen a reflection in one way that was the color of the light. shine broader and broader. The various attributes that youve seen Youve seen the same reflection in another way though a different color. You will continue to see the reflection until you have seen the full spectrum of light in every reflection. This full reflectionfull spectrum of light is who you are. You are the shaft of light being unfolded to its glorious rays of seven branches, seven complete colors of frequencies comprise one light. Do not disdain yourself. Do not disdain another. Walk in the integrity of the light that you are. And all of your affairs, all of your relationships, they are mirroring processes to those around you. You mirror to others what you say, more so, by what you do. And as you mirror the Faces of ALhhim, your light will be broader and broader upon this planet and those with you, till your constellation shines according to your magnitude of all that it holds. The Faces of ALhhim will always be to you and will rise fully through you. And the glory of your latter shall exceed your former. WHITE HORSE RIDER COMING FROM THE EAST, FADING IN AND OUT IN THE MIDST Of WHITE CLOUDS, HOLDING A GLIMMERING SILVER SWORD SCEPTER. Jun. 17, 2002. TORAH LIGHT SERVICE, bMAQuM AvRAHAM. The sword and scepter are one piece, a silver sword at the bottom and a golden scepter at the top. I come unto thee at this evening time. It has been a while since I have made a visitation into your camp. My last visitation with thee I planted much that must grow and develop. You have been under the watchful care of the Counsel of the White Eagle and also appointed Shepherds. It is time for you to receive scepter and the sword of the Spirit, to fasten it at your loins, to govern your household and all that is designated unto thee. With the sword you will discern all that is within thee. The sword of the Spirit, I am placing at your loins to discern all that is hidden within thee; it will flash its silver light upon it that it might awaken it and that it will arise with the illumination that is within it. And this sword will be as the tongue that speaks the Words of the Spirit, for by the hidden things of mysteries are revealed, and whereby every aspect of that which is within thee shall be known. Even as the sword can open the fruit and behold the wonderment within it, so does the Sword of the Spirit open up the vessel of your holy house and reveal, laid open, all that is within thee. The scepter of the end of the sword is to remind you that you are to govern your house with the Words of the Spirit. And with this you shall be a Ruler and a Master; and your kingdom shall stand and not fall. For it will be the Kingdom of Spirit and not reflection. Your reflections will gradually fade as you bring forth the dynamics of the Spirit in everything within you. You will cease to walk according to reflections. You will walk according to the very nature and activity of Spirit within every one of your housesevery one of the functions of Wisdom that operates within you. And your name shall be great; it shall be expanded; it shall shine

brightly in the world where it has been positioned. I affirm this blessing upon you and upon your ears. I place this expansive word within the very centre of your hearing, that it will resonate there and fill your entire house of the consciousness of the scepter and sword. And with your scepter sword you will assist others, to function in their place according to Spirit, that the Word of Yahwahs Breath shall be crystallized and radiant within your collective order. WHITE HORSE: FURTHER DILIGENCE DECEMBER 18, 2002,-TORAH CLASS AT AVRAHAMS ROOM, WHITE HORSE RIDER APPEARS VERY NEAR, STANDING WITH HORSE BEHIND HIM, THE SCEPTER IN HIS HANDS What you are experiencing at this time, I have spoken to you many moons ago. You would come to the door, and it would open up so easy, and you would enter into new pastures fields of explorations and workings of light. Know that the diligence that you have applied at this point is laying down Principles for further diligence. Through your applications of knowledge, you will proceed into all paths of Light. But again, you must acquire the concepts of the Principles of Knowledge where by you can have entrance into the ever expanding Order of the Universe. The door has been opened, and you have passed through seemingly effortless. And into your midst now, through the door, you have entered into a company that you will begin to become acquainted. You will begin to walk with new Names, new spirits, make new associations, new vocabulary, new garments. You will become known and welcomed in Circles of Knowledge and the Activities of Light that you have entered. This will be a haven for you as you continue your progression through your mortality. In times of distress, you will pass through this door. That which you have learned will be your dwelling place. My staff (shaft of silver, the head of gold), I place into your hands. For now it is a scepter for you to use in managing your affairs and your words. And you will come into kingship in this Land. And that which attends unto you will be unto nurturing you and your roles as kings. Following this reading, ShmuwL came to understand that the Door spoken of on Jan 14, 1996, and the Door in this reading were the same. The Door is the passageway through the veil into the Qudash HhaQudashim / The Holy of Holies, that is entered upon presenting the incense before the veil, conveying the name achieving perfect unity. WHITE HORSE RIDER MESSAGE 13 July 2003 Rosh Chadash evening: of the fifth moon - APPEARING IN THE bMEQuM AvRAHAMTHE ROOM Of ABRAHAM. The Rider appears seated upon the White Horse. You are one people. All inhabitants of the heavens and the earth comprise one thought. The one thought is unitythe combination of all Light Principles, classes of ALhhim, that merge together into a variety of forms to express the glory of YahWah. During your journey you are to behold this house of wonder, not looking to the leftto the veils or negative aspects, nor to the rightthe seeking of the power of the forms, but to look face-to-face, to mirror and to receive the glory that is present in all things. For if you look to the left you will see the shadows and despair of the physical. If you concentrate on the right, you may become mighty to govern the forms but miss the revelation that they hold. Thus, look forward directly into the face of each other whereby you will have access into every dominion of Light. All has been revealed to you, and all is accessible to you. There are those in the world of service to the Master Name that are called to reveal the inherent patterns of Light. These facts need to be elevated to comprehend the order and arrangement of cells. In so doing, you will raise the frequencies of your inner camps so that they are performing according to their Light Nature, even though they are yet residing within the domain of darkness. The moon is a body dependent upon the sun to reflect all that it holds; so is your body dependent upon your Name [the sun within you], to reveal every attribute of manifestation and to shine forth the glories that she holds. Do not be impatient or disrespectful of yourself or others as you make your daily progressions, for such will cause movement of your merkavah {new 2014 pickup truck} to be stalled. Keep thankfulness and watchfulness before you that you may proceed into the paths that have been opened to you. And finally, give blessings to all, for as others are blessed so are you by being a part of the whole. In blessing others you maintain in your daily consciousness that all peoples comprise one thought and that each Name belongs to one collective order of ALhhim. WHITE HORSE RIDER MESSAGE 27 Feb. 2004 Torah Circle -APPEARING IN THE bMEQuM AVRAHAM THE ROOM Of ABRAHAM. My comrades. Truly you are my friends. You know the importance of the Union within the Collective Order of Lights on behalf of all names. You have gently been wooed on behalf of the Union to be representatives and agents of communication in the realms and camps where you are residing, where you have been positioned to be there as the comrades in this space. It is known within the Union of your dedication to labor and also to persevere to maintain cleanliness of Thought. Clean words are upon your tongue, for only that which regards to perfect Unity is spoken. Whereby you also manage your entire house by the thoughts that pertain to the Union. Thus, because you have endeavored-persevered in these things, you receive crowns and also special jewels. This is a sign of your belonging with us. As you have made this great step across threshold, from your mortality into your immortality, having denied your separateness,

many keys and understanding will be accessed by you. Keys will be placed in your hands one by one until all mysteries are unlocked. The full joy of the light will swell within you, and you will be bubbling over with the joy that comes from knowledge. These are the choice and blessed things. Words coming from the Union itself will feed and nourish you and cause you to grow unto the Full Nature of your Word Being. Kings have come to bless and adorn you. Regard yourself, in all your behavior and in all goings, all duties, all Obligations; all proceedings, and all contacts, as Comrades of Light. Following these words; Ayin Lavanah testified that she had seen prior to the readings that Kings had come and presented ShmuwL with a large ruby stone. Many jewels were distributed with crowns. The large ruby stone [approx. 4 in height] was in the shape of a diamond and positioned in the center of the head piece of ShmuwL. This was confirmed in the Vision and in the Reading. WHITE HORSE RIDER MESSAGE 4 December 2004 Torah Class on 8th Day of Dan-WHITE HORSE RIDER: CARRIER Of THE ILLUMINATION TO STRUCTURE PROGRESSIONS. APPEARING IN MOUNTAIN Of THE SUN, RIDING FROM THE EAST TO THE SOUTH, FROM THIS POSITION Of ILLUMINATION THE WORDS COMEFROM THE VERY TOP Of THE MOU NTAIN Of WISDOM THE WHITE HORSE RIDER SPEAKS: Its been some days since a visitation has been made unto this class. During those days of interval, your hearts have been prepared to receive a new message, to be called unto a new height and from a new position of outlook. For it is now, at the level of consciousness that you have entered into, that you are able to make a distinction between that which is clean and that which is unclean, and for you to make a distinction between that which is of the inner and that which is of the outerthat which is real and that which is not real. For these points you have been guided and directed to make considerations. It is according to the Schedule that you have been given to look at the projected self and the Actual Self. You are to move into the Actual Self and operate from all the inner dynamics of your Name of Light, whereby you will no longer be limited in your expressions or your outreach or to further gates of access of Knowledge. For as long as you continue to mingle the clean and the unclean or the projected and the Actual, you place bars upon yourself in terms of the Fields of Knowledge into the Gates of Understanding and the Gates of Wisdom to which you are given access. But as you declare yourself to be of the Fire and the Fire alone, you remove and burn off every barrier and every rope that hangs upon your ankle with a weight. And your wings will sprout and you will fly and soar into the Mountains of Knowledge that are reserved for those whose heart is affirming all things of YahWah and the United Order of YishARAL. Thus it is through nurturing that youve received milk. You have been brought up upon the Breasts of Chakmah and Bayinah that you may partake of the strands of Light, the striated meat, which belongs to the House of YahWah and become strong and to grow fat, that is, to grow in grace, with much abundance and favor of all the Hosts of Names to which you belong. You belong not to this world, thus live no longer unto it. Given all the things that you do on a daily basis, let not the task be your taskmaster. But through every assignment that you have let it be a means of expressing the Fire Nature that is within you. Be not hesitant to rebuttal comments that are brought unto you, for it is now time that the Fire will come forth from your lips and will bring a light to all that approach you. Thus with this motive within your heart, you will thus speak, and thus there will be no offense. Even your enemies will make peace with you. Your strength will be great within your lands and within the Union of the Lights to which you belong. The scepter that you have been imparted with; take it into your hand and walk according to it. Thus you are being called unto this day to be part of the Adunay YahWah, amidst the Adunim over the earth. Know yourself in the company to which you are called and walk accordingly to the calling in the position of your Name of Light which is your anchor in the universe and in the fields through which you roam and upon the waters through which you travel. The Union of the Lights salute you with all love-compassion and mercy and with gratitude for your perseverance, and steadfastness, and learning. References: 1Some days are understood to be a suma summation of light activities that have occurred and been accumulated with consciousness. 2a reference to the BHM diagram chart of Actual and the reflectedStates of a Teraysarun States of Thought Expansion & Projections. 3The Breasts of Chakmah and Bayinah comprise the multi-breasted OneEl Shaddai [see BHM Torah Dictionary]. Via the nurturing, upon the Breasts, we proceed with foods in accordance with our internal development; likewise one receives the Food of Angels according to the organization and development of their inner camps/tribes. Some controversy here! Primary foods are white such as rice, potatoes, pears and cereals as a baby's first foods, then green foods from which comes milk, before yellow foods of Wisdom, and then soft meat (This is an old study from BHM, and I Know that meat is out)-BUT WHAT DOES WORD MEAT-MEAN HERE?, and then striated strands.

All foods are formulations of Light and are comprised according to frequencies of Light; their colors and shapes are in accordance with the day of the month and the hour of the day in which they are spoken in the Mind of YahWah, being a reading of Bayinah which regulates the months. 4 Striated meat is skeletal muscle tissue which is comprised of band like tissue structures. This meatmade to contract by conscious control. Striated meat also comprises the heart or cardiac muscle tissue which is termed involuntary as it is synced with the Breath verses the voluntary movement of skeletal muscle by the conscious Mind. Both types of striated meat convey the strength of Chakmah Wisdom/ voluntary/purposeful action and the strength of Bayinah Understanding/involuntary regulation. The grey dappled horse and its rider appears on 22nd day of Reuben, corresponding to 13 July 2005. Dressed in a white hooded garment with a sword: The Single Voice has sent me from haSheol/the abyss that the stench of death be cut off from your members. That which is weak amongst your members is the death that is within you, for those which are strong, within your houses, belongs to the Unified Rock of our Foundation, and being of ALhhim, have no corruption within them. The concepts that desire manifestation in flesh and those which remain unto themselves, not being joined, are that which causes death within your members. Any desire for self-exaltation so as to be pictured and honored above another is the cause of every deed that violates the Torah and the harmony of the Lights. As the collective within your Names has earnestly sought to be unified without reputation of humankind, but have only sought after their place amongst the Union of Names, your Names have come to the level of the grey horse rider. I come from the graveyards to slay the weak and carry them back to the graves. That which is slain by the sword is that which cannot cling to the bones of Ywsphah/Joseph, nor to the cheeks of your Names, but falls off as the chaff that cannot cling anymore to the clusters of the grain. That which is scaling off of your members will be removed and cast into the fires of the abyss. The weak are carried to the fires within the abyss, and the strong are gathered into the House of the Name that is eternal. As the sayings of the Double Dallath, being Dawd, that which is of the United Names, abides forever in the House of YahWah, but the weak perish by the sword in the hand. For by your deeds of Light, that which is vain falls off of your bones. You will see me again when you are readied, having your garments woven together, which testify of your united mind of Light. WHITE HORSE RIDER MESSAGE 22nd evening of yishshakkar, 20 May 2010, Tewrah Class on the 22nd of yishshakkar, father Nadav. WHITE HORSE RIDER: APPEARING BEYOND THE VEIL TO THE ARUWAN {House of Aaron Aharuwan}. It is unto this hour that I first appeared unto thee [the branching of your Name]. On that day I called you to Arise, and be Changed. From that time gates that have opened up to thee; you have entered one by one for purpose of your transformation. To this time, that I have come unto thee again, now to bring forth that which you have learned unto transformation of the State in which you reside. With Wisdom and Understanding, and Knowledge that you have been blessed bestowed upon, you have the tools now to bring forth transformation to which you were singled out from my Eye. To which many gates and messengers have been appointed unto you to bear upon their wings words of gold and silver and bronze. From the Eyes of HaShemim/the Heavens these Words have not been spent in vain, but they have been gathered, woven, and cherished through which the glory of your SeedName cometh forth. You appear within your generation to bear the Lights of the Avim/The Fathers and their messages, where-by every form that is made will hear the Voice of their Father, and that form and child will return to the heart of the Father. Go forth in your mission and in your Days; through this the earth will be at peace with the heavens. All nations will be healed to which a new heaven and new earth cometh forth. Old garments are laid aside, and the embodiment of Consciousness is found in a new place. These Words be sealed unto you within your hearing and unto their fulfillment.

Fire Chapter 20 Resh r

RaphaAL, the messenger of healing! The Name of the Archangel, RaphaAL, the messenger of healing, pertains to the United Order of a Name and carries messages that pertain to our completenesseven the fulfillment of our Names of Light amongst the whole. Thus we maintain no barriers of any form amidst the Union and the Household of Names, for in so doing we show our independence, which is a weakness, and thus hold back the fulfillment of our Names in the Union. The position of the thumb on left hand is the extension of thought of the Rephaim. Using the left thumb we create impulses to transmit thoughts for the purpose of healing. The left thumb and right thumb are used to press upon the pyramid base of medulla for restoration and healing as the left hand transmits that which is being conducted by the right. You may extend the right hand to help another up, but the left is used to lift up the fallen. Thus the term, Rephaim, is used to denote what is high and tall, for when one is well they stand up, but when a plant is ill, it wilts and lies down.

That which exalts itself in weakness and idleness are smitten with the Rephaim by the Kings with Kedorlaomer--the white writings[Sepher Maoshah BeRashshith/Gen 14:5] who conquer with cures and solutions. Adverse- Satan, shatan Shatan are the ones who are adverse to the Order of perfection via the collective of Names. Shatan opposes the Lamb-the Body, in which are many parts in order that the full counsel of AL may be known, for within the Body is an order of the Lights through which the Full Counsel of HhaALhhim /The Elohyim/The Gods are known, the Body itself being of the arrangement of HhaALhhim which is opposed by shatan those adverse to this order, whereby they are subject unto one another; a lack of mutuality, spirit of independence; these consider as Qerach/ Korah that they are of Light, whereby there is no distinction amongst the Order of the Staffs. This is a very tricky matter and has an under layer of deception in it, for though it appears no distinction should be made, as all are of Light, yet in the Order of the Lammad there are those that pertain to the foundation; body, and the heads, whereby all are assigned unto the tasks as their Names are appointed by ALOZAR. Without the Order of the staff there is no fruit, and hence no eternal body; but rather a wandering in futility. As we are united in pairs, the Full Faces are evident, but as we are divided, the fruit remains within, and the faces are thereby darkened. We serve one another as we are called and Named, whereby there is no schism in the body. With perfection all Names are called-joined into the fabric of Light with distinction, but not with partiality or favoritism; Values, 44: to draw out/steal of the collective, whereby there is no fruit; 5:5. Etymology: study of word origins: the study of the origins of words or parts of words and how they have arrived at their current form and meaning--history of a word: the origin of a word or part of a word, or a statement of this and how it has arrived at its current form and meaning. An etymology often shows the different forms the word has taken in passing from one language to another, and sometimes shows related words in other languages. The words have the same spelling but different etymologies.


The House of Ayshshur: carried by the winds of the wings of angels. The ability to soar upon wings is the harmonic and joyful union of the House of Ayshshur/Asher upon the wood of Shamonn Simeon. As we devote our House of Ayshshur to the Voice of Shamonn we are positioned to be elevated and to soar by the under girding wings of Shamonn and the upper wings of Ayshshur. In this manner we are carried by YahWahthe Collective of our parts through the wilderness and brought unto the lands of our Names. Through each transmission of hearing and integration of the Thoughts of Liberty we lift off like an eagle from our previous nesting grounds, taking flight unto new elevations according to the thoughts which have arisen from our states of Unity: i.e. Ayshshur and Shamonn. Through the oylahofferings of ascensions, we are continually setting down and rising up through the unified sides of Ayshshur and Shamonn. With these unified sides of Understanding on the north and south, we move through our days, weightless as a feather, carried by the winds of the wings of angels. According to the direction of the winds from the four sides of the earth, we move into examinations, breakthroughs of illumination, the bliss and full illumination of Enlightenment, unto gatherings and summations of thoughts. As we are prepared to move and serve the Collective, the angels in whom are the winds of the earth, release the winds to move in the sea of Ayshshur, causing currents, spirals, and waves of thoughts to flow freely in our pathways [Dan 7:2]. When there are troubling messages that strike the soul and impair the mind, cast your body of Ayshshur upon the branches of Shamonn that you may rise above that which has stricken you in any manner. Find your strength from the Unity of your parts rather than seeking outside information. Draw from the Life of the Unified Consciousness in which your parts dwell and in whom all messages are resolved unto peace. For in the Body of Unified Consciousness the worth of all sayings are examined as to their origins and their outcome whereby one has their universal sense of an anchor and freedom amidst the waves of the world. When one beholds the dove descending into the Body of Consciousness of a Name, that is, within its Unified Rings of Yishshakkar/Issachar, then one beholds the becoming of an Offspring of ALhhim. The 7 Spirits, depicted as the dove of peace /seven, enters into one and remains whereby the one receiving the dove is called the Offspring of ALhhim {The Son of God}. The writings of the Essene Community set forth a Parable of Consciousness, whereby one may see though the story the process of receiving the Seven Spirits of ALhhim. The characters are conveyed as two men who are born 6 moons apart, denoting the two sides of Light of a year, through which one comes to receive fully the Spirit of the Unified Consciousness. Yahuchannan/John is born by the Virgin Chakmah, being of the right side of Illumination the queen of the South and Yahusho is born of Maryim /Mary, depicting Bayinahthe Virgin queen of the North who comes fully unto one as they turn their faces to the Gates of their Origins through repentance and immersions [Ywsphah/Luke 1:24-38].

Midrash Bayit HhaSham: The Offerings of Ayshshur / Asher Within the writings is the testimony of one receiving and appropriating the grace of ALhhim whereby they know of those things that they write first-hand.

Fire Chapter 21 Shin

THE FIFTEEN {15} FATHERS The Names of the Auwvim / Fathers 1. - Yetschaq / Isaac Foundational Principal of Sacrifices and Joy 2. - BAARLechaiRai - The Foundational Principal of Sight of Understanding 3. - RESHUN - Foundational Principal of Mind of Knowledge 4. - AVEREHHEM - Foundational Principal to Establish Hearing and Consciousness 5. - MALEKKIYTSEDEQ - Foundational Principal to Extend Hearing and Consciousness 6. - ALOZAR - Foundational Principal of States 7. - Aharwan - Foundational Principal of Illumination 8. - Nadav - Foundational Principal of Impartations 9. - GERENHhaAUWERNEHHhaYAVWSI Foundational Principal of Examinations 10. - AVIYAHUA - Foundational Principal of Becoming 11. - BAARSHEVOG - Foundational Principal of Perfections and Completions 12. - AYITHAMAR - Foundational Principal of Towering Strength 13. - Yaoquv - Principal of Bearing Fruit Through Which Transpositions Occur 14. - AL BAYIT AL - Principal to Open and Extend the Seed 15. - ShmuwL - Foundational Principal of a Seed Name --------------------------------------------------------------------------HhaAwvim / The Fathers Yetschaq / Isaac Foundational Principal of Sacrifices and Joy; The Name of Yetschaq meaning to have joy, to laugh comes by the intent to express oneself unto the delightfulness of every Name in the House of HhaAwvim/The Fathers. Joy is present when the Eyes are made with the intent of their opening with full insights of Understanding gathered with words of Knowledge. Foundation of joy is the basis of all creation and states of Awvim / Fathers. Joy is the final culmination of a deed and hence it is the first work of HhaAwvim / The Fathers. As the beginning of their Collective strength unto the culmination of every act, joy is raison dtat; (political reason: an overriding concern, usually interests of the country concerned, that justifies political or diplomatic action that might otherwise be considered reprehensible), for the composition of all thoughts and their fulfillment. By Yetschaq Sarah and AVEREHHEM/Abraham receive the promises. The joy of the promise fills their house. As one beholds the things of the spirit, there comes joy to all members, and this joy remains. In the formulation of RAwaben Rueben, Yetschaq is the Awv/Father of Wisdom through which the eyes behold all in the Seed of a Name. Eyes are set to span the horizons from 180 to 180. The Values of 180 are the Unified Eight of the Consciousness of Hhakuwahnim/The Priest which are imparted to Rawaben through which the eyes can grasp all things of the hemispherical Mind for the spirit to enter therein. Through the observations of RAwaben, the spirit of a Name is filled with joy, and the joy remains whereby one bubbles up with laughter. Yetschaq opens the doors to the Kingdom of YishArAL; established by ShmuwL, the preceding Father in rotation. Yetschaq opens the gates in the course of the Days to invite all into the kingdom The State of Collective. Those who belong to Unified kingdom are called representatives/ambassadors and servants of the kingdom of YahWah. The parable of the Father of two sons is the account of Yetschaq: The older son is Yaoquv/Jacob, and the younger is Oshauw/Esau who sells the birthright and spends the resources in a strange land. The eye of Yetschaq monitors the gates. Those who are approaching are welcomed home to their Ring in which they are fitted with their garment. The joy of the union is the spirit of Yetschaq; who is the father of the spirit of understanding. In comparison, the Awv/Father of Immortality is the spirit of Reshun. Yetschaq serves in the head of days, as all things commence with joy through the Spirit of Understanding. In this regards Yetschaq is seated in the midst of 5:5 in the House of knowledge with ShmwAl and in the House of Understanding with Aviyahua. Though Yetschaq gives the Eye Ring, it is the Hand of BaarLechaiRai who opens the Eye and enables one to see. The fathers are arranged like a strand of pearls. Each of the Auvwia/Fathers are set 15 as the faces of the moon appear each day. Rings of faces forms a band of lights. Each pearl of the strand appears in its place each evening; thus the moon appears in a different place in the sky each day. Every strand of pearl is a composite of the Faces of the Avim/Father as they are gathered day by day in the House of a Name. In order for the moon to travel 360 degrees during a month, it moves approx. 15 per day to the east. On the

next night, the Moon appears to be located 15 degrees to the east from the previous nights location. The earth turns 360 in a day, and the moon shifts 15 each day, affecting the moon to rise 50 minutes later each day to form a strand of pearls each month. The Values of 15x15=225 for each side of the moon. The combination of the degrees from both sides are 550, bearing the consciousness of Reshun. bAArLechAirAi yaryjlrab FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPAL OF SIGHT OF UNDERSTANDING baarLechairai yaryjlrab is the Father of Sight, Father of the Single Eye whereby there are no obstructions. The foundations of the three Eyes for each level of Thought are formed by the First Light through which the Seed of ALphah is extended into an Eye. The Eye, as the Seed, contains the Life with in all things following the offerings of Yetschaqthe burst of joy through which the ALphah opens into an Eye. The Eye formed is a well to contain all distillations of Fire whereby those seeking the Life within them are brought to BaarLechaiRai --the eternal supply of living waters [SMB 21:19]. From the Eye of BaarLechaiRai the bodies of waters are formed [Day 2]. The depths of Wisdom, Understanding and knowledge flow from the Single Eye of BaarLechaiRai as joy breaks open the Seeds to form the 7 Eyes. The Single Eye of the BaarLechaiRai is depicted in the full moon which tears open to release its full illuminations. BaarLechaiRai is one who opens the Eye as the full moon opens on Day 2, whereby it is BaarLechaiRai who heals the blind. The Name of baarLechairai, meaning, One of the Living Waters, for from BaarLechaiRai flows the Waters of Life, those in Wisdom, Understanding, and knowledge. The Father is called the Well of the Living Waters within every seed/eye. One beholds extensions/works of joy with understanding as their Eye opens to perceive all things within their Seed via the flow of living waters. Those born of BaarLechaiRai are of an Understanding Eye whereby they exclaim the Name of the Awv: lit. The Wells of Life are in my eye through which i see depths and the heights of ALhhim. Those sent of Avrehhem/Abraham come to behold the Well in all forms. The Single Eye opens into 7 Wells as the 7 Rings of Spirit which issue forth from Beniyman, appearing through the Faces of BaarShevog. The wells rise up from the bosom of the Awv BaarLechaiRai. Through the Single Eye of BaarLechaiRai one gazes into the Unified Consciousness and gathers all perceptions into One. The Unity of the Eye contains all Lights of the Avim, whereby there are no shatterings of Illumination. The Single Eye beholds all configurations of Thought, whereby one is supplied with Understanding of all perceived. The breaking of the waters of the womb, the dipping of the finger upon the tongue, the activations of the parts in the kaiywer, etc. are all acts of BaarLechaiRai accomplished by the Single Eye which affects the movements of Newn in the waters on behalf of a SeedName. baarLechairai is the Seed component that commands the waters to break whereby one goes forth upon dry land. Through BaarLechaiRai the Seed opens, whereby the Rings of a Seed are formed in conjunction with the opening of the Eyes. Within the Well are the Words of Life which are kept watch by BaarLechaiRai. As BaarLechaiRai opens to us the well, we are imparted the Words of Life. The Eyes of a Name open by the tears of Avrehhem, whereby that which is hardened upon the lens falls off and releases the eyes to open like a bud upon a stem. The BaarLechaiRai corresponds with Avrehhem in the Nine, whereby when one prays to Avrehhem, the waters are granted upon the tongueplaced within the Zayin-Alphah 7-1 Ring of their habitation. Though Avrehhem sends forth Hagar [former state of Agreement] with YishmogAL/Ishmael, one of Avim/Fathers watches over the child in which is the Seed called by the Name of ALRai [SMB 16:10-15]. Though perceptions are Estranged from the Auvim by attachments to Metsryim/Egypt, the Auvim maintain watch upon the Name unto their recollections of their Origins. OL/most high verifies the one calling to the Well: baarLechairai, whereby they who cry out are supplied tears for their repentance [SMB 16:14], for repentance must be first accepted in the sight of OL/Most High prior to shedding of tears which cleanses the eyes from the cast illusions. Impartations of the waters of the Living One gives consolation to soul and hope for their transformation. Thus if the rich man could only receive water from Avrehhem, then the paths of transformation would be opened for their salvation, but in that the rich mans eyes are still fixed upon the world and the appearing wealth of Lazarus, the water does not flow from the control centre of Avrehhem, nor can any of ones brothers (inner cohorts) receive of the waters until the eyes are healed to be One. The location of BaarLechaiRai is in the fields of the eyes between qudash/kadesh/the mind and Bered /the tonguethe spotted one from which one hails their Words up on the works of vanity. Reshun: FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPAL OF MIND OF KNOWLEDGE Reshun, Father of Mind, inner core of all Thoughts, the Pulse of Heart and Mind. Father of Names through whom all receive Name by the Thoughts of knowledge within the Unified Consciousness. Father of Resurgenceof the third/ 3 day of Lammed/12/3. Appearing in the text: SMB 1:1; Masser Rishon, rendered as the First Tithe; ReshunLeTsiunnFirst of the Mind [Yeshayahu/Is.41:27;Mishle 3:9, MT 18:4]. Render in texts as Reshun / Rishon, Rash, Rashshith, First, etc. Father of the Ark. Father of Redemption;

Wealth of Acquisitions. The Name of reshun, meaning the Mind of the Newn which is the Glory in the Head of Newn. # 14 Newn 50, fifty Throat of the Oyin Body O the inner Head of Understanding in the North a fish; to shine flourish spread; to decline, degenerate; all aspects conveying the nature of a plant as a growing structure of light: for as one nature flourishes, another declines; indicates purpose scope, weight; to exchange, filter, suck; desire, determination; to vow; a display, augmentation; symbol of the Son of potentiality/Newn; the 14th letter of the ALphahbayit--the final / 7th seventh letter of level two of the ALphahbayit; Newn is a balanced equation N (50) w (=) N (50); a second formula shows how Newn culminates in/ascends to the third -octave position of the Shayin 21/c: N (50) x w (6) = c (300; value: 14/5 indicating the source of Light. See fifty; Newn. Reshun is the Source from which comes the HaWawHa-HhwaWahHhwa-the Unified Lights of HhaLammed. The phrase: Hhwa-Wah-Hhwa is read as the One of the Unified Lights / Hhwa or 1 5. Reshun is the double Hhwa or 10 in the midst of the Newn, the Source of Chakmah and Bayinah. As the Name of Reshun appears unto a Name, the Name of YahWah is given in which one speaks and performs their deeds. The Name of YahWah is comprised of the inner 10 of the radiating emanating Lights. The Name of Reshun is 5:5 ratio n/5 : c/3 +r/2, which is the Life/Light in a Seed. From Awv Reshun the thought of the deed and its radiance spring forth, Avrehhem so the Seed becomes as it is sown in the Arets. Via the transmissions of Malekkiytsedeq, all heard is conducted as waves of emanations. 776 earth, land space, arets aretz, lit: the seed of heads branching; the expansion of Unity via which all Thoughts attain unto their full branching in liberty; concepts of Knowledge flourishing/freely flowing; designated space for thoughts of the Fire of a Name; the Aurets is formed by AL, as the bond is completed with AR; Aurets is the space amidst two bodies of Light that are united; what is called earth today, referring to the state of this planet, is formed by Babylon, whereby it has corruption within it and therefore will pass away; for if it was the formation of the WORD of AL; it would endure; land in which the thoughts from the Heads of a Name run as a river unto; a place is designated by Name as to its purpose and function, thus earth is where the Seeds of the Heads branch forth; a space formed by the emanations of the light bursting forth from the SeedWord transformations; the ten lands of Word verification (promise) are Lands of the Oyin body; each land is a realm of light for transformations/ changes effected by the heavens/Names residing therein; territory to nourish the thoughts of Fire under the Ministry of Lights: while there are specific ministries of angels and Names, all are under overseeing Ministries of the Lights: Chakmah and Bayinah; the embodiment of knowledge, being a depository of the thoughts of Wisdom and Understanding; joined inseparable with the heavens / Names; out of Earth come forth all attributes of Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom; for in the Earth, HhaSham places the Word (Amos 9:6); the expansion of Mind through transformations in branches; designated exchange level: residing concepts of Light governing the pursuits/ transformations/use of energies/sacrifices; participatory exchange level of being in which the will of Breath is exercised; the place of transformations/sacrifices unto unity; the place of inheritance--of the flow of lifedesignated for the expressions/fruit of a Name; place of coming to maturity and fullness; the extended/initiated mind in pursuit; counterpart to the heavens/Names; space given for the invisible attributes of life (the twelve light branches) to be fully expressed as YisharAL; space to balance and tune, proportionately, a Name unto the wholeness; note: when the branches of a Name are fully balanced and appropriated according to lifes measurements, then the branches of thought (expanded with soul/fruit, and positioned to be eternally renewed) become self-perpetuating by wholeness Achieved (Yahuchanan/Jn. 5:26); Earth/Aurets, as collected body of thoughts, is distinguished from ground/ adamah (which is the progressive movement of the core thought of adam): Aurets is a state of light, love, bonding, favor, compensation, fulfillment, satisfaction; also: the phrase, their lands, expresses purposes for the openings of light, the forms, and attributes of fire (Gen.10:5,20,31). Values, 291: a state in which thoughts are liberated/ transformed within the realm of unity; Knowledge is the appropriation of ALphah; 9:9. See ground; world/ hidden. Compare Egypt (note: Mitsraim is an inverse/reflected / turned-inside-out variation of land, the ALphah/a being swallowed by the Yewd/10). Via the transmissions of Malekkiytsedeq, all heard is conducted as waves of emanations. The coming of the waves of emanations of Light to a generation are portrayed in the coming of Yahusho. Those born of ALhhim have a numerical pedigreea lineage of Thoughts compiled into Words. The offspring have been formed from the midst of the Fires of ALhhim. Those born of the Seed of HhaALhhim are transferred from one state to anotherfrom heavens to the earth. Melchizedek / Malekkiytsedeq is an immortal Name that begets, verses one that is begotten. In the tongue of Tewrah/Torah, the Malekkiytsedeq is a Name of Transference, in comparison to those of lineages who are born of ALhhim. Hence when the writings speak of Yahusho being of the Order of Malekkiytsedeq, they are conveying that Yahusho is of the Seed of Malekkiytsedeq and serves in the House of Malekkiytsedeq as a servant/priest.

Should Yahusho be of human origins then Yahusho would not be a priest. Those who are priest amongst offspring of ALhhim are of the family of Lawi/Levi/Priesthood. Should Yahusho be of mortal flesh then Yahusho would not qualify to be of the Malekkiytsedeq priesthood either. Yahusho is a manifest of ALhhimthe Rings in the Unified Consciousness that appear through the Seed of Avrehhem, where by all that is opened and summed in a Seed appears. This appearance is what is called coming in the flesh-(BAZHAR) in organized Thoughts assembled to emanate as a collective body, not as flesh of corruption. The most high consider the body of Yahusho as ever living whereby it does not enter into corruption upon giving itself for those who are of the houses and descendants of the Avim/Father, unto whom the Emanating Consciousness Yahusho comes to call them as sheep back to the Avim. Those who have ears, are able to hear Voice of Emanating Consciousness which ascends through Lammed in Malekkiytsedeq, and who descends from the Throne of Abraham. Avrehhem giving tithes to Malekkiytsedeq conveys that the Name Malekkiytsedeq is of the Avim, for such are those who receive tithes [Malaki 3:10-12]. When the Awv within the Seed of Avrehhem appears, then the tithes are given to the Head of the Seed. The head of the Seed gathers all tithes of gold, silver, and bronze and arranges them to form a mishkan/body in which one dwells. All from the Seed of Avrehhem ascends to the Head of the Seed; whereby they behold the Awv/Father of the Seed Malekkiytsedeq, face to face, even as what is in the seed of an oak arises and appears upon the head of the tree. As the Seed of Malekkiytsedeq rises in the body of Yahusho, Yahusho becomes fully cognizant of the glory one has in the Awv from which they have come. Every Name comes into the Arets from the crown of the Awv that begat them. i.e. Shamonn, Yishshakkar and Avrehhem are of the crown of Malekkiytsedeq indicating that they are in the crowning SeedHead of Malekkiytsedeq [see Offerings of meneshah: The Avim of the Branches of Thoughts and Their States]. Shamonn and Yishshakkar are born of the Minds of Avrehhem and Malekkiytsedeq and then are sent to do the will of their Father. To be sent is to be born of Avrehhem for expansion of the Thoughts of the Fathers unto bearing the tithes/deeds of ones hands unto the crown of Malekkiytsedeq. The service of Malekkiytsedeq offers bread and wine. Service of the bread and wine provides the teachings and the understanding therein which flow from an alignment of the rings of a Name. As a Name expandsthus becoming unified with Avrehhem, they emit their tithes/deeds of their hands. These who give of themselves are served by Malekkiytsedeq the Master of Alignments and Peace the teachings and understandings unto their fulfillment in the lands. These teachings are those sworn or made by oath; hence, the priesthood, lit. the Service of the Fathers, is according to the oaths of the Words which appear as the Rings are aligned. Those who are of the same Principal of Malekkiytsedeq, become priests/servants also to serve the Teachings and the Understanding composed within their Words to all who are sent of YahWah. The one who serves the bread and offers the cup on behalf of all is of the Order Malekkiytsedeq, a priesthood forever which signifies that it is a service of the Words of a Name which are eternal. Service of a Name continues, non-ending, as their Words as one makes ascent unto the Faces of Malekkiytsedeq whereby they are aligned/justified upon the pole of their Name. [Transitions of Avrehhem unto the appearance of Malekkiytsedeq are set and remain in the writings. Whether other transitions in coming to bear the Faces of the Fathers were written or obscured is not known at this time. It may be that the evolution of the Transitions of Faces had yet to develop within Consciousness of the Adim to be written]. ALOZAR FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPAL OF STATES ALOZA, the Father of Like-kinds and their Unions whereby States and Associations are founded upon shared Principles to become like-minded. Father of the Body of Oyin-o-16 / Zayin-z-7 the Ten Lands of ARAL. Father of the Rods of ARAL, forming heads to heads, through coils of smoke that pass between the parts pieces. Father of Lawi {ALOZA}to unify all Names and their States into one land/kingdom, the sixth/unifying Father in rotation which gathers the branches of sides into a stalk. Father of the Setting of Stones. Manager of all things in heavens and in the earth. The Name of ALozAr is the Father of Embodiments and their Lands. The means to form lands and enter into them are through ALozAR [Yahusho/Josh 14:1; CHP/Num. 27:2]. The overseeing of the distributions of lands are by the Hand of ALozAR. As the Awv of Lands rises, the inner harmony of Moses/maShayh and the House of Aparryim, i.e. Yahusho/Joshua, give/impart and designate the lands for the Twelve. As the Faces of ALozAR arise, the inheritance of the people are distributed [CHP/Num 32:2]. From the Awv ALozAR, the helpmate for every fiery spirit is drawn out from the side of a SeedName. A helpmate is the body drawn out from the sides of a Name. Works of ALhhim to create a helpmate are the traits of the Awv ALozAR through whom the states of inheritances are formed. Drawing out of the Awv of the SeedName, ALozAR, the States of AR/Light are made and given for the Heads of Wisdom, Understanding and knowledge to dwell in. In that the States are of the Light, only those of the Light are

able to enter and dwell there. ALozAR allots to each Name ten lands for their fulfillment of expression and their acquisitions [CHP 31:29, 51; Matt 5:14]. ALozAR takes a count of the Numbers of YishARAL and determines their lands [CHP/Num 27:63]. The Numbers of YishARAL pertain to the Numbers of the branches of a Name, whereby the lands/states are according to the numbers drawn out and activated in a name [MT/Deut 32:8]. We learn the Awv/Principal of States that the Words of a Name and their meanings are dependent upon the Numbers activated in a Name. As the Numbers of a Name break forth from the SeedLogo, one is able to understand and speak of the things of the Avim. The Author has to admit, he was not very good in math. And therefore he had a hard time with all of the teachings from Shmual/BHM, when the numbers came pouring forth many, many moons{years}, ago-Yeah, I finally have a short handle on it. And if yours truly can eat and comprehend most of the numbers, you can, too. Of course, only Numbers 28 is FIRST. AHARWAN / AARON FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPAL OF ILLUMINATION Aharwan / Aaron Father of Illuminations, Teachings, Understanding. Father of the Lights of Moons. Perfections of 7 and 22. The Lights and colors of each Stone. Father of Enlightenment and servants of the priesthood of Light. The Name of Aaron-Aharwan pertains to Illumination of Mind and all within the members of Mind. The faces of Aharwan are Seven, meaning the fulfillment and perfection of mind by the full extensions of ones Words unto corresponding deeds. The Light of Aharwan causes mind to form. At the top of the mind the ascendant Words rising from the foundation of a Name become the Light of their Name Logo which is the City set upon a hill. The Lights of Aharuwan enable one to distinguish between the Fathers and the world. Through the Illuminations of Aharuwan one is not bound to the world nor does one seek the pleasures or things in the world which are passing. If one loves the form{humankind} which is rotting, the love of the Light is not in them, for when one has the love of the Light they are not attached to the forms. One finds their pleasures through operating in their Rings of ALhhim. These games are called exercises of Lights which involve the mind & body in concert. By forming a body, a spirit enters into the worldan embodiment. The process of designating ones powers to serve the form which it made or to serve the Fathers of Light from which the Spirit comes gives evidence to the consciousness in Spirit. When one serves the body they are yet sleeping; when one serves the Lights of Aharuwan, from which they come, they are awake. The one walks in darkness; the other walks in Light. The process of entering into a body and rising from it is theme of many parables conveyed in the stories of maShayh/Moses and Yahusho. We all enter into a strange land. As maShayh/Moses we are born in Metsryim/Egypt from which we are called out as we approach the Lights. Out of Metsryim we are called as the Offspring of the Fathers. We become subject to the state of our embodiment until we seek an Alder who guides us to behold the inner order of our Life. Upon consultations with the Alders we behold the inner members as a burning bush whose Fire does not go out. We follow the Voice in the midst of the Fire/Spirit and then call forth the 12 within us to do likewise. The latter phase is depicted in the stories as assembly of the 12 tribes or the calling of the 12 disciples. The stories of the 12 correspond to processes of unifying our inner parts into one kingdom. i.e. When RAwaben Rueben is mentioned, the story is about the eyes which conveys the state of eyes. Or when there is a story about Shamonn, the parable is disclosing the state and role of hearing. One enters into the world to give of itself whereby a Spirit comes to know itself. The ability to give all that one has to the poor--those who are most humble servants of all, owning nothing demonstrates that we are as Fathers of Light who seek no worship nor attention of one above another. Upon our learning within an embodiment we demonstrate the extent of our giving. Up on fulfilling our assignments we return unto Fathers in peace-with the full expressions of joy to enter into immortality. For as we give freely and hold on to nothing mortal or corruptible, we bear the mind of the Immortals who live above the world as the Lights of Aharuwan. We know that we own nothing individually. All things are ours to share collectively as one house. As Light itself, we give unto the expansion of all Names as the Fathers [The Poor], without partiality, conveying that we are of the Light by the works of our hands. Through our givings we form the mind of 15 full moons comprised of 30 parts of Light. The 15 full moons are formed as two parts/sides of Light which ride through the skies in the Name of Yah [10+5]. By imparting our Light daily according to the 30 Numbers in our Spirit, we extend our Light to form the Unified Mind of the Light of the Fathers which transverses in the skies governing all formulations [Tehillah/Psalm 68:5; SMB/Gen1:16]. Father Nadav NADV FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPAL OF IMPARTATIONS nadv Father of Impartations, Numbers, Givings, Allotments. Father of the Lights of Suns. Father of Formularies. Father of Glories. Name of nadv is the Awv that determines all ascensions, but by initial Works of Enlightenment, translated as to give freely, one arises by the Light that is within them. According to Enlightenment of Aharwan, one is able to ascend from the lands which they dwell by ALozAR. When the Light is formed inwardly through Aharwan, then the first works of the Illumination are given. Nadv is called the father of free-will offerings [CHP

29:39]. One able to give reveals the Mind of Nadv. As the Enlightened mind forms it is filled with Light whereby it gives of itself through which it is extended. In Nadv the days of Seven are extended into weeks, months and years. The mind, through givings of itself, makes a house/body. The body is the works of the mind called Cain /qayin. One who is able to give inwardly of the assembled Illuminations bears the generation called, Havel/Abel. The break out of in ward Illuminations is the foundational work of creating and the means entering into the spirals of ascension. Nadv is the Father--the Eighth Principal, a distinct Work of the Avim even as the 15 Faces of Avim are distinct and appear in their Order. Nadv and Aharwan are joint Fathers of the two equinoxes of a House. The equinoxes occur on the 8th and 22 which distinguish the two sides of a strand in Lammed. The combination of the two Equinoxes is 30. Via the works of Nadv and ALozAR the dissensions and ascensions of the Newn Mind are fulfilled. Each work of the Avim are extended into three days in which they appear. The teachings of just weights and measurements stem from nadv. The extent of the teachings pertains to balances between members and their parts and also the utterances of words. Everything is set as pairs or states of balances. i.e. Range of hearing in Shamonn is 14 to 140, and its paired counterpart is 140 to 1400 in Ayshshur. One member bears the consciousness of the other whereby it is the body of the other. There is the head and the body in all things. When one member is joined to another they form a bone, as a rod, whereby they attain their full stature. The Newn Mind is formed by the Rings in Lammed. The 28 ALhhim that make-up the Rings are 14 pairs which forms the sides of Thought 14:14. Through faces of the Avim all thoughts are composed. As Light pulsates from one face unto another, a rod is formed whereby the Thoughts do not dissipate, but remain as a witness of the Light. As one forms the bonds between their members they bear the witness of their Name unto the full faces of HhaAvim / The Fathers. GERENHHAAUWERNEHHHAYAVWSI FOUNDATIONAL-PRINCIPAL OF EXAMINATIONS gerenhhaAuwernehhhayavwsi Father of Examinations to the Gates of Life or Sheol. Father of Paradise. hnrwah is a formulation of the Aharwan, The Awer of Nh. Father of Altar of HhaOylah. Father of the Heart in all Houses. Father of Mastery over Words and Forms. Father of the Rod of Iron. When one comes/appears with a rod of iron, they come from the Altar in Nephetli from which the rod is formed by the molten flow of 12 parts unified as one. Father of Blood. Geren= GERENHHAAUWERNEHHHAYAVWSI The Ninth Awv of all Nations is: gerenhhaAuwernehhhayavwsi, meaning the House of the StoneBasin Threshing Platform in which one examines the deeds of all thoughts and processes. To the Faces of Geren the magistrates of YishARAL and Yahdah sit with the garments/deeds [2 DHY/2 Chr 18:9]. According to the Faces of Geren all prophets speak around the Throne of the StoneBasin. The Name of the Awv appears in regards of the altar built upon the throne of GerenHhaAuwernehHhaYavwsi [2 SHM 24:16-18; 1 DHY/1 Chr 21:15-18], for whose sake all of Yerushelyim is spared. Being of the Yavwsi/Jebusithe Tenth State, in the hand of Geren are all houses and their means of elevation unto their fulfillment. Thus from Awv Geren are born the branches of Nephetli and from Awv Geren one acquires the rites of the altar to make their ascensions. All built upon the altars of GerenHhaAuwernehHhaYavwsi is preserved, for it has been refined as silver through the offerings made on the altar of Nephetli. The Name of the Awv is also rendered with the Name of Newn: GerenHhaAuwerNun, (commonly rendered as Threshing Floor of Ornan-Jebusite) conveying that the discernment upon the heart is with the Lights of the Newn that completely encircle a house and enter into all of its rooms to behold what is there [2 DHY/2 Chr 3:1]. While Chakmah warms us on one side; the Light of the Newn enters into all houses and shines a narrow beam through our sides to awaken and stimulate us to ascend. Accordingly, heart offerings are examined entirely by the Eyes of the Avim before whose Faces we stand affirmed. The Fatherhood of Geren is conveyed in the lines of the prophet of the kephw-kephw/11 11: My thrashings are with the Offspring of Geres handthe deeds are determined and counted to the Faces of the StoneBasin which affirm what one hears from the summations of YahWah Tsavaut Alhhay YishARALthe Light is spoken to your collective branches and your hands affirm what is understood [Yeshayahu 21:10]. Our fruit-states of our branches are examined twice daily as we come before the Faces of GerenHhaAuwernehHha- Yavwsi. There is no time for a Seed, as it is timeless. The days-works are counted. What is within a Seed is the same in all states of its expressions, from establishing itself unto forming the crown of thorns upon its head. What is counted of a Seed are the Words from the mouth of a Rch/this word might mean Breath, as both the Words of Life and the words of death are discerned upon the floor to GerenHhaAuwernehHhaYavwsi who examines all Seeds and thereby appoints one to the Gates of Life or unto the Gates of Sheol for the continual development of Mind within a SeedName. GerenHhaAuwernehHhaYavwsi is called the Master of the Heart, for from the threshing floor, where the Seeds are opened, i.e. The manchaih/grain, the heart altar and its offerings are made. Beneath the altar are the stones of the basins in which living waters flow.

The basin is called after the Rock in Hhwa -Gammal which is laid in the earth as it is in the heavensNames. The Rock flows after-according to the offerings of a Name. The GerenHhaAuwernehHhaYavwsi is the one who gathers the Illumination unto mastery, causing one to prevail in all pursuits. Each house that makes an offering to the Avim receive of the Avim. A house receives mastery from GerenHhaAuwernehHhaYavwsi to manage their dwellings by the Principles of HhaAvim: i.e. Simeon-Shamonn Shemoun receives mastery of sounds and utterances, whereby what is heard does not cause one to bow their ear to the sound itself, but to hear in order to manage the messages that pertain to the Invisible and Visible states of ones Name. Life and death are in 3 measures. 1. The Life of the pairs of ALhhim united into one Name. 2. The Life in midstin the stem upon which one descends and ascends [the flow of blood]. 3. Life in the fruit of the Seed which continues. The fruit of a Name is the gift/giving of Eternal Life. In each of the 3 measures of Life there are 3 states of Life. The 3 in 3 are the Nine Lives of Father thought of the deed and its radiance spring forth, whether the thoughts be out of a Name or a plant. Anything with life at-test to the name of reshun in its midst. (The Author here, speaks to many ministers and after they tell me that they believe every word in the Bible and I tell them that there is no evidence that The Most High told any man to commit genocide because, let everything that has breath praise Yah, how can the Most High of love tell Moses to kill; they still say that they believe every word in the black text) Anything with life attest to the name of reshun in its midst. The ability of a Seed to rise from the dead dormant state is the evidence of the Name of Reshun. The seedstone of a Name is inscribed with 5 Sayings of Wisdom on the right and 5 Sayings of Understanding on the left. AwvReshun is the Head of Wisdom and Understanding from which the Lights of Bayinah and Chakmah come from the sides of the Lammed. From the right side comes Chakmah, and the from the left side comes Bayinah. As the body is formed, Chakmah sits upon the throne in the south, or in the loins, whereas Bayinah retains the throne in the north or in the mind. In mind Reshun sits to bridge left and right as one and sends forth Lights to rule the night and the day. From the Seat of Awv/Father Reshun in the midst of HhaAvim/ The Fathers, 55, all Numbers of a Name are breathed upon for their full extension in Awv/Father ShmwAl. As ALhhim receive from the impartations of Reshun, breaking forth on the third days of impartation [Day 3Day of Resurgence] and of becoming [Day 18Day of Life] from the Seed, the ALhhim govern their sides by the Lights of Reshun, and all who are of Alhhim do likewise. The Name Reshun appears in the first word of the ALphah Scroll the beginning the of Tewrah/Torah: BeRashshith/Gen.Bereshith, Genesis, BeRashshith tycarb Sepher Maoshah BeRashshith, the first scroll of the Torah Tewrah; conveys the scope of the ALphah and is joined with the Scroll of the Zayin-HhaShuphetim/Judges to form one of seven Eyes of HhaALhhim, to convey the deeds of the Mind of Fire, implementing thoughts from the opening of the Seed Word unto fulfillment; Values, 76: tongue of unity; 8:8. The Rayish -Shayin 20-21 is the Head of Fire through which the ALphah Seed of the Newn is extended through the heavens /Names and their spaces/earth. The Rash/Head car is Reshun ncr extending the Mind of Hhakuwhnim/The Priest. The Rayish/2+ Shayin/3= Newn/5. Reshun is referred to as Reshun HhaTerenni as the position of the Works of Reshun unify all sides of thought and their deeds. In the 7 Hills the altar of Reshun is in the midst of the hills. In the Lammed, Reshun is in the midst, in the level of HhaTerenni in which is the core of the Tree of Life. In that Reshun is the core of the Avim/Fathers, from Reshun flows all wealth to Awv/Father Avrehhem through whom the wealth is distributed & acquired by Malekkiytsedeq. When text reads that YahWah blesses Avrehhem abundantly, meaning is; that the Collective disposes the wealth in Avrehhem, whereby those sent need to take no purse with them [SMBGen 13:2; 24:35]. The Names are formulations of Oneness which stems from the root of all Thoughts of Reshun. The opening of Eyes of HhaTewrah/The Paleo Torah, is the Name of Reshun being extended: tycarb. BeRashshith is the weavings of Reshun, the Mind of Newn. Bereshith, Genesis, BeRashshith tycarb Sepher Maoshah BeRashshith, the first scroll of the Tewrah/Torah; conveys the scope of the ALphah and is joined with the Scroll of the ZayinHhaShuphetim/Judges to form one of the seven Eyes of HhaALhhim, to convey the deeds of the Mind of Fire, implementing thoughts from the opening of the Seed Word unto fulfillment; Values, 76/wz: tongue of unity; 8:8. Within Reshun are the Eyes and the ears through which all perceptions of Oneness are formed. The ty=14 or 410 which is the extension of Newn into deeds and their compositions. The Ten Hands of Reshun give the formulations of t 400. Through the total giving of ones totality they are changed from a Seed to a Star. The total giving of all within a SeedName is the making of the oylah which composes the heavens and the earth the mind of a Name and its dwelling places. The Essences convey that a Name is heard in Miriam, that is, in our Mother; however, the Name is Uttered by the Angel who speaks the Name of Consciousness to our Mother whereby the Name is carried and brought forth by the Collective Thoughts of the most high. The Mother is the Body of the Unified Consciousness to whom is imparted a Name of Consciousness.

Within this Body a Name is nurtured and born into Manifestation/expression. Messengers of Light speak our Names as they appear in the Fire of Reshun, before we are conceived unto manifestation. The Name is uttered into the Left Side of the Unified Consciousness, i.e. one called Miriam--to extract the Thoughts that are given to the Water or Womb of Consciousness. The Name of Yahusho is a formula of the Emanations of Yhh containing Wisdom and Understanding which is given to the Body of Miriam to be carried. The stories of the Tewrah/Torah and those of the Essenes are compound parables or simple parables. A compound parable has several sides and layers, up to 12 sides and 3 layers. A simple parable has from one side up to 6 sides, but all parables have 3 points or layersWisdom, Understanding, and knowledge, by which it is classified as a parable. Each parable is known by the Number of sides that it has woven into the narratives. i.e. The reality of the Essenes parable of birth of Yahusho pertains to every Name of Light. Name is uttered in the Unified Consciousness upon the wings of a messenger-an angel, for each Name is a message. The angels in the text convey the Messages of a Name which are sent forth from Reshun. Messages of Fathers are transmitted into the Body of Consciousness as Names. The Names become offspring of Consciousness. Upon the declaration of one's Name, one is distinguished from the garment that covers them whereby they attest they are not of this world, but of the Ones by whom worlds appear. This distinguishment is the true circumcision. Each Name is of 3 parts. i.e. The Name of Yahusho is composed of the first part, Yah/Yhh coupled to the parts of Wisdom-impartial aligned sides of Thoughts that create a state pure as gold, and the part of Understandingthe meanings of the disclosure, the inner strength as Ayil, refined as silver. Wisdom and Understanding together equate to salvation the means of reclaiming the essence within the world unto fully activating the expression to the glory/ wonderment of the Emanations. Salvation is inherent in all things, for all things are of the Emanations of Light containing Wisdom and Understanding whereby they bear the Faces of the Fathers of Reshun. The Source of the three parts which form the Lmmed/Staff of Reshun are in the Name of Reshun. The Mind of Reshun is extended to Twelfth Degree in the Head of Nephetli: AchiyRO Bann GoayNuNthe Brother of Consciousness, who implements the offerings, or every expanding from Newn Mind of Consciousness. When a parable, i.e., the story of Yahusho is taught as referring to a single person or an historical character the message is cut off, limited, and reduced. Extent of the parable fails to reach the heights in the mind because it is taught apart from the reality of the Words and the intentions of author. When the parable depicts Consciousness praying to be One with Father, it is the Consciousness of a Name speaking of Awv Reshun/55 to be 10/1. Avrehhem FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPAL TO ESTABLISH HEARING AND CONSCIOUSNESS Avrehhem/Abraham is the Father of Stars from which all Names are sent, Father of Changes / Transitions of Habitations, Regulator of the SeedState. Master of the Under-World. Father of Mind expansion into all levels of Consciousness. Father of kings and Magistrates. Father of all Nations. For as the SeedName expands, all processes /nations are revealed. The Name of Avrehhem/Abraham, meaning to enlarge the Awv as a plant or body enlarges the Seed, is the basis of hearing and state of consciousness of a name. First Shamonn or hearing is born by Avrehhem. From establishment of a house by Shamounn, Liah bears the sequel to hearing, which is Yishshakkar. Shamonn is the Bayit-2 of the Twelve; Yishshakkar is the Tayit-9 of the Twelve. As one octave is to another so is Yishshakkar to Shamonn, whereby they both come to reside in the same upper level of a house. What is heard rises from the platform of Chakmah to reside in the Rings of the Unified Consciousness of Yishshakkar through which all is imparted to the Twelve. Awv Avrehhem sends forth a Name for their expansion. When a SeedName is sent forth it is to build a house / Bayit. Building of a House is through the ears/leaves of Seed where by Avrehhem is the foundational Father of Shamonn. When one comes into world, their rings become affixed to Shamonn whereby their House is built and filled with the Twelve. This process is told in the narratives of Ywsphah/Joseph, who upon being sent into the world, affixes Shamonn at their side until all of the Twelve are gathered in their house. As the Twelve assembles in their house, then the Unified Voice of Consciousness commissions the Twelve: As the Awv Avrehhem sends me into the world, so send I you. Name establishes hearing amongst its members and then develops the Consciousness of the Twelve. Upon assembly of the Twelve the Voice of the Names Emanations, coming from the Ring of Yishshakkar, appoints the Twelve to work of its Name. As the Father has sent me into the world, so I send/appoint you in the world to accomplish the works of our House whereby the mission of a Name is spread abroad and fulfilled by the unified Twelve of their house. All wealth flows from the hands of Reshun through Avrehhem through whom the wealth is imparted unto the heirs of Avrehhem. The wealth of Avrehhem are sheephouses of developments/ inscriptions; cattlehouses of concepts, silver and goldthe Understanding and Wisdom of sheep and cattle; menservants and maid servantsthe means to fulfill works and create patterns of expansion; camels-processes and attainments of heights; and donkeys-the means to carry great loads through ascensions.

When the Tewrah is speaking of Avrehhem, it is referring to the Awv Principal in our SeedName. Thus in speaking of the wealth of Avrehhem, the wealth of the Awv in our Name is flowing. From hand of Avrehhem the three mantles of Wisdom, Understanding, and knowledge are laid upon the shoulders of a Name. Mantles are placed upon shoulders in conjunction with the fulfillments of assignments which correspond to loads carried by the donkeys. There is a kingship over the lands in which we reside-in our bodies and in associated spaces which are appointed for our Breath to occupy. Our Name is the king of the spaces/ territories to which we are sent. Each Name is hailed as the prince king spoken in the parables of the prophets. Every place that our feet trod leaves a witness of our authority. We are not going home; we are just arriving! We have come to a place which has been shown to us [SMB/Gen 12:1]. Our commission is to be a blessing to all peoples. To each Name the scepter is given to establish the kingdom of ALhhim. We bring forth the rod from within our SeedName, as a tree brings forth its stalk, whereby the scepter in our hand. We are not waiting for another to come to establish the kingdom. We together, instantly in agreement to be the ONE, comprise the kingdom of Light. In agreement with One Law we are One People of YahWah. {LIKE I SAID WE ARE ALL YISHARAL, WE ARE ALL HEBREWS; WE R ONE} Our Dominion is the Union of impartial associations. We are unified Names set as the stars above in harmonic congregations/clusters which the darkness conceals as its glory. Likewise, our members are set within our veiled bodies as message centers/stars. As the ALhhim are unified Names of Light strands woven into congruent Rings of Light, so are we joined through inseparable coven ants into Their Rings of Light. Through our deeds amongst our neighbors we fulfill the Covenants of HhaTewrah/The Law. No one will see a separate Being as a God or Supreme Ruler coming in the clouds. We see ALhhim in the collected vapors of our bodiescloudsaligned and joined to each other according to the intervals and harmonics of Light. Together we are 28 Alhhim through whom the 15 Faces of the Fathers are evident. In our unified expressions Their Lights radiate in our faces as The Light of the World. Melchizedek-mALeKKiyTsedeq: FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPAL TO EXTEND HEARING AND CONSCIOUSNESS malekkiytsedeq is Father of the Master of Alignments, from whom comes or appears all riches. The riches pertain to the Stones and the acquisitions of wealth dispersed by Avrehhem. One is able to attain the riches as they master the alignment of their Rings in which the wealth is suspended. Father of Covenants amongst the 7 in a Ring, and with the Rings of 7. Father of Tithes/Tens. Master of all Resources and the appropriations of wealth. The Name of malekkiytsedeq/Melchizedek, meaning the Master/Emperor of Righteousness, is the regulation of all Understanding within the Unified Rings whereby the Rings are stout and upright. Awv malekkiytsedeq is the master of Alignments. During the course of a month, the Rings of ALhhim within a house are aligned twice as a Name comes before the Faces of Malekkiytsedeq. On the 5th day and on the 20th day, the Rings are aligned from the side in which Offerings are made in that house. i.e. On the 5th of Ayshshur, the Rings are aligned from core of the kephw-kephw, and on the 20th, the Rings are aligned from the foundation of Dallath -Dallath. Hence, as the tree springs forth and grows, the Rings are aligned in a House month by month whereby the House of a Name is continually being built up in the Orders of ALhhim [I ShmuwL/Sam 2:26,35;Ywsphah/Lk 2:52]. Through alignment of the Rings of ALhhim that comprise each house, that one grows in the Stature of their Name. Awv Malekkiytsedeq is the Master of Aligned Rings through which the House of Shamonn is born. Through the Seed of Father-Awv Malekkiytsedeq one becomes a master of hearing after the Order of Malekkiytsedeq, whereby they are able to comprehend the Voice of the Light and also what another speaks to them by their intent. As a master one hears from the levels in which others speak whereby they are not offended by anyone for though one speaks with arrogance or with humility, the understanding of the level that one is at is enough to comprehend what is being said. Those born of Awv Malekkiytsedeq are of the aligned rings. As their Master they also are able to interpret writings composed within the Rings of ALhhim, for they hear the Words spoken of Alhhim within the alignment of the Rings. Awv Malekkiytsedeq is of Unified Consciousness who registers Names begotten by the Fathers who are appointed to be born of the lineages of HhaALhhim, whereby Malekkiytsedeq is known as the priesthood of the Fathers prior to any Name appearing through the ALhhim. Those of the lineages of the Avim are born of the Rings of ALhhim in the days that the ALhhim make their offerings, and thus from ALhhim a Name derives their lineages. When one attains to the priesthood of the Fathers, then they are also of the service of the Lights prior to their birth through the Rings of ALhhim. When the Rings of the Unified Consciousness are aligned in Shamonn/hearing, one is born from their Virgin State of Bayinah. Upon the Rings being aligned, ones hearing is opened to be registered in alignment one to another. When the rings are yet to be aligned one has eyes and ears within their SeedName; however in that the rings are not open, there is no seeing or hearing. Opening of 7 Eyes of a Seed without their alignment one to another causes obstructions to vision-comprehension. As the Rings of a SeedName are aligned, they form a horn, with a conduit, through which the Light and messages of

Light pass whereby they are seen and heard. One is of the Order of Malekkiytsedeq as their rings form a column, whereby they are called the Righteous. Through the alignment one stands upright. Becomes a ruler /malek/king, for all things are not subject to the order established internally. Awv Malekkiytsedeq bears Shamonn, through which Understanding of the Emanating Consciousness above is heard in our ears. Being a Name of Transference, Awv Malekkiytsedeq bears the Emanating Consciousness from above to Avrehhem, who is the formulations of Seed of the Father Awv Malekkiytsedeq. Breakthrough of the Consciousness of the Unified Body of Hhakuwhnim in the Offspring of Zerach in the House of Shamonn, whereby the Consciousness comes forth, exceeds beyond the Body as the ears and commences to formulate all things. The beginning of these formulations are called Yahushothe Emanating Consciousness of the aligned Rings. Hence, Yahusho is called the first born of all creations, for via the Emanations of hearing, the compounds of all Thoughts and their Values are assembled. The writings do not speak that Yahusho is the firstborn of the Avim/The Fathers, but that Yahusho is the first born of all things formed in the heavens and in the earth being the Head of the Body. Through the formulations of all Thoughts compounded in Malekkiytsedeq, Seed of Avrehhem is composed whereby Yahusho precedes Avrehhem. As Yahusho speaks of hearing the Awv/Father, Yahusho is speaking of; Malekkiytsedeq, and at other times Avrehhem, which are the FATHERS / Avim of Yahusho, for the Emanating Consciousness comes out of Malekkiytsedeq through Shamonn, whereby Shamonn is set first, and also through Avrehhem as the Emanating Consciousness breaks through that which is made. Through Yahusho, the mastery of the rings and their alignments, generate all things invisible and visible. All that is formed is bundled into a Seed that arises to the crown of Malekkiytsedeq, which is seated in the heavenly spaces of Avrehhem. Abraham is the Father of Stars.Through the Seed of Avrehhemnot seeds as many, but through Seed formed by the Emanations of Consciousness Yahusho, being the Seed composite of all Thoughts of the invisible and visible, Names are sent/transmitted as bodies of light to fill the spaces reserved for them. As the stars in the heavens--all points of Light in the Mind of GerenHhaAuwernehHhaYavwsi. Ninth level is service which is the means of mastery of ideas within a given form. As a Principle is consumed within a spirit, one is able to implement within an arrangement of thoughts-demonstrate it within an expression/deed. knowledge: The Fruit 3rd part: Life consumed within a spirit, one is able to implement the idea within an arrangement of thoughts and demonstrate it within an expression/deed. knowledge: The Fruit 3rd part: Life of Continuance of the Momentum and Extension, the full stature or life giving spirit state 2nd part: Life of Numbers and Words in a Name extended 1st part: Life of a Name born from Rings of ALhhim Understanding: The Stem 3rd part: Life of Fulfillment, the exuberance of spirit 2nd part: Life of Words which compose the inner structure of a Name, the endosperm 1st part: Life of Extension, the Life of the Mother of the Brit Milah and the 8th Father of a Name that proclaims the Name as one is revealed apart from the world to be called by the Name given from their Father. Wisdom: Spirit 3rd part: Life of Joy of the Giving ALhhim 2nd part: Life of Numbers through which the Thoughts of the Fathers are gathered 1st part: Life of Momentum, the Father of a Name. In considering the gift or giving of Eternal Life one observes that there are the foundations of life, the stalks of life, and the fruit of life. The life is evident in each part. Concept of eternal life implies regeneration and continuation. We form a SeedHead of the thoughts of Light as a stalk of wheat forms a crown of grain. That which is within the crown of grain continues, and the remainder of the plant perishes. From this we learn that the giving of eternal life is the acquisition of Light thoughts which forms a spiritual mind. As Thoughts are invisible, being arrangements of Numbers, the head of the thoughts is called spiritual. The state of the body is the servant or ability to perform in ways to uphold the imperishable thoughts of Light. This body gives itself to form a New Head. Without a devoted and collective body, a plant struggles to form fruit. In that the body upholds the Principles of the new mind, the mind that is formed with imperishable ideas generates a new body to house them, whereby the state of residence of a Name is according to the Thoughts which are gathered and laid-up in ones mind--the seat of Eternal Life. The Nature of the ALhhim is Life whereby Life continuesgoes beyond any prior state according to the State of Numbers of ALhhim that pertain to each Name. The gift of eternal Life and becoming a life-giving spirit is same. One becomes a life giving spirit by giving the Eternal Life within their Name which is same as bearing the fruit of HhaALhhim which is the composition of the Life of their Name. As the Spirits of a Name come to impart their Words upon their branches, then they become life giving Spirits as the Alhhim which begat them. They have been given Eternal Life from their Alhhim which abides within the Unified Rings of Life. In coming unto their full stature of ALhhim, they are Life Giving Spirits; as a Tree they give of their Life which yields succeeding generations. In that the Life is within the Unified Rings of Consciousness, the Voice of Life is spoken from the Consciousness of ALhhim. The Voice is portrayed in parables as Yahusho which speaks from within the Rings of OyinOyin/OO. In meState of Unified Consciousness-you have Eternal Life, and this Life is from the Fathers which abide within

the Offspring of ALhhim of which are you. The Fathers form the Rings of Consciousness by their Unions. The 3 three Rings/Eyes are formed by the associations of the Fathers as Rings within Rings. These three Rings are given the Names of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Avrehhem Yetschaq and Yaoquv which pertain to the Numbers of 123 / Avrehhem, Yetschaq/456, and 789/Yaoquv which abide in the Hand/10/Giving of the Fathers. The Collective Voice of YahWah speaks from each of the three states of Life [SYM/Ex 3:6-8]. The sending of maShayh to the Houses of YishARAL is a parable that corresponds to an awakening within each Name to bring forth the 12 within their embodiment [Egypt/Metsryim] unto their three states of Life. Each Name, having three parts, are distinguished by their Life according to their 3 sets of Numbers or the clusters of Nine that form the parts of their Life. The Numbers of a Name are the Life within the Words of a Name. This is the same as to say, that the Life of the Fathers are in the Child. The Numbers of ones Words are uttered unto bearing the Life within a Name, whereby there are no vain utterances. The Numbers within the core of a Name burn, whereby the burning bush is seen within the heart of the sub consciousnessland of Midian. The Voice is heard from Heart of Consciousness as Numbers of 19 qphah - 17 PaWah in Yahdah are central in Nephetli. According to the Numbers of a Name the branches of a Name give off the Lights of the Fathers whereby one beholds the burning bush within them. AVIYAHUA FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPAL OF BECOMING Aviyahua, Father of Rch. Father of 2 5s to establish the curtains to hang upon the rings forming a manifestation. Father of Angels and Spirits. Father of Cloth. Keeper of Spirits. Father of the Warp and Woof, the Momentum and Extension Rings of ALhhim. Name of Aviyahua, meaning the father of all breaths and their states of becoming. Awv Aviyahua speaks through the Words of Gad which are given and spoken in relation to the altar of GerenHhaAuwernehHha-Yavwsi [2 SHM/ Sam 24:18]. Answers of YahWah are through Father/Awv Aviyahua as they are given to Gad which is Offspring of Aviyahua [1 DHY/2 Chr 21:28; 2 SHM 24:19]. Aviyahua is the father of wealth/Gad. Words of Gold, Silver, and Bronze are the wealth of a Name which are the Life of a Name. ba is the central strength of two sides which houses the Nine for their activations bab. Sides [crown and base] of a Name are knowledge and Wisdom; the inner unifying force is Understanding. The ba make: 3. The Three are the foundation of Tayit/9 [ALphah and the two sides of the body bb join head to tail forming the Tayit]. Aviyahuy ba activates the 9 Lives in GerenHhaAuwernehHhaYavwsi to bear the emanations of Yhh. That which forms during the Nine are activated by the fast on the 10th, unto their branches on the 11th. In that the supply of Nine is present within a spirit, the fast of the tenth in each month requires none other than the hands which are able to give what has been received. The acceptable fast includes giving what one has. The absence of eatingnon reliance upon the external world is affirmed by extending the Life within ones spirit whereby there is no weariness of the fast. As the Awv of the tenth day and the twenty-fifth day (2 5s), Aviyahua determines what is becoming within our Names and our states by the deeds of our hands. We commit our spirit into the Hands of Aviyahua who appoints to us a good measure as a result of our offerings and deeds. By the Hands of Aviyahua, gates and paths open unto us for our learning and service. As we arise from our offerings, we ascend unto Awv Aviyahua to show ourselves as approved as ascendant according to the Faces of our Avim-Father. Phrase spoken by the Voice of Consciousness, my father and your father denotes the ascent of spirit to Aviyahua State of Becoming. Awv Aviyahua establishes the curtains and causes the Rings within the Breath to encircle the head from which comes the full extension of 10. As the thoughts of the head are drawn out to their tenth states, the lands are fixed whereby they do not totter. The ten lands are of the One/Unity of Spirit from which the Rings unfold to cover themselves and through which they are joined by loops into one fabric.1 are 7 as 1 ALphah comes from 7 Zayin. The drawing out of the Seed ALphah results in the tenth Awv to weave the emanations of Light into a cloth drawn out from the Tongue / Teachings of Aharwan. The full extent of drawing out what is in the Seed is by Aviyahua, whereby the 10 Intervals of Attainment are set in the Rings of Seven. The fast of the 10th day of a month is unto the Awv/Father Aviyahua. We are quickly pulled away from the food of the world to feed upon the Spirit of Aviyahua, the Father of Spirits. The prevailing Light of Awv/Father Aviyahua draws those who are thirsty and hungry for HhaDavar/The Word and the Presence of the Spirit that only can fill the spaces. Food only makes spaces, but never fills the spaces; only the Breath of our Father fills the spaces. It is for the Spirit that spaces are made. Each space is made for the Spirit of our Avim/Fathers. The Breath of Life is in the Seed as are the attributes and Faces of Light. The Breath of Aviyahua is one of the 15 Faces. In the day that the Seed gives of itself-in the 10th day of the Seedby its extensions, the Breath within the Seed fills what is given. By the Breath of the Seed entering into the spaces, one performs their deeds of Life which distinguishes their Seed and their houses/chambers of expression. By the extension of the Breath changes occur; hence, some things are only by prayer and fastingthrough discourses/prayers and fasting by Spirit regulating the body, the Breath is extended

beyond what is now apparent [Menachem/Mk 9:29]. Through the tenth day/act, one goes beyond and surpasses where they have been residing. The mind and intelligence in form are superseded by extensions of Spirit. BAARSHEVOG FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPAL OF PERFECTIONS AND COMPLETIONS Baarshevog, Father of Seven Wells who causes the wells of ALhhim to flow. Father of Refreshings, Myim/Waters that drip from the tongue of Aviyahua. The Fount of Blessing via Waters, Father of Refreshing. Father of Rains [9 Types of Rain]. The Nine rains are: the former rainto cause things of sprout; the later rainto cause things of mature unto harvest; the showerthe rain of relief/refreshment; the gentle rainfor growth as peaceful streams of understanding; the rains with hail to correct, alter, change; the rains with snow to brighten, whiten, judge; rains with winds accompanied with thunders and lightningsto drive message to impart understanding from a side in which the rain comes, as a fury of horses. These are the rains of the hosts of YahWah. Watch the side from which the lightning comes to denote the side of Light from which the messages are sent to quicken the thoughts. The direction of the wind corresponds to the sides of the angels which carry the messages. Rains with sunfor joy, dance, laugh; rains of hard rainto drive into the earth, break clods, clean. The rains of BaarShevog are ordained for the SeedName to flourish as a Tree of Life. To the just and the unjust the rains fall, for there is no partiality in the givings of understanding. The rains are for the benefit of all who receive them. According to the SeedWord of ALhhim sown in our hearts, so the rains come to us in like proportion. As the 11th Awv in the Course of Days, the rain causes the SeedWord to sprout unto bearing the fruit of our Names. The rains are not evidence that one is favored; the results of receiving understanding are displayed in ones expressions faces and their deeds which attest to one being of the Offspring of their Awv. The Name of baarshevog means the one of the Seven Wells. Awv BaarShevog is the Regulator of Myim/Waters with the Seven Eyes and the waters that flow from the Seven Eyesthe waters of hhakaiywer. Thus, out of the wells flow seven levels of waters are formed in hhakaiywer. The flow of waters are for activations unto perfectioncomplete expressions. According to the allocations of waters a Name expands, bears fruit and increases in the knowledge of YahWah. Our stages of growth are determined by the supply of waters in our seven wells/basins of Breath. The 7 Eyes of a house are filled with the RchHhaqudash which flows from the hands of Aviyahua into the 7 Wells of BaarShevog. AYITHAMAR FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPAL OF THE TOWERING STRENGTH Ayithamar is the Father of Establishments, i.e. the Harvest. Father of Pillars and Steadfastness. From Ayithamar the Legs of a House are made, being the 12th Lammed Awv. Father of Shields, Father of Defense. Master of 12. Awv of the Days of 12 and 27 [2 7s = Newn, the Mind of Perfections]. Father who commissions by the laying-on-of-hands upon the head to designate the mind unto works of ones lands. Through Ayithamar the harvest of the Numbers and Words of each day one gathers the Values and the Words through which they create their subsequent dwelling states. The Seed is extended into the palm tree. One dwells in Ayithamar as the Awv of towering strength. Ayithamar is the Awv of the Tower in whom one dwells and is safe. As Seed is formed within a SeedCoat to house the thoughts of a Name, the properties of a Name are secured. Depicting the skull and the shell of the coconut, Awv Ayithamar is the defense of our Name as the seedcoat is the defense of the Life in a Seed. Ayithamar is the Ninth of Reshun through which all things commenced are gathered. As portrayed in the parables of Tewrah, Ayithamar is the brother of Aharwanthe upholder of the Illuminations. The positions of Ayithamar in a Seed are the senses of Illumination which gather the messages of the Lights evening and morning to form a tabernacle to house the Light. Thus to Ayithamar are the veils and the boards of the tabernacle appointed, for by the Lights of Ayithamar a House is built to uphold and thereby convey the Illuminations in-to non-fading expressions. Through the building a house according to the Illuminations, the Lights are established within the earth. YAOQUV PRINCIPAL OF BEARING FRUIT THROUGH WHICH TRANSPOSITIONS OCCUR Jacob - yaoquv Father of Transpositions, Father of Overcoming and Prevailing by the Rod of Iron [SMB 31:51; Tehillah 2:9; Chazun 2: 27]. Father of Distinguishment-Father of Tsiyun/Zion. The Nine thoughts of Light within a Seed distinguish a Name. Father of Increase of the Double Blessing. Father of the Altar of HhaSemmim and Father of Glory as the spices and the heaviness are formed by Yaoquv. Multi plier by Nine. The Last Days of a house are the days when what is below rises to the crown. From Yaoquv comes the blessing of sow ing and reaping; sowing is by the instrument of Aparryim, and the reaping from the sacs of Meneshah. Yaoquv designates the Seed to a place by Aparryim and appropriates the resources for the seed to bear its glory by Meneshah. The blessings come as the expressions/faces are according to the Numbers, whereby there is a platform upon which the Numbers expand and multiply. The end of a matter is set in the Seed by Yaoquv through whom all that is begun is finished. The means to prevail, depicted in the wrestlings with an angel/message, conveys the strength of the Awv. Through Yaoquv, in each stage of our growth, we have force of light within us to prevail over obstacles and through former settings. In reference to the might of overcoming, the phrase the tribulations of Yaoquv has

been coined. The promises made unto Yaoquv in the Tewrah and Nviya are the promises made to Awv Yaoquv in our SeedNames whereby we prevail through all tribulations and return to the native states of Alhhim from which we are begotten and born. The accounts of the Avim in the texts are means to show the Awv Principals within our Names, whereby the Avim are revealed in the narratives as having been with us all of our days [Yahuchannan/John 14:8-11]. Yaoquv is the Father of acquiring Understanding through all consecrated deeds. Through the consecration of the mind, all kinds of knowledge are transferred to become inscriptions of the Twelve Houses, whereby what is of knowledge is transformed into an embodiment of form i.e. a house or a scroll. As a seed is transformed into a tree, force of Awv Yaoquv within our SeedName transforms the knowledge in our SeedName into a body of 12 members in which is a flow of inscriptions pertaining to each house. Thus through Yaoquv, the 12 are transferred from one realm unto another to become apparent with their deeds/fruit. Through Awv Yaoquv, the Numbers of Lammed, which form a solidarity as iron, are transferred to the mouth of Gad, whereby the Words formed in the mouth are according to the solidarity of Lammed -a rod of iron. i.e. Day 13 of Yaoquv in Chadash/Month of Yishshakkar. The rod of iron is formed through the offerings of Yahdah upon the wood of Gad. When the sparks of the manchaih of Yahdah are gathered into the fabric of Gad, the mouth is infused with the Numbered Thoughts of Lammed which forms the rod by which one rules in the Name of Yaoquv. The rod is called the Authority of the father, for it is the rite of communications to speak on behalf of all offspring [Chazun 2:27]. Yaoquv is the 10th of reshun. In Yaoquv the 12 of Reshun appear. The 12 of Reshun are formulated into 12 Houses through the Hand of Yaoquv. Yaoquv is the 13th Awv through which the House of the Mind appears. Though the twelve appear through Yaoquv, only one house of the twelve is called of Yaoquv which is Meneshah. The House of Meneshah is the chamber from which 12 arise, and thus appear in Yaoquv. Through attributes of Jacob Yaoquv in a SeedName, Reshun is knownby drawing out of Reshun, the Third, to the tenth state in Yaoquv, the Head of the Avim is seen. Being the 10th of Reshun, Yaoquv is the fruit of knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding which are positioned in the 13 which are gathered into the Head Yaoquv. From the gatherings of a Name, a Name is positioned by ALBayitAL, the 14 which determines the direction of a Name. Then in the 15th Awv, the SeedName is born of ShmwAL, the Father of Names and their fullness. The offspring of Yaoquv are born from the loins of Joseph Ywsphahthe 12thto become the firstborn of the dead, those sleeping to arise in Meneshah, the one called by the Name of Yaoquv. Through Ywsphah a Name is sown unto the activations of its Life. As one comes forth from their loins they bear the Faces of Semek-the 15th in which is the joy of fullness. There are many first born in YishARAL which appear through Yaoquv. The ascent from the dead is the firstborn of Meneshah. RAwaben is the first born of Liah which is the opening of the eyes through Chakmah. The firstborn of the Awv is Beniyman who is put in the care of Yaoquvone who comprehends to distinguish their dwelling. Beniyman is first of many generations and is also the last to appear in a generation. From the opening of Seed, the 12 are counted from RAwaben unto Ywsphah. Through the openings of the Rings of a Name, Yaoquv, the 13th, tends the flock within until the appearing of Beniyman in which the appointments of a Name are set unto their fullness. As a SeedName comes forth from Yaoquv, one is appointed to reside in a state by the Hand of ALBayitAL and to appear fully through ShmwAL. AL bAyiT AL PRINCIPAL TO OPEN AND EXTEND THE SEED -AL bayit AL latybla father of houses in which one comes to dwell as they master world and go beyond the faces of Esau. ALBayitAL is the Awv who answers us, who opens the doors of the mishkan to us, and who guides us to ascend within dwellings of Light. As we depart from former expressions or faces, paths are opened for us to behold the glory of AL in each House of AL. In all of our journeys the gates from one pasture to another are ad-ministered by the Hand of ALBayitAL, the Awv of the sheepfold. Through each thrust of the Life Force in the Seed one enters into another level of the BayitHhaSham. In the day that one comes home to their Awv, there ear is pierced through whereby theyre main in the House of their Awv forever [SYM/Ex 21:6]. As your ear is pierced you are seen as the one pierced, and the eyes of all within you are toward your Name as the firstborn of their house [Zech12 :10 Zekkaryahu]. In that day shall be the mourning for the union of your Awv from every family within you as you behold the glory which you originate [Yahuchannan 11:4, 31-35]. From that day the spirit of your Awv rests upon you, and your ear shall be joined to the House of your Father. As your ear is pierced through, the Voice of your Awv guides you and you remain in the House / Body to which you are unified as in the beginning of your days. The Name of the Awv ALBayitAL contains the Name of AL at the head of the Name and AL at the tail of the Name. The Name at the beginning indicates the opened Seed of the Avim that forms a House/Bayit and through which the Seed is extended unto joy. As a Seed opens the House is built as a plant that opens from its seed. Through forming the Houses of a SeedName all things in the Seed are fully extended whereby the harvest of AL appears at the end.

ALbayitAL is the father of livesthe appointments of a name. According to ALBayitAL the day is appointed for one to be conceived and the days in which one passes unto another state/place. According to the accumulations of Wisdom, Understanding, and knowledge one is appointed unto their States of Emanations and their Becoming. ALBayitAL determines our place every 29th day of a house as to the State of our Houses and our positions in The Lights. Into your Hands. ALBayitAL, we commit our spirit to determine our placement in the House of Light. ShmwAL FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPAL OF A SEED NAME ShmwAL, Father of Names. Father of Fullness. Father of Origins of Thoughts and their Placements. The means to form a SeedName according to the Joy of HhaAvim. The Union of ShmwAL and Yetschaq form the Name of AL: 30+1 la. Father of Creations. Father of Threads. The full moon face that extends from one end of the earth to the other. The Light of ShmwAL extends from one end of the heavens and earth unto the other end whereby the whole earth is filled with the Glory of the 15 Fathers. The Name of ShmuwL, meaning the Name of AL. (are you starting to comprehend who this is)? From the Awv of ShmwAL every Name is called in the heavens and earth. As the formulas of all thoughts of the most high rise unto the crown of Reshun, the Seed of a Name is formed. Upon the opening of a SeedName, which is the circumcision of the Seed, the Name of the Seed is called by the Awv ShmwAL. A construct of the Fire and Waters of HhaLmmed, the Name within the Seed is the source of the ones spirit and waters. According to the Name formed as a Seed it is given Breath by sowing the Seed into a Ring for its Extension and a Ring for its Momentum, whereby it becomes a life giving spirit through which the Thoughts of the most high breathes to bear the faces and glory of a Name. As Shayin Spirit of a Name moves upon its Waters, body of a Name is formed. What is in a Name is distinguished: the thought and the form. The gathering of the waters of a Name is the means to develop the head and body of a Name, whereby there are waters above and waters beneath through which all thoughts flow to fully express the joy in which Name is given and whereby it remains forever in the Unified kingdom of Lights. Union and compatibility of the Fire and the Water into one state is the means to form the Seed of AL. The Name of ShmwAL is the Fire and Water united into a Seed, in which is housed full glory and expressions of the Lmmed l. Hence, according to ones Name, one speaks and performs their labors unto HhaLmmed, whereby they engage their members according to their divine nature to bear joy in the Eyes of ALhhimthe construct of HhaLmmed. When the hands and feet are fastened to the pole of Lmmed, they are under the direction of YahWah. One submits to the feet of Lmmed to be taught of the Teacher. As one commits their ways to YahWah, YahWah brings them to fullness. ShmwAL is Lmmed of reshun, 12th power of Reshun through which all comes into being. In ShmwAL is the last--gatherings of the harvest. From the Days of ShmwAL all States begin according to their Numbers [CHP 29:12]. In both the 15th position of Light, which is the dark moon, and in the 30th position, which is the full moon, the Lights of ShmwAL are the 12th of Reshun. Reshun, as the 3rd and the 18th positions of the Lights, is the power of the ascension resurrection and the power of Life from which all instructions/lamadim of ShmwAL come forth. The associations of the Principle and the Teaching--positions of 1 and 12 l form the Name of AL. As the 12th of Reshun, ShmwAL serves in Temple or in House of Nephetli. Nephetli is the congregation of 12 Teraysarunim / Pyramids into one. Gad, or the House of Words, is the unfolding of the facets of the Teraysarunim of a Name into all clusters of the Words of the Teraysarunim/Pyramids. As the Words of a Name are unfolded and extended, the entire congregation of a Name grows. One grows daily as a plant unto their full stature of Becoming a Life giving Spirit. Word of ALhhim are formed as crystals of the 12 Lmmed-Dallath/12d configurations of the dwellings of Lmmed. The Words of ALhhim are lodged with the 48 Centres of Enlightenment, a compound state of Mind by the associations of the Values 12x4 or 12d. All Words of the Dallath patterns are called the Words of YahWah. Each Word is a structure of Dallath/d/4. 4d forms the Words of Wisdom. The Pyramids/ Teraysarunim. These Words form the basis for a house and a thought to appear/ab/ayb and ascend by the impartations of the Newn Mind to make 8. 8d forms the Words of Understanding. The Cube, being a union of two pyramids head to tail that emits the third in its midst. Octahedron, two pyramids base to base. i.e. bha/ahhav/8, conveying the breaking forth of the Light within a construct of Wisdom, ab/ayb the means to appear/come. In this word of Chakmah, the ALphah is lengthened by the Yewd to form a body. 12d forms the Words of ALhhim and knowledge. Teraysarun/Dodecahedron. i.e. The Name of Dawd. The union of w6:w6 in the midst of the Tents. 16d forms the Words of the Unified Consciousness. The Sphere or Unified Eye Ring. By Words of Wisdom squared: 4x4=16 we come to enter into the Unified Consciousness. Through seeing all sides of a Thought we form the circle of Consciousness. From Consciousness developments we attain to Oliyun/Most High: 16+4=20. i.e. Oyin: a 16:16d configuration Oyin 5+10+1:10+6. 20d forms the Words of OLiyun, the most high. The Icosahedron. i.e. The Names/Heavens, whereby every Name has within its Seed the thoughts of the Avwt to comprehend the Source from which it has Being.

The compounds of the 20d form the Sayings of the Avim/Fathers which reside in the midst of the Nine of OLiyun: 4x20=80/PaWah/Sayings. The five Word forms are the Crowns of Life. The patterns of the Words correspond to the five solids {$$} of Plato. As the heart is formed with these 5 configurations of Thoughts, the Words of each configuration rise unto the mind, the crown of the body, through the offerings of Gad in a month. The Fathers move as One Light15, ALphah-Hhwa. Each day there is an appearance of the Faces of the Fathers, at 15 intervals. Within the 15 there are 15 Fathers whose Faces appear in rotation. As they appear in 15 intervals, a Face appears in the 12 Houses [i.e. movement of the moon through the Zodiac]. The rotation of the Fathers as a revolving Light causes the Faces of the Fathers to appear each in their Day. Each Day is marked by the appearing Faces of the Fathers, whereby a Day is called according to the Face appearing [i.e. The faces/phases of the moon]. The two sides of a Face are seen in the two sides of the month, whereby the fullness of ShmwAL is seen as 15 full moons in a month. Day 1 or Day 16 pattern: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Day 2 or Day 17 pattern: 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Day 3 or Day 18 pattern: 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Day 4 or Day 19 pattern: 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Day 5 or Day 20 pattern: 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Day 6 or Day 21 pattern: 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Day 7 or Day 22 pattern: 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Day 8 or Day 23 pattern: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Day 9 or Day 24 pattern: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Day 10 or Day 25 pattern: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 Day 11 or Day 26 pattern: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 Day 12 or Day 27 pattern: 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 Day 13 or Day 28 pattern: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 Day 14 or Day 29 pattern: 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 Day 15 or Day 30 pattern: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 The Days of the kingdom of Light are from the Day of ShmwAL/15 unto the Day of ShmwAL/15 [I ShmwAL 3:19-21/SMS 3:24]. The grid of the Fathers forms a cube 15x15, the sum of 225--the Light of 22 in which are 14400. Each column of 15 is 120 in which the15 Fathers pass through the 12 Houses in both sides of a month. The Rod of Lammed turns left to right causing the 15 Faces to appear in the course of 30 Days. The evenings of Lammed turn left to right and the mornings turn-right to left whereby the sheep for the offerings are brought into the Gate of Lammed between the a [The House of AL] in the position of Shamonn. The sum of the rotations are one daya unified Act of Light. The 12:12 Houses in a Circle of 360 left to right-right to left spin 15 180 30 165 45 150 60 135 75 120 90 105 105 90 120 75 135 60 150 45 165 30 180 15. Seventh of ShmuwAL is 105, which is the Mind of the Rayish of Lights [Head/Rayish of the Menurrah of ALhhim]. The 30 Days of 15-450, the Newn Mind of all sides, the sum of Rayish 4x50. Every 90 Tsada is a shavbet. Each shavbet corresponds to the four bodies of the mind or the 4 openings-PaWah in qphah. The portals in a month correspond to the 4 mouths of a body. As the mouths open on the shavbet, the people assemble to hear the teachings of Aharwan. Every seven days there is a transformation through a change of sides / lateral views. 3604. The 12 hours of a day are set by the intervals of 30-a rotation of Lammed. A month is set by 12 increments: 36012=30 Days--a rotation of Lammed. The 15 Fathers are within the 12 at all times as noted above in the Grid of ShmwAL. The union of the Faces of Yetschaq and ShmuwAL, the first and the last, is called the fullness of joy.

Fire Chapter 22 Taw X

THE TREE OF LIFE AND THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE Through the offerings of Ayshshur upon the wood of RAwaben, one comes to the Source of the Avim. Offerings of Ayshshur take us into the paths of the Ancient of days, meaning the Ancestors of all Works [ref: The Offerings of RAwaben in the House of RAwaben]. The origins of old are laid up in Ayshshur from which their waters spill forth as we tread the paths of the Avim in all things. As Thoughts of the Avim flow from the midst of HhaLammed, the branches of the Tree are formed, which are the Houses of the Twelve and their kinds. The Tree of the Avim is the Tree of Life; the Tree of the Branches of the Collective and the Associative is the Tree of knowledge born upon the Tree of Life. As Life is in the Avim, so the Tree of Life is of the 15 Avim; whereas the Tree of Knowledge is of the Fruit of the AvimThe fathers sit upon the 7 slopes of Aurrat. There are 2 Fathers for each mountain, one on each side. In the midst of the 7 hills is Awv Reshun, who rises as

the crown of knowledge. As we climb the slopes of Illumination we come to their altars, and arrange our stones according to their Names upon which we make our offerings in the Light of their Faces. The 7 hills, as they are joined by the pairs of Avim, make 7 Oyin/Eyes that are set in perpetual motion of Consciousness/8. THE SAYINGS OF HHAAVIM/THE FATHERS The Tewrah/Torah is the sum of the sayings of hhaAvim/The Aharwan is 83, and Moses-maShayh is 80. The Values of 83 are read as the Sayings of #Gammal, meaning the composite thoughts are transmitted by the one of Enlightenment according to the Names of HhaAvim/The Fathers. As the Sayings of The Fathers enter into the inward parts of maShayh/Moses, then that which is written is called The Law of Moses maShayh, for it is the inscriptions coming from the composite Seed of the 15 Fathers. In that the Tewrah is the gathering of Thoughts of the Fathers, it is called The Law of the fathers, a gathering of their Sayings, and also called The Law of ALhhim, for the Sayings of the Fathers are composed in the Rings of HhaLammed, their Offspring for all generations of thoughts and their deeds [SMS/Acts 22:3]. One who teaches the Torah Tewrah sits at the feet of GamaliAL -one who transposes-carries forth the Words of the Priest / hhakuwhnim Avim through the inward parts of a house, as the mouth of maShayhthe organization of the Rings of ALhhim transposes the Thoughts of Aharwan the prophet or discloser. MaShayh/Moses is ALhhim to Aharwan as the Rings of ALhhim are to the Avim. As the mouths of the Avim speak mouth to mouth with the Rings of ALhhim, spun by their Illuminations, so the mouth of Aharwan discloses the Teachings of GamaliAL to maShayh with a kiss. The prophet Aliyahu/Elijah is the Voice of hhakuwhnim in the final days of an awt who turns the children, the offspring of a Name, to their Avim. As the Voice of ALiyahu comes into the world then all of the twelve in a Name turn their faces to the Avim of their House whereby the land is spared from separation/the curse of restriction within a dwelling of clay and iron. As the children of a Name turn their Faces to the Faces of HhaAvim, then the expressions of the Avim come to reside within each house of a Name, whereby their Houses are filled with the liberty and blessings of flowing from the composite Seed of their Names. From the flow of the 15 Avim of the Twelve the house of a Name forms a new wine skin to carry the Understanding of the Seed of the Avim and its complete workings with joy. THE DAYS OF THE AVIM/FATHERS AND THEIR ALTARS The 15 faces of the moon are determined by the 15 Names of the Avim. There are 15 days of Wisdom for spreading out of the Light, and there are 15 days of Understanding for the ascension of the Light in the Mind. Through days of Lammed/30, mind is transformed and renewed by the extension of Wisdom and the momentum of Understanding. Within two sides of Light, each of 15 faces, the fullness of the Avim is expressed in each house without partiality. According to the perpetual giving of the Avim, the gifts to each house are from the Awv of Lights: Every good thing given and every perfect gift are from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow [Yaoquv 1:17]. The 15 days of Wisdom are the impartations of the Lights. Through the giving all faces of the Avim, a seed is formed from the offerings. Thus each Name is an Offspring of Yehh/Yah. The 15 days of Understanding are the transference of all gifted within the body of the month unto the Head of knowledge which becomes full of the Lights. By the emanations of the two sides of the Lights the Mind forms the crown of 70 starsthe Consciousness of the Illuminations. The Lights of the 15 Avim strike every point on both sides of the Unified Consciousness of hhakuwhnim as they circle the pole of the Lammed monthly. The sides of the Lights, being the faces within the Lammed Body of 35:35, give ascent to the 70 Names of HhaLammed the 70 stars, which bear the Illumination of the Avim in each of the Twelve Houses of the Avim. The total giving of the Lights of HhaAvim from day 1 to day 15 are their deeds upon the altar of the oylah through which the gifts are imparted. The sides of the transference are from day 16 to day 30 which are the deeds of the Avim upon the altar of spices. Surrounding these two altars the faces of HhaAvim turn daily. According to the Days of the Avim, every day has its measurements of giving and transferring. THE LIBERTY OF AYSHSHUR/House of Asher: According to the State of the SeedName, one resides in the lands of their Names whereby one has liberty in their heart. Though one passes through other lands depicted as the Houses of YishARAL journeying through other states, we make no agreement with those lands lest we become intertwined with them which forfeits covenant of Liberty. We continue to move freely daily by the compass directives of Ayshshur set in each offering from the heart. At all times, the presence of Ayshshur in the offerings determines which way the compass is pointing. Through the offerings we are continually abiding in the ten lands of the spiral of ascension whereby we are not entangled with the lands of the processes/nations; rather, we maintain the headship of the processes as what is called the head of the nations. Via the offerings of Ayshshur-Shamonn the notion of the liberty bell is derived. Ayshshur is liberty and Shamonn depicts the bell. Through offerings of Ayshshur-Shamonn liberty rings in our heart and dwelling states.

All things heard in Ayshshur are of liberty, whereby one tests the Rch speaking if it is of liberty. Due to how the scriptures have been taught in the established churches of the states/governments, the renderings of the Sayings from the Rewach/Spirit, coming out of the Paleo script, are not heard, for this mind concerns itself with the a fear of being misled from all that they have accepted without understanding. Ten lands welcome the Houses of YishARAL to abide within them, to occupy and to fill them with their thoughts, whereby the lands are blessed with the good seed of YishARAL. In the full exercise of our Light Nature-The past presentations of the Torah have led to war's, slavery, bigotry and to camps of arrogance parading in darkness of religious expressions. For example, misinterpretations of accounts of the sons of Noah has perpetrated the conflict of race's. Because, there are no black or white skins; we all have red skin's, with hues according to our interaction with the light. The White Text takes all of us forward as brother's in the conquest of the Promised Land. The character's /personalities of the Torah [Bible], are seen as being resident with in us, since the entire scope of the Torah is an unfolding of every attribute and order of life within us. Every Name of Torah is a position and operation of Wisdom within every person. The perfect/ complete Man in terms of Law will be functioning in his full capacity according to his / her Divine Nature. As the White Text is read and understood [the readings and the understandings being the same], there is a freedom that comes to every one of your faculties that was once enslaved to darkness. Your true Name and its branching, both as pertains to yourself and to the divine community, are released / unfolded unto your full nature, to grow-be fruitful in Light. There is no condemnation to those in their full measurement; and thus we do not read of condemnation in White Text. Rather, the White Text is a reading of affirming each expression of life within us in glorious freedom of the sons of Elohyim/ALhhim/The Gods-in full exercise of our Light Nature. Kokavim-Stars; The star's serve to extend thought into fields of Knowledge which are regulated by Understanding. A kokavim/star serves to expand Wisdom and Understanding unto Knowledge-to reveal all details of thought. Knowledge contains multiple seed's, as seeds that are scattered within fruit, so are Kokavim-Star's. According to multiple thought branches or clusters of concept's so are the stars flung into a space. Each kokavim / star is a seat of knowledge. The star's form a crown as the Seeds arise from the base unto the apex of our thought's. Open an apple and see the crown of seed's in side. From whence have the seed's come? Whenever a cluster of thought's combine to form a word, a Kokavim-Star appears. Every star is a Word cluster of YahWah. The stars being flung into space are as Seeds that are dispersed from the loin's. Around the expanding gases of thought, the ten lands of the suns and the planets are formed as the spaces for the star's which arise from the Breath of YahWah. The planets are bodies of thought that correspond to the tribal camps within us; the star's associated with each planet are fields of Knowledge that pertain to each thought cluster. As your 6 pairs of organs are set in the midst of your bodies, so are the tribe's set into the galaxies, six on one side and six on the other side. According to the paths of the Seed, so are all kokavim/ star's and planetary bodies arranged in space, the great fields of Light that go out from the midst of twelve centers. AB, BC AND THE 32 EIRDANI, names of star's in current science, referring to pairs of Kokavim - Star's in great river of Light called amongst the ancient's, Parata, known as the Source River. Within the River are four sets of double stars or pairs: known today as the Theta and Theta Eirdani. TO KNOW Those who use the words I believe have got a lot to learn. [use the word's, I think until you get it right]. ------------------------------------------------------YishARAL. This presentation of the Tewrah/Torah Light is a Firestorm of 22 Blazing Fire Letters cutting into the Heart from Light Fields Above with the Pure Language of 22 Chapters of Fire Light; Paleo Hebrew Thought. Here we ask; is it more important to be Right or to be illuminated? Before publication of this Authors manuscript To Know That came in the morning to Shmual, as a prelude to the Redemption [act, process, or an instance of redeeming]; of all Names and their souls by the 30 pieces of silver. Tewrah-Torah ShmuwL / Samual is read to mean a son of AL Excerpt of Author Joe Sarge Kinneys Manuscript To Know Those that lead you are your thoughts in the state of your dwelling. MaShayh/Moses and Aharwan/Aaron are your leaders to come to Knowledge with Understanding. Youre learning commences as you hear the Voice of Chakmah through maShayh/Moses, whereby Wisdom is the beginning of coming to the Collective Body of YahWah, the Body of Rings. As you see your parts within you, arranged and abiding side by side, you come to learn how all Names are to abide together in One House. Your ears are opened as you humble them to the heavy lips of maShayh, and they commence to tell you laws-how all things are arranged so that every house is a servant all other houses. As you learn of Moses/maShayh, you rise above violations within your members and violations between waters-

-those of your neighbor. With Aaron-Aharwan you gain Understanding as you follow after maShayh. The teacher, maShayh, is called the Body of Wisdom, which is your foundation. The teacher, Aharwan, is called Body of Understanding that is the strength of your unified parts. The teacher of all is ShmuAL, which is rendered as the Name of AL, from which all teachings come. All teachings come from the WordSeed in which are the parts and the understanding how all abide as One. ShmuwL/Samual is read to mean a son of Al, or the unified of the Name of AL. Biblical scholars consider that The son of Al rendering implies that ShmuwL is a cipher for Name YahWah, considered by many Biblical scholars to be the first Offspring of Al, through whom kings are anointed and people of YishARAL are called [Tehillah 89:20-21]. The Land is first called The Arets/Land of YishARAL by Shmual [I ShmuAl/Sam 13:19]. Shmual [I ShmuAl/Sam 13:19]. All of the writings of ShmuAl are of the Chayit scroll of the Newn/14, the first measure of increase; hence, they are the writings of Understanding of all that is of the beginnings and that which is before the beginning in Beniyman. As a result of maShayh/Moses and Aharwan/Aaron guiding you to the full extent of their Eyes unto the lands of your inheritance, there is a new generation of Thought for the leadership of your Twelve Houses. The leaders of the Kuwahen-Priest ALOZAR and Yahusho of Aparryim rise from the mountains that you have ascended to lead you into the lands. The leaders are two, or paired, as previously. One leads from your foundation of origin in HhaALhhim/The Elohyim The Gods Yahusho Ben Newn, and the other from the full Illumination of Priest HhaKuwhnim.-ALOZAR Ben Aharwan. As you come into the lands/states of HhaDavar, you dwell safely together without the fear and terrors of discord and without the corruption of the world that you have escaped. For as writings say, the Most High will not leave you in the state of corruption, but will save your soul from the body that Perishes. Praise of YahWah is the declaration of the Numbers and the values that are set into motion through oylah. With the Numbers we declare the full counsel of the Minds of Nine and whole House of YahWah is blessed with the offerings of our hands FORMULATION OF THE HOUSES AND THEIR KINDS The living ones-----chaiyat of HhaAdim----Adim lammadim / disciples In that animals are extensions of thoughts of YishARAL, they are of One Breath, as they are called in HhaTewrah-Torah, not as man refers to them as brut beasts, but as the living oneschaiyat of HhaAdim. Every house is composed from the Houses of Ywsphah / Joseph, whereby every Name comes into Mitsraim with their House, for they are carried, being transported to Mitsraim/Egypt, by Joseph / Ywsphah [SMB/Gen 45:21-27; SYM/Ex 1:1]. The coming into the world is according to the consciousness. The consciousness through which one appears in the world determines the kind of house/body that one resides within-whether one is of human anatomy or of an animal construct, all come according to their consciousness, and the Breath that abides within these houses is the same [Qehelet/Eccl 3:19]. According to the order of Pharaoh, a body prepared, for the state of our dwelling in one skin or in another is according to the deeds which we have done, and to which we are assigned; even as the state of our mind today is consequence of our prayers and offerings made in the midst of Yahwahs House - within the Collective Body of Names. All that comes into the world, comes with the full investments of their thoughts and gifts. Though the Enlightened Ones are above the level of mortality, yet by divesting their wealth into the bulb of Manashah, they are able to fit within the skins of Humankind. Indeed, though one is far removed from their Origin of Mind, or though one is near to the Minds of Arrat {7th Heaven}, all come into the world must be awakened from the seat of Ywsphah / Joseph. As maShayh is born into Pharaoh house and enslaves the servants of the Most High which carried the House of Lawi Levi Priesthood hitherto; yet until one comes into the sub consciousness of Manashah, they walk by the egos of the world that shaped their eyes and minds of carnality. The great redemption of all Names from their houses of corruption is rising of Manashah into the seat of Yishshakkar, whereby all is hung upon the Staff of Aharwan as an acceptable offering. The animals of the world are of 12 categories of Thought. Each animal is an extension of thought that pertains to each house of YishARAL. In that the animals are extensions of the thoughts of YishARAL, they are of One Breath, as they are called in The Torah-HhaTewrah, not as man refers to them as brut beasts, but as the living ones chaiyat of HhaAdim. For in that the living ones are the components of Adim, they are brought unto Adim to be read/understood, whereby one comes to behold and To Know all that is within them. For everything that is made has relevancy only to 12 Houses of Mind that abide within the Collective of YahWah. When one sees that which is made of the trees, or of the animals, apart from the 12 Houses of Thought, they have utterly been blinded, for how could anything be made that is not of the Collective Minds of Arrat? For nothing that is made lacks the Intelligence of the Most High, for how could it be so? The animals are Named according to the traits of ones Thoughts.

The spirit of meekness is used to call the lambs, kevashim. From the expressions/faces of ones dwelling, bullock are called the parim. The ram is called after traits of being strong. There are no animals and no plants that are called clean and unclean in HhaTewrah/The Torah, for all that is clean & unclean belongs to associated or misaligned thoughts and their deeds. The meaning of that which one may eat and that which one may not eat does not pertain to the animals, for animals were not given to Adim to partake from [SMB-Gen 1:29]. When one reads HhaTewrah/The Torah as a list of clean and unclean animals, they are reading one complete level away from the intended Thoughts of the Words that are arranged to denote the traits of what one should accept and those traits that one should not permit within their soul, which are the members of their House [Lev: 11 43-47]. Why would HhaALhhim give to human beings the flesh [Physical] of another, when the Words of the HhaALhhim / The Elohyim /The Gods are in Seeds of the Doctrines that are green and do not perish? Why would HhaALhhim give to the offspring of Adim that which has corruption within it? For only the arrogant ones, whose faces are turned away from the Rings of HhaALhhim, could kill another, and then tear, by their teeth, the garment of their flesh that is formed for the cultivation and expression of their Breath/Spirit. ShmuwL says, We cannot base our conclusion's on Shaul/Paul, for though the writing's speak of Tewrah/Torah they are not the Tewrah, nor are they to be the authority of interpretation: whereas Paul become the standard instead of the writings of Moses/Mashayh. THE SAYINGS OF HHAAVIM/THE FATHERS The Tewrah/Torah is the sum of the sayings of hhaAvim/The Fathers. When the Enlightenment appears in the world, Aaron / Aharwan is 83, and Moses-maShayh is 80. The Values of 83 are read as the Sayings of #Gammal, meaning the composite thoughts are transmitted by one of Enlightenment according to the Names of HhaAvim/ The Fathers. As the Sayings of The Fathers enter into the inward parts of maShayh/Moses, then that which is written is called The Law of Moses maShayh, for it is the inscriptions coming from the composite Seed of the 15 Fathers. In that the Tewrah is the gathering of the Thoughts of the Fathers, it is called The Law of the fathers, a gathering of their Sayings, and also called The Law of ALhhim. The Ministry of the White Text PROLOG----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 Fire Chapter 1 Start-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 8 Fire Chapter 02 why should we believe anything you write about? Responce---------Page 23 Fire Chapter 03 12 PROPHECIES OF THE TWELVE HOUSES PERTAINING TO EVERY NAME APPEARING/COMING------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 36 Fire Chapter 04 The narratives of Yahusho-------------------------------------------------Page 53 Fire Chapter 05 We can do nothing against truth-------------------------------------------- Page 67 Fire Chapter 06 The blood of the Meek One------------------------------------------------- Page 94 Fire Chapter 07 Torah not speaking about animals -rather traits of expressions-------Page 110 Fire Chapter 08 four {4} major decisions that have to be made---------------------------Page 154 Fire Chapter 09 The purpose of an allegory--------------------------------------------------Page 163 Fire Chapter 10 into the search, the studies we go ------------------------------------------Page 184 Fire Chapter 11 Shmual, Aaron Paleo Hebrew lessons--------------------------------------Page 218 Fire Chapter 12 Calendar / Lawach-----------------------------------------------------------Page 254 Fire Chapter 13 Troubles / Tribulation of Jacob / Yaoquv come to an End--------------Page 274 Fire Chapter 14 Steps unto Ein Sof - Bayinah; Eternal Circle of Ayin O-----------------Page 288 Fire Chapter 15 To Know book----------------------------------------------------------------- Page 305 Fire Chapter 16 The Human Race Is A Disgrace!--------------------------------------------Page 322 Fire Chapter 17 Greatest Revelation Ever Presented To Man-1st 7 Scrolls-Book GATES OF THE BLACK PEARL and THE WHITE PEARL----------------------------Page 362 Fire Chapter 18 Luqech / Doctrine instructions regarding what one may eat -----------Page 387 Fire Chapter 19 The White Horse Rider------------------------------------------------------- Page 412 Fire Chapter 20 Healing Angel R --------------------------------------------------------------Page 477 Fire Chapter 21 THE FIFTEEN {15} FATHERS-------------------------------------------- Page 485 Fire Chapter 22 THE TREE OF LIFE AND THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE -----------Page 580 The Magnificent Solution - How to have PEACE and UNITY and LOVE ------------- Page 605 THE TREE OF LIFE AND THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE The Names of the {15} Auwvim / Fathers The correspondence of Shaul/Paul became rewritten by the admission of the evil Church fathers to convey a divine

icon that surpassed the former practices of the Tewrah/Torah, whereby the Christ meShich within became over shadowed by the towering statue of the Christ of their aspiring empire. Well, there U have it! Keep living in FILTH OR START MOVING TOWARDS THE MOST HIGH Joseph J. Kinney, Sr. Author Joe Sarge Kinney Author Ashkol ben Aphrayim Codes, Ciphers, Encryption and Cryptography

Cryptography is the discipline of using codes and ciphers to encrypt a message and make it unreadable unless the recipient knows the secret to decrypt it. From Star Fields Above and Beyond

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