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Separation and Purification Technology 126 (2014) 21–29

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Nanofiltration as tertiary treatment for the reuse of dairy wastewater

treated by membrane bioreactor
L.H. Andrade ⇑, F.D.S. Mendes, J.C. Espindola, M.C.S. Amaral
Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos, no. 6627, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Due to the growth in the costs of collecting and treating water, and with the treatment and discharge of
Received 5 July 2013 effluents, reuse has become an increasingly viable option for industries. This study aimed at evaluating
Received in revised form 30 January 2014 the application of membrane bioreactor (MBR) as secondary and nanofiltration (NF) as tertiary treatment
Accepted 31 January 2014
for the reuse of dairy wastewater, focusing on determining the best NF operating conditions. MBR
Available online 13 February 2014
showed high removal efficiency for COD (mean of 98%) and nutrients (86% total nitrogen and 89%
phosphorus). However, the concentration of dissolved solids in the permeate still prevented its reuse.
In order to remove these solids, the MBR permeate was nanofiltrated, and three different cross-flow
Nanofiltration (NF)
Operating conditions
velocities were evaluated. Due to lower external fouling and better quality of the permeate, the velocity
Wastewater reuse of 7.8 m/s was selected as the most suitable for the NF system. The optimum permeate recovery rate was
Dairy wastewater determined to be 45% since, at values higher than this, the quality of the permeate dropped. The proposed
Membrane bioreactor (MBR) treatment system (MBR + NF) showed overall efficiencies of 99.9% for COD and 93.1% for total solids. The
final treated wastewater could be reused as water for cooling, steam generation, or washing of external
areas and trucks.
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction restrictive parameters for wastewater discharge, imposition of

charges both for the collection of water as well as for the discharge
The dairy industry is considered, among the food industries, to of effluents, and to the reduced availability and quality of water re-
be the most polluting due to the high water consumption and the sources. In the case of the dairy industry, on the one hand, the use
generation of large amounts of liquid waste which, in turn, consti- of treated wastewater should be avoided for washing equipment
tute the main source of pollution of this type of industry [1]. These that receives products or for operations where there is a possibility
wastewaters are characterized by high concentrations of organic of direct contact with raw material, because there may be a risk of
matter and nutrients, and are composed mainly of carbohydrates, contamination; on the other hand, the reuse of water is encouraged
proteins and fats originated from milk, and of residual cleaning as replacement in cooling or heating systems and for good manu-
agents [2]. facturing practices, such as washing floors and trucks and rinsing
Conventional treatment systems for these wastewaters include external areas [5,6]. In this scenario, one of the most promising
the use of primary treatment to remove solids, oils and fats; technologies for wastewater treatment and reuse are membrane
secondary biological treatment to remove organic matter and separation systems and the combining of these systems with other
nutrients; and, in some cases, tertiary treatment such as polishing. technologies [7].
However, several problems have been reported, such as high Membrane bioreactors (MBR) consist of biological reactors
production of scum, poor sludge settleability, low resistance to associated with membrane separation processes, usually with
organic shock load, difficulties in removing nutrients (nitrogen micro or ultrafiltration. Among the advantages of MBRs, it is
and phosphorus) and problems in the degradation of fats, oils notable that they are compact and modular systems, with low
and other specific types of pollutants [3,4]. sludge production, that show total removal of suspended solids
Currently, the reuse of wastewater has become an environmen- independently of the characteristics of sedimentability of the
tal and economically viable option for industry, due to increasingly biomass, and that generate high quality treated wastewater [8].
The wastewaters from MBRs may be reused directly for unre-
stricted irrigation [7] or for recreational purposes after removal
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 (31) 34093669; fax: +55 (31) 34091879. of the residual color [9]. However, if the water use requires a
E-mail address: (L.H. Andrade).
1383-5866/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
22 L.H. Andrade et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 126 (2014) 21–29

higher quality, such as for indirect reusable drinking water or for air flow rates of the two aeration systems used for oxygenation
industrial reuse, a tertiary treatment with nanofiltration or reverse and mixing of the biological tank and for membrane fouling control
osmosis, for example, may be necessary [10,11]. were both 0.5 Nm3/h. The backwash flow rate was adjusted to
Nanofiltration (NF) is an intermediate process of ultrafiltration 2.0 L/h and it was triggered automatically for 45 s, for every
and reverse osmosis which carries advantages such as the efficient 15 min of permeation.
removal of dissolved solutes, including multivalent ions and organ- The feed and permeate of the MBR were characterized daily as
ic compounds of high molar mass; however, with lower pressure to COD and color (Hach DR2800 Spectrophotometer), and weekly
requirements and higher flows than reverse osmosis [12]. Studies as to BOD, total nitrogen (Shimadzu TNM-1) and ammonia nitro-
show that NF is an efficient system for the secondary or tertiary gen, phosphorus and total solids. Three times per week the concen-
treatment of wastewaters, aiming at generating water for indus- tration of mixed liquor volatile suspended solids of the sludge was
trial, agricultural and/or indirect drinking reuse [11,13–15]. How- also ascertained. All analyses were done according to the recom-
ever, the evaluation of the optimum operating conditions for mendations of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
each specific NF system allows improvement of the overall perfor- and Wastewater [33].
mance of the process, both in terms of quality of the permeate and
fouling control. 2.3. Experimental unit for nanofiltration
The use of NF for the treatment of several types of wastewaters
is reported in the literature, e.g. tannery [16], textile [17,18], refin- The MBR permeate was nanofiltrated in order to generate final
ery [19] and municipal [20]. The application of NF for dairy waste- treated wastewater with quality for reuse. For NF testing, an NF90
waters is also found. However most papers focus on the treatment commercial membrane from Dow–Filmtec was used. The mem-
of real used cleaning-in-place (CIP) solutions [21–23], model CIP brane was cut properly and inserted into an 8.9 cm diameter stain-
wastewater [24], flash cooler condensates from ultra high temper- less steel cell, providing a 62 cm2 filtration area, which simulated a
ature treatments [25], milk whey [26], model dairy effluent procedure with a flat membrane. The water permeability of the
prepared from commercial milk [1,27–29] or dairy chemical–bio- membrane used showed a mean value of 2.3 L/(h m2 bar), indicat-
logical treatment plant effluent [30]. We found no references to ing that this NF membrane had characteristics similar to those of
the treatment of real effluents from large dairy industries making reverse osmosis.
use of MBR and NF. The NF system comprised an feed tank (FT) where the MBR per-
Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the application meate was stored, a pump connected to a speed controller, flow-
of MBR as secondary treatment and NF as tertiary treatment for the meter for reading the feed flow rate, a pressure adjustment
reuse of dairy wastewater. Emphasis was placed on evaluating the valve, a manometer and temperature gauge. Fig. 1 shows a sche-
best NF operating conditions that would generate a better quality matic of this unit.
permeate and provide less membrane fouling.
2.4. Determination of the best NF operating conditions
2. Materials and methods
Initially, the best condition for the feed cross-flow velocity was
determined and next, the optimum permeate recovery rate of NF.
2.1. Wastewater from the dairy industry
To determine the best flow regime, tests were conducted at
three different feed velocities, 4.4, 6.1, and 7.8 m/s, which corre-
The wastewater that was fed into the MBR came from a large
spond to the feed flow rates of 4.0, 5.6, and 7.2 L/min. These values
dairy industry located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, whose
are close to those applied by other authors, as Trägardh and
manufactured products are UHT milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage
Johansson [21], who studied the nanofiltration of dairy discharged
cheese and petit suisse. The wastewater was collected from the
alkaline cleaning solutions at a cross flow velocity of 7.0 m/s, and
industry wastewater treatment station, following the stages of
László et al. [27], who treated model dairy wastewaters with ozone
sieving and flotation with compressed air.

2.2. Experimental unit of the membrane bioreactor

The bench scale membrane bioreactor used to conduct the tests
was built by PAM Membranas Seletivas Ltda (Rio de Janeiro Brazil).
The MBR had one module of hollow fiber, submerged microfiltra-
tion membranes (polyetherimide, average pore size of 0.5 lm, FT
membrane area of 0.044 m2, packing density of 500 m2/m3). The
MBR system consisted of three acrylic tanks (a 40-liter feed storage Permeate
tank, a 4.4-liter working volume biological tank, into which the
membrane was inserted, and a 5-liter tank for permeate storing), SC
a diaphragm pump, solenoid and needle valves, and flow and pres-
sure gauges.
The MBR was initially inoculated with sludge coming from the Legend
activated sludge reactor of the effluent’s supplier. After an initial Pump
phase of acclimatization of the microorganisms to the conditions
Needle valve P
of the MBR and the effluent, which lasted 28 days and in which Manometer
the hydraulic retention time (HRT) was set to 8 h and there was SC Speed controller T
no sludge discharge, the system operated continuously for 40 days. Thermometer
The operating conditions were: HRT of 6 h and sludge retention FT Feed Tank
time of 60 days (the defined values were based on existing litera-
ture and previous tests as explained elsewhere [31,32]. The flow
rate was 0.80 L/h, and the permeate flux was 18.2 L/(h m2). The Fig. 1. Schematic of the NF system.
L.H. Andrade et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 126 (2014) 21–29 23

and nanofiltration at 4.6 m/s. Each test included measurements of were compared with standards for both cooling and boiler water
permeability, evaluation of pollutant retention efficiency, and found in literature Asano et al. [5].
determination of resistance to filtration. To keep the conditions
constant during these tests, all permeate and retentate were fed 3. Results and discussion
back into the feed tank, which was kept between 25 and 35 °C
by using an ice bath. At the end of each intermediate step, the 3.1. Membrane bioreactor
membrane was chemically cleaned using a sodium percarbonate
solution at a concentration of 0.5 g/L in an ultrasonic bath for The MBR operated with a mean MLVSS concentration of
20 min. 19,500 mg/L. This value, which may be considered high given that
Membrane permeabilities were calculated by measuring the the mean MLVSS concentration in an MBR with a submerged mem-
permeate flow at pressures of 10.0, 7.5, 5.0 and 2.5 bar. The perme- brane module fluctuates between 10,000 and 15,000 mg/L [34], is
abilities with wastewater were compared to the permeabilities justified by the fact of the wastewater having a high concentration
with distilled water for the clean membrane, previously measured. of organic matter which is highly biodegradable [35]. Therefore,
To evaluate the retention capacity of the membrane, feed there was sufficient substrate available for the microorganisms
samples (MBR permeate) and NF permeate were collected and ana- for both the catabolism and the synthesis of new cells.
lyzed for conductivity (Hach 44600 Conductivimeter), color, total Table 1 shows the mean results of the concentration of
carbon (TC) and total organic carbon (TOC) (TOC Analyzer, Shima- pollutants of the feed and the permeate of the MBR, and of the
dzu TOC-V CNP), and total solids (TS) [22]. respective removal.
Resistances to filtration were determined according to the ser- It can be observed that the MBR showed increased capacity for
ies resistance model. Similar to the methodology used by László the removal of organic matter, both in terms of COD and BOD,
et al. [27], the total resistance (Rt) was divided into membrane which may be justified by the high biodegradability of the waste-
resistance (Rm), external resistance (Re) and internal resistance water, high concentration of biomass in the reactor and the
to fouling (Ri). To calculate these resistances, the flows Jw (flow presence of the membrane in the system [32].
of the clean membrane filtrating pure water), Ji (flow of the fouled High removal of nutrients and color is also noted. The high
membrane filtrating pure water) and Jt (flow of the membrane fil- sludge ages usually applied in MBRs contribute to the nitrification
trating effluent) were determined at a fixed pressure of 10 bar. The that occurs in these systems, since nitrifying bacteria, responsible
Jw flow was determined by the permeation of distilled water for the conversion of ammonia to nitrate, are notoriously slow-
through the clean membrane. Following this step, the wastewater growing microorganisms [8]. In addition, the tropical climate and
was nanofiltered for 30 min and the stabilization flow (Jt) was high temperatures of the country also contribute to the nitrifica-
measured. Subsequently, water was recirculated in the system at tion that occurs systematically in biological treatment systems
a flow rate of 3.2 L/min for 30 min and, following this procedure, implemented in Brazil [36]. Thus, the high removal efficiencies of
the flow of permeation of distilled water was measured again, ammonia nitrogen were predictable. However, since the reactor
corresponding to Ji. The resistances were calculated according to is totally aerated and has no anoxic zones, the significant removal
the following equations, considering the dynamic viscosity of the of NT, which indicates the occurrence of denitrification, was not
permeate to be equal to that of the water: expected initially. Nonetheless, this phenomenon might have
P occurred due to the reduction in the oxygen transfer efficiency
Rm ¼ ð1Þ stemming from the sludge’s high viscosity. In this way, internal re-
g  Jw
gions of the biological flocs possibly did not receive oxygen and
transformed themselves into anoxic zones, thus providing favor-
Ri ¼  Rm ð2Þ able denitrification conditions [37].
g  Ji According to Guadie et al. [38] incomplete air circulation in the
reactor and/or the presence of biofilms, which create a shield for
P denitrifiers, can lead to an anoxic microzone in the biofilm, result-
Re ¼  Rm  Ri ð3Þ
g  Je ing in simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) in the
reactor even during aeration. In such cases, nitrification occurs
in which P corresponds to the difference between the applied trans-
on the surface of the biofilm, whereas denitrification occurs in
membrane pressure and the osmotic pressure of the feed, and g to
the inner layers due to a dissolved oxygen gradient [39,40].
the dynamic viscosity of the water at 25 °C.
Moreover, since sludge growth was high, part of the total nitro-
To determine the optimum permeate recovery rate (RR), nano-
gen removal may result from a higher nutrient uptake. According
filtration of the effluent was conducted with return of the concen-
to Wang et al. [40], during the steady state, the mass of discharged
trate to the feed tank and continuous withdrawal of the permeate,
using the optimum cross-flow velocity previously determined. The
permeate flow was monitored and samples of the permeate were Table 1
collected periodically for TC, TS and conductivity analysis [33]. Mean values of the main physicochemical parameters of feed and permeate and the
The optimum RR was determined based on the results of permeate removal efficiencies of the MBR.

quality and flux decay. Parameters Raw wastewater MBR permeate Removal %
COD (mg/L) 2937.6 57.3 97.9
2.5. Evaluation of the viability of reusing final treated wastewater BOD (mg/L) 1120 6 99.5
Color (units Pt-Co) 2316.6 27.35 98.7
TN (mg/L) 49.8 6.9 86.1
To evaluate the viability of reusing the effluent from the NF, the N-NH3 (mg/L) 43.1 1.4 96.0
permeate, collected with the RR and cross-flow velocity conditions Phosphorus (mg/L) 36.3 1.4 89.0
considered as the most appropriate for the system, was analyzed TS (mg/L) 3.366 1.647 45.7
for pH, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, COD and metals (Ca, Mg, TFS (mg/L) 1.527 1.473 0.7
TVS (mg/L) 1.838 174 84.3
Cu, Zn and Fe) according to Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Wastewater [33]. Metals were analyzed by an atomic TN – total nitrogen; N-NH3 – ammonia nitrogen, TS – total solids, TFS – total fixed
absorption spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer 3300). The results solids, TVS – total volatile solids.
24 L.H. Andrade et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 126 (2014) 21–29

sludge is equal to the mass of microorganism growth and forma- the retention of inorganic particulate material by the membrane.
tion; and nitrogen consumption due to cell assimilation can be cal- It is important to note that MBRs show complete retention of sus-
culated with the cell formula (C5H7NO2), in which N accounted for pended solids.
12% of the total mass. Mean total nitrogen load removal was calcu- Thus, it can be stated that the MBR permeate shows high qual-
lated by the difference between feed and permeate TN concentra- ity, with low concentrations of organic matter and nutrients. How-
tions multiplied by flow rate; and nitrogen removal for ever, there is still a significant concentration of dissolved solids,
assimilation was estimated by emission of sludge, considering since the MBR microfiltration membrane is not able to retain com-
sludge retention time of 60 days. The comparison of nitrogen re- pounds in solution. Therefore, in order to remove these solids and
moval for assimilation (171 mg N/day) and TN removal to generate a final treated wastewater suitable for reuse, the MBR
(719 mg N/day) shows that nitrogen loss in the system was larger permeate was sent to an NF unit.
than nitrogen loss for assimilation. Thus, simultaneous nitrification
and denitrification must have occurred in the reactor.
The mean phosphorus removal was 86%. Traditionally, systems 3.2. Determination of the best NF operating conditions
projected to remove phosphorus should contain aerobic and anaer-
obic reactors in series for the selection and growth of phosphate Fig. 2 shows values of permeability of the NF membrane with
accumulating microorganisms (PAO) [36]. In the case of conven- wastewater divided by the permeability with water for the clean
tional biological treatment systems, the partial removal of phos- membrane at three different cross-flow velocities.
phorus takes place through its assimilation by the biomass for A positive impact on the permeability with wastewater, i.e. an
cellular synthesis. In this case, the discarding of excess sludge 18% raise, was observed by increasing the cross-flow velocity from
can result in phosphorus removal that varies between 10% and 4.4 to 6.1 m/s. This increase was responsible for an improvement in
30%, depending on the organic load of the effluent and on the oper- the hydrodynamic conditions of the system, reducing the thickness
ation conditions [41]. of the boundary layer near the surface of the membrane and the
Farizoglu et al. [42] evaluated the removal of nutrients in a fouling [13]. In addition, according to Luo et al. [28], higher shear
membrane jet loop reactor treating whey and obtained total phos- rates may reduce the accumulation of solutes on the membrane
phorus removal efficiencies between 65% and 85%, similar to those surface, minimizing the difference in osmotic pressure across it,
in the present study and greater than those expected for systems and increasing the effective driving force for permeation, thus
that do not have specific configurations for advanced phosphorus increasing the flow.
removal. For the authors, these elevated values result from consid- An even greater increase in flow velocity, up to 7.8 m/s, also in-
erable phosphorus assimilation for cellular synthesis, as the bio- creased membrane permeability with the wastewater, although
mass concentration in the reactor was high (between 6000 and less significantly, which shows that there are types of foulings
14,500 mg/L), which was also true for both MBRs in this study. which cannot be removed by establishing better hydrodynamic
Moreover, the authors assumed that part of the phosphorous re- conditions. The gain obtained in this operation was 4%, and the
moval was related to the precipitation of phosphates with Ca2+ permeability with wastewater reached a value corresponding to
and Na+ ions, present in great quantities in the effluent in question. 97% of permeability with water.
The effluent used as feed in this work presented relatively high Table 2 shows the values of the physicochemical parameters of
Ca2+ concentration (near to 85 mg/L [31]). Given the low Kps value NF feed and of the permeates obtained for the three conditions
for calcium phosphate (1.3  1032) the hypothesis of phosphorus tested. It is noteworthy that NF tests were conducted in batch
precipitation is quite plausible. Therefore, both justifications pre- mode. Thus, the MBR permeate, collected during some hours,
sented by Farizoglu et al. [42] are applicable to the present work. was fed into the NF system. Therefore, the concentration of some
Moreover, although PAOs thrive under anaerobic/aerobic condi- parameters of the NF feed shown in Table 2 may differ slightly
tions, they do not necessarily require these operational conditions from those shown for the permeate of the MBR in Table 1, since
in order to survive, persisting in bioreactors operated under strict in the latter case they refer to average values obtained during
aerobic conditions as well as other aquatic habitats [43]. In that 40 days of monitoring.
way, MBRs present a potentially suitable environment for PAO pro- Improvement in all parameters monitored was noted with the
liferation because they are slow growing organisms and the mem- increase in the feed velocity. Since increased flow rate reduces
brane may completely retain them, since their size is typically the accumulation of solutes retained on the membrane surface, it
larger than microfiltration membrane pores [44 apud 38]. Addi- also reduces their concentration gradient between the feed and
tionally, as discussed before, the high biomass concentrations nor-
mally found in MBRs might lead to areas of anoxic or anaerobic
micro-niches within the sludge flocs, potentially providing PAOs 100%
Effluent permeability in relation

a selective advantage [43].

Silva et al. [43] characterized the microbial diversity of the acti- 80%
to water permeability

vated sludge in a group of eight MBR plants fed with municipal

wastewater, located in different regions of Europe. They found that
PAOs were presented in similar levels (10% ± 6%) in all studied 60%
MBRs, even those without a defined anaerobic zone. The results
from this study suggest that a defined anaerobic zone is not neces-
sarily required for putative PAO growth in MBRs, since polyphos-
phate storage may provide a selective advantage in fulfilling cell
maintenance requirements in substrate-limited conditions (low 20%
Thus, it is possible that a part of phosphorous removal found in
the presented study was related to biological assimilation by PAOs.
4.4 m/s 6.1 m/s 7.8 m/s
In relation to the solids, the highest removal was for volatile sol-
ids, which are made of biodegradable organic matter. The removal Fig. 2. NF permeability with wastewater in relation to permeability with water for
of fixed solids may be related to the precipitation of salts and/or three feed flow conditions.
L.H. Andrade et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 126 (2014) 21–29 25

Table 2
Values of the physicochemical parameters for the feed and the permeates obtained for the different cross-flow velocity and their respective retention efficiencies.

Parameter Feed Permeate

4.4 m/s 6.1 m/s 7.8 m/s
Value Retention (%) Value Retention (%) Value Retention (%)
Conductivity (mS/cm) 2.28 0.316 86.1 0.244 89.3 0.151 93.4
Color (Pt-Co units) 36.8 8.9 75.7 6.4 82.7 3.3 91.0
TS (mg/L) 1.482 767 48.3 523 64.8 488 67.1
TC (mg/L) 231.2 6.7 97.1 4.4 98.1 4.1 98.2
TOC (mg/L) 24.9 0.6 97.4 0.6 97.4 0.5 97.9

TS – total solids; TC – total carbon; TOC – total organic carbon.

(a) Membrane Internal External

the permeate, reducing the driving force for their transport. In 20.0
addition, due to less fouling at high flow rates, the passage of sol- 20

Resistance (x1013 m-1)

vent is favored, contributing to dilution of the permeate [28]. 18 16.1
The reduction in the conductivity of the permeate in relation to 16 14.0
the feed was greater than that of the total solids, indicating that 14
most of the retained solids correspond to divalent salts which con- 12
tribute to conductivity to a greater degree. This is consistent with 7.0
expectations for an NF membrane. It is also noted that TOC concen-
tration is well below that of TC, indicating that most of the carbon 2.9 3.5
4 2.1
still present in the MBR permeate is not due to organic compounds, 1.7
2 0.2
but rather to the carbonates or other forms of inorganic carbon 0
which were efficiently retained in the NF. 4.4 m/s 6.1 m/s 7.8 m/s
Fouling is the greatest problem facing most membrane separa-
tion processes, causing significant reduction of permeate flow,
(b) Membrane Internal External
increased frequency of cleaning, and reduced useful life of the
membrane. Fouling is caused by adsorption of solutes in the mem- 78 79
Resistance (%)

brane material, total or partial blockage of the pores, deposits of 69

particles on the membrane surface (cake) and formation of a gel 60%
layer [23,45,46]. In the case of NF, the reduction of permeate flow
due to the effects of concentration polarization is also highly signif- 40%
icant. Due to convective transport, the concentration of retained 24
solutes becomes greater near the surface of the membrane than 20% 14
7 8
within the bulk solution, leading to concentration polarization. In 1
some cases, this concentration may reach threshold values, causing 0%
4.4 m/s 6.1 m/s 7.8 m/s
the precipitation of inorganic compounds (scaling) and contribut-
ing even more to the increased resistance to filtration [47]. Fig. 3. Resistances to NF filtration: (a) values and (b) percentage.
Regarding membrane filtration of dairy wastewater, the protein
materials may act as powerful fouling agents, while the surfactants
may alter the permeability of the membrane by concentration in the opposite direction from the convective flow of the permeate,
polarization or by the formation of micelles [48]. Furthermore, dur- and increased resistance to filtration. In addition, the increase in
ing the reclamation of wastewater, organic constituents contained the solute concentration near the membrane may have led to the
in the biologically treated wastewater, such as polysaccharides, increase in viscosity and the formation of a gel layer.
proteins, humic and fulvic acids, and nucleic acids, designated as When the velocity was increased to 6.1 m/s there was a 76%
wastewater organic matter, are found to play an important role reduction in external resistance, which corresponds to only 8% of
as membrane foulants, especially the hydrophobic fraction [49]. the total resistance for this flow condition. This result justifies
Fig. 3 shows the resistances to filtration for the three cross-flow the permeability gain observed previously, and is related to the in-
velocity that were analyzed. The resistances were divided into creased turbulence in the region near the membrane. Nevertheless,
membrane resistance (Rm); external fouling resistance (Re), which there was an increase in internal resistance, showing that the
includes formation of a gel layer, concentration polarization and external fouling that was formed may retain solutes and reduce
scaling; and, internal fouling resistance (Ri), which basically con- the availability of the membrane to internal fouling by adsorption
sists of adsorption and pore blockage. As the membrane used in since, according to Contrerasa et al. [50], dissolved organic com-
this study had characteristics closer to those of a reverse osmosis pounds may be adsorbed by colloids that are deposited on the
membrane, in this case the pores refer to the free volume between membrane.
the polymeric chains. Membrane resistance acquired different val- The subsequent increase in cross-flow velocity to 7.8 m/s
ues in the three tests performed, due to variations in the mem- reduced external resistance even more, by 91%. Although there is
brane permeability with water measured after chemical cleanings. also an increase in internal resistance, the resistance due to the to-
For the lowest velocity evaluated, the greatest contribution to tal fouling (internal + external) was reduced from 4.6 to
resistance (without considering the resistance of the membrane it- 3.7  1013 m1.
self) came from the external fouling component (24% of the total Kaya et al. [24] divided the total resistance of a nanofiltration
resistance). A concentration gradient of the retained solutes was process into gel layer resistance, internal resistance, concentration
formed on the membrane surface, due to the low feed flow rate polarization resistance, and membrane resistance. For the effluent
and the lower turbulence generated, causing a diffusive transport evaluated by those authors, a synthetic wastewater based on
26 L.H. Andrade et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 126 (2014) 21–29

anionic and non-ionic detergents, dyes and sodium chloride, the u2 ðVÞ u2 ðtÞ 4u2 ðDÞ
total resistance ranged between 3 and 5  1013 m1, values uc ðJÞ ¼ J  þ 2 þ ð6Þ
V2 t D2
approximately 5 times lower than those obtained in the present
study. On the other hand, László et al. [27] obtained resistances The increase in RR may lead to reduction in permeate flux, due
from internal fouling and from the gel layer of 1.2  1014 and to several factors: increase in the difference of osmotic pressure
5.5  1014 m1, respectively, for nanofiltration of model residual between the feed and the permeate, due to the increased concen-
water prepared with powdered skim milk and anionic surfactant. tration of retained solutes; thickening of the gel layer due to in-
The differences observed between the results found in the litera- creased concentration of macromolecules and colloids on the
ture and those obtained in the present study may be related to membrane surface; increased viscosity of the fluid flowing through
the different water permeabilities of the membranes used in each the membrane pores; increased fouling due to internal and exter-
study, and to the fact that the other authors used simulated waste- nal adsorption [46]. However, considering the standard deviation,
water based on basic compounds that, therefore, had much less in- no significant fluctuations or clear change in the permeate flux pro-
ter-relational complexity among the constituents than the real file were observed with the increase of the RR, which may also be
wastewater studied here. related to the relatively low maximum RR attained.
Thus, due to the significantly greater efficiency in the retention Fig. 5 shows the results of conductivity, total solids (TS) and to-
of solutes and the lower fouling at the cross-flow velocity of 7.8 m/ tal carbon (TC) of the NF permeate as a function of the RR applied.
s, this was selected as the best operating condition among the There was little variation in the quality of the permeate for RR
three evaluated. below 45%. However, for higher RR, the effect of the accumulation
Following determination of the best flow rate, the greatest per- of retained molecules causes an increase in the driving force for
meate recovery rate (RR) at which the system could operate with- passing solutes through the membrane, and the conductivity and
out damage to its performance was determined. To accomplish the concentration of TS and TC of the permeate increase. With
this, the wastewater was nanofiltered using the pressure of the RR at 70%, this effect was highly significant and a big drop in
10 bar and the selected feed velocity of 7.8 m/s. The variation in permeate quality can be seen.
permeate flux resulting from the RR is shown in Fig. 4. The maxi- Therefore, despite there being no significant reduction in the
mum RR value attained was 70%, due to operational restrictions permeate flux with the increase in the concentration, the 45%
of the system. recovery rate may be selected as the best, due to the drop in per-
In Fig. 4, the bars represent the positive and negative values of meate quality observed at the higher values. However, for larger
standard deviation permeate flux. These standard deviations were scale applications, it is important to note that a higher recovery
calculated according to the formula for determining the combined rate can be achieved if a combination of modules in series is used,
standard uncertainty: in several steps, instead of parallel modules operating at 45% RR
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi each.
u N  2
uX @f Furthermore, the data collected from the industry supplier of
uc ðyÞ ¼ t  uðxiÞ ð4Þ
@xi the wastewater show that 1300 m3/day of water are consumed
in the industrial plant, of which 1000 m3/day are transformed into
where uc(y) is the combined standard deviation of the variable y, f is wastewater and 300 m3/day1 are lost to evaporation or are incor-
the function y = f(x1, x2, . . . , xN) and u2(xi) is the uncertainty related porated into products. Of the volume collected (1300 m3/day),
to the parameter xi. If the flux of permeate (J) is calculated by: 60% is used for cleaning operations (clean in place) and must meet
potability standards, 30% is used to replace water in cooling and
J¼ ð5Þ heating systems, and 10% is used in good manufacturing practices
p  D2=4 (cleaning floors, bathrooms, external areas, etc.). Therefore, since
where V is the volume of permeate collected in a given time, t is the the direct reuse of effluents as potable water is not recommended
sampling time (assumed in this case as 60 s) and D is the diameter due to the associated risk [5], the aim was that the NF permeate
of the membrane, the combined uncertainty of J can be calculated could meet the quality requirement of the 40% of water which is

TC TS Conductivuty
25 50 350

20 40
Permeate flux (L/h.m²)

Conductivity (µS/cm)

TS (mg/L)
TC (mg/L)

15 30 200

10 20
5 10

0 0 0
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Recovery rate Recovery rate
Fig. 4. Variation in permeate flux with the RR for feed cross-flow velocity of 7.8 m/s Fig. 5. Results of conductivity, total solids, and total carbon of the NF permeate as a
and pressure of 10 bar. function of the RR.
L.H. Andrade et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 126 (2014) 21–29 27

Table 3
Standards for cooling and boiler water, and values obtained for the NF permeate.

Parameter NF permeate Cooling watera Steam generationa

Low pressure (<10 bar) Medium pressure (10–50 bar) High pressure (>50 bar)
TDS (mg L1) 233 500 700 500 200
Alkalinity (mg L1) 166 350 350 100 40
pH 8.9 6.9–9.0 7.0–10.0 8.2–10.0 8.2–9.0
COD (mg L1) 4.0 75 5.0 5.0 1.0
Calcium (mg L1) 0.44 50 + 0.4 0.01
Magnesium (mg L1) 0.041 0.5 + 0.25 0.01
Copper (mg L1) 0.04 + 0.5 0.05 0.05
Zinc (mg L1) <0.1 + + 0.01 0.01
Iron (mg L1) 0.05 0.5 1 0.3 0.05

TDS – Total Dissolved Solids.

+ Accepted as received, if other threshold values are met.
Source: Asano et al. [5].

NF Permeate
MBR Permeate NF
Dairy Wastewater COD = 4,0 mg/L
COD = 34 mg/L
COD = 3274 mg/L Color =35,5 Pt-Co units Color = 15,0 Pt-Co units
Color = 1802 Pt-Co units TS = 1783 mg/L TS= 233 mg/L
TS = 2323 mg/L

NF Retentate
COD = 73,4 mg/L
MBR Color = 75,1 Pt-Co units
TS = 3087 mg/L

Fig. 6. COD concentration, color and total solids of the raw wastewater, MBR permeate, NF retentate and NF permeate.

used for washing, cooling and heating (520 m3/day). Thus, if the Table 4
industry wastewater were treated by the proposed system, com- Removal efficiencies of the MBR, of the NF and the combination of the two processes.
prising MBR and NF, and if 45% NF recovery rate were applied, Parameter
450 m3/day of reusable water would be generated, supplying al-
COD (%) Color (%) TS (%)
most all of the demand for non-drinking water in industrial
facilities. MBR 99.0 98.4 47.0
NF 88.2 57.7 86.9
Although the aim of this study is not the definition of a route for
Overall 99.9 99.3 93.1
the exclusive reuse by the industry in question, it is believed that
its water balance is representative of other industries in the sector
which fabricate the same products, and that similar decisions
could be made in more general settings. boilers which operate at pressures greater than 10 bar, options
However, direct comparison of water balance of different indus- such as the use of a subsequent degassing unit to remove CO2
tries can lead to erroneous interpretations, since water consump- and reduce alkalinity, exchanging nanofiltration for reverse osmo-
tion levels are determined by production output and the applied sis, or implementing a final polishing system with ionic exchange,
technologies and may significantly vary from one industry to an- could be evaluated.
other [6]. For example, according to Gleick et al. [51], water use No studies were found in the literature that reported the use of
in the dairy products industry is divided as following: 71% for cool- MBR and NF for treating dairy wastewater aimed at reuse. How-
ing, 23% process, 3% restrooms, 3% landscaping; while other ever, some authors used NF as the only treatment system for this
authors suggest a different distribution: 53% non-contact cooling/ type of wastewater [1,23,28]. Vourch et al. [1] used NF to treat a
heating, 27% process, 19% sanitary use [52]. synthetic dairy wastewater, comprising whole milk, skim milk
and milk whey, with COD concentration of 8200 mg L1and con-
ductivity of 700 lS cm1. The NF permeate had a COD concentra-
3.3. Reuse of the final treated wastewater tion of 87 mg L1, conductivity of 637 lS cm1 and calcium
concentration of 3.2 mg L1. Fernandéz et al. [23] evaluated the
To verify the possibility of reusing the NF permeate, its physico- operation of a pilot NF unit used for the recovery of clean in place
chemical properties were compared to quality standards for cool- (CIP) solution consumed in the dairy industry. The feed solution
ing and boiler water, as shown in Table 3. had a COD concentration between 3000 and 10,000, total dry ex-
It is observed that the quality of the NF permeate meets all the tract between 1.0% and 2.0%, and conductivity of 15 mS cm1;
standards for water used in cooling and low pressure steam gener- while the permeate had 1500–2500 mgCOD L1, conductivity of
ation, enabling its reuse for such applications, as well as for wash- 15–20 mS cm1, and total dry extract of 0.9–1.0%. The concentra-
ing floors, external areas and trucks, which require a lower quality tions of the permeate obtained in the present study were found
water. However, the only parameters that do not fall within the to be lower, which is probably due to the contribution of the high
boiler water standard at medium pressure are alkalinity and cal- removal of pollutants in the MBR in order to generate a final per-
cium. Therefore, if there is interest also in reusing wastewater for meate with high quality.
28 L.H. Andrade et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 126 (2014) 21–29

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