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New Taipei City Yuteh Private School

2019-2020 2nd Semester 805 American History Examination 3

Parent Signature
Class Number Name 100 99-90 89-80 79-70 69↓

Part A: Manifest Destiny Map. Write the correct letter in the right space. (___/9)


1. ___ 13 Colonies 2. ___ French and Indian War 3. ___ Louisiana Purchase
4. ___ Convention of 1818 5. ___ Adams-Onis Act 6. ___ Texan Annexation.
7. ___ Oregon Compromise. 8. ___ Mexican Cession. 9. ___ Gadsden Purchase
Part B: Matching.
Chronology (11 – 15) President (a-e) What they were famous for.
___ ___ James Buchanan a. 2nd VP to be President, Compromise of 1850, ran again later
___ ___ Franklin Pierce b. “Old Rough and Ready”, Hero of Buena Vista, Died in office
___ ___ Millard Fillmore c. “54-40 or Fight!”, Mexican Cession, lower tariff
___ ___ James K. Polk d. Dark Horse Candidate, tried to enforce Fugitive Slave Act
___ ___ Zachary Taylor e. “Spineless”, southern candidate, took no action to stop war
___ 1. Davy Crockett a. Started the first Normal Schools, led educational reforms
___ 2. John Brown b. Schoolteacher who led reforms for prisons and mental asylums
___ 3. Joseph Smith c. Former congressman, mountain man, died at the Alamo
___ 4. John C. Fremont d. General, governor of California, ran as Republican president
___ 5. Dorothea Dix e. Transcendentalist writer, protested war with civil disobedience
___ 6. William Lloyd Garrison f. A leader of the Suffrage movement, led coeducation movement
___ 7. Harriet Beecher Stowe g. Little Giant, pushed Kansas-Nebraska Act, debated with Lincoln
___ 8. Horace Mann h. Abolitionist who fought in Kansas, martyr at Harper’s Ferry
___ 9. Henry David Thoreau i. Wrote the Liberator, the first abolitionist newspaper
___ 10. Susan B. Anthony j. Founder of the Church of Latter Day Saints, also called Mormons
___ 11. Stephen Douglas k. Wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, about the Underground Railroad
___ 1. Compromise of 1850 a. Supreme Court Case found blacks could never be citizens
___ 2. Kansas Nebraska Act b. Debate over popular sovereignty caused Lincoln’s fame
___ 3. Bleeding Kansas c. A Democrat split caused clear sectional lines of voting
___ 4. Sumner’s Caning d. Last attempt to stop war by changing Constitution, failed
___ 5. Dred Scott Decision e. John Brown martyred himself trying to lead slave revolt
___ 6. Lincoln-Douglas Debate f. Lincoln forces the South to attack first, starting the war
___ 7. Harper’s Ferry Raid g. Senators beat each other up in Congress over slavery
___ 8. Lincoln’s Election h. Let California be free, strengthened Fugitive Slave Act
___ 9. Crittenden Compromise i. Antislavery Lawrence burned by “Border Ruffians”
___ 10. Fort Sumter j. To get northern railroad, repealed Missouri Compromise
Part C: Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer. (1 point each, ____/15)
___ 1. What was the main problem that delayed the statehood of Texas and Florida?
a) Congress wanted to keep a balance of slave and free states in the Union
b) Neither one had a large enough population
c) They had no organized government
d) They were in continual conflict with neighboring territories
___ 2. The Santa Fe Trail
a) Was a disputed area between the United States and Mexico
b) Began as a route for bringing trade goods from the western edge of the US to New Mexico
c) Was used by emigrants to get Oregon
d) Was part of the Bear Flag Republic
___ 3. What was the main goal of the temperance reformers?
a) To improve public school c) increase church attendance
b) Reduce alcohol drinking d) Teach the hearing impaired
___ 4. A major subject of transcendentalist literature was
a) Realism and confronting truths about industrialization c) anti-abolitionism and immediate emancipation of slaves
b) The relationship between humans and technology d) The importance of nature and individual conscience
___ 5. Which of the following arguments did pro-slavery Southerners use against abolitionists?
a) Many abolitionists were also secretly slaveholders c) Slave labor allowed southern whites to reach a higher level of
b) Abolitionists wanted to steal Southerners’ farms d) Abolitionists wanted to free slaves only to work in Northern factories
___ 6. What happened at the Seneca Falls Convention 1848?
a) Delegates called for an end to child labor
b) Delegates passed a resolution in favor of voting rights for all African Americans
c) Delegates demanded that women be given the right to vote
d) Delegates petitioned the states to add an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution
___ 7. William Lloyd Garrison influenced the antislavery movement by
a) Using inherited money to buy and free enslaved workers
b) Starting the American Anti-Slavery society
c) Giving speeches about his experience as an enslaved man
d) Publishing an African American newspaper
___ 8. Which of the following was a proposal to ban slavery in any lands acquired from Mexico during the War?
a) Wilmot Proviso b) Compromise of 1850 c) Missouri Compromise d) Freeport
___ 9. What resulted from the Fugitive Slave Act?
a) Passage of the law stopped violence in Kansass c) Abolitionists were jailed in rthe North
b) The law convinced many Northerners to help runaways d) Most Northerners respected slaveholders’ rights
___ 10. Which was included in the Republican Party platform in the election of 1860?
a) The question of slavery should be decided by popular sovereignty
b) In a free society, the minority has the right to break up from the government or secede from the country
c) Slavery should be left where it existed but excluded from territories
d) Slavery should be protected in all territories south of 36’30 N Latitude.
___ 11. The armed pro-slavery groups of Missourians who went to Kansas to vote were called
a) Kansas Crusaders b) Border Breakers c) Missouri Mafia d) Border Ruffians
___ 12. What even officially started the Civil War?
a) The raid on Harpers’ Ferry c) The attack on Fort Sumter
b) The burning of Lawrence, Kansas d) The Election of Abraham Lincoln
___ 13. Which treaty ended the Mexican-American War?
a) The Treaty of Ghent c) Treaty of Guadulupe Hidalgo
b) The Treaty of Paris d) Adams-Onis Treaty
___ 14. The war with Mexico began when
a) The United States invaded New Mexico c) California declared independence from Mexico
b) US soldiers were attacked in the disputed zone d) Texas was annexed by the United States
___ 15. The Freeport Doctrine that Stephen Douglas argued for with Lincoln stated
a) The Supreme Court had declared all blacks to be slaves
b) The Missouri Compromise could not be repealed
c) Slavery was up to the decision of territories as they became states
d) Salves were only free in the south and once in the north gained freedom

Part D: Picture Identifies. Briefly explain WHAT the picture is, defining any terms or names, and its importance. (4, ___ / 20)

1) 2) 3)

4) 5)





Part E: Short FRQ’s. For each question, write a response that answers the question fully using at least three complete sentences. (5
points each, ___/25)
1) Explain two different reform movements. Pick from; Education, Temperance, Disabilities, Utopias, and Suffrage.

2) Explain three effects of the Gold Rush on California.

3) What was the goal and outcome of John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry?

4) Compare and contrast how two states were colonized and then eventually became part of the USA. Pick from;

5) In your opinion, which event was most directly responsible for causing the war? Explain one point at which the war could have been

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