Adjudication - The UK Experience

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ADJUDICATION INTRODUCTION producing fast, inexpensive and

interim binding decisions by

-THE UK EXPERIENCE Adjudication as a means of dispute
resolution is casting an ever- independent third party
Andrew Kelly* increasing shadow overthe adjudicators. The goal of the Act
Solicitor Australian construction industry. At was to precipitate the early
Phillips Fox Lawyers present, security of payment resolution of disputes to avoid
Brisbane legislation [including recourse to protracted arbitration or litigation
fast track adjudication of payment and to provide a swift and cheap
claims) has been introduced in New mechanism for pursuing payment.
South Wales 1 and Victorian 2 draft The salient features of the
security of payment bill in similar Construction Act are:
terms is soon to be introduced • Parties to a construction contract
before the parliament of Western are given a statutory right to refer
Australia. 3 ln addition, there have to adjudication any disputes which
been two recent significant may arise under that contract. The
developments: application of the Act is not limited
.In July 2002, the Queensland to payment disputes and the parties
Building Services Authority [QBSA) are effectively entitled to refer any
released a papertitled 'Preliminary dispute to adjudication including
drafting instructions for a Building extension of time and delay and
and Construction Industry disruption claims:
Payments Bill 2003 . proposing new • The adjudicator's decision is
legislation to regulate the building binding until the dispute is finally
industry in Queensland including settled by arbitration or litigation as
the introduction of an adjudication appropriate, or by agreement. The
mechanism. 4 Construction Act did not abolish the
.In March 2003, the central piece arbitration, or litigation of
of financial reform recommended construction disputes. It introduced
by the Cole Royal Commission is an intervening provisional stage in
the introduction of Commonwealth the dispute resolution process.
security of payment legislation .If a contract falls within the
including a rapid adjudication province of the Construction Act,7 it
process. 5 must provide for a number of
The statutory right to adjudication is mandatory adjudication provisions.
not however new. In the later part of If it fails to do so, a statutory
the 1990s, the legal landscape of adjudication scheme will apply to
the construction industry in the the dispute. The mandatory
United Kingdom was forever adjudication provisions include the
changed with the enactment of the following:
adjudication provisions in the • the right of any party to the
Housing Grants, Construction and contract to give notice at any
Regeneration Act 7996 6 (simplified time of its intention to refer a
by all in the construction industry to dispute to adjudication;
the 'Construction Acf). Forthe
better part of 3 years, I worked in • a timetable with the object of
London for the largest construction securing the appointment of
law practice in the United Kingdom the adjudicator and referral of
and was involved first hand with the a dispute to an adjudicator
adjudication process under the within 7 days of notice of the
Construction Act. dispute;

THE CONSTRUCTION ACT • requirements on the

The Construction Act was intended adjudicator to act impartially,
to reach a decision within 28
to introduce a speedy method of
dispute resolution aimed at days of the referral of the
dispute, or 42 days by


agreement with the referring although there were also a number Although it is difficult to
party, or longer as agreed by of disputes concerning extension of gauge, I would estimate that
the parties after the dispute time and delay and disruption
the adjudication process
has been referred. The claims. It was uncommon for an
adjudicator has the powerto adjudication to consider issues
would typically cost less
take the initiative in relating to whetherworks were than 15% of the cost of
ascertaining the facts and law; defective. litigation or arbitration.
• No liability on the .The majority of disputes referred
adjudicator in the discharge or to adjudication were between main
purported discharge of his contractors and subcontractors
functions as adjudicator unless ratherthan principals and main
he acts in bad faith. contractors. At least 70% of the
disputes I was involved in were
.It is open to parties to a contract
between main contractors and
to specifically name an adjudicator
or an adjudicator nominating body.
The scheme implies that if the • My adjudication experience
parties cannot agree on an ind icated that the cost of
adjudicator or the one named in the adjudication was significantly less
contract is not available, the than arbitration or litigation.
referring party shall request an Although it is difficult to gauge,
adjudicator nominating body [e.g. I would estimate that the
the Construction Industry Council) adjudication process would typically
to select a person to act as cost less tha n 15% of the cost of
adjudicator litigation or arbitration.

OBSERVATIONS-HAS .A large numberof adjudications,

particularly in the early stages of
ADJUDICATION WORKED? the Construction Act, involved
Set out below are my personal
preliminary challenges to the
observations about the Construction
adjudicator's jurisdiction. This
Act and the tactics and strategies
included such threshold issues as to
used by parties.
whetherthe contract was indeed a
.In the first year of its operation, construction contract under the
there appeared to be relatively few Construction Act orwhetherthe
disputes referred to adjudication. 8 contract was entered into after 1
Parties were slowto accept and May 1998. For example, I was
adopt the adjudication process but involved in a challenge to an
in 1999 and following, there was a adjudicator's jurisdiction where
substantial increase in the number letters of intent were issued priorto
of disputes referred to 1 May 1998 and work commenced
adjudication. 9 on site prior to 1 May 1998 but the
contract was not formally executed
• The adjudication process was
until after 1 May 1998.
more inquisitorial than adversarial.
It usually did not allow the time or .A frequent occurrence was
opportunity for a hearing or expert parties attempting to take
analysis orthe taking of evidence. advantage of the compressed
In my experience, adjudications timeframe and ambush their
were based primarily on written opponents by, for example, serving
submissions and it was not unusual exhaustive documentation
for an adjudicatorto ask specific immediately before public holidays.
questions following receipt of In my experience, it was not
written submissions. uncommon for one of the parties to
submit volumes of documentation
• The majority of disputes I was
out of all proportion to the amount
involved in related to the failure to
in dispute and the complexity of the
comply with payment provisions
issues to be dealt with. In myview,


Most participants would such tactics were largely advantageous to obtain an early,
acknowledge that the unsuccessful and ineffective. albeit rough decision ratherthan a
Differences between the parties later more expensive decision, or
process was rough and
were likely to have been raised in no decision at all. Approximately
ready but considered it more the course of the project and it was 80% of the adjudications I was
advantageous to obtain an unlikely that the reference to involved in resulted in the final
early, albeit rough decision adjudication would come as a determination of the matter and
rather than a later more complete surprise to a party. It was further disputes following an
expensive decision, or no also my experience that adjudicator's decision did not
adjudicators did not take kindly to usually materialise. The
decision at all.
such ambush tactics. Construction Act in myviewwas
largely successful in achieving its
• Often adjudications involved objective of resolving disputes
particularly complex issues
quickly and efficiently.
requiring legal analysis to be
assessed and determined. There THE ROAD FORWARD IN
were occasions where a technical AUSTRALIA
adjudicator appointed did not There are fundamental differences
appear to have the requisite ability between the adjudication provisions
to properly assess complex issues in the Construction Act and the
of law so as to decide the rights and adjudication provisions in New
liabilities of the parties in the time South Wales and Victoria and those
allowed. A common concern of proposed for Western Australia and
clients was doubts over the quality Queensland. However, the
of adjudicators and their ability to experience of adjudications in the
consider in detail legal issues. A United Kingdom will be fruitful in
pattern did however emerge that predicting developments in
adjudicators in such a position Australia. lO It is likely that the
would seek out further independent following issues in any adjudication
legal advice where difficult issues process will arise:
of law arose.
.Is there a contract, and if so, when
• Other issues that arose included was the contract concluded?
whether adjudicators had the power
to award costs, whether
.Is the contract a construction
contract within the meaning of the
adjudicators had the power to
relevant legislation?
correct manifest clerical or
arithmetical errors in decisions and .Is it possible to restrict the right to
how adjudicator's decisions were to adjudication by contract?
be enforced following the decision.
• Can an adjudicator consider his/
• There was a concern that this herownjurisdiction and howdo
abbreviated form of justice would parties challenge an adjudicator's
lead to binding decisions which j urisd iction?
were ill considered and unfair. It
• Will an adjudicator be required to
was inherent in the rigid timeframe
observe the rules of naturaljustice,
of the adjudication process that
and if so, when will an adjudicator
from time to time mistakes and
be deemed to have breached such
injustices would take place.
However, it was my experience that
the majority of participants of • What will be the effect of a
adjudications under the previous adjudication decision on
Construction Act considered it a fair, another adjudicator?
fast, reliable and inexpensive form • Can an adjudicator make an
of interim dispute resolution. Most award for costs?
participants would acknowledge
that the process was rough and • Can parties undertake
ready but considered it more adjudication proceedings whilst


other proceedings such as Payments Bill 2003. Part 3 of the
arbitration or litigation are Bill makes provision for rapid
underway? adjudication
• Can an adjudicator correct a 6. This came into force in the
decision after it has been issued? United Kingdom on 1 May 1998.
• On what grounds is it possible to 7. The Construction Act applies
challenge an adjudicator's decision to all construction contracts (other
in the courts? than with a residential occupier)
which relate to the carrying out of
• Howwill an adjudicator's decision
be enforced? construction operations. It also
applies to architectural, design or
In light of the UK experience, the surveying works or contracts for
advent of statutory adjudication in advice on building, engineering,
Australia looks likely to be an interior or exterior decoration or
exciting time for both industry landscaping works, insofar as they
participants and construction law relate to construction operations.
pra ct itioners. The main exclusions are in relation
REFERENCES to supply only contracts, energy
contracts and contracts expressly
* BEcon, LLB (Hons) Phillips Fox
Brisbane. excluded by statute.
8. This was due in part to the
1. Building and Construction
Construction Act only applying to
Industry Security of Payment Act
1999(NSW). Adjudication contracts entered into after 1 May
provisions are principally found in
Division II-Sections 17-26. 9. This is borne out by research
2. Building and Construction conducted by Glasgow Caledonian
University, which indicated that
Industry Security of Payment Act
2002 (Vic). Adjudication provisions during the second year after the
are principally found in Division 11- Construction Act became binding,
Sections 18-28. there was a 600% growth in the
number of adjudications reported.
3. Preliminary drafting
instructions for a Construction 10. For an index of over 100 cases
concerned with the Construction Act
Industry Payments Billwere issued
by the Security of Payment Task see PeterSheridan and Dominic
Helps, 'Construction Act Review'
Force forthe Western Australian
(2002) 18 Const LJ 457.
Building and Construction Industry
in February 2002.

4. Reference should also be

made to the discussion paper titled
'Security of Payment in the Building
and Construction Industry' released
by the QBSA in December 2001.
5. Royal Commission into the
Building and Construction Industry,
TRH Cole RFD QC tabled in
Parliament on 26-27 March 2003.
The security of payment section of
the Royal Commission is found in
Volume 8 Reform-National Issues
Part 2, Section 14-Security of
Payment. Attached to this section is
Appendix 1: The Building and
Construction Industry Security of


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