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Date: 10/ 24/21

It was just a few years ago that I knew some details about you throughout my eighteen
years of existence in this chaotic world. Though December 30 is known as the day you say your
goodbyes to the world, most people my age may have forgotten about it because the world is
changing at a rapid pace. I could never comprehend the depths of your grandeur since I am only a
foolish descendent. Dr. Jose Rizal, you were the Filipino people's hope during your rule. You
influenced the developments in our country with your brains and patriotism. You swayed the
entire country with your influence. You became the catalyst for reawakening our species' dormant
nationalism and patriotism. You are truly amazing, and I appreciate you from the bottom of my
heart for your efforts. Because of the sacrifices you've made, the Philippines is what it is today.
Even though we are now in disarray, the freedom and privileges we have are irreplaceable. Life is
short. We may, however, give it significance. And you taught us how to do it. The unwavering
patriotism and loyalty you've demonstrated to our nation are the beacons that guide us forward.
Today's world may be darker, but it won't be long until our country falls into that abyss. Your
guiding concept will undoubtedly assist us when that time comes. The change we will bring about
soon will be for the welfare of our fellow citizens, our friends and family, and the country. We
may not have to die like the other men in your day to attain those goals, but we will certainly give
our lives to find alternative ways to achieve these long-term goals in our unique way. Rest certain
that the liberty for which you fought and sacrificed will never be in vain. May you keep an eye on
us, encourage us, and guide us down the route we'll be traveling in the future. You are a historical
relic of the Philippines. A noble hero throughout history.
Yes, we are a country of children on the verge of becoming what Rizal envisions for us.
We're on the verge of realizing our enlightenment. We are a survival species. We've defeated the
conquerors, and now we're racing to overcome our sickness — not religion, not American
intrigues, but our corrupt government, crab mentality, and the belief that we're unworthy. Rizal
was well aware of this. He recognized that given enough time, knowledge, and rediscovery of
who we were, we would be an unstoppable force—a positive force that would spend its time
improving what we already had rather than conquering and possessing what others had. We are
not perfect. But we always give it our all, and progress has always been distinguished by
concerted, communal action. We all make mistakes now and then, but you can never get a good
race down. And that is the truth. The Filipinos are worth dying for. We're hard at work creating a
new persona. We are a driven group of individuals that will grin in the face of adversity and go on
even when the going gets rough. We are a global country capable of traveling anywhere without
losing our homes. We are a lovely race with an intrinsic sense of elegance. We aren't flawless, and
we make errors, but the child within us will always shield us from embarrassment. Most
important, we are a race that does not want to maim, murder, or harm others. We have a little debt
to the world to pay, and so large debt to collect. We are a citizen of the future and a country of
today. And with enlightened eyes and old knowledge of always, an indomitable spirit, we shall
look forward to the new world.
Jose Rizal's strengths are ones that I can relate to. As we know from our nation's history,
Rizal was an embodiment of strength and perseverance who conquered tremendous challenges.
He took strength from his loved ones, his faith, and his country. Family is what keeps us grounded
and is always there for us throughout our lives. My family is the source of my strength and helps
me to become a physically, psychologically, and emotionally stronger person. The strength of our
faith or trust in others can be measured in a variety of ways. There is something true, and we all
know it, which is that when we make the right decisions, God grants us strength. When we choose
to conduct
our lives according to His word, will, and manner, we shall get greater life strength. And for our
beloved country, I treasure every desire, as it motivates me to strive even more for our cherished
country. To the best of my ability, I want to help my fellow man. I can also relate with Jose
Rizal's weaknesses. Rizal's weakness was his failure to trust his people. We all have weaknesses
that limit us in some way. Fear of rejection or trusting others has always been my main weakness.
Some failures are easy to overcome. Others cut deep. This isn't unusual, but it may be debilitating.
Fear of rejection might keep you from accomplishing a lot of things in life. We may accept failure
when the cause appears to have nothing to do with who we are. Trust is important, but it may also
be dangerous. It is important because it permits us to rely on people for affection, advice,
plumbing assistance, and so on, even though we are aware that no external factor obligates them
to do so. But trust comes with the chance that the people we trust will let us down, since if there
was a guarantee that they would, we wouldn't need to trust them in the first place.

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