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German Imperialism

Reyes, Angelo

Department name, Institution name

CBM 0006A – International Business and Trading

Prof. Bernard R. Letrero

September 19, 2021


Title of Your Paper

Why German empire colonized Cameroon? The growth of German imperialism and

colonialism corresponded with the final stages of the "Scramble for Africa," in which

enterprising German people competed with other already existing colonies and colonialist

enterprises rather than government entities. With the Germans joining the hunt for the last

unexplored territory in Africa and the Pacific that had not yet been divided, competition for

colonies engulfed major European powers as well as some minor powers.

Trading is one of the reasons for invading Germany in Cameroon. Over time, they went

inland, expanding their influence and claims. Their main business was with African traders at

first, but direct trading with the interior promised higher profits. In the 1850s and 1860s, German

traders and merchants began to establish themselves in the African Cameroon delta and the

mainland coast across from Zanzibar as part of the German endeavor and the colonial power was

used to break the monopoly in the Africa. Promoting agricultural plantation is one of the major

economic activities of Germany in Cameroon to provide tropical products for Germany because

of this many farmers died serving German interests because they use force to obtain it.

Heading Level 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nec risus pretium,

condimentum leo imperdiet, iaculis lacus. Curabitur volutpat sagittis facilisis.

Heading Level 2

Aliquam eget magna pharetra, venenatis metus vel, volutpat nunc. In feugiat ligula quis

tellus consectetur malesuada vel et risus.

Heading Level 3

Etiam tempor nisl eu metus facilisis, eget venenatis elit varius. Maecenas nec justo

lobortis nulla convallis dapibus commodo ac velit.

Heading Level 4. Vestibulum fringilla eleifend ante, ut cursus eros condimentum. In

urna odio, tempus sit amet erat ullamcorper, iaculis condimentum lectus.

Heading Level 5. Phasellus efficitur mi ligula, ac pretium nulla maximus et. Duis

imperdiet varius eros eget lacinia. Sed laoreet commodo ex eget vestibulum.


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