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Mary Christally E.

Teaching English in Elementary Grades
Mrs. Ellen Romero
The Legend of Paoay Lake
Long ago, there was a community whose people were kind, helpful, and God-fearing in this
once-dry terrain where Paoay Lake now rests. Their wealth was clear in their lovely homes,
exquisite clothes, and gleaming jewels.
As the years passed, people began to compete with one another, working hard to gain more
worldly possessions than the others. God-worship had fallen out of favor. Juan and his wife
Maria, for example, remained humble people who never forgot to adore God. They were told in a
dream one night that the village would be flooded if the residents did not reform. They told their
neighbors about their dream, but they merely laughed at them.
One morning, the couple heard a voice saying, “Leave this place tonight. When you hear the roar
of thunder, do not look back, lest you suffer the same fate as these sinners.” When dusk came,
they left with their little belongings towards the hill. Then they heard the clap of thunder and felt
the earth beneath them sway and tremble. The villagers were roused, but their cries died down as
they were submerged under the rampaging water. The woman instinctively turned back to look at
the village. She swooned and the husband tried to hold her. This tugging gave the name
“Nangguyudan”. They turned into rocks which can still be seen today at Bantay Pugaro. Atop
one rock grew a “bangar” tree which rises to the sky like an open umbrella.
As years went by at the place where the village sank, a beautiful lake emerged, and is now the
famous Paoay Lake. Today, they said if one looks into the depths of the lake, one could see the
shadows of the buildings and houses of the once prosperous village. Fishermen reported catching
fishes adorned with jewels. It is believed that these were the early inhabitants of the ill-fated

Who are the characters?

Juan and maria – husband and wife.
When does paoay lake formed?
A long long time ago.
Why did the paoay lake formed?
It is formed because the people began to compete with one another and forgot to adore God.
Where is the paoay lake?
Paoay lake is located within the municipality of Paoay, in northwestern Luzon, Philippines.
What is the moral lesson?
Be humble, never compete with one another and never forget God.
How old is the paoay lake?
The paoay lake is now 7,000 years according to environmental history.

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