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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Name: Reggie Pacaña Grade Level & Section: Grade 12 – GAS

Find your own social location by creating your own social map. Fill up every important
feature given on each box to understand yourself better.


Social Class Type of community

Lower class Urban

Gender Language/Dialect
Male Tagalog

Answer the following questions:

1. What do you think is the importance of finding your social location in
your own society? Social location is important because it strongly
influences our identity, or our sense of self and how we see the world.

2. How do the following features (race, gender, religion, class, etc.) affect you in
pursuing your present and future plans? Do they provide opportunities or
serve as constraints? It affect our knowledge in our society also it can
provide opportunities or limit us base on your ability to access them.

3. How does government respond to the needs of those people who belong to the
same social location where you are located right now? The government
response to them by providing them free education like establishing a
public schools.

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