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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong 3700, Nueva Vizcaya

College of Arts and Sciences



Second Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021
Answer the questions briefly but substantially.
1. How do you personally define beauty? How important is physical beauty for you?

- It's because in a relationship, attraction does play a role. For a smooth relationship,
your partner should be as attracted to you as you are to them, if not more. Attraction
is based not only on appearances, but also on character and other factors. For some,
appearance may be the factor that prompts them to learn more about another
person. It's not a case of being closed-minded. It is if they decide to pursue the
relationship solely on the basis of appearances. However, as you get to know that
person better, you'll notice that their true inner beauty and appearance are a thing of
the past. It served its purpose during the early stages of the relationship, but it failed
to do so during the crucial stages of the relationship; it was given an expiry date and
was kicked out

2. Differentiate Natural and Artificial Methods of Contraception.

- It appears that there is no significant difference between natural family planning
(NFP) and artificial contraception, such as condoms, intrauterine devices, and so on;
they are all methods for controlling conception. Natural contraception methods are
referred to as "natural" because they are not mechanical and do not involve hormone
manipulation. Artificial contraception, on the other hand, is defined as any product,
procedure, or practice that prevents pregnancy through artificial or unnatural means.

3. Define Digital Self, Real Identity and Online Identity.

- There is no "digital self" in which everyone you interact with receives their own idea of you.
You make a mark about you, then you make another one the impression in the other of you
changes. Your real self can come through, if you give you consistently true! Not your digital
self. That doesn't mean anything. Each person's idea of us is singular, and their own. This is
true regardless of how the impression is received: digital, otherwise, or both. It's as true of
direct sense of eyes, ears, and maybe skin as it is of glowing screens. Impressions build up
with repeated exposure. Different sides are seen. The digital self is the aspect of the self that
is expressed or shared with others through online interactions. You have one digital self -
which is what you give to others. You give them an idea of you by hook or by crook, by cranny
or nook, by eyes shining bright with light dancing behind, breathing shared air, touching or
close enough to - or by glowing screen. They apply the impression to their idea of yourself.
Which really was a collaboration all along. The emphasis here is misplaced. It's not as if you
have a digital self that is just one aspect of you.

4. What have you learned about learning? How will you use this knowledge to maximize
your learning in College?
- Self-awareness is essential for the successful resolution of any emotional issue. Self-
awareness encompasses such elements as self-concept, self-esteem, and ideal self. It
emphasizes the importance of the teacher's role in enhancing students' self-esteem
and assisting them in better understanding themselves. College is not life, college is a
part of life. College is a privileged, not a right. A lot of young people, especially
students coming out of high school, tend to think differently. They tend to think that
they’ll just figure out what they want to do once they are in college and everything
will just fall into their lap. Life is competitive, and so is college... so if you want to
succeed, then you have to work for it. No one is going to hand you a degree or a
quality job on a silver platter. It takes will and determination to separate yourself
from other students. Always be looking to improve yourself. If you’re not busy
thinking, doing homework, studying, networking, etc., you are doing it wrong. You are
paying for your education, maximize the opportunity, and it will pay dividends for
your future.

5. What is your perception on Goal Setting?

- Setting goals is like a dreamer's foot for me. Because no one can hold it, and even if
someone tells you to stop, they are unconcerned. Because that is your foot, or, to put
it another way, that is your goal, you can only decide whether to stop or continue
walking to achieve your life's goal or dream.

6. Give at least one role or effect of biological, psychological and social factors in health
and illness.

Social factors in physical and mental health

- Adverse childhood experiences can result in poor health in adulthood. Domestic violence,
abuse, deprivation, and parental divorce are examples of these events. Not everyone who
has had adversity in their early infancy will develop health difficulties later in life. Individuals
need social assistance on a variety of levels to be able to cope with challenging or stressful

Psychological factors:  Stress and health behaviours

- Psychological factors influence not only how people feel about their health and illness, but
also how they behave in terms of their health. This influence can be reactive, such as drinking
more as a result of stress, or proactive, such as making decisions about quitting smoking
based on health beliefs and confidence in one's own ability to change. Risk, susceptibility,
costs, consequences, control, and confidence are all factors that people have different
perspectives on.

- Different kinds of biological factors are encountered in a wide range of work places.

The biological agents may cause a variety of health effects in humans, such as infectious
diseases, acute toxic effects, allergies and even cancer.
Essay Rubric
Organization Distinguished 5 Proficient 4 Basic 3 Below Basic 2 Unsatisfactory 1-0

Well-structured Well-structured Properly structured Poorly structured Introduction is

introduction with introduction with introduction with introduction with incomplete,
strong, sharply clear statements satisfactory unclear ineffective, or
focused statement sentence statements missing.
Sharply focused Topic sentences Moderately Ineffective topic Topic sentences and
topic sentences and paragraphs are effective topic sentences and paragraphs are
and paragraphs clearly related to sentences and paragraphs that irrelevant or missing
that are closely the topic. paragraphs are not logically
related to the logically related to related to topic
topic. the topic.
Well-constructed Sufficiently Somewhat Incompletely Absent, incomplete,
and clear effective effective developed or unfocused
conclusion that conclusion which conclusions but conclusion which conclusion
strongly reaffirms reaffirms the topic does not fully tie fails to
the topic and ties together together main ideas effectively tie
main ideas and and facts together main
facts ideas and facts
Content Idea 10-8 Proficient 7-6 Satisfactory 5-4 Limited 3-2 Unsatisfactory 1-0

Interesting and Content is accurate Explanation of Partial or Inadequate

complete and relevant, with topic is incomplete explanation of topic
explanation of sufficient evidence satisfactory, with explanation of with inadequate or
topic, with to adequately mostly sufficient topic, with missing evidence
specific, accurate, explain topic evidence, but insufficient and many factual
and relevant mostly general. evidence and errors
information. More detail inaccuracies
needed. Some
factual errors
Fully developed Well-developed Body paragraphs Body paragraphs Body paragraphs
body paragraphs body paragraphs that satisfactorily that provide that do not support
that clearly and sufficiently support support the topic limited and the topic
effectively support the topic but could be more inadequate
the topic developed support of the
Conventions 5 4 3 2 1-0

Very clear and Sufficiently clear Mostly clear and Somewhat clear Unclear and
easily understood, and understandable, and difficult to difficult to
with few, if any, understandable, with some understand, with understand, with
grammatical errors with few grammatical errors many errors multiple errors
grammatical errors
Paragraphs flow Sentences are Sentences are Sentences are Sentences are often
smoothly, and sufficiently mostly complete, sometimes incomplete, with
transitions complete, with with some incomplete, with many structural
between sentences only a few structural errors. more than a few errors. Transitions
and/or paragraphs structural errors. Transitions are structural errors. are missing.
are seamless and Transitions are satisfactory. Transitions are
effective mostly effective ineffective.

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