Geolog-Link Plug-In Petrel Data Connector

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Geolog-Link Plug-in Petrel Data Connector

Geolog™ – Paradigm™ 20

Installation Guide
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Published September 1, 2020


4 Introduction
5 Installation
10 Troubleshooting
15 Uninstall Geolog-Link
16 Site Configuration

Geolog-Link Plug-In: Geolog™ – Paradigm™ 20 | 3 | Installation Guide

Geolog-Link Installation Guide

Geolog-Link Installation Guide

You can directly transfer data between Geolog™ and Petrel projects with the software connector, Geolog-
Link, a plug-in for Petrel. This installation guide provides instructions for the installation and configuration
of the Geolog-Link plug-in for Petrel – the Schlumberger hydrocarbon exploration and production software.

Geolog includes a plug-in that enables direct data transfer between Geolog and Petrel software:
Petrel to Geolog
• wellpath data
• checkshot data
Geolog to Petrel
• well header
• formation tops
• computed wireline logs
Geolog-Link displays Geolog data in a way that is familiar to Petrel software users. Geolog projects can
either be stored locally or accessed via the Epos infrastructure over a network.

Figure 1 Geolog-Link plug-in to Petrel software

The Geolog-Link installer is provided as an MSI package enabling the registration of the plug-in for all users
of the Petrel software on the installation computer.

Geolog-Link Plug-In: Geolog™ – Paradigm™ 20 | 4 | Installation Guide

Geolog-Link Installation Guide

Paradigm software
• Geolog – Paradigm 20 or later installed
• The Geolog-Link installer (geolog-link-20-2018.msi, geolog-link-20-2019.msi and geolog-link-20-
2020.msi) is provided with the Geolog – Paradigm 20 software
• A valid Geolog license file or license server with dataload running.
• If this is the first installation of Geolog-Link you will require a license feature, currently available at no
charge, to run Geolog-Link on Geolog – Paradigm 20. Please contact your local Paradigm representative
for details.

Petrel software
• Petrel 2018, Petrel 2019, and/or Petrel 2020 installed.

To install Geolog-Link you must have Administrator access rights.


Install Geolog-Link provided with Geolog – Paradigm 20

Steps 1 Depending on the version of Petrel installed (Petrel 18, Petrel 2019, or Petrel 2020), browse to the
Geolog20.0\install\petrel_geolog_link_2018, \petrel_geolog_link_2019 or \petrel_geolog_
link_2020 directory.

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Geolog-Link Installation Guide

2 Double-click the geolog-link-<Geolog_version><Petrel_version>.msi file.

The Geolog-Link Setup Wizard Welcome screen appears.

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Geolog-Link Installation Guide

3 Click Next. The Confirm Installation screen appears.

4 Click Next to begin the Geolog-Link installation.

The progress bar indicates the progress of the installation.

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Geolog-Link Installation Guide

5 If the Windows User Account Control dialog appears, click Yes.

The Installation Complete screen appears.

6 Click Close to exit the installation.

7 Start the Petrel software.
The Geolog-Link and Geolog start icons option are provided on the Emerson tab. If there are other
Paradigm plug-ins available they will be grouped together on the Emerson tab.

8 Open a new or an existing project.

Geolog-Link Plug-In: Geolog™ – Paradigm™ 20 | 8 | Installation Guide

Geolog-Link Installation Guide

9 Select Geolog-Link to start the plug-in.

In most cases, once started, Geolog-Link will automatically find the Geolog installation and the “Geolog-
Link Welcome” page appears.

Next steps
• Optional. Configure the Site Petrel adaptor file – see Site Configuration, page 16 section for information.
• Optional. If an Epos server connection is required (rather than a direct well file access) add an entry for
the PNS_HOST environment variable in the Site geolog_env.tcl file. As a result, when an EPOS server
connection is selected during the Database Connection Settings configuration, the PNS Host field will be
automatically populated – see Site Configuration, page 16 section for information.
• Refer to the "Geolog-Link User Guide" for details on configuring the Geolog-Link. The User Guide is
supplied in the same directory as the installation file and the Installation Guide – Geolog20.0\install\
petrel_geolog_link_2018, \petrel_geolog_link_2019 or \petrel_geolog_link_2020.

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Geolog-Link Installation Guide


Cannot find Geolog software

If the Geolog software cannot be found the error “Unable to find installed Geolog software. Please
configure the location Geolog in settings.” will be displayed.

Geolog-Link Plug-In: Geolog™ – Paradigm™ 20 | 10 | Installation Guide

Geolog-Link Installation Guide

Steps 1 Click OK.

The “Configure the Geolog-Link Wizard” page appears.

Geolog-Link Plug-In: Geolog™ – Paradigm™ 20 | 11 | Installation Guide

Geolog-Link Installation Guide

2 Select Geolog Settings and click Next. The “Configure Geolog location” page appears.

3 Click Browse, navigate to the location of the Geolog executable, geolog.exe, and select the file.

4 Click Open.
The location of the Geolog executable file is shown in the Path field on the “Configure Geolog location”

Geolog-Link Plug-In: Geolog™ – Paradigm™ 20 | 12 | Installation Guide

Geolog-Link Installation Guide

5 Click Save.
The path is saved to the PG_GEOLOG_EXE environment variable.
The “Configure the Geolog-Link Wizard” page is displayed.

Geolog-Link not compatible with version of Petrel installed

The installer looks for the environment variable OCEAN<20XX>HOME to confirm that the version of
Geolog-Link being installed is compatible with the installed Petrel software.
Attempting to install a version of Geolog-Link that is not compatible with the installed Petrel software
results in an error message similar to the following.

Steps 1 Click OK.

2 Verify the version of Petrel you have installed via the Start menu > All Programs > Schlumberger >
Petrel 20xx.
3 Locate and install the version of Geolog-Link that is compatible with the version of Petrel installed.

Geolog-Link Plug-In: Geolog™ – Paradigm™ 20 | 13 | Installation Guide

Geolog-Link Installation Guide

License error message

The following error message is displayed if the Geolog-Link cannot find the license server or your license
does not have the Geolog-Link.
If this is the first installation of Geolog-Link, you will require a no charge license, to run
Geolog-Link on Geolog – Paradigm 20.

Steps 1 Click OK.

2 Check your license server is correct on the License Settings page – refer to the Geolog-Link User Guide
for more information.
3 Please contact your local Paradigm representative for your no charge Geolog-Link license.

Wrong petrel-adaptor message

After reinstalling Geolog-Link, the existing environment variable, PG_GEOLOG_EXE does not get updated
and the following error message is displayed.

Steps 1 Click OK.

2 Select Geolog Settings and click Next.
3 On the "Configure Geolog location" page, browse to the correct path (i.e. the location the geolog.exe).
For example, C:\Program Files\Paradigm\Geolog20.0\bin\geolog.exe
4 Click Save – this will update the environment variable, PG_GEOLOG_EXE.
5 Click Cancel.
6 Restart Geolog-Link.
The wrong petrel-adaptor message should no longer be displayed.

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Geolog-Link Installation Guide

Uninstall Geolog-Link
The Geolog-Link software provided with the following versions of Geolog can be uninstalled via the
Windows Control Panel:
• Geolog 8.0 – Paradigm 17
• Geolog – Paradigm 18
• Geolog – Paradigm 20

Remove the Geolog-Link software

Steps 1 Select Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features to display the Uninstall or change a
program window.
2 Select Geolog-Link_<version> and click Uninstall.

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Geolog-Link Installation Guide

3 An uninstall confirmation dialog is displayed.

4 Click Yes.
The following dialog shows the uninstall progress.

5 If the Windows User Account Control dialog appears, click Yes.

The Geolog-Link will not be removed until the Petrel software is restarted.
6 Restart the Petrel software and verify Geolog-Link is no longer available from the File menu.

Site Configuration
The following Petrel adaptor set up files are provided with the Geolog – Paradigm 20 installation, in the
Geolog <installation>\specs folder:
• setup.petrel_adaptor
• setup_site.petrel_adaptor
The setup.petrel_adaptor file contains a comprehensive list of the default values which are displayed in
the Geolog-Link interface, such as the default well list, default final import set and the selected default final
log curves to import. Additionally, it contains the Petrel-template-name to Geolog-log-name mapping
The setup_site.petrel_adaptor file is provided to enable you to configure the Geolog-Link default
settings applicable for your site. Settings in this file will override the settings in the setup.petrel_adaptor

Configure your setup_site.petrel_adaptor file

Steps 1 Copy the setup_site.petrel_adaptor file to your site\specs folder.
2 Rename the setup_site.petrel_adaptor file to setup.petrel_adaptor.
3 Using a text editor, open both petrel adaptor files.
All entries in the site\specs\setup.petrel_adaptor file are comments, as indicated by the # symbol at
the beginning of each line.
4 In the site\specs\setup.petrel_adaptor file, add or replace the entries required for your site.
Removing the # to enable an entry.

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Geolog-Link Installation Guide

5 Save the site\specs\setup.petrel_adaptor file.

6 Close both adaptor files.

Add PNS_HOST to the site geolog_env.tcl

Optional. If an Epos server connection is required (rather than a direct well file access) you can add an entry
for the PNS_HOST environment variable in the Site geolog_env.tcl file.
Steps 1 Using a text editor, open the geolog_env.tcl file in the site\bin folder.
2 Add an entry specifying the value of the PNS_HOST environment variable.
For example, set env(PNS_HOST) <host name>.
3 Save the file.
As a result, when an EPOS server connection is selected during the Database Connection Settings
configuration, the PNS Host field will be automatically populated.

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