Activity #1 Reflection

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Republic of the Philippines

Cordillera Administrative Region

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
ASIST Bangued Campus, Bangued, Abra

Ivy Claire S. Torres Dr. Lemy Rose B. Balmaceda


EM203 Educational Issues, Innovations and Techniques


Which among the following

period do you think is the topmost era as far as education is concerned? What
are the indicators you considered? What factors from the aforementioned era can
you suggest to educational planners to be incorporated in the educational plan/system to be employed especially
during the “new normal” period?

Education is very important because it is the foundation in building a good nation

with productive citizens. Though different countries colonized the Philippines, our education
system was improved and brought Filipinos the different aspects in life. Spanish regime
introduced their education system, they were also taught the Filipinos about Christianity. As
the missionaries conducted religious teaching, they also taught the learners on reading,
writing and other academic subjects. The Code of Ethics also taught in all schools during the
Commonwealth regime and introduced English language which we are using up to present.

In my own opinion, the implementation of K to 12 curriculum is the best reforms in

the Education System in the Philippines. We all know that Filipinos are not globally
competitive enough in terms of educational attainment. Many Filipinos who work abroad
are domestic helper even though they are professionals or college graduate in our home
land. With the new curriculum Filipino students will be ready and better equipped to join
overseas universities at the undergraduate level. They have also enough the time to master
their skills that will become them ready for employment. The K to 12 program promotes
global competency by accelerating mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and
professionals in other countries.

Due to the pandemic learners are not able to come to school. The learning Delivery
has already changed. The new era has begun, the era of Technologies. What I suggest to the
educational planner is find a better solution to address the needs of leaners in this time of
pandemic. Provide materials or gadgets that contribute to the development of the children.
We need to ensure that no child left behind. “Our Children are our only hope for the future,
but we are the only hope for their present and their future”-Zig Ziglar.

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