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Multiple Choice Questions on Modals

Modals MCQs

Choose the correct option

Q1. This dress suits her style. She __________ definitely like it!
A. can
B. could
C. will
D. may

Q2. When Juan was two, he __________ already speak very well.
A. might
B. could
C. can
D. should

Q3. She __________ visit her grandparents’ house during holidays.

A. dare to
B. ought to
C. can
D. might

Q4. __________ I talk to the manager?

A. Might
B. May
C. Could
D. Shall

Q5. During peak hours, it _________ take more than two hours.
A. can
B. should
C. shall
D. will

Q6. How __________ she do that to us!

A. would
B. must
C. could
D. shall

Q7. If I get the required assistance, I __________ pass the exam in the first
A. shall
B. can not
C. might
D. could

Q8. The audience __________ settle before the doors are closed.
A. can
B. shall
C. might
D. must

Q9. We __________ always respect our elders.

A. can
B. will
C. should
D. could

Q10. ___________ we save money for the party?

A. would
B. need
C. should
D. dare

Q11. All students __________ obey the school regulations.

A. could
B. must
C. are able to
D. will

Q12. You __________ visit them, just make a phone call.

A. can not
B. will
C. need not
D. shall not

Q13. All members ___________ attend the meeting as per the notice.
A. can
B. would
C. might
D. should
Q14. There ________ be a famous shop here.
A. used to
B. should
C. ought to
D. would

Q15. There has been a landslide. You __________ be careful while driving there.
A. can
B. must
C. could
D. would

Q16. I ___________ have won the tournament.

A. need to
B. will
C. could
D. dare to

Q17. You __________ speak in the library.

A. must not
B. dare not
C. need not
D. could not

Q18. “We _________ definitely look into the matter”, the officer affirmed.
A. need to
B. would
C. will
D. dare to

Q19. It’s time we _________ leave.

A. might
B. should
C. might have
D. could have

Q20. We are __________ wait in the lobby until the receptionist calls again.
A. supposed to
B. used to
C. obliged to
D. able to

Q21. Oh! I __________ have loved to go with you all.

A. could
B. should
C. might
D. would

Q22. __________ you pass me the salt and pepper?

A. Might
B. Can
C. Shall
D. Ought

Q23. I __________ make sure that he performs better.

A. would have
B. should have
C. will
D. might

Q24. __________ you be a little polite?

A. Should
B. Will have
C. Need
D. Could

Q25. He is the chief guest. He __________ be there.

A. ought to
B. could
C. might
D. supposed to

Q26. __________ I borrow some money from your father?

A. Ought
B. May
C. Might
D. Would

Q27. He seems dangerous. We __________ talk to him.

A. would not
B. might not
C. should not
D. could not
Q28. We __________ reach by 7 PM before the ceremony starts.
A. must
B. might
C. could
D. dare

Q29. That restaurant serves the best sushi. You __________ definitely try!
A. would
B. might
C. may
D. should

Q30. It has started raining. I __________have carried my umbrella.

A. might
B. should
C. would
D. could

Q31. The road seems uneven, you __________ slow down.

A. would
B. can
C. need to
D. dare to

Q32. He __________ be shy during his college days.

A. used to
B. need to
C. ought to
D. could

Q33. __________ you like to accompany us on the tour?

A. Should
B. Would
C. Will
D. Shall

Q34. We __________have given an identity card to them.

A. would
B. will
C. should
D. might

Q35. I am unable to find my phone. I __________have lost it on the way back.

A. should
B. could
C. might
D. ought to

Q36. You __________ always inform your parents of your whereabouts.

A. should
B. would
C. could
D. may

Q37. Don’t you ___________ lie to me!

A. need to
B. dare
C. ought to
D. have

Q38. You __________ visit the doctor before the condition worsens.
A. can
B. could
C. must
D. might

Q39. You __________ be informed about the results soon.

A. might
B. will
C. ought to
D. can

Q40. __________ I make an announcement?

A. Shall
B. Should
C. Could
D. Will

Q41. You __________ pay for the damage done!

A. could
B. would
C. dare
D. must
Q42. I __________ do this before the deadline.
A. dare to
B. may have
C. ought to
D. would have

Q43. Had our flights been on time, we __________ reached by now.

A. could have
B. would have
C. might have
D. need to

Q44. I __________ go to the supermarket in the evening.

A. could
B. can
C. will
D. dare

Q45. Drivers __________ wear the seat belt while driving.

A. will
B. ought to
C. dare to
D. might

Q46. I __________ go and check the arrangements downstairs.

A. should
B. would
C. might
D. can

Q47. Rajeev had an accident. He __________ attend the meeting.

A. might not
B. can not
C. dare not
D. ought not

Q48. __________ we inform them about our arrival?

A. May
B. Could
C. Should
D. Would

Q49. I __________ performed better had I practiced more.

A. should have
B. could have
C. will
D. used to

Q50. We __________ celebrate often when we lived together.

A. ought to
B. need to
C. used to
D. can

Q51. If you are nervous, __________ I speak to her?

A. should
B. would
C. can
D. could

Q52. The class is dismissed. You __________ leave now.

A. should
B. can
C. need to
D. ought to

Q53. You __________ follow the court orders.

A. could
B. might
C. can
D. must

Q54. __________ you please bring me a chair?

A. Might
B. Would have
C. Would
D. Can

Q55. He is our colleague. We __________ invite him.

A. can
B. must
C. dare to
D. will
Q56. You __________ borrow my books for your research.
A. need to
B. can
C. have to
D. ought to

Q57. It was a grand party. They __________have spent a lot.

A. might
B. need to
C. could
D. must

Q58. Had he wanted, he __________have completed the project by now.

A. should
B. might
C. could
D. must

Q59. We __________ either host lunch or dinner.

A. may
B. could
C. ought to
D. shall

Q60. I __________ wake up early to catch the flight tomorrow.

A. must
B. can
C. could
D. would have

Q61. ___________ we hire a tour guide?

A. Could
B. Should
C. Would
D. Might

Q62. I __________ believe my eyes!

A. might not
B. must not
C. couldn’t
D. shouldn’t

Q63. We __________ finish our meals before we leave.

A. dare to
B. ought to
C. could
D. would

Q64. I missed my last appointment. I __________ visit the doctor this weekend.
A. must
B. used to
C. can
D. could

Q65. You ___________ ask your mom before submitting the application.
A. would
B. could
C. can
D. should

Q66. I __________ appreciate your presence there.

A. can
B. should
C. will have
D. would

Q67. You __________have read the terms and conditions before you signed the
A. could
B. should
C. would
D. might

Q68. During the college days, I __________ beat them all in the race!
A. could
B. should
C. can
D. might

Q69. People __________ be interested to learn about his struggle.

A. could
B. might
C. would
D. should

Q70. Do you __________ fight with those goons?

A. ought to
B. might
C. dare to
D. must

Q71. You __________ babysit your sister as her elder brother.

A. will
B. can
C. could
D. ought to

Q72. It is big news! We ___________ definitely celebrate.

A. should
B. could
C. would
D. might

Q73. She __________ make any mistake. She’s an expert in her field.
A. couldn’t
B. wouldn’t
C. shouldn’t
D. might not

Q74. How __________ we assist you?

A. would
B. can
C. should
D. will

Q75. Rohan __________ be here anytime soon.

A. can
B. would
C. will
D. may

Q76. You __________ go to the picnic but on some condition.

A. should
B. could have
C. would have
D. can

Q77. I __________have been there if I had the address.

A. would have
B. could have
C. should have
D. might have

Q78. I have decided that I __________ go to Bali this year definitely.

A. should
B. will
C. can
D. could
Q79. We are the organisers. We __________ welcome the guests.
A. could
B. might
C. ought to
D. would

Q80. You _________ bring more food. We have enough supplies already.
A. shall not
B. need not
C. could not
D. would not

Q81. It was a long day. You __________ be hungry.

A. must
B. might
C. need to
D. should

Q82. I am busy right now. I __________ call you later.

A. could
B. ought to
C. dare to
D. shall

Q83. __________ you be able to convince him?

A. Could
B. Will
C. Should
D. May

Q84. The train is running late. We _________ reach on time.

A. should not
B. might not
C. could not
D. need not

Q85. We ___________ disturb the committee for such a trivial matter.

A. dare not
B. can not
C. should not
D. will not

Q86. It’s not a hectic job. You __________ stress.

A. can not
B. need not
C. dare not
D. will not

Q87. The soup is hot. You __________ be careful.

A. should
B. could
C. would
D. might

Q88. It’s high time. I __________ take this anymore.

A. should not
B. will not
C. can not
D. may not

Q89. We ___________ apologised if we had been at fault.

A. could have
B. should have
C. ought to have
D. would have

Q90. We __________ tease each other during childhood.

A. used to
B. need to
C. should
D. Will

Q91. I __________ talk to your guardian if you don’t behave nicely.

A. could have
B. ought to have
C. shall
D. should

Q92. She __________ deposit the cheque on time to get it cleared.

A. dare to
B. must
C. might
D. could
Q93. ___________ I invite her for a meal?
A. Would
B. Must
C. Can
D. Need

Q94. They __________ decided by now.

A. should have
B. could have
C. will have
D. ought to have

Q95. We _________ afford a new car this year.

A. should
B. might
C. may
D. can

Q96. We __________ take a detour before we reach the destination.

A. would
B. should
C. might
D. will

Q97. You __________ pay attention in the class.

A. can
B. should
C. may
D. might

Q98. ____________ I call the witness?

A. Could
B. Can
C. Should
D. May

Q99. There’s not much time left. I __________ start packing for the tour.
A. need to
B. might
C. can
D. Could

Q100. We __________ touch the antique pieces.

A. should not
B. dare not
C. need not
D. can not

Answer key for ‘Modals’ MCQs

Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans.

1 C 21 D 41 D 61 B 81 A

2 B 22 B 42 C 62 C 82 D

3 D 23 C 43 B 63 B 83 B
4 B 24 D 44 C 64 A 84 B

5 A 25 A 45 B 65 D 85 C

6 C 26 B 46 A 66 D 86 B

7 C 27 C 47 B 67 B 87 A

8 D 28 A 48 C 68 A 88 C

9 C 29 D 49 B 69 B 89 D

10 C 30 B 50 C 70 C 90 A

11 B 31 C 51 A 71 D 91 C

12 C 32 A 52 B 72 A 92 B

13 D 33 B 53 D 73 B 93 C

14 A 34 C 54 C 74 B 94 A

15 B 35 C 55 B 75 C 95 D

16 C 36 A 56 B 76 D 96 C

17 A 37 B 57 D 77 A 97 B

18 C 38 C 58 C 78 B 98 D

19 B 39 B 59 A 79 C 99 A

20 A 40 A 60 A 80 B 100 B

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