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Welcome, to take this test you need a headset with a microphone and a reliable internet connection.

Please put on your headset as shown in the picture. Put the microphone near your mouth. Do not remove your
headset until you finish the test. When you are ready to continue, click “next”

Quiet please
Take this test in a quiet location without distractions
Please close all other computer programs and turn off all electronic devices

Ready to begin?
When you are ready to begin, once you start you will not be able to pause or retake this test. Please ensure you
have enough time

Please set your headphone volume

To set your headphone volume, use the volume slider in the upper righthand corner of the screen be sure to set
your volume at a level that you can hear clearly
Remember you can change your headphone volume at any time during this test by using the volume slider

This is a microphone test, please read the numbers in the active box aloud “one two three four”.

Speaking tips
It is important to speak naturally during the test
Here are some tips:
 speak at a normal speed like you would during a conversation
 speak like you are talking to a person on the phone. There is no need to speak too carefully or slowly
 speak at a normal volume not too loud or too soft
When you are ready, click “next”
To start the test please, click “next”

Part A: Reading
Read the sentence as instructed
1. New technologies often fall to replace existing ones.
2. There are a number of examples of this fact.
3. The movie industry is still strong despite the existence of television.
4. Recorded music has not changed the attraction of live concerts.
5. Mr. King is considering getting another car for the family.
6. His son, who starts college in September, has asked if he could have a car.
7. After checking the ads in the paper, they found a good deal on a used one.
8. Mr. King will buy it, but his son has to pay for the insurance.

Part B: Repeat
Please repeat each sentence that you hear
For example:
A voice says
“leave town on the next train”
and you say
“leave town on the next train”
1. I'm never late for work
2. I start my new job next week
3. Your business cards should arrive soon
4. I must have the wrong number
5. How long have you been studying French?
6. Where is the exit located?
7. We almost missed the train
8. This report seems to be out of date this
9. If we take the car we'll have to pay for parking
10. Could you send the parts over as soon as possible
11. With experience, you will improve your project estimates
12. By the middle of the morning half the sales team had quit
13. The alarm isn't loud enough
14. I just wanted to check in and see if there's been any progress
15. But the search for a qualified software engineer has proved difficult
16. The plane leaves for Paris at 9 15 a.m

Part C: Question
Now please just give a simple answer to the questions
For example, a voice says
“Would you get water from a bottle or a newspaper
And you say
“A bottle or from a bottle”
1. Jan thinks her homework is tedious
Is it exciting or is it boring?
 Boring
2. Did Beverly make the soup bowl out of soap or clay
 Clay
3. Are you more likely to find a copy machine at the park or in an office
 Office
4. Morgan's grades this term are pathetic
Are they good or bad?
 Bad
5. Who watches a play?
The audience or the cast?
 Audience
6. How many months are there in a year?
 12 months
7. Her gambling was excessive
Did she do it too often or too infrequently?
 Too often
8. Liz is learning to ride
Is she learning on a poodle or a pony?
 Pony
9. Do you convict or solve a puzzle
 Solve
10. Which is brighter the sun or a light bulb?
 The sun
11. Are accountants more likely to use calculators or cupcakes for their job
 Calculator
12. If the gap is expanding, is it getting bigger or smaller?
 Bigger
13. Flowers can be many colors whereas grass is usually which color?
 Green
14. Do you put polish on your socks or on your shoes?
 shoes
15. Are lawyers usually involved in lawsuits or landscaping?
 Lawsuits

16. The change is very minor, is it meaningful or insignificant?

 insignificant
17. I just ate too much am i hungry or full?
 full
18. If you freeze fresh bread, does it become warmer or colder?
 Colder
19. Is a queen hardware or royalty?
 Royalty
20. Are clothes usually sewn with stitches or washing machines?
 Stiches
21. What flash of light in the sky is often followed by thunder?
 Lightening
22. the giants were beaten by the tigers? who won?
 Tigers
23. carl's son has developed a cold. Did he get sick or make something?
 Get sick
24. Tuesday's meeting is mandatory should Teresa attend the meeting or go shopping?
 attend

Part D: Sentence builds

Now please rearrange the word groups into a sentence
For example:
A voice says
“was reading, my mother, her favorite magazine”
and you say
“my mother was reading her favorite magazine”
please put
Please put that away
have received
all children

offered us
his son

the invitations

will you
next month
attend the conference

about him
do the police know

to get four tickets
for the match
paul was able

and a sandwich
laura ordered
some coffee

their claim
to anyone
have they reported
of every transaction t
he two secretaries
kept an accurate record

Part E: Storytellings
You will have 30 seconds to retell the story in English, try to retell as much of the story as
you can including the situation, characters actions and ending. You will hear another beep at the end of the 30

Story 1:
Two sisters flew a kite one day suddenly a strong wind blew and the kite flew away. The younger sister cried.
The older sister said don't cry “we'll just make another one”. This time they put a stronger string on it. They flew
their new kite and it didn't fly away. Kate wanted to buy a piano. She saved up for three years and finally had
enough money just before she left for the music store. Kate's friend called her and said that Kate could have her
piano because she was moving to a new house. Kate was very excited. She got her friend's piano for free and
spent her money on piano lessons.

Story 2:
Two actors named Ellen and Thomas were performing in a play on stage. Ellen forgot what she was supposed to
say and didn't say anything at all. She felt embarrassed but fortunately Thomas remembered her line he told her
the line very quietly. She smiled at Thomas said her line and the play continued successfully

Part F: Open question

You will hear two questions about family life or personal choices. Each question will be said twice, followed by
a beep. When you hear a beep, you will have 40 seconds to answer the question. You will hear another beep at
the end of 40 seconds.
1. Do you feel that learning about art or music is a necessary part of a good education. Why do you feel this
2. Imagine that a friend or family member is visiting you. Would you take this person to a restaurant or would
you make a meal at home. Explain your choice

Optional questions
If you wish you may answer the following questions about yourself. These questions will not affect your test
results. To finish the test, click “next”
Congratulations, you have completed the test.
Thank you

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