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Tagoloan Community College

Member: Philippine Association for Teachers and Educators (PAFTE)
Association of Local Colleges and Universities (ALCU)

Table of Specifications (TOS) for Major Examinations

College: Teacher Education Semester: First A.Y.: 2021-2022 Date Submitted: October 11, 2021
____Prelim __/_Midterm ___Semi-final ____Final

Course Number and Descriptive Title: EDUC 3 TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING 1

No. of Level of Cognitive Domain
Content Areas Objectives of the Content class ITEM DISTRIBUTION
hours R U AP AN E C Total No. of Percentage
1. Understanding the Identify the competency standards of ICT 3 4 1 5 12.5%
Basic Concepts of ICT for teaching and learning in pre-service
teacher education.

Determine the Basic Concepts of ICT 3 3 2 5 12.5%

2. Roles of Technology for Differentiate roles of technology in 3 2 3 5 12.5%
Teaching and Learning teaching and learning
3. ICT Policies and Safety Discuss some policies that are applicable 3 1 2 1 3 7 17.5%
issues: Implications to to teaching and learning
Teaching and Learning
Identify Safety Issues that are applicable 3 3 1 4 10%
to teaching and learning
4. Safety Issues on the Cite the different safety issues of ICT 3 1 1 3 5 12.5%
Use of ICT including e- And explain why e-Safety Rules are
Safety Rules important in the teaching and learning
5. Non-digital and Digital Explain the function of Instructional 3 1 2 1 4 10%
Tagoloan Community College
Member: Philippine Association for Teachers and Educators (PAFTE)
Association of Local Colleges and Universities (ALCU)

Skills and Tools in Materials in the classroom setting

Delivering Technology- Cite examples of conventional and non- 3 2 1 2 5 12.5%
Enhanced Lessons digital tools in delivering lessons

Total 24 12 5 3 18 2 40 100%
30% 12.5 7.5% 45% 5%
Percentage per Level % 100%

Legend: R = Remembering U = Understanding Ap = Applying An = Analyzing E = Evaluating C = Creating

Distribution by ITEM WRITERS

Item Writer(s) Item No. Total
Trixie Mae Issobelle M. Remoroza 1-40 40

Prepared: Trixie Mae Issobelle M. Remoroza, LPT Checked and Reviewed: Dr. Mary Koren Witting-Acuesa
Faculty Member BEED Chairperson

Recommending Approval: Dr. Frederick Gomez Approved: Dr. Romel U. Rellon

Dean, Teacher Education Vice President for Academic Affairs

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