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Module 3
At the end of the lesson, the learners are
expected to:
○ evaluate the soundness of the criticisms
of testing; and
○ cite the testing principles a teacher
must observe.
Table of
1 Ethical Testing 3
Criticisms of Testing Practices

Ethical Testing Unethical Testing 4

Principles Practices
Invasion of Privacy
● The following are some
factors to consider to
observe the right to privacy
(Anastasi and Urbina, 1997):

 Purpose of testing

 Relevance of information

 Informed consent

 Confidentiality
Implications for teaching from the 1974 Family Educational rights and
Privacy Act (Byuckley amendment) according to chase (1976):
1. Teachers cannot post the grades of the students.
2. Teachers cannot display the works of their students as an example of
poor or excellent work.
3. Teachers are not allowed to let students grade or correct any other
student’s paper.
4. Teachers cannot ask students to raise their hands to determine if they
answered correctly or incorrectly to any item.
5. Teachers cannot distribute test papers in a manner that will permit
other students to observe the scores of others.
6. Teachers cannot assume that letters of recommendations requested by
students will be kept confidential.
1. Creation of Anxiety and ● Being familiar with the type of
Inference in Learning test to be administered reduces
● Anxiety in testing can be
○ Highly anxious students do
demonstrated in nail biting, pencil
better than less anxious ones on
tapping, or squirming.
measuring rote recall.
○ A mild degree of anxiety usually
○ Test anxiety increases with grade
facilitates learning, whereas a
higher level of anxiety hinders
learning in most cases.

○ The less able student incurs higher

level of anxiety from testing than
capable ones.
How to help student to 4. Be sure each item has “face validity”.
avoid anxiety? 5. Avoid unannounced examinations.
6. Schedule personal conferences with
1. Emphasize tests for diagnosis students as often as possible to reduce
mastery rather than means of anxiety and redirect learning.
punishing students who fail to live 7. Emphasize more on strengths, not on
up to the expectations of the deficiencies.
teachers or parents. 8. Do not emphasize competitive
2. Avoid a “sudden death examinations when some students are
examination.” unable to compete.
3. Write personal notes on each 9. Treat each student’s grades
examination paper encouraging confidentiality.
students to keep up the good work 10. Allow students to choose among
or exert more effort. activities of equal instructional value.
2. Permanent
(Tracking) ● The notion that measurement
instruments are infallible and
their performance is fixed and,
therefore, unchangeable, has had
serious consequences. For
instance, teachers may not give
recognition for some changes in
3. Penalizing Bright
and Creative
Students. ● One of the most consistent
criticisms of test is that they
are insensitive to typical but
defensible responses. Of
course, there are some vague
items, but this is an exception
rather than a rule.
4. Discrimination ● Many minority students do
against Minority not take tests because they
Students have not learned the skills,
knowledge, and attitude
required to succeed. In this
case, it is not reasonable to
criticize tests. Rather, it is the
school which is to be blamed
for failing to teach students
the needed skills, knowledge,
and attitude.
5. Measurement of
Limited and
Superficial Aspect
of Behavior
● A commonly recurring
criticism of tests is that they
cannot measure important
human traits, such as love or
Test Scores and
Confidentiality Interpretations

Test Security Test Publications

1. Confidentiality ● In the case of minors, one must
also consider the right of parents
or guardians to be informed
Confidentiality. This regulates or about the test results.
controls legal or lawful access. ● Third persons are usually not
● Individuals have the right to
given access to records unless
know their test results, and for consent has been given by the
this purpose, the results must owner of the record.
be free of technical labels,
readily understandable and
oriented toward immediate
1. Confidentiality
(cont.) b) If the students will benefit by
talking to other professionals
concerned with a case.
Confidentiality can be breached c) If the student gives
in the following instances: permission for confidential
a) When there is clear, communications to be
immediate danger to the reported to others.
danger to the student and
the teacher informs other
professionals or authorities.
2. Test Security

Test Security. Tests are

professional instruments and as
such, their dissemination is
restricted to those with the
technical competence to use
them properly. No standardized
tests should be left unsecured.
3. Test Scores and 4. Test Publications
Test Scores and Test Publication. Standardized
Interpretations. These should tests should provide a manual or
only be available to individuals technical handbook describing
who are qualified to use them. how the test can be used most
Test results should be effectively and who may use it.
interpreted to parents in a Advertisements about the test
manner that will ensure against results should be factual and
misuse and misinterpretations. descriptive but not emotional or
1. It is both ethical and advantageous to inform students in
advance that they are about to take a test and to tell them
something about the nature of the test. They should also be told of
the advantages of taking the test and where the results would be
2. Teachers should explain the mechanics of taking a test and
practice the students on how to fill out an answer sheet (i.e.,
making heavy marks, and erasing marks completely). It is
however essential that the teacher does not make the question
3. It is perfectly proper to try to motivate students to do, as well
as they can, as long as they are not threatened or made anxious
about their performance.
4. It is essential that all testing materials and results be kept
secured before, during, and after testing.
5. It is ethical to combine classes for testing as long as there are
adequate proctors to safeguard the test and make sure that the
students are following instructions. The ideal ratio is one proctor
to a maximum of 30 students.
6. Once an examination has been administered and scored, it is
permissible for the teachers to examine results and determine the
areas of the students’ weaknesses. It is to modify the curriculum as
a result of standardized achievement testing only if the teacher can
demonstrate that the change conforms to overall school objectives.
Modifying the curriculum solely for the purpose of increasing scores is
1. To tutor students on the specific subject matter of an
expected examination. This destroys the standardized
procedures of test administration and distorts the meaning
provided by the scores. Scores on standardized tests should only
be interpreted when the tests are given exactly the same way they
are to the norm or comparison group. It is unethical for teachers
to examine the content of standardized tests to determine what is
to be taught in their classrooms.

2. To use or give a test item from any part of the test in which
only a word or phrase has been changed.
3. To construct or use any practice form that is similar to the
actual test items to reflect the situations, options, or conditions of
the original questions.
4. To copy and/or distribute the test before the scheduled
date of the test.
5. For teachers to use standardized tests or mandated testing
programs for their examinations, similarly, it is unethical to use
standardized tests as instructional materials.
6. To exclude some students from participating in tests, even
though the teachers expect them to do poorly. Nor it is ethical to
exclude the whole class if they are low achievers.
7. To allow students to use false records, identification papers,
unauthorized identification cards, or computer access to official
school documents.
8. To neglect the instruction of one student just to increase the
test scores of other pupils. The goal of education is to maximize
the achievement of each pupil, not the attainment of a high-test
scores. In like manner, it is unethical to grant any advantage to
one student over another to increase score in a given test.
9. To alter the directions, time limits, and scoring procedures.
10. To try to improve student performance by developing items
parallel to those on standardized tests.
11. To create anxiety and rivalry about standardized tests among
students and between classes and schools. Examinations are not
contests and should not be treated as such.
12. To accept gratuities, gifts or favors that might impair or
appear to influence professional decisions or actions regarding
student testing and scores.
13. To disclose information about students obtained in the course
of testing, unless disclosure serves a compelling professional
purpose or is required by the school, is unethical.
Reganit, Arnulfo R, Ed.D.; Elicay, Ronaldo, PhD.; & Laguerta,
Cresencia, M.S., “Assessment of Learning 1 (Cognitive
Learning).” C&E Publishing, Inc., Quezon City, PH, 2010.

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