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Aggregate Effects on Pervious Portland Cement Concrete

Static Modulus of Elasticity

L. K. Crouch, P.E.1; Jordan Pitt2; and Ryan Hewitt3

Abstract: The effects of aggregate gradation, amount, and size on pervious portland cement concrete 共PCC兲 static modulus of elasticity
were compared using four different mixtures. A standard mix and three variable mixes using a uniform gradation, increased aggregate
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amount, and increased aggregate size were used. The effective air void content was determined for each mixture. The compressive
strengths and static elastic moduli were determined and compared at equal void contents. For a uniform gradation, the compressive
strengths and static elastic moduli appeared to be higher within an optimal range of voids; however, there was no statistically significant
difference between the results from the different gradations. An increased aggregate amount resulted in a statistically significant decrease
in both compressive strength and static elastic moduli due to the subsequent decrease in paste amount. While the compressive strengths
were higher for mixtures containing smaller aggregate sizes, there was no significant difference between the static elastic moduli when
different aggregate sizes were used. Further research is needed to understand the effects of aggregate size on the static modulus of
elasticity of pervious PCC.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0899-1561共2007兲19:7共561兲
CE Database subject headings: Concrete; Portland cements; Aggregates; Elasticity; Compressive strength; Compaction.

Introduction and Literature Review void content may be achieved either by modifying the level of
compactive effort or by adjusting the aggregate proportions and
Pervious concrete is a mixture of portland cement, water, coarse properties.
aggregate, and, in some cases, chemical admixtures and/or When the level of compactive effort is minimal, the effective
supplementary cementing materials. Excluding fine aggregate void content is typically increased. As the void content increases,
from the mixture lowers the workability of the fresh pervious there is a concomitant reduction in the compressive strength when
portland cement concrete 共PCC兲. Therefore, a compactive effort using limestone aggregates 共Kevern et al. 2005; Meininger 1988兲.
must be applied in order to obtain desired properties, which in- As no standard specifications have been determined for achieving
clude strength and permeability. The lack of fines also creates an compactive effort in the field, it is difficult to ensure that pervious
open void structure, allowing water to percolate from the surface PCC will obtain the desired amount of effective air voids, which
down through the interconnected voids. The effective air voids directly affects strength and permeability. Therefore, experience
are those which are accessible from the surface 共ASTM 2005b兲. has proven that it is more beneficial to modify the aggregate
The effective air void content plays a major role in the hardened proportions and properties, such as gradation, size, and amount,
properties of pervious PCC. Current research has shown that the rather than change the level of compactive effort, to reach desired
effective void content affects the compressive strength and water void contents.
permeability of the hardened concrete—at higher effective void Pervious PCC research at Tennessee Technological University,
contents, water permeability is increased, but the compressive Cookeville, Tenn., has shown that the effective void content, com-
strength is decreased 共Meininger 1988; Ghafoori and Dutta 1995兲. pressive strength, and permeability are largely dependent upon
Thus, it is essential to optimize the effective void content in order the aggregate. The compressive strength is dependent on the size
to achieve both strength and permeability. Effective void contents of the aggregate, whereas the effective void content is dependent
in pervious PCC typically range from 15 to 35%. The desired upon gradation 共ACI 2004; Ghafoori and Dutta 1995兲. As the
aggregate size decreases, the number of particles per unit of vol-
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tennessee Technological ume increases. As the amount of particles increases, the binding
Univ., Box 5015, Cookeville, TN 38505.
2 area increases, resulting in improved strengths 共Yang and Jiang
Field Engineer, Stanley D. Lindsey & Associates, Ltd., 1801 W. End,
Suite 400, Nashville, TN 37203. 2003兲. It has also been observed that pervious PCC fails at the
Graduate Research Assistant, Tennessee Technological Univ., Box binder layer between the aggregates, and the cement paste area
5015, Cookeville, TN 38505. should be increased in order to improve strength properties 共Yang
Note. Associate Editor: Baoshan Huang. Discussion open until and Jiang 2003兲. Modulus of elasticity and compressive strength
December 1, 2007. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual are important properties used for the design of pervious PCC
papers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must pavements 共Pasko 1998兲. Although the effect of aggregates on
be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper
compressive strength has been studied, there has been no pub-
was submitted for review and possible publication on January 11, 2006;
approved on December 28, 2006. This paper is part of the Journal of lished research that reveals the effect of aggregates on the static
Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 7, July 1, 2007. ©ASCE, modulus of elasticity of pervious PCC. Understanding the behav-
ISSN 0899-1561/2007/7-561–568/$25.00. ior of the elastic modulus in relation to aggregate proportions and


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Fig. 1. Aggregate gradation plots

properties will lead to better input parameters for pervious PCC 2004d兲. The limestone was sieved and then recombined to obtain
pavement design. the desired gradation for each mix. Local river sand was also
For normal PCC, the significance of aggregate proportions and obtained and added as the finer portions of all gradations, those
properties is best understood when considering concrete as an passing the 2.36 mm 共No. 8兲 and retained on the 0.30 mm 共No.
assembly of aggregates bonded together with cement paste, with 50兲 sieve.
the voids completely filled with paste. Thus, the amount of paste The gradation plots for each of the four mixes are shown in
depends on the amount of void space that must be filled and the Fig. 1. For the standard mix, referred to as Mix A, the aggregates
total surface area of the aggregate that must be coated. The vol- were combined to achieve a near mid-specification #89 gradation
ume of voids between aggregate particles is greatest when the 共ASTM 2004d兲. For the second mix, Mix B, the aggregate content
particles are of uniform size. remained the same, but the gradation was more uniform. The third
When a wider range of sizes is used, the smaller particles pack mix, referred to as Mix C, was given the same gradation as Mix
between the larger ones, decreasing void space and lowering paste B, whereas the aggregate content was raised from 58.7 to 61.7%
requirements. Using larger maximum aggregate sizes can also of the total volume. The fourth mix, Mix D, also contained an
reduce void space 共Mindess et al. 2003兲 even though the median aggregate content level of 61.7% of the total volume and a uni-
void size is actually larger 共Marolf et al. 2004兲. Pervious concrete form gradation, while the maximum size aggregate was increased
can be understood in the same manner. However, pervious PCC is to 19.5 mm 共3 / 4 in.兲.
designed to have enough paste to coat the aggregates without Both the Type I portland cement 共ASTM 2005a兲 and Class C
having excess to fill the voids. Studying the variations in aggre- fly ash 共ASTM 2004b兲 were obtained from a local supplier
gate gradation, amount, and size will lead to a better understand- 共ASTM 2004a,b兲. ASTM Type D and F admixtures were used
ing of the paste requirements for pervious PCC. 共ASTM 2004c兲 along with a viscosity modifier. Local tap water
Some researchers maintain that the coarse aggregate is the was used for all mixtures. All four mixes had a water-to-
main factor in the elastic modulus values of normal PCC 共Wu et cementitious materials 共w/cm兲 ratio of 0.39. Also, an effective
al. 2001兲. For normal strength concrete, it is well known that the void content of 20% was assumed for the absolute volume mix
factors affecting modulus of elasticity include aggregate stiffness, design. The mixture proportions are shown in Table 1 and admix-
type, volumetric content, and size 共Neville 1997; Cetin and ture dosages are in Table 2.
Carrasquillo 1998兲. Typically, as the compressive strength of con-
crete increases, the elastic modulus increases 共Sideris and Manita
2004; Wu et al. 2001兲. Smaller aggregate sizes result in higher
compressive strengths at equal aggregate contents. However, the
opposite is true for the elastic modulus, which increases with
larger aggregate sizes 共Oloukon et al. 1991兲. Also, concretes with The three gradations of limestone were sieved and recombined as
higher coarse aggregate contents exhibit slightly higher elastic per ASTM C 136 to achieve the specific aggregate gradations
moduli. Aggregates are the stiffest material in regular PCC, so shown in Fig. 1 共ASTM 2004e兲. Cylinders were cast in accor-
adding more aggregate results in the end product being stiffer dance with ASTM C 192 共ASTM 2004a兲. For each batch, a total
共Cetin and Carrasquillo 1998兲. of 18 cylinders 共three cylinders for each compactive effort level兲
were cast using 10 cm by 20 cm 共4 in. by 8 in.兲 steel molds. A
4.5 kg 共10 lb兲 Marshall Hammer 共AASHTO 1998兲 with a 45 cm
Materials 共18 in.兲 drop was used to achieve the desired level of compaction.
The six levels of compactive effort were as follows:
Three gradations of limestone were obtained from a local quarry: • 1 layer—2 Marshall Hammer blows 共no rodding兲;
9.5 mm 共3 / 8 in.兲, 12.5 mm 共1 / 2 in.兲, and #57 stone 共ASTM • 1 layer—5 Marshall Hammer blows 共no rodding兲;


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:561-568.

Table 1. Pervious PCC Mixture Proportions
Mix A Mix B Mix C Mix D

Component kg/ m3 共lb/ yd3兲 kg/ m3 共lb/ yd3兲 kg/ m3 共lb/ yd3兲 kg/ m3 共lb/ yd3兲
Type I portland cement 266.97 450 266.97 450 222.48 375 222.48 375
Class C fly ash 77.72 131 77.72 131 64.67 109 64.67 109
Water 共net兲 105.01 177 105.01 177 87.21 147 87.21 147
Aggregate 共SSD兲 1,541.93 2,599 1,541.93 2,599 1,620.24 2,731 1,620.24 2,731

• 1 layer—16 Marshall Hammer blows 共no rodding兲; C 39 using sulfur mortar capping at 28 days 共ASTM 2002a,b兲.
• 4 layers—5 Marshall Hammer blows per layer 共each layer Static modulus of elasticity was determined according to ASTM
rodded 25 times兲; C 469 共ASTM 2004f兲.
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• 4 layers—10 Marshall Hammer blows per layer 共each layer

rodded 25 times兲; and
• 4 layers—20 Marshall Hammer blows per layer 共each layer
rodded 25 times兲.
Twenty-four hours after casting, the cylinders were demolded,
labeled, and placed in a lime–water curing tank maintained at The results for effective void content as a function of compactive
23.0± 2.0° C 共73.5± 3.5° F兲 as per ASTM C 192 共ASTM 2004a兲. effort are shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows the results for compres-
After 7 days, one specimen for each compaction level was oven sive strength as a function of effective void content. The results
dried at 110± 5 ° C 共230± 9 ° F兲. The effective air void content was for static modulus of elasticity as a function of effective void
determined at 14 days after casting as per ASTM D 7063, with content are shown in Figs. 4–6. The effect of aggregate gradation
each cylinder remaining in the water bath for 24 hours 共ASTM is shown in Fig. 4, which compares Mix A to Mix B. Fig. 5 shows
2005b兲. As tests for effective air void content required oven dry- the effects of aggregate amount by comparing Mix B and Mix C.
ing, the cylinders used for this procedure were not used for any A comparison of Mix C to Mix D is shown in Fig. 6, which
other testing. Compressive strength was determined as per ASTM indicates the effect of aggregate size. For static modulus of elas-

Table 2. Admixture Dosages

Mix A Mix B Mix C Mix D

Admixture mL/ 100 kg 共oz/ cwt兲 mL/ 100 kg 共oz/ cwt兲 mL/ 100 kg 共oz/ cwt兲 mL/ 100 kg 共oz/ cwt兲
Type F 326.0 5 326.0 5 0 0 0 0
Viscosity modifier 130.4 2 130.4 2 652 10 652 10
Type D 0.0 0 0.0 0 326 5 326 5

Fig. 2. Effective air void content versus compactive effort


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:561-568.

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Fig. 3. Compressive strength versus effective void content

ticity testing, the average of two trials performed on each speci- not form as dense a configuration, which results in a higher void
men was used for analysis. In 50% of the cases, the measured content. This effect becomes greater at higher compaction levels.
modulus values differed by less than one percent, and in all cases As the compactive effort increases for Mix B, the uniform grada-
the values differed by less than 3%. tion, the rate at which the void content decreases is greatly re-
duced. However, Mix A, with a wider range of sizes, continues to
compact until the void content falls below the desired limits for
Effect of Aggregate Gradation pervious PCC. This indicates that a more uniform gradation is
more reliable for pervious PCC field placements as it is difficult
The effective void content of Mix B is greater than Mix A at to apply a compactive effort that will lower the effective void
every compaction level, as shown in Fig. 2. As the uniform gra- content below the desired range.
dation has a smaller range of aggregate sizes, the aggregates do At equal void contents, the more uniform gradation, Mix B,

Fig. 4. Static modulus of elasticity versus effective void content—Mixes A and B


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:561-568.

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Fig. 5. Static modulus of elasticity versus effective void content—Mixes B and C

exhibits higher compressive strengths than Mix A 共see Fig. 3兲. crease in compressive strength and static modulus of elasticity.
The static modulus of elasticity also appears to be greater for Mix Although Figs. 1, 3, 4, and 6 appear to show a distinct difference
B when within an effective void content ranging from approxi- between the compressive strengths and elastic moduli of the
mately 23 to 31%, as shown in Fig. 4. The optimal void range lies mixes with different gradations, neither of the parameters showed
within the desired void range of pervious PCC 共NRMCA兲. Values a significant difference at the 95% confidence interval when an
for static modulus are lower for Mix B when the effective void analysis of covariance was performed.
content is above the optimal range. An explanation for this phe-
nomenon is unclear. As indicated in Fig. 2, a greater compactive
effort is required for Mix B to reach the same void content as Mix Effect of Aggregate Amount
A. The increased compactive effort necessary to obtain equal void
contents contributes to the apparent increase in strength and elas- The difference between Mixes B and C is the amount of aggre-
tic modulus for Mix B within the optimal range of voids. It ap- gate. The aggregate amount increases from 58.7 to 61.7% of the
pears that at higher compactive efforts, the paste–aggregate bond total volume from Mixes B to C. The increase in aggregate
becomes stronger at each interface, which would result in an in- amount for Mix C decreases the cement, fly ash, and water pro-

Fig. 6. Static modulus of elasticity versus effective void content—Mixes C and D


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:561-568.

portions based on an absolute volume mix design. Therefore, the tween the moduli values of the two mixes, but at equal void
paste/aggregate ratio decreases from 0.29 to 0.23 from Mixes B contents the values for elastic modulus are slightly greater for
to C. Mix D when within an effective void content ranging from ap-
The effective void contents, compressive strengths, and proximately 26 to 33%, as shown in Fig. 6. This optimal void
moduli of elasticity for the two mixes with different aggregate range lies within the desired void range of pervious PCC. This
amounts showed a statistically significant difference at the 95% behavior is similar to that of normal PCC, in which larger size
confidence interval when an analysis of covariance was per- aggregates result in higher elastic moduli values. The reduction in
formed. Referring to Fig. 2, the effective void content is greater elastic moduli for void contents greater than 33% may be due to
for Mix C at each compactive effort. At equal void contents, Mix
lack of particle contact. As stated previously, the actual air voids
C exhibits lower compressive strengths and lower values of elas-
themselves are larger as the aggregates sizes are larger; there is
tic modulus than Mix B, as shown in Figs. 3 and 5, respectively.
less contact between the aggregates and therefore a reduction in
These results are consistent with normal PCC data which show
that as compressive strength increases, the elastic modulus in- the stiffness of the hardened pervious PCC. This is consistent
creases as well. For pervious PCC, the compressive strength and with the literature; as the aggregate size decreases, the binding
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elastic modulus are lower when using a greater amount of aggre- area increases and results in an improvement of the strength
gate. This does not follow normal PCC trends, in which the 共Yang and Jiang 2003兲. Fig. 7 indicates that as the effective void
elastic modulus increases as aggregate amount increases. This size 共D10兲 increases, the modulus of elasticity decreases for all
inconsistency is due to the differences in the role of the paste compactive efforts. In Fig. 7, each compactive effort is repre-
between normal PCC and pervious PCC. sented by the number of layers and the number of Marshall Ham-
The higher effective void contents that result from increasing mer blows per layer.
the aggregate amount can be explained by the effects of the paste
on pervious PCC. As previously mentioned, sufficient paste is
needed to coat the aggregates and ensure bonding while excess Conclusions
paste will occupy the voids. Thus, for pervious PCC, decreasing
the paste amount results in a higher void content. Also, the reduc-
tion in paste amount lowers the compressive strength and modu- 1. For pervious PCC, there was no significant difference be-
lus of elasticity as less paste is available for aggregate bonding. tween the voids, compressive strength, and elastic moduli
when using a more uniform gradation, as indicated from an
analysis of covariance. However, Figs. 1 and 2 indicated that
Effect of Aggregate Size a more uniform gradation results in slightly higher effective
void contents at equal compactive efforts. Also, the compres-
Both Mixes C and D have an aggregate content of 61.7% of the sive strength and modulus of elasticity appeared to be higher
total volume. The shape of the gradation curve is also identical for at equal void contents within an optimal void range of 23–
both mixes 共see Fig. 1兲. However, the aggregate sizes are larger 31%. Therefore, a uniform gradation mix appears to be more
for Mix D than Mix C. The aggregate sizes for Mix D range from reliable for pervious PCC field placements. At high compac-
4.75 mm 共No. 4兲 to 19.5 mm 共3 / 4 in.兲, whereas Mix C ranges tive efforts it is difficult to lower the void content below
from 0.30 mm 共No. 50兲 to 9.5 mm 共3 / 8 in.兲. desired limits, and better strength properties can be achieved.
Referring to Fig. 2, the effective void contents are slightly 2. Increasing the aggregate amount of pervious PCC results in
lower for Mix D at equal compactive efforts. At first, these results higher effective void contents at equal compactive efforts, as
seem counterintuitive; it would seem that using larger size aggre- well as a decrease in both compressive strength and modulus
gates would result in a greater void content. However, at equal of elasticity. This is the opposite of normal PCC and is a
aggregate amounts, a mix with larger size aggregates has less result of the role of paste in pervious PCC. An increased
specific surface than one with smaller aggregates. As less paste is aggregate amount also results in a decreased paste amount.
required for coating a smaller specific surface, the excess paste Hence, there is less paste to fill up the voids, resulting in
partially fills the voids and reduces the void content. Although the higher void contents. Also, less paste is available for aggre-
effective void contents of Mixes C and D are relatively similar, gate bonding, which lowers the compressive strength and
the actual sizes of the voids are larger in Mix D. The effective modulus of elasticity.
void size is represented by the diameter on the gradation plot 3. At equal compactive efforts, there is a negligible difference
which has ten percent of the total finer than its size 共D10兲 共Marotta
in effective void contents when the aggregate size is in-
2005兲. The effective void size 共D10兲 for Mix D is 7.5 mm
creased for pervious PCC. The void sizes are larger when
共0.30 in.兲, which is much larger than Mix C at 3.3 mm 共0.13 in.兲.
using larger aggregate sizes, but the void content is still rela-
Mix D has larger voids, but Mix C has a greater number of
tively similar as a result of the excess paste after particle
smaller voids. Therefore, even though the two mixes have very
different void systems, the void contents are still relatively coating. Also, the compressive strength decreases and the
similar. static modulus of elasticity slightly increases for larger ag-
At equal void contents, the compressive strengths are greater gregate sizes at effective void contents ranging from 26 to
for Mixes C than D 共see Fig. 3兲; there was a statistically signifi- 33%. The larger void sizes may result in slightly lower com-
cant difference at the 95% confidence interval when an analysis of pressive strengths. The increase in modulus of elasticity for
covariance was performed. The increased strengths for Mix C increased aggregate sizes is consistent with normal PCC.
follow trends for both pervious PCC and normal PCC found in When increasing the aggregate size, there was a statistically
the literature, which states that mixtures with smaller maximum- significant difference in the compressive strengths but not in
size aggregates exhibit higher compressive strengths 共Yang and the elastic moduli when using an analysis of covariance at
Jiang 2003兲. There was no statistically significant difference be- the 95% confidence interval.


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Fig. 7. Modulus of elasticity versus effective void size 共D10兲

Acknowledgments ASTM. 共2004d兲. “Standard specifications for concrete aggregates.” An-

nual book of ASTM standards, ASTM C 33-03, Vol. 04.02, West Con-
The writers gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the shohocken, Pa., 10–20.
Tennessee Concrete Association. The research team appreciates ASTM. 共2004e兲. “Standard test method for sieve analysis of fine and
material donations from Rogers Group, Inc., MBT Degussa, Irv- coarse aggregates.” Annual book of ASTM standards, ASTM C 136-
ing Materials Inc., Builder’s Supply of Cookeville, Tenn., and the 01, Vol. 04.02, West Conshohocken, Pa., 84–88.
TTU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The ASTM. 共2004f兲. “Standard test method for static modulus of elasticity
writers also appreciate the technical assistance of Jeff Holmes, and Poisson’s ratio of concrete in compression.” Annual book of
ASTM standards, ASTM C 469-94, Vol. 04.02, West Conshohocken,
Tim Dunn, Wes Mittlesteadt, and Ben Byard of TTU. The writers
Pa., 256–260.
would like to thank the TTU Center for Energy Systems Research
ASTM. 共2005a兲. “Standard specification for portland cement.” Annual
for administering the project and providing financial assistance.
book of ASTM standards, ASTM C 150-04a, Vol. 04.01, West Consho-
hocken, Pa., 144–151.
ASTM. 共2005b兲. “Standard test method for effective porosity and effec-
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J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:561-568.

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