Overall Band Score: Coherence and Cohesion: 6.0

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It is universally acknowledged that citizens are not given sufficient time with family in myriad

nations. This essay will shed light on two principal contributors of this tendency and adverse
outcomes on the family and society.

The first culprit is modernizing rapidly in our world. This trend speeds up more and more so Commented [NS1]: The rapid modernization
an influx of people move vast distances for new jobs, love and education and leave our
family behind. To be more specific, some people reach adulthood and become hectic with
work, university, romance, even Lunar New Year when several members decide to settle
down thousands of miles away from their home, which certainly limits family time. Another
chief element is digital devices, especially social media with mesmerizing content at all ages
which make people live in virtual worlds rather than engage in convo with family members in Commented [NS2]: convocation
real life.

The enlisted issues are the primary driving force behind the following two complications.
To begin with children are easily affected and tend to imitate , as well as parents are Commented [NS3]: give example of imitating about
submerged in their work load and do not pay enough attention to education when they grow what, and how they find the source to imitate

up and experience many changes, which leads to the rise in juvenile delinquency and
antisocial behaviour. Furthermore, wider distance leads to family members facing problems
including misunderstandings, conflicts and divorce. In the other word, this is a growing issue
when the lack of quality bonding time when family’s health and wellness is passed over and Commented [NS4]: remove
forgotten, as well as family’s that do not trust one another. Commented [NS5]:
Commented [NS6]: faith in
In conclusion, it is onerous to build a strong family however it is effortless to break it. So the Commented [NS7]: remove
amount of time allocated for family convergence has been diminished, which is the
appealing effects of smart gadgets. Likely, the imbalance between work and family induces
negative repercussions for children and family bonding.
“Bai nay cua em no cu bi nhat nhat the nao i”

Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 6.0
• Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
• ?
One main idea per paragraph
• Include an introduction and conclusion
• Support main points with an explanation and then an example
• Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
• Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resources: 5.0
• Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
• Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
• Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
• Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
• Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.5
• Answer all parts of the question
• ?
Present relevant ideas
• Fully explain these ideas
• Support ideas with relevant, specific examples

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