Importance of Historical Analysis

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Importance of Historical Analysis

By: Venus Monica C. Calungsod

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” A famous proclamation by
George Santayana that answers why people study past and history. As this quotation emphasizes
that exploring the past allows us to better understand our present and the future. Lately, examining
the past has already been used to spark new form of elements and factor, suggesting that history
may also be utilized as techniques that unpack the culture and tradition. As to which, Historical
Analysis plays a vital role to seek certainty and understanding about historical facts. Hence, this
paper endeavor to discuss and provide findings of how important is the Historical Analysis.

A. Historians confront many of the same research challenges as researchers. It includes issues
about process analysis, questions about the research approaches, particularly when it comes to
the nature of causality. Fortunately, with the aid of historical analysis approach and methods,
evaluating data and theories from historical related researches shown potential of improving
research practices, according to Buckley (2016). Through a study of outliers, comparison
approaches across time periods and place, counterfactual analysis, and historical analysis of all
sources may all help to enhance understanding of the most effective ways for confronting data.
Hence, these findings displayed the crucial role of Historical Analysis in research and data

The question of how firm

internationalisation evolves over time is
best answered by
the careful use of historical research
methods duly
The question of how firm
internationalisation evolves over time is
best answered by
the careful use of historical research
methods duly
The question of how firm
internationalisation evolves over time is
best answered by
the careful use of historical research
methods duly
The question of how firm
internationalisation evolves over time is
best answered by
the careful use of historical research
methods duly
The question of how firm
internationalisation evolves over time is
best answered by
the careful use of historical research
methods duly
The question of how firm
internationalisation evolves over time is
best answered by
the careful use of historical research
methods duly

The question of how firm
internationalisation evolves over time is
best answered by
the careful use of historical research
methods duly
The question of how firm
internationalisation evolves over time is
best answered by
the careful use of historical research
methods duly
The question of how firm
internationalisation evolves over time is
best answered by
the careful use of historical research
methods duly
The question of how firm
internationalisation evolves over time is
best answered by
the careful use of historical research
methods duly
B. In History the sources, evidence, continuity and change, significance, and perspectives are key
concepts in integrating historical understanding, specially in researches. Wherein, the question
and inquiries of researches evolves over time and it is best answered by the thorough use of
Historical Analysis and research methods. Truly, historical analysis has the fundamentals of critical
assessment of all sources undertaken in a research or study. Making it mostly vital in constructing
a proper process analysis for outlining the past, and history. Thus, Historical research
methodologies and approaches provide a study design that process studies that incorporate
realistic timeframes, alternatives, and decision processes, enhancing the depth of understanding.

A. Understanding the context from which it originates is importance in reaching robust conclusions,
as this idea is true of the present as it is of the past. This is the idea of the research by More
(2020) together with other researchers, that emphasizes the role of historical context in
understanding the present and future events. Their study highlights that a proper analysis of
context demands can be used as a historical evidence aiding to fathom inconsistency of scientific
or historical inquiry. As they provide findings that Historical and scientific data is important to
studies and assessing the significance and reach of scientific findings, to answers to previous
B. Historical context is an essential in life and literature, as everything seems less significance
without its details. Basically, it's all the specifics of the time and place, and those details are what
enable us to interpret and analyze works or events of the past, or even the future, rather than
merely judge them by contemporary standards. In addition, historical context has been the basis
for critiques of provenance studies. As to which, a thorough grasp of the historical background
around the production of a work can help us better comprehend and appreciate its narrative.
Henceforth, its context is what gives meaning to the details.

All throughout the generations, we can foresee the influence of our history on the present state of
human society. In such, Historical Analysis as an approach is necessary, for comprehending the
core of contemporary events in our society. In other words, a fresh perspective on the current
condition of our civilization is required as well as the background of the past, to encompasses the
natural disciplines, particularly theoretical principles. Hence, the idea, principles, and methods of
historical analysis is necessary to grasp the core of present occurrences in modern society. Not
only that, it also embodies skills of historical comprehension and interpretation as we go through
more analysis of the past.

In essence, human history is the history of ideas. As we go unravel the past through historical
analysis, we gather context and ideas that answers many uncertainties of the present and the
future. Even, scholars and researchers rely on historical context to analyze and interpret works of
art, as it provides critical analysis to unravel keys to understanding. In such, to study history is to
study change, and reflect upon these changes. Employing a variety of techniques and analytical
tools or the historical analysis methods, is the way to answer questions about the past and
reconstruct the human experience. Thus, to think that without historical context and analysis, we
can only perceive a piece of the scene, and that cannot completely comprehend the impact of the
period and location in which an event occurred. That is how important historical analysis is, as it is
the basis for a more precise context in the present and future.

VI. References
Buckley, Peter. (2016). Historical Research Approaches to the Analysis of Internationalization.
Management International Review. 56. 10.1007/s11575-016-0300-0.
More, A. F. et al. (2018, May 2). The role of historical context in understanding past disciplinary
studies AGU Journals. Accessed 18th of October 2021 at


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