For In: Modeling Floating Body Effects Fully Depleted

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MARCH 1993 583

Modeling for Floating Body Effects in Fully Depleted

Heng-Tien Henry Chen, Student Member, IEEE, and Ruey-Shing Huang, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract-A new model based on SO1 MOSFET and BJT de- is applied. This current kink effect is attributed to the
vice theories is developed to describe the current kink and threshold-voltage modulation due to rising body poten-
breakdown phenomena in thin-film SO1 MOSFET drain-source
current-voltage characteristics operated in strong inversion. tial, and the early breakdown, different from that caused
The modulation of MOSFET current by raised floating body by Drain Induced Barrier Lowering (DIBL) in a tradi-
potential is discussed to provide an insight for understanding tional bulk device, results from the source junction tum-
the suppression of current kink in fully depleted thin-film SO1 on such that a parasitic lateral BJT is conducting with
devices. The proposed analytical model successfully simulates source as emitter, body as base, and drain as collector.
the drain current-voltage characteristics of thin-film SO1
n-MOSFET’s fabricated on SIMOX wafers. Recently, the thinning of SO1 film is reported to have
impacts on the floating body effects, one of the most in-
teresting observations is the suppression of current kink
[ 5 ] . However, most published theoretical analyses about

M OS devices made on thin-film SO1 (silicon-on-in-

sulator), offering not only faster speed, higher pack-
ing density, simpler processes, latch-up-free CMOS
these floating body effects are through numerical solving
of two-dimensional Poisson’s equation and continuity
equation [6]-[9], which not only requires large computing
structure, but also improved device performance, have resources but is also reported very sensitive to the nu-
become a viable technology for ULSI [1]-[3] due to re- merical technique owing to the electrically floating region
cent advances in high-quality thin-film SO1 preparation [8], [9]. On the basis of SO1 MOSFET and BJT device
technology. However, the electrically isolated silicon film theories, we have developed an analytical model to rep-
structure of SO1 MOSFET creates floating body effects resent the drain-to-source current-voltage relation for
such as current kink and early breakdown, which are not thin-film fully depleted SO1 devices operated in strong in-
observed in bulk devices. These SO1 floating body effects version. The kink effect and bipolar turn-on phenomena
are originated from impact ionization, arising from chan- are successfully simulated. Explanations for controls of
nel current carriers accelerated in the high-field drain de- these floating body effects in fully depleted SO1 devices
pletion region. When the impact ionization is small, the are given. Throughout the whole analysis, we do not take
generated carriers can be annihilated through recombina- into account the back-channel conduction caused by large
tion in the film body. Whereas, when the generated car- back-gate bias because it rarely happens in practical ap-
riers are of a large amount, some of them are still neu- plication. We have chosen n-MOSFET as the device in
tralized in the film, the rest follow the electric field moving our model derivations, similar results could be obtained
toward the source and accumulate in a potential well, for p-MOSFET with corresponding parameters changed.
which appears near the source end at the back interface However, due to the smaller impact ionization effect for
as a result of gate and drain biases. The gradually accu- holes, the floating body effects in p-MOSFET are less sig-
mulated charges raise the local potential near the source nificant.
end. This change of floating body potential in turn mod-
ifies the MOS threshold voltage as well as the potential
drop across the source junction. For a SO1 MOSFET op- 11. MODELING
erated in subthreshold situation, the subthreshold swing
can be improved by this body charging [4]. However, for Fig. 1 shows the schematic cross section of the SO1
a device with a strong inversion channel, a current kink n-MOSFET under investigation. The device is assumed
and an early breakdown may be observed in the current- to have uniform channel doping concentration and abrupt
voltage characteristics if sufficient drain-to-source voltage source/drain junctions. Electron and hole flows are illus-
trated in solid and dashed lines, respectively, where the
carrier flow directions are identified by the arrows. The
Manuscript received June 18, 1992; revised October 8, 1992. This work
was supported by ARC Australia. The review of this paper was arranged effect of voltage drop in the silicon substrate on the device
by Associate Editor A. H. Marshak. operation has been published elsewhere by the authors
The authors are with the Department of Electronics, School of Electrical 1101 and will not be considered in this analysis. The ex-
Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Kensington. Sydney,
2033 Australia. planation and mathematical modeling of each of the car-
IEEE Log Number 9205581. rier flows in steady state are described in the following.

0278-0070/92$03.00 0 1992 IEEE


v:, 0 vGf VD expressed as


where Cof = ~,,/tos is the front gate oxide capacitance

with tof as the front gate oxide thickness, C,, = f , , / t s ,is
the silicon film capacitance with t,, as the silicon film
b thickness, Q,, = - qNAt,,is the depletion charge in sili-
con film, Qof is the front surface fixed oxide charge den-
Fig. 1. Cross section of n-channel SO1 MOSFET, with electron flow shown
by solid lines and hole flow shown by dashed lines. sity, VGsis the front gate bias, is the work function
difference between front gate material and silicon film,
and * s b ( x ) is the back surface potential. It is well known
A . The Front-Channel Current t,, that !Psb (x) is not only a variable of the back-gate voltage
For a fully depleted SO1 MOSFET, when a front in- Vcb, but is also affected by the floating body effect. Cal-
version channel exists, it is generally assumed that the culations of Q,,f ( x ) and Ich corresponding to different back-
inversion camers are located close to the front surface and surface situations are detailed as the following.
the ionized acceptors are the only charges in the film; these I ) Operating Without Impact-Ionization-tnducedBack-
assumptions give us a quadratic potential distribution [ 1 I], Surface Potential Perturbation: Without considering the
which makes calculation simple. The derivation of front- impact ionization, \ k s b ( x ) is determined by the back-gate
channel current is essentially following the procedures voltage VGbonly [ 111. There are three distinguished back
outlined in [I21 with two modification: I ) The front in- surface conditions possible: 1) For a very low V G b , the
terface state charge is included and represented by 2+B C j f , back surface is in accumulation. Inserting q A h ( x )= 0 V
where 4B = VT In ( N A / n j )is the silicon body Fermi po- in (3), we have the front-channel electron charge for back
tential with V , = k T / q , N A is the doping concentration, surface in accumulation, represented as Q$(x). 2 ) In-
nj is the intrinsic carrier concentration, and C , = qNirf is creasing VGb, we have the back surface in depletion (or
the associated capacitance with Njrfas the front surface the film is fully depleted), !P,b(x) can be solved from
state density. 2) The channel current perturbation caused Poisson's equation with Gauss theorem across the back-
by threshold-voltage modulation, which is the result of gate oxide, and is expressed as
the increased back-surface potential due to the floating
body effect, is also accounted.
The electron current conducting in the front can be cal-
culated from [ 121

L , pnf~ ~
IQ&> I d*&). (1)
where Cob, Qob, and Cjrb are the back surface counterparts
In ( l ) ,2 is the channel width. Le, is the effective channel for Cos, Qob, and Cip Inserting (4) into (3) results in the
length defined as corresponding electron quantity e{$(.). 3) Increasing VGh
further, eventually the back surface is in inversion. We
obtain Q$(x) by setting !Psb(x) = 248. These three con-
ditions are separated by two boundary back-gate voltages:
%(x> = - (Csi*sf(x) + Qoh + Qsi/2)/Cob and C%(x)
= V g ( x ) + 2+8 (Csi c o b + c j r b ) / C o hwhich
, are found
by setting * $ b ( x ) as 0 V and 248 in (4), respectively.
The channel currents are calculated by employing ap-
propriate Q&) according to various back-surface oper-
where L is the nominal distance between source and drain, ation conditions. When VGb < V z i (Lef,), the device whole
VDSis the drain-to-source voltage, and VDSsaris the satu- back surface is in accumulation, substituting Q,, ( x ) with
ration drain-to-source voltage. pnSis the effective electron Q $ ( x ) in (1) yields the channel current as
mobility in front channel. \kSf(x)is the front surface po-
tential at position x from source junction, can be set to
24B at x = 0 and 268 +
VDsat x = L,tf for strong inver-
sion operation. The electron charge at the front surface
can be solved from one-dimensional Poisson's equation
for silicon film and Gauss law for front gate oxide, and is

where When V Z ( 0 ) < v G b , an inversion channel exists at the

back surface, which is not included in our analysis.
2) Operation with Impact-Ionization-Induced Back-
Surface Potentia6 Perturbation: When the impact ioniza-
tion is significant, the impact-ionization-generated hole
(6) currents after recombination are enough to set up a V B E
is the threshold voltage for back surface in accumulation across the source junction at the back surface overriding
in a one-dimensional SO1 MOS system. \ k s b ( x ) built by the back-gate bias. The associated back-
When Vg:(L,,) < v G b < Vgt(O), the back surface near gate bias is defined as
the source region is in accumulation, whereas that near
the drain region is in depletion due to the drain bias volt- vE?(x) = v%(x) + (csi + cob + citb) vBE/cob.

age; the channel current, therefore, has to be calculated The associated front-channel electron charge becomes
in two pieces and (1) is rewritten as Q;Y(x), which is derived by inserting V,, in (3). There

+.&I) are two different situations in channel current calculation
Ich = - PLnf Q;:(x) d q s f ( x ) according to the operation conditions.
Leff 268 When VGb < VE?(Leff), VBEis higher than the back-
surface potential over the whole channel length, the whole
back-surface potential is shifted to VBE, and the front-
channel inversion carrier is replaced by Q$ ( x ) . The equa-
where x, is the position defining the boundary between tion for channel current is the same as (5) with Vs;"re-
two regions and its associated front-surface potential is placed by Vb,m = v$' - Csi vB,/cof, the one-dimensional
written as q s b ( x ) = 0 V in (4).Eventually, the front- threshold voltage when the back-surface potential is
channel current is expressed as pinned at VEL.
When V E t ( L e R )< VGb < V:T(O), the back-surface
potential is modulated only near the source end. The sit-
uation is similar to the back surface near the source end
in accumulation and near the drain end in depletion. The
expression for channel current is the same as (8) with
V$ replaced by Vb,m and V g l ( 0 ) replaced by V:: (0), re-
Setting the differentiation of derived channel current
with respect to VDsto zero gives drain saturation voltage.
Inserting VDSsatinto the channel current equation gives the
drain saturation current. Note that our channel current
calculation is based on Gradual Channel Approximation,
When V g i ( 0 ) < v G b < Vgl(O),the whole back surface which is valid only for long-channel devices. Modifica-
is in depletion, and replacing Qnf(x) with Q$(x) in ( I ) tions have to be considered for small-dimension devices
yields the channel current as ~131.
Ich = -
P n f cof [(vGf - v$> vDS B. The Diffusion Current Id@
In a conventional bulk MOS transistor the source-to-
drain diffusion current is dominant only when it is in
subthreshold operation. The subthreshold or diffusion
where current is usually calculated within a truncated finite depth
below the surface [ 141 because of the fast decreasing po-
tential distribution along the depth, which makes most
carriers located very close to the surface. However, in
thin-film SO1 device, the situation is quite different. When
the back-surface potential is lifted by the coupling of large
v G b or holes accumulated in the floating body, the poten-
tial distribution is no longer monotonously decreasing.
Then the amount of diffusion current may be comparable
to the channel current in strong inversion operation.
is the one-dimensional threshold voltage for back surface Moreover, the current is not confined to a finite depth be-
in depletion with neath the front surface, it spatially spreads across the film
thickness and the calculation becomes a two-dimensional
cbb = csi (cob + Citb)/(Csi + cob + Cjrb). problem.

Although the device is externally biased, due to the tribute to the recombination with diffused electrons
confinement of the front- and back-gate oxide, the vertical and/or accumulated body charges. The ionization-gener-
drift and diffusion current cancel each other, therefore ated carrier flow is modeled by I,, = (M - 1) ( I c h + Idiff
there is virtually no current flowing across the front and - Z,), where I, accounts for the recombination current in
back gates. We neglected vertical components in the the body and will be described later and
channel (drift) current calculation and simplify the diffu-
sion current calculation to one dimension parallel to the
channel. The same simplification is also adopted by the
MINIMOS-4 MOS transistor simulator. In MINIMOS-4 is the impact ionization coefficient [16]. a and /3 are pro-
1D model, the Poisson's equation is calculated in two di- cess-dependent fitting parameters. When VDs is smaller
mension whereas the continuity equation is solved in one than VDSsat, no impact ionization current is assumed.
dimension, yet it provides results with sufficient accuracy
compared to those obtained from its 2D model, in which
D. The Recombination Current in Body Ir, the Source
both equations are calculated two-dimensionally [ 151. Hole Current Ihs, and the Modulation of Body Potenrial
Note that this simplification may cause significant devia-
tion if the spacing between the source and drain junction When the impact-ionization-generated holes enter the
is comparable to the film vertical dimension as in a deep- body, following the field built by drain-to-source bias,
submicrometer channel device. some of them are recombined with electrons, the rest ar-
Given the assumptions that the heavily doped source rive at the source region and are neutralized by the ma-
surface is equipotential, the electron concentration at any jority carriers in the source. The situation, as mentioned
depth of y next to the source junction is represented as npo before, is similar to an n-MOSFET connected with a par-
exp ( \ k ( y ) q / k T )where npo = n ? / N , is the equilibrium asitic lateral n-p-n bipolar junction transistor, whose base
electron concentration in the silicon body and \ k ( y ) is terminal is connected to a current source with magnitude
band bending at depth y next to the source. Near the drain I,;. In a BJT, the base recombination current can be rep-
junction, the electron concentration becomes n,,,, exp resented as [ 171
((\k ( y ) - V D s ) q / k T ) .With the effective channel length
smaller than the electron diffusion length, the correspond-
ing diffusion current density is then written as
in MOSFET model terms, where W, is the base width, IE
is the emitter electron current, and r, is the electron re-
Jdiff(y) = -
Leff combination lifetime. LeRis the effective channel length
and Idiffis the diffusion component of the electron current.
We do not consider Ichin I , calculation because of its
proximity to the front surface.
where D, is the electron diffusion coefficient. The total When the impact-ionization-generated hole current is
diffusion current across the film is obtained through an smaller than the calculated recombination current, I , is
integration taken from the front surface to the back sur- forced to be the same as I;, since the recombination is lim-
face. If VDs - *(y) >> V,, the total diffusion current ited by the supply of holes in the body. The overall drain
can then be expressed as current is Ich + IdiR (the loss of electron due to recombi-
nation is compensated for by the impact ionization elec-
tron current collected at the drain). For Zji > I,, the excess
hole current after recombination Zhs = Iii - I, reaches the
source region. This hole current is associated with the
The integration is carried out by numerical summation in base-to-emitter junction voltage VBE (or the body-to-
our computing; \k(y), as mentioned before, assumes a source junction voltage) such that
quadratic potential distribution, which makes the execu-
tion fairly easy.
t 15)
C. fmpact Ionization Current in Drain Junction I,; where No is the donor concentration in the source region,
The electrons, represented by the sum of and ZdiR, Lp is the hole diffusion length, Dp is the hole diffusion
travel from the source through the film body experiencing coefficient, and A is the cross-section area through which
some loss via recombination, and approach the drain f h s passes. For a thin-film MOSFET, Ihs tends to flow near
junction. They are accelerated by the high field in the drain the back oxide interface where a potential minimum ex-
depletion region causing impact ionization. The ioniza- ists, instead of uniformly spreading across the whole
tion-generated electrons, with magnitude of I;;, enter the junction. It is assumed that A = Z x d , where d is the
drain region and contribute to the drain current, while the effective depth of the current path measured from the back-
holes of the same magnitude flowing into the body con- oxide interface, and is defined as the depth within which


1 St: Ichand ldlff
2nd: I,, . I, and )hs
3rd: d and VBE


2nd: I,,, I, and

3rd: d and VBE

Cdculate ltot
orientation, a resistivity of 8-15 s1 cm, and 300 nm of
buried oxide. In order to fabricate devices that can be op-
Fig. 2. Flowchart for simulation procedures
erated in a fully depleted mode, film thinning by oxidation
and HF etching were performed until the desired thick-
ness was obtained. Standard MOSFET processes, such as
the potential has increased by V , [ 141. The effective cur-
gate oxide growth, channel implant, polysilicon deposi-
rent conduction path d can be easily calculated from the
tion, doping, and patterning were then followed. A self-
quadratic potential distribution. Due to the concave shape
aligned LDD structure was formed by source/drain dou-
of potential distribution, it is noticed that if we change the
ble implantations. Contact etching, metallization, and
definition of d to the depth corresponding to an increased
packaging were performed to complete the fabrication
potential of 1/2VT or 2VT, the difference in d is small and
procedure. The transistor has a width/length ratio of 60
the simulated I- V characteristics are hardly distinguish- p m / 5 pm. A similar transistor with a body contact was
able. Therefore, the arbitrarily assumed d seems to have fabricated in the same batch as well for impact ionization
little effect on our results. Note that as V,, increases, the
coefficient measurement.
floating body effect becomes larger, and d increases ac- The process simulator SUPREM 111 was used to cal-
cordingly until the hole current conducting path takes the culate the fabricated device structural and physical param-
whole film thickness tSi. eters, the acceptor concentration in silicon film is esti-
If the calculated VBEis smaller than \ksh(x = 0) given mated around 2 X 10l6 ~ m - the ~ , lightly doped source
in Section 11-A1, the impact-ionization-generated hole
and drain regions have a concentration of 4 X 10" ~ m - ~ ,
current is not sufficient to override the back-surface po-
the front gate oxide thickness is 40 nm, and the silicon
tential built by VGb. No floating body effect is observed
film thickness is 100 nm.
and the corresponding drain current is given by ID = IC,,
All the electrical measurements were done through a
+ Idiff - 1, + 1;; where Ich is the dominant component.
computerized HP 4140B PA-meter system. Fig. 3 shows
However, if VBE > \ k s b ( X = O), the floating body is
the front-gate threshold voltage Vff,which was extrapo-
charged up by holes and its back-surface potential is lifted
lated from the drain current-gate voltage transfer curve,
to VBEwhich, in turn, modulates the channel current and
versus back-gate bias VGh. According to the model pro-
increases the parasitic lateral bipolar transistor diffusion
posed by Lim [ 111, the back-surface condition is distin-
current. Following the changes of I,,, and Idiff, a new set
guished as in accumulation for VGb C - 18 V, in deple-
of Zji,I,, and VBEis induced. In our calculations, an iter-
tion for - 18 V < VGh < 0 V, and in inversion for VGb
ation was carried out until a consistent set of values was
obtained. Then the drain current was again calculated as
> ov.
Impact ionization coefficients were extracted from the
ID = Ich+ Idiff - I, + 1;;.A flowchart depicting the iter-
substrate current versus VDsmeasurement at VGf = 1 V
ation procedure is shown in Fig. 2.
on the transistor that has body contact. The extracted val-
ues are CY = 2.3 and /3 = 33.7, which result in a slightly
higher multiplication rate than that reported in [ 181 within
EXTRACTION the V,, range of interest. We believe the body contact
Before starting the simulation work, some of the model series resistance in our sample increases the body poten-
parameters need to be extracted from fabricated devices. tial, which in turn enlarges I ; ; , during the measurement.
SIMOX wafers which were used, supplied by IBIS Tech- The effective electron mobility was obtained from trans-
nology Corporation, have 200-nm film thickness, ( 100) conductance measured at Vcr = 1 V, the measured mo-

bilities are pnf = 328 cm2/V + s for VGh = -10 v and

298 cm2/V s for VGh = - 20 V, respectively. It appears
that mobility degradation due to the back-gate effect is not
significant. The diffusion coefficient was derived from the
Einstein relation D, / p n = k T / q . The front-gate interface
traps and fixed oxide charges were extracted from the
measured threshold voltage V,f for the device back surface I
biased in accumulation, the back-surface fixed oxide
charge was obtained from its corresponding VGh as shown
in Fig. 3, and the back-gate interface trap was derived
from the slope where the back surface was in depletion
(N;, = 10" cm-2/eV, Njrh= 9 x 10" cm-2/eV, Q,, =
2.5 X 10" cmP2, and QOh = 9 x 10" cm-*). The recom-
bination lifetime of electrons in the body is taken to be
100 ns [7].


The experimental and computed results of MOSFET
current-voltage characteristics are shown in Fig. 4,where
the solid lines are results calculated from this model and
the dashed lines are measured characteristics. Fig. 4(a) h

has VGh = - 10 V corresponding to a depleted back sur-

face, whereas Fig. 4(b) has v@,= -20 V representing

the back surface in accumulation. It appears that no cur-


rent kink is observed when the back surface is depleted,

it only occurs when the back surface is biased into accu-
mulation. Our model successfully demonstrates the pre-
diction of the occurrence and its magnitude of the current
kink of floating body SO1 devices. The occurrence of 0 2 4 6 8 10
breakdown due to BJT conduction is also simulated, how-
ever, the agreement is not quite satisfactory in some cases. vDS (v
In order to have further understanding of the depen- (b)
dence of the floating body effect on various physical pa- Fig. 4. Measured (dashed lines) and simulated (solid lines) drain-to-source
current-voltage characteristics (a) for back-gate bias of - 10 V and (b) for
rameters, more simulations were performed. This inves- back-gate bias of - 20 V .
tigation could provide valuable information to optimize
the device and process designs for minimizing or elimi-
nating the troublesome floating body effect in SO1 de- relationship between the amount of the increased body
vices. Extra channel currents due to threshold-voltage potential and the device operation condition, or its phys-
modulation are shown in Fig. 5(a), and extra currents due ical parameters are seldom discussed. We attempt to in-
to parasitic BJT are shown in Fig. 5(b). One of the de- vestigate these relationships further by plotting the back-
vices (labeled by a diamond) is used as a reference, each surface potential at the source end as a function of drain
of the others have one parameter varied as denoted. It is voltage, as shown in Fig. 6. As expected, the rise of back-
clearly shown that a current kink obviously occurs when surface potential coincides with the occurrence of current
the film doping concentration NA increases, or the film kink. It is important to note that the amount of extra cur-
thickness rsi is increased. The parasitic bipolar tum-on ap- rent is not determined by the absolute value of the back
pears at a lower drain voltage for a higher source doping surface potential. It really depends on the amount of po-
concentration No. The threshold voltage modulation ap- tential being raised. As can be seen from Fig. 6, devices
pears when the drain voltage is larger than 3 V, whereas with lower back-surface potential at small drain voltage
the parasitic BJT effects only show up when the drain (no impact ionization) produce a larger current kink. The
voltage is more than 5 V. Obviously, the current kink threshold voltage is reduced by - A \ k , b -
Csi/Cof, where
shown in the MOSFET characteristics comes from the is the change of the back-surface potential. There-
threshold-voltage modulation. However, the large cur- fore, to eliminate the current kink, the design goal is to
rents observed at the higher drain voltage are due to the design a device with a back-surface potential as high as
conduction of the parasitic BJT. possible within the limit of tolerance of the leakage cur-
It is well known that the SO1 floating substrate will ac- rent. This translates to the physical parameters as lower
cumulate the impact ionization generated carriers, and the film doping concentration and thinner film thickness.
accumulated carriers will raise the body potential, but the Higher doping concentration reduces bipolar conduction,

however, it increases the threshold-voltage modulation.

As already mentioned, the current kink mainly originates
from threshold modulation, therefore in a practical device
design we should lower the film doping concentration to
realize fully depleted device for superior performance.
The discrepancy of the parasitic BJT conduction be-

a 0’3 1 tween simulation and experimental results is attributed to

the assumption that the minority -carrier recombination
lifetime is constant and also to the unaccounted for pos-
sible leakage. In a SIMOX SO1 device, it is expected that
many dislocations and interface states exist at or near the
back surface, so the recombination lifetime is not constant
over the whole film and also affected by the operation bias
conditions. The bandgap-narrowing effect and Auger ef-
fect introduced by the heavy doping in the source region
may reduce VBEby increasing the hole concentration and
reducing the hole lifetime in the source region. Simula-
tion results with lower breakdown voltages may be antic-
00000 N A =2 ~ 1 0cm ’
’ ~ ts, = 100 ipated [ 191. Since ZdlR due to body charging is not near the
0.5 5 , = 100 ns, N 4x10” c
VG, - v, = 2 v, VGb = -15 v surface, the charge density in the film cannot be approx-
00000T “ ---> 10 1 ;
WOWND--->10 imated by a constant and the potential distribution is no
0.4 kw,.&n NI ---z 6x10 ‘ 6:mJ
cu;uzw t,, ---z 150 nm
longer quadratic if the electrons injected from the source
region into the body are comparable with the film doping
N A . However, our calculation shows that the electron in-
jection is quite small compared to the NA until the poten-
tial across the source junction is about 0.74 V, which cor-
responds to VDs 6 V. Therefore, the quadratic potential
assumption causes errors only when VDsis high.
0 2 4 6 8 10 V. CONCLUSION
VDS (v A new model for describing the current-voltage char-
(b) acteristics of thin-film SO1 MOSFET operated under
Fig. 5 . Simulated extra current components from the floating body effect strong inversion is developed. The floating body effect
as a function of drain-to-source voltage. (a) Channel component due to has been carefully investigated and included in the model.
front-gate threshold voltage modulation. (b) Diffusion component due to
parasitic bipolar transistor turn-on. The diamond curve represents the ref-
The model successfully simulates the abnormal excess
erence device with N A = 2 X 10” c m - ’ , N , = 4 X 10” c m - ’ , t,,, = 40 drain current of our n-MOSFET SO1 devices. Current
nm, t,,, = 300 nm, t,, = 100 nm, t = 100 ns. VG, - V , , = 2 V , and VGh kinks observed in floating body SO1 MOSFET’s are at-
= - 15 V . each o f the other curves has one parameter varied as indicated.
tributed to threshold-voltage modulation due to a raised
body potential. The early breakdown is a result of a par-
asitic BJT turned on by a further raised body potential.
The current kink can be suppressed in fully depleted de-
vices fabricated in ultra-thin-film (tsl < tdmax)SOI. The
W+W N , = ~ x ~ o ’ ~ c ~ ” , ~ , , = I o o ~ ~ .
2 , = 100 ns, N = 4 ~ 1 0 cm ’~ parasitic bipolar transistor effect can be reduced with
Val - V, = 2 V. VGb = -15 V lightly doped source (LDS) which automatically exists in
00000 ‘1. ---> 10 ns
N; ---> I o 2o gn -3
l.o - wwo
b p p a a N A - - - > 6 x 1 O cmd
LDD processing.
- pa-Dw t,, --->150 nm

The authors wish to thank IBIS Technology Corpora-
0.5 : tion for providing the SIMOX wafers, Dr. M. Gross of
plasma laboratory UNSW for his assistance in device fab-
rication, and the staff of I. C. Laboratory UNSW for their

0.0 0 i 2

vDS (

8 10
general help.

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J. C. S . Woo, K. W . Terrill, and P. K. Vasudev, “Two dimensional [I91 G . A. Armstrong and W . D. French, “Suppression of parasitic bi-
analytical modeling of very thin SO1 MOSFET’s,” IEEE Trans. polar effects in thin-film SO1 transistors,” IEEE Electron Device Lett.,
Electron Devices, vol. 37, pp. 1999-2006, 1990. vol. 13, pp. 198-200, 1992.
M. Matloubian, C.-E. D. Chen, B.-Y. Mao, R. Sundaresan, and G.
P. Pollack, “Modeling of the subthreshold characteristics of SO1
MOSFET’s with floating body,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol.
37, pp. 1985-1994, 1990. Heng-Tien Henry Chen (S’91) was born in
J.-P. Colinge, “Reduction of kink effect in thin-film SO1 MOS- Taipei, Taiwan. ROC, on September 22, 1962.
FET’s,” IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. 9. pp. 97-99, 1988. He received the B.Eng and M Eng degrees from
K. Kato, T. Wada, and K. Taniguchi, “Analysis of kink character- the Department of Electrical Engineering. Na-
istics in silicon-on-insulator MOSFET’s using two-carrier model- tional Tsing-Hua University. Hsinchu, Taiwan,
ing,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-32, pp. 458-462, 1985. ROC in 1984 and 1986. respectively
J.-Y. Choi and J. G. Fossum, “Analysis and control of floating-body He worked at Princeton Technology Corpora-
bipolar effects in fully depleted submicrometer SO1 MOSFET’s,” tion, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, as an IC design en-
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 38, pp. 1384-1391, 1991. gineer from 1988 to 1989. In 1989, he began study
S . P. Edwards, K. J. Yallup, and K. M. De meyer, “Two-dimen- toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department of
sional numerical analysis of the floating region in SO1 MOSFET’s,” Electronics, School of Electncal Engineering,
lEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 35, pp. 1012-1020, 1988. University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. His current research
R. Rios, R. Amantea, R. K. Smeltzer, and A. Rothwarf, ‘‘Require- interests are ultrathin SO1 MOSFET’s and MOS integrated circuit design.
ment for accurate MOS-SO1 device simulation,” IEEE Trans. Elec-
tron Devices, vol. 39, pp. 581-586, 1992.
H. T . Chen and R. S . Huang, “An analytical model for back-gate
effects on ultrathin-film SOf MOSFET’s-,” IEEE Electron De& Ruey-Shing Huang (S’74-M’78-SM’91) re-
Lett., vol. 12, pp. 433-435, 1991. ceived the B. Eng. degree from the National
1 H . K. Lim and J. G. Fossum, “Threshold voltage of thin-film silicon- Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, the
on-insulator (SOI) MOSFET’s,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. M.S. degree from the National Chiao Tung Uni-
ED-30, pp. 1244-1251, 1983. versity, Hsinchu, Taiwan in 1969 and 1971, re-
1121 -, “Current-voltage characteristics of thin-film SO1 MOSFET’s in spectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Uni-
strong inversion,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-31. pp. versity of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia in
401-408, 1984. 1978.
[I31 S . Veeraraghavan and J. G. Fossum, “Short channel effects in SO1 He joined the Department of Electrical Engi-
MOSFET’s,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 36, pp. 522-528, neering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, in 1978
1989. as a post-doctoral research associate, where he was
[I41 S . M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices. 2nd ed. New York: involved in the development of MESFET/SOS for high-frequency appli-
Wiley, 1981, p. 446. cations. From 1979 to 1986 he was a Professor with the Department of
[I51 P. Pichler, H. Potzl. A. Schultz, and S . Selberherr, MlNlMOS 4 Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
User’s Guide. Veinna: Technical Univ. Veinna. p. 1 I . His research work was in the area of MOS integrated circuit technology
[I61 T . Y. Chan, P. K. KO, and C. Hu, “Dependence of channel electric and solid-state sensors. During 1983-1984, he spent his study leave at the
field on device scaling,” IEEE Electron Device Lett.. vol. EDL-6, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, engaged in CVD nitride studies
pp. 551-553, 1985. for MNOS radiation-hard devices. Since 1986 he has been at the School of
(171 R. S. Muller and T. I. Kamins, Device Electronics for Integrated Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of New South
Circuits. New York: Wiley, 1977, p. 213. Wales, Sydney, Australia. His current interests are MOS integrated circuit
[ 181 J.-P. Colinge, “Hot-electron effects in silicon-on-insulator n-Chan- design. SO1 technology, and solid-state microsensors.

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