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Name: Juli Date: 31st March 2011

Sharing the Planet – Exhibition Assessment Rubric 2011

“Understanding the big picture empowers us to live with the future in mind.”
Beginning Understandings Beginning to Meet Meeting Expectations Exceeding Expectations
I can explain how I am I can show how my I can show how my I can show how my
connected to my issue. thinking about my thinking is changing thinking is beginning to
Empowerment issue is changing. the way I live. influence the thoughts
and actions of others.

What I am learning is changing

who I am.

Buddy’s Perspective: What reason’s do you have for thinking that you are B.U, B.E, M.E or E.E with regards to
how empowered you feel? **
I think that Juli is definitely working on trying to get people to understand how important it is because it really is, but the thing
is that child labour is not something that someone can just go out and stop- it is just a bit harder than that. I mean sure: whe
can donate and raise awareness but I think its something that’s just going to be a bit harder and I think that Juli is trying the
best that she can.
Name of Buddy: ** Francesca
Personal Opinion: What reason’s do you have for thinking that you are B.U, B.E, M.E or E.E with regards to how
empowered you feel? ** Because now I have a whole new look and way of thinking about child labor and I know way more
about child labor. I can call the organizations if I ever see child laborers.

Teacher Comment: Juli no longer purchases products made by child labourers if she is aware of how they have been made.
I canview issues from I can use research to I can use research I can use thinking skills
my own perspective. understand the skills to gain a variety to foresee multiple
Perspective perspective of another of perspectives perspectives.

Getting a big picture

understanding by viewing
issues from different

Buddy’s Perspective: What reason’s do you have for thinking that you are B.U, B.E, M.E or E.E with regards to
your ability to discover and understand different perspectives? ** I agree with this, I think Juli is really good at
researching- it something that just doesn’t look hard for her and I definitely think that if she just puts in 2 more minutes
everyday to helping her get better and finding research, she will be on E.E in no time. 
Name of Buddy: ** Francesca

Personal Opinion: What reason’s do you have for thinking that you are B.U, B.E, M.E or E.E with regards to your
ability to discover and understand different perspectives? ** I have read books that are about child labor and I can
somehow put myself in their shoes… maybe its also because I did the play for Exhibition..?

Teacher Comment: By researching via interviews, websites, newspaper articles online and printed as well as contemplating
perspectives using the compass. Juli understands issues from many different perspectives including that of the Perpetrators
and victims of child labour.

I can identify a I can explain the I can explain my vision I can develop action
significant issue and probable future for this for the preferable plans for the preferable
Futures Thinking explain the current issue if the trends future and develop future for my
trends. continue. realistic action plans community.
for myself and family.
Self Asessment
Using ‘big picture’ Teacher Assessment
understanding of an issue to
cause a shift in thinking in
order to develop plans for
Buddy’s Perspective: What reason’s do you have for thinking that you are B.U, B.E, M.E or E.E with regards to your ability
to use what you have learned to think about the future? ** I think that Juli is judging herself a bit to hard she should be on M.E
because I definitely think that Juli could explain the preferable future.

Name of Buddy: ** Francesca

Personal Opinion: What reason’s do you have for thinking that you are B.U, B.E, M.E or E.E with regards to your ability to
use what you have learned to think about the future? ** I am kind of in the middle of B.E. and M.E. because I cannot devel;op
realistic action plans for my family but I can definitely explain my vision fot eh preferable future and the probable future if child labor
keeps happening.

Teacher Comment: Juli had many thoughts about actions that could lead to the reduction of Child LaBOUR.

Skills Used throughout the Exhibition Process

Time Management ** Locating and understanding information from different sources. ** Recording and
organizing information in logical ways that other people can understand. ** Using key questions to guide my
research. ** Listening to others and sharing helpful information. ** Working Respectfully and cooperatively with
peers. ** Participating in decision making and accepting my share of the responsibility.

Which of the above skills did you use well during exhibition? How did you demonstrate this skill?

I think I used time pretty well because even sometimes my group talked but I just kind of kept quiet. I can also record and organize my
ideas in easily understandable and logical ways. I can make decisions pretty well… And I think I really co-operated with my group even if
we fell out sometimes. I demonstrate this skill in my Exhibition book when I sorted out my informstion, and when I dd the play, it was
pretty logical and to-the-point.

Which of the above skills did you improve during exhibition? How did this happen?

I think I have to listen to my group more and I also need to share more helpful information. I need to use the key questions more because
sometimes during research I was floating around not knowing what to do. I need to be more focused.

Which of the above skills do you need to keep working on? Why?

I still need to take my responsibility and I need to use a wider variety of sources. I need to take my responsibilities carefully because
sometimes I offer to take a responsibility and I forget about it. I need participate more therwise I will not know what to do at all. I also think
that I need to be responsible because if I’m not the whole project will fall apart.

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