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Case Study:

Study #1:

1. Can Parsley take action on Peter? If so, under which law can this issue be

 Employees pose a biggest threat to company confidentiality by telling others

its private information. Peter disclose infomation from a former employer to
a new employer which is Jupiter without Parsley’s consent. With that,
Parsley suffer financial losses as a result and Jupiter gain a large number of
sales. The law that fits in this situation would be the data privacy act.

2. What should Parsley prove in order to succeed in their action against


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 I think Parsley’s company have an agreement such as non-disclosure

agreement where it is intended to set up obligations of confidence and to

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protect the information that they exchange. They can use that to Peter.

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Study #2:
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1. From the scenario, identify what action/s could be taken under the law.

 In the scenario, the action that could be taken under the law is patent
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infringement because Borth Simulators Ltd., was using goldengames

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simulation games, it also resembles the color schemes and typestyles of

Borth and sold under a new name.
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2. Identify and discuss the legal actions that could be taken against:
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 Alice and Brian

 Borth
 Goldengames
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Alice and Brian

 The action that could be taken against Alice and Brian will be copyright,
because they are copying Borth Simulators Ltd., game without the consent of

Borth Simulators Ltd.,

 The action that could be taken against Borth Simulators Ltd., will be
infringement because they are using the game that goldengames was

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 Goldengames should sue the Borth Simulators Ltd., for using their game
without their knowledge and consent. The legal actions that may use is
copyright infringement. They should also protect their trade mark through
registration. They should also sent a letter to Borth Simulators Ltd., notifying
it that respect must be given to his patented invention.

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