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Sharing the Planet – Exhibition Assessment Rubric 2011

“Understanding the big picture empowers us to live with the future in mind.”
Beginning Understandings Beginning to Meet Meeting Expectations Exceeding Expectations
B.U Expectations M.E E.E
I can explain how I am I can show how my thinking I can show how my thinking I can show how my thinking
connected to my issue. about my issue is changing. is changing the way I live is beginning to influence the
thoughts and actions of
What I am learning is changing others.
who I am.

Buddy’s Perspective: What reason’s do you have for thinking that you are B.U, B.E, M.E or E.E with regards to how empowered you feel?
Leon thinks that Ja is beginning to meet expectations because he is still pirating
Name of Buddy: Leon
Personal Opinion: What reason’s do you have for thinking that you are B.U, B.E, M.E or E.E with regards to how empowered you feel?
I think that I am meeting expectations because I pirate less now.

I can view issues from my I can use research to I can use research skills to I can use thinking skills to
own perspective. understand the perspective gain a variety of perspectives foresee multiple
of another person. perspectives.
Getting a big picture
understanding by viewing
issues from different

Buddy’s Perspective: What reason’s do you have for thinking that you are B.U, B.E, M.E or E.E with regards to your ability to discover and understand
different perspectives? Leon thinks that Ja is using research skills to gain a variety of perspectives because he got perspective of the company, seller, and
Name of Buddy: Leon

Personal Opinion: What reasons do you have for thinking that you are B.U, B.E, M.E or E.E with regards to your ability to discover and understand
different perspectives?
I think that I am E.E. because I have used thinking to foresee companies’ perspectives.

Teacher Comment: I was almost impressed with how your group discovered the perspective of those who sell pirated goods at PanTip Plaza.

I can identify a significant I can explain the probable I can explain my vision for I can develop action plans for
issue and explain the current future for this issue if the the preferable future and the preferable future for my
Futures Thinking trends. trends continue. develop realistic action plans community.
Using ‘big picture’ for myself and family.
understanding of an issue to
cause a shift in thinking in
order to develop plans for

Buddy’s Perspective: What reason’s do you have for thinking that you are B.U, B.E, M.E or E.E with regards to your ability to use what you have learned to think about
the future?

I think he has been working hard to explain his vision and make the action plan
Name of Buddy:Alex

Personal Opinion: What reason’s do you have for thinking that you are B.U, B.E, M.E or E.E with regards to your ability to use what you have learned to think about the
Because I can explain my vision and I have made an action plan.

Skills Used throughout the Exhibition Process

Time Management ** Locating and understanding information from different sources. ** Recording and organizing information in logical ways that other
people can understand. ** Using key questions to guide my research. ** Listening to others and sharing helpful information. ** Working Respectfully and
cooperatively with peers. ** Participating in decision making and accepting my share of the responsibility.
Which of the above skills did you use well during exhibition? How did you demonstrate this skill?

** Locating and understanding information from different sources. Because I found a lot of info and understand a really big report.

Which of the above skills did you improve during exhibition? How did this happen?
** Working Respectfully and cooperatively with peers because I had to cooperate more
Which of the above skills do you need to keep working on? Why?
Using key questions to guide my research. I need to use this because I am not doing it a lot.

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