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CAM for Overall Well-Being


Instructor: Jackie Stephens Email:

Course Prerequisites



Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) can be used for overall well-being. There are many
different types of CAMs. The three that we will be covering in this course are Meditation, Yoga and
Massage Therapy. These three can be used to help you relax and help your overall well-being. These
are introductory classes so do not worry if you have not done any of these activities before. Copies of
slides will be given as handouts at the end of class.

Session One – Meditation

Mindful Meditation helps your thoughts stay in the present. You do not have to meditate for long
periods of time to reap the benefits of this practice. This class will give you beginner resources to be
able to do this practice on your own. *Meditation Session*

Session Two – Yoga

Yoga is both beneficial for mental and physical wellbeing. The moves done in this practice stretch your
muscles and helps you center yourself. This practice is also not one that has to be done for long periods
of time. This practice is easy enough to do in your own living room. *Yoga Session*

Session Three – Massage Therapy

Massage helps relieve pain and tension in the body. This not only helps you physically but helps mental
relaxation as well. Massage helps with overall relaxation well being. *Guest Lecturer*


Yoga mat and wear of comfortable clothes for session one and two.


November 2 5pm-730pm

November 4 5pm-730pm

November 6 5pm-730pm

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