Marking Scheme Pre-Board Examination (First) 2021-22 Class: Xii Subject: English

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of pages - 8 (M)
Time Allowed : 90 min. Maximum Marks : 40

1. The question paper contains THREE sections.
2. Section-A – Reading – has 21 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as
per specific instructions for each question.
3. Section-B – Writing & Grammar – has 13 questions. Attempt a total of 10
questions, as per specific instructions for each question.
4. Section-C – Literature – has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.

 Accept responses in sequence if the student submits all responses instead

of using available option.

 Accept the response if either the option number or the answer in words is


I. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY EIGHT out

of the ten questions by choosing the correct option

1. D. has tough overlapping scales.

2. A. it is the most poached mammal in India.

3. B. moving endangered species from one list to another.

4. C. are powerful or charismatic.

5. A. critically endangered

6. C. (1), (2) and (4)

7. A. the entire globe will lose its equilibrium since they are the sources of
food, medicines etc.

8. A. protect biodiversity by restoring habitat.

9. A. an idealized wildlife.

10. A. fumble

II. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY SIX out of
the eight questions by choosing the correct option. (Q.No. 13, 15 & 21
are for the Visually Impaired Candidates)

11. C. The Ganges flows through India into the Bay of Bengal through

12. D. only (3)

Q.No.13 is for the visually impaired candidates

13. D. industries along the river release chemicals, into the river

14. C. only (4)

Q.No. 15 is for the visually impaired candidates

15. B. help from International Organisations.

16. A. Influenza

17. D. leather

18. D. A Case Study of Pollution in River Ganga

19. D. (1) is true and (2) is the reason for

20. C. The sewage generation is more than the treatment capacity installed.

Q.No. 21 is for the visually impaired candidates

21. C. presence of chemicals in the river.


III. Answer any four out of the five questions given, with reference to the
context below:

22. D. Career Counselling – Today’s Need

23. C. This is to inform all the class XII students of Sarvodaya Kanya/Bal
Vidyalaya ________

24. C. (3), (4) and (5)

25. A. Yes, because it is the issuing body.

26. A. Presence is mandatory

IV. Answer ANY SIX out of the seven questions given, with reference to the
context below: (Q.No. 29 is for the Visually Impaired Candidates)

27. A. Health and Fitness

28. D. Option 4

1. More energy.

2. Avoid diseases / illness & boost immunity.

3. Controls stress.

4. Better mental health.

5. Live longer.

6. Look better, stay empowered and confident.

Q.No.29 is for Visually Impaired Candidates

29. D. Making time for hobbies.

30. C. Introducing the purpose of the article – Information about what causes
stress and anxiety – Exploring the reasons for good health and fitness
– Providing suggestions for maintaining good health and fitness –
Concluding with a fitness vow.

31. A. Eat balanced diet, work out, avoid excess stress and emotional

32. B. (i) healthy lifestyle (ii) happiness

33. C. “Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in
general”. - Mark Rippetoe

34. A. Option 1

1. Appropriate Title

2. Writer’s Name

3. Divide the article in three parts – Introduction, Analysis of the

topic, Conclusion

4. Organize the ideas in logical order, with systematic presentation

5. Predictions and personal observations

6. Thoughtful quote as title/end.


This section has sub-sections V, VI, VII, VIII, IX. There are a total of 30
questions in the section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to

V. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

35. C. embarrassed and scared.

36. B. disorder and confusion in the class.

37. C. rely on

38. D. Instead of scolding, M. Hamel put him at ease.

39. C. (1) and (2)

VI. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

40. A. (1) and (3)

41. C. at YMCA pool

42. C. reach the bottom of the pool, powerfully kick himself up.

43. D. as he was trying not to drown.

44. B. was thrown forcefully in water.

VII. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

45. D. The children see the world of poverty and misery through the

46. D. Changing their world of misery into a pleasurable world.

47. C. Knowledge of books, as well as natural beauty.

48. B. The children must be given freedom to experience the wholesome
bounties of nature.

49. C. (1), (2) and (5)

VIII. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

50. B. has been a way of escape.

51. D. continuously been under construction.

52. B. it did not exist

53. D. He was fascinated

54. B. tentative

IX. Attempt the following

55. A. (1) and (4)

56. C. The poet will move on and seek to inspire others.

57. B. livelihood

58. A. poverty

59. D. jokingly talking to terror

60. B. a loss of language is loss of freedom

61. B. psychoanalytical

62. D. (1), (2) and (4)

63. C. (1) and (3)

64. C. prisoner was able to escape.


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