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To Whom It May Concern:

I have fond memories from childhood on helping my late loving mother selling fish and
vegetables around the neighborhood and in places where wet market is not available. I
remember, shouting out loud “ FISH FOR SALE!” or “VEGETABLES FOR SALE!” while
roaming around the neighborhood while holding two containers of fish and vegies. It was a fun
experience being able to talk to people and build a good customer relationship with them.

Business was always in my mind growing up because of my diligent and caring mother
who taught me almost everything. After graduating from high school, I was not sure what to
get. I had a lot in mind. I wanted to take engineering because that was what my father wanted
me to take. I wanted to major in English because my mother told me that I would definitely
excel in that major. So many options, until I heard of a Business Management major in
Pangasinan State University- a university right next to where I spent 4 years in high school.

Assessing my resources, I told my dad that engineering was way too expensive and I
had to move out from home to attend a university that offers engineering courses. And I had a
great talk with my mom and told her that I love English but I could learn English even when
taking a business major. And at the same time, I could help here running our little business after
graduation. And so, I was able to pursue my dream major- to take a degree in business

I went to take the entrance exam at Pangasinan State University and luckily I got
accepted. I was an academic scholar and at the same time I was able to get a scholarship from
our Municipality Mayor. That said, I did not worry about paying my tuition fees for 4 years to
finish my degree. While in college, I put forth too much effort to graduate with flying colors
and I did not fail. Although, I was not able to get a Latin honor (which is “Cum Laude”)
because of one subject, I was awarded Academic Excellence Award because by GPA was for
‘cum laude” but because I messed up with one of my general education subjects, I was not able
to maintain the standards for getting a Latin honor in my graduation day. But this incident did
not stop me from reaching my dreams.

My little family business was dying after graduation so I decided to look for a corporate
job and landed in the academe where I became the youngest program coordinator/instructor for
the business major department in PASS College. I was able to work at Pangasinan State
University as an Instructor also. But suddenly, I got a calling from the church to preach the
gospel in California for 2 years. Since my late mother taught me not to say NO when God calls
me to serve, I did respond to the call willingly. There, I have learned to value education. I have
learn to realize that education will allow me to grow and achieve bigger and better things in life.
Almost every day, I had to spend 2-3 hours doing personal, companion and language study
(because I had to learn English). And so after completing my missionary service, I went home
and started to enroll myself in an MBA program where I spent 1 year and because of financial
constraints, I stopped attending MBA.
An MBA will help me become a strong business leader who will be able to successfully
manage others. And at the same time, be more employable so that I can save money to start my
dream business and continue my mom’s business. But things are not okay with me, financially.
I am currently working as a Business instructor in Lyceum-Northwestern University and still
hoping that I will be back in managing a business that I could call my own.

When I heard that The University of Sheffield offers a scholarship for MSc in
International Business, I told myself that this must be an answer to my dream that I will be able
to pursue my master’s degree. This scholarship will assist me greatly in my endeavors and
allow me to accomplish my career goals – to increase my knowledge in the business settings so I
can teach my students effectively and efficiently ; to harness my business skills; and be ready
and well-equipped with things I need to know to put up my own company one day.


Dino Soriano Dizon

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